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Digital Catapult:2023工业5G的实际效益和价值研究报告(英文版)(105页).pdf

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Digital Catapult:2023工业5G的实际效益和价值研究报告(英文版)(105页).pdf

1、December 2022The UKs Industrial 5G Testbeds&Trials programmeIndustrial 5G2This report has been authored by Digital Catapult,commissioned by the UK Governments Department for Digital,Culture,Media and Sport 5G Testbeds and Trials programme.Industrial 5G Testbeds and Trials demonstrates the value of 5

2、G to industry and drives early integration into key sectors of the UK economy.It targets industry-focused use cases in manufacturing and logistics,exploring potential efficiency and productivity benefits while helping the UK lead the development of 5G implementation and standards.Digital Catapult is

3、 coordinating the Industrial 5G Testbeds and Trials programme on behalf of the UK Governments Department for Digital,Culture,Media and Sport(DCMS).3AUTHORS:Lorraine During,Lead for Market Research,Digital CatapultRachel Hugonin,Policy and Research Analyst,Digital CatapultAlistair Munro,Senior 5G Tec

4、hnologist,Digital CatapultLinda Ligios,Senior Innovation Partner,Digital CatapultWITH SUPPORT FROM:Ilaria Catalano,Innovation Delivery Manager,Digital CatapultRachel Adebiyi,Business Development Executive,Digital CatapultPhilip Young,Director for Policy,Research and Strategic Engagement,Digital Cata

5、pultZameer Baig,Project Manager,Digital CatapultWITH THANKS TO:Mohammad Lari,Head of Cross-Government&International Coordination,DCMSDritan Khaleshi,Director of 5G Technology,Digital CatapultNick Wright,Director of Market Development,Digital CatapultJessica Rushworth,Chief Strategy&Policy Officer,Di

6、gital CatapultVicki DeBlasi,Head of Marketing,UK5GSylvia Lu,Board Member,5G ACIA and Head of Technology Strategy,u-bloxMichelle Gardner,Head of Public Policy,Logistics UKNina Gryf,Senior Policy Manager,Make UKStephen Phipson,Chief Executive Officer,Make UKEllen Rose-Senior,Policy Advisor,CBISophie J

7、ames,Head of Telecoms and Spectrum Policy,techUK45G is the first mobile technology designed to support the digital transformation needed to deliver Industry 4.0.Back in 2019,industrial companies working in manufacturing and logistics were telling us that it was hard to visualise the benefits 5G woul

8、d deliver,even though many recognised how advanced digital technologies could support industry productivity.It was therefore difficult for them to make a business case for investment without real-world examples,results and measures to draw from.A clearer picture was needed to justify Industrial 5G i

9、nnovation.In response,the Industrial 5G Testbeds and Trials(IG5TT)programme,funded by the UK Governments Department for Digital Culture Media and Sport,was established.IG5TT was based on the findings of Digital Catapults Made in 5G report,and on initiatives set out by the UKs Made Smarter programme.

10、Part of the wider Testbeds and Trials set of programmes,IG5TT provided an environment in which early adopters of 5G in manufacturing and logistics could begin to overcome the challenges that were slowing down the rollout of private 5G networks.There is still much to be done,but technical and innovat

11、ion challenges related to Industrial 5G have now been tested and are understood by many key stakeholders,with solutions identified and steps towards adoption being taken.Participants technical understanding,skills and capabilities relating to to 5G have been significantly improved.Digital Catapult h

12、as clearly helped to educate the wider community through its Industrial 5G Uncovered webinars,interview series,industry focused toolkits,working groups,and other activities.Now,in the final stages of IG5TT,we can see the influence the that it has begun to have on stimulating investment and innovatio

13、n in Industrial 5G.Many of the projects have reported on the high performance of 5G,and consequent improvements in productivity-a positive indicator for the successful delivery of Industry 4.0.We look forward to seeing further growth in Industrial 5G adoption within both the public and private secto

14、r,and how initiatives such as the UK Telecoms Innovation Network and SONIC Labs can help to diversify the market for the future.Jeremy Silver CEO,Digital CatapultForewordThe Industrial 5G Testbeds and Trials programme(I5GTT)has enabled UK industry to seize the significant opportunities offered by th

15、e Fourth Industrial Revolution:transformation through connectivity,information and automation.5Foreword 4Contents 5Executive summary 6Introduction 9Deploying 5G in UK manufacturing:challenges and concerns 16Post 2019:UK industrial 5G in practice 19I5GTT project learnings and benefits 21Non-I5GTT app

16、lications of 5G in manufacturing and logistics 33Whats next for 5G in manufacturing and logistics?41Conclusion 44Appendix 1:Use case insights from I5GTT 485G Connected Automotive Logistics(5G CAL)49Smart Junctions 555G Enhanced Manufacturing(5GEM)60Factory of the Future(FoF)665G Ports 735G Logistics

17、 795G Encode 865G Accelerate,Maximise and Create for Construction(5G AMC2)95Appendix 2:Industrial 5G resources 102References 103Back one pageForward one pageGo to contents Fast link to previouslyviewed pagesContentsDOCUMENT USER GUIDE6Evidencing the real-world benefits and value of Industrial 5GIn 2

18、020,the UK Governments Department for Digital,Culture,Media and Sport(DCMS)launched the Industrial 5G Testbeds and Trials(IG5TT)programme,coordinated by Digital Catapult.Its one of the UKs key programmes for experimentation and learning from early deployments of 5G within manufacturing and logistics

19、,engaging with industry,telecoms experts,business groups and the academic sector.Eight I5GTT projects have been identifying the real-world benefits,challenges and considerations relating to 5G adoption through a wide range of use cases in manufacturing,transport and logistics.Executive summaryUsing

20、AV/VR devices (such as headsets)to support design,manufacturing and training,and provide access to on-the-spot support from remote expertsProviding real-time process monitoring and analytics,plus closed-loop control to reduce wasteTracking and tracing assets to improve scheduling and performanceMoni

21、toring and tracking time-sensitive assetsSwitching autonomous vehicles from remote to manual operationUsing AI to reduce traffic congestion and pollution while improving flow7THE ADVANTAGES 5G OFFERSWhile there are situations where 4G can be used(such as for tracking containers and pallets),it simpl

22、y doesnt deliver the rapid response and speed of data transfer that industry needs.And because Wi-Fi is constrained by regulatory conditions,covering a comparable area at the same quality of service as 5G would be difficult and more expensive,even considering additional 5G costs.For example,as well

23、as securely tracking goods and equipment as cranes and containers move through ports,5G can also enable traffic management at smart junctions around the port,and support automated drone flights for port police operations.It also enables the adoption of technologies that require significantly higher

24、throughput,such as predictive maintenance systems,without the need for a physical network.In some trials,Wi-Fi could potentially have met some of the requirements,but it lacks the security and reliability advantages of 5G,especially when it comes to supporting the use of mobile devices such as VR he

25、adsets.A private 5G network also provides essential additional security for manufacturers who are cautious with their data and want to process it locally.Most projects reported that they implemented all 5G security measures,and some provided enhanced levels of security for industrial devices,such as

26、 certification for non-5G elements that could be validated when the device registered on the network.8NEW USE CASES ARE DELIVERING CLEARER UNDERSTANDINGI5GTT project partners,industry vendors,and DCMS have been able to make rapid progress in addressing some of the challenges identified,and in taking

27、 advantage of relevant opportunities through shared learnings.Even as understanding of the benefits of 5G increases,there are still challenges to be faced.Until recently,5G specifications,standards,and system integration guides and expertise have mainly been focused on the consumer domain.Availabili

28、ty of 5G-compatible industrial products is limited.And there is still a lack of 5G expertise in industry.To fully realise the value of 5G,collaboration between the telecoms industry and other industry sectors will be vital.A closer working relationship will deepen and broaden the exploration of what

29、 is possible,as organisations learn together how existing 5G and new systems can be integrated and deployed in real-world environments,and how new business models will evolve over the coming months and years.Maintaining momentum and keeping testbeds under active development will help to create deman

30、d for Industrial 5G,so that we can consolidate the UKs status as a growing leader in the 5G innovation space,and accelerate the transformation needed to deliver Industry 4.0.9IntroductionAbout the UKs Industrial 5G Testbeds&Trials programmeThe Industrial 5G Testbeds and Trials Programme(I5GTT)was es

31、tablished by the UK Governments Department of Digital Culture Media and Sport(DCMS)to address challenges identified around 5G adoption in industry,and to take up the opportunities available to benefit the UK manufacturing and logistics industries.I5GTT accelerates the digitalisation of industrial ac

32、tivities through 5G adoption and acts as the national initiative that brings together activities from the separate component projects.This national programme has worked to define the approaches,standards,best practices and use case examples of 5G in an industrial setting that will strengthen the con

33、cept globally,make it tangible,and place the UK at the heart of global leadership in this space.The programme draws upon the UKs world class 5G ecosystem,research institutions and supply side of innovative technology startups and scaleups bringing them together with industry to solve real-world chal

34、lenges.10THE I5GTT COMPETITION The Industrial 5G Testbeds and Trials competition ran from 2019 to 2022,and provided UK Government investment for trialling new 5G services and applications in manufacturing and logistics.Eight projects were selected as part of the scheme,with DCMS investing 200 millio

35、n under the National Productivity Investment Fund:5G Encode5GEM-UK5G Factory of the Future5G CALAMC2Smart Junctions 5G5G Ports5G LogisticsThe competition was structured around consortia led by private sector companies,with the participation of at least one small or medium sized enterprise.It involve

36、d a range of companies with the ability to contribute to the testbeds and trials,such as manufacturing and logistics companies,system integrators,mobile and fixed network operators,and equipment suppliers.Public sector,academic,and research and technology organisations have also been involved.When w

37、e launched the IG5TT Programme in 2019 our aim was to explore how 5G could boost efficiency,productivity and the UK economy through enterprise services.Weve seen these projects provide some excellent insights since then and weve been delighted to see how their work has helped encourage and de-risk t

38、he adoption of 5G in the industry.Keith Bullock,Programme Director,Future Networks Programme,DCMS115G and industry Industrial 5G is the term used to capture the framework,architectures,technologies,principles and best practices guiding 5G deployment and integration with industry processes and system

