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1、KEYSTATISTICSand TRENDS in International Trade 2022The remarkable trade rebound of 2021 and 2022KEYSTATISTICSand TRENDSin International Trade2022The remarkable trade rebound of 2021 and 2022Geneva,2023Key Statistics and Trends in International Trade 2022iiUNCTAD Division on International Trade and C

2、ommodities 2023,United NationsAll rights reserved worldwideRequests to reproduce excerpts or to photocopy should be addressed to the Copyright Clearance Center at .All other queries on rights and licences,including subsidiary rights,should be addressed to:United Nations Publications405 East 42nd Str

3、eet,New York,New York 10017United States of AmericaEmail:publicationsun.orgWebsite:https:/shop.un.org/The designations employed and the presentation of material on any map in this work do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the United Nations concerning the legal status

4、 of any country,territory,city or area or of its authorities,or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.Mention of any firm or licensed process does not imply the endorsement of the United Nations.This publication has not been formally edited.United Nations publication issued by t

5、he United Nations Conference on Trade and DevelopmentUNCTAD/DITC/TAB/2023/1ISBN:978-92-1-113090-4eISBN:978-92-1-002511-9ISSN:2663-7960eISSN:2663-7979Sales No.:E.23.II.D.2iiiUNCTAD Division on International Trade and CommoditiesCONTENTSNOTE .ivOVERVIEW.vDATA SOURCES.viIN FOCUS:THE REMARKABLE TRADE RE

6、BOUND OF 2021 AND 2022.11.TRENDS IN INTERNATIONAL TRADE.5Values and growth rates of world trade in goods and services.6Volumes of international trade in goods.7Values of trade in goods and services by country groups.8Composition of trade flows in goods,by importing and exporting regions.9Trade in go

7、ods between/within developed and developing countries.10Changes in the value of the largerst bilateral trade flows between 2020 and 2021,by product group.11Values of world trade in goods by stage of processing and broad category .12Values of world trade in goods by region,stage of processing and bro

8、ad category.13Values of world trade in goods by sectors.14Market shares of trade in services of developing and developed countries by sector.152.TRADE INDICATORS.17Import and export propensity.18Trade balances.19Commodity export dependence.20Food and energy net position.21Export diversification.22Ch

9、anges in export diversification.23Export performance and export competitiveness.24Export sophistication and export sophistication gap.25Key Statistics and Trends in International Trade 2022ivUNCTAD Division on International Trade and CommoditiesNOTEKey Statistics and Trends in International Trade is

10、 a yearly publication.It is a product of the Trade Analysis Branch,Division on International Trade and Commodities(DITC),UNCTAD secretariat.This publication monitors the trends of international trade in goods and services in the medium term.The series is part of a larger effort by UNCTAD to analyse

11、trade-related issues of particular importance for developing countries,as requested by the mandate of UNCTAD XV.Alessandro Nicita and Julia Grbler contributed to this study,which also benefited from inputs and comments from various DITC staff members and the UNCTAD Statistics team.Desktop publishing

12、 was done by Jenifer Tacardon-Mercado.vUNCTAD Division on International Trade and CommoditiesOVERVIEWTrade trends during the last three years have been greatly influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic.During 2020,the economic disruptions brought about by COVID-19 resulted in a decline of international tr

13、ade in goods and services.However,as global demand resumed,international trade strongly rebounded in 2021 and further increased during 2022.Overall,the value of global trade is expected to be about 25 per cent higher in 2022 than it was in 2019.A substantial part of the increase in the value of trad

14、e during the last two years can be explained by rising commodity prices and more recently by general inflation.Trade volumes grew to a smaller extent.Even so,the steady increase in the volume of international trade since early 2021 indicates a robust global demand for traded goods.This report is str

15、uctured into two parts.The first part presents a short-term overview of the status of international trade using preliminary statistics on merchandise trade until the first half of 2022.The second part provides illustrative statistics on international trade in goods and services covering the medium t

16、erm.The second part is divided into two sections.Section 1 provides trade statistics at various levels of aggregation that illustrates the evolution of trade across economic sectors and geographic regions.Section 2 presents trade indicators to inform on some specifics of the trade patterns at the co

17、untry level.Key Statistics and Trends in International Trade 2022viUNCTAD Division on International Trade and CommoditiesDATA SOURCESThe statistics in this publication were produced by the UNCTAD secretariat using data from various sources.This report relies on the United Nations Commodity Trade Sta

18、tistics Database(COMTRADE)(comtrade.un.org)data for merchandise trade statistics.UNCTADStat(unctadstat.unctad.org)is the source of service statistics.Quarterly data for merchandise trade comes from national authorities statistics.The data has been standardized to facilitate cross-country comparisons

19、.Data,although comprehensive and comparable across countries,does not perfectly reflect national statistics,and thus some discrepancies with specific national statistics may be present.Unless otherwise specified international trade is defined as trade in goods(merchandise)and services.Countries are

20、categorized by geographic region as defined by the United Nations classification(UNSD M49).Developed countries are these identified in the UNSD M49 according to the distinction as of December 2021.Product sectors are categorized according to the Broad Economic Categories(BEC)classification and the I

