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2、wing rapidly.Most CTV and OTT video advertisers in the US and UK are familiar with Content Object signals and have seen them in the bidstream,and among those who are familiar,half or more report having used them to buy these ads programmatically.Advertisers agree that Content Object signals are crit

3、ical for transparency in programmatic CTV and OTT video.This data gives them information at the impression level,which is typically not available to them when they buy these ads direct from publishers.Content Object signals improve campaign optimization and ultimately,audience experience.Advertisers

4、 want to use these signals both on the planning and activation side as well as on the reporting and optimization side.This gives them insights into which impressions they want to bid on,whats working,and where they should double down.Advertisers will spend more with those who provide empower them.62

5、%of US brands and 82%of UK brands say that they would increase their spend with partners that provide data such as Content Object signals.The presence of Content Object signals makes CTV and OTT video ad impressions more premium from an advertiser perspective.Most say theyre willing to pay premium p

6、rices for such inventory(57%in the US and 64%in the UK)even higher than they pay to buy direct from publishers.Big linear TV budgets are up for grabs.Advertisers are also more likely to shift money from linear TV to CTV when these signals are present (two-thirds of advertisers surveyed in the US and

7、 78%in the UK).2022 PUBMATIC,INC.ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDGREATER TRANSPARENCY WILL BRING MORE SPEND TO CTV/OTT /2Connected TV and OTT are among the fastest-growing digital ad channels,according to eMarketer,and within that,programmatic CTV spending is growing even more rapidly.Programmatic CTV gives adve

8、rtisers access to premium,large-screen inventory in a world where cord-cutting has slashed linear TV audiences.Programmatic CTV comes with the added benefits of more targeting options,better measurability,and real-time decisioning.PubMatic partnered with market intelligence firm Advertiser Perceptio

9、ns to understand how buyers are executing these campaigns,and what could bring them more transparency.Research conducted in June-July 2022 among 200 US and 100 UK advertisers found that programmatic accounts for a significant share of CTV/OTT video ad spending in both countries,with only about one-f

10、ifth of this advertising purchased via publisher-direct I/O over the past year.Programmatic is key to advertisers approach to gaining more transparency into their CTV buys,which remains a leading challenge for advertisers according to the Advertiser Perceptions CTV Landscape Study,H1 2022 fielded in

11、 May 2022.CTV buyers Advertiser Perceptions interviewed on both the brand and agency side indicated that they are in the process of shifting more of their CTV spend to programmatic buys purchased via DSPs.This means they will have greater control over exactly where and how advertisers bid,and also m

12、ore granularity on the reporting side.“When we get reporting from a partner,its typically rolled up,”with results reported only in the aggregate across all of a partners properties or channels,according to one US-based agency buyer.But if CTV ads are purchased programmatically via DSP,the reporting

13、is impression-by-impression.And the targeting has the capacity to allow for a richer input of audience-based signals and content-related signals.Today,advertisers are using a combination of audience-based signals and content-related signals to target their CTV and OTT video ad buys.More than eight i

14、n 10 are using user-level audience targeting for CTV/OTT video advertising,and almost as many are using contextual targetingthe two most common approaches.(Fig 1)INTRODUCTION+STATE OF PLAYUser-Level Audience and Contextual Targeting Are The Top 2 Types of Targeting Used for CTV/OTT Video Ads In Both

15、 The US And The UKTypes of Targeting Currently Used for CTV/OTT video AdvertisingQuestion:What types of ad targeting is your company/main client currently using for CTV/OTT video advertising?Base:Total Respondents(US n=200,UK n=100)FIGURE 1User-level audience targetingContextualCohort-or segment-lev

16、el audience targetingLocation-basedPublisher-level targeting87%79%71%63%55%86%82%74%69%54%USUK 2022 PUBMATIC,INC.ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDGREATER TRANSPARENCY WILL BRING MORE SPEND TO CTV/OTT /3About half of US advertisers currently use Content Object signal vs.6 in 10 in UK Current Usage of Content Objec

17、t SignalsQuestion:Is your company/main client currently using Content Object signals when bidding on CTV/OTT advertising inventory?Base:Familiar With Content Object Signals(US n=178,UK n=93)YES,we are currently using Content Object signalsFIGURE 2One important tool that publishers and advertisers ha