39、s.The fifth generation of mobile network telecommunications (5G)cannot be compared to previous generations.It represents a step-change in network performance capability,with the potential to transform day-to-day operations through enterprise-level services,reliability and availability:Delivering spe

40、eds up to 10 times faster than those achieved by 4G Providing ultra-low latency,high reliability,and increased capacity Simultaneously connecting up to one million devices per square kilometre(4G can only manage 2,000)Enabling stable and reliable connection for fast-moving objectsIts capabilities al

41、ready support innovative use cases,from smart cities to connected ports,as well as new ways to experience live entertainment,remote collaboration and industrial training,quality inspection and more.In addition to transforming the consumer-focused mobile internet,5G is the first mobile technology sys

42、tem that has been designed with the deliberate intention to meet the advanced digital communication and connectivity requirements of industrial environments such as manufacturing,transport,logistics,energy and construction.There is significant interest from industry and policymakers in how 5G can be

43、 deployed and used in these environments,as well as in the benefits that adoption of 5G can provide to support the digital transformation of industrial activities.12To fully realise the value of 5G,collaboration between the telecoms industry and other industry sectors is vital.A close working relati

44、onship will deepen and broaden the exploration of what is possible,as organisations learn together how existing and new systems can be integrated and deployed in real-world environments,and how new business models will evolve over the coming months and years.5G is a global mobile technology standard

45、 that will be implemented extensively.Originally targeting consumer communications,the specifications,standards,products,best practice system integration guides and expertise are largely focused on that domain.Private 5G refers to a 5G network developed for a particular organisation or enterprise.A

46、private 5G network operates within a defined geographical area such as a port,mine,campus,warehouse or factory plant;it may operate across sites of the same organisation or,under a defined agreement,between organisations or shared by them.An enterprise user can design a private 5G network tailored t

47、o its specific needs and requirements.Public 5G networks are for general consumer use,covering large areas and reaching a wide audience.Public networkSource:Ofcom:Supporting the expanding role of wireless innovation in UK industry,Feb,2019Private networkThird partyMNOHybrid solutionThird party provi

48、derSelf deployed private network13To innovate and prosper,industrial businesses will benefit hugely from the adoption of digital technologies,especially if they are to achieve their net zero ambitions.Advanced communications services like 5G and Wi-Fi 6,along with new technologies like intelligent a

49、utomation,machine learning or even the metaverse,will take our factories and ports into a greener,more productive,and secure future.Sophie James,Head of Telecoms and Spectrum Policy,techUK14More than just another mobile technology upgradeJust as 4G fuelled mass adoption of the mobile internet and tr

50、ansformed personal and social life in society,5G is set to do the same for industry,and is a crucial enabler for Industry 4.0.Where 4G transformed a telecommunications platform into an internet platform,5G transforms the internet platform into a distributed information platform.5G is the first cellu

51、lar network technology designed to meet the requirements for multiple industrial digital technology use cases,offering the following key capabilities.Private 5G networks offer tailored coverage,high performance,dedicated capacity,and reliability,while drastically reducing latency compared to other c

52、urrent network communications.Combined with 5Gs capabilities and flexibility,the privacy and security strengths of private 5G can unlock entirely new applications and services.Sylvia Lu-Board Member,5G ACIA and Head of Technology Strategy,u-bloxMore significantly for industry adopters,5G also introd

53、uces other key step-changes.times higher than 4Gcompared to 4G technologytimes more devices per km than 4Gcompared with 4G times higher than 4Gtimes higher data volumes than 4G10010 x1010 x1010 yearsCapacityReducing latency byConnectIncreasing reliability Enabling data speedsEnable15VIRTUALISATIONVi

54、rtualisation has created an environment in which information and computation functions can be placed wherever they are most useful for an enterprise.5G designers have embraced this way of working in their refactoring of the 5G core,the integration of end-to-end software-defined network slicing,and m

55、ulti-access edge computing to enable flexible,easily adaptable 5G platforms to be created on demand.ENTERPRISE INTEGRATIONBuilding on disaggregation of large applications into collections of microservices(a side effect of virtualisation),hyperscalers can reintegrate them into a uniform framework of

56、information,communications and computation of consistent and coherent application programming interfaces(APIs).TAILORED CAPABILITIES5G provides improved connectivity with non-5G networks,in particular non-terrestrial networks and especially satellite services.It delivers support for network slicing,

57、direct device-to-device communications and reduced capability suitable for low-power industrial IoT applications.And it can deliver location and positioning information that includes horizontal accuracy,availability,heading,latency and speed.Industrial 5G-Toolkit for Business in a Digital FutureA Di

58、gital Catapult toolkit that provides useful and accessible information on 5G in manufacturing and logistics.Resources include a 5G glossary,useful organisations to know,and practical steps for the 5G adoption journey.DOWNLOAD16The 2019 Digital Catapult report Made in 5G identified a series of challe

59、nges that prevented the full and instant deployment of 5G within manufacturing.These mainly related to a lack of understanding of the technical capabilities and business opportunities that 5G would deliver.Industrial companies did not recognise or thoroughly assess the ROI of 5G,or the cost efficien

60、cies it could unlock.Reluctance to invest also stemmed from interoperability and compatibility concerns about using 5G with legacy devices and industrial systems,as well as security and control requirements.There were also cultural barriers at management level.Enhanced connectivity was not seen as a

61、 strategic priority for industry,and many companies chose instead to invest in IoT devices,AI or digital twins.Technological barriers Infrastructure security and safety One of the biggest barriers to 5G adoption in 2019 was uncertainty around the risks associated with a new network infrastructure.5G

62、 equipment would require significantly different assessments and actions to ensure device and system security and safety across all sites.Interoperability between new and existing devices The difficulties in building a 5G network differ,depending on the nature of the industry organisations involved.

63、Where non-5G components need to be integrated into systems,devices with a lower level of maturity can delay installation.In 2019,the lack of suitable 5G devices was preventing companies from redesigning their system with 5G deployment as part of their roadmap.Lack of technical and digital skills Ski

64、lled IT workers are needed to operate 5G networks:connecting hardware,collecting and analysing data,ensuring cyber security,troubleshooting,and implementing software updates.Although suitable individuals may be found within the existing workforce,the difficulty lies in the challenge of managing data

65、 systems at scale.Operating and controlling 5G networks also requires advanced skills that may be hard to find.Deploying 5G in UK manufacturing:challenges and concerns17Commercial barriersLack of awareness of 5G capabilities For early adopters,the biggest challenge in 2019 was the lack of understand

66、ing of the technical and commercial potential of 5G for the industrial sector.A lack of knowledge of the types of products,services and software required to successfully transition to 5G infrastructure could also delay the decision to invest.Financial implications and lack of KPIs According to the m

67、anufacturers consulted,the cost of 5G deployment was seen as a significant challenge.In 2019,investment in 5G was particularly expensive,and improvements in connectivity,low latency and productivity needed to be particularly compelling for an organisation to undertake a 5G project.Cultural and manag

68、ement barriers In 2019,early adopters were hitting a wall at executive level.Management teams were nervous of making technology changes that could impact on their companys culture and practices,and this reluctance was preventing companies from investing time and resources in smart technologies.Consu

69、ltation with manufacturers before the I5GTT programme revealed that the challenges surrounding 5G made it difficult for them to visualise the benefits it would offer,although many recognised how advanced digital technologies could support industry productivity.This was largely due to a lack of aware

70、ness of use cases,quantifiable advantages,and understanding of the environment needed for 5G innovation.18The UK has begun to look more closely into the use of 5G to help enhance productivity in manufacturing and logistics.Since the Made in 5G report,a number of different interventions,projects and

71、activities have been established within I5GTT,academia,commercial applications and collaborative research and development.They have explored a wide range of use cases,adopting learnings that have positive implications for wider industry;developed the UKs knowledge base and capabilities in the field;

72、and helped to assert the UKs commitment to leadership in the successful adoption of 5G.Applying learnings from I5GTTThe eight I5GTT projects have played a vital role in helping UK industry to identify real-world experiences,benefits,challenges and considerations relating to 5G adoption,and in sharin

73、g valuable learnings to inform the wider industry.By applying these learnings,project partners,industry vendors,and DCMS have been able to make rapid progress in addressing some of the challenges previously identified,and in taking advantage of relevant opportunities.Increasing the level of knowledg

74、e and expertise in 5G One of the concerns most cited by project participants and the wider telecoms industry,this was considered to be a priority.A collaboration activity,5G Skills,was established to supplement the technical and industry knowledge of those working on projects.Increasing levels of ex

75、perience with wireless networking Wireless communications specialists,particularly those operating in demanding outdoor environments,have evidenced key issues:the influence of the local built environment on base-station site selection and radio system performance;spectrum availability;and the need t

76、o be compatible with other spectrum users.Realisation of the opportunities that Industrial 5G offers will depend on the uptake of private 5G networks to create business for system integrators and planners.There is evidence that this is already taking place.Post 2019:UK industrial 5G in practice 19Re

77、presenting industry needs in the advancement of product maturity and capability All eight projects demonstrated a high level of innovation using the products that were available to them.Many demanding use cases were trialled successfully,including those with time-sensitive process loop control.The I

78、G5TT programme has raised awareness of the need for industry devices to be 5G-compatible,and although industrial 5G adoption is still in its early stages,product availability has already begun to improve.Working towards better safety and security I5GTT projects sought to develop security capabilitie

79、s and understanding in several ways.These included using standard cyber security,with special additional measures for IoT devices connected to the 5G service directly or via industrial routers.Possibilities for zero-trust approaches and blockchain were also investigated.One project with a particular

80、ly large and diverse collection of use cases undertook an extensive risk assessment to understand all risks individually and collectively.These insights provided valuable learnings for later adoptions,and a basis for security considerations to be built upon and improved.Collaborating with businesses

81、 of all sizes to unlock technically underpinned innovation As Industry 4.0 transformation progresses,many legacy methods,processes and systems are slowly being displaced.This can have a particular impact on smaller or medium-sized businesses where resources are already stretched.Compared to larger o

