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1、The Future of Digital Health January 2023Boston Consulting Group partners with leaders in business and society to tackle their most important challenges and capture their greatest opportunities.BCG was the pioneer in business strategy when it was founded in 1963.Today,we work closely with clients to

2、 embrace a transformational approach aimed at benefiting all stakeholdersempowering organizations to grow,build sustainable competitive advantage,and drive positive societal impact.Our diverse,global teams bring deep industry and functional expertise and a range of perspectives that question the sta

3、tus quo and spark change.BCG delivers solutions through leading-edge management consulting,technology and design,and corporate and digital ventures.We work in a uniquely collaborative model across the firm and throughout all levels of the client organization,fueled by the goal of helping our clients

4、 thrive and enabling them to make the world a better place.BCG X is the tech build&design unit of BCG.Turbocharging BCGs deep industry and functional expertise,BCG X brings together advanced tech knowledge and ambitious entrepreneurship to help organizations enable innovation at scale.With nearly 3,

5、000 technologists,scientists,programmers,engineers,and human-centered designers located across 80+cities,BCG X builds and designs platforms and software to address the worlds most important challenges and opportunities.Teaming across our practices,and in close collaboration with our clients,our end-

6、to-end global team unlocks new possibilities.Together were creating the bold and disruptive products,services,and businesses of tomorrow.BOSTON CONSULTING GROUP 3The Future of Digital HealthThe health care market has focused in recent months on how to navigate a post-COVID-19 world.During the pandem

7、ic,digital health options led to great opportunities for physicians to reach patients through telemedicine and remote monitoring,and paved the way for new approaches to providing better care.Unsurprisingly,investments flowed into digital health care as the pandemic spread.They began to slow in the s

8、econd half of 2022,however,as investors focus gradually shifted from exciting new ideas to demonstrated outcomes and evidence,with startups being asked to show value and a business model out of the gate.Even as the flow of investment into startups decelerated,several nontraditional players made sign

9、ificant moves into the health care market in 2022(as we anticipated),partnering with traditional players in an effort to create new channels and markets and to advance the new hybrid health care environment.As we enter 2023,many trends in digital health that the pandemic inspired and spurred on cont

10、inue to gain traction,but other developments are beginning to play a role as well.In this latest edition of“The Future of Digital Health,”experts across BCG and BCG XBCGs new tech build and design unitdelve into what will define the space in the year ahead.Home-based health care will keep gaining mo

11、mentum after strong growth in 2022,due in part to the aging baby boomer population and to powerful technological advancesespecially as the industry moves toward more“patient-led”delivery.We also expect alternative care models and new entrants in the health care space to emerge(watch for Microsoft an

12、d Apple),while retailers such as CVS,Walgreens,and Walmart further develop their health care strategies.The womens health arena will continue to attract attention,investment,and innovation in 2023.We see exciting trends in fertility options,community-based care,and support for the underserved,among

13、others.Femtech products and solutions(technology that specifically addresses womens health needs)will grow at a rapid pace,and femtech businesses will compete to develop hybrid,one-stop shops.Tech advances in general will unlock many new opportuni-ties in digital health.Virtual reality will offer ne

14、w approaches for treating mental health conditions,and the health care industry will embrace more use cases for digital twins in clinical trials,hospital operations,and disease modeling.We see a push for smarter clinical development,and organizations are already testing ChatGPT,the generative AI tec

15、hnology,in developing therapeutic ideas,analyzing medical data,and identifying patterns.We also expect more tech-related advances to focus on reducing consumers required out-of-pocket spending for health care.Meanwhile,digital tools will improve health equity over the coming year by helping to bridg

16、e care gaps,expand access,enable more personalized treatment,and eliminate geographic barriers.Mental health services,in particular,will benefit,with more options becoming available to those seeking care.Still,the industry must contend with a cloud of economic uncertaintyand even though health care

17、is typically resilient in this type of climate,we can expect some important shifts,including the following.The focus of digital-health investments will move from top-line growth to profitability,following the number of big bets made in recent years.Pharma IT will become more attractive to healthtech

18、 companies,given the current need for more comprehensive and industry-specific digital solutions.Strategic investments and M&A in the healthtech arena will increase even as financial investors pull back somewhat.We are extremely excited about the ongoing evolution of digital health andgiven the foll

