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1、Automotive&Assembly PracticeThe metaverse:Driving value in the mobility sectorAlthough a fully immersive,interconnected metaverse remains years away,mobility stakeholders can already capture real business value from the technologies designed to enable it.This article is a collaborative effort by Ker

2、sten Heineke,Hamza Khan,Timo Mller,Dennis Schwedhelm,Shivam Srivastava,and Felix Ziegler,representing views from McKinseys Automotive&Assembly Practice.January 2023 Jason marz/Getty ImagesRiding in a car is a very physical experience,from gripping the steering wheel to pressing down the gas pedal to

3、 feeling a jolt if the vehicle suddenly stops.One day,people may experience these same sensations by taking a virtual ride in the metaversethe next iteration of the internet in which people can immerse themselves in a digital world that closely mimics reality.The full-fledged metaverse will likely r

4、equire at least five to ten years to materialize,but stakeholders in the mobility sector can already capture real business value from the“proto-metaverse.”This early incarnation relies on spatial computing and extended reality(XR),which is an umbrella term that includes augmented reality(AR),virtual

5、 reality(VR),and mixed reality(MR).The proto-metaverse has already enhanced both sales and operations within the mobility sector,and many leading OEMs and other stakeholders are launching metaverse initiatives to explore their benefits to the core business.This article examines how selected technolo

6、gies,available today or in the near future,can help expand and diversify revenue streams in the mobility sector,enhance brand loyalty,improve customer experience,and optimize production.(For a more comprehensive look at current and future technologies,see sidebar“Mobility moves toward the metaverse.

7、”)Going forward,could OEMs increase brand awareness with applications that let potential car buyers participate in highly realistic virtual races at Le Mans?Or could technicians walk customers through easy repairs at home using virtual twins of engines?Such experiences could be possible if the metav

8、erse continues to advance.But even before the advent of such immersive experiences,OEMs still have much to gain from metaverse tools and concepts.Kicking virtual tires:Customers in the metaverseIn a recent McKinsey consumer survey,59 percent of respondents say that they prefer to conduct at least on

9、e daily activity,such as socializing,shopping,fitness,or education,in the virtual world rather than in person.1 Another survey also indicates that excitement about the future metaverse is consistently high across demographic groups,regardless of region,age,or gender.2These findings bode well for gre

10、ater use of metaverse-related experiences and technologies over the next few years,as do other recent developments.For instance,the market value of XR devices is expected to increase nearly tenfold,from$28 billion in 2021 to more than$250 billion in 2028.3The metaverse showroom:Just a click awayMany

11、 potential car buyers now research vehicles online before buying,which partly explains why US consumers in 2017 visited only two dealerships before making a purchase,down from five in 2007.4 The pandemic has reduced the odds that potential buyers will find their vehicle of choice on the lot,however,

12、because of supply chain disruptions.OEMs may partly compensate for the lack of inventory by using immersive virtual experiences to help potential buyers envision and configure their desired vehicles.These new technologies go far beyond websites that allow users to click on different vehicle features

13、 to get information or cycle through custom options.RelayCars,for example,offers a mobile application with AR and 3-D visuals that allow users to explore thousands of cars.But even with more sophisticated online tools,the average car buyer will still want to see an actual car before making a purchas

14、e,since even the best online images may not provide the clarity and detail that a car buyer needs.1“Value creation in the metaverse,”McKinsey,June 14,2022.2 Ibid.3“Global augmented and virtual reality market size,”Statista,accessed December 2,2002.4 GoogleTNS Auto Shopper Study,2016;“Innovating auto

15、motive retail,”McKinsey,February 1,2014.2The metaverse:Driving value in the mobility sectorBeyond sales,a few OEMs are creating digital worlds designed to engage the brand community,rather than delivering anything close to the actual driving and buying experience.For instance,Acura has opened a virt

16、ual showroom in Decentraland,a virtual-reality platform,to introduce customers to its 2023 Integra model.Potential car buyers can walk through the dealership and engage in interactive experiences,including racing cars virtually.The first 500 customers who reserved a 2023 Acura Integra also had the o

17、pportunity to receive a nonfungible token(NFT)of the vehicle.Similarly,Skoda has Mobility moves toward the metaverseExhibitExamples of potential metaverse use casesMany use cases for the metaverse are emerging along the mobility value chain.McKinsey&CompanyConsumer use casesProduct engineering and d

18、esignManufac-turing andprocurementMarketing andsalesProduct life cycle and mobility operationsProduct design enhanced by extended-reality(XR)technologiesVirtualtesting of automated vehiclesVirtualproduct engineering Virtualfacility walk-throughs and visitsCustomer XR-enabled participationDigital twi

