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1、 教育变革峰会教育变革峰会 I 目录目录 教育变革峰会教育变革峰会 Transforming Education Summit.1 焦点会议焦点会议.4 第第 1 场焦点会议:危境教育场焦点会议:危境教育为学习者建立变革行动伙伴关系为学习者建立变革行动伙伴关系.5 危境教育:建立变革行动伙伴关系.5 第第 2 场焦点会议:解决学习危机的全球挑战场焦点会议:解决学习危机的全球挑战.7 解决学习危机的全球挑战.7 第第 3 场焦点会议:变革教育,变革世界:学会可持续共处场焦点会议:变革教育,变革世界:学会可持续共处.9 变革教育,变革世界:学会可持续共处.9 第第 4 场焦点会议:教育数字转型场焦

2、点会议:教育数字转型.11 数字学习和转型.11 第第 5 场焦点会议:在教育中和通过教育促进性别平等并为女童和妇女赋能场焦点会议:在教育中和通过教育促进性别平等并为女童和妇女赋能.13 在教育中以及通过教育促进性别平等以及为女童和妇女赋权.13 第第 6 场焦点会议:教育筹资场焦点会议:教育筹资.15 教育筹资变革:开展更多、更公平、更有效的投资.15 行动和呼吁行动和呼吁.17 1.危境教育危境教育.18 危境教育:行动承诺.18 2.解决学习危机的全球挑战解决学习危机的全球挑战.21 解决学习危机的全球挑战.21 3.全民数字学习全民数字学习.22 保障和提高全民优质公共数字学习.22

3、4.促进性别平等促进性别平等.25 II 在教育中并通过教育促进性别平等和为女童与妇女赋权.25 5.教育筹资教育筹资.28 开展更多、更公平、更有效的教育投资.28 6.变革教育以变革世界变革教育以变革世界.31 绿色教育伙伴关系 让每位学习者都适应气候变化.31 行动轨道行动轨道.33 行动轨道行动轨道 1:包容、公平、安全和健康的学校(:包容、公平、安全和健康的学校(Thematic Action Track 1 on Inclusive,equitable,safe and healthy schools).35 行动轨道行动轨道 2:生活、工作和可持续发展的学习和技能(:生活、工作和

4、可持续发展的学习和技能(Learning and skills for life,work,and sustainable development).36 行动轨道行动轨道 3:教师、教学和教学专业(:教师、教学和教学专业(Teachers,teaching and the teaching profession).37 行动轨道行动轨道 4:数字学习和转型(:数字学习和转型(Digital learning and transformation).38 行动轨道行动轨道 5:教育筹资(:教育筹资(Financing of education).39 新闻报道新闻报道.40 1.怀进鹏出席教育

5、变革峰会预备会议及怀进鹏出席教育变革峰会预备会议及 2030 年教育高级别指导委员会领导年教育高级别指导委员会领导小组会议小组会议.41 2.怀进鹏出席怀进鹏出席 2030 年教育高级别指导委员会会议年教育高级别指导委员会会议.42 3.130 多个国家响应重启教育系统的呼吁,为世界儿童更好未来带来新希望多个国家响应重启教育系统的呼吁,为世界儿童更好未来带来新希望.43 联合国峰会提供“百年一遇”契机,挽回学习损失、推进脱轨目标、反思教育体系.43 4.教育变革峰会前会晤闭幕式教育变革峰会前会晤闭幕式.45 逾 150 位教育部长在 9 月峰会前讨论教育变革的关键内容.45 相关文件相关文件.

6、48 1.关于教育变革的愿景声明(关于教育变革的愿景声明(Vision Statement for Transforming Education)III .49 2.教 育 变 革 青 年 宣 言(教 育 变 革 青 年 宣 言(YOUTH DECLARATION ONTRANSFORMING EDUCATION).50 教育变革青年宣言.50 3.关于教育连通性的重塑教育全球宣言(关于教育连通性的重塑教育全球宣言(Global RewirEd Declaration on Connectivity for Education).54 4.Gateways to Public Digital

7、Learning:A multi-partner initiative to create and strengthen inclusive digital learning platforms and content.61 5.National Consultation for Transforming Education Summit:Report on the Outcome of the China Consultation.63 6.National Statement of Commitment to Transform Education.64 相关论文相关论文.67 1.推开公

8、共数字学习之门推开公共数字学习之门:联合国教育变革峰会的主张、隐忧及超越联合国教育变革峰会的主张、隐忧及超越.68 2.教育公平、创新与变革教育公平、创新与变革联合国教育变革峰会主题笔谈联合国教育变革峰会主题笔谈.69 3.共同承诺与集体行动:变革教育实现可持续发展共同承诺与集体行动:变革教育实现可持续发展写在联合国教育变革写在联合国教育变革峰会召开之际峰会召开之际.70 1 教育变革峰会教育变革峰会 Transforming Education Summit 新冠肺炎疫情引发了有史以来最严重的教育冲击,侵蚀了在教育包容性、质量和相关性方面取得的进展。由联合国秘书长古特雷斯召集的教育变革峰会在

9、这一背景下召开。联合国教科文组织数据显示,全世界仍有 2.44 亿儿童和青少年失学。据估计,全球儿童中有 60%到 10 岁时尚不能完成简单阅读。这种情况预示着联合国可持续发展目标中到 2030 年实现全民优质教育的要求(SDG4)面临无法实现的风险。同时,由教科文组织牵头,与 100 多万名利益相关者就“教育的未来”进行的前所未有的全球磋商表明,教育急需适应本世纪的新挑战。为了应对气候异常、技术革命、冲突和社会不平等现象重现等问题,教育必须变革。教育变革峰会成为全球动员的加速器,各国做出新的有力承诺。Recognizing that education is a human right an

10、d a foundation for peace,tolerance,other human rights and sustainable development,the United Nations(UN)Secretary-General is convening world leaders for a Transforming Education Summit(TES)on Monday 19 September 2022,as a key milestone in the advancement of Our Common Agenda.The Summit will be prece

11、ded by engagements on Mobilization and Solutions on Friday,16 and Saturday,17 September respectively,in which ministerial-participation is encouraged.The Summit is being convened in response to a global crisis in education one of equity and inclusion,quality and relevance.Often slow and unseen,this

12、crisis is having a devastating impact on the futures of children and youth worldwide with progress towards the education-related Sustainable Development Goals badly off track.If unaddressed,its negative impacts on our collective pursuit of peace,justice,human rights and sustainable development will

13、be felt for decades to come.Building on the seminal report from the UNESCO International Commission on the Futures of Education which was chaired by Ms.Sahle-work Zewde,President of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia1,and the lessons from the COVID-19 2 Pandemic,a focused,intensive,and incl

14、usive preparatory process has been undertaken in 2022:-National consultations have been advanced in over 100 countries to develop a shared vision,commitment and alignment of action across constituencies to transform education.-Thematic Action Tracks have been convened at the global level to place a

15、spotlight on the areas that require greater attention and action:(1)Inclusive,equitable,safe and healthy schools;(2)Teachers,teaching and the teaching profession;(3)Learning and skills for life,work and sustainable development;(4)Digital learning and transformation;and(5)Financing of education.-Publ

16、ic engagement and mobilization efforts have sought to democratize dialogue around education and to grow a global movement for education transformation.A Pre-Summit,held at UNESCO HQ in Paris from 28 to 30 June 2022,provided an inclusive forum for countries to present preliminary outcomes of national

17、 consultations and engage in discussions of key recommendations from the Summit Action Tracks.The meeting generated significant momentum with the participation of more than 1,800 persons,including 154 Ministers of Education and Vice-Ministers and two Heads of State.It clearly indicated,however,that

18、more work was needed to have localized and deeper conversations on the country-specific transformations.The Summit provides a unique opportunity to elevate education to the top of the global political agenda and to mobilize action,ambition,solidarity and solutions to recover pandemic-related learnin

19、g losses and sow the seeds to transform education in a rapidly changing world.Building on the Summit preparations,the main expected outcomes of the September Summit are:1.National and international commitments to transform education;2.Greater public engagement around and support for transforming edu

20、cation;and 3.A Vision Statement on Transforming Education from the Secretary-General.The Secretary-Generals Vision Statement will be formally submitted as an input 3 to intergovernmental negotiations on the future of education as part of the preparations for the proposed UN Summit of the Future.It w

21、ill also inform the work of the SDG4-Education 2030 High-Level Steering Committee in order to ensure effective follow-up at all levels.4 焦点会议焦点会议 5 第第 1 场焦点会议场焦点会议:危境教育:危境教育为学习者建立变革行动伙伴关为学习者建立变革行动伙伴关系系 危境教育:建立变革行动伙伴关系 武装冲突、被迫流离失所(包括大规模的难民流离失所),环境/气候引发的灾害以及新冠疫情大流行等其他危机的发生,让全世界受影响的人数呈现惊人的增长:-2022 年 6

22、月,被迫流离失所者的人数达到了 1 亿人,创历史新高。-在 2020 年 1 月至 2021 年 12 月期间,85 个国家发生了 5,000 多起学校袭击事件和将学校用于军事用途的案件,9,000 名学生和教育工作者被绑架、逮捕、受伤或杀害。-武装冲突、被迫流离失所和气候引发的灾害造成的持续危机使得 2.22 亿儿童和青年无法学习或教育遭到中断,对其学习机会或学习连续性造成了影响。其中,多达 7,820 万名儿童失学,近 1.2 亿名儿童虽在校学习,但数学或阅读却未达到最低能力水平。-人道主义教育部门资金短缺已成为一个严重问题,2021 年仅获得所需资金的 22%,这一数字远远低于其他部门。

23、2021 年,全球人道主义资金中,只有 2.5%用于教育,远低于联合国 4%的目标。-危急局势发生后,由于缺乏对中低收入国家(LMIC)多年期发展资金的系统性吸收,使资金短缺的人道主义部门对旷日持久的难民、气候和冲突引起的危机所采取的教育应对措施陷入了困境,有时长达数十年之久。如果没有将适当扩大规模的适应性服务纳入协调良好的国家多年期规划和筹资,就会产生旷日持久的教育危机。如果再不集体做出努力,为受危机影响的人口进行变革,提供优质教育和终身学习体系并为其提供资金,世界将无法实现可持续发展目标 4(SDG4),同时也无法建立一个更加可持续、和平和繁荣的地球。本焦点会议是在 6 月 28 日举行的

24、峰会前会边会议的基础上召开的,会上介绍了受不同冲突和灾害影响的人口所面临的问题和挑战,并分享了前景乐观的以解决方案为导向的应对措施。它还以解决方案日会议的预期成果为基础,旨在动员成员国和合作伙伴做出行动承诺。成员国和合作伙伴联合召集人(教育不能等、全球教育伙伴关系、联合国教科文组织、难民署和联合国儿童基金会)抓住联合国秘书长召开的教育变革峰会的势头,激励各方集体做出承诺,并启动新的伙伴关系,在危境下采取具体的变革行动。https:/www.un.org/sites/un2.un.org/files/education-crisis-situations_agenda_zh.pdf 7 第第 2

