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1、TRAVELER TRIBES 2033 TRAVELER TRIBES 2033 2Helping you understand and build for travelers in 2033We emphasize the future of travelers in this report.This is because travel is about humans,human behavior and the way humans think(this is why we refer to tribes of travelers a collective One of our goal

2、s is to identify the future forces the incoming disruptions likely A sophisticated and diverse research approachFuture forces,traveler truths and four Traveler TribesUNDERSTANDING TRAVELS HUMAN SIDETRAVELER TRIBES KEY LEARNINGSTRAVELER TRIBES PURPOSEof combined thinking and behavior).But understandi

3、ng what Traveler Tribes exist and how they think and behave is a complicated area.Thats why Traveler Tribes 2033 is based on in-depth research that involved speaking to 22 experts from different fields inside and outside of travel then surveying 10,345 travelers from 15 countries and overall,collect

4、ing 5.84 million data points.to transform travel by 2033.This ranged from the role of international families(where family members live in different countries)to changing the reasons well travel to how different forms of data will personalize travel.We then combine these future forces with traveler t

5、raits knowledge about how people make decisions and why to understand if these future forces will be as transformational as experts predict.This means we can understand if people REALLY want AI(Artificial Intelligence)to plan their trips,for example.Or if the IKEA effect where we place great value o

6、n something weve made ourselves means we overestimate the appetite for AIs assistance?And will people really travel more sustainably?Or are we psychologically programmed to prefer watching others act sustainably on our behalf while we dont change our behavior?1 This number reflects how many traveler

7、s the 10,345 sample for our survey represents(1.947bn travelers)Traveler Tribes 2033 reviews how 1.947bn travelers will evolve over the next 10 years1.The purpose of this is simple:by understanding 2033s traveler,well understand the travel sector in 2033.This means we(the travel sector)can be prepar

8、ed to give travelers the best travel experiences possible in 10 years time.TRAVELER TRIBES 2033 3At the heart of travel in 2033,we find four unique Traveler Tribes.Reassuringly,the biggest of these representing 845 million people is positive about travels future.Theyre open to new technology and wan

9、t to travel in more environmentally friendly ways.But other Traveler Tribes are less certain.One Traveler Tribe has an inherent distrust of technology and eschews the need to travel sustainably.Another is excited about travels future but fears AI will make it too predictable.And theres a Traveler Tr

10、ibe torn between excitement about technology in 2033 and concerns about cybersecurity and data privacy.Every Traveler Tribe has a unique value for the travel sector.And by understanding them we can prepare now and invest in the technology that improves how they travel by 2033.TRAVELER TRIBES 2033 4F

11、OREWORD Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by Catch the trade winds in your sails.Explore.Dream.Discover.So throw off the bowlines,sail away from the safe harbor.the things you didnt do than by the ones you did do.Mark TwainTravel provides continuous opportunities for adventure,expl

12、oration and growth.It speaks to our innate desire to discover new cultures,expand our horizons and connect with others.That is why working in travel is so rewarding.Every traveler is different,each trip is unique,no experiences are the same.Thats why Amadeus commissioned an independent insight agenc

13、y Northstar Research Partners to understand travelers complex behavior.Part of this understanding was segmenting travelers into four Traveler Tribes.Segmentation is an established research method.But traditional approaches to segmentation are limited.Age,geography,location,socio-economic status are

14、no longer accurate indicators of our behaviors,preferences,and predictors of how we will travel when used in isolation.Maybe they never were.That is why this study is different.It seeks to simplify the complex.To explore the forces of change.To identify the shifts taking place in our world.To unders

15、tand how travelers are evolving.To look at the developing role of technology.And to make sense of what this means for travel in 2033.It identifies four Traveler Tribes likely to emerge over the next ten years not as homogenous fixed groups,but signposts to how we,as travelers,may think and act.By do

16、ing so we can support the industry to adapt in a way that places the human at its heart.We can collectively innovate,bring fresh thinking,and better meet the needs of travelers in the coming years.We have long advocated the Traveler Tribes approach as a way of anticipating the future.Our previous tw

17、o reports,launched in 2006 and 2015,focused on the humanization of technology in travel.They identified electronic traveler identification,biometrics,super apps,social media and smart technologies as key drivers of transformation all of which are present in our lives today impacting how we shop,acce

18、ss entertainment,connect with others and travel.Whats next?We hope you enjoy the glimpse into our possible future in the following pages.President,Hospitality,AmadeusPresident,Travel,AmadeusFrancisco Prez-Lozao RterDecius ValmorbidaTRAVELER TRIBES 2033 5Over the next three years,nearly two billion p

19、eople will travel at least once a year2.This makes understanding 2033s traveler economically enticingnot to mention environmentally essential,as travel modes such as aviation aim to reduce their carbon footprint,which currently stands at around 2%of all emissions caused by human activity globally.3

20、This poses the question:how do we best prepare for 2033s traveler?We start with a simple question:“Why do we like traveling?”Its an expansive question,too.We know that travel opens minds and builds bridges between cultures.But theres also a psychological aspect to it.Industrial designer Raymond Loew

21、y believes that decisions are often torn between neophilia(curiosity about new things)and neophobia(the fear of anything new)4.Travel is a rare instance of a phenomenon that both satisfies our neophilia and alleviates our neophobia.It fulfills our desire for new things by taking us to new places.It

22、eases our fears,too:we can research the places were going,and our trips arent permanent.We believe that Loewys perspective makes travel a truly human endeavor.Of course,theres more to traveling than just the psychological dimension,such as:Nevertheless,we firmly believe that by understanding travele

23、rs as human beings,we can best understand how theyll behave in 2033.This means learning about their complex This means that we need diverse perspectives to understand 2033s traveler.To acquire these,we drew on multiple research touchpoints.Psychology OUR STARTING POINT2 This number reflects how many

24、 travelers the 10,345 sample for our survey represents(1.947bn travelers)3 WTTC Net Zero Roadmap;UNFCCC Brief on Aviation&the Paris Agreement)4 5 www.wttc.org6 Shahram Heshmat Ph.D,Satisficing vs.Maximizing,Psychology Today,2015How else would we travel anywhere?Engineering(technology&transportation)

25、Without which,where would we visit?Destinationswe cant ignore that travel before COVID-19 accounted for one in every four new jobs globally5 Economics INTRODUCTIONpsychology,how they make decisions,andmost complex of allwhy they make them.However,understanding humans is tricky.To do this,we often sp

26、eak to experts.But relying on expert opinion has three main flaws:1.The false consensus effect means that we think our views are far more widespread than they actually are.The reality is:expert opinion belongs to the few.Not the many.And experts,by definition,need unique opinions to succeed professi

27、onally.2.Experts are maximizers.6 When it comes to their field of expertise,they want to make the best decisions possible.This is the opposite of non-experts,who are satisficers:they just want things to be“good enough.”3.Ignoring experts isnt the answer,either.Non-experts satisficing mindset means t

28、hey cant think expansively enough about the future to understand evolution.Hence the famous Henry Ford quote:“If Id asked my customers what they wanted,they wouldve said a faster horse.”TRAVELER TRIBES 2033 6Traveler Tribes 2033 is based on three forms of cognitive diversity,different thought patter

29、ns,ideas,and ways of solving problems:One of Traveler Tribes biggest challenges was creating a futured view into 2033.This is hard.But our diverse approach to research allowed us to do this by:Using cognitive diversity OUR TOUCHPOINTSSpeaking to both experts and travelers.This means neither optimism

30、(typically shown by experts)nor skepticism(typically shown by the non-experts)distorted our view of travel in 2033Speaking to 10,345 travelers from 15 countries Speaking to experts from 11 fields,thus limiting our number of intellectual blind spots.These fields included the travel industry(travel as

31、sociations and hotel providers).Experts in areas that impact the travel industry(sustainability and retail).And experts in behavioral science and psychology Methodological diversity Cultural diversity Expert diversity Drawing on forecasters Philip Tetlocks work which states accurate forecasting must

32、 value diverse views and that the best forecasting teams are intellectually diverse 7 Using research techniques created by the Institute for the Future in our survey prior to asking travelers about 2033.This included asking travelers about what their age,income and family status will be in 2033,usin

33、g writing exercises to open their mind up about what 2033 could be like and priming them with a written description of what will impact travel in 20338 Asking travelers how they think other people will behave in 2033(rather than how theyll behave).A technique the University of Chicagos Centre for De

34、cision Research has shown to be a more accurate way of understanding peoples true behavior TRAVELER TRIBES 2033 7Predictions about the future tend to be either overly positive or overly negative.We seek positive news because were guilty of wishful seeing.We see what we want to see.We also remember n

35、egative news far more clearly than positive,as our negativity bias makes the negative words more memorable.Berkeley psychologist Felicia Pratto has shown that were twice as likely to remember negative information as positive.9Traveler Tribes 2033 accepted and embraced both human tendencies as part o

36、f our research approach.Weve strived to present a balanced view of travel in 2033.Being open to negative newsOUR VIEWPOINTS7 Philip Tetlock,Superforecasting:The Art and Science of Prediction,20158 Jane McGonigal,Imaginable,20229 Felicia Pratto,Automatic vigilance:The attention-grabbing power of nega

37、tive social information,1991TRAVELER TRIBES 2033 8STEP 1Traveler Tribes cognitively diverse approachto understanding 2033s traveler We spoke to 22 experts from a variety of fields in a calculated order:Looking inwardsLooking outwardsUnderstanding whats possible Speaking to travel experts to understa

38、nd their view of travel in 2033Speaking to experts in industries that impact travel to see how their work will change travel by 2033Speaking to behavioral science experts to see the likelihood of inward/outward expert predictions resulting in behavior change by 2033 Natalia Bayona,Director of Innova

39、tion,Education and Investments,UNWTO Christophe Bousquet,CTO(Retired),Amadeus Andy Hamer,Managing Director,CLIA UK and Ireland Wolfgang Krips,SVP Corporate Strategy,Amadeus Liz Ortiguera,CEO,Pacific Asia Travel Association Paco Prez-Lozao Rter,President,Hospitality,Amadeus Decius Valmorbida,Presiden

40、t,Travel,Amadeus Monika Wiederhold,EVP,Marketing&Digital Transformation,Travel Unit,Amadeus Catherine Willis,Head of Guest Insights,IHG Dr Susanne Becken,Professor of Sustainable Tourism,Griffith University Alana Dillette,Associate Professor,School of Hospitality and Tourism,San Diego State Universi

41、ty,Co-Director,Tourism RESET Futurist in Technology Olivier Hours,Head of Distribution Strategy,IATA Devin Liddel,Futurist,Teague Institute Ed Salvato,New York University,Tisch Center for Hospitality Frank Schirrmeister,VP,Solutions and Business Development,Arteris IP Matthias Schmeer,Strategic Part

42、nerships Lead,Microsoft Nick Turner,Founder,Stratforma Paul Wilkinson,Product Lead,Deliveroo Professor James Woudhuysen,Forecaster,Southbank University Richard Chataway,Director of Behavioural Science at Gobeyond Partners,author of The Behaviour Business Richard Shotton,Founder,Astroten.Author of Th

43、e Choice FactoryTRAVELER TRIBES 2033 9STEP 2Traveler Tribes cognitively diverse approachto understanding 2033s traveler We surveyed 10,345 travelers from We understood who they are todayWe learned about how they travel currentlyWe primed them to think about 2033We protectively understood travel in 2

44、033Their demographics,home composition,the products and technologies theyre aware of/ownTheir travel frequency,priorities,types of trip,planning habitsWe did this by asking about their age,home composition and income in 2033.We used writing exercises to open their mind about what 2033 could be like.