82、rganisations,they may be less able to contribute their innovations to complex,large-scale,high value manufacturing processes because their potential customers would not be able to accommodate the disruption that innovation would cause,even though changes would enhance processes and productivity.The

83、smaller businesses taking part in the I5GTT programme have expressed the importance of making sure that they,and organisations like them,are fully equipped for the future.For example,they need to be able to take advantage of innovative technologies that can positively impact day-to-day activities an

84、d longer-term strategic goals,to ensure that they do not fall behind larger competitors.20CBI members tell us that innovation is increasingly a team effort,especially in the face of continued disruption.Companies are seeking partners to help create and exploit the latest technologies and innovations

85、 at a speed and scale not achievable on their own.Through these partnerships,smaller firms can get access to scaling infrastructure,new markets,strategic or technical insight,as well as expertise.Larger firms can benefit from new ideas,the opening of new doors with existing customers,exciting develo

86、pment opportunities for employees,as well as technologies and talent that would be slower and more costly to develop in-house.Innovation in industrial manufacturing has already seen great impact on society and the economy.Automation has transformed factory floors,making them more efficient and cost

87、effective.New technologies for agriculture have made farming more systematic.Now technologies for electric vehicles,smart grids.wind and turbines are at the forefront of reducing carbon emissions and shifting to greener transport and energy.Ellen Rose-Senior,Policy Advisor at CBI (Confederation of B

88、ritish Industry)21Between 2020 and 2022,IG5TT and Trials was one of the UKs primary programmes for experimentation and learning from early deployments of 5G within manufacturing and logistics.Eight industrial 5G projects covered a broad range of use cases from across the industrial value chain.They

89、can be grouped into three categories,each having common or similar technical requirements and being implemented by at least four of the projects.I5GTT project learnings and benefitsUse cases included digital twins,ecosystem monitoring,and video backhaul,and due to the data being produced could contr

90、ibute to other primary activities,such as process tracking and predictive maintenance.Although projects are in the last stages of the programme,with finalised conclusions about the performances not yet available,several high-level learnings in key areas have already been reported.VR,AR AND MR(Virtua

91、l reality,augmented reality,and mixed reality)CLOSED-LOOP CONTROLASSET TRACKING22Use case learningsThe variety of use cases being pursued demonstrates a range of different technical requirements,such as the need for higher throughput and lower latency.5G is uniquely placed to deliver these capabilit

92、ies and related benefits in a way that other forms of network connectivity cannot achieve.The IG5TT projects have also shown that not all the use case categories are at the same level of deployment maturity.For example,more industry use cases and resulting findings relating to VR/AR would be welcome

93、d,while those with video have been widely trialled.Deployment learningsSPECTRUMAny wireless network requires spectrum,and spectrum use must comply with regulations defined by the competent national authority(Ofcom in the UK).A licence must be granted to use 5G spectrum at the networks sites,and that

94、 use must coexist with other nearby users(who may have priority)to avoid interference.Significant radio resource planning is needed to avoid interference between base stations from within networks.Wireless networks also require extensive infrastructure,such as power and fibre to the base station sit

95、es.5G also requires a high-quality time reference source.These are not new lessons,and every project reported that effort was put into radio and infrastructure planning,with support from solution integration partners in several cases.DEVICESThe range of 5G-ready devices is rapidly improving,but as t

96、he technology is still at a relatively early stage of adoption its anticipated that this range will become wider.Future products will enable further capabilities relating to location,timing and other relevant factors.23SECURITYSecurity in an Industrial 5G context should be seen as more than a networ

97、k problem.Solutions based on unforgeable device identity,end-to-end DLT(blockchain)and zero-trust can be key for infrastructure sharing.A common,interoperable approach to Industrial 5G security would be welcomed by industry,particularly for risk assessment(which is an expensive process).DCMS asked p

98、rojects to report on their approach to assuring security of their 5G testbeds,and we understand that participants complied with this request.DCMS also commissioned two relevant reports:one from the National Computing Centre on security across all the 5G Testbeds and Trials projects(we await the publ

99、ication of its conclusions and further learnings);and one from Plexal,focusing on edge compute and open components,published as Securing the Future of 5G Networks.24Cost of 5G deploymentNo information was available from the projects about the capital cost of their 5G testbed network or about operati

100、onal costs.Having reviewed the information provided about their network designs,the top level bill of materials for the 5G part of the testbed might typically be:A 5G SA cloud-native core able to support 100 users/connected devices,1Gbps throughputTwo to four 5G NR small cells(upper band 77 or band

101、78)Site materials(cables/optical fibres,brackets)Compute infrastructure(servers,GPUs,racks,cabling)Firewall,switches/routersUser equipment:industrial 5G routers,5G smartphones (band 77)and other 5G-enabled devicesPTP GMC and antennaOfcom shared spectrum licencePermissions and accessHW/SW supportThe

102、estimated total cost of these items is around 400,000.Cost of operation is difficult to estimate,but would be important when the testbed was developed into a service network.Some testbeds were larger(more cells,wider coverage area,multiple sites),others were smaller.Some had a 4G network in addition

103、 to their 5G component.Most projects designed and deployed their networks themselves-those that did not would incur the cost of using a system integrator.Connected and automated technologies have huge potential to change how the logistics industry operates.The deployment of 5G can help support and m

104、aximise this potential,so we welcome the findings of the testbed and trials programme.Michelle Gardner,Head of Public Policy,Logistics UK25Benefits identifiedAt the start of the I5GTT programme,the Made in 5G report anticipated that 5G would be transformational in advancing Industry 4.0.This section

105、 reviews how this anticipation has been justified,and the benefits expected or achieved so far.One major learning from the programme,possibly because they all had using 5G as a platform in common,is how the use cases can be combined to enhance each other.This can be seen in the summaries that follow

106、.26Immersive technologies will transform logistics and manufacturing processes by enabling the virtual presence and participation of staff to enhance them.Examples from project use cases include:The immersive experience:VR,AR and XRTraining teachers and students do not need to travel to train.Studen

107、ts in the classroom are instructed by a teacher on the shop floor or the suppliers site who operates the physical machine and vice versa:students operate the physical machines following instruction from the trainer.Collaborative design of machines and the products experts located anywhere in an orga

108、nisation can get together and work on concepts and turn them into products,evolving gradually from a virtual model to a physical object.Process monitoring and tracking combining live data and video from an active process with a digital model of that process gives machine operators far greater awaren

109、ess of the quality of the tasks the machines are performing,and of the upstream and downstream stages in the processing sequence.Maintenance and repair expert technicians can work on equipment with full awareness of its state,maintenance schedules,and detailed instructions on what to do.Beyond deliv

110、ering benefits in increased productivity,5G support for AR/VR contributes to economic and environmental benefits(reduced travel and cost),and to building skills.Operations with a virtual staff presence could not be run without a properly deployed 5G service,due to high throughput and reliability req

111、uirements.In such cases,uplinking high-quality video is essential to support AR/VR functionality.Similarly,training and collaborative work could not happen on the factory floor,where employees must be free to move around.27Digital twinEvery computing application contains a digital model of its parts

112、.While these models are constantly being updated with more detail and complexity,the benefits of generalising them have made the digital twin highly relevant to the ICT industry and its users.A 5G core has a detailed distributed digital model covering subscribers,user devices,radio environment,telet

113、raffic status,services,partner operators and virtual operators.Although this model is not described as a digital twin,it is a good example of one,and will become increasingly important as more core functions and network capabilities are exposed to network users,and as services become more connected

114、between operators.5G is already instrumental in delivering the volumes of data needed to maintain the fidelity of the digital twin,and in delivering renderings to support other use cases.This was highlighted by the 5G AMC2 project,where the digital twin is the model of the construction site that lin

115、ks the architects vision to its technical design.Yet,in some cases the datasets are so large that even the high throughput provided by 5G was not enough to deliver them in time to be useful.28Video backhaulUplinking is essential to the machine vision and associated AI analytics used to inform use ca

116、ses within this project.These complex analytics are often demanding,as they require high definition and frame rates,especially for real-time adjustments to process inputs.In 5G terms,this means higher data rates and lower latency,with both being stable and providing high availability and reliability

117、.4G was found to be adequate in some cases,but would not be able to achieve the most demanding targets,being unable to handle the larger frame sizes and resolution of HD video,and the increased frame rates needed for analytics.Video backhaul was also used for surveillancei and situational awarenessi

118、i to support teleoperation of an HGV-two use cases were operating drones to carry out the surveillance.iii,iv While some of the benefits reported,such as a significant increase in efficiency(area surveyed per hour,incident response rate),are partly attributable to the use of the drone,5G still impro

119、ves the quality of the surveillance.This contributes to better use of security staff and police time,reducing theft,and building customer trust in the enterprise.29Closed-loop controlIn a manufacturing process,an open loop enables staff to manually adjust inputs to affect the output.A closed loop in

120、volves a controller that monitors output and subsequently adjusts the inputs.The controller can be a human operator,but their ability to control a high-speed time-critical process in a precise and timely way is limited.A custom automated system could manage this task more effectively.The closed-loop

121、 control use cases replaced existing communications media with 5G,verifying that this was at least as effective.Using 5G in a closed loop makes it easier to collect data from equipment by removing the need to install new wiring for sensors,and allows a large amount of data to be collected,for exampl

122、e,for ecosystem monitoring(such as machine vibration),or a high-quality video stream(video backhaul).This data input enables AI analytics to react to output deviations in real time.More data,available more quickly,results in improved output quality,reduced wastev and reworking,and increased producti

123、vity.The benefits contribute to reducing cost,notably for maintenance.viRemoving wires and cables provided additional advantages:space is freed up,making the area less cluttered and potentially safer.Use of closed-loop control was evident in other use cases,such as managing traffic on public roads o

124、r on private sites.The benefits of using 5G for traffic management were similar to those mentioned above:more data is available more quickly,improving control and outcomes.viiOne project used 5G to control a drones flight,an example of an emerging clear benefit of 5G in managing a time and safety cr

125、itical closed loop process.By making network slicing possible,only 5G can support the quality of service needed to control the drone while still supporting other applications to the same level.Drone control is likely to become a precursor of use cases where reaction times of less than 10ms will be c

126、ommonplace.30Asset trackingIn manufacturing or construction,raw material assets are transformed into new assets,which may then be transformed again many times.Between transformations,logistical processes track the assets as they move within and between sites,or as they enter,pass through and leave s

127、upply chains.With 5G communications,tracking contact can be maintained even when assets are moving at high speed.The projects evaluated several types of asset tracking,including people and objects.Benefits were identified from using cellular IoT asset trackers attached to containers or pallets,imple

128、menting staff tracking within geo-fenced safe zones,and using 5G-enabled tag scanners,RFIDs or QR codes.viiiOverall,however,the benefits of using 5G for asset tracking are limited,due to the lack of interoperability between systems used by different companies.This type of use case deserves further l

129、onger-term study to understand the opportunities and benefits that could still be gained.31CopyThe I5GTT programme has been instrumental in providing valuable learning across a range of sectors within manufacturing and logistics.We have gained practical technical knowledge on how to make Industry 4.

