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1、12023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary TrendsCopyright CGP Collection Limited.All Rights Reserved.让才华自由施展,做业界精英Unleashing Talent,Enabing Entrepreneurs.2023 亚洲职场展望与薪酬趋势2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends23Preface:2023 Career Outlook Report 前言:职场展望调研报告2023 Mainland China Salary Trends 2023 中国大陆地区薪酬趋势Indu

2、stry 行业:Consumer Goods 消费品Design&Property 地产与设计Emerging Tech and Internet 新兴技术与互联网Energy 能源Financial Services 金融服务Healthcare 医疗健康Life Science&Pharmeceutical 生命科学与制药Machinery and Automation 机械与自动化Retail&Luxury 零售与奢侈品Semiconductor 半导体Travel&Leisure 旅游与休闲Function 职能:Corporate Finance 企业财务Digital Transf

3、ormation 数字化转型Human Resources 人力资源Legal&Compliance 法务与合规Sales&Marketing 销售与市场Supply Chain Management 供应链管理06283440505462687884909621141162023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary TrendsCopyright CGP Collection Limited.All Rights Reserved.让才华自由施展,做业界精英Unleashing Talent,Enabing Entrepreneurs.2023 亚洲职

4、场展望与薪酬趋势2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends452023 Southeast Asia Salary Trends-Vietnam 越南地区薪酬趋势Executive Summary 职场趋势预测Marketing,Digital&eCommerce 市场、数字化与电商Sales&Retail 销售与零售2023 Southeast Asia Salary Trends-Malayisa 马来西亚地区薪酬趋势Executive Summary 前言Finance&Accounting 财务与会计Human Resources 人力资源 Sales

5、&Retail 销售与零售2023 Japan Salary Trends 日本地区薪酬趋势Consumer 消费品Finance&Accounting 财务与会计Financial Services 金融服务Human Resources&Office Professional 人力资源与行政Information Technology 信息技术Life Science 生命科学2023 Hong Kong SAR Salary Trends 2023 中国香港特别行政区薪酬趋势Banking 银行业Emerging Technology&Internet 新兴技术与互联网Insurance

6、 保险业2023 Southeast Asia Salary Trends-Singapore 新加坡地区薪酬趋势Executive Summary 前言Finance&Accounting 财务与会计Financial Services 金融服务Government&Public Sector 政府与公共部门Healthcare&Clinical 医疗健康与临床Human Resources 人力资源 Industrial&Engineering 工业生产与工程Sales,Marketing&Digital 销售、市场与数字化Supply Chain&Procurement 供应链与采购Te

7、chnology IT 信息技术2023 Southeast Asia Salary Trends-ThailandExecutive Summary 前言Sales&Retail 销售与零售Marketing,Digital&eCommerce 营销、数字化与电商4020220420722661881892023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends67在防疫管控政策的持续变化中,我们告别 2022,迎来了 2023。大环境的变化必

8、然改变着各行各业的发展格局,而过去三年疫情下的生活,也或多或少影响了雇主和人才的职场行为、习惯与决策方式。覆盖众多行业与地区,CGP 集团发起的2023 职场展望调研收集到了珍贵的资料与数据。以调研结果为基础,结合行业趋势与业务实践,集团的职场专家们展开分析与解读,完成了这份2023 职场展望报告,以期洞察各行业的职场新风向。今年,人才最核心的诉求是什么?企业雇主在吸引优秀人才方面有哪些值得尝试的举措?在这里,您或许会找到答案。2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends前言:2023 职场展望报告Preface:2023 Career Outlook Repo

9、rtIn the continuous changes of epidemic prevention and control policies,we bid farewell to 2022 and step into 2023.Changes in the general environment inevitably alters the development pattern of all industries,while the days under the epidemic in the past three years has more or less influenced the

10、workplace behaviors,habits and decision-making methods of employers and talents.Covering many industries and regions,the 2023 Career Outlook Survey initiated by CGP Group has collected valuable information and data.Based on the research results,combined with industry trends and business practices,CG

11、P groups workplace experts conducted analysis and interpretation to complete the 2023 Career Outlook Report,presenting insights into new workplace trends in various industries.This year,what is the core demand of talents?What measures are worth trying for employers to attract outstanding talents?You

12、 may find answers here.2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends Mainland China892023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends2023 年人才供给远大于岗位需求Talent supply largely exceeds workforce demands in 2023调研中,11%的答卷人表示目前不考虑新的工作机会,这一数据略高于去年的 9%,可见 2022 年疫情导致的不确定性让更多的人才对于跳槽持谨慎态度。但总体来看,2023 年,接受新机会的人才依然占据市场大多数,达到 89%(图

13、 1-1)。雇主端的数据则显示,岗位预期增长低于 40%的企业占比高达 94%,其中 41%的企业在 2023 年没有增加新岗位的计划(图 1-2)。两方数据的大相径庭并不能说是出人意料,因为相比人才而言,经济形势对于企业的影响是更为深远的。2023 的经济复苏态势尚需一段时间才能真正惠及各行业市场,而在此之前雇主们显然仍将持续观望。供求端存在的巨大缺口将导致 2023 年 3-5 月人才市场的岗位争夺呈现更激烈的竞争局面。Yes|是53%36%11%No,but Im open to new opportunities|否,但有合适机会也会考虑No|否您目前是否在积极寻找新机会?Are yo

14、u currently looking for new opportunities?1-1In the survey,11%of the respondents said they would not consider new job opportunities at present,which is slightly higher than last years data which was 9%,revealing talents cautious attitude towards switching jobs under the growing uncertainties of the

15、global economy.But overall,most talents embrace new opportunities in 2023,showing the share of 89%(Pic 1-1).Data from the employer side shows that 94%of companies have less than 40%workforce growth expectations,among which 41%have no plans of opening new positions at all in 2023(Pic 1-2).The big dif

16、ference in the data of the two parties can be easily expected,as the economic situation has a far more profound impact on enterprises than talents.It will take some time for the economic recovery in 2023 to truly benefit the markets of various industries,and until then employers will obviously conti

17、nue to wait and watch.The huge gap between supply and demand will lead to more intense competition in the talent market from March to May 2023.More than 40%|增长超过 40%53%41%6%Less than 40%|增长低于 40%Maintain the same|保持不变与 2022 年相比,贵公司 2023 年的在招岗位预计将增长:Compared to 2022,the expected increase of open posi

18、tionsin your company in 2023 would be:1-22023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends Mainland China10112023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends职场人的理想与现实Talents Ideal and Reality与大多数人才对于新机会的开放态度相呼应,调研数据显示,“升职加薪”在人才2023年的职业愿望中排名第一;而位列第二和第三的分别是“换一份更理想的工作”和“实现工作与生活的平衡”(图 2-1)。这些愿望的背后是否或多或少也反映出职场人对于现状的不甚满意呢?不同行

19、业的人才对自己当前的工作评价如何呢?40%30%11%9%8%2%升职加薪Promotion and/or salary increase找到一份更理想的工作Find a better job实现工作与生活的平衡Realize work-life balance达成更高业绩Improve work performance更好的管理自己的团队Lead my team better创立自己的公司Own my own company2023 年您在职业上最大的愿望是:Your biggest career aspiration in 2023 is:Echoing most talents open

20、 attitude towards new opportunities,the survey data shows that promotion and salary increase ranks first in talents career aspirations in 2023,while the second and the third are respectively finding a better job and achieving work-life balance(Pic 2-1).Do these aspirations more or less reflect talen

21、ts dissatisfaction with the current conditions of the workplace?What do talents in different industries think of their current jobs?2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends Mainland China12132023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends各行业人才的薪资满意度Talents satisfaction with salary in various在本次调研中,57%的答卷人认为自己的

22、薪资处于市场平均值,12%的认为自己的薪资高于市场平均(图 2-2)。总体来看,认可自己薪资水平的人才依然占到大多数。而与去年的数据相比,更多人才认为自己的薪资与市场水平持平,而认为薪资高于市场平均和低于市场平均的占比都略有下降。In this survey,57%of the respondents believe their salary is at the market average level,and 12%believe that theirs is higher than the average(Pic 2-2).Overall,talents who show satisfac

23、tion with their salary level account for the majority.Compared with last years data,more talents believe their salary is at the average level,while either the proportion of those believing that their salary is higher or lower than the market average has decreased slightly.Below average benchmark|低于市

24、场平At average benchmark|处于市场平均值Above average benchmark|高于市场平均值31%57%12%2-2您认为自己目前的薪资:You would rate your current salary as:从行业来看,科技/互联网/数据/人工智能行业中认为自己薪资高于市场平均水平的答卷人占比最高,同时该行业也是对薪资积极评价(“处于市场平均值”和“高于市场平均值”)占比最高的行业(图 2-3)。可见数字化、人工智能等新兴科技的发展浪潮也体现在了行业人才对薪资的认可上。但值得注意的是,该行业的薪资优势与往年相比有所下降。与去年的调研数据相比,今年该行业中认为

25、自己薪资高于市场平均水平的答卷人占比下降了 10 多个百分点。In terms of industry,the Technology/Internet/Data/AI industry has the highest proportion of respondents who believe that their salary is higher than the market average.It is also the industry that has the highest percentage of positive salary rates(at market average an

26、d above market average)(Pic 2-3).It is highly visible that the development wave of digitization,intelligence and other emerging technologies has led to talents high salary satisfactions.But whats worth noting is that the industrys salary advantage has declined compared with previous years.Compared w

27、ith last years result,the proportion of respondents who believe that their salary is higher than the market average has dropped more than 10 percent in this industry.科技/互联网/数据/人工智能Technology/Internet/Date/AI工业制造/汽车Industrial Manufacturing/Automobie矿产/能源/石油与天然气/化工Mining/Energy/Oil&Gas/Chemical电信/信息技术

28、Telecom/IT审计/法律/咨询/培训Accounting/Legal/Consulting/Training广告/媒体/出版Advertising/Media/Pubishing制药/生命科学/医疗保健Pharmaceuticals/Life Sciences/Health care快速消费品/零售/电子商务FMCG/Retail/eCommerce酒店餐饮/旅游休闲/运动Hospitality/Travel&Leisure/Sports银行/金融/保险Banking/Finance/Insurance交通运输Transportation政府/公共组织/非盈利机构Government/P

29、ublic organization/Non-profit其他Others29%61%10%19%50%31%15%53%32%15%54%31%13%69%18%11%66%23%11%57%32%11%53%36%10%56%34%10%56%34%9%61%30%62%38%14%59%27%高于市场平均值|Above market average处于市场平均值|At market average低于市场平均值|Below market average2-3您认为自己目前的薪资:You would rate your current salary as:2023 Asia Career

30、Outlook&Salary Trends Mainland China14152023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends各行业人才的工作与生活平衡满意度Talents satisfaction with work-life balance salary in various对于自己工作与生活平衡的评价,超过 61%的答卷人给出了积极的评价(图 2-4)。过去的一年里,由于疫情的猛烈反扑,居家办公的模式再一次被广泛应用,这也使得更多的人才能够节省通勤时间,以更灵活的方式安排自己的作息,兼顾工作与家庭生活。61%of respondents rated thei

31、r work-life balance positively(Pic 2-4).In the past year,due to the dramatic counterattack of the epidemic,the home office model was once again widely used,which has enabled more talents to save commuting time,flexibly arrange their work and rest schedule,and balance work and family life.Fair|一般Good

32、|好Poor|差61%26%13%您认为自己现在工作与生活的平衡:You would rate your work-life balance as:2-4从行业来看,交通运输行业在“工作与生活平衡状态”的调研中拥有最高的积极评价占比,而政府/公共组织/非盈利机构是在该项调研中唯一没有出现负面评价的行业(图 2-5)。这些结果也基本与往年相似。In terms of industry,the transportation industry has the highest percentage of positive rates for the work-life balance question

33、.And the Government/Public organization/Non-profit is the only industry that doesnt have negative rates for this question(Pic 2-5).These results are similar to what we got last year.Good|好Fair|一般Poor|差政府/公共组织/非盈利机构Government/Public organization/Non-profit交通运输Transportation酒店餐饮/旅游休闲/运动Hospitality/Tra

34、vel&Leisure/Sports电信/信息技术Telecom/IT银行/金融/保险Banking/Finance/Insurance矿产/能源/石油与天然气/化工Mining/Energy/Oil&Gas/Chemical工业制造/汽车Industrial Manufacturing/Automobie制药/生命科学/医疗保健Pharmaceuticals/Life Sciences/Health care快速消费品/零售/电子商务FMCG/Retail/eCommerce审计/法律/咨询/培训Accounting/Legal/Consulting/Training广告/媒体/出版Adve

35、rtising/Media/Pubishing科技/互联网/数据/人工智能Technology/Internet/Date/AI其他Others73%27%71%23%6%69%25%6%67%24%9%62%28%10%61%29%10%61%28%11%59%26%15%29%57%14%25%56%19%24%55%21%29%49%22%61%26%13%2-52023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends Mainland China16172023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends人才期望与雇主成本控制之间矛盾加剧Th

36、e intensified conflict between talents expectations andemployers cost control无论何时,薪资总是雇主与人才之间博弈的重点。在充满不确定性的当下,人才期望和雇主人力成本控制之间的矛盾越发突显。调研数据显示,对于新机会的期望薪资,高达 56%的受访者期待高于 20%的涨幅,而仅有3%的受访者表示能够接受低于 5%的涨幅(图 3-1)。但雇主端的数据显示,仅有 9%的企业能够在 2023 年保证高于 20%的薪资涨幅,而薪资涨幅低于 5%的企业占比则高达 69%(图 3-2)。完全相反的数据分布反映出人才在 2023 年薪资