21、nternational Standard Industrial Classification(ISIC)augmented by five broad agricultural sectors based on the Harmonized System(HS)classification.Figures are in current United States of America dollars,except where otherwise specified.1UNCTAD Division on International Trade and CommoditiesDuring th

22、e last three years,global trade has been greatly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.The effects of the economic disruptions on global trade have been noteworthy due to their rapidity and intensity,especially during the rebound.402002040Yearoveryear growth rate(percentage)200820092001320142

23、000212022Merchandise valuesMerchandise volumesServices valuesGlobal trade trendsSource:UNCTAD secretariat calculations based on data from UNCTADStat,UN Comtrade and National Statistics.In comparison with other recent trade downturns,the decline of global trade in 2020 was compa

24、rable to the global financial crisis of 2008/09 and substantially worse than that resulting from the global recession in 2015.The severe downturn of 2020 was a consequence of widespread cross-border restrictions and other logistical disruptions,followed by a decline in global demand as health and ec

25、onomic crises unfolded globally.Even so,the initial expectations of a double-digit contraction in global trade proved to be overly pessimistic,as global trade already began to recover by the end of 2020.During 2021,the value of global trade rapidly rebounded due to strong recovery in global demand a

26、nd rising commodity prices.Since late 2020,trade growth has remained positive throughout mid-2022.In value terms,global trade stood at about$25 trillion in 2019 to then decline by about$2.5 trillion in 2020 as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic.As Source:UNCTAD secretariat calculations based on

27、data from UNCTADStat,UN Comtrade and National Statistics.24262830323436Trade over global output(percentage)3020100102030Growth rate(percentage)20062008200022 Real global output Trade Trade over global output Trade and GDP growthIn focus:The remarkable trade rebound of 2021 and

28、2022Key Statistics and Trends in International Trade 20222UNCTAD Division on International Trade and Commoditiesdemand resumed,trade increased by$5.5 trillion in 2021 to reach about$28 trillion.The value of international trade is expected to reach around US$32 trillion by the end of 2022,an increase

29、 of roughly 26 per cent relative to the pre-pandemic levels of 2019.Importantly,the growth of global trade during the last two years has strongly outpaced the growth of the global economy.Consequently,the ratio of global exports over global output jumped from 29 per cent in 2019 to about 32 per cent

30、 in 2021.Given the continuing growth in global trade during the first half of 2022,this ratio is expected to reach a record of about 34 per cent in 2022.Many of the international trade trends of the last three years can be explained by changes in patterns of global demand.Lockdown measures caused a

31、decline of demand in many sectors.Moreover,due to restrictions in the movement of people,demand declined much more sharply in the services sector.On the other hand,manufacturing trade proved to be more resilient as a result of the increased demand for pharmaceuticals and personal protective equipmen

32、t,as well as for home appliances,remote working and fitness equipment.As the pandemic abated and global demand resumed,trade recovered in many of the manufacturing sectors.In late 2020,trade in goods was already higher than its levels in 2019.Persistent disruptions to the movement of people continue

33、d to negatively affect trade in services,especially tourism,for a much longer period.Trade in services did not return to its pre-pandemic level until late 2021.Trade growth remained robust during 2022,both for goods and for services.As of mid-2022,the value of global trade in goods was about 33 per

34、cent higher than its level of 2019.Trade in services was around 15 per cent higher than its level of 2019.International trade patterns during the last three years reflect not only the changes in global demand due to the COVID-19 pandemic,but also the movements of international prices.Indeed,a substa

35、ntial part of the growth in global trade has been nominal,as trade volumes have increased at a slower pace.The difference in the growth rate between the values and the volumes of global trade can be in part explained by changes in the prices of commodities,energy in particular.This becomes evident w

36、hen trade trends are illustrated across some broad economic sectors.For example,the price of energy products collapsed as demand subsided.The consequence was a drop in the value of energy products traded during Q2 of 2020 by about 50 per cent.Energy prices recovered only in early 2021,and with them

37、the trade value of the energy sector recovered to pre-pandemic levels.The value of trade in energy products further increased during 2021 and 2022,largely because of a geopolitically driven rise of energy prices.20100102030Differences relative to 2019(percentage)202020212022Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Trade

38、 recoveryGoods valueGoods volumesServicesSource:UNCTAD secretariat calculations based on data from UNCTADStat,UN Comtrade and National Statistics.50250255075100Differences relative to 2019(percentage)20022AgrifoodMetals and mineralsManufacturingEnergyTrade trends,by sectorSource:UNCTAD se

39、cretariat estimates based on data from National Statistics of China,the United States of America and the European Union.In-Focus:The remarkable trade rebound of 2021 and 20223UNCTAD Division on International Trade and CommoditiesThe fluctuations of international prices have also contributed to trade

40、 trends in other sectors,but to a relatively lesser extent.For example,the decline in the value of agri-food products traded during 2020 was muted as prices did not decline and demand remained relatively stable.However,the subsequent increase in the value of agri-food trade during 2021 and 2022 was

