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IEA PVPS:2021年中国太阳能光伏应用调查报告(英文版)(34页).pdf

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IEA PVPS:2021年中国太阳能光伏应用调查报告(英文版)(34页).pdf

1、 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in CHINA 2021 Task 1 Strategic PV Analysis and Outreach PVPS Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in China What is IEA PVPS TCP?The International Energy Agency(IEA),founded in 1974,is an autonomous body within the framework of the Or

2、ganization for Economic Cooperation and Development(OECD).The Technology Collaboration Programme(TCP)was created with a belief that the future of energy security and sustainability starts with global collaboration.The programme is made up of 6.000 experts across government,academia,and industry dedi

3、cated to advancing common research and the application of specific energy technologies.The IEA Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme(IEA PVPS)is one of the TCPs within the IEA and was established in 1993.The mission of the programme is to“enhance the international collaborative efforts which facilita

4、te the role of photovoltaic solar energy as a cornerstone in the transition to sustainable energy systems.”In order to achieve this,the Programmes participants have undertaken a variety of joint research projects in PV power systems applications.The overall programme is headed by an Executive Commit

5、tee,comprised of one delegate from each country or organisation member,which designates distinct Tasks,that may be research projects or activity areas.The IEA PVPS participating countries are Australia,Austria,Belgium,Canada,Chile,China,Denmark,Finland,France,Germany,Israel,Italy,Japan,Korea,Malaysi

6、a,Mexico,Morocco,the Netherlands,Norway,Portugal,South Africa,Spain,Sweden,Switzerland,Thailand,Turkey,and the United States of America.The European Commission,Solar Power Europe,the Smart Electric Power Alliance(SEPA),the Solar Energy Industries Association(SEIA)and the Solar Energy Research Instit

7、ute of Singapore are also members.Visit us at:www.iea-pvps.org What is IEA PVPS Task 1?The objective of Task 1 of the IEA Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme is to promote and facilitate the exchange and dissemination of information on the technical,economic,environmental and social aspects of PV p

8、ower systems.Task 1 activities support the broader PVPS objectives:to contribute to cost reduction of PV power applications,to increase awareness of the potential and value of PV power systems,to foster the removal of both technical and non-technical barriers and to enhance technology co-operation.A

9、n important deliverable of Task 1 is the annual“Trends in photovoltaic applications”report.In parallel,National Survey Reports are produced annually by each Task 1 participant.This document is the country National Survey Report for the year 2020.Information from this document will be used as input t

10、o the annual Trends in photovoltaic applications report.Authors Main Content:Lyu Fang,Xu Honghua,Yu Yang Data:CHINA PHOTOVOLTAIC INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION(CPIA)Analysis:Lyu Fang,Xu Honghua,Yu Yang DISCLAIMER The IEA PVPS TCP is organised under the auspices of the International Energy Agency(IEA)but is fu

11、nctionally and legally autonomous.Views,findings and publications of the IEA PVPS TCP do not necessarily represent the views or policies of the IEA Secretariat or its individual member countries COVER PICTURE photo provided by LONGi Liaoning,CHINA Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applicatio

12、ns in China 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements.4 1 Installation Data.5 Applications for Photovoltaics.5 Total photovoltaic power installed.5 2 Competitiveness of pv electricity.9 Module prices.9 System prices.10 Financial Parameters and specific financing programs.12 Specific investments programs.

13、12 3 Policy Framework.13 National targets for PV.14 Direct support policies for PV installations.14 Self-consumption measures.15 Collective self-consumption,community solar and similar measures.16 Tenders,auctions&similar schemes.16 Other utility-scale measures including floating and agricultural PV

14、.17 Social Policies.17 Retrospective measures applied to PV.18 Retroactive measures applied to PV.18 Indirect policy issues.18 Financing and cost of support measures.21 4 Industry.21 Production of feedstocks,ingots and wafers(crystalline silicon industry).21 Production of photovoltaic cells and modu

15、les(including TF and CPV).22 Manufacturers and suppliers of other components.25 5 Pv In The Economy.26 Labour places.26 Business value.27 6 Interest From Electricity Stakeholders.28 Structure of the electricity system.28 Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in China 3 Interest from

16、 electricity utility businesses.28 Interest from municipalities and local governments.28 7 Highlights and Prospects.30 Highlights.30 Prospects.31 Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in China 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This paper received valuable contributions from several IEA-PVPS Task 1

17、 members and other international experts.Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in China 5 1 INSTALLATION DATA The PV power systems market is defined as the market of all nationally installed(terrestrial)PV applications with a PV capacity of 40 W or more.A PV system consists of modul

18、es,inverters,batteries and all installation and control components for modules,inverters and batteries.Other applications such as small mobile devices are not considered in this report.For the purposes of this report,PV installations are included in the 2021 statistics if the PV modules were install

19、ed and connected to the grid between 1 January and 31 December 2021,although commissioning may have taken place at a later date.Applications for Photovoltaics Many countries around the world have put forward the climate goal of carbon neutrality.The development of renewable energy,including photovol

20、taic,has become a global consensus,promoting the global photovoltaic market to continue to maintain rapid growth.China is no exception.In 2021,Chinas newly installed grid-connected photovoltaic capacity reached 54.88GW,a year-on-year increase of 13.9%,of which the installed capacity of distributed p

21、hotovoltaic power plants was 29.28GW,a year-on-year increase of 88.7%,and accounting for 53.4%of the total new installed capacity,and breaking 50%for the first time in history.The installed capacity of centralized photovoltaic power plants was 25.6GW,a year-on-year decrease of 21.7%,As of 2021,the c

22、umulative grid-connected photovoltaic capacity reached 305.99GW,an increase of 20.9%.Among them,the cumulative installed capacity of centralized photovoltaic power stations is 198.48GW,and the cumulative installed capacity of distributed photovoltaic power stations is 107.51GW.The annual photovoltai