19、owing developments and trends highlighted by our global team of expertsexpect 2023 to be a transformative year.Organizations are already testing ChatGPT in developing therapeutic ideas,analyzing medical data,and identifying patterns.BOSTON CONSULTING GROUP 5 Progress and momentum in the womens healt

20、h space will continue as they have in recent years.A plethora of companies are trying to change the way women are supported,are treated,and take care of themselves.We are especially excited to see positive trends in fertility options(such as those offered by Ovia Health and Progyny),community-based

21、care(Cayabacre),support for underserved populations(Sesh Groups),care advocacy(Maven),alternative birth options(Oula Health),and mental health services that are uniquely designed for women(Caraway Health).In addition,both large companies and startups will make strong pushes for womens health equity

22、in different countries around the world in order to provide better experiences and options.We look forward to additional attention,investment,and innovation in the womens health space in 2023.Alternative care models and new entrants will appear.Companies such as CVS,Walgreens,and Walmart will build

23、on their existing infrastructure to provide community-based health services and explore channels for providing near-real-time care through innovative new technologies and services.Other compa-nies,such as Amazon(following its recent acquisition of One Medical),will leverage their strategic assets to

24、 move into holistic health care,including work that focuses on sleep,activity,and nutrition.The need for outcome-based solutions backed by real-world evidence and studies will pose a stronger barrier to entry into digital health.Over the past decade,we have seen various organizationssuch as Omada,Pr

25、oteus Digital Health,WellDoc,Akili Interactive,and Pear Therapeuticstake digital solutions to market,with mixed outcomes.As a result,although CPT/ICD(procedural and diagnostic)codes are available for remote patient monitoring and other clinical services,manufacturers within the pharmaceu-tical and m

26、edical-device sectors,along with payers and providers,will require more evidence before they adopt or reimburse such digital health solutions.A plethora of companies are trying to change the way women are supported,are treated,and take care of themselves.Ashkan AfkhamiManaging Director and Partner6

27、THE FUTURE OF DIGITAL HEALTH Digital tools will advance health equity by supporting companies,payers,and providers who want to reach underserved populations.Examples include tools that enable better decisions,permit the measurement of impact,allow more personalized treatment pathways,correct biases

28、in data collection,or alleviate geographic barriers through the use of hybrid care models that provide access to specialized services.Digital technology will help improve clinical care by enabling data-driven analysis and giving health care practitioners tools that support continuous learning,best-p

29、ractice sharing,and operational research based on real-world evidence.For example,networks of intensive care units(ICUs)may use federated learninga machine-learning technique that multiple entities can use to build a common model without sharing their datato identify best practices in patient manage

30、ment and create a score for each ICU on the basis of its compliance with those practices and its alerts for high-risk cases.Digital tools will advance health equity by supporting companies,payers,and providers who want to reach underserved populations.Johanna BenestyManaging Director and Partner BOS

31、TON CONSULTING GROUP 7 Experienced builders of digital products and solu-tions are beginning to recognize that compliance influences products.For example,regulations often limit investments in new products,yet compliance teams frequently take a spectrum of stances when interpretating these regulatio

32、ns.For instance,how can a pharmaceutical company support telehealth?Not at all?At arms length?Or by setting up some sort of virtual clinic?Answering this question,and others like it,will directly affect patients product and user experiences.Thoughtful builders will therefore address these questions

33、head-on early in their innovation cycle.Technology partnerships are no longer optional.Full-stack solutions,composed of linked platforms across layers of the technology stack,increasingly rely on an ecosystem architecture powered by a community of partner companies.Within such an ecosystem,layers ha

34、ve different owners and work together through tech-nology interfaces.Strong platform layers will have robust connections through well-defined APIs and software development kits(SDKs),with business models to accompany them that allow the complete solution to scale by aligning incentives to all partie

35、s.Pharma IT will become more attractive as a customer target for healthtech companies.With health provider budgets tightand with IT even tighter within themgrowth-stage digital-health companies need a path toward revenue and profitability that will bridge inevitably longer funding cycles.Although ph

36、arma spends big on technology,it often does so in disjointed ways across the value chain(discovery,development,manufacturing and supply chain,commercial),with solutions that are either built from the ground up or repurposed from other industries.As a result,over the coming months,more comprehensive

37、and industry-specific digital solutions will grow and compete for pharma IT dollars.Full-stack solutions increasingly rely on an ecosystem architecture powered by a community of partner companies.Nate BeyorManaging Director and Partner 8 THE FUTURE OF DIGITAL HEALTH Smarter clinical development will