130、0 use cases work within a 5G powered wireless digital infrastructure.This has translated into a deeper understanding of the potential business value of different technologies.Most importantly it has given valuable insight into the challenges of adoption within industry,which have been magnified by C

131、OVID-19 and Brexit.In particular,we have seen cyber security and change management as key issues to be resolved to enable full scale adoption.Jessica Rushworth,Chief Strategy&Policy Officer,Digital Catapult 32In summary5Gs role in Industry 4.0 is to provide the best connectivity possible.Industry do

132、es not have a problem with obtaining connectivity,but the step up to wireless connectivity as a foundation for communications in operational technologies is still a novelty in some sectors.It can be seen from the use cases that 5G delivers benefits high throughput,low latency,and robust connectivity

133、 that are superior to other technologies.5Gs ability to support highly demanding applications is not yet fully specified and will take some time to become available.However,the use cases demonstrated by the I5GTT projects were adequately supported by current 5G products and services.Productivity ben

134、efits were also clearly demonstrated.The projects found that 4G did not support the robust requirements for radio communications.While a 4G system can be configured for high throughput,latency requirements were not met.Wi-Fi is also often proposed as an alternative,but because it is inherently const

135、rained by regulatory conditions,covering a comparable area at the same quality of service as 5G would be difficult and more expensive,even taking into account some 5G-specific costs.Benefits to asset tracking are currently difficult to assess with the current state of 5G.The use cases showed how 4G

136、cellular IoT products could assist in tracking larger assets(such as containers and pallets)and,when they become available,their 5G equivalents will deliver the same benefits.Most projects reported that they implemented all 5G security measures,and some provided enhanced levels of security for indus

137、trial devices,such as certification for non-5G elements that was validated when the device registered on the network.33Domestic 5G initiativesSeveral innovative and industry leading projects and programmes outside the scope of the I5GTT programme are also taking place in the UK,with entities from th

138、e corporate world,the world of academia,and the collaborative research and development environment all working to demonstrate cutting edge applications in manufacturing and logistics.COMMERCIAL-5G FACTORY TRIAL-WORCESTER BOSCHBritish heating and boiler manufacturer Worcester Bosch built the first 5G

139、 factory in the UK in 2019 as part of the government-funded Worcestershire 5G consortium.The consortium also developed 5G Remote Expert use cases with Yamazaki Mazak,who supply CNC machines into Worcester Bosch,as an integral part of the Worcester Bosch smart factory.The partnership was also fortuna

140、te to include cyber security experts QinetiQ,who ensured the networks and applications were secure by design,which was essential for the industrial partners.The factory trials operated on a private 5G network with mobile edge computing infrastructure built by Ericsson and operated and supported by t

141、echnical teams from across the partnership.Using this network,Worcester Bosch explored a variety of use cases around preventative maintenance and robotics to increase productivity in their 5G-enabled factory.They used IoT technology through connected sensors to achieve preventive maintenance and rea

142、l-time monitoring of machines.The data generated by the sensors were also used to plan for potential future anomalies or defects in the equipment,reduce the need for scheduled maintenance,and create a flexible shop floor.Overall,the 5G network and IoT sensors were designed to create a connected fact

143、ory that could analyse what was happening along the production lines in real time.The company has installed a series of collision detection sensors to make the factory much safer for workers,and the network allows the remote control of equipment.Non-I5GTT applications of 5G in manufacturing and logi

144、stics34Ultimately,the combination of 5G technology with IoT sensors and robotics was designed to boost manufacturing output,and the factory performance has already been optimised by 2%.Worcester Bosch has since explored connected autonomous guided vehicles,and is expected to make strides in the impl

145、ementation of artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies through the 5G network,without disrupting production processes.Initially part-funded by government,the companys smart connected journey has continued,alongside other previous Worcestershire 5G Testbed consortium members.The test

146、bed itself has transitioned into a sustainable model,with new company nexGworx being set up.This model has allowed them to offer the testbed as a service and professional services support to other businesses hoping to make use of the technological knowledge and capabilities available.Our project suc

147、cessfully brought together a diverse range of partners who demonstrated the potential 5G private networks have to improve productivity and resolve issues in the manufacturing environment.NexGworx was subsequently established with our former Worcestershire 5G partners,to build a number of private 5G

148、networks,business cases and use cases as the 5G ecosystem continues to gather momentum.Ste Ashton,Worcestershire 5G Project Lead35Academia-University of Warwick and BT,New Innovation Alliance The University of Warwick,along with partners BT and Warwickshire County Council,has established a project t

149、o drive growth in the region,beginning with the UKs first dedicated public 5G network for a connected campus.The aim of this project is to build a public 5G network on the campus of the University of Warwick,providing ultrafast 5G mobile coverage to students,employees and visitors,as well as people

150、in the area surrounding the university.In addition to the public network,the project partners are working on a number of initiatives involving 5G technology.The partnership is also intended to impact the manufacturing and logistics industry by encouraging innovation across all industries and regions

151、 of the UK,and helping to push forward the development of 5G use cases for connected vehicles and mobility.To improve the safety of future roads and pedestrians,the stakeholders of the programme are designing the first connected autonomous mobility testbed in Europe,which examines the potential of 5

152、G to allow communication between different vehicles,thanks to two connected autonomous pods exchanging live data feeds.These feeds will include LiDAR(light detection and ranging)data and live video alerts of road obstacles.Overall,the high-speed network and low-latency connectivity provided by this

153、project will make transportation faster,smarter,and safer,which will benefit the transport and mobility industries in the region.This initiative also supports the video game sector by collaborating with the Silicon Spa at Leamington Spa to develop the university innovation space.The universitys incu

154、bator for Creative and Digital Communities will also be strengthened to support creative and digital businesses collaborating with Warwick university.36Collaborative R&D-UK-India Future Networks InitiativeNetwork operators in India are looking for ways to minimise the cost of network components by r

155、educing their dependence on telecoms equipment manufacturers.This initial 1.4 million project is funded by UKRI India and UKRIs Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council,and led by the University of East Anglia in collaboration with other British and Indian universities.xi The objective is

156、to strengthen capacity and relationship between India and the UK by examining cutting-edge innovations for supply chains,in particular for hardware and software systems as well as research for 5G and 6G.The six issues addressed by the project(climate,energy,environment,health,society and culture,and

157、 technological innovations)will be explored through five different technological streams.A testbed connecting India and the UK will be used for research and innovation to test new ideas revolving around these themes.The initiative focuses on finding new architectures and technologies capable of disa

158、ggregating 5G and 6G radio network components by using open radio access networks(open RAN)specifications.Open RAN will enable operators to access the market more easily and fully by running software-based network services on general purpose,vendor-neutral hardware.This project plans to reduce secur

159、ity and economic risks while delivering large-scale open RAN deployments.It will also impact the manufacturing and logistics industries by harnessing new FDI opportunities from India to the UK,as well as encouraging new business opportunities for British companies in India.The Future Networks initia

160、tive will help overcome the rural digital divide in India by building capability,capacity and relationships between the UK and India in open RAN and broader telecoms research for 5G and beyond diversification.Professor Gerard Parr,Project PI/Lead37International 5G initiativesWhile significant projec

161、ts,developments and initiatives have begun to take place with substantial positive impact domestically,in recent years the UK has also worked with partners and nations overseas to share knowledge,resources and develop impactful activities together.The UK has been able to offer strong manufacturing,l

162、ogistical and technological bases,while being able to learn from collaborative partners globally,most notably within Europe.38MANUFACTURING IN EUROPEGermany,Italy,France and the UK are four of the worlds ten largest manufacturing nations.xii However,the competitiveness of the European manufacturing

163、sector is challenged by other regions,both in the volume of goods produced and in the adoption of industrial digital technologies including 5G.The manufacturing and logistics sectors are at the forefront of 5G innovation,with manufacturing being one of the sectors experimenting most with private 5G

164、networks.xiii While the UK and continental Europe have been at the leading edge of mobile networks(with 4G being first launched in Sweden in 2009),countries like South Korea,Japan,China and the United States are leading the deployment of 5G networks in terms of geographical coverage,speed and experi

165、ence.The UK,European Union and their individual governments therefore aim to be at the forefront of leadership through support of a variety of projects.xiv HORIZON EUROPEThe European Union has launched several policy initiatives to coordinate the efforts of European countries in building strong publ

166、ic and private 5G networks and ensuring 5G coverage in populated areas by 2030.xv These policy goals include Europes Digital Decade,EU toolbox for 5G security and the EU 5G Action Plan.Focusing on deployment and coverage,EUs research and innovation funding programme Horizon 2020 conducted several 5G

167、 projects from 2014 to 2020 with an envelope of 80 billion.By the end of March 2021,200 trials had commenced in 25 EU member countries.xviHorizon Europe was launched in 2020 as a continuation of Horizon 2020,with a new budget of 90.6 billion.The programme supports collaborative R&D through 23-year p

168、rojects involving up to five countries,with the UK set to become a partner state.The new Horizon programme extends from 2021 to 2027 in various sectors,including manufacturing and logistics.Within this framework,INGENIOUS seeks to implement digital supply chain automation through 5G and network comp