23、c power generation reached 325.9 billion kWh,a year-on-year increase of 25.1%,and the number of utilization hours nationwide reached 1163 hours,a year-on-year increase of 3 hours.Total photovoltaic power installed Table 1:Annual PV power installed during calendar year 2021 Installed PV capacity in 2

24、021 MW AC or DC Decentralized 29280 DC Centralized 25600 DC Off-grid Total 54880 DC Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in China 6 Table 2:Data collection process If data are reported in AC,please mention a conversion coefficient to estimate DC installations.N/A Is the collection

25、process done by an official body or a private company/Association?Data on annual and accumulated PV grid-connected installation capacity in 2021 were published by National Energy Administration.Off-grid installation accounts for a very small scale in China so the data was estimated by PV experts.Lin

26、k to official statistics(if this exists)http:/ comments on market and data collection,especially the estimated accuracy of data.Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in China 7 Table 3:The cumulative installed PV power in 4 sub-markets Year Off-grid MW(including large hybrids)Grid-c

27、onnected distributed MW(BAPV,BIPV)Grid-connected centralized MW(Ground,floating,agricultural)Total MW 1999 2000 2001 4.50 0.01 0.00 4.51 2002 18.50 0.01 0.00 18.51 2003 10.00 0.07 0.00 10.07 2004 8.80 1.20 0.00 10.00 2005 6.40 1.30 0.20 7.90 2006 9.00 1.00 0.00 10.00 2007 17.80 2.00 0.20 20.00 2008

28、29.50 10.00 0.50 40.00 2009 17.80 34.20 108.00 160.00 2010 27.00 190.00 283.00 500.00 2011 20.00 680.00 2000.00 2700.00 2012 40.00 1360.00 1800.00 3200.00 2013 40.00 10950.00 10990.00 2014 40.00 2050.00 8550.00 10640.00 2015 20.00 1390.00 13740.00 15150.00 2016 10.00 4230.00 30310.00 34550.00 2017 0

29、 19440.00 33420.00 52860.00 2018 0 20960.00 23300.00 44260.00 2019 0 12200.00 17900.00 30100.00 2020 0 15500.00 32700.00 48200.00 2021 0 29280.00 25600.00 54880.00 Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in China 8 Table 4:Other PV market information 2021 Number of PV systems in opera

30、tion in your country Total installed 54.88GW except for Distributed PV 29.28GW(53.4%);Ground Mounted LS-PV 25.6GW(46.6%)Decommissioned PV systems during the year MW N/A Repowered PV systems during the year MW N/A Table 5:PV power and the broader national energy market Data(2020)2021 Total power gene

31、ration capacities GW 2200.58 GW 2380 GW Total renewable power generation capacities(including hydropower)GW 955.41 GW 1120 GW Total electricity demand TWh 7620 TWh 8300 TWh New power(solar+wind)generation capacities installed GW 534.96 GW 635 GW New renewable power generation capacities(including hy

32、dropower)GW 138.53 GW(hyd.13.23 GW,wind 71.67 GW,PV 48.2GW,Bio 5.43GW)134.02 GW(hyd.23.49 GW,wind 47.57 GW,PV 54.88 GW,Bio 8.08 GW)Estimated total PV electricity production(including self-consumed PV electricity)in GWh(or TWh)261.1 TWh 325.9 TWh Total PV electricity production as a%of total electric

33、ity consumption 3.5%3.9%Average yield of PV installations(in kWh/kWp)1300 kWh/kWp 1300 kWh/kWp Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in China 9 2 COMPETITIVENESS OF PV ELECTRICITY Module prices Table 6:Typical module prices(Units:RMB Yuan)Year Lowest price of a standard module cryst

34、alline silicon(optional)Highest price of a standard module crystalline silicon(optional)Typical price of a standard module crystalline silicon(mandatory)2010 N/A 11.11 2011 N/A 7.69 2012 N/A 3.85 2013 N/A 3.42 2014 N/A 3.25 2015 N/A 2.99 2016 N/A 2.65 2017 N/A 2.14 2018 N/A 1.81 2019 N/A 1.68 2020 N

35、/A 1.57 2021 N/A 1.93 Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in China 10 System prices Table 7:Turnkey PV system prices of different typical PV systems Category/Size Typical applications and brief details Current prices Yuan/W Off-grid 1-5 kW A stand-alone PV system is a system that

36、is installed to generate electricity to a device or a household that is not connected to the public grid.(write the typical off-grid application and since in your country)N/A Residential BAPV 5-10 kW Grid-connected,roof-mounted,distributed PV systems installed to produce electricity to grid-connecte

37、d households.Typically roof-mounted systems on villas and single-family homes.5.0-5.5 Residential BIPV 5-10 kW Grid-connected,building integrated,distributed PV systems installed to produce electricity to grid-connected households.Typically,on villas and single-family homes.N/A Small commercial BAPV

38、 10-100 kW Grid-connected,roof-mounted,distributed PV systems installed to produce electricity to grid-connected commercial buildings,such as public buildings,multi-family houses,agriculture barns,grocery stores etc.5.0-5.5 Small commercial BIPV 10-100 kW Grid-connected,building integrated,distribut

39、ed PV systems installed to produce electricity to grid-connected commercial buildings,such as public buildings,multi-family houses,agriculture barns,grocery stores etc.N/A Large commercial BAPV 100-250 kW Grid-connected,roof-mounted,distributed PV systems installed to produce electricity to grid-con

40、nected large commercial buildings,such as public buildings,multi-family houses,agriculture barns,grocery stores etc.5.0-5.5 Large commercial BIPV 100-250 kW Grid-connected,building integrated,distributed PV systems installed to produce electricity to grid-connected commercial buildings,such as publi

41、c buildings,multi-family houses,agriculture barns,grocery stores etc.N/A Industrial BAPV 250 kW Grid-connected,roof-mounted,distributed PV systems installed to produce electricity to grid-connected industrial buildings,warehouses,etc.5.0-5.5 Small centralized PV 1-20 MW Grid-connected,ground-mounted