38、 be a key focus over the coming year.More than 20,000 new drug can-didates are currently under development.The statistical likelihood is that more than 30%of those entering Phase II will not progress and that approximately 60%of those reaching Phase III will fail.Given that bringing a drug to life t

39、akes around ten years and$2 billion,the case for improving the probability of success seems straight-forward.Meanwhile,a range of existing capabilities,from machine learning of trial data to natural language processing of clinical notes,can create new efficiencies,although there is a critical supply

40、 gap in the talent needed to enable them at scale.In a number of areas across the clinical life cycle,organizations can realize material benefits when these capabilities are present.Key opportunities include improved trial speed,cost,and quality.Relevant areas include study strategy(selecting approp

41、riate countries and sites),protocol definition(choosing the best trial-design criteria and endpoints),patient recruitment(finding and onboarding patients),and pharmacovigilance(understanding who might fail a screening and how a study is likely to perform).Applying data science to better understand s

42、ocial determinants of health(SDOH)will sustainably and equitably improve the health of at-risk pop-ulations.Individuals lives outside of the health care system significantly affect their ability to understand,prioritize,and act on medical recommendations.As a result,precision care interventions powe

43、red by SDOHsuch as housing,transportation,and food securitycan significantly influence a persons overall well-being.Most important,data science can help clarify the health driv-ers among SDOH,suggest patient interventions for care workers to undertake,or recommend healthier behaviors for individuals

44、 to adopt.To make this actionable,provid-ers and health systems need access to extensive SDOH data and capabilities.These include customized insights by population segment,human-centric intervention de-signs informed by behavioral science,and AI platforms that channel interventions physically and di

45、gitally to the right patients at the right time in the right ways learning and improving as they gather more data.Individuals lives outside of the health care system significantly affect their ability to understand,prioritize,and act on medical recommendations.Satty ChandrashekharManaging Director a

46、nd PartnerBOSTON CONSULTING GROUP 9 Health care will continue to move closer to the people,especially the older generation,given the demand.The move will be powered by digitally enabled products and services,such as home testing,home monitoring,at-home care,telemedicine,e-prescriptions,and health ch

47、ecks that can be performed without doctors.This trend will include a subtrend involving patient-centric care models and offerings that generate patient engagement and,ultimately,the use of related services and products.Medtech will move from hardware-wired to soft-ware-coded.Traditionally strong med

48、tech companies will further explore and expand their efforts to support their hardware with software products and services.Compared to the innovation potential in hardware,the untapped potential of softwareespecially the appli-cation of AI algorithmsis enormous.This includes software on both the pro

49、vider side,such as in workflow management and decision-support tools,and the patient side,such as in preclinical administration and evaluation support and post-procedure report generation.Science-and evidence-based facts will continue to compete with fake medical news.We live in a time when misinfor

50、mation,such as about the pandemic or about diet and nutrition,spreads very easily.Conse-quently,the need to establish sources of trustworthy,reliable,and accurate medical information is becoming increasingly acute.Many people try to gain an advantage or benefit by distributing false or misleading me

51、dical information and even by discrediting medical profession-als.Managing that trend with readily available,truthful medical information will become more and more important.Compared to the innovation potential in hardware,the untapped potential of software is enormous.Andr HeegManaging Director and

52、 Partner 10 THE FUTURE OF DIGITAL HEALTH Virtual care is certainly here to stay,but its future is rooted in how well it is paired with in-person care.With the peak of COVID-19 mayhem behind us,it is becoming clearer that telehealth and telemedicine cannot deliver well-rounded patient care in isolati

53、on.The coming year will reveal which companies can deliver the right combination of virtual and in-person care in a way that optimizes patient convenience,reduces clinician burnout,enhances clinician-patient engagement,and improves health outcomes.Home-based health care will receive a lot more atten

54、tion in the coming year.Driven by a growing geriatric population and improvements in technology,the balance between traditional in-person care and home-based care has been tilting toward the lattera trend accelerated by the pandemic.With an expected annualized growth rate just shy of 8%,according to

55、 Grand View Research,home-based care is likely to continue picking up pace as more baby boomers need longer-term care for chronic conditions.In tandem,sup-port services for caregivers will increase as the demands on them become more acute.These services could cover everything from hands-on medical s