37、期望与现实环境的巨大鸿沟,而企业或许会面临无法吸引最优秀人才的困境。对于人才和雇主来说,将视线转移至岗位能够带来的除薪资之外的价值,或许是破局的良方。Over 20%|高于 20%Over 20%|高于 20%3-15%-20%5%-20%Less than 5%|低于 5%Less than 5%|低于 5%56%41%3%当您考虑换工作时,期望的薪资涨幅是:When considering a career move,you would expect a compensation increase to be:Salary has always been the focus of the

38、game between employers and talents.In a time full of uncertainties,the contradiction between talent expectations and employers labor cost control is becoming more and more prominent.According to the survey data,56%of the respondents expected an increase of more than 20%in salary for new opportunitie

39、s,while only 3%of the respondents indicated that they could accept an increase of less than 5%(Pic 3-1).However,data from the employer side shows that only 9%of companies can guarantee a salary increase of more than 20%in 2023,while the proportion of companies with a salary increase of less than 5%i

40、s as high as 69%(Pic 3-2).The opposite result reflects the huge gap between talents salary expectations and the reality,and enterprises may face the dilemma about whether they are able to attract the best talents.For both sides,shifting attention to the value that jobs can bring other than salary ma

41、y be a good way to break the deadlock.3-269%22%9%贵公司的平均薪资在 2023 年预计将增长:In 2023,the average salary in your company is expected to increase:2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends Mainland China18192023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends职业晋升空间对人才具有强大吸引力Space for career advancement is a strong attraction

42、 for talents在商场、市场的持续变化中,每个行业和企业都可能身处不同的境况,每一份工作也都因此带来不同的挑战与收获。调研数据显示,“换一份更理想的工作”是人才 2023 年的第二大职业愿望。那么,在人才眼中,“理想的工作”的定义是什么?哪些因素影响着他们对工作机会的选择呢?调研数据显示,除去薪酬福利之外,在人才评估新机会时可能考量的各种因素中,优先级位于第一梯队的是职业晋升空间、对工作内容的兴趣与热情、领导管理方式,以及上海品茶;第二梯队为工作与生活平衡、与优秀的人共事的机会,以及充分发挥能力的空间(图 3-3)。由此可见,在薪酬福利之外,企业还能在其他多个维度提升自身对于人才的吸引

43、力,比如管理方式、上海品茶的建设与提升,人才梯队、组织架构的合理性,团队氛围与工作灵活度等方面。16%34%28%对工作内容的兴趣和热情Interests and passion for the wok上海品茶Culture与优秀的人共事的机会Opportunities to work with top 当您换工作时,优先考虑的三个因素是:The top priorities you consider when making a career move is:Under the continuous changes of the commercial world and market,each

44、 industry and enterprise may encounter different situation,and each job therefore brings different challenges and gains.According to the survey data,finding a better job is talents second biggest career aspiration in 2023.So,in the eyes of talents,what is the definition of a better,ideal job?What ar

45、e the factors that would influence their choice of job opportunities?The survey data shows that,in addition to salary and benefits,among the various factors that talents may be considered when evaluating new opportunities,the first echelon of priority is career advancement space,interest and enthusi

46、asm for job content,leadership and management methods,and corporate culture;the second echelon is work-life balance,the opportunity to work with outstanding people,and the space to give full play to ones ability(Pic 3-3).Obviously,in addition to salary and benefits,companies can improve their attrac

47、tiveness to talents in other dimensions,such as the construction and improvement of management methods and corporate culture,reasonability of talent pipeline and organizational structure,team atmosphere and job flexibility,etc.职业晋升空间Career promotion space45%30%18%15%领导管理方式Management Styel工作与生活平衡Work

48、-life balance充分发挥能力的空间Space to fully play your 3-32023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends Mainland China20212023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends另外,过去三年的疫情让居家办公成为了一种新常态。对于人才来说,这种办公方式具有明显的优势,一方面节省通勤时间,另一方面能够方便照顾家庭,但这为企业员工管理带来的挑战也母庸置疑。在人才端的调研中,仅有 13%的答卷人表示青睐完全在办公室办公的方式(图 3-4);而雇主端的调研显示,目前完全在办公室工作的企业占比

49、高达 41%(图 3-5)。可见在办公方式上增加一定的灵活度,也是企业吸引人才的一个考量点。您更青睐的办公方式是:The attendance arrangement you prefer is:完全远程/居家办公Fully remote/WFH完全在办公室办公Fully in office可以自由选择/居家或办公室办公Flexible in arragning working remotely/WFH or in office by yourself有规定/计划地安排远程/居家与办公室办公Arranging working remotely/WFH and in office with ru

50、les or plans13%33%47%7%3-4In addition,the epidemic in the past three years has made working from home a new normal.For talents,this new way of working has obvious advantages.It saves commuting time,providing convenience for taking care of family members.However,it also brings the challenges to enter

51、prises employee management.In the survey on the talent side,only 13%of the respondents expressed their preference for working entirely in the office(Pic 3-4),while the employer side data shows that the current proportion of companies working entirely in the office is as high as 41%(Pic 3-5).The resu

52、lt indicates that a certain degree of flexibility in the way of working is also a consideration for enterprises to attract talents.贵公司目前采用的办公方式是:The attendance arrangement that your company currently adopts is:完全远程/居家办公Fully remote/WFH完全在办公室办公Fully in office可以自由选择/居家或办公室办公Flexible in arragning worki

53、ng remotely/WFH or in office by yourself有规定/计划地安排远程/居家与办公室办公Arranging working remotely/WFH and in office with rules or plans41%44%9%6%3-52023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends Mainland China22232023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends“适配”的标尺The ruler for matching每一个岗位从发布到填补,都是人才与雇主双向选择的过程。在这过程中,人才以上述因

54、素考量眼前的新机会是否值得奔赴,而雇主也想方设法评估人才的能力和性格与岗位的适配度。调研数据显示,雇主最看重候选人的沟通能力、合作能力与适应能力,关注度甚至超过了专业技能(图 4-1)。这一现象背后的原因可能是由于候选人在物色机会时通常会首先衡量自己的专业技能是否匹配岗位的要求,在进入面试流程后出现重大出入的情况不多;而候选人的软实力较难直接反映在职业经历中,但又切实会影响其在团队、项目中的表现,因此便成为了雇主考量的重点。同时,在经济形势不甚明朗的当下,可以预见企业内部将面临更多调整,因此越发突显了候选人软实力的重要性。候选人最受雇主青睐的三项能力是:The three abilities

55、most favored by employers are:43%62%16%合作能力Collaboration逻辑思维能力Logical thinking适应能力AdaptabilityFrom the job posting to the offer letter,filling a position is a process of two-way selection made by talents and employers.In the process,talents consider the above factors to evaluate whether a new opport

56、unity is worth pursuing,while employers try their best to identify if a candidates ability and personality matches the position.According to the survey data,candidates communication skills,cooperation skills and adaptability,rather than professional skills,are valued the most by employers(Pic 4-1).T

57、he result makes sense as when candidates are looking for opportunities,they usually first measure whether their professional skills match the requirements of the position,which leave few cases of major discrepancy during the interview process.However,candidates soft power can hardly be measured thro

58、ugh their professional experiences,while it would actually affect their performance in teams and projects,thus making it the focus of employers consideration.Whats more,under the current economic uncertainty,employees would inevitably encounter more changes,thus highlighting the importance of candid

59、ates soft power.72%28%19%38%沟通能力Communication学习能力Learning ability影响能力Influence专业技术能力Professional skills4-12023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends Mainland China24252023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends调研中,将近半数的首访雇主表示会以测评对候选人的性格与能力进行评估(图 4-2),其中使用最广泛的是 DISC 个性测试,而大五人格测试、卡特尔 16 种人格因素问卷,以及 MBTI 职业性格测试也

60、较为常用,还有一定数量的企业会使用自行开发的测评(图 4-3)。现实中不乏候选人通过了业务面试,却败在测评环节的情况。为了尽可能避免这样的可能性,候选人不妨提前对测评多做一些了解,可以在与企业 HR 沟通时询问测评的种类和考查内容,搜索网上分享的测评经验,或者做一些模拟真题练习。另外,在前置的业务面试中,也应该做个有心人,明确这一岗位、团队或者汇报对象青睐和需要的个性风格是否真的适合自己,如果发现两者确实大相径庭,那么止步于此也不失为一个明智的选择。毕竟未来的工作是候选人将要切实经历的,如果一时以不真实的作答通过了测评,也可能最终因为不适合自己的环境而难以胜任工作,影响绩效表现。贵公司是否会使

61、用职业性格测评来识别与岗位匹配的候选人?Is your company using career personalityassessment to identify matched candidates?53%47%是|Yes否|No4-2Nearly half of the participant employers said they would use assessments to evaluate candidates personality and abilities(Pic 4-2),among which the most widely used is the DISC Pers

62、onality Assessment,while the Big Five Personality Trait,Cattells 16 Personality Factors,and MBTI Personality Test are also commonly used,and a certain number of corporates use self-developed assessments(Pic 4-3).There are many cases in practice where candidates pass the interview but fail in the ass

63、essment process.To avoid this situation,candidates many find more about the assessment in advance by inquiring about the type and focus of the assessment when talking to the corporate HR,searching online for some shared assessment experience,or practicing in mock tests.In addition,during the intervi

64、ew,candidates can carefully check if the preferred personality and behavior style favored for the position and team suits themselves.If there is big discrepancy,terminating the process might also be a wise move.After all,the assessment is just the beginning,and passing it with untrue answers is not

65、the end either,yet the challenging environment that candidates have to face in the future would last and affect their performance.贵公司用来识别与岗位匹配的候选人的职业性格测评是:The career personality assessment that your company has beenusing to identify a matched candidate is:20%18%17%16%14%Disc Personality Assessment|D

66、ISC 个性测试Big Five Personality Trait|五大人格测试Cattells 16 Personality Factors|卡特尔 16 种人格因素问卷MBTI Personality Test|MBTI 职业性格测试Self-Developed Assessment|公司自行开发的测评4-32023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends Mainland China2627Copyright CGP Collection Limited.All Rights Reserved.2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary

67、Trends2023中国大陆地区薪酬趋势2023 Mainland China Salary Trends让才华自由施展,做业界精英Unleashing Talent,Enabing Entrepreneurs.2829Consumer消费品中国经济在过去二十年间的蓬勃发展使得人民的生活水平有了质的飞跃,同时也持续为消费品市场注入着活力。然而,过去三年来,疫情的波动给市场带来了不小的冲击,使得消费者的习惯与需求都产生了很大的变化。随着 2023 年更宽松的防疫和宏观调控政策,中国消费市场也将迎来新的发展格局。2022 年,由于主要城市受到疫情反扑的冲击,中国消费者信心指数下跌到了历史最低水平。

68、而随着国务院办公厅先后发布关于以新业态新模式引领新型消费加快发展的意见和关于进一步释放消费潜力促进消费持续恢复的意见等重要指示,中国消费市场将迎来探索新场景、新业态和新模式的新阶段,逐步恢复活力。德勤在其发布的2023 中国消费者洞察与市场展望白皮书中总结了市场在可预见未来的五大发展趋势:回归消费理性、追求悦己体验、拥抱多元创新、绿色可持续、追逐技术跃升。不断提升的消费者成熟度对企业提出了更高的要求,促使企业在产品品质、线上下消费体验、创新技术、社会责任感等方面展开良性竞争。在细分领域,人们增长的健康追求将充分体现在对食品和饮料产品的选择上。同时,家庭场景内的消费品,尤其是家用电器领域的需求在

69、持续增长。在销售模式方面,线上线下相结合的模式将继续得到深化。在高度竞争的市场环境下,消费品企业将更关注预算控制,用工灵活性与运营效率。企业将更加亲睐具有高度预算控制能力及战略眼光的职业经理人,而候选人在选择企业时将对稳定性和成长空间投入更多关注。2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary TrendsCGP InsightThe vigorous development of Chinas economy in the past two decades has made a qualitative leap in peoples living standards,and

70、has also been injecting vitality into the consumer goods market.However,in the past three years,the fluctuation of the epidemic has impacted the market a lot,causing great changes in peoples consumption habits and needs.With the looser epidemic prevention and macro-control policies in 2023,the Chine

71、se consumer market will form a new development pattern.In 2022,as major cities were hit by the resurgence of the epidemic,the index for consumer confidence in China fell to the record low.As the General Office of the State Council successively issued important instructions such as Opinions on Leadin

72、g the Accelerated Development of New Types of Consumption with New Formats and Models and Opinions on Further Unleashing Consumption Potential and Promoting Consumption Sustained Recovery,Chinas consumer market will reach a new stage in the exploration of new scenarios,formats and models,and gradual

73、ly restore vitality.2023 China Consumer Insights and Market Outlook White Paper released by Deloitte summarizes the five major development trends of the market in the foreseeable future:return to rational consumption,pursue self-pleasing experience,embrace diversified innovation,be green and sustain

74、able,and pursue technological leaps.The ever-increasing consumers sophistication puts forward higher requirements for enterprises,prompting the healthy competition in terms of product quality,online and offline consumption experience,innovative technology,and social responsibility.In subdivided fiel

75、ds,peoples increasing pursuit of health will be fully reflected in their choice of food and beverage products.At the same time,the demand for consumer goods in family-life scenarios,especially household appliances,will continue to grow.In terms of sales model,the combination of online and offline mo

76、dels will grow more mature.In a highly competitive market environment,consumer goods companies will pay more attention to budget control,flexible staffing,and efficient operations.Enterprises will prefer professional managers with high budget control ability and strategic vision,while candidates wil