25、 场焦点会议:场焦点会议:解决学习危机的全球挑战解决学习危机的全球挑战 解决学习危机的全球挑战 背景背景 如果儿童没有在适当的学习阶段学会基础技能,那么他们辍学和错失社会流动机会的风险会更大,并最终可能导致一代代的贫困和边缘化。基础技能,即理解性阅读和基本数学计算的能力及社交情感技能,是后续学习和技能发展的基础这是儿童充分发挥其在生活工作方面的潜力以及为可持续发展做出最大贡献的必备条件。要使儿童在大脑快速发育的关键早期做好准备,必须开展优质幼儿教育和顺应养育,从而成功培养基础技能。教育始于优质幼儿教育,并且需要父母的支持,使女童男童、女性男性都能够行使自己的权利,并参与社会生活、经济生活和政治

26、生活。强大的基础技能对于建立一个更加繁荣、性别平等和民主的社会非常重要,并且这些技能必须反映技术的进步,包括让儿童在整个生命周期中学会数字技能。当前的全球学习危机导致中低收入国家中估计有 70%的男童女童生活在学习贫困中到 10 岁时还无法理解性阅读简单段落。这一比例在撒哈拉以南非洲地区最高(89%),而在拉丁美洲和加勒比地区以及南亚,自新冠疫情以来的学习贫困率增幅最大。新冠疫情还导致焦虑和抑郁情况增加了 34%,这是新冠疫情对儿童心理健康造成创伤性影响的迹象之一。帮助儿童发展社交情感技能至关重要;然而,只有不到一半的国家将这些技能纳入国家教育课程。需要帮助儿童掌握基本技能,同时帮助他们获得各

27、种机会,成为一个富有创造力并能够自我调节人,使他们能够与同龄人一起生活工作,这对未来的教育至关重要。会议目的会议目的 政治领导和问责制是解决学习危机的关键因素,可确保所有儿童都能公平获得优质教育。为了支持学习复苏,加速提高学习成果,并转变其教育体系,许多国家都采取了必要的大胆紧迫的行动。然而,我们迫切需要一场全球性的集体运动,加快推进使每个国家的每位儿童都能学会基本技能。虽然国家层面的行动仍然至关重要,但这一运动还需要国际社会的支持,从而实现所需的行动规模。针对学习危机的相应目标、支持及投资,必须与危机的严重程度相匹配。教育变革需要 https:/www.un.org/sites/un2.un

28、.org/files/global-challenge-addressing-learning-crisis_agenda_zh.pdf 8 所有国家作出承诺,确保为儿童和青年提供必要条件,从而获得生活所需技能:首先,必须确保适当的营养和幼儿教育;其次,鉴于教育是一项人际交往中密集的社会活动,那么为教师、主管及行政人员赋能和提供支持则是必要条件;第三,对技术和互联网连接的投资将发挥核心作用,可确保人人均能享受数字技能,并有助于为教师提供大规模支持。联合国秘书长正召集世界各国领导人参加于 2022 年 9 月 19 日星期一举行的教育变革峰会。借峰会这一独特契机,各国家元首和政府首脑将共同开展有

29、关基础学习的对话,从而为解决当前紧迫的学习危机和实现教育体系变革做出关键贡献。关于基础学习的第 2 场焦点会议是峰会的一个环节,借此契机分享和宣扬示范做法,并以学习危机要求的速度、重点及规模,调动强大的领导力,采取相应行动。更具体地说,教育变革峰会关于基础学习的第 2 场焦点会议旨在:分享正在推进的提高全民基本技能的关键行动,包括有关学习复苏和加速的国家战略、技术获取和使用方面的改进措施以及学校和社区主导的各种做法;学习各国政府领导人对于减少学习贫困率的国家承诺;呼吁其他国家领导人以及各个组织和公司的领导人进一步行采取动,减少学习贫困率。本活动由一个伙伴联盟共同组织举行,联盟包括塞拉利昂共和国

30、政府、联合国儿童基金会、联合国教科文组织、美国国际开发署、世界银行、及比尔及梅琳达盖茨基金会以及英国外交、联邦和发展事务部(FCDO)。9 第第 3 场焦点会议场焦点会议:变革教育,变革世界:学会可持续共处变革教育,变革世界:学会可持续共处 变革教育,变革世界:学会可持续共处 目标目标 我们希望今天的教育能够向学习者灌输知识、技能、价值观和态度,让他们在日益多元化且瞬息万变的社会中茁壮成长,从而为个人和集体的福祉做出贡献。由于人类面临着气候变化、暴力和仇恨意识形态、对性别平等的反对日益强烈、冲突和/或全球疫情大流行及其不成比例的性别影响等诸多挑战,教育必须支持学习者成为改造社会的变革推动者,以

31、负责任的世界公民的身份关爱人类和地球。教育变革峰会强调,必须对教育进行变革,才能充分促进解决2030 年可持续发展议程目标 4.7 中所载的全球挑战,包括气候和环境危机。还强调了教育在支持具有社会公正性、以团结、尊重多样性、平等和人权为基础的发展模式方面的关键作用。峰会强调,教育必须让人们在接触信息和数字技术时具备批判性思维,培养他们抵御虚假信息、否认气候变化、仇恨言论、暴力极端主义以及基于性别的羞辱和歧视的能力,特别是通过媒体和信息素养来实现这一目标。会上应强调为受气候变化、自然灾害、冲突和其他全球危机严重影响的处境不利的群体和弱势群体消除所面临的学习障碍。特别是,有一种转变性别现状的教育方

32、法能够释放各类学习者的潜能,终止有害的性别规范、态度及做法,并对机构进行变革,不让任何人掉队。在教育变革峰会(TES)进行的过程中,年轻人呼吁政府重新考虑和改革教育体系,构建更加公正、和平、健康、平等、可持续的未来。本专题会议为国家元首、领导人和有影响力人士提供了一个高级别对话的空间,以便交流观点,并致力于实现全世界都亟待进行的教育变革。本次会议的具体目标是动员与会者做出坚定的政治承诺并开展强有力的合作,采取最高级别的行动,旨在对教育进行变革,进而充分发挥其潜能,将社会改造为一个公正、和平、健康、可持续的世界,尤其要加强对以下两个相互关联领域的关注:1)解决气候和环境危机;以及 2)培养具有道

33、德和社会责任感的世界公民。1)呼吁各个国家充分致力于实现可持续发展教育的愿景和绿色教育伙伴关系的目标,通过在以下 4 个关键领域采取行动,让每位学习者都能够适应气候变化:https:/www.un.org/sites/un2.un.org/files/education-crisis-situations_agenda_zh.pdf 10 “绿色学校”,从幼儿教育到成人教育,致力于确保所有学校都获得绿色学校认证,包括教师培训和高等教育机构。“绿色学习”,采取终身学习的方法,将气候教育纳入学校课程、技术和职业教育与培训、工作技能发展、教材、教学法和评估。“绿色能力和准备”,通过将气候教育纳入职前



36、们亟待解决全球可持续性挑战,此次高级别对话将为当今世界的教育质量和相关性变革带来关键动力。预期成果预期成果 多国家支持绿色教育伙伴关系和推进世界公民教育的行动呼吁。11 第第 4 场焦点会议场焦点会议:教育数字转型教育数字转型 数字学习和转型 背景背景 重申数字学习是一种公共产品重申数字学习是一种公共产品 需要采取更大胆的行动和投资,从而利用数字技术的力量,推动国家和国际对教育和终身学习的诉求。我们必须抓住数字革命这一有力契机,确保将教育作为一项公共产品和一项人权来提供。秘书长我们的共同议程、联合国数字合作路线图、教育变革峰会进程、关于教育连通性的重塑教育全球宣言(Global RewirEd

37、 Declaration on Connectivity for Education)及国际教育未来委员会,均申明了这一点。通常情况下,互联网连接和技术,会首先或专门使特权学习者和教育工作者受益。这反映了教育不平等问题,并经常加剧了这种不平等,给难民和流动儿童、残疾学习者、女童和成年女性、偏远社群及其他边缘化学习者造成进一步的不利影响。为了增强数字学习在缩小教育鸿沟方面的作用,必须重新调整政策、行动及投资,聚焦那些最需要这些机会的人。这种行动将有助于促进对教育各个方面的有益变革,包括正规教育机构内外的教学法、课程、评估及学习活动的组织。与此同时,我们必须努力普及富有意义的互联网连接,以确保高效

38、安全且负担得起的线上学习体验。在这些领域开展的协同努力,将进一步帮助提高学习成果,从而确保所有接受教育的学习者,无论是儿童、青年还是成人,都能获得基本的读写技能,培养与其生活和生计相关的知识和能力,并为更可持续的将来做出贡献。三大密钥将有助于解锁数字学习潜能,使数字学习更加普及,成为全面教育体验的更三大密钥将有助于解锁数字学习潜能,使数字学习更加普及,成为全面教育体验的更强支柱:强支柱:密钥密钥 1内容:内容:必须提供优质数字内容,确保为所有学生提供充足的教学资料,从而参与并学习相关课程。提供优质数字学习内容的数字教育平台,为儿童、青年及成人的学习方式带来变革。因新冠疫情而导致停课的经验表明,

39、大量学生不知道去哪里或没有地方获取数字教育资源,来继续满足他们的学习需求和学习兴趣。在许多情况下,学习内容虽然确实存在,但质量得不到保证,组织不善,需要付费,和/或内容所在的虚拟空间会过度收集和贩卖学生数据,同时会向学习者发送广告。密钥密钥 2能力:能力:必须加强数字能力,以确保教育利益攸关方通过循证方式,拥有必备 https:/www.un.org/sites/un2.un.org/files/digital-learning_agenda_zh.pdf 12 的数字技能 和知识,从而利用数字手段进行学习。需要进行能力建设,以实现有效的数字教学和学习,由此带来的好处将远不止于学业成绩。此外,

40、必须特别注意缩小数字技能方面的性别差距。相比男童和成年男性,成年女性和女童知道如何将数字技术用于基本目的的比例低 25%,知道如何编写简单计算机程序的比例低四倍。密钥密钥 3互联网连接:互联网连接:我们必须重申各项承诺,确保所有学校和个人都能受益于优质互联网连接带来的教育优势。负担得起的互联网连接为数字学习提供了重要途径。然而,在全球范围内,仍有 29 亿人无法上网,其中 90%生活在发展中国家。此外,全球互联网可负担性存在显著差异,致使最贫穷的人往往要承担最昂贵的移动数据费用。富裕国家的人们使用的数字数据比贫穷国家的人们平均多 35 倍,这主要是由于访问和成本差异造成的,这种在获取负担得起的

41、互联网连接方面的不平等现象,使太多年轻人和成年人失去了学习和发挥潜力的机会。目标目标 借本场焦点会议这一契机,动员强有力的政治承诺和领导力,采取行动,以确保每个学习者都能在互联网上找到公共教育的公共空间。会议将呼吁各国元首批准一项 行动呼吁,并承诺推进三个具体实施领域的工作内容、能力及互联网连接,从而使数字教学和学习成为全面教育体验中一个人人普及的可靠支柱。本场会议还将启动公共数字学习网关,为一项国际运动提供支持,以确保每个学习者、教师及家庭均可轻松访问、查找和使用与课程一致的优质数字教育内容,从而促进学习。行动呼吁申明,各国应本着合作和真诚交流的精神,努力支持互联网上的数字学习(线上线下),