41、largely due to the rise in food prices.Similar patterns for which both demand and prices contributed to trade trends are found for metals and minerals.In the case of the manufacturing sector,the decline in global trade in early 2020 and the recovery during 2021 are more the result of changes in thei

42、r volumes than of large fluctuations in their prices.The pandemics effect on trade has been truly global,and so has the rebound.At an aggregate level,trade trends have been similar across regions and income levels.One difference has been the trade of middle-income countries,which was most resilient

43、during 2020 and early 2021.However,trade growth of middle-income countries slowed down thereafter.By contrast,trade was slower to rebound for low income and least developed countries,but more strongly increasing during late 2021 and early 2022.As the exports of lower income countries largely consist

44、 of commodities and raw materials,this pattern was largely due to rising commodity prices.Examining trade patterns of the different developing countries regions,some notable differences are noteworthy.In particular,the economies in East Asia were the first to experience declines in trade but also th

45、e first to recover.In contrast,developing economies in South Asia experienced a much sharper trade drop during 2020,but their trade rebounded more strongly during late 2021 and 2022.Trade patterns for Africa,Latin America and the Caribbean and the rest of Asia indicate a more linear growth trend dur

46、ing the recovery period.As of Q2 2022,the value of trade of all developing countries regions was between 40 and 50 per cent higher than its level of 2019.50250255075Differences relative to 2019(percentage)20022High incomeMiddle incomeLow incomeLDCsTrade trends,by incomeSource:UNCTAD secre

47、tariat calculations based on data from UNCTADStat,UN Comtrade and National Statistics.502502550Differences relative to 2019(percentage)20022AfricaLatin America and CaribbeanEast AsiaSouth AsiaRest of AsiaTrade trends,by regionSource:UNCTAD secretariat calculations based on data from UNCTA

48、DStat,UN Comtrade and National Statistics.Key Statistics and Trends in International Trade 20224UNCTAD Division on International Trade and CommoditiesSome differences in trade patterns are also found when trade between developed and developing countries is examined.For example,trade among developed

49、countries(North-North)declined relatively more than trade among developing countries(South-South)during 2020 and grew to a lesser extent thereafter.As of mid-2022,South-South trade was about 50 per cent higher than its level of 2019,while trade among developed countries was only about 28 per cent hi

50、gher.In a similar manner,exports from developing to developed countries(South-North trade)were relatively more resilient during 2020 and increased more rapidly than exports from developed to developing countries(North-South trade)during 2021 and early 2022.Although informative of general trends,aggr

51、egate trade statistics mask considerable differences in the patterns of trade specific to individual countries.While country-level indicators are provided in section two of this report,it is opportune to already highlight that both the recent trade downturn and recovery have varied greatly among cou

52、ntries.Some countries have experienced trade trends of a substantially stronger magnitude than others,in relation to both the downturn and the rebound.As of 2022,most developed and developing countries show trade flows significantly above their 2019 level,however,there are still countries whose trad

53、e remains substantially below 2019 levels.One interesting aspect of the varying degree in the strength of the trade rebound is a larger variance for developing countries relative to developed countries.-500500202022020212022Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4Q1 Q2Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4Q1 Q2

54、 Q3 Q4Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4Q1 Q2DevelopedDevelopingDifferences relative to 2019(percentage)Trade recovery varied across countriesSource:UNCTAD secretariat calculations based on data from UNCTADStat,UN Comtrade and National Statistics.200204060Differences relative to 2019(percentage)20022SouthSouthS

55、outhNorthNorthSouthNorthNorthTrade trends across developingand developed countriesSource:UNCTAD secretariat calculations based on data fromUNCTADStat,UN Comtrade and National Statistics.1.TRENDS IN INTERNATIONAL TRADEThe following section presents a series of figures illustrating the general trends

56、in international trade during the last decade.Key Statistics and Trends in International Trade 20226UNCTAD Division on International Trade and CommoditiesIn 2021,world trade in goods was valued above US$22 trillion,while trade in services accounted for about US$5.6 trillion.Global trade has been sev

57、erely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 but bounced back strongly in 2021.While trade in services has been historically more resilient,it has declined considerably more than goods trade during 2020 and has also been recovering at a slower pace since.Figure 1Values and growth rates of world t

58、rade in goods and services(a)(b)402002040Percentage2005201020152020Services,developingServices,developedGoods,developingGoods,developedExport growth0510152025US$Trillion2005201020152020GoodsServicesWorld tradeSource:UNCTAD secretariat calculations based on COMTRADE and UNCTADStat data.International

59、trade can be broadly distinguished between trade in goods(merchandise)and services.The bulk of international trade concerns physical goods,while services account for a much lower share.World trade in goods has increased dramatically over the last decade,rising from about US$10 trillion in 2005 to mo

60、re than US$18.5 trillion in 2014.Following the trade slump of 2015 and 2016,goods trade again peaked in 2019 but then fell to about US$17 trillion in 2020 as a consequence of the COVID-19 trade disruptions and economic downturn.Trade in services steadily increased between 2005 and 2019(from about US