77、l pay more attention to stability and growth space when looking at new opportunities.2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends Mainland China3031人才短缺岗位竞争激烈岗位DIFFICULT TO HIREHIGHLY COMPETITIVENotes:Roles with limited qualified candidates while HR and company has less bargain power during recruitment pr

78、ocess.指某职位缺乏符合条件的应聘者,符合条件的候选人有较大选择空间。HR 及公司处于卖方市场。Notes:Roles with poured qualified candidates while many candidates compete for one job.HR and company has more bargain power during recruitment process.指某职位有大量符合条件的应聘者,候选人竞争激烈。HR 及公司处于买方市场。E-Commerce Key Account Manager电商大客户经理E-Commerce Trade Marketi

79、ng Manager电商营销经理Senior Brand Manager高级品牌经理CRM Manager客户关系经理Digital Center Head数字中心总监Key Account Director关键客户总监Media Planing媒体策划Market Research市场研究Marketing Director市场总监2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary TrendsSales-销售Corporate Finance-财务Sales VPSales Director Sales ManagerSales Operations ManagerKey Ac

80、count DirectorKey Account ManagerBusiness Development DirectorBusiness Development ManagerE-Commerce DirectorE-Commerce Group LeaderE-Commerce ManagerE-Commerce Channel ManagerTrade Marketing DirectorTrade Marketing ManagerEC-Trade Marketing ManagerCFO Finance Director Finance Manager Accounting Man

81、ager Auditing Director Auditing Manager 销售副总裁销售总监销售经理销售运营经理大客户总监大客户经理业务发展总监业务发展经理电子商务总监电子商务负责人电子商务经理电商渠道经理通路行销总监通路行销经理电商通路行销经理首席财务官财务总监财务经理会计经理审计总监审计经理18 years+15 years+8 years+5 years+10 years+8 years+10 years+6 years+10 years+6 years+4 years+4 years+10 years+6 years+15 years+10 years+8 years+6 yea

82、rs+10 years+6 years+3M2.5M 800K800K1.8M700K1.2M700K2M1.2M800K700K1.5M650K800K2.5M1.2M700K450K1.2M600K1.8M600K650K850K600K900K550K550K1M600K400K800K450K2.5M1.6M550K550K1.2M540K1M500K1.5M+880K550K420K1M550K600K2M900K500K340K850K440K1.3M440K450K670K460K1M+720K410K420K700K410K300K600K320K1M350K350K900K4

83、00K700K350K800K700K400K300K700K400K400K1.5M600K300K250K500K300K700K 250K300K500K300K550K250K300K450K250K200K400K200KPosition Title 职位名称MinMinMedMedMaxMaxYears ofExperience从业年数Annual Package Range(RMB)年薪Tier 1 Cities 一线城市 Tier 2 Cities 二线城市 808085707080757585959595708595808080808080NeedIndicator(0-10

84、0)需求指数*年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。*最小值、中位值、最大值*需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。*Annual Package:Basic Salary+Standard Bonus(excluding stocks or other benefits),use local currency,ex:use RMB In China.*Min.:Min

85、imum,Med.:Medium,Max.:Maximum*Need Indicator:A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market.A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need.A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market.A score above 80 indicates an urgent need,or a scarcity in the marke

86、t.2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends Mainland China3233Marketing-市场营销HR-人力资源Marketing VPMarketing DirectorMarketing ManagerBrand ManagerCRM ManagerE-Commerce Marketing ManagerDigital Marketing DirectorDigital Marketing ManagerPR DirectorPR ManagerMedia ManagerMarket Insights ManagerHR DirectorHR

87、 ManagerC&B DirectorC&B ManagerTalent Acquisition DirectorTalent Acquisition ManagerTraining Manager市场营销副总裁市场营销总监市场营销经理品牌经理客户管理经理电子商务市场经理数字营销市场总监数字营销市场经理公关总监公关经理媒介经理市场洞察经理人力资源总监人力资源经理薪酬总监薪酬经理招聘总监招聘经理培训经理16 years+12 years+8 years+4 years+5 years+5 years+12 years+8 years+10 years+5 years+6 years+7 yea

88、rs+15 years+8 years+10 years+8 years+10 years+8 years+6 years+5M2.2M1.1M600K900K900K2M1M2M800K800K600K1.2M600K1M800K1.2M800K500K1.5M 800K400K500K500K1.2K500K800K450K400K400K900K500K800K650K800K700K400K2.5M1.7M800K400K430K600K1.4M650K1.2M600K500K400K1M500K850K600K860K600K350K1.1M660K300K410K400K900K3

89、50K700K375K325K300K630K400K620K450K550K500K300K1M700K250K300K300K800K400K800K350K300K300K800K400K700K400K550K400K250K800K500K200K300K300K600K200K600K300K250K200K400K300K450K300K350K350K200KPosition Title 职位名称MinMinMedMedMaxMaxAnnual Package Range(RMB)年薪Tier 1 Cities 一线城市 Tier 2 Cities 二线城市 859090908

90、59595958075808585858585858585NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数*年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。*最小值、中位值、最大值*需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。*Annual Package:Basic Salary+Standard Bonus(excluding stocks or other benefits),u

91、se local currency,ex:use RMB In China.*Min.:Minimum,Med.:Medium,Max.:Maximum*Need Indicator:A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market.A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need.A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market.A score above 80 indi

92、cates an urgent need,or a scarcity in the market.Years ofExperience从业年数2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary TrendsSupply Chain-供应链IT Support-技术支持Corporate Legal-法务Supply Chain VPSupply Chain DirectorSupply Chain ManagerLogistics ManagerProcurement/Sourcing ManagerPlanning ManagerRegulatory Affairs Direct

93、orRegulatory Affairs ManagerQuality ManagerPlant ManagerR&D DirectorR&D ManagerIT DirectorIT ManagerGeneral CounselLegal Counsel供应链副总裁供应链总监供应链经理物流经理采购经理计划经理法规事务总监法规事务经理质量经理生产经理研发总监研发经理IT 技术支持总监IT 技术支持经理总法务顾问法务顾问20 years+15 years+8 years+8 years+5 years+5 years+10 years+8 years+8 years+10 years+15 ye

94、ars+8 years+15 years+8 years+15 years+6 years+1.8M600K500K600K600K2M650K600K800K2M800K1.2M800K2.2M450K1.2M500K450K580K600K600K550K700K700K1M750K400K2M+1.4M500K400K450K450K1.5M500K500K500K1.4M630K1M640K1.5M300K1M420K340K410K450k450K400K470K550K800K600K300K1M400K300K300K300K1M350K400K300K1M500K800K500

95、K1M250K700K350K250K250K300K300K250K250K400K600K450K200KMinMinMedMedMaxMaxAnnual Package Range(RMB)年薪Tier 1 Cities 一线城市 Tier 2 Cities 二线城市 80808585858590908585858580808080NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数*年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。*最小值、中位值、最大值*需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量

96、持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。*Annual Package:Basic Salary+Standard Bonus(excluding stocks or other benefits),use local currency,ex:use RMB In China.*Min.:Minimum,Med.:Medium,Max.:Maximum*Need Indicator:A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent wit

97、hin the market.A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need.A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market.A score above 80 indicates an urgent need,or a scarcity in the market.Position Title 职位名称Years ofExperience从业年数2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends Mainland China3435Design&Prope

98、rty地产与设计2022 年疫情持续影响下,中国房地产行业增速放缓,办公楼空置率增加,零售物业由于消费信心下降承受较大压力。同时,住宅市场受楼市紧缩政策影响,下行趋势更为明显。展望 2023 年,随着疫情改善与消费复苏,办公楼及商业地产市场预计在第二季度迎来较为明显的增长,尤其以北上广深为代表的城市,由于总部经济的示范作用和各类支持性政策持续落地,预计将刺激办公租赁市场的复苏。根据目前释放的政策信息,房地产行业势必在未来的一个时间点内反弹,但是否能达到之前黄金年代的利润率还有待考量。一方面,市场的回暖过程中需要大量营销工作的投入;另一方面,房地产行业利润率下降导致营销工作的资金投入将下降,这意

99、味着地产广告公司已经全面进入低毛利时代,无法应对日益增长的人力成本,地产设计行业的前景不容乐观。近年来地产行业人才面临行业转型与艰苦留守两种选择。地产行业的整体下行导致周边产业同样受到打击,房地产行业与地产设计是相互依托的行业关系,期房销售的模式导致作为核心供应商的地产广告公司很难获得一个健康的资金链,公司的高风险运营会对地产设计人才的就业稳定性与自身的行业发展产生很深的负面影响。对于地产设计人才而言,应回归职位的核心价值,以视觉传达与创意启发的职能为核心价值,可以尝试在更多的外延性产业中寻求更具潜力的岗位。2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary TrendsCGP I

100、nsightUnder the continuous impact of the epidemic in 2022,the growth of Chinas real estate industry slowed down,the vacancy rate of office buildings was increased,and retail properties was under greater pressure due to the decline in customer confidence.At the same time,the housing market was affect

101、ed by the tightening policy,and the downward trend is more obvious.Looking forward to 2023,with the improvement of the epidemic and the recovery of consumption,the office building and commercial real estate market is expected to usher in more obvious growth in the second quarter,especially in the to

102、p cities represented by Beijing,Shanghai,Guangzhou and Shenzhen.Due to the demonstration effect of the headquarters economy and implementation of various supporting policy,it is expected that office leasing and commercial property market will be recovered soon.According to the policy released recent

103、ly,the real estate industry is going to rebound at a certain point in the future,but whether it can achieve the profit margins of the previous golden age remains to be considered.On the one hand,the recovery of the market requires a lot of investment in marketing;on the other hand,the decline in the

104、 profit margin of the real estate industry will lead to a decline in the capital investment in marketing,which means that real estate advertising companies have entered the era of low gross profit and cannot cope with the growing labor cost.The prospect of the real estate design industry is not opti

105、mistic.In recent years,talents in the real estate industry are usually faced with two choices:transfer to other relevant industries or stick in the current one.The downturn of the real estate industry has caused the surrounding industries to be hit as well.The real estate industry and real estate de

106、sign are interdependent industries.As a core supplier,it is difficult for real estate advertising companies to obtain a healthy capital chain due to off-plan sales model.The companys high-risk operations will have a profound negative impact on the employment stability and talents development.For rea

107、l estate design talents,they should return to the core value of the position and try to find more potential positions in extensive industries if possible.2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends Mainland China3637人才短缺岗位竞争激烈岗位DIFFICULT TO HIREHIGHLY COMPETITIVELogistics Leasing物流招商Retail Leasing商业招商Ass

108、et Management资产管理CRM 会员管理系统Mall Operations 商业运营职位MEP Management 机电管理EHS 安全管理Cost Management 成本管理Design Management 设计管理Office Leasing 办公招商MEP Management 机电管理Facility Management 物业管理2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary TrendsNotes:Roles with limited qualified candidates while HR and company has less bargai

109、n power during recruitment process.指某职位缺乏符合条件的应聘者,符合条件的候选人有较大选择空间。HR 及公司处于卖方市场。Notes:Roles with poured qualified candidates while many candidates compete for one job.HR and company has more bargain power during recruitment process.指某职位有大量符合条件的应聘者,候选人竞争激烈。HR 及公司处于买方市场。Retail Leasing DirectorRetail Le

110、asing Sr.ManagerRetail Leasing ManagerOffice Leasing DirectorOffice Leasing Sr.ManagerOffice Leasing ManagerIndustrial Leasing DirectorIndustrial Leasing Sr.ManagerIndustrial Leasing ManagerConsulting DirectorConsulting ManagerOperation DirectorOperation ManagerMall General ManagerProperty DirectorP

111、roperty Senior ManagerProperty ManagerMarketing DirectorMarketing Senior ManagerMarketing Manager商业招商总监商业招商高级经理商业招商经理办公招商总监办公招商高级经理办公招商经理产业招商总监产业招商高级经理产业招商经理咨询总监咨询经理运营总监运营经理商场总经理物业总监物业高级经理物业经理市场总监市场高级经理市场经理12 years+8 years+6 years+12 years+10 years+6 years+12 years+8 years+6 years+15 years+8 years+1

112、2 years+6 years+15 years+15 years+10 years+8 years+15 years+10 years+6 years+1M700K500K1M700K500K1M600K500K1M600K1M400K2M1.2M700K500K1.5M700K500K860K600K460K880K600K400K910K540K400K800K440K800K360K1.4M950K650K400K900K600K440K700K500K300K700K500K300K800K500K300K600K300K600K300K1M700K500K300K600K500K4

113、00KPosition Title 职位名称MinMedMaxYears ofExperience从业年数Annual Package Range(RMB)年薪Commercial&Industrial Property-商业及产业地产8585887575759595958080858085908585807575NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数*年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。*最小值、中位值、最大值*需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企

114、业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。*Annual Package:Basic Salary+Standard Bonus(excluding stocks or other benefits),use local currency,ex:use RMB In China.*Min.:Minimum,Med.:Medium,Max.:Maximum*Need Indicator:A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the mark

115、et.A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need.A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market.A score above 80 indicates an urgent need,or a scarcity in the market.2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends Mainland China3839Commercial&Industrial Property-商业及产业地产*Annual Package:Basic Salar

116、y+Standard Bonus(excluding stocks or other benefits),use local currency,ex:use RMB In China.*Min.:Minimum,Med.:Medium,Max.:Maximum*Need Indicator:A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market.A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need.A score below 80 indic

117、ates an oversupply in the market.A score above 80 indicates an urgent need,or a scarcity in the market.Project HeadProject DirectorProject ManagerMEP DirectorMEP Senior ManagerMEP ManagerCost DirectorCost ManagerBIM ManagerStructural DirectorStructural Senior ManagerStructural ManagerEHS DirectorEHS

118、 ManagerScheduling ManagerResidential Salas VPResidential Salas DirectorResidential Salas ManagerMarketing DirectorMarketing Senior ManagerMarketing ManagerCity GM项目负责人项目总监项目经理机电总监机电高级经理机电经理成本总监成本经理BIM 经理结构总监结构高级经理结构经理EHS 总监EHS 经理计划经理住宅地产销售副总裁住宅地产销售总监住宅地产销售经理营销总监营销高级经理营销经理城市总经理18 years+15 years+8 ye

119、ars+15 years+10 years+8 years+12 years+8 years+5 years+15 years+10 years+8 years+15 years+8 years+8 years+15 years+10 years+7 years+12 years+8 years+5 years+15 years+3M1.5M650K1.5M800K600K1.5M600K650K1M750K600K1.2M650K600K2.5M1.5M600K1M600K400K2M1M570K1.2M700K560K1.1M500K570K840K675K540K1M580K520K1.