42、并提供国家教育平台。平台应该联网并由技术协议提供支持,从而不仅是在国家内部,而且还在各国之间,最大限度地实现资源无缝共享的可能性。总体而言,应将数字学习资源作为全球数字公地的一部分进行定位和加强,并以这样的方式对国家平台进行引导和管理。具体而言,本场专题会议旨在:-提供富有前景的创新解决方案、有利的政策和做法;-向会员国和执行伙伴学习他们为推进数字学习而正在履行的承诺;-呼吁其他会员国、执行伙伴、民间社会及私营部门进一步采取行动,确保数字教育成为公共产品。13 第第 5 场焦点会议:在教育中和通过教育促进性别平等并为女童和场焦点会议:在教育中和通过教育促进性别平等并为女童和妇女赋能妇女赋能 在

43、教育中以及通过教育促进性别平等以及为女童和妇女赋权 背景背景 虽然近几十年来取得了一些进展,但教育领域的性别不平等现象依然存在。收效也微乎其微,因为新冠疫情、武装冲突、难民和境内流离失所、气候引发的灾害、对性别平等及妇女和女童权利日益强烈的抵制,在许多情况下都在阻碍这种进展并加剧不平等现象。我们是否兑现了不让任何人掉队的承诺?如果不能获得优质教育,许多儿童和青年,特别是女童,便无法获得生活、工作和领导能力所需的技能。性别不平等、性别规范和刻板印象,以及性别权力失衡也制约了女童运用所学技能的能力。请考虑以下几点:15-24 岁未就业、未接受教育或培训的年轻人中,有三分之二(67.5%)为年轻女性

44、。女性占所有成人文盲人数的 63%,这一比例数十年来没有变化,2 而且在数字素养技能方面出现了新的性别差距。女性在议会中占 26%的席位,尽管大多数教师均达到最高学历,但在担任教育管理和领导职位方面仍面临严格的“玻璃天花板”。许多国家的男童也未能发展和完成学业。在 142 个国家中,有 130 个国家的男童比女童更容易在小学阶段留级,这表明他们在学校的进步情况很糟糕。有 73 个国家接受高中教育的男童人数比女童少,而有 48 个国家则恰好相反。2021 年的所有失学儿童中,一半以上是男童。教育可以解决性别弱势问题,例如童婚(五分之一的年轻女性和二十分之一的年轻男性在 18 岁之前结婚)、基于性

45、别的暴力(1,500 万 15-19 岁的女孩经历过强迫性行为)、早孕和意外怀孕(在发展中国家,近三分之一的年轻女性在 19 岁之前生育)和童工(5-14 岁女童每天花费在无偿照护工作上的时间比同龄男童多 1.6 亿小时,全世界有十分之一的儿童从事童工劳动,其中 61%是男童)。教育体系必须做出更明确、更积极的承诺,解决影响学习者实现受教育权以及获得未来 https:/www.un.org/sites/un2.un.org/files/gender-equality_agenda_zh.pdf 14 生活、工作和领导机会的基于性别的障碍、羞辱和歧视。但也需要采取行动,利用教育的力量释放各类学习

46、者的潜能,终止有害的性别规范、态度及做法,对机构进行变革,实现公正、平等、包容的社会。会议目的会议目的 在全世界齐聚一堂,参加千载难逢的教育变革峰会之际,联合国秘书长不遗余力地激励各方做出集体承诺并建立新的伙伴关系,进而采取具体的变革行动,在教育中促进性别平等,同时通过教育推进性别平等。本焦点会议为国家元首、领导人和有影响力的关键人士提供了一个高级别对话的空间,致力于在教育中以及通过教育加快实现性别平等以及为女童和妇女赋权。更具体地说,本焦点会议旨在通过以下方式在教育中以及通过教育促进性别平等以及为女童和妇女赋权:分享通过基层和国家计划采取的创新性催化和变革行动,终止有害的性别规范、态度和做法

47、,让所有学习者都能够享有受教育权。了解世界各国领导人和合作伙伴通过教育变革峰会做出的承诺,在教育中以及通过教育促进性别平等以及为女童和妇女赋权。呼吁世界各国领导人和合作伙伴承诺在教育中以及通过教育促进性别平等以及为女童和妇女赋权,加入一个全球平台,每年审查一次性别平等和女童教育承诺的进展情况,同时应对挫折,推动落实变革性领导、问责和行动。行动呼吁行动呼吁 我们需要教育体系不仅仅是承认不同性别之间在入学和学习方面存在差异并采取应对措施。我们需要教育能够去改变态度和做法,并支持实现性别平等。做不到这一点,我们将永远无法兑现可持续发展目标 4(SDG 4)关于实现包容、公平的优质教育和终身学习的承诺

48、,以及可持续发展目标 5(SDG 5)关于实现性别平等和为女性赋权的承诺。教育变革峰会的这场焦点会议将发出行动呼吁,促进合作和变革行动,在教育中以及通过教育促进性别平等以及为女童和妇女赋权。本行动呼吁的依据是关于包容、公平、安全、健康学校的行动轨道 1 文件、弗里敦宣言:培养教育领域转变性别现状领导力、相关的 G7和 G20 宣言和公报、世代平等论坛,以及世界各国政府及其合作伙伴对女童和妇女教育和性别平等做出的其他规范性框架和承诺。与所有教育变革旗舰项目一样,该行动呼吁将在未来几个月内得到推广和支持,并在SDG4 高级别指导委员会、现有的女童教育和性别平等咨询机构以及新的在教育中以及通过教育促

49、进性别平等及为女童和妇女赋权的全球平台下接受跟进和监督。15 第第 6 场焦点会议:场焦点会议:教育筹资教育筹资 教育筹资变革:开展更多、更公平、更有效的投资 背景背景 教育变革峰会旨在动员各国领导作出承诺,以应对迫在眉睫的全球教育危机一场关乎教育公平、质量及针对性的危机。如果我们的教育筹资方式没有发生翻天覆地的变化,这一切都是不可能的。迄今为止,国内公共教育投资一直是教育资金的主要来源。尽管在本世纪头几十年的某些情况下,这一投资有所上升,但在大多数国家和地区仍然太低。三分之一的国家尚未达到以往的两个教育投资基准,无论是占 GDP 的百分比还是占国家预算的百分比。在新冠疫情期间,超过三分之二的

50、发展中国家削减了教育预算。全球不平等现象令人震惊,高收入国家在每个孩子身上的花费是低收入国家的 43 倍以上。而各国国内在教育投资方面令人不安的分配不均现象,则加剧了这些国际差异。当国内财政不景气时,家庭承担着相当大的教育支出负担,特别是在低收入国家和中下收入国家。这令他们的负担比以前更加沉重。新冠疫情和持续的全球经济危机使这些不平等现象更加难以面对。在某些特定情况下,尤其是在应对长期危机对教育的影响方面,国际教育筹资对于低收入国家和中下收入国家而言仍然至关重要。然而,针对教育的援助也在下降,从 2019 年到2020 年,有 43 个发展伙伴减少了教育支出。对于大多数国际金融机构和慈善团体来

51、说,教育也是一个低优先级的领域。我们迫切需要通过各种渠道,保障和增加国内教育预算和国际教育资金。行动呼吁行动呼吁 在此背景下,联合国秘书长发出为教育筹资的紧急行动呼吁敦促所有国家和所有合作伙伴开展更多、更公平、更有效的教育投资。行动呼吁 借鉴了在峰会教育筹资主题行动轨道下开展的广泛工作成果,并寻求在现有诸多努力的基础上再接再厉,包括可持续发展目标 4-2030 年教育承诺、2021 年全球教育伙伴关系合作伙伴关于教育筹资的行动呼吁(Call to Action on Education Finance)、教育筹资问题巴黎宣言(Paris Declaration on Education Fin

52、ancing)。我们必须开展更多的教育投资:我们必须开展更多的教育投资:保障和增加每个国家的实际教育经费很重要正如 https:/www.un.org/sites/un2.un.org/files/finaning-education_agenda_zh.pdf 16 GDP 和国家预算中用于教育的份额所反映的那样但这还不够。我们的目标必须是增加国家对每个学生和每个人的实际教育经费。大部分教育资金来自国家公共预算。因此,增加教育资金需要计算每个学生所需的有效教育成本,并制定宏伟的国家目标,确保随着时间的推移能够达到这一水平。在大多数国家,要实现这些目标,需要通过渐进式的重大税制改革,提高税收占

53、 GDP 的比例。通过设定和实现发展援助水平和优惠贷款水平的新目标,以及推进新型创新筹资手段,国际教育筹资还有进一步扩大的空间。我们必须开展更公平的教育投资:我们必须开展更公平的教育投资:我们必须确保教育投资能够惠及那些以往被排除在这一机会之外的人。教育投资必须惠及每个国家最偏远的农村地区;教育投资必须保证教育机会惠及低收入贫困家庭;教育资金分配必须惠及在获得这些机会时通常受到歧视的所有群体和部门:女童、少数民族、残疾人、流离失所儿童等等。当然,更公平的教育投资也意味着,我们今天看到的高收入国家与低收入国家之间的国际差距也将缩小。我们必须开展更有效的教育投资:我们必须开展更有效的教育投资:教育

54、投资的目标不仅仅是提供进入教育体系的机会;要真正成为一项投资,我们分配给教育的资源必须得到有效利用,以保证有效获得学习机会。这将需要努力减少漏损;提高交付能力;加强问责框架;并将部门规划与预算规划联系起来。会议目标会议目标 各国家元首和政府首脑以及国际金融机构负责人、发展伙伴及其他人,可借教育筹资焦点会议这一契机,讨论 行动呼吁 的一些关键要素,展示他们对增加教育资金的个人承诺,并为峰会结束之后可以采取的行动积蓄新的动力。借本场会议这一契机,我们还将启动国际教育筹资机制一个教育筹资引擎,可迅速增加捐助者资源,使中下收入国家有机会对优质教育和技能进行紧急投资。该机制有可能在未来 5 至 7 年内

55、,筹集到至少 100 亿美元的新教育资金。17 行动和呼吁行动和呼吁 18 1.危境教育危境教育 危境教育:行动承诺 教育正面临着威胁教育正面临着威胁 武装冲突、被迫流离失所,包括大规模的难民流离失所,健康和气候引发的灾害以及其他危机的发生,让全世界受影响的人数呈现惊人的增长。这意味着,2.22 亿学龄儿童和青年的教育出现中断,教育体系被推到了承受能力的边缘,濒临崩溃。女童和残障儿童,以及许多其他少数族裔群体,包括但不限于土著社区、少数民族和宗教少数派以及 LGBTQI 个体,在许多危机环境中受到的影响尤为严重。仅在 2022 年,被迫流离失所的人数就达到了创纪录的 1 亿人,其中一半以上是需

56、要接受相应优质教育的儿童和青年。此外,在 2020 年 1 月至 2021 年 12 月期间,85 个国家发生了 5,000 起学校袭击事件和将学校用于军事用途的案件,9,000 名学生和教育工作者被绑架、逮捕、受伤或杀害。除此之外,还有学校因武装冲突和政治不稳定而关闭,让女童、难民和其他人口群体今后几代人的教育都面临着风险。教育资金短缺教育资金短缺 2021 年,为教育部门发起的人道主义募捐仅获得所需资金的 22%,远低于其他部门。2021 年,全球人道主义资金中只有 2.9%用于教育,远低于联合国 4%的目标。新冠疫情爆发后,教育只获得应对健康危机的经济刺激一揽子计划资金总额的 3%,而在