169、uting.It realises use cases developing IoT solutions covering all stages of the supply chain in Spain,Greece and Italy.5G-enabled automated robots and other IoT devices are being developed to improve the interoperability of different environments and devices.The establishment of a 5G network along t

170、he production lines aims to ensure a safe and secure exchange of information inside and outside the factories.39As part of the 5G Public-Private Partnership,Horizon 2020 has initiated eight projects built around 5G telecommunications.These initiatives were designed to conduct advanced 5G validation

171、trials across vertical industries.Initiatives include:5G-Solutions:designed to demonstrate that 5G generates added value for sectors such as energy,city and port,media and entertainment.The project is ongoing in Belgium,Norway,Ireland,Italy,and Greece.5G-Growth:builds an end-to-end AI-based 5G solut

172、ion aimed at validating the technical and commercial potential of 5G technologies for transport,energy and Industry 4.0.5G for Smart Manufacturing(5G Smart),coordinated by Ericsson,explores the potential for 5G deployment in real production facilities,with use cases for the relevance of the 5G netwo

173、rk and development of 5G-enabled sensors to improve efficiency and reduce manual processes.5G-Victori:conducts field trials in transportation,energy,media and Factories of the Future,as well as cross-vertical use cases.Its objective is to build an open 5G infrastructure capable of guaranteeing cross

174、-border operations between the vertical industries present in different EU countries.40FRANCE AND GERMANY EU countries are also individually responsible for deploying their own national 5G capacities.France intends to build an independent national 5G solution for business networks,with trials in Ind

175、ustry 4.0,smart cities and connected mobility under way.xvii In Germany,the government supports collaborative R&D projects including TACNET 4.0,which examines the potential of highly reliable real-time 5G connectivity for smart manufacturing,by integrating the technology into communication networks.

176、xviii The success of this project would create an interoperable environment,with equipment,devices and IT systems able to communicate without delay,while ensuring remote maintenance and monitoring.xix The German government also promotes cross-country cooperation within Europe to build private 5G net

177、works.France and Germany have launched a partnership with a call for funding of 20 million for private 5G network solutions.xxFINLANDFinland has carried out a variety of 5G projects for cities,ports,rail transport and drones,with the Finnish Transport and Communication Agency TRAFICOM as the officia

178、l coordinator.xxi SecurePax is building and testing a 5G network in the port of Turku,Finland,to improve information traffic and security in the area.In tandem with shipping companies,local authorities and technical experts,the project provides methods to identify passengers and to control smuggling

179、.The solutions and products selected will then be disseminated in other European ports.5G-ROUTES is conducting field trials of connected automated mobility applications in a cross-border 5G corridor that spans Latvia,Estonia and Finland.The aim is to promote end-to-end interoperable CAM systems for

180、roads,railways,and waterways.The LuxTurrim5G ecosystem is a consortium of companies and research groups led by Nokia created to build the digital backbone of the future smart city.Further information on the international use of 5G in an industrial context can be found in A Journey to 5G,the Digital

181、Catapult report for Verizon.41Whats next for 5G in manufacturing and logistics?Industry is undergoing a profound transformation powered by data,and Industrial 5G is a key enabler that will help manufacturers accelerate the adoption of new digital technologies.However,there is a clear divergence in a

182、doption with half of manufacturers still figuring out if,and how,to join the Fourth Industrial Revolution.By contrast,the other half is marching forward and transforming their businesses by adopting new digital technologies,including more advanced 5G infrastructure.The aim must now be to help these

183、companies accelerate their efforts to reach the revolution stage,where they can reap the full benefits of their investment.We can do that by helping to de-risk their ideas,providing access to expertise,leadership and knowledge,at the same time as creating opportunities for public and private sector

184、finance.Stephen Phipson,CEO,Make UK42Whats next?With industrial understandings,openness and attitudes towards 5G having improved in recent years,it becomes increasingly likely that more and more partners across corporations,the startup ecosystem,academia and public sector will seek to break down rem

185、aining challenges to adoption to take advantage of the opportunities available.For instance,The Future Open Networks Research Challenge(FRONC)and the Future RAN(FRANC)competition are two challenges funded by DMCS to encourage collaborative work and R&D projects between academic and industries around

186、 open RAN.5G continues to develop and evolve through various levels of maturity,and industry needs are becoming better understood.Over the next few years,manufacturing and logistics will continue to explore its use in product design,production,operations,supply chains,maintenance and support.Explora

187、tion of the opportunities that Industrial 5G presents requires starting the adoption journey before the technology is fully matured or the infrastructure fully in place.This is what the 55+UK companies and research organisations participating in IG5TT have undertaken.The next stage,as the technology

188、 matures and some of the technology barriers are overcome,is to understand better what the blueprint for a 5G-enabled advanced digital infrastructure for industrial enterprises will be,and to create the supply chain that can meet its requirements.This is a perpetual cycle,as new technology emerges b

189、eyond 5G,and the paradigm shift in infrastructure introduced by Industrial 5G exploration is a key contributor in this.Dritan Kaleshi,Director of 5G Technology,Digital Catapult43TECHNOLOGY ADOPTIONThe UK is one of many countries implementing proactive initiatives to accelerate the deployment of Indu

190、strial 5G.In the UK,these are likely to take place alongside other initiatives aimed at improving the national 5G knowledge and resource base,and include interventions in equipment and device diversification.This will involve working closely with vendors,end users and the telecoms industry to ensure

191、 that products and networks are fit for purpose,and that there is a diverse market full of options for users in manufacturing and logistics.STANDARDISATIONAlthough the 5G specifications within 3GPP Release 17 were frozen in 2021,work on Release 18 is ongoing,and will be the first specifications for

192、5G-Advanced.5G-Advanced will constitute all the releases(18,19 and 20)that will be developed from now to around 2025.The philosophy of this standardisation process remains unchanged,and it will serve different vertical sectors.The requirements in Release 17 are sufficiently complete to reflect the c

193、urrent needs of the industrial sector.RESEARCHSeveral research and development initiatives around the world have started to support standardisation activities.In Europe,the major initiatives are under the umbrella of the Horizon Europe Smart Networks and Services(SNS)programme,launched in January 20

194、22.This programme includes two paths:one is evolutionary,aiming to develop components for 5G-Advanced and its 3GPP standardisation,and the other is more revolutionary,with the objective of driving future fundamental research for 6G.The evolution towards 5G-Advanced will take into account advanced us

195、er services(such as immersive communication,holographic telepresence and AR/VR),while targeting open connectivity,reduced energy consumption,and lower operational and ecological costs.The programme focuses on developing a defined number of technical areas that include green radio technology,ubiquito

196、us radio access,sustainable capacity networks,evolved architecture for global green systems,edge computing evolution,trustworthy and reliable end-to-end connectivity software platforms,and real-time zero-touch service technologies.In parallel with these activities,the programme will launch large-sca

197、le projects and pilots to demonstrate the technological and business validation of 5G-Advanced to verticals,and build the business ecosystem within the industrial sector.44The vast amount of activity taking place in the UK from I5GTT projects and use cases to the activities carried out by British co

198、rporations,academic institutions,and research and technology organisations indicates the vital role that the UK plays on the global stage:demonstrating ambition,an expert knowledge base,and a thriving industry that is ripe for innovative approaches to traditional problems.Before the I5GTT programme,

199、industry knowledge and awareness of 5G was low.There was a great deal of uncertainty about the products and the technology itself,and business cases and models that might arise from its use were hazy and undefined.Overall,large manufacturing and logistics companies were hesitant to invest their reso

200、urces in building a case for 5G.Conclusion45The learnings and outcomes from the I5GTT programme have been valuable in providing UK organisations with starting blocks and examples of real-world use cases that can have relevance in every type of industrial organisation,as well as the challenges that m

201、ust be overcome.The programme has highlighted where the telecoms industry,manufacturing and logistics need to join forces to achieve the outcomes that will be needed to benefit companies individually,as well as the British economy.The programme has also been successful in raising the profile of UK c

202、apabilities overseas,through participation on international panels for the Department for International Trade(DIT)France,conversations with the province of Quebec,interactions with EU-funded Horizon 2020 projects,and other activities that helped to raise the UKs standing as a leader in 5G.With inter

203、national initiatives presenting comparable opportunities for collaboration and knowledge sharing,the UK must leverage its resources to become more globally competitive through the successful adoption of industrial digital technologies,including 5G.There are still challenges that need to be addressed

204、 by the telecoms industry,the manufacturing and logistics industries,and technology providers.Despite the presence of innovators and early adopters in this field,progress is being slowed by the need to advance the market to ensure enough suitable 5G-ready products and devices are available.Relations

205、hips between early-adopting organisations and product vendors have already been significantly improved through IG5TT,with industrial user feedback now being a consideration for product requirements.However,sustained investment in innovation is needed to demonstrate the value of these capabilities,an

206、d to ensure we keep the UK at the forefront of the new frontier of industrial connectivity.Similarly,the skills and knowledge of those at the heart of implementation must be updated and use cases further developed,to make sure that that the technology is understood and fit for purpose industry-wide.