42、,centralized PV systems that work as central power station.The electricity generated in this type of facility is not tied to a specific customer and the purpose is to produce electricity for sale.4.0-4.5 Large centralized PV 20 MW Grid-connected,ground-mounted,centralized PV systems that work as cen

43、tral power station.The electricity generated in this type of facility is not tied to a specific customer and the purpose is to produce electricity for sale.4.0-4.5 Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in China 11 Table 8:National trends in system prices for different applications Y

44、ear Residential BAPV Grid-connected,roof-mounted,distributed PV system 5-10 kW currency/W Small commercial BAPV Grid-connected,roof-mounted,distributed PV systems 10-100 kW currency/W Large commercial BAPV Grid-connected,roof-mounted,distributed PV systems 100-250 kW currency/W Small centralized PV

45、Grid-connected,ground-mounted,centralized PV systems 10-20 MW currency/W 2009 30 2010 20 2011 18 15 2012 14 12 2013 12 10 2014 13 8 8 2015 6-7 6-7 7-8 2016 6.0-6.5 6.0-6.5 5.5-6.0 2017 5.5-6.0 5.5-6.0 5.0-5.5 2018 5.5-6.0 5.5-6.0 5.0-5.5 2019 5.0-5.5 5.0-5.5 4.5-5.0 2020 5.0-5.5 5.0-5.5 4.0-4.5 2021

46、 4.5-5.0 4.0-4.5 4.0-4.5 Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in China 12 Financial Parameters and specific financing programs Table 10:PV financing information in 2021 Different market segments Loan rate%Average rate of loans 4.76%Average cost of capital industrial and ground-moun

47、ted installations 3.5-5 Yuan/W Specific investments programs Table 11:Summary of existing investment schemes Investment Schemes Introduced in China Third party ownership(no investment)N/A Renting N/A Leasing N/A Financing through utilities N/A Investment in PV plants against free electricity N/A Cro

48、wd funding(investment in PV plants)N/A Community solar N/A International organization financing N/A Other(please specify)N/A Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in China 13 3 POLICY FRAMEWORK This chapter describes the support policies aiming directly or indirectly to drive the de

49、velopment of PV.Direct support policies have a direct influence on PV development by incentivizing or simplifying or defining adequate policies.Indirect support policies change the regulatory environment in a way that can push PV development.Table 16 instructions:in the table below,mark“yes”if there

50、 are measures within this category on-going or commenced in your country.If not such measure exists in your country,leave the“-“.Table 9:Summary of PV support measures Category Residential Commercial+Industrial Centralized Measures in 2021 On-going New On-going New On-going New Feed-in tariffs Yes F

51、eed-in tariffs desulfurized coal benchmark price+0.03 yuan/kWh(include tax)Yes 1.In a certain number of hours Desulfurized coal benchmark price(include tax)2.The part of medium and long-term trading of electricity is determined by the market.Feed-in premium (above market price)Capital subsidies Gree

52、n certificates-Renewable portfolio standards with/without PV requirements-Income tax credits-Self-consumption-Net-metering No No No No No No Net-billing No No No No No No Collective self-consumption and virtual net-metering No No No No No No Commercial bank activities e.g.green mortgages promoting P

53、V Yes Yes Yes Activities of electricity utility businesses Yes Yes Yes Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in China 14 Sustainable building requirements BIPV incentives Yes Yes Yes Other(specify)-National targets for PV On September 2020,Chairman Xi Jinping made an important speec

54、h at the 75th United Nations General Assembly,to achieve carbon peak by 2030 and carbon neutralization by 2060.In March 2021,the central financial and Economic Commission put forward the basic idea of building a new power system with new energy as the main body,which is to build a clean,low-carbon,s

55、afe and efficient energy system,implement renewable energy substitution actions,deepen power system reform and build a new power system with new energy as the main body.On March 12,2020,Xinhua News Agency announced the outline of the 14th-Five-Year-Plan for Chinas national economic and social develo

56、pment and the long-term objectives for 2035.According to the plan,nine clean energy bases and four offshore wind power bases will be developed during the 14th-Five-Year-Plan period.Looking forward to 2022,Chinas new photovoltaic installed capacity is expected to be between 85GW and 100GW,and the ins

57、talled capacity trend is stable.From a domestic perspective,the scale of various sectors of the industry has grown steadily,the export value and export volume have both increased,the amount of photovoltaic power generation has increased,and the rate of waste light has decreased.In 2021,the market sh

58、are of half-chip module was about 86.5%,with a year-on-year increase of 15.5 percentage points.The efficiency of n-type modules such as TOPCon and HJT was improved,which further improved the module power.According to statistics,compared with PERC,the efficiency of n-type modules is increased about 1

59、%on average,and the power is increased by 15W-20W for the same size.In 2020,the penetration rate of bifacial modules was 29.7%.In 2021,with the recognition of the application for the power generation gain of bifacial modules and the impact of the exemption of 201 tariff of bifacial modules from the

60、United States,the bifacial module market increased by 7.7 percentage points to 37.4%compared with 2020.It is estimated that it will reach about 50%in 2023,becoming a mainstream component packaging technology.Direct support policies for PV installations Since September 2020,when China put forward the

61、 goal of carbon peaking and carbon neutralization,China has successively defined the target of the proportion of non fossil energy in energy consumption at the main time points,which will be more than 20%,25%and 80%in 2025,2030 and 2060 respectively.The National Energy Administration proposed in Mar

62、ch 2021 that the development direction of new energy is to achieve large-scale,high proportion,market-oriented and high-quality development.Three main quantitative indicators are proposed in the 14th Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in China 15 Five Year Plan renewable energy d

63、evelopment plan:the installed capacity of renewable energy accounts for more than 50%of the total installed power,the proportion of renewable energy increment in the total electricity consumption increment exceeds 50%,and the proportion of renewable energy increment in the primary energy consumption

64、 increment exceeds 50%.The document of renewable energy consumption guarantee mechanism in 2021 reflects the constraint of responsibility weight and the guidance of responsibility sharing.In May 2021,the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration issued the Not