57、新冠疫情国际人道主义应对计划中,仅获得了所需资金的 0.7%。危机极大地影响了教育体系变革和确保其抵御未来破坏所需的长期投资。2020 年,对教育提供的海外发展援助(ODA)停滞不前,双边捐助者的捐助金额减少了 3.59 亿美元。此后,主要捐助者大幅削减了海外发展援助。在新冠疫情期间和之后,许多国家的政府也受到了经济复苏缓慢、债务成本上升和国内优先事项调整的影响。国家和全球教育资金面临的系统性问题意味着儿童和青年群体,包括但不限于难民和境内流离失所者,正在失去国家和国际支持,进而越发落于人后。建立变革伙伴关系:行动承诺建立变革伙伴关系:行动承诺 在进行了多项效果明朗的实践之后,我们以及成员国和

58、合作伙伴在联合国秘书长召开的教育变革峰会上推出了“危境教育:行动承诺”。我们致力于共同努力改革教育体系,使其有能力预防危机,为危机做好准备,应对危机,https:/www.un.org/zh/transforming-education-summit/education-crisis-situations 19 并从危机中复苏。我们的宗旨是让所有受危机影响的儿童和青年,包括难民和无国籍人口,能够持续、公平、安全地享有包容、优质、安全的学习机会。特别是,我们致力于为 2.22 亿因武装冲突、境内和跨境流离失所以及健康或气候引发的灾害而中断学业或无法学习的儿童和青年改善受教育机会、教育的质量、公平

59、性和包容性。为了实现这一承诺,我们呼吁成员国、多边组织、捐助者和教育合作伙伴努力兑现这一承诺,在实现 2030 年目标之前,于 2025 年提交首份报告,并相互监督,采取以下行动:教育机会和学习成果教育机会和学习成果 为受危机影响的儿童和青年提供更加公平、更具包容性的教育机会和学习成果,具体方式包括:a.在受危急局势和长期危机影响的国家,将失学儿童和青年的人数至少减少一半。b.改善基础学习成果,让至少 75%的身处危急局势和危机后环境的儿童和青年达到最低识字、算术和社会情感能力。c.改善合格男女教师的招聘、留用和持续专业发展,确保教学具有性别角色转换性和包容性。保护和增加外部筹资保护和增加外部

60、筹资 通过人道主义和发展文书保护和增加外部筹资,确保资金公平分配并符合国家规划优先事项和对国际公约的承诺。具体来说:a.根据 2021 年国家元首关于教育筹资的行动呼吁,承诺每年逐步增加国内教育支出,辅以对教育提供更多的可持续多年期官方发展援助(ODA),包括为全球教育伙伴关系和教育不能等筹资以及为合作平台提供资金。b.承诺调整现有机制,或为中低收入国家(LMIC)制定额外的多年期筹资机制并为其提供资源,这些机制和资源为目前国内和国际资助范围之外的人,如难民和无国籍人口,消除了进入国家教育体系的障碍。c.提高教育支出的效率,并将资源用于最边缘化的群体。国际合作的精神,共同建立能够抵御危机的教育

61、体系国际合作的精神,共同建立能够抵御危机的教育体系 本着国际合作的精神,共同建立能够抵御危机的教育体系,确保保护儿童和青年的权利,并全面满足学习者的需求,包括健康、福利、营养、水、卫生以及防止暴力、性剥削和虐待。a.为实现教育变革而调整国家优先事项和国际承诺,包括仁川宣言、为促进有效发展合作的釜山宣言、难民问题全球契约、安全、有序和正常移民全球契约、20 消除针对儿童的暴力全球合作伙伴、安全学校宣言、学校全面安全框架以及国际法规定的其他义务。b.致力于在政府、人道主义和发展参与者之间开展合作,以相互协调的方式通过成熟的协调机制,共同努力改革教育体系。c.致力于推动教育、健康、水、卫生和社会保护

62、部门在教育和人道主义应急规划方面实现部委间和机构间合作。d.在我们的教育政策、规划和优先执行事项中加强包容性和性别平等。规模和主流高影响力干预措施纳入政策和计划制定工作中规模和主流高影响力干预措施纳入政策和计划制定工作中 考虑将不同的运作背景、规模和主流高影响力干预措施纳入政策和计划制定工作中,重点关注八个相互关联的优先事项:1.教师;2.社区参与;3.性别平等和包容;4.幼儿教育;5.心理健康和社会心理支持;6.防止暴力;7.公平提供教育技术和创新,特别是对最边缘化的儿童;8.儿童和青年有意义的参与。21 2.解决学习危机的全球挑战解决学习危机的全球挑战 解决学习危机的全球挑战 确保基础学习

63、是教育变革的关键要素确保基础学习是教育变革的关键要素 1.学习水平低:儿童面临的障碍学习水平低:儿童面临的障碍 新冠疫情使疫前已有的学习危机更是雪上加霜。目前,据估计,在全球范围内,每10 名儿童中就有 6 名遭受学习贫困:他们到 10 岁时还无法阅读和理解简单的文字。2.基础学习:为何这点很重要基础学习:为何这点很重要 10 岁时还无法理解性阅读的儿童比例是体现一个国家整体教育质量的信号。基础学习 是基石,在此基础之上,儿童和青年可以通过教育获得其他所有学习、知识及高级技能。基础学习对于让所有儿童充分发挥潜力并参与社会至关重要。确保全民基础学习有助于提高公民意识、可持续发展、包容性增长、性别

64、平等、国家凝聚力、和平与繁荣,并推动其他所有可持续发展目标的进展。3.通过基础学习进行教育变革:行动承诺 我们承诺在学习水平较低的地方采取紧急果断的行动,以确保包括最边缘化儿童 在内的所有儿童都能充分发挥潜力。我们承诺,到 2030 年,将全球到 10 岁时还无法阅读和理解简单文字的儿童比例减少一半。这一承诺需要在每个国家都实现国家可持续发展目标 4 下各项具体目标。为确保恢复和加速学习,我们将立即努力让所有儿童入学并让他们继续在校学习,尤其是边缘化女童;增加获得补习和补课的机会,并按照儿童当前的学习水平进行教学;支持教师,为其提供所需的教学工具;为每位教师和儿童的健康、营养及社会心理健康提供

65、支持。我们将共同努力缩小教育资源差距,并实行有效推进基础学习所需的各项投资、技术运用及其他改革。https:/www.un.org/zh/transforming-education-summit/global-challenge-addressing-learning-crisis 22 3.全民数字学习全民数字学习 保障和提高全民优质公共数字学习 我们必须利用数字革命这一有力契机,确保将优质教育作为一项公我们必须利用数字革命这一有力契机,确保将优质教育作为一项公共产品和一项人权共产品和一项人权来提供,并特别关注最边缘化群体。来提供,并特别关注最边缘化群体。秘书长我们的共同议程、联合国秘书长

66、数字合作路线图、可持续发展议程、教育变革峰会进程、关于教育连通性的重塑教育全球宣言(Global RewirEd Declaration on Connectivity for Education)及国际教育未来委员会,均申明了这一点。我们必须利用数字技术的优势,推动国家和国际对教育和终身学习的诉求。我们必须利用数字技术的优势,推动国家和国际对教育和终身学习的诉求。这种行动将有助于促进对教育各个方面的有益变革,包括正规教育机构内外的教学法、课程、评估、社会关怀及学习活动的组织。这将进一步帮助提高学习成果,从而更好地确保所有接受教育的人员,无论是儿童、青年还是成人,都能获得基本的读写技能,培养与

67、其生活和生计相关的知识和能力,并为更可持续的将来做出贡献。我们必须使用三大密钥来解锁数字教学和学习的潜能,使其更加普及,成为全面教育体验的更强支柱:密钥密钥 1内容内容 必须通过数字学习平台,向所有学生、学习者、教师及照料者提供与课程相关的优质必须通过数字学习平台,向所有学生、学习者、教师及照料者提供与课程相关的优质数字教学和学习内容数字教学和学习内容 High quality,curriculum-relevant digital teaching and learning content must be made available and accessible to all learne

68、rs,teachers and caregivers through digital learning platforms.提供优质内容的数字学习平台可为儿童、青年及成人的学习方式带来变革。因新冠疫情而导致停课的经验表明,大量学习者不知道去哪里或没有地方获取数字教育资源,来继续学业及满足学习需求和学习兴趣。在许多情况下,学习内容虽然确实存在,但质量得不到保证,无法通过手机访问,组织不善,需要付费,或内容所在的虚拟空间会过度收集和贩卖学生数据,并且会向学习者发送广告。最近对 150 多种教育技术产品的审查发现,其中近 90%的数据处理做法会危害或侵犯儿童的权利。还有太多的国家仍未创建公开认可的数

69、字学习平台和内容。https:/www.un.org/zh/transforming-education-summit/digital-learning-all 23 密钥密钥 2能力能力 必须加强使用数字技术来提高学习的能力,以确保教师、学习者及其他教育利益攸关必须加强使用数字技术来提高学习的能力,以确保教师、学习者及其他教育利益攸关方采用循证方式,拥有必备的数字技能和知识,从而利用数字手段进行学习方采用循证方式,拥有必备的数字技能和知识,从而利用数字手段进行学习 Capacity to use digital technology to improve learning must be s

70、trengthened to ensure teachers,learners and other education stakeholders have the skills and knowledge needed to leverage digital tools for learning using evidence-based approaches.需要进行能力建设,以实现有效数字学习的循证方式,由此带来的好处将远不止于学业成绩。在世界范围内,将互联网用于教育及其他用途时,最常被提及的其中一大障碍就是缺乏数字技能,而被提及的频率甚至往往超过成本障碍。三分之一的人甚至缺乏最基本的数字技

71、能,而即使对于那些拥有数字技能的人来说,教师也很少能接受相关培训,来加强他们有效使用技术的教学实践。此外,数字技能方面的性别差距仍然高得令人无法接受。成年女性和女童知道如何将数字技术用于基本目的的比例比男性低 25%。密钥密钥 3互联网连接互联网连接 数字化连通服务有助于确保所有学校和个人都能受益于优质互联网连接带来的教育优数字化连通服务有助于确保所有学校和个人都能受益于优质互联网连接带来的教育优势势 Digital connectivity ensures that all schools and individuals have the ability to benefit from th

72、e educational advantages that come with good quality internet connections.互联网连接为数字学习提供了重要途径。然而,在全球范围内,仍有 29 亿人无法上网,其中 90%生活在发展中国家。此外,全球互联网可负担性存在显著差异,致使最贫穷的人往往要承担最昂贵的移动数据费用。富裕国家的人们使用的数字数据比贫穷国家的人们平均多35 倍,这主要是由于访问和成本差异造成的,这种在获取互联网连接方面的不平等现象,使太多年轻人和成年人失去了学习和发挥潜力的机会。我们将制定包含短期目标、中期目标及长期目标的国家战略和预算,促进所有这三大密

73、钥方面的进展,从而解锁数字学习潜能。这些战略将实现以下承诺:内容内容 1.我们承诺根据联合国教科文组织关于开放式教育资源的建议书,建立并迭代改进公共数字学习平台,提供与课程一致的优质教育资源,确保这些资源向所有人免费开放和普及,同时保护用户的隐私、人身安全及数据安全。我们将通过在教育变革峰会上发起的“公共数字学习网关”多伙伴倡议,努力推动实现这一承诺。2.我们承诺确保这些平台可以为教师、学习者及家庭赋能,支持内容的可访问性和共 24 享,并满足用户的多样化需求,包括残疾学习者、少数民族语言使用者、女童和妇女以及难民和流动人员。容纳人数容纳人数 1.我们致力于为教育及其他赋能目的而实现数字素养普