207、To achieve this outcome for the benefit of all industries,regardless of organisational size,financial resources or existing knowledge,further interventions are required,and two are already under way.46SONIC LABSSONIC(SmartRAN Open Network Interoperability Centre)Labs is a joint programme between Dig

208、ital Catapult and Ofcom,funded by DCMS as part of the 5G Supply Chain Diversification Strategy,to foster emergence of new solution providers in the telecom supply chain in the UK.It is an interoperability testbed that encourages new entrants to the radio access network(RAN)supply chain.The objective

209、 is to promote diversity of NG-RAN products,providing more choice for implementers of mobile networks,including 5G and the growing demand for private 5G networks.It is oriented towards the open RAN specifications being developed by the ORAN Alliance as the basis for product interoperability.The init

210、iative will improve availability of compatible products-distribution,control and radio units-and associated supporting products,such as those needed for precision timing.It will encourage development of value-added products such as RAN intelligent controllers(RIC)that can contribute to improved orch

211、estration and automation of a RAN to meet changing demands.THE UK TELECOMMUNICATIONS INNOVATION NETWORK(UKTIN)UKTIN also supports the goals of the governments 5G diversification strategy.It is a new body(comprising Digital Catapult,Cambridge Wireless,University of Bristol and West Midlands 5G)dedica

212、ted to boosting creativity in the countrys telecoms supply chain.It will act as an information and ideas hub for industry and academics looking to access funding or R&D testing facilities and opportunities to collaborate on developing new mobile and broadband technology.The aim is to build on the su

213、ccess of UK5G in supporting the development of a thriving 5G sector in the UK.UKTIN will assist innovative new companies and the wider telecoms ecosystem to take advantage of R&D funding and facilities,and will support companies to grow their businesses and develop their products and solutions.It se

214、eks to improve the UKs performance in exploiting novel and innovative outcomes.I5GTT has been instrumental in bringing to life,building,proving(and disproving)the ways 5G can be applied.Now,we are starting to look at the 5G open network infrastructure through SONIC Labs and supporting the telecoms e

215、cosystem in the UK via UKTIN.It may be that open network tech can support the implementation of 5G opportunities highlighted by I5GTT.Paul Ceely,Director of Technology Strategy,Digital CatapultHeadingCopy47With these interventions already under way and a demonstrated appetite for robust,industry-min

216、ded and internationally competitive 5G ecosystem made clear,it is evident that momentum must be maintained to continue the pace of industry collaboration,telecommunications development,and the future infrastructure that will be needed to restore levels of productivity in manufacturing and logistics.

217、This will consolidate the UKs status as a growing leader in the 5G innovation space.However,there is a need for industry,academia,the startup sector and the public sector to collaborate and overcome the challenges that still exist -and at a pace that does not leave the UK behind its international pe

218、ers.Digital Catapult recommends the following actions to help achieve successful and valuable improvement of business outcomes through Industrial 5G.A means to maintain and grow the momentum created by the I5GTT programme must be found.Maintaining momentum and keeping testbeds under active developme

219、nt will help to create demand for the specialised capabilities of 5G needed to push the boundaries of manufacturing and logistics use cases.Otherwise,there will be no supply and the capabilities will be deferred yet again or retreat into history.Training in new technologies must be a key input into

220、skills development.A directory of providers for 5G technical and business-related training should be compiled so that companies or individuals seeking training can more easily fill their knowledge gaps.This could also be an opportunity to bring IT and OT departments together to understand each other

221、s worlds better.Security also needs attention,in theory(partly fulfilled by training)and in practice.Building consensus among security-aware users of technology can also build a community,advised by specialists such as the National Cyber Security Centre(NCSC),to improve interoperability,reduce cost

222、and understand best practices.Common reference architectures and deployment models,such as those developed by the GSMA for IoT deployments,could be developed.Recommendations48Not all projects had completed their use case evaluations when this report was written;we have provided estimates of the bene

223、fits of 5G where projects made the information available.Appendix 1:Use case insights from the Industrial 5G Testbeds and Trials programme49HeadingCopy5G Connected Automotive Logistics(5G CAL)50The application of 5G in this project is expected to achieve several outcomes,including:kick-starting a CA

224、L regional operational test facility,designing and deploying a 5G-enabled CAL testing facility,developing a strategic roadmap for the operational roll-out of 5G-enabled CAL(locally,regionally and across the UK),and assessing threats and mitigating cyber risk.51Consortium membersNorth East Automotive

225、 Alliance-Industry-led regional group supporting sustainable economic growth and competitiveness in the sectorSunderland City Council-Local authority of the City of Sunderland,Tyne and WearNewcastle University-Public research university StreetDrone-Oxford-based autonomous vehicle companyVantec-Innov

226、ative lean logistics partner,specialising in integrated solutionsNissan-Multinational automotive manufacturerCoventry University-Public research university Perform Green-Strategy and change consultancy,focused on delivering digitally-inspired change for goodConnected Places Catapult-The UKs innovati

227、on accelerator for cities,transport and places52The I5GTT framework has been invaluable thanks to the funding it has provided.Due to the risks associated with the early stage of the technology,Nissan relied on the programme to find partners and increase its knowledge.Barney Smith,CEO and Founder at

228、Perform GreenUSE CASE ONE:Teleoperation of a connected autonomous vehicleApplying 5G to the teleoperation of connected and autonomous vehicles(CAV)to allow easy,seamless handover between autonomous mode and remote manual operation,and vice versa.The 5G CAL project originated from the desire to expan

229、d the autonomous sections of warehouses.The key technology deployed in this use case was an autonomous vehicle,and 5G was used for remote control when human intervention was needed.5G CAL delivered this 5G experiment using a fully integrated commercial solution provided by Nokia,supported by system

230、integrator,North.The companies involved in this project are now looking to run twelve vehicles simultaneously in the same Nissan site areas.They also plan to continue the development of self-driving passenger logistics around Sunderland city centre.The project estimates that teleoperation will save

231、2.5 million each year for this site alone,and lead to improvements in operational efficiency.USE CASE TWO:HGV to infrastructureEnabling the usage of 5G enabled cameras and LiDAR to build an external view of the HGV;and HGV to Traffic Management Centre rethinking traffic control management such as tr

232、affic lights and rephasing them for priority traffic.It also provided support for teleoperation.The results from this use case could not have been achieved without 5G:the technology was instrumental in 53running multiple cameras so the remote operator could see exactly what a real driver would norma

233、lly see.5Gs low latency and bandwidth availability were key to allowing the vehicle to run at normal speed.Ensuring on-site cyber security was also essential,making the encryption technology associated with 5G beneficial.5G CAL has found that the I5GTT programme has generated significant industry aw

234、areness about 5G capabilities for logistics.Designers,manufacturers and users of autonomous vehicles now understand more clearly why 5G is important.The asymmetric exchange of data between uplink and downlink was one of the main challenges of the use case.Network operators are not used to the device

235、 being the primary data source of high data rate information streams,so more resource has to be allocated to the uplink while mainly short teleoperator commands are transmitted in the downlink towards the CAV.Both this use case and the CAV teleoperation use case had to consider antenna siting and ra

236、dio frequency planning taking account of the topography of the trial site and its other occupants,and regulatory conditions.USE CASE THREE:SASMIThis use case will enhance training through 5G,support power electronics,machines and drives(PEMD)and become a Made Smarter Smart Factory Innovation Hub.The

237、 SASMI building(Skills Academy for Sustainable Manufacturing and Innovation)is the Nissan Global Training Centre and currently the heart of the regions role in the Driving the Electric Revolution(DER)project.Introducing 5G connectivity to DER will enable testing of further uses,and support collabora

238、tion with businesses wanting to test new capabilities for flexible automated machine assembly lines.The use case is proving the concept of a reconfigurable and flexible manufacturing assembly line where advanced digital technology is powered by 5G to enhance performance of the production and configu

239、ration processes.54Project team recommendations for other organisationsCompanies wanting to develop 5G use cases should buy a secure end-to-end solution,rather than piecing the technology together on their own.5G CAL had chosen to rely on a single vendor to provide this integrated solution.55Heading

240、CopySmart Junctions56The Smart Junctions project aims to deliver AI traffic control systems to reduce congestion and pollution,as well as improving productivity by reducing the waiting times at traffic signals.The project uses a 5G small cell network to reduce infrastructure costs for connecting sen

241、sors at every junction,remove the need to mount hardware onto buildings in district centre locations,and support connected bus projects and other mobility-based public services.This project fosters innovation in the telecoms sector using open architectures and a new commercial approach based on netw

242、ork-as-a-service(NaaS).The Smart Junctions project seeks to take advantage of several opportunities,including understanding the impact of latency on smart junction products,and analysing the use of 5G versus alternative technologies for future rollouts.The project is expected to demonstrate the long

243、-term commercial benefits of combining 5G with Smart Junctions.These benefits revolve around new revenue models for local authorities owning infrastructure,using a network as a service business model to create a platform for Smart City connectivity,and exploring opening neutral host infrastructure u

244、sing NaaS capabilities.57Consortium membersVivacity Labs-Project lead,specialising in bringing machine learning products to the road infrastructure marketWeaver Labs-Creating an open and shared network as a service,with a focus on securityTransport for Greater Manchester-Transport authority with an

245、established relationship with the Smart Junctions project,and a track record of fostering innovation in the sector58USE CASES:Smart JunctionsSmart Junctions is currently exploring options for a wider set of use cases that can be trialled in this platform.At present,trials focus on Smart Junctions te

246、sting,and the open and shared infrastructure commercial model through which local authorities can monetise the communications platform.For Smart Junctions,the main challenges were network stability and reliability,and a private 4G network could have met these requirements and delivered the results n

247、eeded.However,a private 5G network presents a more attractive solution for a local authority.The costs associated with an OpenRAN solution create a compelling business case over a single-vendor approach and provide a much greater opportunity to leverage a revenue stream.Running a private 5G network

248、also offers the potential to run mission-critical systems that require real-time and high-volume data streams.This use case resulted in VivaCity Labs developing their core sensor technology to incorporate 5G compatibility into future forms of connectivity.It also showed that installed sensors could

249、be connected to private 5G networks.It has already demonstrated commercial gains for projects looking to test 5G connectivity and compatibility,and the project has presented new connectivity options for the public sector,as well as a revenue stream for new funding opportunities.By working with vario

250、us partners,this programme has built skills and shared knowledge relating to 5G network deployment and the potential of logistics and public sector use cases.The programme has helped further develop OpenRAN,bringing a multi-vendor approach to the market.Alexander Yeomans,Technical Project Manager,Vi

251、vacity Labs 59Project team recommendations for other organisations Manage the full end-to-end integration across all vendors.This requires an engineer with strong knowledge across all workstreams to ensure integration between multiple vendors.Request complete asset information in advance,to help wit

252、h scoping and layout design.List all skills required for delivery and commissioning of the physical network,and ensure that all these skills criteria are met by contractors.60HeadingCopy5G Enhanced Manufacturing(5GEM)615GEM is a 3.9 million project exploring the opportunities of 5G within manufactur

253、ing.Its aim is to demonstrate the value that 5G will bring to industry by running testbeds at the Ford Motor Companys Dunton site and the TWIs Cambridge facility.These testbeds will be used to demonstrate how 5G technology improves the real-time monitoring and control of manufacturing machines and p