45、Then showed them a written concept about travel in 2033We asked travelers about how they thought other people would travel in 2033.This is because were better predictors of others behavior than we are of our own Our content was based on expert input Throughout we used subtle thought experiments to u

46、nderstand traveler psychology STEP 3We spoke to 16 travelers from IN,UK and the US.4 from each Traveler Tribe we had created to understand their and their wider Traveler Tribes current lives and thoughts about the future in more detailThis equates to 2,586 hours surveying travelersDuring which we as

47、ked 248,323 questionsAnd created 5.84mn data pointsTRAVELER TRIBES 2033 10Traveler Tribes 2033 accepted and embraced both human tendencies as part of our research approach.Weve strived to present a balanced view of travel in 2033.Our focus on human understanding,our embracing of cognitive diversity,

48、and our balanced perspective mean we can answer these five questions for you and the travel sector:Being able to answer five big questions that we believe are important for the travel industrys future OUR ENDPOINTTRAVELER TRIBES 2033 111.Travels trajectory2.Traveler truthsWhat will travel in 2033 be

49、 like?Page 12Page 34Page 70Page 33Page 19How will travelers react to future developments?3.Traveler tensionsIs this human reaction going to be universal and consistent?4.Traveler TribesWho are 2033s Traveler Tribes?5.Traveler Tribes tomorrowWhere do we go from here?TRAVELER TRIBES 2033 12What will t

50、ravel in 2033 be like?Lets remember what travel in 2013 was like.Some low-cost carriers didnt have mobile boarding passes.There were only 1,100 e-gates globally.Airbnb had just set up its first European headquarters.History suggests travel in 2033 will be very different from travel today.But does tr

51、aveler opinion support this?To find out,we asked travelers how different they thought traveling in 2033 would be.We did this without giving them any clues about what traveling in 2033 could look like.How did they respond?34%of travelers think traveling in 2033 will be the opposite of or very differe

52、nt from what it is today.A further 26%think traveling in 2033 will be noticeably different.But what will make travel different in 2033 wont be trends:which just represent a general direction of development.Instead,itll be future forces:significant disruptions or transformations that result in a soci

53、etal impact.This poses the questionSurprising similarity vs.definite difference TRAVELS TRAJECTORYTRAVELER TRIBES 2033 13Do travelers think travel in 2033 will be surprisingly similar or definitively different?%of travelers stating travel in 2033 will be12%27%26%31%3%The opposite of what it is today

54、.Almost no similaritiesVery different to what it is today.More differences than similaritiesThe same as it is today.Almost no differencesLike what it is today,but with some differences.More similarities than differencesNoticeably different to what it is today.An equal number of differences and simil

55、aritiesConnection is another huge thing,this appreciation and recognition of the need to connect with friends,family,even just new experiences.Companies have to deliver across the board so people can get that connection theyre going to be increasingly demanding.The change created:Younger travelers w

56、ill have even higher expectations that travel should be smooth and better connected.Older travelers will need better mobility solutions.And the continued growth of international families(where family members,e.g.,parents and their children,live in different countries)will mean we travel more.THE FUT

57、URE FORCEDemographic developmentsCatherine Willis,Head of Guest Insights,IHGTRAVELER TRIBES 2033 Politics is in charge,and this is whats going to put people off taking a holiday.Its going to become expensive,a hassle,and maybe not entirely safe.The change created:Political instability could threaten

58、 free movement,ushering in things like restrictions in travel and immigration policies.THE FUTURE FORCEPolitical pressuresProfessor James Woudhyusen,Forecaster,Southbank UniversityThe experts we spoke to predict that seven future forces could change how we travel in 2033:What are the future forces t

59、hatll shape travel in 2033?TRAVELER TRIBES 2033 15The change created:Technology will make travel smoother via super apps,biometrics,touchless technology,virtual reality(VR),and increased automation across the traveler experience,end to end.The change created:AI will allow for advances in predictive

60、transport maintenance and automated processes.Planes will be better able to predict when they need maintenance using AI,so flights wont be grounded.Security areas will need fewer staff members.Lines for food and duty-free will be shorter.THE FUTURE FORCETechnological innovationTHE FUTURE FORCEArtifi

61、cial Intelligence(AI)advancementsTechnology will continue to be a major driver of a very different experience of travel across the entire travel journey.Nick Turner,Founder,Stratforma Strategic Advisory AIs impact on travel is huge.Both on the consumer behavior side and on the technology prediction

62、side,mostly making customer experiences more pleasant.Frank Schirrmeister,Senior Group Director,Solutions and Ecosystem,Cadence Design SystemsKnowing the context around why people are traveling means we can make traveling better for them.So,if we know people are traveling for work,we will know to ch

63、arge their business card not the personal one.But we need people to give us their data,so we know their traveling context.People will be more likely to share such data with us if they know theyre going to get something useful in return.The change created:The sharing of more forms of data will lead t

64、o more personalized and contextualized travel experiences.THE FUTURE FORCEData developmentsPaul Wilkinson,Product Leader,DeliverooTRAVELER TRIBES 2033 16*After exposure to a description of what travel in 2033 could be like(based on expert interview insights&future priming)How will travelers feel abo

65、ut trips in 2033?%of travelers stating travel in 2033 makes them feelOnly a mix of:excited,empowered and comfortableA mix of excited,empowered,comfortable AND scared,concerned,frustrated and controlled Only a mix of:scared,concerned,frustrated and controlled 40%30%30%We showed travelers a written de

66、scription of what travel in 2033 will be like if these future forces create the changes experts predict10.We then asked travelers how this made them feel.Of these travelers,40%are positive about a 2033 where traveling reflects expert predictions.These travelers feel excited,empowered,and even comfor

67、ted.But 30%of travelers voice negative reactions.They feel only scared,concerned,frustrated,and/or controlled.TRAVEL IN 2033Exciting&empowering vs.concerning&controlling10 Full written description available in Appendix 1:Description of travel in 2033The change created:Sustainability is a collaborati

68、ve effort aimed at creating long term impact.This means travelers,governments,businesses,and other organizations are aiming to reduce the negative impact of their travels on the planet.This will result in increased demand for sustainable travel and more efficient and sustainable modes of transport.W

69、e need to include sustainability as part of our DNA,and act as responsible tourists.Its not only a matter of the private sector,or of the government,its also up to us as tourists.Natalie Bayona,Director of Innovation,Education and Investments,UNWTO The change created:The COVID-19 pandemic THE FUTURE

70、 FORCEPost-pandemic preferences Theres an interest in more community-based tourism,which at the heart of it is more authentic,its more driven and created with the local community.Liz Ortiguera,CEO,Pacific Asia Travel Association THE FUTURE FORCESustainability sensitivitiescreated a demand for authen

71、tic,meaningful travel that improves our well-being.That demand will continue to grow.TRAVELER TRIBES 2033 17Whats causing travel in 2033 to evoke such conflicting sentiments?The answer lies in the trade-offs between what makes travelers excited about travel in 2033 and what makes them concerned.We e

72、xplored these by asking travelers to identify:The three positive aspects of travel in 2033(from nine)that excite them the mostThe three negative aspects of travel in 2033(from nine)that concern them the mostTraveler trade-offs in 2033Traveling to destinations will be quickerConcerns about travels co

73、stTechnology reducing problemsFears about cyber security AI will remove frictionAn overreliance on dataThe chance to travel more sustainablyThe cost of sustainable travelTRAVELER TRIBES 2033 18Faster travel to destinations is what excites travelers most about trips in 2033.But faster travel also cre

74、ates fears of increased costs:travelers third-greatest concern about travel in 2033.Travelers are excited that technology might reduce problems when they travel in 2033.But this also prompts concerns about cyberattacks and data security:travelers top concerns about travel 2033.Travelers know that AI

75、 can help personalize trips and reduce their planning time.However,this all requires data.And dependency on datacoupled with fears about how safe data handling isconcerns travelers.The chance to travel more sustainably is 35%of travelers main source of excitement for travel in 2033.However,34%of tra

76、velers are concerned that more sustainable travel will cost more.Future forces are important in shaping travels future.But theres more to consider.TRADE-OFF 1Fast vs.frugalTRADE-OFF 2Reducing problems vs.one big problemTRADE-OFF 3Super smooth vs.dependent on dataTRADE-OFF 4Sustainable vs.not afforda

77、ble TRAVELER TRIBES 2033 19How will travelers react to future developments?TRAVELER TRUTHSFuture forces will be important in shaping travel in 2033.But how people react to these forces is even more important.Will future forces change traveler behavior or trigger resistance?Will they create new habit

78、s or strengthen existing ones?The answer to these questions lies in understanding human thinking and behaviortravelers traitsand linking this understanding to future forces.Doing so creates traveler truths,and we need to understand both the importance of these truths and how theyll impact 2033s trav

79、eler journey.TRAVELER TRIBES 2033 20Travelers reaction to future forces Traveler truths are important,as they combine the two areas key to understanding travelers in 2033:To uncover 2033s traveler truths lets start by understanding 2033s traveler experience from start to finish.TRAVELER TRUTHSFuture

80、 forces Traveler traits these will shape the environment in which travel will take place in 2033knowing how travelers think and make decisions within the environment created by future forcesThe traveler experience The travelerAccommodationPaymentMemoriesThe purposePlanningTransportTRAVELER TRIBES 20

81、33 21and thats a driver A younger,internationally minded demographic will be 2033s most frequent and enthusiastic travelers.This is partly because theres a greater chance these travelers will have global families,leading to more travel.Thats why 48%of travelers say that“trips to see their family/fri

82、ends”will be more frequent in 2033.Experts predict 2033s travelers will be better informed about their travel plans,risks,and expected outcomes.Human understanding suggests this will evolve into a traveler truth.This is because 68%of travelers are prone to ambiguity aversion11.As a result,they prefe

83、r definite outcomes and look to avoid risks.Being well-informed will safeguard travelers from unnecessary and unknown risks.THE TRAVELERDemographics vs.psychographicsFamilies are spread trying to reconnect.Monika Wiederhold,Executive Vice President,Marketing&Digital Transformation,Travel Unit,Amadeu

84、smore and more around the globe,that moves people 11 Ambiguity aversion was measured by understanding if travelers would rather rent a jeep for a two-day excursion of 150220 miles priced at either a daily rate of 150/local currency equivalent,or a per-mile rental rate of 1.60/local currency equivale

85、nt per mile.Travelers who preferred the fixed rate are ambiguity averse.The future forces shaping who will travel in 2033 combine well with human understanding to suggest they are indeed traveler truths.Except one.And this is the assumption that Gen Z travelers will have different expectations vs.ot

86、her travelers.However,the traveler truth is that Gen Z value similar things about travel as other age groups.TRAVELER TRIBES 2033 22Are generational traveler priorities that different?Travel priorities for non-Gen Z travelers and Gen Z travelers scored between 0-100.O=least important.The memories I

87、makeThe places I visitValue for moneyThe people I travel withEnjoying something Ive planned myselfThe activities I doThe environmental impact I haveThe mode of transportation I useThe new people I meetThe digital content I create16.218.215.814.712.013.413.711.812.29.611.