65、ice on Responsibility Weights and Related Matters of Renewable Energy Electricity Consumption in 2021(FGNY 2021 No.704),which clarifies the mechanism for issuing responsibility weights of provinces on an annual basis.This document also reflects the guidance of sharing responsibility for renewable en

66、ergy consumption,and will gradually narrow the difference of weight indicators among regions.Vigorously promote the development of photovoltaic bases,and actively promote the construction of large-scale wind power,photovoltaic bases focusing on desert,Gobi and desert regions.In November 2021,the Nat

67、ional Energy Administration announced the first batch of large base projects,with a scale of about 97GW.By the end of 2021,the construction scale was about 70GW.Self-consumption measures Table 10:Summary of self-consumption regulations for small private PV systems in 2021 PV self-consumption 1 Right

68、 to self-consume Yes 2 Revenues from self-consumed PV Savings on the electricity bill+bonus 3 Charges to finance Transmission,Distribution grids&Renewable Levies Yes Excess PV electricity 4 Revenues from excess PV electricity injected into the grid Yes 5 Maximum timeframe for compensation of fluxes

69、Real-time 6 Geographical compensation(virtual self-consumption or metering)None Other characteristics 7 Regulatory scheme duration 20 years 8 Third party ownership accepted None 9 Grid codes and/or additional taxes/fees impacting the revenues of the prosumer None 10 Regulations on enablers of self-c

70、onsumption(storage,DSM)None Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in China 16 11 PV system size limitations 6 mw 12 Electricity system limitations None 13 Additional features None Collective self-consumption,community solar and similar measures N/A Tenders,auctions&similar schemes 2

71、021 is the first year that,except for household,photovoltaic generation is fully realized without subsidies.Therefore,the provincial energy competent department will organize the implementation of bidding for the projects with guaranteed grid connection in 2021,and the project development owners and

72、 grid prices will be competitively allocated in the Notice on Matters Related to the New Energy Grid Price Policy in 2021(FGJG 2021 No.833),and then only the project development owners will be competitively allocated.In 2021,the state will continue to support household photovoltaic in the form of el

73、ectricity subsidy in accordance with the principle of payment based on income.The electricity subsidy standard determined by the national price authority is 0.03 yuan/kWh.In October 2021,the Notice on Further Deepening the Marketization Reform of the Feed in Tariff for Coal fired Power Generation wa

74、s issued.There are four points involved in photovoltaic power generation.First,the current benchmark price for coal fired power generation continues to serve as the linkage basis for the formation of new energy power generation and other prices,which means that the new regulations will not affect th

75、e stock of photovoltaic power generation and the price of guaranteed purchased electricity for newly arranged incremental projects in 2021.Second,expand the fluctuation range of the market transaction price.If photovoltaic power generation goes to the medium and long-term transaction market price,th

76、e fluctuation range will become larger,and if it goes to the spot price,it will not be affected(because the medium and long-term price fluctuation range becomes larger,it will affect the spot market price on the other hand).Third,cancel the industrial and commercial catalog sales electricity price,w

77、hich will affect the income of the self-consumption part of distributed photovoltaic,that is,the income of the self-use part will change.Fourth,keeping the price of electricity for residents and agriculture stable means that the household photovoltaic benefits and policies remain unchanged.In 2021,t

78、he photovoltaic power generation market increased on a large scale,and the new installed capacity increased from 48.2GW in 2020 to 54.88GW.It is expected that the scale of photovoltaic market in 2022 will continue to increase significantly on the basis of 2021.Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Pow

79、er Applications in China 17 Other utility-scale measures including floating and agricultural PV Energy storage has gradually become the standard configuration of wind power and photovoltaic power stations.As of September 2021,each province has issued a competitive configuration scheme,and at least 1

80、4 provinces have proposed the requirements for energy storage configuration.To sum up,all provinces basically require photovoltaic power stations to be equipped with 5%20%power and 12h electrochemical energy storage.Moreover,the configuration requirements are constantly improving.For example,Shandon

81、g required 10%*2h energy storage configuration in 2020,and increased it to 20%*2h in 2021.August 2021,the Notice on Encouraging Renewable Energy Power Generation Enterprises to Build or Purchase Peak shaving Capacity to Increase the Scale of Grid Connection issued by the two ministries and commissio

82、ns put forward that in the part of market-oriented scale,15%20%*4-hour chemical energy storage system should be configured.In 2021,in the centralized photovoltaic,the floating and photovoltaic agricultural photovoltaic complementation accounted for a large proportion.For example,Zhejiang Wenzhou Tai

83、han 550MW fishing optical complementary project,which was connected to the grid in December,is the largest single power station.The project covers an area of about 4.7 square kilometers.Combining fishery breeding with photovoltaic power generation,the project can generate electricity on the upper si

84、de and fish on the lower side.After grid connection,the average annual power generation will reach 650 million kWh,and the installed capacity of clean energy power generation in Wenzhou power grid will increase by about 26%.Guangdong Luoding 500MW agricultural photovoltaic project is the largest sin

85、gle agricultural optical complementary project.It uses over 6.67 square kilometers of barren hills and slopes and general agricultural land for development and construction.In August 2022,the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other five departments jointly issued the Action Plan fo

86、r Accelerating the Green and Low Carbon Innovative Development of Electric Equipment.According to the plan,we will promote the integrated construction of BIPV in new plants and public buildings;support the combined development of agriculture(animal husbandry)and PV,fishery and PV,and encourage the d

87、evelopment of photovoltaic power stations in desert,gobi,barren mountain,coastal beach,coal mining subsidence area,mine waste dump and other areas.Social Policies 3.7.1 PV Poverty Alleviation In March 2018,the Ministry of Finance,the National Development and Reform Commission,the National Energy Adm

88、inistration,and the State Council Office of Poverty Alleviation issued the Notice on the Announcement of the Supplementary Renewable Energy Tariffs(PV Poverty Alleviation Project).The eligible PV poverty alleviation projects will be included in the catalogue of renewable energy tariffs.Task 1 Nation