19、ns and XR-enabled sides Virtual showrooms/dealerships as next gen-eration fron-tierVirtual infu-encers and virtual sales supportBranded digitalassetsVirtual mobility itinerary planningVirtual branded experiencesIn-carentertain-ment and infotainmentXR-enabled repairs and maintenance Live immer-sive e

20、ventsVirtual 3-D assistant Real-time observation and analysisExclusive access todigital membershipsVirtualupgrades of accessoriesCustomer supportOperations use casesThe following exhibit explores some of the most important emerging opportunities related to the metaverse.3The metaverse:Driving value

21、in the mobility sectorcreated an experience called Skodaverse,which allows users to take test drives resembling those in a video game or visit their NFT gallery,which has various commissioned artworks.Mobility players have also started to create avatars to serve as virtual salespeople,influencers,or

22、 brand ambassadors.Porsche,for instance,has used virtual brand ambassadors in China to attract younger customers.5Creating the future metaverse experience.These early attempts to link the virtual and physical worlds may evolve into more immersive experiences.Improvements in XR,combined with the adve

23、nt of haptic devices that simulate a touching sensation,could allow consumers to examine a highly realistic replica of a vehicleopening its doors,feeling its seats,accelerating onto a highwayjust as they would with a real car.Initially,advanced virtual shopping experiences are likely to occur at dea

24、lerships or trade shows rather than in customers homes because OEMs are more likely to purchase the expensive devices required to enable this kind of immersive virtual world(Exhibit1).As consumer adoption of XR devices increases,however,virtual experiences could be more readily available in peoples

25、homes.If even more advanced body sensors and other technologies emerge,customers might be able to undertake highly realistic test drives in which they simulate multiple activities,including merging into traffic or backing into their own garage.For marketing,OEMs may be able to enhance consumer engag

26、ement by creating truly unique customer experiences6 that would not be possible in real lifefor example,hosting a launch event in a virtual forest to highlight the usage of sustainable materials or allowing consumers to race their new cars virtually to highlight the heritage of a sports car brand.(F

27、or more on the advantages of using these tools,see sidebar“Marketing and sales benefits from the metaverse.”)The car as home theater:Better infotainment,entertainment,and driver assistance optionsA few OEMs have already created or plan to launch driver assistance applications that rely on metaverse

28、tools.Most new Mercedes-Benz models,for example,offer heads-up-display technology,which shows digital information on a cars 5 Stefan Mayr-Uhlmann,“Virtual influencers in the automotive industry,”Porsche Newsroom,February 24,2022.6“Marketing in the metaverse:An opportunity for innovation and experime

29、ntation,”McKinsey Quarterly,May 24,2022.Exhibit 1Exhibit of How the metaverse could be used by dealerships,trade shows,or customers at home Experiences in the metaverse could soon help enhance vehicle sales.McKinsey&CompanyCustomers could use virtual-reality or augmented-reality technologies to insp

30、ect and customize vehicles;this is likely to occur frst at dealerships and trade shows and later at peoples homesVirtual test drives may eventually be possibleCustomers may be able to engage with AI-generated salespeople or infuencers or participate in virtual community events enhanced by the metave

31、rse4The metaverse:Driving value in the mobility sectorwindshield,such as speed,GPS directions,cruise control settings,and current traffic conditions.7 The technology company HERE,working in conjunction with Unity Technologies,is creating a dashboard screen that includes a 3-D map of a vehicles surro

32、unding area.Drivers can see where they are on the screen;as the vehicle moves,information and alerts about the surrounding area,such as nearby businesses,pop up to notify the driver.New infotainment packages are also emerging(Exhibit 2).The company holoride,founded in 2018,is creating hyperimmersive

33、 experiences for riders.One of its packages,available now to Audi customers,includes a VR headset and a game that allows passengers to move through a 3-D-landscape.8 The motion in the game matches that of the vehiclefor instance,virtual objects approach much more quickly when the car speeds up.Futur

34、e applications.More advanced driver assistance systems using AR may soon be available that increase safety by providing additional data,such as information about upcoming road hazards or pedestrian traffic.The metaverse could also enable new and better entertainment options as technologies advance.W

35、ayRays Holograktor,an upcoming vehicle for the ride-hailing market,is being designed to have metaverse-related applications for both driver assistance and entertainment.9 The vehicle will 7 Fred Meier,“Which cars have head-up displays?,”C,June 29,2022.8“Holoride:Virtual reality meets the real world,

36、”Audi,March 12,2022.9 Michael Taylor,“Holographic breakthrough in the Wayray Holograktor could disrupt car interior design,”Forbes,November 30,2021.Marketing and sales benefits of the metaverseMajor marketing and sales efforts linked to the metaverse include the following:Enhanced outreach,efficienc

37、y,and engagement.Extended-reality(XR)technologies,such as augmented reality,virtual reality,and mixed reality,can enable OEMS to connect with more target customers more easily and quickly since geographic constraints no longer apply.These technologies also can help increase brand awareness among new