88、TRAVELER TRIBES 2033 23The COVID-19 pandemic triggered future forces that will continue to change how and why people will travel in 2033.These changes will include more trips to reconnect with nature and loved ones,as well as more travel focused on improving health and well-being.This is because the

89、 COVID-19 pandemic created a scarcity of travel and human interaction.But how does this observation fit with the traits that influence how travelers make decisions?When something is in shorter supply,we assume its of greater value.COVID-19 created a previously unthinkable lack of travel opportunitie

90、s and chances to improve health and well-being.Given this alignment between a future force and human traits,its unsurprising that 60%of travelers believe there will be more trips to improve health and well-being in 2033.Another form of travel expected to grow in 2033 is trips that provide unique exp

91、eriences.The MAMAA(Meta,Alphabet,Microsoft,Amazon and Apple)companies have long fed this future force by using data to tailor what users see and believe.This targeted use of data to shape user experience also triggers a human trait known as the cocktail party effect:we filter out much of what were e

92、xposed to,but things with personal relevance grab our attention.This almost perfect This isnt to say Gen Z arent unique in other ways.David Halperns book Inside the Nudge Unit shows how habits do harden over time.And younger people are known to be more susceptible to others influence.12 But 2033s tr

93、aveler truth is that todays Gen Z wont evolve into being as unique as we think.THE PURPOSECOVID-19s consequences and a contextualization cocktailPLANNINGTechnology must embrace psychology As opposed to I need to get away,so Im going to a beach,”were seeing people saying,I want to reconnect,because,d

94、uring COVID-19,we had to disconnect.People crave community.Alana Dillette,Assistant Professor,School of Hospitality and Tourism Management,University of San Diegoalignment between future force and traveler traits means that in 2033,60%of travelers will be more likely than they are today to travel in

95、 search of unique and authentic experiences.How travelers plan trips in 2033 is where the future forces of technological innovation and AI advancement meet head-on with travelers psychological traits.These future forces must align with travelers psychological traits to complete technology adoptions“

96、last mile”.Consider technology and AIs role in planning trips.These can be helpful in providing travel inspiration and supporting trip planning.But this doesnt mean that travelers want to outsource trip planning to technology entirely.This reflects a bias known as the“IKEA effect”:people value the t

97、hings that they create themselves.Traveler sentiment bears this out:83%of travelers say that they want to contribute to planning their trips in 2033.Theres another reason travelers wont let technology own the trip-planning process in 12 Jennifer Wosmek,Bethanys Elevator Experiment,2011TRAVELER TRIBE

98、S 2033 24TRAVELER TRIBES 2033 252033.That reason is control.We like to be in control.We dont like to surrender it.Especially not to an algorithm in a world where human interaction is felt to signal safety and confidence.Thats why travelers state that AI,to be trusted to plan their travel,must be 61%

99、comparable to humans.However,travelers are concerned by AI thats 51%comparable to humans.Heres the truth:travelers enjoy planning trips.Theyre not going to leave it to AI entirely.The technology built must respect this desire if its to have a role in shaping travel in 2033.But what about specific em

100、erging technologies?People will be confident that AI can plan their travelPeople are concerned AI is too similar to humansThe AI planning paradox 100 AI is exactly like people0 AI is nothing like people60.650.7Super apps(apps that combine tools and content from all major apps)will allow travelers to

101、 travel more smoothly by having everything they need in one place.Super apps appeal to the fact that humans are cognitive misers:that is,we default to the easiest option.However,super apps will have to overcome the goal dilution effect.That is,the more singular something is in its purpose,the more e

102、ffective we believe it will be.Conversely,the broader the claim,the less likely we are to believe it.Given that super apps promises are sweeping and generalist,the goal dilution effect is a significant hurdle,especially as 72%of travelers are prone to it.13 In 2033,Virtual Reality(VR)and the Metaver

103、se will allow travelers to try trips out in the virtual world before signing up for the real thing.VR previews fit well with the human trait of loss aversion;we believe that VR previews will save us from making decisions we then regret.Hence,in 2033,51%of travelers expect to be using VR previews as

104、part of their planning process.13 Travelers are defined as being prone to the goal dilution effect if they prefer to use different apps with individual ability to plan specific parts of the trip vs.one general app with broad expertise to plan all parts of the trip.TRAVELER TRIBES 2033 261.The say-do

105、 gap the discrepancy between what we say well do and what we do.Does this mean that peoples stated intent to travel more sustainably in 2033 wont translate to new behaviors?2.The bystander effect we often neglect to act in the face of a problem when we expect that others will act.Might travelers thi

106、nk that adopting sustainable travel methods in 2033 is others responsibility?3.The bias toward“smooth”travel travelers have a clear desire for maximally efficient travel processes.Will they accept travel that they perceive to move more slowly(despite some forms of sustainable travel being smoother t

107、han traditional options)or takes additional steps?Richard Chataway,BVA Nudge Unit,Author of the Behavior BusinessWhen you look at specific behaviors related to sustainability,the things that people are willing to do are things they alreadydo at home like recycling,topping using single use plastic,or

108、 using the same bedding for a week.As businesses,policy makers and governments continue to create options to travel sustainably,the future force of sustainability will likely keep its current momentum between now and 2033.But this future force collides head-on with three significant traveler traits:

109、TRANSPORTATIONBridging the gap between what travelers say and what they do about traveling sustainablyTRAVELER TRIBES 2033 27TRAVELER TRIBES 2033 28In short and setting aside the role of legislation to limit the negative impact of carbon emissions from aviation will these traveler traits play a role

110、 in preventing travelers from sharing the responsibility of more sustainable travel with other parts of the travel sector in 2033?Standby to be more sustainable?Or bystand to watch others act?%of travelers stating this is the most likely way people will travel more sustainably in 203334%28%19%11%8%T

111、ravel on a plane that uses biofuelRegularly use virtual meetings for work instead of travelling for in-person meetingsUse a carbon footprint calculator to measure my trips impact on the planetSupport a limit on how many miles of international travel people are allowedSometimes visit a destination vi

112、rtually instead of physicallyDependency on others to act/lesser impact on our own travel experienceTRAVELER TRIBES 2033 29ACCOMMODATIONNew accommodation to shake up the status quoThe future forces of authentic and eco-conscious travel will shape 2033s accommodation choices.In 2033,more real homes wi

113、ll be available as traveler accommodations,and eco-hotels will be more widely accessible.But travelers will only use these new accommodation forms if they overcome a psychological barrier:the status quo.The status quo bias means 62%of travelers prefer bigger,well-known brands to smaller,independent

114、brands.Research has shown that to compel people to choose a new proposition,it must offer 2.6 times the status quos value14.This creates the following traveler truth:In 2033,the accommodation status quo will remain.But new accommodation forms will have notable momentum.1.While 35%of travelers say th

115、at the chance to travel in more environmentally friendly ways in 2033 excites them,63%arent willing to pay more for a flight with biofuel.2.When shown five sustainable transport options in 2033,only 19%of travelers say theyre very likely to use one that requires them to act or make a notable and obv

116、ious sacrifice(by supporting a limit on how many miles of international travel people are allowed or sometimes visiting a destination virtually instead of physically).Is the truth that travelers are looking to others to take the lead in protecting the planet?Potentially.However,travelers arent expec

117、ting much help from AI on this front.Only 29%of travelers totally trust AI to plan their trips environmental impact.3.If slow travel(overnight services,autonomous cars,rail travel etc.)can create a positive experience,it will resonate with the 25%of travelers who are open to positive friction(where

118、an experience is slowed down and does not trigger a negative reaction).However,for 44%of travelers,being able to arrive even faster at their destinations is what excites them most about travel in 2033.14 Diana Britton,The Loss Aversion Coefficient,2015TRAVELER TRIBES 2033 30Accommodation in 2033:sta

119、tus quo vs.emerging forms%of travelers stating theyd prefer to stay in either an emerging form of accommodation or a status quo form of accommodation in 203357%43%57%61%74%43%39%26%Hotels that are carbon neutralHotels that are carbon positiveChain hotels Global hotel chainsHotelsBoutique hotels Loca

120、l hotel chainsOther peoples homesTRAVELER TRIBES 2033 31%of travelers stating theyd be very comfortable using payment format to pay for trips in 2033Payment for trips in 203341%37%32%28%27%27%26%An online payment system like PayPalA mobile payment system like Apple PayFree flight(but you pay for ext

121、ras e.g.,meals,parking,extra baggage,etc.)A facial recognition system that links your face to your bank account and takes paymentSubscription serviceVirtual payments within a virtual realityCryptocurrencyFighting familiarity bias PAYMENTThe future forces around payment methods center on those which

122、are appearing today.Cryptocurrency.Subscription models.Facial recognition payment systems.However,these payment methods must negotiate the human trait of familiarity bias(our tendency to stick to what we know)for people to adopt them.The fact that in 2033,only 41%of travelers will feel very comforta

123、ble paying for a trip via PayPal(launched in 2000),reveals the familiarity biass relevance to payment methods.Emerging forms of payment will still need time to build familiarity before travelers are comfortable using them.This is because with familiarity comes trust.And with trust comes the comfort

124、to use new payment methods openly for others to see.And once people see others behaving in a certain way,theyre likely to also behave like that(social proof).TRAVELER TRIBES 2033 32TRAVELER TRIBES 2033 33MEMORIESMetaverse=memory-verseTRAVELER TENSIONSIs this human reaction going to be universal and

125、consistent?The historical grouping methods The evolved grouping methods of 2033The future forces of innovation in VR,Augmented Reality(AR),and the Metaverse mean travelers will be able to create more vivid memories in 2033.This resonates perfectly with a deep traveler trait of wanting to make memori

126、es.Among various motivators for traveling,“making memories”is three times more important to travelers than either the people they meet or the mode of transport they use.Therefore,in 2033,AR and VR will be travelers preferred way of remembering trips:54%claim that they would prefer using these new te