61、$2.5 trillion to close to US$6 trillion).The COVID-19 pandemic had a particularly strong negative impact on trade in services,which had proven more resilient during past crises periods.While goods trade bounced back strongly and surpassed US$22 trillion in 2021,trade in services has been recovering

62、at a slower pace and has not yet returned to pre-crisis levels(Figure 1a).The decline in export growth rates for goods and services was rather similar for developed and developing countries during the global financial crisis 2008/09 and the trade slump in 2015/16,however,pronounced differences are o

63、bservable for the COVID-19 pandemic.At the aggregate level,developing countries experienced a less severe drop in goods exports growth,but their services sector experienced a much stronger decline(Figure 1b).1.Trends in International Trade7UNCTAD Division on International Trade and CommoditiesDuring

64、 the last 15 years,the volume of international trade of goods has increased dramatically.Still,trade volumes have declined during the economic crises of 2008,2015 and more recently of 2020.The growth in trade volumes(both imports and exports)has been generally stronger for developing countries.Among

65、 major trading economies,Chinas trade volumes have more than tripled during the last 15 years.For the rest of the major economies,trade volumes have increased at a much slower pace.Figure 2Volumes of international trade in goods(a)(b)0180200Volume index(2005=100)2005201020152020Imports,de

66、velopingImports,developedExports,developingExports,developedVolumes of trade in goods0300350Volume index(2005=100)2005201020152020China,importsUnited States,importsEuropean Union,importsChina,exportsUnited States,exportsEuropean Union,exportsTrade volumes,major economiesSource:UNCTAD secr

67、etariat calculations based on UNCTADStat data.The volume of international trade in goods has increased dramatically in the last 15 years(Figure 2a).Developing countries as a group have almost doubled the volume of trade in goods since 2005.By contrast,the volumes of trade of developed countries incr

68、eased by about 50 per cent since 2005.While import volumes have been growing relatively more than export volumes for developing countries,the opposite has happened for developed countries.The relatively larger increase in the volumes of imports can be explained by the increase in consumer demand in

69、developing countries.Growth in trade volumes was negative during the financial crisis of 2009 and has slowed down substantially in 2015.Growth in trade volumes also turned negative during 2020 as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic.Trade volumes rebounded strongly in 2021,both for developing and

70、developed countries.Among major trading economies,the trade volumes of China have more than tripled during the last 15 years,with exports volumes increasing relatively more than imports volume.For the rest of the major economies,trade volumes have increased at a much lower pace.Moreover,even during

71、2020,the growth of trade volumes remained positive for China.Key Statistics and Trends in International Trade 20228UNCTAD Division on International Trade and CommoditiesThe value of trade in goods is more equally shared between developing and developed countries.By contrast,more than two thirds of t

72、rade in services are associated with developed countries.BRICS account for an important share of trade in both goods and services.Least Developed Countries(LDCs)continue to account for a very small share in overall trade.Figure 3Values of trade in goods and services country groups(a)(b)05101520US$Tr

73、illion2005201520202021Exports ImportsExports ImportsExports ImportsExports ImportsExports and imports of goodsDevelopedDevelopingBRICSLDCs0246US$Trillion2005201520202021Exports ImportsExports ImportsExports ImportsExports ImportsExports and imports of servicesDevelopedDevelopingBRICSLDCsSource:UNCTA

74、D secretariat calculations based on COMTRADE and UNCTADStat data.The relative importance of developed countries as suppliers in international markets is declining.Still,they account for over half of the value of trade in goods and more than two thirds of trade in services.In 2021,developed countries

75、 exports of goods was around US$11 trillion(Figure 3a),while that of services added up to about US$4 trillion(Figure 3b).In 2021,developing countries exports summed to around US$10.5 trillion in regard to goods and about US$1.5 trillion for services.The BRICS Brazil,the Russian Federation,India,Chin

76、a,and South Africa accounted for one third of developing countries goods and services exports.LDCs contribution to world traderemains small,although some increases in exports and imports of these countries have been recorded over thepast decade.1.Trends in International Trade9UNCTAD Division on Inte

77、rnational Trade and CommoditiesInternational trade in goods is largely concentrated in developed countries and the East Asian region.Trade among other developing regions is much smaller,with some exceptions for trade in primary products.Table 1 Composition of trade flows in goods,by importing and ex

78、porting regionsTrade in 2021(billion US$)ExportersImportersDevelopedEast AsiaSouth AsiaRest of AsiaAfricaLatin AmericaDeveloped7 5257542 83220245377551537935 708642 6267912782503East Asia1 9301813 2643601 3812722 8365113862South Asia2

79、462511Rest of Asia483582756583474633127552613Africa2334070773814Latin America6204124726103Change 2020-2021(per cent)ExportersImportersDevelopedEast AsiaSouth AsiaRest of AsiaAfric

80、aLatin AmericaDeveloped242762753315220East Asia2625292538554333433283236482641564414South Asia55996Rest of Asia25965Africa88526122519Latin A