18、ve to transact on CTV inventory using contextual targeting is the Content Object in the OpenRTB specification,which includes parameters that describe the content impressions appear within.For example,publishers can include within their bid requests information describing the category of the content(

19、like video),the genre of the content (like mystery),the content rating(like TV-13),and more,allowing advertisers to understand much more about the impressions that are available to bid on.The study found that more than half of advertisers in the US and UK were at least somewhat familiar with Content

20、 Object signals,with familiarity the strongest in the UK.Among those who are familiar with these signals,half in the US and six in 10 in the UK said they were using them to purchase CTV/OTT video ad inventory and use for decisions about their supply.(Fig 2)And when Content Object signals are include

21、d in bid requests,buyers gain greater transparency into the context where those impressions appeared,which can be used for attribution and optimization.Unsurprisingly,seven in 10 US advertisers surveyed in the PubMatic/Advertiser Perceptions“CTV Transparency Study,”and even more in the UK,agreed tha

22、t Content Object signals were useful for transparency.In-depth discussions with advertisers revealed that these signals are critical for advertisers to understand what they have actually purchased in CTV/OTT.“The more data that you have and the more information you make available through Content Obj

23、ect signals,for example,the more likely I am to invest in your products,because I assume theres additional value there as well from an insights perspective that I can report back to the business,”said a brand-side UK advertiser who also has experience on the agency side.ADVERTISER ADOPTION OF CONTEN

24、T OBJECT SIGNALS37%34%60%52%USUKNO,but we are planning on using Content Object signals in the next 12 monthsNO,and we are not planning on using Content Object signals11%5%2022 PUBMATIC,INC.ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDGREATER TRANSPARENCY WILL BRING MORE SPEND TO CTV/OTT /4When Content Object signals are avai

25、lable in reporting interfaces,advertisers can better understand whats working well for them in CTV and OTT and double down on those contexts.And on the activation side,they can take advantage of these insights,as well as seek out impressions that fit their brand guidelinesespecially common via genre

26、,network,and content rating signals.They can also more closely align their CTV and OTT video plans with those in other media including linear TV and other digital video channels.Most advertisers surveyed in the US and UK agreedthat they would increase their spend with partners that provide Content O

27、bject signals.(Fig 3)And,of course,DSP-based buying allows for holistic management of how advertisers are reaching consumers across all CTV partners,which isnt possible when doing direct buys.This allows for frequency capping,which is key for advertisers from an efficiency and effectiveness perspect

28、ive,but also important for the consumer experience of the CTV/OTT video content itself.UK advertisers more bullish about Content Object signals increasing their spend on contextual targeting and with partners that provide these signalsQuestion:Please indicate how much you agree with the following st

29、atements.Base:Total Respondents(US n=200,UK n=100)FIGURE 3The availability of Content Object signals would encourage me to increase my spend on contextual targeting.I would increase my spend with partners that provide Content Object signals.17%49%24%10%28%58%8%6%19%43%29%9%27%55%15%3%Neither agree n

30、or disagreeCompletely/somewhat disagreeSomewhat agreeCompletely agreeCombining CTV/OTT video ad buys with either linear TV campaigns or digital video campaigns is almost universal.Just 2%of advertisers surveyed in the US and 4%in the UK said they did not make any combined CTV and linear buys in the

31、past year,and similar percentages said they did not make any combined CTV and digital video buys over the same period.For both types of campaigns,these buys tend to be truly combined buys,with a plurality of advertisers saying CTV and the other channel carried equal weight in these plans.But there i

32、s much diversity in how advertisers can buy these different types of video ads today,driven by internal team structures,publisher-specified parameters,and many other factors.This can make planning difficult to align across channels.Content Object signals can make it easier to make sense of these cam

33、paigns together.On the one side,these signals make CTV buying more like other programmatic display buys,where granular,impression-level data is the norm.And on the other side,they make CTV buying more like linear TV buying,ALIGNING MEDIA PLANSSignificant differences between US and UK noted with red