56、upport to ancillary and logistics services that ease caregivers burden.The year to come will see retailers deploying health care strategies with even greater force.Spurred by the need for convenient COVID-19 testing sites,retailers have enthusiastically entered the health care space.Their near-term

57、focus will be on expanding primary care and on increasing omnichannel capabilities to bring accessible,low-cost,and convenient care to pa-tients.In addition,as competition in the space heats up,many retailers will opt to boost their personalized care offerings through data analytics and cloud comput

58、ing ca-pabilities.Meanwhile,consumer stickiness will become the key to longer-term success.Telehealth and telemedicine cannot deliver well-rounded patient care in isolation.Ami KarnikDirector and Venture General ManagerBOSTON CONSULTING GROUP 11 Health care organizations will adopt generative AI tec

59、hnologies(the use of artificial intelligence algo-rithms to generate new data,such as images,text,or audio).As a result,we will see an emergence of genera-tive AI use cases and experimentation across all health care sectors in 2023.Organizations are already testing ChatGPT,a generative AI technology

60、,in developing ther-apeutic ideas to feed clinical trial pipelines,analyzing large amounts of medical data,and identifying patterns that may indicate new treatment options or potential health risks.In customer service,organizations will use generative AI to respond to patient inquiries,freeing healt

61、h care companies to improve the patient experi-ence and reduce the workload on human customer-service representatives.In addition,they can use gener-ative AI in clinical trials to help find the most suitable patients for the trial and to create patient-specific treat-ment plans.Patient analytics wil

62、l inform many different areas,from diagnostics and therapies to the optimization of medical supply chains on the basis of patient density or therapeutic trends.In tandem,patient-related analyt-ical models will become more and more sophisticated through the use of AI and external information such as

63、demographics,social-media data,and social determi-nants.Patient-data platformsincluding anonymized integration of electronic-health record platformswill emerge,as will domain-specific data science teams to capture value.Patient data will be integrated into the health care supply chain and employed a

64、cross use cases.Pharmacies will monitor drug-therapy adherence and personalize patient communications.Clinical-trial project teams will optimize country selection and site activation.And pharma companies will optimize drug distribution.Meanwhile,patient-data compliance will continue to evolve,and or

65、ganizations will need to im-plement automated controls to ingest,manage,and use the data.In addition,companies will need to strengthen their enterprise data-management function to unlock patient-analytics use cases.In customer service,organizations will use generative AI to respond to patient inquir

66、ies,freeing health care companies to improve the patient experience.Daniel MartinesManaging Director12 THE FUTURE OF DIGITAL HEALTH As AI and machine learning(ML)continue to make rapid progress,the number of AI-and ML-enabled medical devices being developed and approved for use by the FDA and other

67、regulatory bodies will increase.Use cases for these devices will expand from radiology into other areas,including oncology and car-diology.At the same time,more devices will incorporate learning algorithms,fostering the evolution of device software over time,and regulatory agencies will need to adop

68、t new surveillance processes for evaluating device performance.The health care use cases for digital twins will grow,including clinical trials,hospital operations,and disease modeling.In the case of clinical trials,researchers will use digital twins to reduce the number of patients in placebo groups

69、 and increase study diversity,thereby low-ering recruitment costs and accelerating time to approv-al.Scientists will also use digital twins to predict how individual patients will respond to treatment through the use of deep phenotyping,which compiles health records,genomic data,and other data sourc

70、es.Telemedicine will be used to bridge gaps in care,expanding access and increasing care delivery to under-served communities.More specifically,telemedicine will extend mental health services and improve adherence to medication and therapy by removing barriers to engage-ment.Patients who have diffic

71、ulty accessing mental health care in person will have more options for connect-ing with telehealth providers,leading to higher-quality care and fewer hospitalizations.Combining telemedicine with remote patient monitoring will allow providers to manage chronic conditions and reduce costs.Patients who

72、 have difficulty accessing mental health care in person will have more options for connecting with telehealth providers.Lauren NealPrincipal,Data ScienceBOSTON CONSULTING GROUP 13 In digital health,competition will shift from player-versus-player to ecosystem-versus-ecosystem.Winning will mean not o

73、nly having a great product-market fit,but also making wise choices about how to work with healthtech ecosystem partners.Such partners include data ecosystems,infrastructure and cloud ecosystems,and device ecosystems,as well as networks of providers,payers,and health systems.The focus of digital-heal

74、th investments will fundamentally change from top-line growth to profitability.Digital-health solutions have proliferated,with investors making big bets to capture a share of the booming healthtech sector.In the coming year,many of these solutions will fail if they have not sufficiently reduced busi