120、5M1M480K900K540K300K2M+1.2M800K500K800K600K500K700K400K500K700K600K500K800K520K400K1M700K400K800K500K200KPosition Title 职位名称MinMedMaxYears ofExperience从业年数Annual Package Range 年薪80808585858580807580808090857575857075757570NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数Residential Property-住宅地产2023 Asia Career Outlook&Sala

121、ry Trends*Annual Package:Basic Salary+Standard Bonus(excluding stocks or other benefits),use local currency,ex:use RMB In China.*Min.:Minimum,Med.:Medium,Max.:Maximum*Need Indicator:A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market.A score of 80 indicates an average d

122、emand or need.A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market.A score above 80 indicates an urgent need,or a scarcity in the market.Chief Investment OfficerInvestment DirectorInvestment ManagerInvestment AnalystAsset Management DirectorAsset Management Senior ManagerAsset Management ManagerVa

123、luation DirectorValuation Manager首席投资官投资总监投资经理投资分析师资产管理总监资产管理高级经理资产管理经理估算总监估算经理15 years+10 years+5 years+3 years+15 years+10 years+6 years+15 years+6 years+6M2M700K500K2M800K600K800K600K4M1.4M500K320K1.5M700K550K700K440K2M700K300K200K800K600K500K600K300KPosition Title 职位名称MinMedMaxAnnual Package Ran

124、ge(RMB)年薪Investment&Asset Management-投资及资管507080809080707070NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数Design HeadArchi Design DirectorArchi Design Senior ManagerArchi Design ManagerUrban Planning DirectorUrban Planning Senior ManagerUrban Planning ManagerLandscape Design DirectorLandscape Design Senior ManagerLandsca

125、pe Design ManagerInterior Design DirectorInterior Design Senior ManagerInterior Design Manager设计负责人建筑设计总监建筑设计高级经理建筑设计经理城市规划总监城市规划高级经理城市规划经理景观设计总监景观设计高级经理景观设计经理室内设计总监室内设计高级经理室内设计经理15 years+15 years+12 years+8 years+15 years+10 years+6 years+15 years+10 years+6 years+15 years+10 years+6 years+3M1.5M80

126、0K700K2M700K500K1.2M600K500K900K600K400K2.5M1M600K500K1.4M600K450K950K550K400K800K500K300K1M600K500K400K800K500K400K700K500K300K700K400K200KDesign Management-设计管理80858080707070757570909085Years ofExperience从业年数2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends Mainland China4041Emerging Technologies&The Interne

127、t新兴技术与互联网2022 年,伴随着全球经济下行压力及产业调整,中国科技与互联网行业面临了较大挑战。外部环境变化及用户消费习惯的升级使得行业需要迭代既有的产品模式以探索新的增长。2023 年,随着政策调整及国内经济复苏,新基建需求及伴随推动内需的数字、信息化需求将赋予互联网及科技行业新的发展机遇。从中长期来看,中国互联网及科技行业未来增长驱动因素包括客户端消费需求及频次的提升、中国企业出海业务拓展以及技术革新推动如 Web3.0 等。多重趋势将引领 2023 年中国科技与互联网行业趋势。例如,企业数字化转型及各类新数字化应用场景需求将驱动多元网络技术的融合应用,包括 5G,TSN,工业 PO

128、N 等。5G+工业互联网项目日益发展,5G 工业融合终端产品持续完善,由通信运营商主导的 5G 生态体系将进一步完善,并降低个层级企业使用 5G 专网的成本。同时,网络信息安全的主题将继续强化,包括数据出海,个人信息安全等。地方政府建设数字政府也是值得关注的需求点。此外,以 ChatGPT 为代表的新型 AI 技术,将推动各行业如金融、教育、电商等多行业进入元宇宙应用增长期。基于这些发展趋势,国家尤其重视创新研发能力,在海外顶尖技术人才引进的同时,国家致力于本土创新研发及研发人才的培养。而对于企业来说,解决技术人才与企业数字化升级之间的鸿沟将很大程度的影响企业接下去几年的发展。企业数字化转型及

129、运营人才需求持续上升,包括技术型岗位如架构工程师,数据分析师及数据科学家等。同时,伴随企业降本增效以及提升客户使用体验的数字化需求,兼具技术能力与市场化运营管理能力的职业经理人将备受青睐。2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary TrendsCGP InsightIn 2022,with the downward pressure on the global economy and industrial adjustments,Chinas technology and Internet industry encounter greater challenges.Chan

130、ges in the external environment and upgrades in user consumption habits require the industry to iterate existing product models to explore new growth.In 2023,with policy adjustments and the recovery of the domestic economy,the demand for new infrastructure and the digital growth to drive domestic de

131、mand will give the Internet and technology industries new opportunities for development.In the medium and long term,the future growth drivers of Chinas Internet and technology industry include the increase in customer consumption demand and frequency,the expansion of Chinese enterprises overseas bus

132、iness,and the promotion of technological innovation such as Web3.0.Multiple trends will lead the development of Chinas technology and Internet industry in 2023.For example,the digital transformation of enterprises and the requirements of various new digital application scenarios will drive the integ

133、rated application of multiple network technologies,including 5G,TSN,and industrial PON.The 5G+industrial Internet project is under continuous growth,and 5G industrial fusion terminal products continue to improve,the 5G ecosystem led by communication operators will be further improved,and the cost of

134、 using 5G private networks for enterprises at all levels will be reduced.At the same time,the theme of information security will continue to be strengthened,including data going overseas,personal information security,etc.The construction of digital government by local governments is also a demand po

135、int worthy of attention.In addition,the new AI technology represented by ChatGPT will promote various industries such as finance,education,e-commerce and other industries to enter the metaverse application growth period.Based on these development trends,China pays special attention to innovative R&D

136、 capabilities.While introducing top overseas technical talents,the country is committed to the cultivation of local innovative R&D talents.For enterprises,solving the gap between technical talents and digital upgrading will greatly affect their growth in the next few years.The demand for enterprise

137、digital transformation and operational talents continues to rise,including technical positions such as architecture engineer,data analyst and data scientist.At the same time,with the digital needs of enterprises to reduce costs and increase efficiency and improve customer experience,professional man

138、agers with both technical capabilities and market-oriented management capabilities will be favored.2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends Mainland China4243人才短缺岗位竞争激烈岗位DIFFICULT TO HIREHIGHLY COMPETITIVE产品负责人Product Head机器学习算法工程师Machine Learning Algorithm EngineerAI 平台专家AI Platform Expert语音算法专家Speec

139、h Algorithm ExpertAI 产品专家/总监AI Product Expert/Director研发效能专家R&D Effectiveness Expert软件教练Software Coach低代码平台专家Low-code Platform Expert业务拓展/销售总监BD/Sales Director产品专家/总监Product Expert/Director运营经理/总监Operation Manager/Directorjava 架构师/技术经理Java Architect/Technical Manager测试专家Testing Expert2023 Asia Caree

140、r Outlook&Salary TrendsNotes:Roles with limited qualified candidates while HR and company has less bargain power during recruitment process.指某职位缺乏符合条件的应聘者,符合条件的候选人有较大选择空间。HR 及公司处于卖方市场。Notes:Roles with poured qualified candidates while many candidates compete for one job.HR and company has more barga

141、in power during recruitment process.指某职位有大量符合条件的应聘者,候选人竞争激烈。HR 及公司处于买方市场。*年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。*最小值、中位值、最大值*需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。*Annual Package:Basic Salary+Standard Bonus(excluding stocks

142、or other benefits),use local currency,ex:use RMB In China.*Min.:Minimum,Med.:Medium,Max.:Maximum*Need Indicator:A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market.A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need.A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market.A

143、 score above 80 indicates an urgent need,or a scarcity in the market.AI-人工智能AI Chief ScientistDeep Learning ExpertDeep Learning Senior EngineerDeep Learning EngineerComputer Vision ExpertComputer Vision Senior EngineerComputer Vision EngineerNLP ExpertNLP Senior EngineerNLP EngineerMachine Learning

144、ExpertMachine Learning Senior EngineerMachine Learning EngineerSpeech Recognition ExpertSpeech Recognition Senior EngineerSpeech Recognition EngineerData Algorithm ExpertData Algorithm Senior EngineerData Algorithm EngineerAI Open Source ExpertAI Product DirectorAI Product Senior ManagerAI Product M

145、anagerAI 首席科学家 深度学习专家 深度学习高级工程师 深度学习工程师 计算机视觉专家 计算机视觉高级工程师 计算机视觉工程师 自然语言处理专家 自然语言处理高级工程师 自然语言处理工程师 机器学习专家 机器学习高级工程师 机器学习工程师 语音算法专家 语音算法高级工程师 语音算法工程师 数据算法专家 数据算法高级工程师 数据算法工程师 AI 开源平台开发专家 AI 产品总监 AI 产品高级经理 AI 产品经理 15 years+8 years+5 years+3 years+8 years+5 years+3 years+8 years+5 years+2 years+8 years

146、+5 years+3 years+8 years+5 years+2 years+8 years+6 years+3 years+7 years+8 years+5 years+3 years+5M1.8M700K500K1.5M750K500K1.5M600K500K1.5M800K550K2M800K500K1.5M900K500K2.5M1.6M800K600K2.M1.5M600K400K1M600K500K1M600K400K1M650K450K1.1M700K450K1M600K400K1.5M1.2M700K400K3M1M600K375K800K530K420K900K520K


148、250K800K650K400K250KMinMinMedMedMaxMaxAnnual Package Range(RMB)年薪Tier 1 Cities 一线城市 Tier 2 Cities 二线城市 9090958590958090958590958595959090858090859080NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数Position Title 职位名称Years ofExperience从业年数2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends Mainland China4445AI-人工智能*年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福

149、利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。*最小值、中位值、最大值*需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。*Annual Package:Basic Salary+Standard Bonus(excluding stocks or other benefits),use local currency,ex:use RMB In China.*Min.:Minimum,Med.:Medium,Max.:Maximu

150、m*Need Indicator:A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market.A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need.A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market.A score above 80 indicates an urgent need,or a scarcity in the market.Intelligent Driving Chief

151、ScientistADAS Technical DirectorSystem Control ExpertAlgorithm ExpertCloud Computing EngineerInformation Security EngineerFunction SecuritySensor Fusion AlgorithmsPositioning AlgorithmPath Planning AlgorithmHD Map EngineerMillimeter Wave Radar Algorithm智能驾驶首席科学家ADAS 技术总监控制系统专家算法专家云计算工程师信息安全工程师功能安全传感

152、器融合算法 定位算法 路径规划算法 高精地图开发 毫米波雷达算法12 years+12 years+6 years+7 years+5 years+5 years+5 years+7 years+5 years+5 years+5 years+6 years+3M1.5M800K1M800K700K700K1M800K700K650K700K1.5M1.3M600K800K600K500K550K700K700K600K600K600K2.2M1.2M510K700K700K600K520K700K570K575K520K550K1.1M900K420K580K500K400K450K520K

153、460K450K500K500K1.5M800K400K600K500K500K400K500K450K450K450K450K800K800K350K500K450K350K350K400K350K350K400K400KPosition Title 职位名称MinMinMedMedMaxMaxAnnual Package Range(RMB)年薪Tier 1 Cities 一线城市 Tier 2 Cities 二线城市 808085808580858080858580NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数Years ofExperience从业年数2023 Asia Career

154、 Outlook&Salary Trends*年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。*最小值、中位值、最大值*需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。*Annual Package:Basic Salary+Standard Bonus(excluding stocks or other benefits),use local currency,ex:use RMB In

155、 China.*Min.:Minimum,Med.:Medium,Max.:Maximum*Need Indicator:A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market.A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need.A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market.A score above 80 indicates an urgent need,or a scarc

156、ity in the market.IoT-物联网Product VP/DirectorProduct ManagerTechnical DirectorPlatform Development ArchitectWiFi/BT Technology ExpertSoftware Development EngineerIndustry Solutions ArchitectProject DirectorProject ManagerCOOOperation DirectorOperation ManagerUX/UI DesignerVisual DesignerBD DirectorSa

157、les ManagerData Platform ArchitectData Warehouse ArchitectData Analyst产品副总裁/总监产品经理技术总监平台开发架构师WiFi/蓝牙技术专家软件开发工程师行业解决方案架构师项目总监项目经理首席运营官运营总监运营经理交互设计师视觉设计师业务拓展总监销售经理数据平台架构师数据仓库架构师数据分析师10 years+8 years+10 years+8 years+8 years+5 years+8 years+10 years+5 years+10 years+8 years+5 years+5 years+5 years+10 y