89、al Survey Report of PV Power Applications in China 18 In 2020,the established policy was maintained.As the last year of Poverty Alleviation,The official website of the Poverty Alleviation Office of the State Council released the latest progress of recent key poverty alleviation work,which summarized

90、 the national poverty alleviation work as of March 20,and highly affirmed the key role of photovoltaic poverty alleviation in winning the battle against poverty.The government will build not only distributed photovoltaic and photovoltaic power plants for poor family and village.On June 17,2020,the M

91、inistry of Finance announced the final accounts data of the National Renewable Energy Fund for 2019 and the budget data for 2020.Among them,photovoltaic subsidies account for about 51%,accounting for the largest proportion,followed by wind power,accounting for about 43%,and biomass energy,accounting

92、 for about 6%.Among the photovoltaic subsidy projects,photovoltaic poverty alleviation projects,natural person distributed projects with a single installed capacity of less than 50KW,and photovoltaic projects determined by bidding in 2019-2020 shall be allocated in full priority(distributed at a pro

93、portion of 100%);The leader project determined by the state(connected to the grid before the end of 2019)gives priority to ensuring that 50%of the subsidy funds payable by the project are allocated;Other renewable energy projects included in the list are estimated to be distributed in the proportion

94、 of 30%-40%.Retrospective measures applied to PV N/A Retroactive measures applied to PV N/A Indirect policy issues 3.10.1 Rural electrification measures By the end of 2015,China already announced that whole China has been electrified and there is no un-electrified people at all.So,there is no govern

95、ment supported projects for off-grid rural electrification any more since 2016.PV industry applications,like communication,signal system for navigation,railways,highways,remote weather stations,remote satellite TV,etc.,are sponsored by industry units and there is no special policy for such sector.Th

96、e market is about several MW annually.PV commercial products,like solar street lights,lawn lights,moveable solar chargers,solar watches,solar fans,etc.,are all directly selling on market without any government subsidy.The market size is about few MW each year.Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Powe

97、r Applications in China 19 3.10.2 Support for electricity storage and demand response measures In July 2021,the National Development and Reform Commission issued the Notice on Further Improving the Time of use Tariff Mechanism,which requires:1)Reasonably determine the price difference between peak a

98、nd valley electricity prices;2)Establish peak electricity price mechanism.In principle,the floating rate of peak price shall not be less than 20%on the basis of peak price.The policy releases the signal that the spot electricity trading market continues to expand.At present,six western provinces in

99、China have experimented with spot trading of electric power,which is equivalent to taking the medium and long term agreements as disguised spot trading,and decomposing them into days or even hours before implementation.In the future,the scope,scale,price and mechanism of spot electricity trading mar

100、ket will be further refined.In addition,this policy has accelerated the development of new energy and new power systems with energy storage.Accelerate the construction of new power systems,select Fujian,Zhejiang and Qinghai as provincial demonstration areas,and focus on the research of integrated de

101、velopment plans of large power grids,distributed and micro power grids at the sending and receiving ends,as well as policies and market mechanisms to adapt to the development of new energy.3.10.3 Support for electric vehicles(and VIPV)In November 2020,the State Council officially issued the new ener

102、gy vehicle industry development plan(2021-2035),which proposed to promote the efficient coordination between new energy vehicles and renewable energy.Promote the information sharing and integration of new energy vehicles and meteorological and renewable energy power forecasting systems,coordinate th

103、e coordinated scheduling of new energy vehicle energy utilization,wind power generation and photovoltaic power generation,and improve the application proportion of renewable energy.Encourage the construction of optical storage,charging and discharging(distributed photovoltaic power generation-energy

104、 storage system-charging and discharging)multi-functional integrated station.Support qualified regions to carry out commercial demonstration operation of fuel cell vehicles.There will be more and more integration of new energy vehicles and photovoltaic,which will bring new development opportunities

105、to photovoltaic sheds.In January 2022,Chinas first snow wax truck made in Shandong was officially put into use on Winter Olympic Beijing 2022.On January 12,the snow wax truck had entered the Chongli cross-country ski center competition area.The vehicle was in full load working condition with 24-hour

106、 continuous power supply.It provided wax service for 200-300 pairs of skis every day.There has never been power failure,interruption of use,etc.The snow wax car roof is equipped with Shangmai light photovoltaic module eArc,enabled the Beijing Winter Olympic Games in the whole process.3.10.4 Curtailm

107、ent policies In 2021,China will continue to strengthen the construction of new energy grid connection supporting projects,give priority to meeting the needs of new energy consumption nearby,and ensure that new energy can be combined.Build 14 provincial key transmission channels to improve the new en

108、ergy consumption capacity.The 750 kV and below new energy grid connection and transmission projects throughout the year met Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in China 20 the grid connection requirements of 1161 centralized and 420,000 distributed new energy power generation proj

109、ects.Accelerate the construction of trans provincial grid transmission channels.In 2021,the State Grid completed two ultra-high voltage DC transmission projects and one AC project.A total of 15 AC and 14 DC ultra-high voltage transmission projects have been completed.The designed transmission capaci

110、ty of ultra-high voltage DC will exceed 100 million kilowatts,further promoting the large-scale optimization of new energy allocation.In 2021,the UHV DC power transmission reached 404.6 billion kWh,up 10.4%year on year.By the end of 2021,the trans regional DC transmission capacity of the whole netwo

111、rk was 14 million kilowatts higher than that in 2020.In addition,May 2021,the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration jointly issued the Notice on the Weight of Renewable Energy Power Consumption Responsibility and Related Matters in 2021(FGNY 2021 No.704),g

112、iving the weight of renewable energy power consumption responsibility in 2021 and 2022 for each province.This weight is a binding indicator in the current year,and each province will evaluate it according to this!This weight is also the basis for calculating the guarantee scale of each province.Duri

113、ng the 13th Five Year Plan period,the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration jointly released the Clean Energy Consumption Action Plan(20182020),which proposed:From 2018 to 2020,the national average light rejection rate should be within 5%,and for key regio