74、及,特别关注成年女性和女童,从而消除长期存在的数字技能性别鸿沟。2.我们致力于培养所有教师及相关教育人员的能力,使他们能够借助现有的手段和联盟,包括联合国教科文组织教师信息和通信技术能力框架及全球教育联盟,利用数字资源来辅助学生学习。互联网连接互联网连接 1.我们承诺将每所学校接入互联网,并推动将互联网服务扩展到家家户户的每一个人,以便为教育和终身学习提供更多途径。2.我们承诺采用全政府方式,并利用 Giga(联合国儿童基金会和国际电联)等现有倡议,来落实必要的政策、法规、技术及资金,确保学校互联网连接安全公平、可持续。所有这些承诺的基础是我们优先考虑边缘化学习者、教师及家庭的决心。通常情况下

75、,互联网连接和技术,会首先或专门使特权学习者和教育工作者受益。这反映了教育不平等问题,并经常加剧了这种不平等,给难民、残疾学习者、女童和成年女性、偏远社群及其他边缘化学习者造成进一步的不利影响。为确保数字学习有助于缩小教育鸿沟,我们将努力重新调整政策、行动及投资,聚焦那些最需要这些机会的人。25 4.促进性别平等促进性别平等 在教育中并通过教育促进性别平等和为女童与妇女赋权 本行动呼吁的依据是关于包容、公平、安全、健康学校的行动追踪文件、弗里敦宣言:教育领域的性别变革领导力、七国集团和二十国集团相关宣言和公报、世代平等论坛,以及政府及合作伙伴对女童和妇女教育和性别平等做出的其他规范性框架和承诺

76、。与所有教育变革旗舰项目一样,本行动将在未来几个月内得到推广和支持,并由可持续发展目标 4-高级别指导委员会、现有的在教育中以及通过教育促进女童教育和性别平等的咨询机构,以及新的女童和妇女在教育中以及通过教育促进增强权能和性别平等问题全球平台跟进并接受其监督。我们呼吁大家在以下领域采取行动,以在教育中并通过教育促进性别平等和为女童与我们呼吁大家在以下领域采取行动,以在教育中并通过教育促进性别平等和为女童与妇女赋权:妇女赋权:政府政府 国家和地方各级政府应:国家和地方各级政府应:1.将性别平等视为教育部门计划、预算和政策的核心。从早期开始确定性别差异及其根本原因,提高预算、强化战略、加大承诺,以

77、消除教学法中有害的性别规范,培养教育部 https:/www.un.org/zh/transforming-education-summit/advancing-gender-equality 基础学习指的是基本的识字、算术和可转移的技能,如社会情感技能。关于包容、公平、安全、健康学校的主题行动追踪文件 1 文件,包括关于转变性别现状教育的分主题文件,是通过多利益攸关方流程制定的,涉及来自政府、民间社会捐助者、政策制定者、民间社会团体、青年、教师网络、教育倡导者、学术界,以及私营部门和慈善机构的 200 多名代表。弗里敦宣言:教育领域的性别变革领导力由 13 个非洲国家的教育部在汲取了联合国女

78、童教育倡议、联合国儿童基金会、联合国教科文组织和全球教育伙伴关系等民间社会和多边组织的意见后制定的。其中包括七国集团于 2018 年发表的查尔沃伊宣言、七国集团于 2019 年发布的以性别平等为中心倡议、七国集团的 2021 年公报(特别是第 66-75 款);七国集团的 2022 年发展部长公报(第 23 款),以及 二十国集团:2021 年部长宣言和 2020 年教育部长公报。世代平等论坛于 2021 年发起了一项由六个行动联盟设计的为期 5 年的全球性别平等加速计划,该计划确定了从基于性别的暴力和技术到经济和气候正义等领域实现性别平等所需采取的关键行动。其中包括:安全学校宣言;由消除针对

79、儿童的暴力全球合作伙伴和基金制定的安全学习行动呼吁;通过2021 年联合国粮食系统峰会和由此产生的校餐联盟做出的承诺;以及其他决议。该平台将在教育变革峰会期间启动,召集政府、捐助者、合作伙伴和民间社会来监督峰会和其他承诺的进展情况,突出不同国家之间的进展差距,并鼓励采取变革行动,在教育中以及通过教育促进实现女童教育和性别平等。26 门工作人员的机构和人员能力,并根据具体情况推进其他优先事项。2.确保各级和所有教育对象以及教学、教育和部长级领导职位之间性别平等,不存在歧视现象。支持女教师获得公平且平等的报酬、安全的住房、交通和在偏远地区工作所需的其他资源。采取有针对性的措施,打破教育领导和管理职

80、位的“玻璃天花板”。3.识别并消除课程、教学材料和学习材料中的性别偏见和刻板印象,确保所有教师和学习者获得必要必要的知识和技能,以审查、质疑和改变有害性别规范、态度和做法、不平等权力关系、性别歧视和更加悬殊的交叉不平等现象。这包括早期学习材料,因为有证据表明,两岁的儿童就已理解性别刻板印象和规范并将牢记于心。4.确保提供安全、转变性别现状、包容的学习空间,包括学校的水、环境卫生和月经卫生管理设施、预防和应对学校性别暴力的教育计划和机制,学校用餐、全面性教育、艾滋病预防、照料和支持的教育与服务。在 2019 冠状病毒病疫情和全球饥饿危机的背景下,采取中期努力解决紧迫需求,尤其是应对最易产生影响的

81、紧急情况和危机。5.改造数据系统,以便更好地得到按性别和年龄分类的数据。了解性别与其他交叉特征,例如残障和少数族裔身份问题相互交织,导致边缘化、不平等和学习贫困的出现。利用数据采取有针对性的行动,不让任何人掉队,包括利用来自家庭的关于失学儿童的公民数据,以及采取行动解决导致排斥的交叉性别规范和期望。6.支持各部委、民间社会、基层青年组织、和其他从事教育、健康、营养、艾滋病、性别、保护、青年、就业、经济、社会和气候正义的工作者之间开展协调、跨部门、交叉和代际合作,以保障权利,促进平等的教育、在正规部门就业的渠道以及其他相关成果。7.投资于重点干预措施,支持边缘化女童获得 12 年的安全和优质教育

82、,这是最具成本效益和影响力的社会和经济投资之一。让男童和男性参与到挑战性别不平等、性别规范和性别刻板印象中来,并解决男童辍学的问题。8.有条不紊且有的放矢地将儿童和青年的所有多样性纳入旨在促进转变性别现状教育的协商和决策中来,采取有针对性的措施,确保最贫穷和最边缘化的儿童和青年都能公平参与。捐助捐助 捐助者(包括双边和私营部门捐助者、国际金融机构和基金会)应:捐助者(包括双边和私营部门捐助者、国际金融机构和基金会)应:1.为实施旨在消除教育各方面和各层级性别差距的公平、有效的循证应对措施提供资金,促进女性担任领导职位,并改变有害的性别规范、态度和做法。2.将对性别问题的敏感度纳入公共支出监督,

83、以确定教育支出对女童和男童的影响。27 调整支出方向以纠正不平等现象,在教育中并通过教育促进性别平等。3.为女权主义全球、区域和基层组织以及青年活动家提供资金并与之合作,共同合作向政府提出倡议,确保在教育中并通过教育采取转变性别现状的教育方法。联合国联合国 联合国及其他多边组织:联合国及其他多边组织:1.在可持续发展目标 4-高级别指导委员会中、在教育中并通过教育促进性别平等和为女童与妇女赋权的全球平台以及其他机制内,确保在问责制、国家所有权、参与和透明度的基础上,对国家、区域和全球基准的进展情况进行循证监督。2.在性别和权利专家、儿童和青年的大力参与下,扩大能力发展、战略指导、转变性别现状领

84、导力、知识共享以及监督工作,在教育中并通过教育促进性别平等和为女童与妇女赋权。3.支持各国更多地提供和使用分类数据、性别评估、性别预算和其他手段,为转变性别教育的规划、成本核算和实施提供信息。合作伙伴和民间社会合作伙伴和民间社会 更广大的发展社区,包括民间社会、青和学术界更广大的发展社区,包括民间社会、青和学术界 1.携手各国和全球的性别和权利专家建立知识库,包括转变性别现状的核心方法,以及如何加强教育系统以促进性别平等。2.民间社会组织提升内部能力、专业知识并增加财政资源,以便将性别平等纳入教育战略、计划和倡议。3.优先考虑本地化议程并建立网络和联盟,以基层组织和运动的倡议和努力为核心,在教

85、育中并通过教育解决性别不平等和女童与妇女权利的问题。28 5.教育筹资教育筹资 开展更多、更公平、更有效的教育投资 基于可持续发展目标 4-2030 年教育承诺、2021 年全球教育伙伴关系合作伙伴关于教育筹资的行动呼吁(Call to Action on Education Finance)、教育筹资问题巴黎宣言(Paris Declaration on Education Financing)以及其他现有的发展筹资框架,本教育投资行动呼吁敦促所有国家和所有合作伙伴采取具体的国内国际行动。更多投资更多投资 为了加大对教育的投资,国家层面的政府应:为了加大对教育的投资,国家层面的政府应:1.承

86、担为教育提供充足资金的责任,努力确定和消除在国内商定的优先事项和国际商定的教育目标方面出现的主要障碍,特别是与可持续发展目标 4 相关的障碍。国家领导力是实现这些目标的关键。2.扩大教育财政空间,承诺为社会保护和教育体系提供专项资金。根据仁川宣言和 巴黎宣言,各国政府应将至少 4-6%的 GDP 和至少 15-20%的公共总支出用于教育拨款,保护公共教育预算免受因新冠疫情大流行和全球经济危机而导致的财政紧缩影响。3.承诺保障和增加每名学生和每名学龄人员的实际经费,从而符合根据国家和地区的具体情况而制定的雄心勃勃的国家基准。4.承诺通过雄心勃勃的累进税制改革以及针对教育经费筹资的相关承诺,根据需

87、要达到适当的税收占 GDP 比。更公平更公平 为了更公平地投资于教育,国家级政府应:为了更公平地投资于教育,国家级政府应:1.制定各项具体目标,将一定比例的教育经费拨给 40%和 20%的最低收入家庭、农村或偏远地区的人群、残疾儿童或特别弱势的群体。2.以分类和系统的方式跟踪和报告教育投资情况及其结果,确保教育经费得到公平分配,特别关注最弱势群体。将促进性别平等纳入公共支出监测,对支出进行调整,纠正不均衡现象,促进性别平等。https:/www.un.org/zh/transforming-education-summit/financing-education 29 3.承诺投资于技能再培训

88、和终身学习机会,帮助青年和成年人为未来经济做好准备,并在不断发展的绿色经济和数字经济中创造新的、体面的就业机会。更有效率更有效率 为了更有效地投资于教育,国家级政府应:为了更有效地投资于教育,国家级政府应:1.通过减少漏损来提高教育投资的效率;提高教育利益攸关方和机构的交付能力;以包容的方式在各教育合作伙伴之间开展协作;加强问责框架;并改善教师队伍的发展和管理。2.采取行动将部门规划与预算规划联系起来,使教育计划具有明确可行的筹资战略,并产生稳健的成本和收入。形成充分及时的数据,将这些计划与预期成果联系起来并进行评估。3.承诺创建旨在促进教育投资的长期综合政策和筹资战略,如通过使用国家综合融资