158、ears+5 years+8 years+8 years+8 years+3.5M1M2M1.5M800K600K1.5M800K800K2.5M1.5M800K800K800K1.5M600K1.5M1.5M1.2M2M800K1.5M1M700K500K700K700K400K1.5M800K500K600K600K800K400K1M1M800K2M800K1.8M1.1M520K450K900K650K400K2M900K600K600K600K820K500K1.1M1.1M900K1.5M450K1.2M750K600K400K550K520K300K850K700K400K400

159、K400K500K300K780K750K550K1.5M500K1.5M800K450K350K700K500K300K1.5M800K500K400K400K600K400K700K600K500K800K400K800K600K400K300K450K450K200K700K600K300K250K300K400K200K600K500K300KMinMinMedMedMaxMaxAnnual Package Range(RMB)年薪Tier 1 Cities 一线城市 Tier 2 Cities 二线城市 90958085909580859085908090908085959095Ne

160、edIndicator(0-100)需求指数Position Title 职位名称Years ofExperience从业年数2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends Mainland China4647ICT Chip Manufacturing -ICT 芯片制造BU General ManagerR&D DirectorR&D ManagerChief ScientistIC Desgin Expert(Digital/Artificial Circuit)IC Process Development ExpertFPGA ExpertSOC Arch

161、itectSI/PI ExpertIC Verification ExpertPD Design ExpertHardware Design ManagerHardware EngineerSoftware Design ManagerSoftware EngineerProduct Director/ManagerProject Director/ManagerProduction DirectorProduction ManagerQuality DirectorQuality ManagerSales ManagerRegional Sales ManagerOverseas Sales

162、 ManagerSupply Chain DirectorSupply Chain Planning ManagerSupply Chain Development ManagerPlanning Manager事业部总经理研发总监研发经理首席研究科学家IC 设计专家(数字/模拟电路)IC 工艺开发专家FPGA 专家SOC 架构师SI/PI 专家IC 验证专家PD 设计专家硬件设计经理硬件工程师软件设计经理软件工程师产品总监/经理项目总监/经理生产总监生产经理质量总监质量经理销售总监区域销售经理海外销售经理供应链总监供应链计划经理供应链开发经理物料计划经理10 years+12 years+8

163、 years+8 years+8 years+8 years+8 years+8 years+8 years+8 years+8 years+10 years+3 years+8 years+3 years+5 years+5 years+12 years+8 years+12 years+8 years+10 years+5 years+5 years+10 years+8 years+8 years+8 years+5M1.2M1.5M2M1.5M1.5M1.5M2M900K2M800K1M500K800K500K1M700K1.2M900K1.2M800K1.2M600K700K1.5M


165、0K660K470K550K375K450K570K450K400K350K1M900K500K800K1.1M500K800K1.3M500K1.1M400K500K250K500K250K500K350K800K600K550K400K600K300K400K700K400K400K400K900K500K300K700K1M400K900K1.3M400K1.1M400K400K200K400K200K400K250K600K400K450K350K400K250K300K450K350K300K300KMinMinMedMedMaxMaxAnnual Package Range(RMB

166、)年薪Tier 1 Cities 一线城市 Tier 2 Cities 二线城市 86909088908584908486869080908090909090859080859082848484NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数Position Title 职位名称Years ofExperience从业年数2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends*Annual Package:Basic Salary+Standard Bonus(excluding stocks or other benefits),use local currency,e

167、x:use RMB In China.*Min.:Minimum,Med.:Medium,Max.:Maximum*Need Indicator:A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market.A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need.A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market.A score above 80 indicates an urgent nee

168、d,or a scarcity in the market.CTOIT DirectorIT ManagerInfrastructure/Engineering ManagerIT Service/Helpdesk ManagerInfrastructure Team LeadNetwork/Server EngineerApplication ManagerSystem AnalystCISOCyber Security ManagerSAP(ERP)DirectorSAP(ERP)Project ManagerSAP(ERP)Consultant/Business Analyst首席技术官

169、IT 总监IT 经理基础架构/工程经理IT 服务/帮助台经理基础架构组长网络/服务器工程师应用经理系统分析员首席信息安全官信息安全经理SAP 总监SAP 项目经理SAP 顾问/商业分析师12 years+10 years+5 years+8 years+8 years+5 years+2 years+8 years+3 years+10 years+8 years+8 years+5 years+2 years+3.52M800K800K700K800K500K700K600K5M1.2M1.8M800K600K2M+1.5M650K500K500K375K350K575K420K2.5M+9

170、00K1.4M600K430K1.51M500K360K300K250K200K450K250K1.5M600K1M400K300KMinMedMaxAnnual Package Range(RMB)年薪System&IT Supporting-系统&IT 支持8284848280828082848583858282NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数Position Title 职位名称Years ofExperience从业年数*年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。*最小值、中位值、最大值*需求指标:表示人才在市场中的

171、青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。*Annual Package:Basic Salary+Standard Bonus(excluding stocks or other benefits),use local currency,ex:use RMB In China.*Min.:Minimum,Med.:Medium,Max.:Maximum*Need Indicator:A metric to measure the need of the s

172、pecific position or talent within the market.A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need.A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market.A score above 80 indicates an urgent need,or a scarcity in the market.2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends Mainland China4849*年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利

173、),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。*最小值、中位值、最大值*需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。*Annual Package:Basic Salary+Standard Bonus(excluding stocks or other benefits),use local currency,ex:use RMB In China.*Min.:Minimum,Med.:Medium,Max.:Maximum

174、*Need Indicator:A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market.A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need.A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market.A score above 80 indicates an urgent need,or a scarcity in the market.Head of ArchitectSolution/A

175、pplication/Mobile ArchitectCloud ArchitectIT Programme ManagerIT Project/Product ManagerIT Business Analyst首席架构师解决方案/应用程序/移动架构师云端架构师IT 开发经理IT 项目/产品经理IT 商业分析员10 years+8 years+5 years+10 years+8 years+2 years+2M1.2M1.2M1.5M1M700K1.5M900K700K1.2M700K510K1M600K400K1M400K300KMinMedMaxAnnual Package Range

176、 年薪Developer&Architect-架构开发908890868586NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数Position Title 职位名称Years ofExperience从业年数2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary TrendsData ScientistData ArchitectBI ArchitectAglorithm(Research)-Ph.DAglorithm(Development)-Ph.DUX/UI DirectorUX/UI Manager数据科学家数据架构师商业分析架构师算法工程博士(理论研究)算法工程博士(开发)交

177、互设计总监交互设计经理5 years+5 years+5 years+2 years+2 years+10 years+5 years+1.5M1.2M1.2M1.2M800K1.8M800K1M700K700K820K600K1M600K500K400K400K400K400K700K400KPosition Title 职位名称MinMedMaxAnnual Package Range 年薪988NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数Internet-互联网*年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。*最

178、小值、中位值、最大值*需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。*Annual Package:Basic Salary+Standard Bonus(excluding stocks or other benefits),use local currency,ex:use RMB In China.*Min.:Minimum,Med.:Medium,Max.:Maximum*Need Indicator:A metric to

179、measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market.A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need.A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market.A score above 80 indicates an urgent need,or a scarcity in the market.Years ofExperience从业年数2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary T

180、rends Mainland China5051Energy能源中国是能源需求大国,2023年随着宏观经济复苏,产业升级及国家经济振兴,能源整体供应需求预计大幅提升,需要行业保障安全稳定的供应。其中,火力发电与水力发电仍然是经济生产与民生用电的保供主力,同时,以光伏、风电、地热能、生物质能、氢能等为代表的新能源将得到极大发展。“十四五”期间,中国能源发展方式将从大规模集成方式逐步转向用户分布式发展,形成两者有机结合,提高利用效率与经济效益。其中,光伏产业将迎来持续高速发展。十四五期间,我国将不断完善光伏产业的配套支持政策,推动平价光伏定价,确保大规模光伏发电的市场接入与政策标准制定。同时,作为

181、重要清洁能源风电行业也将迎来发展空间。体现在政策推动路上风电与海上风电同步规模化发展,加速风电技术进步及产业升级,降低用电成本。加快健全适用风电规模化应用的价格机制,市场机制,为其高质量发展提供政策保障。此外,“创新”也是 2023 年新能源技术发展的主题。例如,绿电制氢储和关键材料的国产化,半固态电池装车,以 Topcon 为引领的光伏新型电池技术等。为支持能源行业的发展与创新,国家将完善能源产业体系创新,加速行业技术人员培养,整合优化资源,以国家战略为导向加速创新平台建设,加速行业整体发展。2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary TrendsCGP InsightC

182、hina is a country with a large demand for energy.With the recovery of the macro economy,industrial upgrading and national economic revitalization in 2023,the overall energy supply demand is expected to increase significantly,as well as the industry needs to ensure safe and stable supply.Among them,t

183、hermal power and hydropower are still the main power supply for economic production and peoples livelihood.At the same time,new energy represented by photovoltaics,wind power,geothermal energy,biomass energy,and hydrogen energy will be greatly developed.During the 14th Five-Year Plan period,Chinas e

184、nergy development mode will gradually shift from large-scale integration to user distributed development,forming an organic combination of the two to improve utilization efficiency and economic benefits.Among them,the photovoltaic industry will embrace rapid development.During the 14th Five-Year Pla

185、n period,the country will continue to improve supporting policies for the photovoltaic industry,promote affordable photovoltaic pricing,and ensure market access and standardize entry policy for large-scale photovoltaic power generation.At the same time,as an important clean energy,wind power industr

186、y will also accelerate its development.It is reflected in the policy to promote the simultaneous large-scale development of on-road wind power and offshore wind power,accelerate the progress of wind power technology and industrial upgrading,and reduce the cost of electricity consumption.The governme

187、nt will also take actions on optimizing the price mechanism of large-scale application of wind power to provide policy guarantees for its high-quality development.In addition,innovation is also the theme of new energy technology development in 2023.For example,the localization of hydrogen storage an

188、d key materials,the loading of semi-solid batteries,and the new photovoltaic battery technology led by Topcon.In order to support the development and innovation of the energy industry,the government will focus on the training of technical personnel in the industry,integrate and optimize resources,ac

189、celerate the construction of innovation platforms guided by national strategies.2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends Mainland China5253Process ManagerProcess SupervisorProcess Engineer工艺经理工艺主管工艺工程师5 years+3 years+2 years+600K300K200K300K200K150K230K150K80KPosition Title 职位名称MinMedMaxYears ofExperi

190、ence从业年数Annual Package Range(RMB)年薪Engineering&Process-工程与工艺808085NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends*年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。*最小值、中位值、最大值*需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。*Annua

191、l Package:Basic Salary+Standard Bonus(excluding stocks or other benefits),use local currency,ex:use RMB In China.*Min.:Minimum,Med.:Medium,Max.:Maximum*Need Indicator:A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market.A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need.A

192、 score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market.A score above 80 indicates an urgent need,or a scarcity in the market.Business DirectorBusiness ManagerSolution HeadSolution Manager业务总监业务经理解决方案负责人解决方案经理10 years+5 years+10 years+5 years+2M1M1.5M700K800K500K800K550K550K350K500K350KPosition Title

193、职位名称MinMedMaxYears ofExperience从业年数Annual Package Range(RMB)年薪Energy Digitization-能源数字化 70807080NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数*年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。*最小值、中位值、最大值*需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。*Annual Packag

194、e:Basic Salary+Standard Bonus(excluding stocks or other benefits),use local currency,ex:use RMB In China.*Min.:Minimum,Med.:Medium,Max.:Maximum*Need Indicator:A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market.A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need.A score b

195、elow 80 indicates an oversupply in the market.A score above 80 indicates an urgent need,or a scarcity in the market.2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends Mainland China5455Financial Service金融服务近年来,在新冠疫情、俄乌冲突、供应链中断等事件和地缘政治的叠加影响下,全球经济的不确定性持续加剧,各经济体纷纷面临滞胀风险,使得金融市场或直接或间接地承受着经济动荡带来的连锁反应。2022 年,中国金融市场在应对

196、冲击的同时,依靠稳定宏观经济大盘、维护市场稳定、推动金融制度改革等方针、政策保持住了总体的稳定。展望 2023 年,从经济基本面看,疫情影响的减弱使得市场信心回升,有助于金融市场的稳定;从政策面看,经济复苏基础尚不牢固,因此人民银行预计将灵活使用公开市场操作、各类借贷便利工具确保合理充裕的流动性,维持稳健略宽的流动性环境。在金融服务行业,不同业务受到的宏观环境的影响也不尽相同,因此各细分领域可以采取不同的应对策略来实现稳中求进。由于利率上调使得净利息收入增加,零售银行业务在 2023 年预计将呈现增长局面;由于经济环境动荡,消费者对于银行建议与指导的服务需求将有所增加,零售业务可以顺势在提升用



199、使由于营收环境动荡,成本控制和劳动力优化成为 2023 年金融服务行业聚焦的重要议题,但基于行业的结构性优势和较高的准入门槛,优质人才依然拥有可观的机会和选择空间,关键岗位也仍将呈现激烈的竞争态势。对于雇主来说,重视培训,提升员工技能有利于增加员工投资回报率、提升团队协作能力,而后者已成为数字化转型时代的一项重要成功因素。对于人才来说,可以根据行业需求有意识地提升自身对数字化工具和技术、ESG 投资策略与合规领域的了解和专业技能,丰富自己职业发展的选择,与时代同行。2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary TrendsCGP InsightIn recent years,

200、the confluence of incidents and factors-epidemic,Russia-Ukraine conflict,supply chain interruption and geopolitical issues has been intensifying the uncertainties of the global economy.Various economies have to face the risk of stagflation,which results in the financial market bearing direct and ind