38、 consumers.Greater online sales and lower costs.XR tools may result in less foot traffic at dealerships and higher online sales,which are less costly than in-person transactions.We estimate that online vehicle sales will account for 20 to 25percent of total sales by 2025,1 and XR technologies could

39、help with this transition.OEMs that focus on online sales and have a lower dealership presence have been able to reduce sales expenses to 7 to 8percent of total costs,compared with an industry average of 12 to 15percent(without discounts).Better data collection.OEMs already use data that are collect

40、ed onlinefor instance,information about a customers preferred vehicle featuresto make personalized recommendations and offers.In the future,metaverse applications may provide even more detailed insights by examining certain behaviors,such as eye and body movements,to determine a buyers level of inte

41、rest.2 Of course,such data usage also comes with privacy challenges that must be properly addressed.3 Improved training.OEMs can use XR technologies to train large numbers of salespeople on both existing and future vehicles.1 Michele Bertoncello,Christopher Martens,Timo Mller,and Tobias Schneiderbau

42、er,“Unlocking full life-cycle value from connected-car data,”McKinsey,February 11,2021.2 Christine Chong et al.,“Is it time for a test drive in the metaverse?,”National Law Review,July 5,2022.3 Ibid.5The metaverse:Driving value in the mobility sectoruse sensors and cameras to process data and projec

43、t AR holograms on various vehicle windows,displaying information about nearby points of interest such as restaurant offers or sales at stores.The technology will also allow passengers to use the AR holograms to play video games.New infotainment opportunities could transform how people spend their ti

44、me in cars,especially if autonomous vehicles gain ground.Imagine parents who need to commute to work and transport their children to school via ridesharing or robo shuttle services.While in transit,the child could engage with immersive educational applications while the parents plan dinner for the e

45、vening.Or,during downtime in traffic jams,riders in autonomous vehicles could use VR devices to be more present in virtual meeting rooms.McKinsey research suggests that in-car entertainment could generate between$30 billion and$60 billion in value by 2030.Virtual vehicles,real solutions:The metavers

46、e in manufacturing and maintenanceBeyond enhancing sales and the customer experience,the metaverse is already enabling OEMs to improve vehicle design,production,and servicing.Back to the drawing board:Virtual vehicle designTraditional automotive design typically starts with 2-D sketches of a vehicle

47、.OEMs then use computer-aided design software to create high-quality 3-D models based on the original sketches.Exhibit 2Technologies that form the metaverse could help improve driver assistance,in-car passenger infotainment,and passenger entertainment.Vehicles will use augmented-reality(AR)technolog

48、y to display information,including vehicle speed and navigation assistance,on car windshields Passengers may eventually be able to browse through a list of immersive applicationsVehicles will use virtual reality,AR,and other technologies to enhance immersive entertainment and infotainment for passen

49、gersMcKinsey&Company6The metaverse:Driving value in the mobility sectorIn a departure from this process,some OEMs are attempting to streamline design and reduce quality issues with XR tools.For instance,designers at Ford are experimenting with Gravity Sketch,a tool that creates 3-D renderings of veh

50、icles that are viewable with headsets.Hyundai has also transformed its design process,which used to take between four weeks and two months,with 3-D-design software and AR tools that facilitate collaboration.Once designers are satisfied with their initial designs,they create a clay model and begin wo

51、rking on the vehicles interior.10 Wearing special VR visors,designers can also see vehicles in different settings,ranging from a desert to a wet road.In addition to designing cars online,companies are using virtual worlds for enhanced vehicle testing.Nvidias DRIVE Sim platform evaluates autonomous v

52、ehicles by generating simulations of different environmentssuch as highways or crowded urban roadsthat test the vehicles perception systems,decision-making capabilities,and control logic.Among other benefits,the platform reduces testing costs and allows Nvidia to investigate the performance of auton

53、omous vehicles in more diverse environments and situations that might be difficult to replicate and assess in real life.Future metaverse applications.Aligning stakeholders on vehicle aesthetics,aerodynamics,and other features,such as materials,is not always easy,but immersive virtual environments co

54、uld help teams resolve conflicts about product requirements,output,and other issues by allowing them to experiment rapidly with virtual models,exactly as they would with real materials and models.They could study how light would reflect off a mirror,experience a vehicles interior acoustics,or see wh

55、at the chassis would look like before one is built.The future metaverse might also allow OEMs to involve car buyers more closely in the vehicle development process by holding events that allow customers to examine virtual models.This could reduce timelines for vehicle production,as well as decrease

56、budgets invested in focus groups,including those related to vehicle and participant transport.11 In addition to informing design choices about models under development,such technologies could provide OEMs with continuous feedback that informs later R&D efforts.For example,engineers could create a di