81、merica322039238754832Trade in 2015(billion US$)ExportersImportersDevelopedEast AsiaSouth AsiaRest of AsiaAfricaLatin AmericaDeveloped5 7585732 03985774 442611 870847687397East Asia1 3771122 01 1201881 84822461915

82、244435544South Asia58065382113145Rest of Asia469492233823539218122339Africa2343469623415Latin America53344268462Source:UNCTAD secretariat calculations based on COMTRADE data.The n

83、umber given in the top left of each cell shows the value of bilateral trade in billion US$,the upper right figure in each cell depicts the traded value in agriculture,the bottom left is natural resources and bottom right,manufactures.Key Statistics and Trends in International Trade 202210UNCTAD Divi

84、sion on International Trade and CommoditiesInternational trade in goods is increasingly linked to imports and exports of developing countries.Even throughout economic crises periods,the share of South-South trade steadily increased from around 17 per cent in 2005 to 28 per cent in 2021.The relative

85、significance of intraregional and other South-South(interregional)trade flows increased in 2021 compared to 2020 for all developing country regions except Africa.A large and growing part of trade among developing countries takes place with China.Figure 4Trade in goods between/within developed and de

86、veloping countries(a)(b)05101520US$Trillion2005201020152020Distribution of world tradeNorthNorthNorthSouthSouthNorthSouthSouth020406080Percentage over total tradeLatin AmericaAfricaRest of AsiaSouth AsiaEast Asia(excl.China)China202052020520205202052021202

87、02002020152005SouthSouth trade Intraregional with China other SouthSouthSource:UNCTAD secretariat calculations based on COMTRADE data.The increase in world trade during the last decade was largely driven by the rise of trade between developing countries(SouthSouth)(Figure 4a).By 2014,the

88、value of SouthSouth trade had reached almost US$5 trillion,corresponding to roughly 75 per cent of trade between developed countries(NorthNorth).Despite the trade slumps in 2009,2015 and during the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020,the share of South-South trade in global trade continuously increased from a

89、round 17 per cent in 2005 to 28 per cent in 2021.Figure 4b highlights the contribution of SouthSouth trade to total trade of developing regions.SouthSouth trade flows represented more than half of the trade of developing country regions(imports and exports),ranging from about 45 per cent in Latin Am

90、erica to over 65 per cent in South Asia and East Asia.A significant proportion thereof represents trade relations with China,amounting to at least a fifth of all South-South trade flows across all developing country regions.Compared to the year 2020,the share of South-South trade has increased for a

91、ll regions,except Africa.While the share of interregional trade has increased across all developing country regions,the share of intraregional trade has been decreasing for Africa and the Rest of Asia.1.Trends in International Trade11UNCTAD Division on International Trade and CommoditiesThe trade re

92、bound of 2021 resulted in large rises in the value of trade for almost all the largest bilateral trade flows.One notable exception is the decline in agricultural exports from the European Union to the United Kingdom,a consequence of the Brexit transition period.By contrast,the strongest increases we

93、re recorded for imports of natural resources by the European Union,China and the United States.Table 2 Changes in the value of the largest bilateral trade flows between 2020 and 2021,by product groupAgricultureExporterImporterChange 2021 vs 2020(%)Value in 2021(US$Billion)European UnionEuropean Unio

94、n14410European UnionUnited Kingdom-545BrazilChina2944MexicoUnited States of America1540United States of AmericaChina7137CanadaUnited States of America2736European UnionUnited States of America1931United States of AmericaCanada1525European UnionChina923United States of AmericaMexico2119Natural Resour

95、cesExporterImporterChange 2021 vs 2020(%)Value in 2021(US$Billion)European UnionEuropean Union76203AustraliaChina37136Russian FederationEuropean Union82122CanadaUnited States of America71111Russian FederationChina5358BrazilChina3356Saudi ArabiaChina5646AustraliaJapan5145United States of AmericaEurop

96、ean Union6941United States of AmericaMexico6740ManufacturingExporterImporterChange 2021 vs 2020(%)Value in 2021(US$Billion)European UnionEuropean Union222 802ChinaEuropean Union23545ChinaUnited States of America19525European UnionUnited States of America16418MexicoUnited States of America17322ChinaH

97、ong Kong SAR26301European UnionChina21283Taiwan,Province of ChinaChina25248European UnionUnited Kingdom2246United States of AmericaEuropean Union6220Source:UNCTAD secretariat calculations based on COMTRADE data.The table reports the percentage changes between 2020 and 2021,and the value in 2021,of t

98、he 10 largest bilateral flows in each of the three product groupings.Key Statistics and Trends in International Trade 202212UNCTAD Division on International Trade and CommoditiesIntermediate products represent more than 40 per cent of world trade in goods(exceeding US$9 trillion in 2021).While the a

99、mount of trade in each category has grown substantially since 2005,the relative importance of goods at different stages of processing remained relatively stable.In 2021,trade in all categories increased,with the strongest growth observed for primary products,followed by intermediate products.Differe