114、ns,Xinjiang and Gansu,it should be limited to 10%.3.10.5 Other support measures In November 2020,the Ministry of Ecology and Environmental Protection released the Implementation Plan for the Setting and Allocation of the Total Amount of National Carbon Emission Trading Quotas(Power Generation Indust

115、ry)from 2019 to 2020(Draft for Comments).In July 2021,the national unified carbon emission trading market was officially launched,making it the largest carbon emission trading market in the world.At present,the national carbon trading market covers nearly 4.5 billion tons of annual carbon dioxide em

116、issions,accounting for about 40%of Chinas total emissions.It is estimated that by 2025,it will cover about 8500 enterprises,accounting for about 70%of Chinas total emissions.In 2021,photovoltaic recycling will become the focus of attention.In March,the National Development and Reform Commission and

117、other ten ministries and commissions jointly issued the Guiding Opinions on the Comprehensive Utilization of Large Solid Wastes during the Fourteenth Five Year Plan,proposing to explore standardized recycling and recyclable and high-value recycling approaches for solid wastes in emerging industries

118、such as retired photovoltaic modules and wind turbine blades.In July,the National Development and Reform Commission issued the Fourteenth Five Year Circular Economy Development Plan(FGHZ 2021 No.969),which included promoting the classified utilization and centralized disposal of retired photovoltaic

119、 modules into the plan,guided the concentrated development of renewable resources processing and utilization projects.Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in China 21 Financing and cost of support measures In April 2020,the National Development and Reform Commission issued the anno

120、uncement on the continuation of the enterprise income tax policy for the western development(Announcement No.23 of the Ministry of Finance in 2020),which made it clear that:From January 1,2021 to December 31,2030,enterprises in encouraged industries located in the western region will be subject to e

121、nterprise income tax at a reduced rate of 15%.In January 2021,the National Development and Reform Commission issued the catalogue of encouraged industries in the western region(2020 Edition).Wind power and PV projects have become one of the most important encouraged directions in the catalogue,and h

122、ave entered the encouraged catalogue in all western regions.According to the latest version of the catalogue,in 12 provinces(autonomous regions and cities),wind power and PV projects are encouraged projects,and can enjoy a 15%income tax preference.In addition,the catalogue of some provinces also inc

123、ludes items such as PV modules,silver powder for PV cells,PV power station detection,PV tracking support,PV glass,etc.4 INDUSTRY Production of feedstocks,ingots and wafers(crystalline silicon industry)4.1.1 Polycrystalline silicon material Mainland Chinas polycrystalline silicon production remained

124、continued increase in 2021 to reach 50.6*104 tons output,accounting 78.8%of global total output.In terms of production capacity,Chinas polysilicon production capacity will account for 80.5%of the global production capacity in 2021,an increase of 5.3%compared with 75.2%in 2020.In terms of output,Chin

125、as polysilicon output accounted for 78.8%of global output in 2021,an increase of 2.8%compared with 76%in 2020.Table 11:Silicon feedstock,ingot and wafer producers production information for 2021 Manufacturers Process&technology Total Production Output Product destination Price Sichuan Yongxiang Co.,

126、Ltd.mc-Si 10.94*104 Jiangsu Zhongneng(GCL Silicon)mc-Si 10.46*104 Xinjiang Great New Energy Co.,Ltd.mc-Si 8.66*104 Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in China 22 Xinte Energy Co.,Ltd mc-Si 7.82*104 East Hope Co.Ltd mc-Si 6.0*104 Asia Silicon Co.,Ltd mc-Si 2.2*104 Rest mc-Si 4.52*

127、104 Total mc-Si 50.6*104 Source:CPIA,2022.3 4.1.2 Silicon wafer In 2021,mainland Chinas wafer production capacity was about 407.2GW,was an increase of 69.7%year-on-year,benefited from investment to expand production of monocrystalline silicon wafer,and the increase in production capacity brought by

128、technological progress and cost control.Chinas wafer production is about 226.6GW,an increase of 40.4%year-on-year,accounting for 97.3%of global wafer production.In 2021,Chinas silicon wafer export volume is about 22.6GW,an decrease of 16.3%year-on-year,accounting for about 10%of Chinas silicon wafer

129、 output.Among them,the export volume of monocrystalline silicon wafer was about 21.1GW,a year-on-year decrease of 11.7%,and the export volume of polycrystalline silicon wafer was about 1.5GW,a year-on-year decrease of 51.6%.Production of photovoltaic cells and modules(including TF and CPV)Module man

130、ufacturing is defined as the industry where the process of the production of PV modules(the encapsulation)is done.A company may also be involved in the production of ingots,wafers or the processing of cells,in addition to fabricating the modules with frames,junction boxes etc.The manufacturing of mo

131、dules may only be counted to a country if the encapsulation takes place in that country.4.2.1 Solar cell In 2021,the total production capacity of Chinas solar cell was 360.6GW,a year-on-year increase of79.2%,accounting for 85.1%of global production capacity,up 4.4%year-on-year;the output was about 1

132、97.9GW,a year-on-year increase of 46.8%,about 88.4%of the annual global production,up 5.9%year-on-year.Table 17:Solar Cell producers production information for 2021(Top 10)Manufacturers Maximum production capacity Total Production Output MW/yr Tongwei Solar 40800 32930 Task 1 National Survey Report

133、of PV Power Applications in China 23 LONGi Group 42480 25440 Aikosolar Ltd.36000 19470 JA Solar Holdings Co.,Ltd.30600 18940 Trina Solar Co.,29400 18900 Runergy New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.19800 12630 JinkoSolar Holding Co.,Ltd.13150 8960 Canadian solar 9750 7070 Uniex New Energy Co.,ltd.8200 5640

134、 Jiangsu Zhongyu 9000 5000 Total 239,180 154,980 4.2.2 PV module In 2021,the total production capacity of PV module was about 359.1GW,and the output was 181.8GW,a year-on-year growth of 47%and 45.9%.The value of PV module export amounted to approximately US$24.61 billion in 2021,a year-on-year incre