89、框架(INFF)和与可持续发展目标一致的预算战略。国际社会应支持、补充和鼓励各国在教育投资方面的努力:国际社会应支持、补充和鼓励各国在教育投资方面的努力:投资贡献投资贡献 增加对教育的投资贡献增加对教育的投资贡献 1.实现官方发展援助(ODA)占国民总收入(GNI)0.7%的既定基准,将此类援助用于教育的比例以及提供给教育的优惠贷款和赠款的比例提高到投资组合的 15%-20%,并将这些资金拨给最需要的国家。2.国际金融机构、多边和区域银行也有空间大幅扩大其当前的教育支出;慈善事业显著加大对支持公共教育系统的贡献。3.采取行动支持各类创新金融机制,如国际教育筹资机制(IFFEd)该机制旨在通过区

90、域开发银行和多边开发银行,为中下收入国家(LMICs)显著增加教育资金。4.努力扩大现有成功的智能援助筹资和赠款规模,支持最贫穷国家增加财政空间并解决日益严重的债务困境,在很多情况下,这使大量借款得以解除,包括中下收入国家在内。5.对于难民及其他因气候灾难而流离失所的学习者,同意采取新的国际集体教育筹资方式。这必须要满足流离失所儿童和难民儿童的独特教育需求。投资教育投资教育 支持国家投资教育的努力支持国家投资教育的努力 1.优先考虑全球税收行动,支持有助于各国以快速且渐进的方式扩大税收占 GDP 比的 30 国际改革,将国际金融机构国家层面的对话转变为更加大胆和渐进的税收改革,并确保全球规则不


92、的政策。5.寻找纾解资金困境的新解决方案和新机制,推动分配新的特别提款权(SDR)以及将现有特别提款权重新分配给最需要教育投资的国家。6.创建新的规范和计算公式,帮助各国财政部和政府将教育投资的长期回报作为一个整体因素来考虑,从而使教育支出在中期支出框架和其他规划/预算文件中不会被视为纯粹的消费支出。与教育变革峰会所有旗舰项目一样,本 行动呼吁 将在未来几个月内得到推广和倡导,并在可持续发展目标 4 高级别指导委员会(HLSC)的指导下,通过其数据和监测活动,以及通过由会员国和专家合作伙伴组成的财务技术委员会,进行跟进和监测。31 6.变革教育以变革世界变革教育以变革世界 绿色教育伙伴关系 让

93、每位学习者都适应气候变化 联合国秘书长称气候危机是“我们的生命之战”,因为我们仍在努力改造我们的社会,以达到巴黎协定中建议的 1.5 摄氏度温控目标。我们需要在我们生活的各个层面和许多方面进行快速且彻底的转变,而教育是提高适应能力和加强学习者和社会的抵御能力的核心有力手段。同样重要的是,要确保教育体系对气候变化有更强的适应能力,创建安全且不受气候影响的学校。联合国秘书长召开的教育变革峰会确认,必须对教育进行变革,才能应对全球气候和环境危机。在可持续发展教育(ESD)所积累的知识和实践的基础上建立的新的绿色教育伙伴关系旨在提供强有力、协调且全面的行动,让每位学习者都能获得应对气候变化和促进可持续

94、发展的知识、技能、价值观和态度。你知道吗?你知道吗?地球的全球平均温度已经上升了 1 摄氏度,过去 35 年,气候变暖速度加剧。联合国教科文组织最近获得的调查结果表明,在接受审查的 100 个国家中,约有一半的国家在其国家课程中并未提及气候变化。虽然 95%的受访中小学教师认为教授气候变化的知识很重要,但只有不到 30%的教师表示愿意教授气候变化。75%的年轻人表示,他们对自己的未来感到恐惧。在 2021 年于格拉斯哥举行的第 26 届联合国气候变化大会(COP26)和 2022 年 6 月于巴黎举行的教育变革峰会(TES)前会晤上,年轻人要求采取具体的行动,并呼吁政府改革教育体系,使其能够应

95、对气候变化的挑战。教育的作用是什么?教育的作用是什么?可持续发展教育(ESD)采取从学前教育到成人教育的终身学习法,旨在让所有学习者具备关键能力,不仅包括知识,还包括社会和情感意识和行动,以及批判性思维和协作。凭借这些知识、技能、价值观和态度,学习者可以深入了解气候危机的复杂性、全球可持续发展挑战的相互关联性,以及如何在日常环境中帮助解决问题。https:/www.un.org/zh/transforming-education-summit/transform-the-world 32 绿色教育伙伴关系利用可持续发展教育的整体学习方法,旨在激励各国采取行动,让学习者具备所需的技能,在向数字和

96、绿色经济过渡的背景下实现兼容并蓄的可持续经济发展。有兴趣加入吗?有兴趣加入吗?你可以这样做你可以这样做 我们鼓励各国在 4 个行动领域加入绿色教育伙伴关系。请各国承诺在 2030 年之前实现至少 2 个设定目标,如果可以,则实现全部 4 个设定目标。定期监测进展情况,并且全球网络“ESD-Net 2030”将提供一个交流经验和展示良好做法的平台。33 行动轨道行动轨道 34 主题行动轨道聚焦需要关注的特定领域,是教育变革的关键杠杆。行动轨道将通过突出有效的政策干预措施,并利用现有的举措和伙伴关系,包括为应对新冠疫情而出现的举措和伙伴关系,寻求动员各方作出新的承诺。为什么为什么行动轨道现在很重要

97、?行动轨道现在很重要?主题行动轨道以2030 年议程及其与教育相关的目标和具体目标为指导,特别是可持续发展目标 4:确保包容和公平的优质教育,让全民终身享有学习机会。新冠疫情加剧了解决教育不平等和学习危机的紧迫性,有可能逆转在可持续发展目标方面已取得的进展。同时,这是一个重新思考和重新构想教育目的、教育内容及教育提供方式的机会换句话说,就是将教育朝着人类和地球的和平包容及可持续未来的方向变革。谁将参与其中?谁将参与其中?行动轨道将确保成员国能持续参与,并向所有利益攸关方开放,包括捐助者、政策制定者、民间社会团体、年轻人、教师网络、教育倡导者、学术界、私营部门及慈善机构。35 行动轨道行动轨道

98、1:包容、公平、安全和健康的学校:包容、公平、安全和健康的学校(Thematic Action Track 1 on Inclusive,equitable,safe and healthy schools)教育正在陷入危机。高贫困率、排斥现象及性别不平等问题继续阻碍着数百万人入学就读。此外,新冠疫情进一步暴露了教育机会和教育质量方面的不平等现象,而暴力、武装冲突、灾难及妇女权利的逆转加剧了人们的不安全感。包容性、变革性教育必须确保所有学员都能不受阻碍地获得受教育的机会,参与到教育中来,确保他们在学校安全健康,不受暴力和歧视,并得到全面的关怀服务。教育变革需要显著增加对优质教育的投入,需要为全

99、面的儿童发展和教育奠定坚实的基础,并且必须以坚定的政治承诺、合理的规划及有力的事实证据为基 https:/knowledgehub.sdg4education2030.org/system/files/2022-07/AT1%20Discussion%20Paper_15%20July%202022%20%28With%20Annex%29.pdf 36 行动轨道行动轨道 2:生活、工作和可持续发展的学习和技能:生活、工作和可持续发展的学习和技能(Learning and skills for life,work,and sustainable development)年轻学员在读写和计算能力

100、的基础学习方面存在危机。2020 年,仍有超过 7.7 亿人缺乏基本的读写能力,其中三分之二是女性。与同龄人相比,残疾儿童拥有基础阅读和计算能力的可能性要低 42%。新冠疫情进一步加剧了这些差异,尤其是在中低收入国家的儿童中。教育变革意味着为学员赋能,使其具备相关知识、技能、价值观和态度,具有韧性和适应能力,从容应对不确定的未来,同时为人类和地球的福祉和可持续发展做出贡献。为此,必须强调基本读写和计算的基础学习;强调可持续发展方面的教育,包括环境和气候变化教育;以及强调就业和创业的各项技能。https:/knowledgehub.sdg4education2030.org/system/fil

101、es/2022-07/AT1%20Discussion%20Paper_15%20July%202022%20%28With%20Annex%29.pdf 37 行动轨道行动轨道 3:教师、教学和教学专业:教师、教学和教学专业(Teachers,teaching and the teaching profession)教师对于实现学习成果、实现可持续发展目标 4 和教育变革至关重要。但教师和教育人员面临四大挑战:师资短缺;缺乏专业发展机会;地位低,工作条件差;缺乏培养教师领导力、自主性和创新能力的条件 加快实现可持续发展目标 4 和促成教育变革,需要有充足师资来满足学员的需求,需要所有教育人员

102、都能得到培训、激励和支持。只有当教育资金充足,政策认可并支持教师职业,从而改善教室的地位和工作条件时,才有可能实现这一点。https:/knowledgehub.sdg4education2030.org/system/files/2022-07/AT1%20Discussion%20Paper_15%20July%202022%20%28With%20Annex%29.pdf 38 行动轨道行动轨道 4:数字学习和转型:数字学习和转型(Digital learning and transformation)新冠疫情增强了数字技术的应用,推动了远程学习方面前所未有的创新。与此同时,数字鸿沟使许

103、多人无法学习,超过三分之二的学龄人群(13 亿儿童)在家中无法上网。这些机会不平等意味着年轻妇女和女孩等一些群体被排斥在学习机会之外。数字转型需要利用各种技术这是更大规模的系统性教育变革工作的一部分,使教育更具包容性、公平性、有效性、相关性及可持续性。数字学习方面的投入和行动应遵循 2021年关于教育连通性的重塑教育全球宣言中概述的三项核心原则:(1)以最边缘化的人群为中心;(2)免费和高质量数字教育内容;(3)教学创新和变革。https:/knowledgehub.sdg4education2030.org/system/files/2022-07/AT1%20Discussion%20Pa

104、per_15%20July%202022%20%28With%20Annex%29.pdf 39 行动轨道行动轨道 5:教育筹资:教育筹资(Financing of education)尽管全球教育支出总体上有所增长,但由于人口高速增长、新冠疫情期间教育管理需要的巨大成本以及将援助转移到其他紧急情况,导致教育支出受到影响,全球教育资金缺口巨大。在这种情况下,教育变革的第一步就是敦促资助者将资源重新投入教育,以缩小资金缺口。之后,各国必须为实现可持续发展目标 4 而大幅增加可持续筹资,必须公平有效地分配这些资源,并监督资源使用情况。解决教育资金缺口需要在三个关键领域采取政策性行动:(1)调动更多

105、资源,尤其是国内资源;(2)提高分配和支出方面的效率和公平性;(3)改善教育筹资数据。最后,确定哪些领域需要筹资以及如何筹资,可参考其他四项行动轨道中各项行动轨道的建议。https:/knowledgehub.sdg4education2030.org/system/files/2022-07/AT1%20Discussion%20Paper_15%20July%202022%20%28With%20Annex%29.pdf 40 新闻报道新闻报道 41 1.怀进鹏出席教育变革峰会预备会议及怀进鹏出席教育变革峰会预备会议及2030年教育高级别指导年教育高级别指导委员会领导小组会议委员会领导小组