127、chnologies as memory aids to using physical photos or social media content.Its wrong to assume that nearly two billion travelers will react to 2033s future forces in Whether people travel for“business or leisure”doesnt define who they are or what they do on their trip.Yes,their trips core purpose mi

128、ght explain their travel behavior to some extent.Yet it doesnt entirely explain why they make travel-related decisions.Or how they think about the future.Demographic grouping has similar limitations,as weve seen via comparisons of different age groups motivations for traveling.Where people livetheir

129、 cultural contextgoes further in explaining their behavior.Hofstedes cultural index demonstrates how varied cultural values are(e.g.,that the UK is twice as likely to foster virtues of long-term rewards instead of short-term gains compared to the US).To understand travel in 2033,we must move away fr

130、om defining groups by the simplest possible parameters.We must use Traveler Tribes instead of general customer segments,or demographic brackets.Weve done this before in 2006 and 2015.In doing so we identified electronic traveler identification,biometrics,super apps,social media and smart technologie

131、s as key drivers of transformation.But what are Tribes?Tribes define themselves by shared ideologies.Connected ways of thinking.Common attitudes.And identifying Traveler Tribes will allow us to better understand,and prepare for,travel in 2033.But how do we decide what ideology,ways of thinking,and a

132、ttitudes will form 2033s Traveler Tribes?Our proposal is to create Traveler Tribes based on their shared attitudes to the future forces that will affect travel in 2033,and on their shared human traits,which will drive their behavior.Shared attitudes and shared human traits both have a unique value i

133、n understanding future traveler behavior.Shared attitudes toward the future will foreshadow how they will react 15 This number reflects how many travelers the 10,345 sample for our survey represents(1.947bn travelers)the same way.Likewise,its wrong to assume that these forces will prompt two billion

134、 unique reactions15.Thats why the travel sector has historically grouped travelers together.However,the time has come to evolve how we do this.TRAVELER TRIBES 2033 34to 2033s reality.Shared human traits,which influence how we make decisions,are timeless.For example,Muzafer Sherif created the concept

135、 of social proofthe idea that we copy others actionsin 1935.16 Today,e-commerce is dominated by the 5-star review concept,which employs the very same thinking.TRAVELER TRIBESWho are 2033s Traveler Tribes?To create 2033s Traveler Tribes,we assessed 215 attitudinal and human traits on which Traveler T

136、ribes could be based.Then,having analyzed 1.15 million data points,we created 43 potential sets of Traveler Tribes.Of these,we found four Traveler Tribes that were truly distinct:whose distinctiveness is largely explained by their attitudes towards 2033s future forces and human traits,not by factors

137、 like cultural differences and age.Lets understand 2033s Traveler Tribes further.We will do this by learning:Understanding our Traveler Tribes in these areas will help us learn about not only what excites and concerns them but also what the travel sectors relationship with them should be in 2033.Sho

138、uld it be a relationship of support,helping them navigate travels new reality?Or one of partnership,acting as messengers to endorse the sectors new ways of working?Lets review and understand our Traveler Tribes one by one,then evaluate the relationship we should have with them.16 Muzafer Sherif,A St

139、udy in Some Factors of Social Perception,1935Who they are today so we can spot them and see their evolution between 2023 and 2033 How they think to learn the reasons behind their future behavior Their outlook on travel in 2033 to find out how we deliver on their aspirations and quell their concerns

140、How they will travel in 2033 to uncover their unique traveler journeysMeet their members to understand the lives of people within 2033s Traveler Tribes and how Traveler Tribes are brought to life in different parts of the worldTRAVELER TRIBES 2033 35Excited about travel in 2033Concerned about travel

141、 in 2033The travel sector needs their support in 2033(as a messenger to endorse travels new reality)Need the travel sectors support in 2033(to help navigate travels new reality)Pioneering Pathfinders845mnTravel Tech-fluencers290mnMemory Makers329mnExcited Experientialists483mnTraveler Tribes 2033A V

142、IEW OF THETRAVELER TRIBES 2033 The%of travelersthat are in eachTraveler Tribe17%43%15%25%Memory MakersPioneering PathfindersTravel Tech-fluencersExcited ExperientialistsThe 5 most important considerations for travelers The 5 things that excite travelers most about trips in 2033 The memories I makeTh

143、e people I travel withEnjoying something Ive planned myselfThe places I visitValue for money(from a list of 10)(%listing as one of the top three things which excite them most about trips in 2033,from a list of 9)That traveling to trip destinations will be quickerTo be able to remember trips in more

144、vivid waysThe chance to travel in more environmentally friendly ways That technology could reduce problems during tripsDifferent ways of paying for trips will make trips more affordable2345144%36%35%34%34%The technologies which will most interest travelers in 2033The 5 things that concern travelers

145、most about trips in 2033 METHODOLOGY Data is based on an online survey conducted by Northstar Research Partners in August 2022 with 10,345 travelers from 15 countries(Australia,China,France,Germany,India,Indonesia,Japan,Mexico,New Zealand,Singapore,Spain,Thailand,UAE,UK and US)who are likely to trav

146、el internationally in the next 3 years and have traveled internationally at least once in the last year (%listing as one of the top three things which concern them most about trips in 2033,from a list of 9)Being able to pay for trips by cryptocurrency,in a virtual reality or via facial recognitionCy

147、bersecurity attacks will be more frequent in 2033How safe the data people share will beTravel in 2033 will be unaffordablePolitical instability will mean its not possible to travel to some destinationsThat my travel trips will be more expensive if I want to be more environmentally consciousUsing dat

148、a to create relevant tripsBiometric data-to allow you quick access through passport controlApps which have everything I need to plan my travelVirtual reality preview tours1543244%41%36%36%34%TRAVELER TRIBES 2033 39Excited ExperientialistsMemory Makers Travel Tech-fluencers Pioneering Pathfinders Mee

149、t theExcited Experientialists Excited ExperientialistsTRAVELER TRIBES 2033 40Carefree&TODAYTHEIR THINKINGAn instinctive&impulsive mindset%stating they make decisions on instinct instead of information%stating they like to be impulsive instead of always having a planAll travelersAll travelers28%25%38

150、%34%Excited ExperientialistsExcited Experientialistsexperience heavy in 2023You only live once,or youll lose out The Excited Experientialists have a“try it and see”approach to life.44%of this Traveler Tribe dont live with children.The absence of commitment allows them to explore the world.They can a

151、fford to do this because 45%have a mid-to high-income and often have jobs which provide flexible working options.This allows the Excited Experientialists to try out new experiences.For example,in 2022,23%changed jobs,29%started learning a new language and 34%did volunteer work.This reflects a prefer

152、ence for experiences over materialism.Therefore,their awareness of most modern technologies doesnt translate into vast ownership of gadgets like VR headsets(compared to other Traveler Tribes).Its also why theyve traveled 38%more than other travelers in the last year.Excited ExperientialistsMemory Ma

153、kers Travel Tech-fluencers Pioneering Pathfinders Excited ExperientialistsTRAVELER TRIBES 2033 41once in this life.I know it soundsYOLO.Excited ExperientialistExcited Experientialistreally clich,but were hereThe Excited Experientialists are part of the YOLO(you only live once)movement.Living in the

154、moment is part of who they are.Thats why theyre more likely than other travelers to act on instinct rather than to do research before making a decision.Why?Because information constrains their thinking.Conversely,46%are open to ambiguity,which is 44%more than other Traveler Tribes.This is because am

155、biguity and the unknown excite them.They are 45%more likely than other travelers to consider negative impacts on their health and well-being as a secondary factor in decision-making.Travel for our Excited Experientialists is centered around seeking release from monotony.Theyre instinctive thrill see

156、kers who balk at routine.Excited Experientialists dont have a favored way for travel to develop in 2033.Theyre open to limitless possibilities which would at least be interesting or at best,exciting!Because theyre not future-focused,the Excited“Im not going to classify it as its going to be good;its

157、 going to be bad.Its going to be interesting.”Unsure but excitedTHEIR OUTLOOKExperientialists are unsure of what the future holds and how different it will be.23%of them think that travel in 2033 will be vastly different from today,while 51%think itll be similar.When shown what travel in 2033 could

158、be like,51%are excited about the possibilities.Excited ExperientialistsMemory Makers Travel Tech-fluencers Pioneering Pathfinders Excited ExperientialistsTRAVELER TRIBES 2033 42The Excited Experientialists 2033 traveler experience The Excited Experientialists will be keeping their 2033 travel option

159、s open.They prefer the freedom this offers compared to committed travel plans.To them,commitment doesnt equal excitement.Compared to other travelers,theyre less open to exploring travel in 2033 using a third party Open-minded and exploratory THE PURPOSE PLANNINGsuch as an online travel agent.This is

160、 because they say predictability removes excitement.Only 50%will share personal data with online travel agencies,who can plan trips based on earlier experiences or find new ones.This differs to other travelers who are less comfortable with ambiguity.Excited Experientialists are more instinctive.2033

161、s anti-planner Apps which have everything I need to plan my travelVirtual reality preview toursAugmented reality preview toursOnline travel agency websitesPrice comparison websitesSocial media reviewsAutomated suggestions based on my personal dataVerified guest reviewsVoice based search enginesAll t

162、ravelersExcited Experientialists36%36%51%32%45%37%44%34%44%34%42%30%39%30%38%29%36%52%likelihood planning tool will be used by all travelers and the Excited Experientialists in 2033 compared to other travelersExcited ExperientialistsMemory Makers Travel Tech-fluencers Pioneering Pathfinders Excited

163、ExperientialistsTRAVELER TRIBES 2033 43What are the tasks that take most of your time at the airport?Youre trying to find your way to the gate,then you end up standing in this long queue of securityThe Excited Experientialists thirst for unpredictability means theyre 2033s anti-planners.They will ha

164、ve 25%fewer planning touchpoints compared to other travelers.Some would even prefer to avoid the planning process completely.While theyre less likely than other travelers to trust technology for travel planning,theyre confident that itll save them time.They know that creating the perfect trip means

165、spending some time organizing and that using AI to help with this will allow them to get on with the fun part of traveling.But theres a downside to this.Using AI for trip planning comes with the risk of making trips more predictable.This removes the possibility of impromptu experiences and decreases

166、 excitement!An experimental mindset means that the Excited Experientialists are open to any new mode of transportation.But their view of the service experience is more focused.In 2033,they expect their time in transit to be an enjoyable experience rather than a logistics process.In 2033,the Excited

167、Experientialist will look for less predictable and more exciting accommodation experiences.Theyre the Traveler Tribe least likely to prefer global hotel chains over local brands,non-catered accommodation over catered accommodation and private homes over hotels in their search for unpredictable exper

168、iences.This is reflected further in what they expect from TRANSPORTATIONThe need for speedACCOMMODATION The excitement economy Every part of transit is to be about enjoyment and comfort.Thats why the mode of transportation is 21%more important to them than other travelers.This means their key transp