135、ase of 44.8%,accounting for 86.6%of total PV product exports;export volume was approximately 98.5GW,a year-on-year increase of 25%,make an new record of mudule export,accounted for 54.2%of the total output.Total PV cell and module manufacture together with production capacity information is summaris

136、ed in Table below.Table 18:PV module production and production capacity information for 2021(Top 10)Wafer-based PV module manufactures Maximum production capacity Total Production Output MW/yr LONGi Group 48000 32671 JA Solar Holdings Co.,Ltd.36500 24124 Trina Solar Co.,43800 22510 JinkoSolar Holdin

137、g Co.,Ltd.38104 18889 Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in China 24 Canadian Solar 20000 12185 Risen Energy Co.,Ltd.19100 8627 Suntech Power Holdings 10000 6886 Chint Solar 10000 5674 TCL Zhonghuan Renewable Energy Technology Co.,Ltd 8000 4763 Hengdian Group DMEGC Magnetics Co.,

138、Ltd 5000 3413 Total 238,504 139,742 Note:only include the production bases of enterprises in Chinese Mainland Source:CPIA,2022.3 Table 19:Thin-film PV module production and capacity information for 2021 Thin film PV module manufactures Maximum production capacity(MW)Technology Advanced Solar Power(H

139、angzhou)Co.,Ltd.120 CdTe Zhongshan Ruike New Energy Co.,Ltd.100 CdTe CNBM Solar 100 CdTe Hanergy Group 600 CIGS Hangzhou Jinjiang Group 150 CIGS Triumph Science&Technology Co.,Ltd(CNBM)100 CIGS Hangzhou Shangyue Optoelectronics 50 CIGS Nanjing Sunflare Solar 10 CIGS Total 1230 Source:CPIA,2022.4 Tas

140、k 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in China 25 Manufacturers and suppliers of other components PV inverters(for grid-connection and stand-alone systems)and their typical prices In 2021,the new installed photovoltaic in China reached 54.88GW,with a year-on-year growth of 13.9%.The cu

141、mulative grid connected installed capacity reached 306GW,ranking first in the world in terms of new and cumulative installed capacity.Among them,25.6GW and 29.28GW of centralized and distributed photovoltaic were added respectively.For the first time,more than half of the new installed capacity of d

142、istributed photovoltaic has been added,and the development trend of both centralized and distributed is obvious.Among them,the residential PV market showed explosive growth,with an annual increase of 21.6GW,a year-on-year growth of 113%,make a new record.Under the continuous influence of policy and

143、market orientation,the distributed and residential will remain a high growth in 2022.Considering the inverter supply cycle,project carry forward and capacity ratio,the inverter sold in China market was about 63GW in 2021.According to incomplete statistics of CPIA,the total output of inverter in Chin

144、a in 2021 is about 155GW(excluding the OEM output of foreign brands),with a year-on-year increase of 55%.Storage batteries According to incomplete statistics of CNESA,by the end of 2021,the cumulative installed capacity of Chinas electric energy storage projects that have been put into operation is

145、46.1GW,with a year-on-year growth of 30%.Among them,the cumulative installed capacity of pumped storage is the largest,reaching 39.8GW,with a year-on-year decrease of 3%;the market increment mainly comes from new energy storage,and the cumulative installed capacity has reached 5.73GW.In 2021,the ins

146、talled capacity of new power storage projects put into operation in China will exceed 10GW for the first time,reaching 10.5GW.Among them,pumped storage capacity increased by 8GW,a year-on-year increase of 437%;The new energy storage capacity reached 2.4GW,up 54%year on year.Battery charge controller

147、s DC switchgear Supporting structures Due to the low market threshold of the traditional photovoltaic support industry,with the rapid development of the national photovoltaic industry,the number of companies participating in the support structure has increased sharply,market competition is fierce,pr

148、oduct quality is unbalanced,and the overall profit industry development speed is not high.The characteristics of Chinas supporting structure industry are:the industry concentration has further increased,the average profit rate of the industry has decreased,the industry has moved to overseas markets,

149、and the development of the tracking system has accelerated.In addition,as the installed capacity of Chinas centralized decrease,the market share of tracking system was only 14.6%,down 4.1%year on year.Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in China 26 5 PV IN THE ECONOMY This chapter

150、 aims to provide information on the benefits of PV for the economy.Labour places Table 12:Estimated PV-related full-time labour places in 2021 Market category Number of full-time labour places Research and development(not including companies)N/A Manufacturing of products throughout the PV value chai

151、n from feedstock to systems,including company R&D N/A Distributors of PV products and installations N/A Other N/A Total N/A Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in China 27 Business value Table 13:Rough estimation of the value of the PV business in 2021(VAT is excluded)Sub-market C

152、apacity installed MW Average price Yuan/W Value Sub-market Off-grid 0 Grid-connected distributed 29280 4.15 121,512,000,000 Grid-connected centralized 25600 4.15 106,240,000,000 Value of PV business in 2021 227,752,000,000 Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in China 28 6 INTEREST

153、 FROM ELECTRICITY STAKEHOLDERS Structure of the electricity system China is divided into three major power grid companies according to region,namely State Grid,China Southern Power Grid and Inner Mongolia Power Group.The operation area of State Grid Corporation of China covers 26 provinces(autonomou

154、s regions,municipalities directly under the Central Government)in China,and the power supply scope accounts for 88%of the land area.China Southern Power Grid covers five provinces and regions,and is connected with the power grids of Hong Kong,Macao and Southeast Asian countries.The power supply area

155、 is 1 million square kilometers,and the power supply population is 254 million.Inner Mongolia Power(Group)Co.,Ltd.is a wholly state-owned super large power grid enterprise directly under the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.It undertakes the task of power supply for industrial,agricultural and anima

156、l husbandry production in eight cities(leagues)and urban and rural residents lives of 14.29 million in the region,while supplying power to North China,Yulin in Shaanxi,and Mongolia across provinces,regions and borders.According to the information released by the National Bureau of Statistics,by the