254、rocesses,and enables further data collection.The project also looks at the opportunities to reduce mean time to repair(MTTR)for equipment.Headsets can use 5G to connect on-site users to visual and video maintenance instructions,as well as to experts for instant support.This can avoid the loss of hou

255、rs or days waiting for a service callout.Another opportunity,using real-time analysis and the consequent adjustment to machine parameters,aims to reduce the volume of rejects during manufacturing.All these improvements can enhance the sustainability of the manufacturing installation by reducing wast

256、ed energy and the travel required to support processes.62Consortium membersFord Motor Company-Automotive manufacturer Vodafone-Global telecommunications enterprise Vacuum Furnace Engineering(VFE)-Market-leading provider of maintenance servicing for the heat treatment industry ATS-Specialists in mach

257、ine learning development and implementation TM Forum(TMF)-Experts in closed loop automation and logistics management,leading to a reduction in downtime and waste,and laying the foundations for the flexible factory HSSMI-Specialists in supporting the manufacturing industry in upscaling,digitalisation

258、 and circular economy practicesTWI-Specialists in joining technology and non-destructive testing(NDT)Lancaster University-Educational institution specialising in data structure,processing and management63USE CASE ONE:Machine connectivityDemonstrating the deployment of 5G instead of existing hardwire

259、d data connections,and for connection to new IoT sensors for environmental and maintenance system monitoring.It covers real-time process analysis and control of machines on a Ford factory floor in Dunton,UK.Data from production processes is gathered by sensors and analysed in real time,so that rapid

260、 adjustments can be made automatically in response to changes in environment,materials and other factors.USE CASE TWO:Shop floor devicesUsing 5G to monitor the deployment and location of handheld scanners,preventing losses and delays through accurate tracking and issue logging,as well as using vario

261、us devices(such as tablets and MR/AR headsets)to access on-the-spot support from remote experts.USE CASE THREE:5G ecosystemDeployment of 5G in a factory environment.It considers health and safety requirements,workforce and corporate security,and the comparison of 5G mobile private network(MPN)with o

262、ther 5G and non-5G wireless solutions.Combining the 5G ecosystem and machine connectivity use cases would enable monitoring of both machine performance and the environmental conditions in which it operates.This would greatly enhance the capability to predict when maintenance would be needed.As well

263、as reducing the time to diagnose faults and avoiding expensive delays for repairs,efficiency benefits include the elimination of unnecessary maintenance and production downtime,and the reduction of visits to sites.This could generate significant cost savings:downtime can cost 100,000 per day in lost

264、 production for high-value vacuum furnace processes,such as diffusion bonding.The application of 5G in connection with other use cases,such as AR-driven remote support,could result in a significant return on investment for factory owners.64Project outcomesOne of the biggest challenges for 5GEM was g

265、etting devices to work on a mobile private network,as opposed to a public 5G network.Another was the need to factor in upload and download rates upfront.The 5G system implemented in the use cases was found to have insufficient download capacity in a full production environment.The design,installatio

266、n and testing of a 5G private network takes time,and it took six months for Ford to get the network up and running.Relying on MQTT caused problems because this machine protocol is not designed to hold large amounts of data,although a solution provided by ATS Global was eventually found.Wi-Fi could p

267、otentially have done most of what the use case was aiming for,at a lower cost.However,it lacks the security and reliability advantages of 5G,especially for applications requiring mobility.For instance,AR headsets such as the MS-HoloLens used by Ford were initially tested on Wi-Fi and showed mixed re

268、sults,while a 5G connection provided much better data transfer rates.5GEM demonstrated that an upgrade to Fords IT backbone would be needed to handle large amounts of data,especially if 5G use cases are pursued.ATS Global learned a lot about data protocols and data management for its Atlas cloud pro

269、duct.Paul Hadley,Fords Production Engineering Supervisor,found that I5GTT has disseminated knowledge widely within Ford and external suppliers.For example,through this project,Siemens was able to test an industrial 5G router on Fords network.65Project team recommendations for other organisations Pau

270、l recommends that other organisations define their requirements directly up front,especially in terms of upload versus download balance.Companies also need to be aware of setup time and the need for unexpected items,as well as hardware availability.66HeadingCopyFactory of the Future(FoF)67Manufactur

271、ing productivity in the UK is currently lower than that of leading European nations.To remain globally competitive,UK companies must embrace transformative capability.The Factory of the Future project aims to drive early adoption of 5G throughout one of the UKs most significant manufacturing supply

272、chains,developing new opportunities for tech startups in the process.While large manufacturing programmes present significant affordability and lead-time challenges,especially in the aerospace and maritime sectors,5G technology has the potential to unlock the true potential of digital manufacturing.

273、Several outcomes are expected from the 5G Factory of the Future project,including improved quality,leading to reduced waste;reduced downtime of factory equipment;improved inventory accuracy resulting in faster production times;and asset damage detection to improve quality and speed.The projects expe

274、cted results also include supply chain transparency to increase on-time deliveries,improved training and support,as well as significant engagement with two manufacturers.68Consortium membersThe University of Sheffield Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre(AMRC)-Network of research and innovation ce

275、ntres working with manufacturing companiesBAE Systems-Global defence,security and aerospace companyDigital Catapult-The UKs innovation accelerator for the early adoption of advanced digital technologiesMTT-Independent CNC machine tool support company AQ Limited-UK telecoms operator with experience i

276、n numerous 5G applications and testbedsMiralis-Logistics optimisation software and consultancy practice,providing expertise in packing,routing and scheduling and electric vehicles69USE CASE ONE:Real-time monitoring and adaptive closed-loop controlUsing real-time monitoring at BAE to reduce operation

277、al cost and quality defects.Wireless real-time data streams from machines such as 3D printers will enable closed-loop process monitoring and problem detection,enabling automatic compensation.The target benefit of this use case is an estimated 15-25%reduction in production defects,waste and machine d

278、owntime,resulting from improved process precision,predictive maintenance strategies and fewer errors.USE CASE TWO:Digital twin track and trace(DTT)Enabling reconfigurable assembly lines for deployment manufacturing technology,providing in-service support of operational assets(such as aircraft),and f

279、acilitating a factory in a box(FIAB).High-level monitoring of machines and shop floors will allow partners to develop,integrate and test products-as-services(XaaS)previously limited by bandwidth and latency.This project is expected to increase factory efficiency through data-driven decision-making,r

280、eal-time asset location,inventory accuracy,efficient scheduling,asset performance optimisation,and improved predictive maintenance.The benefit will be an estimated 15-20%improvement in machine utilisation through reduced idle time and improved scheduling.USE CASE THREE:Factory ecosystem monitoring(F

281、EM)Integrating 5G with emerging automation technology and IoT sensor networks to significantly reduce the requirement for elaborate environmental controls,and enable dynamic adjustment of automatic manufacturing systems using real-time data.The resulting reduction in running costs would create subst

282、antial annual savings.Estimated benefits include improved machine utilisation(5-10%),a reduction in energy use(10-15%),and reduced maintenance time(20%),as a result of performance optimisation and more efficient use of resources.70USE CASE FOUR:Chain of custody system(CCS)Preventing the loss or dela

283、y of supply chain production items to minimise impact on productivity,which can hit suppliers hard and costs millions per year.Reducing or eliminating the loss of critical production tooling in storage or in transit through item tracking could save BAE significant annual costs.The project estimates

284、a 30%reduction in loss and damage to assets.It also expects improved schedule accuracy,greater supply-chain transparency and improved real-time condition monitoring for assets tracked by the system.USE CASE FIVE:Distributed and shared hybrid reality spaces(HRS)Using low latency 5G technology to dist

285、ribute and share VR/AR enabling information(such as process or manufacturing instructions)directly to workers at the point of use,through devices such as wireless hand-held tablets and personal headsets.This could save seconds each time instructions are read,which would achieve significant savings a

286、cross the 50 aircraft produced each year.The benefits include an estimated reduction in travel costs(65%)and maintenance time(15%)arising from real-time,worldwide collaboration and increased ease of training and maintenance support.71Project outcomesA private 5G network was the most compelling techn

287、ology for achieving the use case results.It provides essential security for manufacturers who are cautious with their data and want to process it locally,and it also guarantees reliability and low latency,thanks to network slicing capabilities.Wi-Fi is not secure and does not provide sufficient cove

288、rage,although 4G or a public 5G network could have been used to enable coverage of the large areas needed for transportation of goods.The UK has facilitated this work,as through Ofcom the UK government has created a shared spectrum for companies to use.The availability of shared spectrum encourages

289、adoption and rollout of 5G in a private setting as the technology becomes more affordable.In addition,the programmes launched in the UK create synergies and stimulate knowledge sharing by bringing together stakeholders who would otherwise have developed the technology on their own.The availability o

290、f 5G-compatible industrial products is a challenge,as most devices and machines that needed to be connected to the network did not have 5G capabilities.A third challenge was the difference in technical terminology used by different teams,which initially created a lot of confusion.A Technical Design

291、Authority was eventually created as a central terminology reference,which improved understanding.There were also supply chain issues during this project,caused by the pandemic and by Brexit.These created delays in product delivery,especially for radio equipment,which slowed the project down by impac

292、ting on installation and implementation of the network.These delays could have been better predicted and planned for.FoF use cases have raised the question of who should pay for the construction of the private network:the operator or the manufacturer.Industrial players must find an appetite for inte

293、grating this technology into a real commercial setting.Charles Turyagyenda,5G Lead Technologist at Digital Catapult,observed that there is currently a lack of 5G expertise in the industry,and that finding machining talents and 5G experts to operate the private network was difficult.72Project team re

294、commendations for other organisationsStart designing use cases early and plan for potential delays.Charles suggests looking at use cases conducted in Germany,where companies also conduct use cases around 5G for manufacturing,and advises defining use cases in detail,rather than providing a high-level

295、 description.Experimentation should be specifically described,with clear definition and quantification of technical KPIs.The programme has definitely expanded the knowledge base of consortium partners.Beyond operational technologists who broadened their knowledge on 5G,BAE Systems,the owner of the u