106、会议 6 月 29 日,教育部部长、联合国教科文组织 2030 年教育高级别指导委员会领导小组成员怀进鹏以视频方式出席教育变革峰会预备会议和 2030 年教育高级别指导委员会领导小组会议并讲话。怀进鹏强调,中国国家主席习近平指出,教育是民族振兴、社会进步的重要基石,是功在当代、利在千秋的德政工程,对提高人民综合素质、促进人的全面发展、增强中华民族创新创造活力、实现中华民族伟大复兴具有决定性意义。当今世界正经历百年未有之大变局,教育必须主动变革,有所作为。围绕推动疫后全球教育复苏和世界教育变革,结合中国实施教育 2030 年目标的实践经验和国家磋商成果,他提出三点倡议:一是坚持优先发展的教育观,


108、与职业教育,建设学习型社会,更加注重人类命运共同体意识的培育。怀进鹏表示,2030 年教育高级别指导委员会成员应当共同呼吁,推动国际社会强化对教育的政治承诺,加大对教育投入。应当率先行动,大力推进教育数字化变革,推动教育更加公平、包容、安全。应当加强合作,积极促进南南合作、南北合作,凝聚全球教育发展强大合力。本次会议是将于今年 9 月在联合国大会期间召开的教育变革峰会的预备会,以线上线下相结合方式在法国巴黎联合国教科文组织总部举行,旨在形成峰会的初步共识和行动建议。联合国副秘书长、教科文组织总干事、多个国际组织负责人和全球 120 多国部长级官员出席会议。http:/ 42 2.怀进鹏出席怀进

109、鹏出席 2030 年教育高级别指导委员会会议年教育高级别指导委员会会议 9 月 20 日,联合国教科文组织 2030 年教育高级别指导委员会在联合国教育变革峰会结束后召开会议,商讨推动落实联合国秘书长古特雷斯发布的关于教育变革的愿景声明等峰会成果。教育部部长、2030 年教育高级别指导委员会领导小组成员怀进鹏以视频方式出席会议并讲话。怀进鹏指出,中国赞赏峰会成果,支持古特雷斯秘书长发布的愿景声明,高级别指导委员会应在全球合作机制中发挥关键作用,结合各国实际,推动峰会共同愿景和行动倡议落实。一是要把承诺转化为行动,推动教育优先发展。坚持以人民为中心,建立健全激励、监测和问责机制,把峰会承诺落实到

110、各国政策体系和实际预算中,落实到教育规划与行动中。二是以数字化为杠杆,撬动教育整体变革。推动数字教育资源共建共享、互联互通,赋能教师和学习者,探索教育数字治理方式,实现教育更加包容公平更高质量发展。三是激发各方积极性,汇聚教育变革合力。发挥各国政府、学校、教师、青年和所有利益相关方的积极性与创造性。鼓励更多国家争做倡导国,以各具特色的实践推动峰会成果落实。采取更多措施支持非洲和小岛屿国家教育,特别是女童和妇女教育。高级别指导委员会部长级成员出席本次会议,商讨充分发挥高级别指导委员会政策制定、数据监测和动员投入三大职能落实教育变革全球行动倡议和峰会成果。http:/ 43 3.130 多个国家响

111、应重启教育系统的呼吁,为世界儿童更好未来多个国家响应重启教育系统的呼吁,为世界儿童更好未来带来新希望带来新希望 联合国峰会提供“百年一遇”契机,挽回学习损失、推进脱轨目标、反思教育体系 纽约,9 月 19 日随着 2019 冠状病毒病(COVID-19)暴露了全球教育系统的断层,130 多个国家今天在联合国教育变革峰会上承诺重启教育系统,加快行动以结束学习危机。该峰会聚焦教育危机,自 2020 年以来,约 1.47 亿学生错过了一半以上的线下授课机会。2021 年,有 2.44 亿儿童和青年失学。疫情损害了世界上 90%以上儿童的学习进程这是历史上最大的破坏半数国家削减了教育预算,进一步加深了

112、这场危机。据估计,现在全世界所有国家有 64.3%的儿童无法阅读和理解一篇简单的故事。这意味着,几年后,每三个人中就有一个人无法理解这段文字,而 8.4 亿年轻人将在十几岁时离开学校,没有资格胜任未来的工作岗位。然而,只有不到一半的国家制定了帮助儿童迎头赶上的战略。如果不能做到这一点,这些学生将在他们的工作生涯中损失 10 万亿美元的收入。联合国秘书长安东尼奥古特雷斯说:“教育正迅速带来巨大的分裂,而不是进行伟大的赋能。”“富人有机会获得最好的资源,进入最好的学校和大学,从而获得最好的工作。而穷人,尤其是女孩,在通过教育获得改变命运的资格方面面临巨大障碍。”130 个国家承诺将教育作为优先事项

113、个国家承诺将教育作为优先事项 承诺背后,各国领导人、教师、学生、民间社会和其他合作伙伴汇聚一堂,举行了 115次国家磋商,就最紧迫的要求广泛收集建议。近一半的国家将解决学习损失的措施列为优先事项,三分之一的国家承诺帮助学生和教师保持社会心理健康。三分之二的国家还提到了为经济脆弱社区抵消直接和间接教育成本的措施,四分之三的国家在其承诺中强调了顾及性别平等问题的教育政策的重要性。这些发言强调了教育在实现所有可持续发展目标方面的作用以及与气候危机、冲突和贫困的联系。措施涉及 COVID-19 疫情的恢复和重回可持续发展目标的正轨,同时强调了教育创新的必要性,以使今天的学习者为迅速变化的世界做好准备。

114、制定了关键举措,包括有史以来最大的教育投资制定了关键举措,包括有史以来最大的教育投资 秘书长和联合国全球教育特使戈登布朗共同宣布了国际教育筹资机制(IFFEd),这是与瑞典、英国、荷兰政府以及亚洲和非洲开发银行合作推出的首个筹资机制。国际教育筹资机制将为教育方案提供初期 20 亿美元的额外可负担资金,从 2023 年开始支付,并可能在 44 2030 年前为教育和技能释放额外的 100 亿美元资金。教科文组织(UNESCO)和儿基会(UNICEF)启动了“公共数字学习门户”,这是一项全球多伙伴倡议,旨在创建和加强包容性数字学习平台和内容。双方还公布了危境教育行动承诺,作为会员国和合作伙伴对变革

115、教育系统以更好地预防、准备、应对和恢复危机的承诺。双方还宣布了关于通过加强基础学习来解决学习危机的行动呼吁,通过教育和在教育中促进性别平等,以及为响应秘书长关于气候危机是“我们的生命之战”的呼吁而建立的绿色教育伙伴关系。青年宣言敦促全球领导人立即行动青年宣言敦促全球领导人立即行动 在为期三天的峰会开幕式上,青年倡导者与秘书长分享了一份青年宣言,就其希望看到的变革向政策制定者阐述了集体建议,及其对教育行动的承诺。青年宣言 是一个长达数月的磋商过程的结晶,其反映了近 50 万名青年的贡献。宣言指出,“为了救赎和重塑世界的现状,我们必须首先改变教育的现状”。宣言要求决策者将青年纳入与教育有关的政策设

116、计和实施中,视其为合作伙伴而不仅仅是受益者,还要求投资于青年领导力和变革性别平等问题的教育。秘书长在发布会上发言时强调,如果有一颗种子可以防止气候变化、暴力冲突或贫困,那这颗种子就是教育。在峰会期间,秘书长还向各国领导人发出公开呼吁,要求扩大所有儿童的免费教育权利。这一呼吁由阿瓦兹组织推动,并得到了联合国和平使者、诺贝尔和平奖获得者马拉拉尤萨夫扎伊、联合国儿童基金会亲善大使、气候活动家瓦妮莎 纳卡特以及各人权倡导者的支持。秘书长提出教育愿景,为未来峰会铺路秘书长提出教育愿景,为未来峰会铺路 秘书长在峰会上发表的愿景声明为 21 世纪的教育指明了道路,为筹备将于 2024年在联合国大会召开的未来

117、峰会的谈判提供了参考。声明坚持在峰会圆满召开后继续全球动员,并坚持要求会员国和合作伙伴让变革的火焰保持高涨。“我们必须共同推进,把重点放在最重要的实际行动上:在实地和课堂持续推动变革,改善教师和学习者的体验。”可持续发展目标 4 高级别指导委员会将负责后续进程,以进一步塑造教育的未来,实现2030 年可持续发展目标中的教育目标。委员会将继续监测进展情况,促进和推动知识和实践交流,吸引青年参与,并倡导跨部门和多边合作。45 4.教育变革峰会前会晤闭幕式教育变革峰会前会晤闭幕式 逾 150 位教育部长在 9 月峰会前讨论教育变革的关键内容 各国政府和主要利益攸关方在联合国教育变革峰会前会议闭幕之日

118、提出了开展优先行动的国家途径。6 月 30 日,巴黎来自 154 个国家的教育部长和副部长以及近 2000 名与会者齐聚巴黎教科文组织总部,顺应青年的呼声,讨论教育变革问题。在 2019 冠状病毒病(COVID-19)大流行造成的有史以来最大规模的学习中断已持续两年多时间这一背景下召开的此次峰会前会议,是今年 9 月将由联合国秘书长在纽约召集的教育变革国家元首级峰会的前序活动。它有助于根据我们的共同议程报告所作呼吁,支持在全球范围取得突破,创建更可持续、更和平的未来。此次峰会前会议致力于解决全球教育系统的教育损失及其深层次的结构性缺陷问题。鉴于实现 2030 年教育领域可持续发展目标的时间业已


120、9月来到联合国时,我们需要他们明确表达他们对未来的教育系统的设想和当下为实现这一目标所能做出的承诺,以及如何通过努力推动复苏、加速落实可持续发展目标和重新构想未来的教育来确保实现变革。”埃塞俄比亚总统、教科文组织“教育的未来”国际委员会主席萨赫勒-沃克祖德强调变革的目标是峰会的关键主导原则,并呼吁“加强公共对话和更具包容性的参与,使那些经常被排斥在外的群体有所依归”。“教育的未来”国际委员会向峰会前会议提交了一份关于为教育打造新的社会契约的声明,其中提出了五个变革方向。46 塞拉利昂总统朱利叶斯马达比奥强调,教育是一项基本权利:“我们必须战略性地利用这次峰会前会议,围绕包容性优质教育和全民终身

121、学习这一核心凝聚所有力量。我们之所以这样做,是因为教育不是一种特权,而是一项基本人权。我们共同主张,教育不是一项花费,而是对我们的社会、儿童和地球的可持续未来的一种投资。”联合国教科文组织总干事奥德蕾 阿祖莱针对全球教育危机敲响了警钟,指出其深刻的根源早在 2019 冠状病毒病大流行发生之前就已存在:“大流行发生之前的 2020 年初,就有2.59 亿儿童没有上学,占世界该年龄段人口的六分之一。有超过 7.7 亿成年人不会读写,其中三分之二是女性,这反映了持续存在的不平等现象。而这种情况因大流行而变得更糟。”阿祖莱呼吁在教育领域进行一场革命,特别是在应对数字变革和气候变化问题方面。负责可持续发