157、end of 2021,the proportion of power structure is:thermal power accounts for the largest proportion of 66%,followed by hydropower,accounting for 19%,wind power accounts for 6%,and photovoltaic power accounts for the lowest proportion of 3.9%.Interest from electricity utility businesses In 2021,the na

158、tional solar photovoltaic power generation exceeded 300 billion kWh,reaching 325.9 billion kWh,with a year-on-year growth of 25.1%.The proportion of solar photovoltaic power generation in the total power generation reached 3.9%.In 2021,the average utilization hours of solar generation in China was 1

159、163 hours,a year-on-year increase of 3 hours.The average utilization hours of solar photovoltaic generation in 16 provinces and regions exceed 1200 hours.In 2021,the trading scale was greatly improved.The new energy market trading electricity in the State Grid Business Zone reached 237.5 billion kWh

160、,a year-on-year increase of 51.1%,accounting for 29.2%of the total new energy power generation,a year-on-year increase of 7.6 percentage points.The new energy inter provincial trading electricity reached 130 billion kWh,a year-on-year increase of 42.1%,accounting for 54.7%of the new energy trading e

161、lectricity.Interest from municipalities and local governments Household PV has become the main force in the development of distributed PV since 2020.According to the data released by the National Renewable Energy Information Center,the installed capacity of household PV projects included in the scal

162、e of national financial subsidies,by the end of 2021,is 21.6 GW,accounting for 73.8%of the new installed capacity of all distributed PV.At the same time,Chinas third and fourth tier cities are making great efforts to develop photovoltaic industry and strive to build a 100 billion level photovoltaic

163、industry cluster during the 14th Five Year Plan period,such as Jiaxing in Zhejiang Province,Taizhou and Yancheng in Jiangsu Province,and Chuzhou in Anhui Province.Centering Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in China 29 on one or two leading enterprises,these cities drive the inv

164、estment and production of the whole industrial chain around them,and drive the coordinated development of the whole industrial chain.Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in China 30 7 HIGHLIGHTS AND PROSPECTS Highlights 7.1.1 Development goals In 2021,Chinas photovoltaic installed

165、capacity has grown rapidly.According to data released by the National Energy Administration,the cumulative total installed capacity of photovoltaic power generation in China in 2021 was 305.99GW,a year-on-year increase of 20.9%.As photovoltaics gradually enter the era of parity and 14-five-year plan

166、,the installed capacity will show a more rapid growth trend.7.1.2 Improvement of financing environment According to the incomplete statistics of CPIA,on stock market,27 enterprises in Chinas photovoltaic industry completed 28 financing projects in 2021,with a corresponding financing scale of 105.83

167、billion yuan.Among them,21 refinancing projects raised 75.8 billion yuan,up 30%year on year;There were 7 IPO financing projects,raising 30.1 billion yuan,up 129.2%year on year.7.1.3 Market In 2021,total annual installation is reach to 54.88GW.Among them,the distributed PV is 29.28GW,shared 53.35%.Ta

168、ble 22 PV Installation by Sectors in 2021 Market Sec.Annual Cumulative Share(MWp)(MWp)%Distributed 29280 107510 53.35 Power Plant 25600 198480 46.65 Off-grid 360 Total 54880 305990 100 Source:CPIA 2022.4 7.1.4 Industry China has been the largest producer of PV modules in the world since 2007.PV prod

169、uctions of whole manufacture chain in 2021 are shown in Table 23:Table 23 PV Production and China Share in 2021 Sectors World China Share(%)Poly-Silicon(103Ton)64.2 50.6 78.8 Silicon Wafer(GW)232.9 226.6 97.3 PV Cells(GW)223.9 197.9 88.4 Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in Chin

170、a 31 Source:CPIA 7.1.5 R&D CPVS has been publish the Solar Cell Best-Efficiency Table of China for three years since 2017.Last month,CPVS published the 2021 Solar Cell Best-Efficiency Table of China:Table 2 Lab.Level Highest Cell Efficiency No Technology Cell Efficiency(%)Area(cm2)Silicon 1 HJT 26.3

171、00.39 274.3(t)2 HJT 25.820.39 274.5(t)3 HJT 25.540.38 274.5(t)4 n-TOPCon 25.40.51 267.6(t)5 HJT 25.260.35 274.5(t)6 n-TOPCon 25.230.38 247.57(da)7 n-TOPCon 25.110.38 267.6(t)Thin film chalcogenide 8 CZTSSe(Cell)12.960.10 0.1072(ap)Perovskite 9 Perovskite(minimodule)21.40.4 19.32(da)10 Perovskite(min

172、imodule)20.10.4 63.98(da)Organic 11 Organic(Cell)18.20.2 0.0322(da)12 Organic(minimodule)14.50.3 19.31(da)1.LONGi 2.LONGi 3.Maxwell/Sundrive 4.Jinko 5.Maxwell/Huasun 6.Jinko 7.Jinko 8.NJU 9.Microquanta 10.UtmoLight 11.SJTU/BUAA 12.ZJU/Microquanta Source:CPVS 2022.7 Prospects 2021 is the first year o

173、f“The 14th Five-Year National Plan”.In 2021,the cost of PV is already reached to the level of grid-parity,except PV home systems,the other PV projects will have no subsidy anymore and the Grid Co.will purchase PV electricity with PV Modules(GW)220.8 181.8 82.3 Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Pow

174、er Applications in China 32 the price the same as coal-fire power plants.Since 2021,the total PV market quota will not be controlled by NDRC or NEA,the PV installed capacity will be arranged by provincial government according to the Mandatary Share of Non-Hydro Renewable Energy Power,issued by NEA,j

175、ust like RPS in western countries.For the target of 2030 reach to CO2 peak and 2060 reach to carbon neutral,PV market will be expanded further more.It is estimated that during the 14th 5-year plan(2021-2025),annual PV installation in China will be at least 80GW.Photovoltaic will help clean and low-carbon development in many fields.Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in China 1



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