296、se cases,discovered the capabilities of 5G in manufacturing processes.Similarly,IBM has learned how its compute platform can interact with a 5G network.Charles Turyagyenda,5G Lead Technologist,Digital Catapult73HeadingCopy5G Ports74Based in the Port of Felixstowe,5G Ports aims to prove that 5G has i

297、ndustrial capabilities in the context of automation and IoT for logistics and port operations,such as the availability and efficient use of quay cranes.Unexpected failures can lead to stoppages in loading and unloading,affecting vessels turnaround times.This project seeks to provide an automated rem

298、ote control system using programmable logic controllers(PLC)and cameras to improve the efficient use of the workforce on the cranes.5G is expected to improve the quality of CCTV imagery and deliver the low latency needed by operators.The deployment of a 5G network at Felixstowe also creates the oppo

299、rtunity to test the application of new types of technology capable of reducing asset downtime,therefore increasing port productivity.It also enables the adoption of technologies that require significantly higher throughput,without the need for a physical network across an operational dock and berth

300、space.75Consortium membersPort of Felixstowe,Hutchison Ports UK-Project lead and port operator providing the business problem,assets and operating environment for testingHutchison Three UK-5G provider and lead on the automation of a 5G crane test caseUniversity of Cambridge-Educational institution p

301、roviding AI and data analytics skills for the creation of an algorithm for the predictive maintenance of quay cranesBlue Mesh Solutions-Startup specialising in sensors and IoT,enabling data collection for the predictive maintenance use case76USE CASE ONE:Using 5G for the remote control of yard crane

302、sUsing 5G for the transfer of large amounts of CCTV data and creating interoperability with the PLC.USE CASE TWO:Predictive maintenance of quay cranes Focusing on the use of IoT sensors on quay cranes and integrating key data sources from within the business,and using AI and algorithms to predict th

303、e optimum time to remove assets from service.The ultimate goal is to minimise unexpected downtime and to optimise the length of time that assets are in use.77Project outcomesThe projects 5G network performance for these use cases is shown in the following table.Karen Poulter,Head of Information Syst

304、ems at Hutchison Ports,confirms that 5G had succeeded in delivering low latency in both use cases.In a port environment,there is a big advantage in relying on 5G instead of Wi-Fi or 4G as cranes and containers move through the port.Building a private 5G network is also essential due to the nature of

305、 the bandwidth required for remote operation.The predictive maintenance use case could never have been realised without 5G due to the nature of daily data uploading and downloading.For future projects,Hutchison Ports is considering replacing its ageing 4G network with a 5G network,and whether to ext

306、end the 5G network to the entire port,as it now only covers a small area.They also plan to perpetuate the use of predictive maintenance to fully leverage all its benefits.TESTBED METRICAVAILABILITYDOWNLINKUPLINKLATENCYBASELINE99.90%5Mbps5Mbps50msCURRENT99.90%5Mbps5Mbps50msTARGET99.90%1Gbps37Mbps-100

307、Mbps15msLAB530 Mbps400 Mbps18msDESCRIPTION/NOTESThis is the service availability metric required4G max:100Mbps,5Mbps per device.Load:100B,with L2TP tunnellingThroughput measured using a single device.78Project team recommendations for other organisations Industrial technology providers have to redes

308、ign their solutions to better meet the needs of users.Some equipment was difficult to obtain,and Hutchison Ports mainly used R&D equipment from Ericsson.The programme has shown us that there is no doubt that 5G is business critical,and the future of manufacturing and logisticsKaren Poulter,Head of I

309、nformation Systems,Hutchison Ports795G Logistics805G Logistics is a 5.2 million project that created a 5G private network to link Bristol Port and the Gravity Smart Campus in Somerset.Use cases are in the final trial stages to demonstrate how 5G private network capabilities can offer efficiency and

310、productivity improvements to the logistics sector,with potential for the resulting solutions to be implemented in ports,Enterprise Zones,business parks,and local authorities.The project aims to demonstrate how 5G private network capabilities can offer efficiency and productivity improvements to the

311、logistics sector.The use cases aim to demonstrate the secure tracking of goods within and between the sites,traffic management at smart junctions around the port and automated drone flights to support port police operations.The dynamic creation of zones and corridors based on 5G enabled digital/virt

312、ual geofencing aimed to support accurate location tracking of goods;detection of goods leaving a geofenced zone or an anchoring RFID-5G-NanoCell router;and automated the speed of digital transfer of goods between two RFID-5G-NanoCell routers replacing manual operations.5G-enabled automated drones ai

313、m to reduce inspection and incident response times for Port Police operations;connecting smart junctions to the 5G network has provided new location tracking data to support traffic control applications.Despite poor availability of silicon at the time,the consortium managed to gather all the necessa

314、ry 5G radio equipment,and tested devices from Samsung,OnePlus,Xiamoi,and Lanner.81Consortium membersWest of England Combined Authority-Project lead,local government body made up of Bath and North East Somerset,Bristol and South Gloucestershire councilsADVA-Telecommunications vendor providing network

315、 equipment for data,storage,voice and video services Airspan-4G/5G RAN hardware and software vendor,led on Open Radio Access Network(RAN),providing 5G antennas and software for the distributed and centralised unitsAttoCore-Developer of ultra-mobile core network software technology that can be deploy

316、ed in consumer,professional and enterprise scenariosBristol City Council-5G-enabled smart junctions use case lead(supported by sub-contractor Siemens),local unitary authorityCardiff University-Educational institution investigating real-life applicability of use cases and freeport functionality,suppo

317、rting benefits realisation and dissemination through the Logistics and Operations Management(LOM)sectionCellnex UK-Independent telecoms infrastructure partner,leading on 5G neutral private networks design,integration and deployment of the project testbed Maritime Transport-Intermodal logistics compa

318、ny,providing container transport and storageThe Bristol Port Company-Host for 5G private network testbed and use case partner,owners of Avonmouth and Royal Portbury Docks,a full-service logistics company offering a full range of shipping,distribution and logistics servicesThis is Gravity-Host for 5G

319、 private network testbed and use case partner,a property management company developing a 616-acre smart campus site in SomersetUniversity of Bristol Smart Internet Lab-Educational institution bringing together experts across wireless,networks,photonics and beyond to address societal and industrial c

320、hallengesUnmanned Life-Port police drone operations use case lead and provider of AI-driven autonomy as a service platform82USE CASE ONE:FreeportCreating 5G-enabled digitally/virtually geofenced zones and corridors to demonstrate security,traceability and real-time tracking of goods in a freeport an

321、d freezone setting.The testbed included the projects 5G private network and a 4G public network with handover between them.Connectivity results for the use case trials can be summarised for the private 5G network as follows:Average latency observed across trials was under 7ms,with less than 5ms late

322、ncy in most experiments.Latency with 4G was 200ms on average.100%data collection rate for 80%of the experiments.Freeport scenario testing showed the following results.Theft reduction:alert delivery was 99%successful when the 5G network was operational,compared to 77%baseline performance over 4G.Mish

323、andling reduction:location tracking of RFID tagged goods was successfully fused with condition monitoring data(such as movement,temperature and humidity)from sensors inside the container to provide an average 95%accuracy in detecting simulated mishandling conditions.Wireless identification of goods:

324、the system was able to identify and log each of the 400 RFID tags(each representing separate goods)in seconds,compared to an assumed baseline of 20 minutes for manually scanning of 400 items.83USE CASE TWO:Port police dronesAutomated drone flight for boundary inspection,ad-hoc surveillance and respo

325、nse to trigger events,supporting more efficient port police operations.Scenario testing produced these key results:Incident response:a 54%reduction in response time,from 18m 40s(manual inspection)to 8m 37s(drone-assisted surveillance).Fence inspection:a 47%reduction in response time,from 17m 39s(man

326、ual inspection)to 9m 15s(drone-assisted inspection).These have consequent economic and efficiency benefits that are less easy to measure:Cost savings from releasing police personnel to undertake higher value and potentially more fulfilling activities,with positive effects on staff retention and skil

327、ls developmentEarned value for shippers and trust in the port as a result of avoiding theft/incidents,due to the higher frequency of surveillance,increased visibility and faster response times24-hour deployment availability without additional costs.USE CASE THREE:Smart junctions5G upgrades to existi

328、ng smart junction automation will support new functionality for extracting data to a multi-access edge computing(MEC)platform and cloud,departing from todays self-contained systems.A 48%reduction in journey time was recorded for one of the scenarios involving higher volumes of traffic.This was calcu

329、lated to have made an 8%reduction in CO2 emissions and fuel consumption.845G targetsThe process control loop for managing traffic requires a latency of 20ms or less.This was achieved in the 5G network and would not be possible with 4G or other legacy technologies.FUNCTIONALITYTARGETACTUAL RESULTSBAN

330、DWIDTH UPLOAD20Mbits/sec for 40MHz bandwidth60Mbits/sec 100MHz bandwidthBANDWIDTH DOWNLOAD200Mbits/sec450Mbits/secE2E NETWORK LATENCY20ms5msAVAILABILITY99.999%91.666%CONNECTIVITYSuccessful data sessions on 5G100%NETWORK SYNCHRONISATIONPrimary Reference Time Clock(PRTC)-B+/-40nsPRTC-B+/-40nsTRANSPORT

331、 LAYER LATENCY1us4usTRANSPORT LAYER SYNCHRONISATION200ns1usTRANSPORT ECPRI FORWARDING LATENCY1us one way4us one way85Project outcomesOverall,the 5G Logistics project has developed excellent,proven technology.The I5GTT programme provided a supportive environment,without which the project may not have

332、 been so successful:the research environment and the skills it provided were unique and crucial.The same results could not have been achieved with 4G or Wi-Fi,and while public 5G could also have been used,the project confirmed the value of private 5G in maintaining control over the cloud and costs.A

333、lex Mavromatis,Programme Lead Architect at Bristol University Smart Internet Lab,expects the results derived from automation and 5G to show improved productivity compared to existing processes.The key learning has been to engage with business developers throughout the project to ensure that the use case benefits were translated into valuable business assets.A thorough examination of end-user needs



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