34、outline 2022 PUBMATIC,INC.ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDGREATER TRANSPARENCY WILL BRING MORE SPEND TO CTV/OTT /5where content has long been key to how advertisers target their audiences.Content Object signals can help advertisers move from disjointed campaigns in siloed channels to cohesive ones that target au

35、dience plus context across the board.More than two-thirds of advertisers in the US and eight in 10 in the US agreed that access to Content Object signals would improve their ability to buy CTV/OTT video ads alongside both linear TV ads and alongside other digital video ads in an integrated manner.“T

36、hats what consumers want from us,and broadcasters,and from a connected TV perspective thats what they should want as well,”said the UK brand-side buyer.“It promotes a better experience with your consumers and ensures,from a content and a context perspective,were aligned across the board for all digi

37、tal channels and not just specifically in social and programmatic display.”The most useful Content Object signals based on how advertisers buy CTV and OTT video today include category,which signals that the content is video;genre,which indicates what genre the video falls into and is frequently used

38、 for both targeting and suppression to support brand safety goals;and content rating,which is also commonly used for brand safety reasons,to avoid mature content or kids content.Other parameters that get significant advertiser interest include an indicator of whether the content is live,as well as s

39、eries title which advertisers were especially likely to say was useful for scatter buying.Even publishers that do pass Content Object signals in the bid request pick and choose which parameters they include,and category,genre,and content rating are commonly offeredbut not necessarily fully standardi

40、zed.Sophisticated buyers have an awareness that publishers may be defining genres differently,or even using slightly different spellings of the same terms in different bid requests,making it more difficult to find efficiency through programmatic means.And because theres still limited scale to many o

41、f the parameters that could be included in these signals,DSPs have been slow to build tools that allow buyers to activate on them directly in their UIs.Without access to these tools,buyers and DSPs work directly with SSPs to set the necessary parameters up with a deal ID.Thats why today many adverti

42、sers are more likely to use Content Object signals on the measurement and reporting side of things,where DSPs routinely make them available.Advertisers have been asking DSPs for more of these tools,but without scaled data from the sell side they wont be as useful.And for now,DSPs are being cautious

43、about adding targeting options because they know publishers are leery about how the data might be usedbut all signs indicate advertisers become willing to spend more on programmatic CTV ads where these signals are available.WHAT ADVERTISERS NEED FROM PUBLISHERS 2022 PUBMATIC,INC.ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDG

44、REATER TRANSPARENCY WILL BRING MORE SPEND TO CTV/OTT /6Compared with longer-standing digital ad channels,its not easy for ad buyers today to find the CTV and OTT video inventory in which they want to invest.Buyers often focus on finding premium CTV inventory by going direct to publishers to do eithe

45、r direct I/O deals or private programmatic deals.These deals can be time-consuming to execute and limit the number of publisher partners advertisers work withand although the ads are fulfilled in an automated fashion,many of the major benefits of buying programmatically are missing,including cross-p

46、latform frequency capping and real-time optimization.Greater availability of targeting parameters in the bidstream,like Content Object signals,means opening up additional inventory opportunities for advertisers,who may find content that aligns with their brand guidelines and campaign objectives from

47、 supply sources they were otherwise not working with.The UK-based brand-side advertiser said that without Content Object signals,buyers were reliant on pre-built content segments,typically from larger publishers.Content Object signals in the bidstream opened up additional inventory“in terms of the t

48、ypes of content that wed actually enable our bidding to go after.”Six in 10 advertisers surveyed in the US and UK are willing to pay a premium for the transparency that Content Object signals afford them.Most of this group is also willing to pay more than they do for direct I/O deals to get this inf

49、ormation in the bidstream and enjoy the benefits of programmatic buying.In-depth interviews with advertisers revealed that they are willing to pay the same rates to the publisher for the impressions,in addition to the programmatic fees that enable the transactions.(Fig 4)WHY PUBLISHERS SHOULD CAREMa

50、jority of advertisers who would be willing to pay a premium to access Content Object signals via programmatic purchase would pay more than for a direct I/O deal,especially in the UK Willing to Pay Higher Price than Direct I/O to Access Content Object Signals Via ProgrammaticQuestion:You agreed that