57、gital twin of a cara realistic virtual representationto track the cars performance and collect real-time data,which could allow them to make tailored product updates for specific vehicles.Although transformations in digital product development may require an investment in the hundreds of millions,we

58、 estimate that companies might achieve a 10 to 12 percent EBIT uplift and a decrease of up to 50 percent in time to market.Virtual factory,real insights:Digital twins and moreOEMs are already using digital twins of factories and their production lines to improve vehicle manufacturing.BMW,for instanc

59、e,is using Nvidias Omniverse platform to plan a new factory in which people and robots work closely together and engineers collaborate in a shared virtual space.12 The platform integrates information from various design and planning tools to generate extremely realistic images of the planned factory

60、.The goal is to allow BMW to create complex production systems more quickly and accurately.Beyond optimizing a factory layout and processes,digital twins can help OEMs accelerate the launch of new assembly lines and provide guidance for factory-based technicians.They also can provide full visibility

61、 into software,hardware,manufacturing,and maintenance interdependencies.Our models 10 Edoardo Nastri,“Hyundai,augmented reality design,”Auto&Design,March 25,2022.11“How virtual reality is used for car design,”RelayCars,July 2,2021.12 Nvidia Blog,“NVIDIA,BMW blend reality,virtual worlds to demonstrat

62、e factory of the future,”blog entry by Brian Caulfield,April 13,2021.7The metaverse:Driving value in the mobility sectorsuggest that digital twins can potentially improve output by about 10 to 25 percent while reducing unplanned maintenance by 80 percent and increasing quality by up to 25 percent.In

63、 the future,digital twins will likely be even more realisticfor example,all engines and machines within a plant could be fully connected in the digital twin,sharing detailed performance information in real time.Repair and maintenanceOEMs can use metaverse tools to train automobile technicians and gu

64、ide them through the repair process for a vehicle.Daimler Trucks North America,for example,recently experimented with a pilot to use AR technology at its dealerships to provide step-by-step training and guidance for service technicians.13 Similarly,wearable XR devices are currently being used in eve

65、ry BMW dealership in the United States.The metaverse can also help OEMs expand their service networks by making it easier to train and license third-party technicians in distant locations,as well as allow OEMS to better engage with customers throughout the life cycle of a vehicle.This capability may

66、 become even more critical in the future since talented technicians are in increasingly short supply.As technologies evolve,cars may collect and provide more information during the vehicle life cycle.Technicians could use these new tools to inspect a vehicles onboard data and then connect virtually

67、with an AI-based avatar for joint diagnosis.13“DTNA tests augmented reality for future of aftermarket service,”Daimler Truck North America press release,February 4,2021.Exhibit 3ABCWearable extended-reality devices could improve the service process ofvehicles and assist with employee training.McKins

68、ey&CompanyService technicians,including those at third parties,could receive training and guidance through extended-reality devicesTechnicians could inspect onboard vehicle data and connect online with OEM experts for joint diagnosis and to order partsTechnicians may be able to connect with customer

69、s at their homes to conduct virtual inspections and an initial diagnosisTechnicians could follow step-by-step instructions using augmented-reality technology8The metaverse:Driving value in the mobility sectorDesigned by McKinsey Global PublishingCopyright 2023 McKinsey&Company.All rights reserved.Ke

70、rsten Heineke is a partner in McKinseys Frankfurt office;Hamza Khan is a partner in the London office;Timo Mller is a partner in the Cologne office;Dennis Schwedhelm is a senior expert and associate partner in the Munich office;and Shivam Srivastava is a partner in the Bay Area office,where Felix Zi

71、egler is a consultant.The authors wish to thank to Michael Chang,Jacomo Corbo,Thomas Furcher,Andreas Glfke,Enes Gokkus,Eric Hazan,Philipp Maximilian Lhr,Ben Meigs,Adam Ridemar,Tobias Schneiderbauer,Stephen Schwab,and Chenan Xia for their contributions to this article.If an issue appears to have a re

72、latively easy fix,OEMs might connect to customers directly and walk them through the repair process at home.In other cases,OEMs could direct customers to a third party for repairs.Our research indicates that using virtual technologies in servicing could increase revenues by 5 to 10 percent.OEMs and

73、other mobility players can already generate substantial value today by adopting the metaverse,even if it delivers only a share of the full experience expected in the future.To create the greatest impact,companies can consider aligning on their business goals for metaverse applications while simultan

74、eously considering future use cases,including essential skills and requirements for the underlying complex ecosystem.Some of the changes ahead may not be entirely positivefor instance,the metaverse could decrease travel,especially for businessbut the potential opportunities could more than compensate for such drawbacks.Scan Download PersonalizeFind more content like this on the McKinsey Insights App9The metaverse:Driving value in the mobility sector



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