169、ortation question in 2033 will be:what gets me to my destination as fast and as comfortably as possible?Thats why the prospect of swifter travel to destinations is what excites them most about travel in 2033.They want to be where the fun is fast.And this is where they want AI to help them.The Excite

170、d Experientialists are skeptical of AI as a planning tool.But they know its potential to speed up their airport experience.In 2033,the Excited Experientialists expect airports to use AI to help them get from the airport entrance to their end destination quickly.How?Speedy security.Nifty navigation.W

171、ith human help only being used as a backup.While speed matters,sustainability matters less.33%of Excited Experientialists(who think biofueled flights will be the best way to travel sustainably in 2033)believe biofueled flights should cost less than a jet fueled flight.But thats not to say that they

172、dismiss the notion of sustainable travel entirely.39%of them think the best way to travel sustainably is to support a limit on how many miles of international travel people are allowed.The Excited Experientialist is more open to this idea than any other Traveler Tribe.This reflects their awareness t

173、hat they travel too much.Or is it that when they travel,they want to do so in a carefree way?Excited ExperientialistExcited ExperientialistsMemory Makers Travel Tech-fluencers Pioneering Pathfinders Excited ExperientialistsTRAVELER TRIBES 2033 44Excited Experientialists“here and now”mindset means th

174、at 31%are concerned about subscription services to pay for travel in 2033.However,this isnt due to unfamiliarity since 41%of the group uses them now.Its because subscriptions mean predictability,which ties you down and curtails the ability to act instinctively.For Excited Experientialists,new forms

175、of payment should reduce admin time and allow them to get on with the fun side of traveling.Anything that gets in the way of enjoying their traveling experience to is avoided as much as possible.Thats the Excited Experientialists:Instinctive.Impulsive.They know they only live once,so why waste time

176、planning?Lets find out by hearing from two of them in more detail.PAYMENT In need of a substitute for subscription eco-hotels.The Excited Experientialists are the Traveler Tribe most comfortable for ecohotels to not provide them with accommodation essentials in the search to try something new.30%wil

177、l use the same towels/sheets if staying under a week,27%will have showers limited to 5 minutes in length and 17%are happy to fore go elevators.Excited ExperientialistsMemory Makers Travel Tech-fluencers Pioneering Pathfinders Excited ExperientialistsTRAVELER TRIBES 2033 45The Excited Experientialist

178、s want to seek out new experiences.Theyre driven by instinct.And have a YOLO philosophy.But that comes to life differently based on factors such as where they live and their life stage.To understand this more,lets meet two of them to understand who they are in more depth.Im more comfortable with the

179、 future of travel than I am excited.Thats because European culture means Im more reserved compared to my excitable counterparts.Im comfortable because I know that the future of travel means Ill have a better travel experience.All you need to do is look at how travel has improved while Ive been alive

180、 to see the progress.I can remember(just about!)going away with my family aged 12 and mobile boarding passes not existing.Now theyre the norm.In 2033 I envisage flying through airports without having to queue.With no delays.And being on the plane to get to where the fun of traveling REALLY happens A

181、SAP.Im the most excited of the Experientialists!I only have one chance to see the world.And Im excited that technology will reduce travel time and maximize the time I have,to do what I want.I emphasize“I”as in 2033 Ill be doing what I want,not what an algorithm suggests I should do.I welcome anythin

182、g that can help me with the admin side of my trip so I can get to where the adventure is,as long as it doesnt constrain me.Im an excited experientialist after all.I like to keep my options open.Thats why Ill go anywhere from Croatia to India.Travel for me is about getting out there and meeting new p

183、eople.And making once-in-a-lifetime memories to share with friends and family in the process.Thats not to say I like to plunge into the complete unknown.I still like to have a loose plan so I can make the most out of my trip,but it needs to give me freedom.Thats why I travel at least four times a ye

184、ar:routine irks me#YOLO.THE EXCITED EXPERIENTIALISTS Meet their membersThats not to say being in transit isnt fun.It is when you travel in a comfortable and enjoyable environment.From start to finish.I value this comfort as my daily life is so hectic,I rarely get breathing space.Hunting for the next

185、 big thing is tiring!Hanna,22,Germany Ricardo,31,Mexico EXCITED BUT RESERVED EXCITED TO THE MAXExcited ExperientialistsMemory Makers Travel Tech-fluencers Pioneering Pathfinders Excited ExperientialistsTRAVELER TRIBES 2033 46Meet the Memory MakersMemory Makers Excited ExperientialistsTravel Tech-flu

186、encers Pioneering Pathfinders TRAVELER TRIBES 2033 47The psychology of the Memory MakersHabitual TODAY%stating they are comfortable being on their own instead of preferring to be with others%stating they prefer to buy things in-person instead of buy onlineAll travelersAll travelers56%48%71%57%Memory

187、 MakersMemory Makersand happyin 202344%of Memory Makers are aged 42 or older.This means theyre habitual,indicated by a 70%preference for familiar technologies over 30%preference for new and emerging ones.This extends into their experience as well.Theyre less likely to have changed jobs or sought out

188、 new vocational skills in the past year(compared to other Traveler Tribes)and have low to medium income levels.It also reinforces their preference for habit,and theyre 24%more loss averse than other travelers.This means the future is a daunting prospect for them.Memory Makers Excited Experientialist

189、sTravel Tech-fluencers Pioneering Pathfinders TRAVELER TRIBES 2033 48Im not really into Memory Makertechnology and gadgets.But I have the essentials,what I needfor myself.Memory Makers Memory Makers are comfortable with themselves,and 71%are comfortable being on their own.But thats not to say they d

190、ont like being with other people.Whom they travel with is 16%more important to them than it is to other Traveler Tribes.While the Memory Makers put people first,they place less emphasis on the planet and technology.57%of them say that sustainability doesnt dictate the decisions they make(compared to

191、 43%saying it does).The Memory Makers live in the moment.But in a very different way compared to the Excited Experientialists.They actively avoid change,and 41%think travel in 2033 will be similar or the same as it is today.When shown how much travel could change,they were unpleasantly surprised.Whe

192、reas 58%have no positive emotions toward travel in 2033,56%are concerned about it.And while theyll still travel in 2033,theyre likely to travel less than they do now if their concerns arent managed.Theyre equally uncomfortable with technology encroaching on their lives.They perceive it to be a repla

193、cement for the human mind and something that devalues human connections.THEIR THINKINGPeople first.Planet second.Technology?THEIR OUTLOOKlive in the moment or stuck in the moment?I dont think like Ive ever significantly inconvenienced myself for the sake of the planet.I feel like technology is repla

194、cing human beings.Initially,it was hard labor,now its replacing our minds and even our interpersonal connections,which is upsetting.Memory MakerMemory MakerExcited ExperientialistsTravel Tech-fluencers Pioneering Pathfinders TRAVELER TRIBES 2033 49Memory Makers Artificial intelligence and virtual re

195、ality.Both of those will have a place in future travel.I dont know that its necessarily for the better though.I think we keep sort of battling,giving up more information.And I feel like its a one-sided equation that we dont understand.If theres something AI knows I would enjoy,Id check it out,but ot

196、herwise,you just want to walk through the streets and find a quaint little shop.Memory MakerMemory MakerMemory MakerWhats behind this disapproval?Their simple travel needs are to visit nice places and to make memories there.Their lack of engagement with technology and disregard for sustainability ma

197、kes the Memory Maker intimidated by the future of travel.Memory Makers motivations for travel will simply be to make memories and visit places.Making memories are 15%more important to them than other travelers,and the places they The Memory Makers distrust technology and will be less likely than oth

198、er travelers to trust AI when planning their trip.This is because theyre less trusting of organizations using their personal data than other Traveler Tribes.As a result,only 35%of them want leisure travel to be largely planned by AI in 2033.Theyre particularly mistrustful when it comes to emerging f

199、orms of data and new ways of using personal information.Only 36%will share facial recognition data with transportation providers,and only 36%will share their calendars with Online Travel Agencies to suggest trips.However,they appreciate recommendations.Travel for this group is about making memories,

200、so anything that guides them to a destination where they can make new memories is welcomed.Despite their skepticism about technology,the Memory Makers are excited about VR and AR preview tours.57%of them will use VR tours before purchasing a trip.Given their low income and aversion to loss,justifyin

201、g value for money is key.The chance to immerse themselves is a further benefit.Theyd also like to see websites not apps The Memory Makers 2033 travel experienceTHE PURPOSESimple&valuable THE PLANNINGThe p-AI-ns of technologyvisit are 16%more important to them than other travelers.Thats why 40%of Mem

202、ory Makers are most excited by the prospect of being able to remember trips more vividly in 2033.Their simple purpose,combined with their income levels,will mean that value for money will be 13%more important to them than other Traveler Tribes.This also means that 38%are most excited by the prospect

203、 of travel becoming more affordable in 2033.Excited ExperientialistsTravel Tech-fluencers Pioneering Pathfinders TRAVELER TRIBES 2033 50which allow them to book everything in one place.They avoid switching between different or unfamiliar platforms because theyre not tech-savvy.Memory Makers Memory M

204、akers see transportation as a means to an end.The way they travel is 33%less important to them than it is to other travelers.In 2033,the prospect of arriving at their destination faster is the most exciting part of travel for 53%of them.This excites them more than other travelers and reflects their

205、desire for simplicity and to get to the places where memories are made.Sustainability doesnt influence their travel plans in any significant way.They place responsibility on large corporations to manage climate change,rather than on individuals.And certainly not on themselves.The Memory Makers will

206、question technologys role in 2033s airport.But theyll accept automation.And know that digital processes and AI will make things more efficient.However,theyre unsure how this will change their experience.A more automated travel experience is seen as an inbound inevitability rather than an incredible

207、innovation.The Memory Makers are likely to be traveling in 2033 to improve their well-being while working remotely.This will mean theyre more likely to prefer:1)rural over urban accommodations and 2)local hotel chains over global chains compared to other Traveler Tribes.These preferences will exist

208、because the Memory Makers know that lesser-known accommodation forms can create better memories.Conversely,TRANSPORTAI is inevitable.But not incredibleSo even now there are cubicles with officers checking you,but there are also spaces where you just scan your passport.We never go to that one even th

209、ough were curious,we go to the real person.I mean,its nice,its easy,but were not choosing it.Memory MakerACCOMMODATIONPreferring memory makers over data demands they know that larger hotel chains will rely heavily on technology.This wont resonate well with them,as less than half of them will be will

210、ing to share fingerprint data to gain access to their accommodations or to personalize their stay.They will also be reluctant to share more intrusive forms of data(like biometric and facial recognition information)although theyre as likely as other travelers to share data forms with which they are a