75、ness-model risks and demonstrated a path to profitability.On the flip side,investors will double down on solutions that satisfy these requirements,as health care in generaland healthtech in particularis recession resistant.Health care delivery will increasingly evolve from patient-centric to patient

76、-led.Patients are demanding to take charge of their own health,using disease management solutions to do so and finding new ways to connect to their care teams,such as through ever-more-advanced remote diagnostic,delivery,and monitoring solutions.This new wave of patient-led care will require great l

77、eaps in integrating people,services,software,and hardware.Winning will mean not only having a great product-market fit,but also making wise choices about how to work with healthtech ecosystem partners.Julius NeiserManaging Director and Partner14 THE FUTURE OF DIGITAL HEALTH Medical-and prescription-

78、cost transparency will be a renewed focus for payers,providers,employers,governments,and consumers.The catalyst is the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services Transparency in Coverage Rule(CMS-9915-F),which went into effect on July 1,2022.The dynamics involvedincluding the MLR credit,the financial

79、 mechanism that will allow payers to provide incentives to consumers to shop for health care servicesare complex.On the prescription side,companies such as GoodRx,Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drug Company,and Amazon are using scale and operational efficiency to find pockets of drugs that they can source,adm

80、inister,and deliver at low cost to consumers.Ongoing advancement in technologies such as AI and ML,blockchain,and workflow automation will create more opportunities to address the out-of-pocket spending that US consumers require must provide health care.Health care costs account for 10%to 20%of a ty

81、pical US consumers walletand 20%of total US GDP spendingand US employers are seeing unsus-tainable growth in premiums(which were about$13,700 per employee in 2022).Consumers will increasingly use financial services such as“buy now,pay later”to finance their medical needs.And this trend may shape how

82、 industry players enter new markets and engage with existing ones.Medicaid is the next frontier for health care innovation.Over the past decade,Medicare has been the primary focus of innovation,much of it in the health care payer and services space.Medicaid and Medicare face similar cost pressures,e

83、specially within the macro environment,and this has implications at both state and federal levels.Although consumers on Medicaid have historically been harder to engage,we expect to see a wave of innovation prompted by digital-tech and localization-focused new entrants.Such innovation will touch on

84、social determinants of health but also,more comprehensively,on individuals across topics such as nutrition,mental health,and sleep.Although consumers on Medicaid have historically been harder to engage,we expect to see a wave of innovation prompted by digital-tech and localization-focused new entran

85、ts.Etugo NwokahManaging Director and PartnerBOSTON CONSULTING GROUP 15 Strategic investments and M&A in healthtech will grow.As financial investors pull back slightly,strategic investors will partner,invest in,and acquire companies.These partnerships will enable healthtech products that previously s

86、truggled to gain distribution and scale to expand more aggressively.Drugs will increasingly be launched digitally rather than through a salesforce.As pharmaceutical firms experiment with models,there will also be a significant shift to digital-first models when launching drugs.Microsoft and Apple wi

87、ll make significant inroads into health care.While Amazon and Google have made their moves,Microsoft and Apple have largely been in the background.This should change as the most trusted tech brands make bigger pushes into the field.Partnerships will enable healthtech products that previously struggl

88、ed to gain distribution and scale to expand more aggressively.Sid ThekkepatManaging Director and Partner16 THE FUTURE OF DIGITAL HEALTH Virtual reality will continue to showcase new approaches to treating mental health conditions.Although the metaverse hype has begun to decrease,VR-based exposure th

89、erapy is still exhibiting positive results in improving patient outcomesand now that BehaVR and OxfordVR,the leaders in this field,have joined forces,this trend is well positioned to continue.The more immersive interactions within the metaverse could support better access to care through virtual cli

90、nics,as Mind-Easy has done in Decentraland;offer ways to manage broader psychological disorders,such as body dysmorphism,autism,and depression;and provide spaces for mental well-being practices,such as those provided by Tripp,a digital wellness company.Femtechs will race to offer comprehensiveand hy

91、bridcare models.The femtech market is predicted to grow to$103 billion by 2030,according to Precedence Research,meaning that a significant amount of white space remains.As a result,the coming year is likely to see an increase in femtechs striving to be one-stop shops for womens health,offering both