201、irect ripple effects from a more turbulent global economy.In 2022,while coping with the impacts,Chinas financial market maintained overall stability by relying on principles and policies such as maintaining market stability and promoting the reformation of the financial system.Looking forward to 202

202、3,from the perspective of economic fundamentals,the weakened impact of the epidemic has led to a recovery in market confidence,which will help stabilize the financial market;from a policy perspective,the foundation for economic recovery is not yet solid,so the Peoples Bank of China is expected to fl

203、exibly use open market operations and various lending facilities to ensure reasonable and sufficient liquidity and maintain a stable and slightly wide liquidity environment.In the financial services industry,the impact of macro environment varies in different businesses,so each subdivision needs to

204、adopt different coping strategies to achieve steady progress.As the net interest margin grew due to the rise of interest rates,retail banking is expected to show growth in 2023;due to the turbulent economic environment,there will be an increase in consumers demand for banking advice and guidance,and

205、 the retail business can take advantage of the trend to improve user experience,diversify product lines and explore innovative practices that can solve pervasive problems for society and enterprises.The superposition of factors such as inflation,higher rates and supply chain risks has produced a mor

206、e stressful environment for corporates.Banks may tighten their lending standards in consideration of credit quality,and commercial loan losses are expected to rise because of the growing credit risk.Banks can retain corporate deposits and deepen customer relationships through nonlending,transaction

207、banking products;at the same time,customer service and the implementation of digital tools are also areas that demands improvement in corporate business.Digital transformation and technology infrastructure modernization are also areas that concern investment banks for a long period.But as business r

208、evenues are expected to decline due to lower mergers and acquisitions,debt capital market and equity capital market issuances,issues such as optimizing costs and improving the return on investment of functional departments have become more urgent considerations in investment banking.Investment banks

209、 have previously increased recruitment and increased salary levels in response to growing service demand,resulting in huge labor costs.Now as the market encounter the downturn,hot jobs in the industry are shifting to back-office departments such as risk control,compliance,and technology.Overall,the

210、fierce competition for talents in this industry will continue,while financial technology companies are joining the talent war.2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends Mainland China5657Financial Service金融服务In the field of payment,digital payment and encrypted payment will continue their development mo

211、mentum,while strengthening security precautions has become an increasingly important issue.Rising credit card balances and delinquency will pose challenges for payment institutions;meanwhile,increasing competition among card issuers may grow fiercer,and it may be possible to improve customer experie

212、nce by providing value-added services,thereby increasing customer loyalty.In the field of wealth management,financial advisory services are showing a clear trend of democratization,prompting more wealth management institutions to enhance their digital advice capabilities;at the same time,the downtur

213、n in the traditional asset market has exacerbated customers desire for more complex and diverse investment products other than stocks and bonds.Even though cost control and workforce optimization will become important issues for the financial services industry in 2023 due to the turbulent revenue en

214、vironment,high-quality talents still have considerable opportunities and options based on the industrys structural advantages and high entry barriers.There will still be fierce competition for core positions.For employers,investing in training and upskilling employees is conducive to improving emplo

215、yees key behaviors and collaboration capabilities,and the latter has become an important success factor in this era of digital transformation.Talents should improve their understanding and professional skills in the fields of digital tools and technologies,ESG investment strategies and compliance ac

216、cording to industry needs,enrich their career development choices,and keep pace with the times.2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends人才短缺岗位竞争激烈岗位DIFFICULT TO HIREHIGHLY COMPETITIVEInvestment Relationship Director投资关系总监Tech&NE Investor科技投资人&新能源投资人Healthcare Investor医疗健康产业投资者Investment Associate 投资顾问T

217、ech&NE Investor科技投资人&新能源投资人Notes:Roles with limited qualified candidates while HR and company has less bargain power during recruitment process.指某职位缺乏符合条件的应聘者,符合条件的候选人有较大选择空间。HR 及公司处于卖方市场。Notes:Roles with poured qualified candidates while many candidates compete for one job.HR and company has more b

218、argain power during recruitment process.指某职位有大量符合条件的应聘者,候选人竞争激烈。HR 及公司处于买方市场。2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends Mainland China5859Fin-tech-金融科技Fund Investment-基金投资(二级)CROCredit Risk ExpertPayment Risk HeadPayment Risk ExpertWealth Management Digital HeadPortfolio Data Management DirectorUser Gro

219、wth LeadDigital Prodcut DirectorFintech Pre-sales ExpertDigital Strategy/PMO DirectorInvestment DirectorInvestment ManagerFund ManagerResearcher首席风险官信贷风险专家支付风险总监支付风险专家财富管理数字化负责人投后数据分析总监用户运营负责人数字化产品总监金科售前专家数字化转型战略/项目管理总监投资总监投资经理基金经理研究员10 years+5 years+10 years+5 years+12 years+8 years+8 years+10 year

220、s+5 years+8 years+8 years+5 years+3 years+1 years+3.0M1.8M2.5M1.5M3.0M2.5M2.5M1.2M1.5M2.5M5M2M700K550K1.8M1.2M1.5M1.2M1.2M1.2M1.5M1.1M900K1.5M2M1M550K280K1.5M600K1.2M800K1.5K1.0M1.8M1.0M700K1.0M2.2M1.2M550K410K1.2M700K800K600K700K700K1.0M800K600K900K1.5M700K400K165K1.0M400K800K400K800K800K1.5M700K45

221、0K700K1.5M800K500K280K800K300K400K250K500K500K900K600K400K700K1M500K300K150K Position Title 职位名称MinMinMedMedMaxMaxYears ofExperience从业年数Annual Package Range(RMB)年薪Tier 1 Cities 一线城市 Tier 2 Cities 二线城市 5085909590908590959080828580NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数*年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民

222、币。*最小值、中位值、最大值*需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。*Annual Package:Basic Salary+Standard Bonus(excluding stocks or other benefits),use local currency,ex:use RMB In China.*Min.:Minimum,Med.:Medium,Max.:Maximum*Need Indicator:A metric

223、 to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market.A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need.A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market.A score above 80 indicates an urgent need,or a scarcity in the market.2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary TrendsPosition Titl

224、e 职位名称Venture Capital-风险投资Private Equity-私募股权Partner/Managing DirectorExecutive DirectorVPSenior AssociateAssociateAnalystPartner/Managing DirectorExecutive Director/DirectorVPSenior AssociateAssociateAnalyst合伙人/董事总经理执行董事副总裁高级投资经理投资经理分析师合伙人/董事总经理执行董事/董事副总裁高级投资经理投资经理分析员15 years+10 years+6 years+4 yea

225、rs+3 Years+1 Years+15 years+10 years+6 years+4 years+3 Years+1 Years+5M+3M2M1.5M900K500K5M+4M3M2M1.3M900K2M1.5M900K500K300K2M1.5M900K500K300K5M+2.5M1.6M1M700K400K5M+2M2M1M700K400Karound 2M-3M1.5M1M700K400K250Karound 2M1.7M1M700K400K250K5M+2M1.3M800K600K300K5M+1.8M1.5M800K600K300K1M800K500K300K200K1.

226、5M800K500K300K200KPosition Title 职位名称MinMinMinMinMedMedMedMedMaxMaxMaxMaxYears ofExperience从业年数Years ofExperience从业年数Annual Package Range(RMB)年薪Annual Package Range(RMB)年薪Tier 1 Cities 一线城市 Tier 1 Cities 一线城市 Tier 2 Cities 二线城市 Tier 2 Cities 二线城市 808080606060808080606060NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数NeedI

227、ndicator(0-100)需求指数*年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。*最小值、中位值、最大值*需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。*Annual Package:Basic Salary+Standard Bonus(excluding stocks or other benefits),use local currency,ex:use RMB In Ch

228、ina.*Min.:Minimum,Med.:Medium,Max.:Maximum*Need Indicator:A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market.A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need.A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market.A score above 80 indicates an urgent need,or a scarcity

229、 in the market.2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends Mainland China6061Investor Relationship-投资者关系Partner/Managing DirectorInvestor Relation DirectorInvestor Relation VPInvestor Relation Manager合伙人/董事总经理投资者关系总监投资者关系副总裁投资者关系经理2M1.5M1.2M700K900K700K700K500K600K500K500K300KPosition Title 职位名称MinMedMax

230、Years ofExperience从业年数Annual Package Range(RMB)年薪Tier 1 Cities 一线城市 80808060NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数*年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。*最小值、中位值、最大值*需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。*Annual Package:Basic Salary+Stand

231、ard Bonus(excluding stocks or other benefits),use local currency,ex:use RMB In China.*Min.:Minimum,Med.:Medium,Max.:Maximum*Need Indicator:A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market.A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need.A score below 80 indicates an

232、 oversupply in the market.A score above 80 indicates an urgent need,or a scarcity in the market.2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary TrendsPosition Title 职位名称MinMedMaxYears ofExperience从业年数Annual Package Range(RMB)年薪Tier 1 Cities 一线城市 NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数Financial Analysis-财务分析PartnerManaging Directo

233、rDirector/Executive DirectorVPSenior AssociateAssociateAnalyst合伙人董事总经理董事/执行董事副总裁高级经理经理分析员2M1.8M2.5M1.2M1M320K300K1M1.2M2M800K600k250K240K800K600K500k400K200K150K120K808080606060*年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。*最小值、中位值、最大值*需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于

234、市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。*Annual Package:Basic Salary+Standard Bonus(excluding stocks or other benefits),use local currency,ex:use RMB In China.*Min.:Minimum,Med.:Medium,Max.:Maximum*Need Indicator:A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market.A

235、score of 80 indicates an average demand or need.A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market.A score above 80 indicates an urgent need,or a scarcity in the market.2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends Mainland China6263Medical Health医疗健康2022 年,国内各地新冠疫情的反扑对医疗健康领域,这一应对公共卫生事件的最前线,可谓带来了无法忽视的影

236、响。首先,核酸检测的普及程度在过去一年里达到了空前的规模,检测公司因此获得了巨大的收益。迈入 2023 年,随着各地对核酸检测要求的放松,由此产生的红利也将慢慢消退;预计在疫情管控进一步放宽之后,抗原自测设备将再度迎来一波热潮,随后也将慢慢退场。疫情带来的又一重大影响体现在医疗服务领域。为了规避传统就医方式可能出现的感染风险,国民通过提高自我健康管理意识减少了就医频率;另一方面,疫情爆发期间医疗机构对就医行为的限制,也将在一段时间内继续影响人们的就医习惯。这一现象直接导致了医院就诊患者数量、收入、收益和绩效的下降。疫情在向传统就医方式发起挑战的同时,也催生了互联网医院与家庭医生就医模式的迅速兴

237、起。2022 年 12 月1 日,药品网络销售监督管理办法正式实施,规范了对网售处方药的监管。当日,部分互联网医疗与零售药店迎来股份上涨。而家庭医生模式的发展早在 2016 年国务院发布关于推进家庭医生签约服务的指导意见起,就已经被提上了日程,疫情的影响进一步推动了这一模式的落实。一方面,老人是最易受疫情与其他公共事件影响的弱势群体,同时其数字化适应能力弱、行动不便的特点恰恰精准匹配家庭医生上门服务所能提供的特殊价值;另一方面,疫情管控加强了社区基层人员的管理和组织能力,开启了其为辖区内居民联络、获取医疗资源提供支持的先河,因此也能够顺理成章地推进家庭医生服务模式的落实。未来,传统医疗、互联网

238、医院与家庭医生并行的模式将得到进一步深化,对医疗资源进行再分配,使得供求关系的匹配更加精准。应对这场变革,医疗机构需要在这场变革中加强精益化运营管理,更细致地匹配岗位与人才,同时加强数字化管理能力,为患者提供更加顺畅便利的就医体验。而对于医疗健康行业的人才来说,可以综合评估自身兴趣、能力与职业目标,抓住行业变革带来的机遇赢来转型;也可以加强数字化适应能力,增强对行业变化与新业务模式的敏感度,在深耕领域获得更好的发展机会。2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary TrendsCGP InsightIn 2022,the counterattack of the new cr

239、own epidemic in various parts of the country will have an impact that cannot be ignored on the medical and health field,the front line of responding to public health incidents.The first to mention is that the popularity of nucleic acid testing has reached an unprecedented scale in the past year,whic

240、h result in testing companies huge benefits.Stepping into 2023,as nucleic acid testing results are no longer mandatorily required in various places,the testing companies are gradually losing the dividends.After the epidemic control is further relaxed,antigen self-testing device is expected to upsurg

241、e again,and then it gradually withdraw from the market.Another major impact of the epidemic is reflected in the field of medical services.To avoid the infection risk that may occur while visiting hospital,citizens have reduced the frequency of seeking medical treatment by improving their awareness o

242、f self-health management;on the other hand,restrictions on medical institutions visits during the outbreak of the epidemic will continue to affect peoples habits for some time.The phenomenon has directly lead to a decline in hospitals visits,revenue,and performance.While the epidemic challenged the

243、traditional offline visits of medical institutions,it gave birth to the rapid rise of Internet hospitals and family doctors.On December 1,2022,the Provisions for Supervision and Administration of Online Drug Sales were officially implemented,regulating the supervision of online sales of prescription

244、 drugs.The shares of some Internet medical and retail pharmacies rose immediately on the same day.The development of the family doctor model has been put on the agenda since the State Council issued the Guiding Opinions on Promoting Family Doctor Contract Services in 2016,and the impact of the epide

245、mic has further promoted its implementation.On one hand,the elderly are the most vulnerable group in the epidemic and other public incidents,and their weak digital adaptability and limited mobility precisely match the special value of the family doctors;on the other hand,epidemic control has strengt

246、hened community personnels management and organizational capabilities,and opened a precedent for providing support for residents in the jurisdiction to seek medical resources,which makes it logic for them to promote the implementation of the family doctor service model.In the future,the parallel imp