100、ntiated by broad category,three quarters of world trade in goods is comprised of manufacturing products(about US$16.5 trillion in 2021).Trade in natural resources saw a particularly strong increased by more than 50 per cent(to US$3 trillion in 2021).Figure 5Values of world trade in goods by stage of

101、 processing and broad category(a)(b)0246810US$TrillionPrimaryIntermediateConsumerCapitalTrade in goodsby stage of processing 2005 2015 2020 202105101520US$TrillionAgricultureNatural resourcesManufacturingTrade in goodsby broad category 2005 2015 2020 2021Source:UNCTAD secretariat calculations based

102、on COMTRADE data.International trade in goods can be differentiated by stage of processing,depending on the intended use along the production chain.Goods are therefore classified as primary,intermediate,consumer and capital goods(the latter comprising machinery used for the production of other goods

103、).Goods can also be differentiated by broad category,including natural resources,agricultural products and manufactures.Regarding the stage of processing,intermediate products made up the bulk of world trade in 2021 with a share above 40 per cent(exceeding US$9 trillion),followed by consumer product

104、s amounting to 18 per cent(US$4 trillion)(Figure 5a).In 2021,the value of trade in all categories increased compared to the levels of 2020,with the composition across categories remaining relatively unchanged.Trade in primary products was greatly negatively affected in 2020 but saw an increase of mo

105、re than 45 per cent in 2021.Similarly,trade in natural resources dropped markedly in 2020,but recorded a strong increase of more than 25 per cent in 2021(Figure 5b).1.Trends in International Trade13UNCTAD Division on International Trade and CommoditiesTrade of developed countries remains an importan

106、t part of international trade,especially in relation to imports of consumer and capital goods.Participation in international trade varies significantly among developing regions.BRICS countries represent more than half of developing countries exports in capital and consumer goods as well as imports o

107、f primary goods or natural resources.Figure 6Values of world trade in goods by region,stage of processing and broad category(a)(b)0246810US$TrillionPrimaryIntermediateConsumerCapitalExports ImportsExports ImportsExports ImportsExports ImportsExport and import valuesby stage of processing,2021 Develo

108、ped Developing BRICS LDCs05101520US$TrillionAgricultureNatural resourcesManufacturingExportsImportsExportsImportsExportsImportsExport and import valuesby broad category,2021 Developed Developing BRICS LDCsSource:UNCTAD secretariat calculations based on COMTRADE data.Developed countries account for t

109、he bulk of world trade,both in terms of goods differentiated by stage of processing(Figure 6a)and broad category(Figure 6b).They represent more than 50 per cent of exports and more than 60 per cent of imports of capital and consumer goods.Among developing country regions,a significant amount of trad

110、e is linked to BRICS,especially for trade of intermediates and manufacturing.BRICS also tend to import few consumer goods(less than 10 per cent of the world total in 2021)while exporting a relatively large share(about 25 per cent).The opposite is true for primary products,in particular natural resou

111、rces,where their import share of 31 per cent is about twice as large as their respective share in exports.LDCs only represent a small share in all types of goods,with a larger share in the exports of natural resources(about 2 per cent in 2021)and the imports of agricultural goods(above 3 per cent).K

112、ey Statistics and Trends in International Trade 202214UNCTAD Division on International Trade and CommoditiesWith trade flows of more than US$2 trillion each,chemicals and communication equipment represent a substantial share of world trade in goods.Other significant sectors include machinery,metals

113、and fuel commodities.In 2021,the value of international trade bounced back in all sectors.Trade values grew the most in the sector comprising energy products(oil,coal,natural gas and petroleum products)as well as mining and metal ores.Compared to 2015,export market shares have moved to the advantage

114、 of developing countries in almost all sectors and more so for transport equipment.However,for some sectors,such as oil,gas,coal and tanning,export market shares have shifted towards developed countries.Figure 7Values of world trade in goods by sectors(a)(b)0123US$TrillionTobacco,beveragesOils and f

115、atsNonmetallic mineralsTanningPaper productsApparelAnimal productsTextilesTransport equipmentMetal productsMining and metal oresRubber/plasticsFood productsVegetable productsOffice machineryPrecision instrumentsWood productsPetroleum productsElectrical machineryMotor vehiclesOil,gas,coalBasic metals

116、Machinery,variousCommunication equipmentChemicalsTrade in goods,by sector 2005 2015 2020 20200PercentageApparelOffice machineryTextilesCommunication equipmentOils and fatsTanningOil,gas,coalWood productsMining and metal oresTobacco,beveragesElectrical machineryVegetable productsNonmetalli

117、c mineralsPetroleum productsBasic metalsRubber/plasticsMetal productsMachinery,variousFood productsPrecision instrumentsPaper productsChemicalsAnimal productsTransport equipmentMotor vehiclesExport market shareDeveloped 2021Shift towards developing countriesShift away from developing countriesDevelo

118、ping 2015Source:UNCTAD secretariat calculations based on COMTRADE data.Figure 7a displays the value of world trade in 25 categories of goods.In terms of value,a large amount of world trade relates to chemicals,communications equipment,machinery,motor vehicles,metals and energy products(oil,gas,coal