92、virtual and in-person services.New Yorkbased Maven Clinic,now valued at an estimated$1.35 billion,has shown that such efforts can succeed.And around the globe,numer-ous comprehensive hybrid care providers are waiting in the wings,including Plenna in Mexico,Kindred in the Philippines,and Almond in th

93、e US.The coming year is likely to see an increase in femtechs striving to be one-stop shops for womens health.Alice WilsonLead Strategic DesignerPlayers must relentlessly focus on the true problem they are solving for patients,consumers,care teams,or health care professionals.18 THE FUTURE OF DIGITA

94、L HEALTH Our experts clearly see a number of major themes on the health care horizon in 2023,including an ongoing shift to in-home diagnostics,more alternative-care models and new entrants,technology advances that improve treat-ment or reduce the share of patients wallet expended on health care,and

95、a greater emphasis on specific therapeutic areas such as womens health.We are excited to watch these themes as they emerge,evolve,and,in some cases,consolidate to create meaningful impact for patients,caregivers,and physicians.For quite a while,players in the digital health space have been attemptin

96、g to bridge the chasm between digital and in-person health care,most often by generating adoption,engagement through real-world evidence,and compelling business models.Although the chasm remains,it is narrow-ing steadily.Here are some ways for the digital health com-munity to advance their collectiv

97、e journey:Seize partnership opportunities.Continue to observe larger shifts in the market with an eye toward how incumbents spend their time,money,and energy,while also looking for opportunities to partner or to create or join the respective ecosystems.Demonstrate value.Be more judicious than in the

98、 past about demonstrating value,showcasing clinically validated outcomes,and creating sustainable business models.A number of health care companies have closed their doors in recent months because they did not move quickly enough to generate appropriate evidence for their solution and a scalable rei

99、mbursement model.Many companies have interesting ideas,but investors want to know who is going to pay for them and how they will generate value for all stakeholders.Think big but start small.The overall market bene-fits from big thinking,disruption,and new models for providing care.Nevertheless,play

100、ers must relentlessly focus on the true problem they are solving for patients,consumers,care teams,or health care professionals.They should run tests to establish a product fit with the intended user or users,and they should co-create where possible with that audience,with health systems,and with pa

101、yers.Finally,they should choose the appropriate geographic focus,starting small and growing from there,rather than trying to boil the ocean in multiple markets.At BCG and BCG X,we are committed to helping organiza-tions enable innovation at scale and unlock new possibili-ties to reshape the health c

102、are ecosystem with digital tools,technologies,and solutions that empower patients,physi-cians,care teams,and others who work in the field of health.As we step into 2023,we look forward to collaborat-ing with you to create the next generation of digital-health solutions.Boston Consulting Group partne

103、rs with leaders in business and society to tackle their most important challenges and capture their greatest opportunities.BCG was the pioneer in business strategy when it was founded in 1963.Today,we help clients with total transformationinspiring complex change,enabling organizations to grow,build

104、ing competitive advantage,and driving bottom-line impact.To succeed,organizations must blend digital and human capabilities.Our diverse,global teams bring deep industry and functional expertise and a range of perspectives to spark change.BCG delivers solutions through leading-edge management consult

105、ing along with technology and design,corporate and digital venturesand business purpose.We work in a uniquely collaborative model across the firm and throughout all levels of the client organization,generating results that allow our clients to thrive.Uciam volora ditatur?Axim voloreribus moluptati a

106、utet hario qui a nust faciis reperro vitatia dipsandelia sit laborum,quassitio.Itas volutem es nulles ut faccus perchiliati doluptatur.Estiunt.Et eium inum et dolum et et eos ex eum harchic teceserrum natem in ra nis quia disimi,omnia veror molorer ionsed quia ese veliquiatius sundae poreium et et i

107、llesci atibeatur aut que consequia autas sum fugit qui aut excepudit,omnia voloratur?Explige ndeliaectur magnam,que expedignist ex et voluptaquam,offici bernam atqui dem vel ius nus.Nem faccaborest hillamendia doluptae conseruptate inim volesequid molum quam,conseque consedipit hillabo.Imaio evelend

108、itium haribus,con reictur autemost,vendam am ellania estrundem corepuda derrore mporrumquat.Add Co-Sponsor logo hereFor information or permission to reprint,please contact BCG at .To find the latest BCG content and register to receive e-alerts on this topic or others,please visit .Follow Boston Consulting Group on Facebook and Twitter.Boston Consulting Group 2023.All rights reserved.1/23



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