211、lready familiar.Excited ExperientialistsTravel Tech-fluencers Pioneering Pathfinders TRAVELER TRIBES 2033 51The Memory Makers view on data%stating theyre willing to share data in the given context in 2033All travelersMemory MakersVaccination status-Airports,train stations and harbor authorities-To a

212、llow you to check-in and board quicklyKnown forms of dataEmerging forms of dataIdentity documentation-Government agencies-To allow you to check-in and board quicklyFingerprint data-Hotels-To allow easy access to hotel buildings,so you dont need to carry a key aroundFacial recognition data-Airlines/t

213、rain/cruise providers-To create meals like your earlier meals with that airline58%57%51%61%60%45%45%36%Memory Makers Excited ExperientialistsTravel Tech-fluencers Pioneering Pathfinders TRAVELER TRIBES 2033 52Im willing to share.The Memory Makers low engagement with technology means that theyll be l

214、ess comfortable than other Traveler Tribes with using cryptocurrency and facial recognition payment in 2033.They still wont be familiar with the technology and will be concerned about the invasion of privacy and oversharing of their personal data.But all isnt lost.New payment methods will excite the

215、 Memory Makers if they make travel affordable.This will resonate with them because of the importance they place on value.But the combination of the promise of cheaper PAYMENTSPrivacy problems&a potential promise Theres a limit to Memory Makerhow much privacy I want to surrender and which data prices

216、 and unfamiliar technology will create further concerns about the plausibility of such payments.Thats the Memory Makers:cautious and conservative,but with glimmers of hope that theyll be more open to the incoming changes to travel.These glimmers of hope can be seen by looking at two of their members

217、 in more detail.Memory Makers Excited ExperientialistsTravel Tech-fluencers Pioneering Pathfinders TRAVELER TRIBES 2033 53The Memory Makers want to make memories and visit places.Theyre unconvinced that travels future in 2033 will excite them.But by looking at the two ends of their tribal spectrum t

218、hose most and least positive about travel in 2033,we can see the aforementioned glimmer of hope.I know change is coming.And change is uncomfortable too many unknowns are disconcerting.Inertia is my default setting.But thats not to say change cant be good.Especially when it comes to travel.For exampl

219、e,as much as I prefer things Im familiar with,Im not going to miss the chance to create better travel memories with VR technology,for example,if that becomes possible.I live for today,not the future.But the fact is,in 2033,some technology will be my reality.Another example of this is new ways of pay

220、ing for things.Im not keen on using things like cryptocurrency currently.But if in 2033 everyone else is using it,Ill likely follow suit.In my mind technology has become too intrusive already.Why do we want to allow it to play an even bigger role in our lives?Especially when it comes to travel.For m

221、e travel is about the people you travel with and the places you visit.Im not what youd call a risk taker,but I like learning about history and culture.I rarely travel solo(but Im comfortable enough with my own company to do so).And I like trips where I can see four or five places in one go maximum m

222、emories and great value!Its this combination of people and places which help you create long-lasting memories that you can look back upon for moments of instant happiness.But I do understand that theres some technology that can make the travel experience better for me.Im sure technology can help red

223、uce delays and capture special moments when Im traveling.Does that mean Im comfortable using it?Not necessarily.My own memory is more reliable than VR.And why should I trust AI to plan a trip thatll be memorable and give me what I want?But as much as it worries and frustrates me,part of me knows I s

224、hould accept that further technological intrusion on travel IS happening.For better or for worse.THE MEMORY MAKERSMeet their membersNick,27,ThailandAntoine,47,FranceUNCOMFORTABLE BUT NOT CLOSED TO CHANGE INWARD AND SLIGHTLY PESSIMISTICEspecially if using new ways of paying for travel makes it more a

225、ffordable.Because,to be honest,the cost of travel currently is a big worry for me,and as a freelancer its not like I have money to burn.So,you could say Im quite pragmatic.While the thought of this unknown technology is instinctively quite daunting,if it removes barriers to making happy memories,I c

226、an get on board.Memory Makers Excited ExperientialistsTravel Tech-fluencers Pioneering Pathfinders TRAVELER TRIBES 2033 54Memory Makers Excited ExperientialistsTravel Tech-fluencers Pioneering Pathfinders Meet the Travel Tech-fluencers Travel Tech-fluencers TRAVELER TRIBES 2033 55From business trave

227、lers in 2023 to the future mindful balancersThe Travel Tech-fluencers are todays young business travelers.Of this group,48%are under the age of 32,and three quarters of them travel for business meetings.Theyve a moderate income but are confident itll increase.Why?Because theyre looking out for oppor

228、tunity,and they have a forward-facing perspective on life.They hope this will propel their careers and income upwards.Their progressive perspective on life is symbolized by how much technology they own(like VR headsets)to their use of cryptocurrency.But the Travel Tech-fluencers dont buy technology

229、just for the sake of buying it.73%own a wellness app,which reflects a recent change in their lifestyles in the last year(2022).These changes include starting a new sport(56%)and donating money to charity(57%).This shows that the Travel Tech-fluencers progressive perspective has caused them to start

230、thinking about how they can best care for themselves and others sooner rather than later in their lives.On the surface,the Travel Tech-fluencers are confident go-getters,but beneath the surface theres a different story with two sides:THEIR THINKINGThe Travel Tech-fluencers two sides40%say they arent

231、 afraid of risk.Their adoption of new technologies suggests this but compared to other travelers theyre less open to variable rewards17.Of the Traveler Tribe,70%are averse to ambiguity.Additionally,81%like to have a plan(rather than act on instinct)to the extent that they say in their own words“we n

232、eed to be in control”,which is a common sign of anxiousness and uncertainty.82%of the Travel Tech-fluencers claim that sustainability dictates their decisions.That is until sustainability inconveniences them by having to invest significant amount of their own time and money to be sustainable.They go

233、 as far as to say:“carbon is increasing and harming the environment.A bad environment is bad for us.”Unerring uncertainty Sparing sustainability Both sides of the Travel Tech-fluencers are evident in their view of traveling in 2033.TODAYTravel Tech-fluencers 17 Travelers are defined as being open to

234、 variable rewards if theyre more likely to sign-up to a hotel reward scheme that gives them a free night in either a 2-star or 4-star hotel(chosen randomly)for every 10 nights they book than a hotel reward scheme that gives them a free night in a 3-star hotel for every 10 nights they book.Memory Mak

235、ers Excited ExperientialistsPioneering Pathfinders TRAVELER TRIBES 2033 5653%of Travel Tech-fluencers think travel in 2033 will be different than it is today.This provokes two feelings.Their inner,confident go-getter is excited.But the unerring uncertainty that concerns the Travel Tech-fluencers mea

236、ns that 54%of them have both positive and negative emotions about travel in 2033.Their mixed feelings about 2033s technology cause this angst,as demonstrated by the things that both excite and concern them most about travel in 2033.The avid,planning Travel Tech-fluencers are excited that AI will mak

237、e planning travel in 2033 We see a total overhaul of travel in 2033.And technology will aid this.THEIR OUTLOOKTorn about technologyTravel Tech-fluencerTravel Tech-fluencers Memory Makers Excited ExperientialistsPioneering Pathfinders TRAVELER TRIBES 2033 57Travel Tech-fluencers Memory Makers Excited

238、 ExperientialistsPioneering Pathfinders The Travel Tech-fluencers two-sided view of 2033%stating how travel in 2033 makes them feelConcernedScaredEmpoweredComfortableFrustrated18%42%8%49%24%26%38%36%19%7%41%ControlledExcited75%48%40%All travelersTravel Tech-fluencersTRAVELER TRIBES 2033 58In 2033,th

239、e Travel Tech-fluencers will define themselves by what theyre less likely to do.Theyre less likely to be traveling for business or to see friends(compared to other types of trips they are making).Instead,theyre more likely to be riding the wave of new forms of travel,which will include doing differe

240、nt things and having unique experiences.It reflects their preference for the new and novel vs.the tried and tested.The two sides of the avid planning Travel Tech-fluencers resurface in how they will plan travel The Travel Tech-fluencers like all travelers will remain loyal airplane users in 2033.But

241、 their expectations about air travel will increase.They expect VR or AR navigational aids to assist them in airports as part of a streamlined travel experience.They want airports to be defined by automation and having large numbers of airport staff will be a signal that technology has stalled.But th

242、eir usage of air travel once again highlights The Travel Tech-fluencers 2033 travel experience faster and reduce problems.But more than any other travelers they fear the risk of cyber-attacks and are concerned about their datas safety.THEIR PURPOSE new and novel trumps tried and testedPLANNING Polar

243、ization prevails TRANSPORTAutomated airports required.Sparing sustainability resurfacesTravel Tech-fluencers how they view sustainability.For example,the Travel Tech-fluencers are prepared to pay more for biofueled flights.However,often this wont be at a cost to themselves given the higher probabili

244、ty that theyll be traveling for business(compared to other Traveler Tribes).And while 25%of the Travel Tech-fluencers think using virtual meetings rather than traveling for in-person meetings will be the best method for sustainability in 2033,72%of these Travel Tech-fluencers will switch to in-perso

245、n meetings if virtual attendance slowed their career down,71%would change their minds if doing so increased productivity.Additionally,59%would change to an in-person meeting if their manager were in attendance.in 2033.On one hand,87%will trust AI to plan all elements of their trip.75%will use VR pre

246、view tours,and 75%will use super apps.But the Travel Tech-fluencers couple this with the concern and uncertainty they have about having a different travel reality.Why will they be the most likely Traveler Tribe to still use a high street travel agency in 2033?Why will 68%of them still use social med

247、ia reviews?And why will they prefer using AI to plan their work trips rather than their personal trips?Because as avid planners,they crave control.And they arent as willing to relinquish that control to technology as their confident exterior suggests.Memory Makers Excited ExperientialistsPioneering

248、Pathfinders TRAVELER TRIBES 2033 59ACCOMMODATION Status quo accommodation and personalizationPAYMENTCurrency,confidence and(dis?)comfort The Travel Tech-fluencers claim to want authentic accommodation options,where they can experience life“like a local.”But again,their outward confidence wont transl

249、ate into new behaviors.In 2033,the Travel Tech-fluencers accommodation habits will stay the same.But while the Travel Tech-fluencers will continue to stay in global hotel chains,they expect these chains to share their progressive mindset.68%are willing to supply fingerprint data to allow easy room a

250、ccess and to have their room configured in a personalized way.The Travel Tech-fluencers show some sustainability sensitivities in their method of travel.But less when it comes to where theyll be staying.They are no more likely than other travelers to prefer carbon-neutral over carbon-positive hotels

251、.And theyre less likely than other travelers to value elements of an eco-hotel that involve self-sacrifice like reusing towels and sheets for short stays and having a five-minute time limit for showers.The Travel Tech-fluencers are ahead of the curve when it comes to using cryptocurrency(69%own curr