247、lementation of traditional medical care,Internet hospitals and family doctors will be further deepened,and medical resources will be redistributed to better matching of supply and demand.To cope with the transformation,medical institutions need to strengthen lean operation management,match positions

248、 and talents more precisely,and strengthen digital management capabilities to provide patients with a better medical experience.Talents in the healthcare industry may need to comprehensively evaluate their own interests,abilities and career goals,and seize the opportunities brought by industry chang

249、es to realize transformation;they can also strengthen their digital adaptability and increase their sensitivity to industry changes and new business models,and gain better development opportunities in the field that they choose to further cultivate in.2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends Mainland

250、China6465人才短缺岗位竞争激烈岗位DIFFICULT TO HIREHIGHLY COMPETITIVENursing Director护理总监Chief Nurse护士长Nurse护士Hospital President医院院长Chief Physician主任医师Attending Physician主治医师Sales销售Marketing市场2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary TrendsNotes:Roles with limited qualified candidates while HR and company has less bargain

251、 power during recruitment process.指某职位缺乏符合条件的应聘者,符合条件的候选人有较大选择空间。HR 及公司处于卖方市场。Notes:Roles with poured qualified candidates while many candidates compete for one job.HR and company has more bargain power during recruitment process.指某职位有大量符合条件的应聘者,候选人竞争激烈。HR 及公司处于买方市场。*年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货

252、币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。*最小值、中位值、最大值*需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。*Annual Package:Basic Salary+Standard Bonus(excluding stocks or other benefits),use local currency,ex:use RMB In China.*Min.:Minimum,Med.:Medium,Max.:Maximum*Need Indi

253、cator:A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market.A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need.A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market.A score above 80 indicates an urgent need,or a scarcity in the market.Medical Affairs DirectorMedical Affai

254、rs MangerQuality DirectorQuality MangerNursing DirectorChief PhysicianAssociate Chief PhysicianAttending PhysicianHealth TechnicianChief NurseSupervisor NurseNurse PractitionerNurse医学事务总监医学事务经理质控总监质控经理护理总监主任医师副主任医师主治医师住院医师护士长主管护师护师护士15years+8years+15years+8years+15 years+10years+10 years+5 years+1 y

255、ears+10years+5years+3years+1years+1M750K1M600K800K2M1M800K250K300K200K150K100K800K580K800K430K580K1.1M700K520K175K250K175K125K90K600K 400K 600K 300K 350K 600K 400K 240K 100K 200K 150K 100K 75K Position Title 职位名称MinMedMaxYears ofExperience从业年数Annual Package Range(RMB)年薪Medical-医务80808080929085918492

256、849080NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends Mainland China6667*年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。*最小值、中位值、最大值*需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。*Annual Package:Basic Salary+Standard Bonus(exc

257、luding stocks or other benefits),use local currency,ex:use RMB In China.*Min.:Minimum,Med.:Medium,Max.:Maximum*Need Indicator:A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market.A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need.A score below 80 indicates an oversupply i

258、n the market.A score above 80 indicates an urgent need,or a scarcity in the market.CEOCOOCMOHospital PresidentClinical DirectorClinical Manager首席执行官首席运营官首席医务官医院院长诊所总监诊所经理20 years+20 years+18 years+20 years+15 years+10 years+6M3M6M2M700K400K5M2M5M1.2M520K320K4M 1M 4M 500K 400K 250K Position Title 职位名

259、称MinMedMaxYears ofExperience从业年数Annual Package Range 年薪Operation&Management-运营管理808080908282NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary TrendsSales DirectorSales ManagerMarketing DirectorMarketing Manager销售总监销售经理市场总监市场经理15 years+10 years+15 years+10 years+1.5M800K1.2M700K1.2M600K1M540K1M

260、 400K 800K 400K Position Title 职位名称MinMedMaxYears ofExperience从业年数Annual Package Range 年薪81808081NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数Sales&Marketing-销售&市场*年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。*最小值、中位值、最大值*需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样

261、的人才并不充足。*Annual Package:Basic Salary+Standard Bonus(excluding stocks or other benefits),use local currency,ex:use RMB In China.*Min.:Minimum,Med.:Medium,Max.:Maximum*Need Indicator:A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market.A score of 80 indicates an average de

262、mand or need.A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market.A score above 80 indicates an urgent need,or a scarcity in the market.2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends Mainland China6869Life Science&Pharmeceutical 生命科学与制药在过去三年里,生命科学与制药行业作为人类应对新冠疫情的最前线领域,在这场国际公共卫生事件里扮演了重要角色,也获得了商业上的发展与收益,首当其

263、冲的便是疫苗与药物的研发。疫苗研发领域在应对新冠的过程中不断推陈出新,经历了灭活、重组蛋白、病毒载体和 mRNA 等技术迭代。2022 年国内新冠疫情的反扑,使得国内的疫苗接种率进一步提升,目前全程接种率已达 90%左右;而迈入2023 年,随着全民接种因国家对新冠疫情管控的放松而基本实现,以及新冠疫情逐渐接近尾声的态势,预测新冠疫情为疫苗研发与生产带来的阶段性红利将逐渐消退。在药物研发领域,继瑞德西韦之后,核苷类似物、3CL蛋白酶抑制剂等药物陆续问世,小分子药物之间竞争持续。而在治疗性抗体赛道,疫情前多用于肿瘤和自身免疫性疾病的治疗性抗体因为新冠病毒而更多地进入了寻常百姓家,这可能会开启未来

264、治疗性抗体研究发展的新局面。在新冠疫情的影响之外,本行业的 2022 年伴随着对生物科技领域未来前景的讨论与担忧。早年,生物科技领域在创新药利好政策的推动下,吸引了大量资本涌入,而市场过热导致的估值泡沫在过去两年里被逐渐戳破,叠加国内的新冠疫情对整体经济环境和研发、临床试验带来的影响,“寒冬”的形成在所难免。从长远来看,人类从化学药进入生物药时代的趋势毋庸置疑,但对于生物科技公司来说,发展成为生物制药企业的成功率是比较低的。在“寒冬”中求生存,生物科技公司将面临选择,开辟 CDMO 或 CRO 业务,通过对外授权许可产品、转让项目、承接外包服务开发等,创造现金流以继续支持项目的研发投入;或者通


266、危机,市场会逐渐建立起新常态。在国内的生命科学与制药行业,资本还未经历过完整的投资周期,因此需要一段时间认清现实,调整预期。未来,无论对于资本、创业者和该行业的人才来说,都应该将关注点转移到公司研发的质量和管线的价值上来。2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary TrendsCGP InsightOver the last three years,life science and pharmaceutical,as the very frontline industry of humans defense against Covid epidemic,has played

267、 an important role in this international public health incident.and has also achieved commercial development and benefits,especially in the research and development of vaccines and medicines.The field of vaccine research and development is constantly innovating in the process of coping with the Covi

268、d,and has undergone technical iterations such as inactivation,recombinant proteins,viral vectors,and mRNA.The counterattack of the domestic epidemic in 2022 has further increased the vaccination rate.At present,the national full-course vaccination coverage has reached about 90%;entering 2023,as the

269、national vaccination is almost completed due to the governments loosening control and the epidemics assuaging posture,the phased dividends that vaccine R&D and production has enjoyed will gradually fade.In the field of drug R&D,following Remdesivir,drugs such as nucleoside analogs and 3CL protease i

270、nhibitors have come out one after another,and the competition among small molecule drugs continues.And in the field of the therapeutic antibody,the new coronavirus has made the therapeutic antibodies that were once mostly used for tumors and autoimmune diseases entered a bigger market,which may give

271、 rise to fresh progress of therapeutic antibodies in the future.In addition to the impact of the epidemic,2022 was accompanied by discussions and concerns about the prospects of the biotechnology field.In the early years,driven by favorable policies for innovative drugs,the biotechnology field attra

272、cted a large influx of capital.The valuation bubble caused by the overheated market has been gradually burst in the past two years,together with the impact of the domestic epidemic on the overall economic environment,R&D,and clinical trials,which inevitably caused the downturn of the industry.In the

273、 long run,we are undoubtedly parting from chemical drugs and entering the era of biological drugs,but the success rate is relatively low for biotechnology companies to develop into biopharmaceutical companies.To survive in the downturn period,biotech companies will have to make choices of creating c

274、ash flow to continue supporting the R&D investment of the project through developing CDMO or CRO business,authorizing licensed products,transferring projects,and undertaking outsourced development projects,or selling the company or the core projects to become part of the pipeline or technology syste

275、m of large domestic and foreign pharmaceutical companies.The mobility of talent is inevitable during the process.In the fields of biological sciences and pharmaceuticals,talents generally have high academic qualifications and weak stability.Due to the current uncertainties in the industry prospects

276、and the overall economy downturn,R&D talents may show a tendency to flow to colleges and universities,scientific research institutions or massive health field based on the consideration of stability.Therefore,for enterprises,it is necessary to identify target talents for key core positions in advanc

277、e and build a high-end talent pool in a targeted manner.As for the talents themselves,it is necessary to re-clarify the career direction and goals,while keeping up with the knowledge and trends of the frontier fields and massive health industry,enhancing competitiveness to resist the career risk.In

278、the next year or more,when biotech companies overcome the crisis by various means,the market will gradually establish a new normal.In the domestic life science and pharmaceutical industry,capital has not yet experienced a complete investment cycle,so it will take some time for the industry to recogn

279、ize the reality and adjust expectations.In the future,capital,entrepreneurs and talents should all shift the focus to the quality of R&D and the value of the pipeline.2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends Mainland China7071人才短缺岗位竞争激烈岗位DIFFICULT TO HIREHIGHLY COMPETITIVEChief Techical Officer 首席技术管C

280、hief Scientific Officer首席科学家Biology VP生物学副总裁Medical Head医学负责人Process Development VP工艺开发副总裁R&D Director研发总监RA Director注册总监Medical Director医学总监Clinical Operation Director/Associate Director临床运营总监/副总监Sales Manager-Director销售经理-总监Marketing Manager-Director市场经理-总监Notes:Roles with limited qualified candid

281、ates while HR and company has less bargain power during recruitment process.指某职位缺乏符合条件的应聘者,符合条件的候选人有较大选择空间。HR 及公司处于卖方市场。Notes:Roles with poured qualified candidates while many candidates compete for one job.HR and company has more bargain power during recruitment process.指某职位有大量符合条件的应聘者,候选人竞争激烈。HR 及

282、公司处于买方市场。2023 Asia Career Outloo&Salary TrendsNotes:Roles with limited qualified candidates while HR and company has less bargain power during recruitment process.指某职位缺乏符合条件的应聘者,符合条件的候选人有较大选择空间。HR 及公司处于卖方市场。Notes:Roles with poured qualified candidates while many candidates compete for one job.HR and

283、 company has more bargain power during recruitment process.指某职位有大量符合条件的应聘者,候选人竞争激烈。HR 及公司处于买方市场。人才短缺岗位竞争激烈岗位DIFFICULT TO HIREHIGHLY COMPETITIVEBD Director 业务拓展总监Digital Marketing Manager数字营销经理Portfolio Manager产品管线管理经理HEOR Manager卫生经济学经理Business Unit Head事业部负责人National Sales Director 全国销售总监Marketing

284、Director 市场总监Training Director 培训总监2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends Mainland China7273CTO/CSOR&D DirectorR&D ManagerBioinformatics DirectorBioinformatics ManagerMedical DirectorMedical ManagerSales DirectorRegional Sales ManagerMarketing DirectorProduct ManagerManufacturing DirectorRegulatory

285、Director首席技术官/首席信息官研发总监研发经理生物信息总监生物信息经理医学总监医学经理销售总监区域销售经理市场总监产品经理生产总监注册总监15 years+8 years+5 years+10 years+4 years+15 years+5 years+10 years+6 years+10 years+3 years+10 years+10 years+2.5M1M550K1.4M650K1.5M600K1.2M600K800K400K800K1M1.8M800K450K1.2M545K800K520K1M510K700K350K700K900K1.2M600K350K1M400K

286、600K300K800400K600K300K600K600KPosition Title 职位名称MinMedMaxYears ofExperience从业年数Annual Package Range(RMB)年薪NGS-基因测序95908885809095809085858292NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数*年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。*最小值、中位值、最大值*需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之

287、,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。*Annual Package:Basic Salary+Standard Bonus(excluding stocks or other benefits),use local currency,ex:use RMB In China.*Min.:Minimum,Med.:Medium,Max.:Maximum*Need Indicator:A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market.A score of 80

288、 indicates an average demand or need.A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market.A score above 80 indicates an urgent need,or a scarcity in the market.2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary TrendsMedical Device(Non Commercial)-医疗器械(非业务类)R&D Vice presidentR&D DirectorR&D ManagerProduction Directo

289、rProduction ManagerQuality DirectorQuality ManagerRegulatory DirectorRegulatory ManagerClinical DirectorClinical Manager1M800K350K400K350K400K250K600K300K500K300K20 years+18 years+10 years+18 years+12 years+18 years+7 years+15 years+8 years+12 years+7 years+2M1M500K700K450K700K350K700K400700K450K研发副


291、:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。*Annual Package:Basic Salary+Standard Bonus(excluding stocks or other benefits),use local currency,ex:use RMB In China.*Min.:Minimum,Med.:Medium,Max.:Maximum*Need Indicator:A metric to measure the nee

292、d of the specific position or talent within the market.A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need.A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market.A score above 80 indicates an urgent need,or a scarcity in the market.MinMinLocal Company本土公司Foreign Company外资公司MedMedMaxMaxNeedIndicator(0-