119、and petroleum products).In contrast,light manufacturing sectors,including textiles,apparel and tanning,comprise a much smaller share of world trade.Agricultural sectors which include food,vegetable and animal products,as well as oils and fats,and tobacco and beverages accounted for a total of about

120、US$2 trillion of trade flows in 2021,or less than 10 per cent of international trade.The value of trade increased at double-digit growth rates for almost all sectors.During the last decade,developing countries presence in international markets has increased substantially compared to developed countr

121、ies.Since 2015,export market shares have moved to the advantage of developing countries in almost all sectors.However,for some sectors,export market shares have shifted back towards developed countries,notably for the energy sector with the emergence of shale oil production in North America since th

122、e mid-2000s(Figure 7b).1.Trends in International Trade15UNCTAD Division on International Trade and CommoditiesWorld trade in services is largely driven by travel and transport services.However,the importance of these sectors has declined during the COVID-19 pandemic.While the transport sector recove

123、red in 2021,travel services were well below their pre-crisis level.Since 2015,trade continued to increase in most of the other sectors,especially in telecommunication and IT services and in R&D and professional consulting.Developed countries remain the main exporters in all sectors.However,developin

124、g countries are increasingly becoming important suppliers of services in the construction and insurance sectors.Figure 8Market shares of trade in services of developing and developed countries by sector(a)(b)0.511.5US$trillionGovernmentConstructionCultural and recreationalInsuranceGoodsrelatedIPRTra

125、velFinancialTechnical and traderelatedTelecomm and ITR&D,professional and consultingTransportTrade in services,by sector 2006 2015 2020 20200PercentageConstructionTransportTravelInsuranceGoodsrelatedGovernmentTelecomm and ITR&D,professional and consultingTechnical and traderelatedCultural

126、 and recreationalFinancialIPRExport market shareDeveloped 2021Shift towards developing countriesShift away from developing countriesDeveloping 2015Source:UNCTAD secretariat calculations based on UNCTADStat data.With trade flows of almost US$1.5 trillion,the travel sector was by far the largest servi

127、ces sector prior to the COVID-19 pandemic,followed by the transport sector with more than US$1 trillion.In 2020,these sectors were hardest hit;in particular,the travel sector did shrink to almost a third of its 2019 value.While the transport sector experienced strong growth in 2021,the travel sector

128、 has been lagging behind.Since 2015,trade continued to increase in most of the other sectors,especially in telecommunication and IT services and in R&D and professional consulting.Compared to 2015,the value of trade has increased in all sectors,except for the travel sector(Figure 8a).Figure 8b depic

129、ts the share of global exports of different service categories pertaining to developed and developing countries,and their change between 2015 and 2021.Although developed countries still account for the largest part of the exports of services,the export market share has been increasing to the advanta

130、ge of developing countries in almost all sectors(Figure 8b).Notable exceptions are travel and government services,for which market shares have shifted towards developed countries.2.TRADE INDICATORSThe following section presents a series of trade indicators where the magnitude of the indicator is rep

131、resented by the shading of a country on the world map.Key Statistics and Trends in International Trade 202218UNCTAD Division on International Trade and CommoditiesFor a substantial number of developing countries,gross domestic product(GDP)is closely related to the exports of goods and services to fo

132、reign markets.This is particularly true for many Southeast Asian economies,Eastern European countries and a number of African countries.Index 1Import and export propensitya)Imports of goods and services over gross domestic product,2021b)Exports of goods and services over gross domestic product,2021I

133、mport and export propensity are computed as the value of imports or exports divided by the current GDP.The import propensity expresses the total income spent on imports.The export propensity shows the overall degree of reliance of domestic producers on foreign markets.Higher values imply greater dep

134、endence on foreign markets.2.Trade Indicators19UNCTAD Division on International Trade and CommoditiesWorld trade is largely unbalanced.China maintained the largest surplus position in 2021,followed with a significant distance by Germany,Ireland,and the Russian Federation.Switzerland and United Arab

135、Emirates also showed considerable surplus.By contrast,the United States maintained the largest deficit position,followed by India.Even though these imbalances are sometimes large in level,they often tend to be low relative to the countrys GDP.However,the trade imbalances of many countries in Africa

136、tend to be large relative to their GDP while being small for the world as a whole.Index 2Trade balancesa)Trade balances of goods and services as a percentage of overall world imbalances,2021b)Trade balances of goods and services as a percentage of gross domestic product,2021Foreign trade balances(ex

137、ports minus imports of goods and services)as a percentage of total world imbalances are computed as each countrys share of total imbalances in the world.Negative values denote countries in deficit,while positive values denote countries with a surplus.The foreign trade balance-to-GDP ratio is the rat

138、io of the foreign trade balance to GDP.It indicates how large trade imbalances are relative to the size of the economy.Key Statistics and Trends in International Trade 202220UNCTAD Division on International Trade and CommoditiesAlthough many countries are striving to diversify their exports,agricult