51、you would be at least somewhat willing to pay a premium price for inventory with content object signals.Would you be willing to pay a higher price to access content object signals via programmatic than for inventory in a direct I/O deal?Base:Willing To Pay Premium Price(US n=114,UK n=64)YesFIGURE 41

52、7%3%89%71%USUKNoUnsure12%8%Significant differences between US and UK noted with red outline 2022 PUBMATIC,INC.ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDGREATER TRANSPARENCY WILL BRING MORE SPEND TO CTV/OTT /7Most US and UK advertisers say Content Object signals would make them more likely to shift budget from linear TV to

53、 CTV and OTT video Agreement statement:Content Object signals would make me more willing to shift budget from linear TV to CTV/OTT video ads.Question:To what extent do you agree with the following statements about how Content Object signals would affect your TV/video ad budget allocations?Base:Total

54、 Respondents(US n=200,UK n=100)Strongly/somewhat agreeFIGURE 528%2%78%64%USUKNeither agree nor disagreeStrongly/somewhat disagree10%19%And big linear TV budgets are up for grabs.This year,according to eMarketer,US advertisers will spend over$68 billion on linear TV ads,compared with less than$19 bil

55、lion on connected TV video ads.Content Object signals will help advertisers more accurately value CTV and OTT video impressions and align them with linear TV buying and reporting practices,putting them on a more even footing with linear.To that point,two-thirds of advertisers surveyed in the US and

56、78%in the UK said the presence of Content Object signals would make them more willing to shift budget from linear TV to CTV/OTT video ads.(Fig 5)If youre not already sharing Content Object signals as part of your bid requests for CTV and OTT video impressions,its time to start.Advertiser demand for

57、these signals already exists,and publishers who are meeting that demand are more likely to attract bids from advertisers seeking out these signals.Sharing genre,network,channel,and content rating will unlock demand by showing advertisers that your impressions are the ones they want to buy,and today

58、are among the signals most commonly used for activation.Theyll also give advertisers valuable reporting insights to see whats working and optimize toward that.If youre already sharing Content Object data in a limited fashion,consider adding more parameters to help build scale for additional advertis

59、er demand.For example,parameters like title are relatively uncommon today and it may not be worthwhile for advertisers to activate without more scale.Plus,this parameter helps put CTV and OTT video on a more even footing with linear TV when it comes to both buying and reporting.RECOMMENDATIONS123 20

60、22 PUBMATIC,INC.ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDResearch MethodologyPubMatic commissioned Advertiser Perceptions to survey 200 US advertisers and 100 UK advertisers from their Ad Pros Community from June 21 through July 12,2022,as well as to conduct 4 phone interviews in August 2022,about CTV and OTT video ad bu

61、ying,transparency and Content Object signals.These advertisers spend a minimum of$25M annually in the US and 8.3M annually in the UK on video ads and influence programmatic CTV/OTT ad strategy.About Advertiser PerceptionsAdvertiser Perceptions is the global leader in research-based business intellig

62、ence for the advertising,marketing,and ad technology industries.Our expert staff delivers an unbiased,research-based view of the advertising market with analysis and solutions tailored to clients specific KPIs and business objectives.These insights provide clients with the confidence to make the ver

63、y best organizational,sales and marketing decisions,driving greater revenue and increased client satisfaction.About PubMaticPubMatic(Nasdaq:PUBM)is an independent technology company maximizing customer value by delivering digital advertisings supply chain of the future.PubMatics sell-side platform e

64、mpowers the worlds leading digital content creators across the open internet to control access to their inventory and increase monetization by enabling marketers to drive return on investment and reach addressable audiences across ad formats and devices.Since 2006,our infrastructure-driven approach

65、has allowed for the efficient processing and utilization of data in real time.By delivering scalable and flexible programmatic innovation,we improve outcomes for our customers while championing a vibrant and transparent digital advertising supply chain.PubMatic is a registered trademark of PubMatic,Inc.Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Sales Contacts:EMMA NEWMANChief Revenue Officer,EMEAJASON BARNESChief Revenue Officer,APACPUBMATIC CONTACTResearch Contact:SUSAN WUSenior Director,Marketing RPress Contact:BROADSHEET COMMUNICATIONSKYLE DOZEMANChief Revenue Officer,A



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