293、100)Annual Package Range(RMB)年薪Position Title 职位名称Years ofExperience从业年数2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends Mainland China7475Chief Marketing OfficerMarketing DirectorMarketing ManagerMarket Research ManagerBrand Director Brand ManagerCorporate Communication Director Product ManagerChief Commerci

294、al Officer Sales VPSales DirectorSales ManagerBD Manager Strategy Director Commercial Operation DirectorGA Manager Market Access ManagerMedical Affairs ManagerPricing Manager首席营销官市场总监市场经理市场调研经理品牌总监品牌宣传经理传播总监产品经理首席商务官销售副总裁销售总监销售经理业务拓展经理战略总监商业运营总监政务经理市场准入经理医学事务经理定价经理15 years+12 years+8 years+3 years+1

295、2 years+5 years+12 years+5 years+15 years+15 years+10 years+7 years+7 years+7 years+8 years+5 years+5 years+5 years+5 years+3M1.5M900K700K1.4M800K2.5M800K4M3M2M900K900K2M1.5M800K800K800K800K2.5M1.3M740K490K1M500K1.8M500K3.3M2.8M1.5M700K700K1.5M1.3M800K800K700K620K2M1M600K300K1M400K1M400K2.5M2.5M1M50

296、0K500K1M1M400K400K400K400KMinMedMaxAnnual Package Range(RMB)年薪Medical Device(Commercial)-医疗器械(业务类)82828080909082908492928582908591909090NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数*年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。*最小值、中位值、最大值*需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80

297、 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。*Annual Package:Basic Salary+Standard Bonus(excluding stocks or other benefits),use local currency,ex:use RMB In China.*Min.:Minimum,Med.:Medium,Max.:Maximum*Need Indicator:A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market.A score of 80 indic

298、ates an average demand or need.A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market.A score above 80 indicates an urgent need,or a scarcity in the market.Position Title 职位名称Years ofExperience从业年数2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary TrendsIVD(Non Commercial)-体外诊断(非业务类)R&D Vice presidentR&D DirectorR&D M

299、anagerProduction DirectorProduction ManagerQuality DirectorQuality ManagerRegulatory DirectorRegulatory ManagerClinial DirectorClinial Manager1M800K350K400K250K400K300K500K300K800K350K20 years+15 years+10 years+18 years+10 years+15 years+10 years+12 years+8 years+12 years+6 years+1.8M1M600K700K400K7

300、00K400K800K500K1M400K研发副总裁研发总监研发经理生产总监生产经理质量总监质量经理注册总监注册经理临床总监临床经理1.9M1M425K660K325K510K350K660K400K1.2M475K2M1.5M650K800K500K810K500K950K650K1.4M560K3M1.2M500K900K400K600K400K800K500K1.5M600K2.6M2M700K1.2M600K900K600K1.5M700K1.6M700K7090608282858590959090MinMinLocal Company本土公司Foreign Company外资公司Me

301、dMedMaxMaxNeedIndicator(0-100)Annual Package Range(RMB)年薪Sales DirectorSales ManagerMarketing DirectorProduct ManagerApplication ManagerService Manager销售总监销售经理市场总监产品经理应用经理服务经理15 years+8 years+15 years+5 years+8 years+8 years+1.5M1M1.5M900K800K800K1.3M750K1.3M640K650K640K1M 500K1.2M400K500K500KMinMed

302、MaxAnnual Package Range 年薪IVD(Commercial)体外诊断(业务类)828280808180NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数*Annual Package:Basic Salary+Standard Bonus(excluding stocks or other benefits),use local currency,ex:use RMB In China.*Min.:Minimum,Med.:Medium,Max.:Maximum*Need Indicator:A metric to measure the need of the speci

303、fic position or talent within the market.A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need.A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market.A score above 80 indicates an urgent need,or a scarcity in the market.Position Title 职位名称Position Title 职位名称Years ofExperience从业年数Years ofExperience从业年数20

304、23 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends Mainland China7677Research&Clinical-研发与临床Production&Quality-生产与质量Chief of Drug DiscoveryDrug Discovery DirectorDrug Discovery ScientistChief of Pre ClinicalPre Clinical DirectorPre Clinical MangerChief of Clinical DevelopmentClinical Development DirectorClinical

305、Development MangerRegulatory VPRegulatory DirectorRegulatory MangerChief of Process DevelopmentProcess Development DirectorProcess Development ScientistChief of ManufactureManufacture DirectorManufacture EngineerQuality VPQuality DirectorQuality ManagerAnalytical VPAnalytical DirectorAnalytical Mana

306、ger2M500K200K2M500K300K2M1M300K1M500K200K2M1M200K2M500K200K1M800K200K1.5M800K200K20 years+10 years+5 years+20 years+10 years+5 years+20 years+10 years+5 years+20 years+10 years+5 years+20 years+10 years+5 years+20 years+10 years+5 years+20 years+15 years+8 years+20 years+10 years+8 years+2M600K300K2


308、K2.5M1.2M600K3.1M1.6M650K2.3M1.5M650K3.1M1.6M460K2.5M800K510K2M+1.1M460K2M+1.1M450K3M1M600K3M1M600K3M2M800K3M1M600K3M1.5M600K2.5M800K600K1.5M1M500K2M1M500K4M1.5M800K3M1.5M800K4M2M900K3M2M800K4M2M600K3M1M700K1.2M600K1.2M600K8280828380829082888848282909092848484Position Title 职位名称NeedIndica

309、tor(0-100)需求指数Years ofExperience从业年数MinMinLocal Company本土公司Foreign Company外资公司MedMedMaxMaxAnnual Package Range(RMB)年薪*Annual Package:Basic Salary+Standard Bonus(excluding stocks or other benefits),use local currency,ex:use RMB In China.*Min.:Minimum,Med.:Medium,Max.:Maximum*Need Indicator:A metric t

310、o measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market.A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need.A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market.A score above 80 indicates an urgent need,or a scarcity in the market.2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary TrendsPosition Title

311、职位名称NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数Years ofExperience从业年数Pharma Commercial-商务开发Chief Commercial OfficerCommercial VPBD VPBD DirectorBD ManagerMarket Access VP(Central)Market Access Director(Central)Marketing VPMarketing DirectorMarketing ManagerLocal Marketing Director/LeadLocal Marketing ManagerNational S

312、ales DirectorRegional Sales ManagerTraining DirectorSFE DirectorKA Director3M1.5M1.5M600K400K1.5M1M1.5M800K600K600K300K1M500K800K800K700K20 years+15 years+15 years+10 years+5 years+18 years+10 years+18 years+15 years+10 years+12 years+5 years+15 years+10 years+15 years+15 years+15 years+4M2M2M700K45

313、0K2M1.5M2M1M800K800K350K1.5M800K1M1M900K首席商务官营销副总裁BD 副总裁BD 总监BD 经理市场准入副总裁(中央)市场准入总监(中央)市场部副总裁市场总监市场经理区域市场总监/负责人区域市场经理全国销售总监大区销售经理培训部总监销售绩效增效总监关键客户总监4M2M2.5M1M500K2M1.5M2M1M800K800K400K1.2M800K1M1M1M5M3M3M1.2M600K3M1.8M3M1.5M1M1M450K1.8M1M1.2M1.2M1.3M5M2.5M3M2.5M700K3M1.8M2.5M1.5M1M1M600K1.5M1M1.2M1.

314、2M1.3M7M3.5M5M3M800K3.5M2M4M2M1.2M1.5M600K2M1.3M1.5M1.5M1.5M8080858590757880858580858585787875MinMinLocal Company本土公司Foreign Company外资公司MedMedMaxMaxAnnual Package Range(RMB)年薪*年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。*最小值、中位值、最大值*需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场

315、上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。*Annual Package:Basic Salary+Standard Bonus(excluding stocks or other benefits),use local currency,ex:use RMB In China.*Min.:Minimum,Med.:Medium,Max.:Maximum*Need Indicator:A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market.A sc

316、ore of 80 indicates an average demand or need.A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market.A score above 80 indicates an urgent need,or a scarcity in the market.2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends Mainland China7879Machinery&Automation机械与自动化进入工业 4.0 时代,工业自动化与数字化被认为是智能制造产业的关键技术,而机械是制造业中游

317、最大、最主要的板块,对下游行业的景气度和需求有着直接影响。2022 年由于需求端下行因素与国际外部环境动荡的影响,中国制造业承压明显,上半年工业经济出现较大回落幅度。自三季度后,机械工业行业总体走势趋近平缓,主要指标小幅调整。随着疫情政策调整及扩大内需、促进产业结构优化等政策的发布,预计 2023 年中国机械行业将出现稳步回升。尤其是需求端因素的变化,如光伏设备、风电等新型能源扩大产能,新能源汽车行业稳步前进,房地产行业政策调整等将带动制造业上升。同时,国际局势动荡及经济下行引起的出口乏力等因素也为行业增添了不确定性。随着国内制造业的升级,产业自动化的比例不断提升,将诞生越来越多更高端、专业的

318、岗位,对人才的要求也随之提高。随着制造业升级和机器人等自动化技术的普及,提高了制造型企业的自动化程度,对人才技能的需求也产生了变化。从业人员应该密切关注新兴制造业技术,提高自动化、智能化领域的知识技术储备,顺利过渡,以此稳固行业竞争力。随着自动化进程的不断深入,人才之间技能的差距也会越来越大。新职位与职能的产生意味着人才现有的技能和经验正面临挑战。而对新技能的需求也将带来更为可观的工资和福利,对人才来说意味着新的机遇和挑战。2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary TrendsCGP InsightEntering the era of Industry 4.0,indu

319、strial automation and digitization are considered to be the key technologies of the intelligent manufacturing industry,and machinery is the largest and most important sector in the midstream of the manufacturing industry,which has a direct impact on the prosperity and demand of downstream industries

320、.In 2022,due to the downward factors on the demand side and the impact of international conflict,Chinas manufacturing industry was under obvious pressure,and the industrial economy experienced a large decline in the first half of the year.Since the third quarter,the overall trend of the machinery in

321、dustry has tended to be flat,with minor adjustments in major indicators.With the adjustment of the epidemic policy and the release of policies to expand domestic demand and promote the optimization of industrial structure,it is expected that Chinas machinery industry will see a steady recovery in 20

322、23.In particular,changes in demand-side factors,such as the expansion of production capacity of new energy sources such as photovoltaic equipment and wind power,the steady progress of the new energy automobile industry,and policy adjustments in the real estate industry will drive the rise of the man

323、ufacturing industry.At the same time,factors such as continuous international conflict and weak export caused by the economic downturn have also added uncertainty to the industry.With the upgrading of the domestic manufacturing industry,the proportion of industrial automation continues to increase,m

324、ore and more high-end and professional jobs will be created,and the requirements on talents will also rise.With the popularization of automation technologies such as robots,the positions and functions of talents will also change.CGP Groups Marketing Insight shows that the upgrading of the domestic m

325、anufacturing industry has increased the degree of automation of manufacturing enterprises and the requirements for talents.Talents should pay close attention on emerging manufacturing technologies,improve knowledge reserves in the fields of automation and intelligence,and make a smooth transition to

326、 stabilize their competitiveness in the industry.As automation progresses,the skills gap between talent will grow.The creation of new roles and functions means that talents existing skills and experience are being challenged.The demand for new skills will also bring more substantial compensation and

327、 benefits,which means both opportunities and challenges to talents.2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends Mainland China8081人才短缺岗位竞争激烈岗位DIFFICULT TO HIREHIGHLY COMPETITIVER&D Engineer/Manager/Director 研发工程师/经理/总监Process Engineer/Manager 工艺工程师/经理Automation Engineer自动化工程师MES EngineerMES 工程师Engineering

328、 Manager工程经理Sourcing Manager采购经理Production Manager生产经理Operation Manager运营经理Project Manager项目经理Plant Manager厂长2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary TrendsNotes:Roles with limited qualified candidates while HR and company has less bargain power during recruitment process.指某职位缺乏符合条件的应聘者,符合条件的候选人有较大选择空间。HR 及公

329、司处于卖方市场。Notes:Roles with poured qualified candidates while many candidates compete for one job.HR and company has more bargain power during recruitment process.指某职位有大量符合条件的应聘者,候选人竞争激烈。HR 及公司处于买方市场。R&D-研发Production-生产Operation-运营R&D DirectorR&D ManagerR&D SupervisorR&D EngineerProduction DirectorProd

330、uction ManagerProduction SupervisorProduction EngineerOperations DirectorOperations Manager研发总监研发经理研发主管研发工程师生产总监生产经理生产主管生产工程师运营总监运营经理15 years+10 years+7 years+3 years+12 years+9 years+6 years+3 years+15 years+10 years+2M850K550K200K850K600K260K200K1.3M800K800K500K320K200K500K400K240K150K800K450K1.5M

331、700K480K195K690K475K200K150K1.1M660K625K410K250K170K400K315K185K110K670K380K900K500K400K150K550K350K150K100K900K500K450K300K180K100K320K230K130K90K550K300KPosition Title 职位名称MinMinMedMedMaxMaxYears ofExperience从业年数Annual Package Range(RMB)年薪Tier 1 Cities 一线城市 Tier 2 Cities 二线城市 82858892808282828285N

332、eedIndicator(0-100)需求指数*年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。*最小值、中位值、最大值*需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。*Annual Package:Basic Salary+Standard Bonus(excluding stocks or other benefits),use local currency,ex:use RMB I

333、n China.*Min.:Minimum,Med.:Medium,Max.:Maximum*Need Indicator:A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market.A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need.A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market.A score above 80 indicates an urgent need,or a scarcity in the market.2023 Asia Career Outlook&Salary Trends Mainland China8283*年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利)



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