139、ure and natural resources still represent a large share of export baskets for many developing countries.Commodity dependence is more evident for energy-exporting countries in the Middle East,raw material suppliers in Africa as well as for Latin American countries,where agriculture represents a large

140、 share in total exports.Dependence indices have declined over the past years for many countries in Africa and Asia,but intensified for many countries in Latin America.Index 3Commodity export dependence a)Agricultural and natural resources dependence index,2021b)Change in agricultural and natural res

141、ources dependence index,20152021The commodity dependence index is computed as the share of the value of exports in primary products(i.e.agricultural goods and natural resources)over the total value of exports.It varies from 0 to 100.High dependence implies more exposure to shocks in the prices of na

142、tural resources and agricultural commodities.2.Trade Indicators21UNCTAD Division on International Trade and CommoditiesFood and energy trade positions are very diverse across regions.In general,countries in Latin America,East Africa and South Asia are net food exporters,while most of the rest of Asi

143、a and Africa remain net food importers.With regards to energy,Europe and many of the countries in East and South Asia are dependent on imports.In contrast,West and Central Asia,as well as most of the countries in Africa and South America,are net energy exporters.Index 4Food and energy net positiona)

144、Food net position,2021b)Energy net position,2021Food net position is computed as a countrys exports minus its imports of agricultural products.It is then normalized by dividing it by agricultural trade(imports plus exports).The index varies between-1 and 1,with positive values meaning that the count

145、ry exports more agricultural products than it imports.The energy net position is computed in the same manner.Key Statistics and Trends in International Trade 202222UNCTAD Division on International Trade and CommoditiesAlthough many developing countries seek to diversify their exports,many do not suc

146、ceed.Among developing countries,only a few emerging economies have reached levels of diversification similar to those of developed countries.African countries remain poorly diversified,as their exports are concentrated in a few products exported to a few destinations.Index 5Export diversificationa)E

147、xport diversification index by product,2021b)Export diversification index by destination,2021Diversification of exports is measured by the HirschmannHerfindahl index where lower values reflect higher diversification.It indicates the degree to which a countrys exports are dispersed across different d

148、estinations or different goods(at the HS 6-digit level).Low diversification is interpreted as an indication of vulnerability since an exporter being limited to a small number of export markets or goods is more exposed to economic shocks.2.Trade Indicators23UNCTAD Division on International Trade and

149、CommoditiesAlthough some have not yet achieved diversification of their export baskets,there is a tendency in many countries to diversify into new products and destinations.At the same time,some developed and developing countries have seen a decline in terms of product and destination diversificatio

150、n since 2015.Index 6Changes in export diversificationa)Changes between 2015 and 2021,by productb)Changes between 2015 and 2021,by destinationThe export diversification change reflects whether countries are becoming more or less diversified.Many African countries became more diversified between 2021

151、and 2015,whether in terms of products or both products and destinations.However,for some countries in Africa,as well as in Latin America and Europe the trend went in the opposite direction.Key Statistics and Trends in International Trade 202224UNCTAD Division on International Trade and CommoditiesSi

152、nce 2015,the export growth for goods and services slowed down.However,there are a few developing countries that experienced a decrease in exports between 2015 and 2021.During the same period,a number of countries,mainly in Western and Central Africa and Central Asia have increased their competitiven

153、ess in their main export markets.Index 7Export performance and export competitivenessa)Export growth in goods and services,20152021b)Change of export competitiveness in top 20 markets,20152021The growth rate of exports is calculated as the percentage change of the value of exports between two period

154、s.Negative values indicate a contraction in the value of exports,while positive values indicate an increase in export earnings.Export competitiveness reflects the development of a countrys exports relative to its top 20 trading partners in 2021 and is measured as the ratio of a countrys market share

155、 in the reference group in 2021 over that in 2015.Positive values indicate that the country is becoming more competitive with respect to its peers.2.Trade Indicators25UNCTAD Division on International Trade and CommoditiesIn comparison to countries with similar levels of GDP per capita,Australia,Cana

156、da and South American countries tend to export relatively less sophisticated goods.East Europe and most of South and East Asia tend to export more sophisticated products.The situation is more heterogeneous across Africa.Most of Asian countries exports have become more sophisticated since 2015.Index

157、8Export sophistication and the export sophistication gapa)Export sophistication,2021b)Export sophistication gap,20152021Export sophistication is measured by the EXPY index.Countries with a higher EXPY are those that export goods that are more sophisticated(as measured by the PRODY index).The export

158、sophistication gap measures the gap between the EXPY and GDP per capita of a country.A positive gap implies an export structure that is more sophisticated than the countrys GDP per capita would predict.Conversely,a negative gap implies an export structure that is more typical of countries at a lower level of development.unctad.org/tabPhoto credit:Cover Phongphan Supphakank,LT,Travel mania-Adobe Stockunctad.org/tabPrinted at United Nations,Geneva2302569(E)February 2023 511UNCTAD/DITC/TAB/2023/1United Nations publicationSales No.E.23.II.D.2ISBN 978-92-1-113090-4



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