252、ently)and subscription payments(57%currently use).This means that in 2033 theyll be more comfortable paying for travel using these methods than most.But their outward confidence is again questionable.In 2033,the Travel Tech-fluencers will still be using PayPal and Apple Pay instead of other emerging

253、 payment methods.Why?Their data security concerns play a role.Or are they only concerned about using technology to make large payments?This would explain why 54%have used a mobile payment system in 2022 but only 54%will feel very comfortable paying for a trip using the same method in 2033?Thats the

254、Travel Tech-fluencers:progressive and confident on the surface.But quietly cautious inside.With technology always on the mind.The business and leisure travelers in the Tribe both have the same psychological aspirations and fears about travel in 2033.But they have different views on technologys role

255、within it.To find out more,lets hear from two of them.Travel Tech-fluencers Memory Makers Excited ExperientialistsPioneering Pathfinders TRAVELER TRIBES 2033 60The Travel Tech-fluencers&polarizing payments%of Travel Tech-fluencers stating own/have used in 2022%of Travel Tech-fluencers saying they fe

256、el very comfortable using to pay for travel in 2033Travel Tech-fluencers 54%57%54%43%43%69%Mobile paymentsSubscription payments CryptocurrencyMemory Makers Excited ExperientialistsPioneering Pathfinders TRAVELER TRIBES 2033 61Im driven and ambitious.Traveling for me is an extension of that.Its eithe

257、r a way of finding new business opportunities or attending seminars.Or if Im lucky(!)a reward for my hard work.As a Type A personality,planning is important to me.Even though I dont find it a chore,I trust AI to make this part of my traveling life easier.In fact,itll be the key factor in improving m

258、y travel experience.Ill still be traveling for business meetings then(although less than I do now),and Ill have a senior role in my company.This will be great for my income.And will allow me to pursue even more of my aspirations.But business travel will be a strain on my time and work-life balance a

259、nd my time will become even more valuable.Fortunately,AI will reduce the pressures of business travel by taking charge of my transport plans,no matter how big or small my journey is.I see technology AI and others as a solution to the problems we face when travelling.In 2033 technology will improve e

260、ven more.I have high expectations for technologys role in travel.But my biggest request is a simple one:eradicate inconvenience.Allow me to reach my destination and indulge in my true passion:discovery and exploration.From AR preview tours to narrow down the choice,to a completely automated airport,

261、nothing scares me off.Apart from threats to my data security.Id like to add a sense of balance to what is otherwise a hyper-technological travel experience.I strive for balance in every aspect of my life.Yes I want to combine work and leisure.But in the future,Ill be doing this less as I seek new an

262、d different travel experiences.THE TRAVEL TECH-FLUENCERSMeet their membersPriya,29,India,business traveler Anna,41,Singapore,leisure traveler USES AI TO PLAN BUSINESS TRAVEL EXPECTS TECHNOLOGY TO SOLVE TRAVEL PROBLEMS Travel Tech-fluencers Memory Makers Excited ExperientialistsPioneering Pathfinders

263、 TRAVELER TRIBES 2033 62Meet the PioneeringPathfindersPioneering Pathfinders Travel Tech-fluencers Memory Makers Excited ExperientialistsTRAVELER TRIBES 2033 63Progressive in 2023 but becoming more sensitiveTODAYThe Pioneering Pathfinders life is now in full swing.82%of this Traveler Tribe are betwe

264、en the ages of 23 and 41,and 68%live with their partners and children.Their above-average income lets them live a progressive,fast-paced life,always looking for their next big adventure.Theyre forward looking because over 50%own a VR headset,NFT,or smart speaker(much higher ownership compared to oth

265、er Traveler Tribes).And theyre fast paced because theyre open to calculated risk.Thats why 43%have invested in stocks/shares and 65%own cryptocurrency.Pioneering Pathfinders dont buy technology for show.They consider functionality too.For example,68%own a smart fitness tracker.This is because they k

266、now they need to manage their fast-paced lives,especially with a family to care for.As a result,79%say that health and well-being dictate their decisions.Despite their fast-paced lifestyle,the Pioneering Pathfinders have an emerging sensitive side.They care about the planet already in 2023,42%own an

267、 electric car.And theyre more likely than other Traveler Tribes to volunteer in their local community.Pioneering Pathfinders Travel Tech-fluencers Memory Makers Excited ExperientialistsTRAVELER TRIBES 2033 64Pioneering Pathfinders=Sustainability Superheroes%stating sustainability dictates their deci

268、sions instead of doesnt dictate themTravel priorities of environmental impact scored between 0-100(of 10 potential priorities)All travelersAll travelers59%7.271%9.1Pioneering PathfindersPioneering PathfindersThe Pioneering Pathfinders are less loss averse than other Traveler Tribes18.Thats why theyr

269、e more likely to say theyre not afraid of risk and that they prefer new technology theyre not aware of.But they arent reckless.76%of the Pioneering Pathfinders like to have a plan.And 74%prefer to make decisions based on information vs.instinct.Their high income and openness to investing are evidenc

270、e of this.When not pioneering new technologies,the Pioneering Pathfinders focus their future thinking on sustainability.Sustainability is 20%more likely to dictate their decisions compared to other Traveler Tribes.Combined with their volunteer mindset and increased income,this results in the Pioneer

271、ing Pathfinders being willing and able to pay more for airplane journeys powered by biofuel and carbon-negative accommodation compared to other travelers.18 Travelers are defined as being loss averse if theyd prefer a planning app that would make their trip 15 minutes slower if they didnt download i

272、t vs.a planning app that would make the trip 15 minutes faster if they did download it.THEIR THINKINGInformed risk takers.Sustainability superheroes Pioneering Pathfinders Travel Tech-fluencers Memory Makers Excited ExperientialistsTRAVELER TRIBES 2033 65THEIR OUTLOOK ON TRAVEL IN 2033Delighted abou

273、t differenceTHEIR PURPOSEDiscovery.Discomfort.Disengagement.With a future-facing mindset,its unsurprising that 42%of Pioneering Pathfinders think that trips in 2033 will be different from today.Upon learning how travel in 2033 will be different,68%of the Pioneering Pathfinders are emotionally positi

274、ve.Theyre excited.Theyre empowered.And theyre comfortable.We shouldnt be surprised about this.Theyre excited that technology can reduce problems when traveling,and theyll be early adopters of the technology that will do this.The Pioneering Pathfinders feel empowered by the chance to travel in more e

275、nvironmentally friendly I feel that technology would play a big,positive role.I dont exactly have the picture of how it will,but Im positive that it would erase health risk,human error,and make things better for travelers.Pioneering Pathfinderways.Understandable,given they place 26%more importance o

276、n their travels environmental impact compared to other travelers.And comfortable because theyre ahead of the game by already being aware of the technology that will shape travel in 2033.But how will this mindset and outlook shape their traveler journey in 2033?In 2033,the Pioneering Pathfinders will

277、 travel more than they do now.Unsurprising as travels future excites them so much.But three forms of trips will define them in 2033.These are trips that the Pioneering Pathfinders are both:1)most likely to do and 2)more likely to do vs.other travelers.To discover new cultures and have unique experie

278、nces 92%of Pioneering Pathfinders are more likely to travel for these reasons in 2033 than they are today.Thats one-third more than other travelers To get out of their comfort zone 89%of Pioneering Pathfinders are more likely to travel to get out of their comfort zone in 2033 than they are today.Aga

279、in,this is a third higher than other travelers.This reflects that the Pioneering Pathfinders are less loss averse than other travelers and will take informed risks19To improve health and well-being in 2023,the Pioneering Pathfinders will be in the middle of their lives.They know they need to manage

280、their well-being more actively.Thats why theyve started buying health trackers.But by 2033,their focus on well-being will mean 91%are likely to travel to focus on their health and well-being.Theyd go as far as to say:“my travel budget is part of my health and well-being budget.”Pioneering Pathfinder

281、s Excited ExperientialistsMemory Makers Travel Tech-fluencers TRAVELER TRIBES 2033 66PLANNINGPlain excited about planning 76%of Pioneering Pathfinders prefer having a plan to being impulsive,and theyre tech-savvy.Thats why 54%of them want AI to take a greater role than humans in planning leisure tra

282、vel in 2033.This is because they trust AI to plan all aspects of travel.This matters for the Pioneering Pathfinders.Given their fast-paced lives they see AI-based planning as a time-saving tool.This trust in technology extends to trust in data.Over half of the Pioneering Pathfinders will share data

283、about their earlier trips,medical history,and biometric profile with all relevant parties.From airlines to accommodation providers and healthcare providers.This is because AIs ability to help plan travel is what most excites the Pioneering Pathfinders about travel in 2033.AI will help save them time

284、.And it will reduce stress in their ongoing efforts to manage their well-being.But they also see the dangerous side of relying on technology such as data privacy risks and cybersecurity attacks.The Pioneering Pathfinders trust AI75%91%74%90%74%91%89%73%72%72%70%70%70%89%89%90%90%88%All travelersPion

285、eering Pathfinders%stating they trust AI to plan in 2033AccommodationInternational transport arrangements(to their country of destination)Local transport(once arrived at their country of destination)Passport renewalPersonalised travel insuranceWork events/meetingsMeals and entertainmentExperiential

286、activitiesA trips environmental impact19 Travelers are defined as being loss averse if theyd prefer a planning app that would make their trip 15 minutes slower if they didnt download it vs.a planning app that would make the trip 15 minutes faster if they did download it.Pioneering Pathfinders Travel

287、 Tech-fluencers Memory Makers Excited ExperientialistsTRAVELER TRIBES 2033 67TRANSPORTThe bio-high clubACCOMMODATIONBig brands.Soulful songs.Receiving recommendations The chance to travel in a more environmentally friendly way is one of the most exciting prospects about travel in 2033 for the Pionee

288、ring Pathfinders.They see airplane travel as being the most prevalent mode of long and short-distance transportation in 2033.But with a difference,in that 34%believe flights with biofuel will be the most prevalent way of traveling more sustainably in 2033.The Pioneering Pathfinders show their status

289、 as 2033s sustainability superhero as 83%are willing to pay more for a biofueled flight than a jet fueled one(on average 46%more)20.But the Pioneering Pathfinders see eco-friendlier plane travel as more than biofuel.They also consider what goes in the plane as well,and they arent willing to accept m

290、ore comfortable airline interiors if it comes at a cost to the planet.Thats why the Pioneering Pathfinders pro-sustainability attitude and high income take them from sustainability sayers to doers.The Pioneering Pathfinders 2033 accommodation preferences reinforce what we know about them.68%of them

291、will prefer global hotel chains compared to 32%that prefer local hotel chains.This reflects the 69%who prefer buying bigger,well-known brands to smaller independent brands.Within these hotels,the Pioneering Pathfinders will seek places that give them unique experiences.From hearing their favorite so

292、ng played as they enter their room to receiving experiential recommendations This extends to eco hotels where Pioneering Pathfinders expect sustainable accommodation to mirror their own sustainable behaviors.This means theyre more likely than other Traveler Tribes to expect eco hotels to only serve

293、organic food and only allow electronic cars in their car park.Pioneering Pathfinders Travel Tech-fluencers Memory Makers Excited Experientialists20 This is 83%of the 34%of Pioneering Pathfinders who believe that biofueled flights will be the most prevalent way of traveling sustainably in 2033 TRAVEL

294、ER TRIBES 2033 68PAYMENTThe future and the familiar 65%of the Pioneering Pathfinders already own cryptocurrency.Its not surprising that this means they will be very comfortable using all forms of alternative payment methods in 2033.Compared to other travelers theyre very comfortable paying for trave

295、l in cryptocurrency and within a virtual reality products many of them own already in 2023.Thats the Pioneering Pathfinders:Half sustainability superheroes.Half technology trailblazers.The Traveler Tribe wholl make sustainable travel trendy and encourage others to embrace technology.To understand th

296、ese two elements of the Pioneering Pathfinders,lets speak to two of their members.Sustainability is a hot and sensitive topic for me.Hot because I know Ive a part to play alongside others in safeguarding our planets future.Sensitive because traveling is a big part of my life.And while I want to expe

297、rience everything the world has to offer;I worry about my impact on the environment.Its something Ive really started paying attention to,and I already make small changes where I can.Ill pay more for sustainable travel like biofuel flights or electric cars.Or do virtual instead of physical meetings f

298、or work.Im sure technology will be a key part of a more sustainable travel future.Ive faith itll help me and everyone else minimize the impact their travel has on the planet.While technology will help,what people need to understand is that in the future not being conscious of sustainability will be

299、a stain on your image.Being environmentally conscious is fashionable today.But tomorrow itll be the status quo.THE PIONEERING PATHFINDERMeet their membersScott,31,USASUSTAINABILITY SUPERHERO Pioneering Pathfinders Travel Tech-fluencers Memory Makers Excited ExperientialistsTRAVELER TRIBES 2033 69Tec

300、hnology is going to continue to improve how smooth our travel experience is.I emphasize“continue”as technology has been doing this for a long time.I just dont think everyone recognizes it!My hope is that as technology keeps improving how we travel;people learn to trust it more like I do.People need

301、to realize just how smart AI is already.But more importantly,how smart itll become.Its also vital that we acknowledge technology isnt ONLY about efficiency.Technology is also a force for physical and environmental good.Just look at how technology is letting us be better managers of our own wellbeing

302、.And travel more sustainably.And yes,technology isnt risk free.Itd be nave to pretend things like cyber-crime and data breaches dont exist.Because they do.But everything involves a risk.We just need to ensure the risks of using technology in travel are informed risks.They are currently.And I dont th

303、ink this will change!Malee,26,ThailandTECHNOLOGY AFICIONADO Pioneering Pathfinders Travel Tech-fluencers Memory Makers Excited ExperientialistsTRAVELER TRIBES 2033 70What should the relationship between the travel sector and our Traveler Tribes be?The Excited Experientialists instinctive and open mi

304、ndset gives the travel sector both fantastic opportunity and challenges.Opportunity because theyre likely to show interest in future travel options.This means we will have the chance to win them over.But their single-minded pursuit of excitement also gives us a great challenge.It means their evoluti

305、on will be hard to predict.And that theyre likely to eschew our efforts to help plan travel viewing it as replacing excitement with predictability,that is,NOT a way to create a better trip experience.Thats why the Excited Experientialists need our support.They need educating about how travel innovat

306、ions can offer a better experience without reducing the excitement they find in travel.That planning and predictability can be exciting.That you dont have to give up travel completely in order to travel sustainably.And that subscription services dont mean signing up to sameness.THE EXCITED EXPERIENT

307、IALISTS We need to tell them the future is funTRAVELER TRIBES TOMORROWTRAVELER TRIBES 2033 71Convince them technology is trustworthy and that sustainability is essentialShow them the future is fun and thatinnovation wont kill spontaneity Excited about travel in 2033Concerned about travel in 2033The

308、travel sector needs their support in 2033(as a messenger to endorse travels new reality)Need the travel sectors support in 2033(to help navigate travels new reality)Pioneering Pathfinders845mnTravel Tech-fluencers290mnMemory Makers329mnExcited Experientialists483mnwith our Traveler TribesOUR RELATIO

309、NSHIPOur cool courier to sell sustainable travelOur technology endorsers and collaboration companion TRAVELER TRIBES 2033 72THE MEMORY MAKERS The Traveler Tribe with whom we need to build trustTHE TRAVEL TECH-FLUENCERS Our technology endorsers and collaboration companions We believe the habit harden

310、ed Memory Makers are the Traveler Tribe which will challenge our sector the most.We need to persuade them that travels future is positive for them.This means helping them trust technology.Showing them that sustainability matters.And that transport is more than a logistics process.But the Memory Make

311、rs havent totally closed their doors to us.They DO see some value in technology for making memories and enabling better prices.And theyre excited about getting to their destination faster.Their disregard of sustainability will be more challenging for us to overcome.But if we can communicate the link

312、 between a healthy planet and memory making destinations,they may change their mind.And while the Memory Makers need our support more than any other Traveler Tribe,we can lean on them to help us remember what travel is rooted in.People not personalization.Making memories not automating airports.The

313、Traveler Tribe with the highest proliferation of business travelers(compared to other Traveler Tribes)has a progressive mindset.This means they have a role in endorsing travels technological development.And will likely be its first adopters.This combined with their preference for novel ideas means w

314、e need the Travel Tech-fluencers to lead the way in adopting the new technology we develop.Yes,their conflicting views and uncertain perspectives mean theyre not as confident as they suggest.But this means theyre a VITAL collaboration partner for us.Theyll tell us the positive and negative sides of

315、the future travel experience what excites and concerns them.And this will allow travel to evolve better than if those feeding back to us give solely positive or solely negative opinions.TRAVELER TRIBES 2033 73THE PIONEERING PATHFINDERS Our sustainability superheroes By being open to calculated to ri

316、sk and sensitive to the world around them,the Pioneering Pathfinders have positioned themselves as a Traveler Tribe we need to cooperate with to spread the message about sustainable travel.We need to partner with them not just because of their mindset,but because of their size.The best way to get pe

317、ople to adopt a new behavior is for them to see other people do it.And the Pioneering Pathfinders are a large crowd.And what they do is likely to encourage others to do the same.The Pioneering Pathfinders outlook on life outside of sustainability adds to their value as a messenger further.Theyre tec

318、h-savvy.Successful.Confident.This means they can promote sustainable travel in a way thats more akin to cool courier than a moaning messenger.To 2033and beyondTraveler Tribes 2033 has focused on travels evolution and the Traveler Tribes within it until 2033.But what about the Traveler Tribes of 2043

319、?Or 2053?2033s Traveler Tribes will have a place beyond 2033.Thats because theyre partly based on deeply rooted human truths.Our inbuilt neophilia and love of novelty(the Excited Experientialists).Our perception that losses outweigh equivalent gains(the Memory Makers).Our fear of ambiguity and love

320、of control(Travel Tech-fluencers).And our openness to risk(the Pioneering Pathfinders).But as the context around these Traveler Tribes changes,so too will they.Theyll evolve.Disperse.Expand or shrink.And while we dont yet know how,based on what we know today,we can make an educated forecast about ou

321、r Traveler Tribes evolution.TRAVELER TRIBES 2033 74How will 2033s Traveler Tribes evolve?THE EXCITED EXPERIENTIALISTS Their evolving lifestyle Their subsequent traveler trajectory style The majority of Excited Experientialists pace of life will eventually slow down.Whether this be through following

322、a set career path or starting a family.This will mean that theyll have to be more committed and more thoughtful.Theyll finally open their eyes to the importance of travel planning and adopt the necessary tools to plan travel.Theyll likely be influenced by the Travel Tech-fluencers promotion of techn

323、ologys role in making travel better.Of course,this wont apply to all of them.And we can expect there to always be a die-hard faction of excitement-seekers traveling in search of impulsive fun.TRAVELER TRIBES 2033 75THE MEMORY MAKERSTheir evolving lifestyle THE TRAVEL TECH-FLUENCERS Their evolving li

324、festyle The Memory Makers habitual nature means that they are a Traveler Tribe that will eventually be at a crossroads.Here theyll split into those who stick to being habitual and skeptical about future technology.And those wholl accept the inevitable and try new products,adopt new thinking,and beco

325、me a late joiner to the Pioneering Pathfinder movement.The Travel Tech-fluencers forward-looking mindset will mean that theyll evolve in-sync with the world around them.And this will always unite them.However,they risk inner conflict with each other as sustainability becomes more important and their

326、 current approach to sustainability is frowned upon.Their subsequent traveler trajectory style Their subsequent traveler trajectory style Reflecting on this,the remaining Memory Makers will be responsible for keeping the heritage travel industry alive.For reminding people what travel is really about

327、(in their opinion).And in doing so,theyll risk not knowing how good a more modern way of travelling can be.The Travel Tech-fluencers importance to the travel sector will increase overtime as their value as a Traveler Tribe whose forward-looking views and balanced mindset becomes increasingly importa

328、nt.TRAVELER TRIBES 2033 76Theyll permanently be at travels forefront in two ways:1)as the travelers daring to try new things and 2)those sharing news of their new discoveries.THE PIONEERING PATHFINDERS Their evolving lifestyle The Pioneering Pathfinders will keep taking informed risks.And their role

329、 as the travel sectors sustainability superheroes will elevate their status.As this status increases,the size of this Traveler Tribe will grow as travelers view them as being an aspirational group.Their subsequent traveler trajectory style TRAVELER TRIBES 2033 77Who else should you look out for?As o

330、ur Traveler Tribes evolve,its possible theyll form internal factions and fragment.Or that their members will move around and merge together to form additional Traveler Tribes.So,thinking beyond 2033,heres some potential new Traveler Tribes which we could see in 2043 or 2053:The Pioneers of Pioneerin

331、gThe Pioneering Pathfinders influential nature could mean that their most progressive members could break away from the core to form a“Super Traveler Tribe”.This Super Traveler Tribe will be the most progressive of the progressives.Finding paths that nobody else can find.From this Traveler Tribe the

332、yll set trends.Fuel future forces.And tailor the next wave of traveler truths.The Hardcore HabitualsDeviance and defiance will always exist in society.Especially when it comes to peoples refusal to change hardened habits.This could mean that members of the Memory Makers and Travel Tech-fluencers who

333、 continue to believe they have no responsibility related to sustainability merge together as a Traveler Tribe who vow to stick to the attitudes of yesteryear.Yes,theyll be frowned upon by many.But their refusal to contribute towards sustainability efforts will,for them,be a badge of honor.The Meta MassiveVR clearly has a future in travel.For both planning trips and helping to remember them.And as



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