122、展目标 4 全球协调和监测的高级别指导委员会(HLSC)将在峰会之后跟进行动,包括为 2023 年“未来峰会”的教育层面作出贡献。由塞拉利昂总统和教科文组织总干事共同主持的高级别指导委员会,向各国国家元首和政府首脑发出了紧急呼吁,促请他们将教育提至政治议程的首要位置。在面向所有与会决策者的讲话中,可持续发展目标 4 高级别指导委员会的青年代表凯尼莎 阿罗拉提出了教育是变革的基础这一观点:“当人们接受教育,社会就会随之发生变革。金融扫盲成就财务自由和经济发展;数字素养成就数字变革;气候知识成就气候行动。”会议的对话始终关注如何采取策略确保数字学习并扩大连通性,因为在 2019 冠状病毒病期间对技

123、术的依赖进一步暴露了不平等现象:在撒哈拉以南非洲地区仅有 43%的人口能够上网。各国分享了正在开展的关于建立具有危机抵御力的学校系统的举措,比如在埃及、埃塞俄比亚、加纳、肯尼亚、塞内加尔和南非提供设备,以及开发低资源消耗的扫盲应用程序。支持教师成为新的学习方式的促进者和指导者,也被视为重新构想教育系统的要务。在此次峰会前会议前夕,亚太地区教育部长会议将培养一代高技能教师列为实现教育和教育系统变革这一优先事项的关键要素,并概述了吸引高技能教师的政策必要性。对话强调改善学习的基础和终身学习的问题,并贯穿于教育需求和优先事项的全部范围.在拉丁美洲和加勒比,重点一直放在学习恢复方面,其中包括让辍学/失

124、学的儿童和青年重返校园,建立早期预警系统以确定并帮助有辍学/失学风险的学生,以及制定服务于未完成学业者的政策。由卡塔尔国、欧盟和欧洲委员会召集的一系列预备对话也分别在阿拉伯地区和西亚地区、西欧地区举行。长期以来,教育融资一直处于危机状态,在所有对话中都被列为紧迫领域,而失去学习机会所造成的额外成本又使这一问题变得更加复杂。47 会议特别强调通过加强应对税收、债务压力和其他挑战(特别是发展中国家所面临挑战)的行动,扩大教育收入基础。欧盟国际伙伴关系专员尤塔乌尔皮莱宁敦促国际社会“继续加大投资力度。尽管地缘政治局势紧张,但我们不能在教育援助承诺方面落后。”欧盟委员会决定将其教育预算从7%增加到 1

125、3%,这使欧盟提供的官方发展援助占到全世界教育援助的一半以上。联合国全球教育特使戈登布朗促请决策者从所有可能的资源中调动更多的教育投资,并呼吁捐助方和多边开发银行为国际教育融资机制在峰会前及时投入运作提供助力。联合国儿童基金会执行主任凯瑟琳拉塞尔强调指出,即使是在最具挑战性的环境中,学习的价值也丝毫不减:“只要见过在难民营内临时学校就读的儿童,或在不允许女童上学的地方接受非正式教育的女童,或与同龄人一起上课的(最受排斥的)残障儿童,就会看到学习的快乐和热情。”最近被任命为联合国秘书长教育变革峰会特别顾问的莱昂纳多 卡尼尔特别指出青年在变革中的作用:“当我们去改变世界,世界就会改变。青年人应拥有

126、自己的一席之地,而无需征得他人的许可。如果没有,就去争取;如果争取不到,就去创造。”敦请各国政府立即为筹备 9 月峰会加强全国磋商,届时各国元首和政府首脑将宣布其对教育变革的国家承诺。此次峰会的成果将被纳入“未来峰会”,这是推进我们的共同议程的一个重要里程碑。48 相相关文件关文件49 1.关于教育变革的愿景声明关于教育变革的愿景声明(Vision Statement for TransformingEducation)Education is a fundamental human right.It has long held a special place in the hearts an

127、d minds of people across the world,and for good reason.Throughout history,it has been a source of personal dignity and empowerment and a driving force for the advancement of social,economic,political,and cultural development.Yet today,beset by inequalities and struggling to adjust to the needs of th

128、e 21st century,education is in crisis.The impacts of this crisis play out over time and often go unseen.But they are profound and will be felt for decades to come.If we are to transform our world by 2030 as envisaged by the Sustainable Development Goals,then the international community must give thi

129、s crisis the attention it deserves.We must respond decisively,with conviction,imagination and in solidarity to transform education.Informed by an extensive and inclusive preparatory process,we offer this vision statement to Member States and the global public to support our joint efforts towards tha

130、t transformation,to contribute to the upcoming Summit of the Future,and as a manifesto for collective action.https:/www.un.org/en/transforming-education-summit/sg-vision-statement 1 Transforming Education:An urgent political imperative for our collective future Vision Statement of the Secretary-Gene

131、ral on Transforming Education Education is a fundamental human right.It has long held a special place in the hearts and minds of people across the world,and for good reason.Throughout history,it has been a source of personal dignity and empowerment and a driving force for the advancement of social,e

132、conomic,political,and cultural development.Yet today,beset by inequalities and struggling to adjust to the needs of the 21st century,education is in crisis.The impacts of this crisis play out over time and often go unseen.But they are profound and will be felt for decades to come.If we are to transf

133、orm our world by 2030 as envisaged by the Sustainable Development Goals,then the international community must give this crisis the attention it deserves.We must respond decisively,with conviction,imagination,and in solidarity to transform education.Informed by an extensive and inclusive preparatory

134、process,we offer this Vision Statement to Member States and the global public to support our joint efforts towards that transformation,to contribute to the upcoming Summit of the Future,and as a manifesto for collective action.I.A crisis in education affects us all Education is the great enabler,but

135、 today,in many cases,it is also the great divider.This is a universal challenge,most intense in emergency settings and developing countries.Some thirty years after global commitments to ensure Education for All,nearly half of all children of the world are not enrolled in pre-primary education.Studie

136、s show that up to 70 per cent of children in poorer countries are unable to read a basic text by age 10.In a world that is experiencing a fourth industrial revolution,nearly half of all students do not complete secondary school and a full 700 million adults are illiterate,the majority of whom are wo

137、men.In developed countries,education disparities that are often related to income,race and gender are reinforcing privilege and further entrenching poverty.Across these different contexts,the impacts are greatest on those who are already marginalized or disadvantaged,particularly adolescent girls an

138、d people with disabilities.These are the people that education systems systematically leave behind.The crisis in education,however,runs much deeper and goes beyond the challenge of equity and equality.Study after study,poll after poll,draw the same conclusion:education systems are no longer fit for

139、purpose.Young people and adults alike report that education does not equip them with the knowledge,experience,skills,or values needed to thrive in a rapidly changing world.Learning continues to underplay skills,including problem solving,critical thinking and empathy.Employers complain of a major ski

140、lls mismatch while many adults are left with little or no access to affordable training and re-skilling opportunities.Teachers are often poorly trained,undervalued,and underpaid,and are held back by outdated roles,methods,and tools of instruction.Parents 2 and families decry the value or lack of ret

141、urn on the investments they make in education and their children.The COVID-19 pandemic both exacerbated and illuminated this crisis.It resulted in dramatic learning losses and widespread cuts to education budgets,dealing a hammer blow to securing access to quality education for all by 2030-the centr

142、al promise of Sustainable Development Goal 4.Today,millions of learners are denied their fundamental right to quality education,and societies are left ill-prepared to overcome intersecting crises that threaten our collective future climate disruption,poverty,increasing inequality,cultural and politi

143、cal polarization,lack of trust,and conflict.All of this can,and must change.Our first task is swift and targeted action to recover the learning losses inflicted by the pandemic,particularly on marginalized groups.As we do this,however,there can be no going back to the education models of the past.We

144、 must reimagine education systems and raise the status of education.We must ensure that learning empowers individuals and societies to both reshape the present and lead us to a more just,sustainable,resilient,and peaceful future.II.Rethinking the purpose and content of education in the 21st century

145、The crisis in education requires us to fundamentally rethink its purpose and curricula.The seminal report from the UNESCO International Commission on the Futures of Education,led by Her Excellency Mrs.Sahle-Work Zewde,President of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia,provides a solid point of

146、 departure.It makes a strong case for a new social contract for education,grounded in two principles:ensuring the right to quality education throughout life;and strengthening education as a public endeavor and a common good.The inputs from Member State consultations,from young people and from the Su

147、mmits Action Tracks,helped to define what those principles might mean in the classroom,for teachers and students.A truly transformative education should build on what communities,families,parents,and children treasure most,and respond to local,national,and global needs,cultures,and capacities.It sho

148、uld promote the holistic development of all learners throughout their lives,supporting them to realize their aspirations and to contribute their families,communities,and societies.To achieve this,transformative education must support learners in the following four key areas.Learn to learn:This calls

149、 for equipping every learner with the ability to read and write,to identify,understand,and communicate clearly and effectively.It will help every learner to acquire and develop numeracy,digital,and scientific skills.It should also instill the curiosity,the creativity,and the capacity for critical th

150、inking and to nurture social and emotional skills,empathy,and kindness.There is abundant evidence that,to maximize its potential,such learning should start at the earliest stages of life.Universal access to early childhood education offers governments and 3 families a critical tool to prevent and re

151、verse inter-generational inequalities.It is one of the most important investments to improve educational outcomes.Learn to live together:In a world of rising tensions,fraying trust and existential environmental crises,education must help us not only to live better with each other,but also with natur

152、e.There has been a significant weakening of social cohesion and rising levels of violence within the home,among communities,and across borders in recent years.Attacks on truth,facts and democratic institutions have become more widespread online and in real life.Education can prepare learners to fulf

153、il their responsibilities to their societies and to be active and responsible citizens in their own communities,in their countries and in the world.It can support them to advance human rights.It can contribute to their understanding of social justice,respect for diversity and global solidarity.It ca

154、n sow the seeds of a culture of peace.Young people are also keenly aware that humanity faces existential threats in the form of the triple planetary crisis:climate change,pollution,and biodiversity.Throughout the Summit process,they made clear that they want to know more about these issues and to be

155、come part of the solution.As countries advance their commitments to Education for Sustainable Development,I urge them to consider how curricula and pedagogy could empower learners with the awareness,values,attitudes,and skills necessary to drive the change we need.The pursuit of gender equality and

156、the rights of women and girls remains a crucial goal of the international community and education is also critical to this endeavor.Education systems can put in place essential equity,inclusive and non-discriminatory measures to support girls.They should remove all legal and other barriers,such as t

157、he ban on secondary education for girls that is causing untold suffering in Afghanistan.They should also include an age-appropriate and gender-sensitive curriculum for all that addresses gender-based prejudice,norms,or stereotypes,empowers and equips learners to combat violence against women,and ens

158、ure sexual and reproductive health.Learn to do:The world of work is undergoing fundamental change.Technological advances are creating new jobs and making others obsolete.The green,digital and care economy transitions hold enormous potential to align economic activity with social and environmental ou

159、tcomes.Education holds the key to ensuring that workers are prepared for this future.It must allow people of all ages to learn to do,with a focus skilling,reskilling,and upskilling.First and foremost,this calls for education systems to embrace the concept of life-long learning,with more flexible pat

160、hways and financial policy incentives to allow people to re-engage with education systems several times throughout their lives.Different avenues should be made available including non-formal routes,catch-up and bridging programs,accelerated learning,and the use of digital platforms.Learning to do ca

161、lls for a focus on a whole new set of skills,including digital literacy,financial skills,and emerging technical and STEM skills.Transformed education systems should develop flexible career management skills,and promote innovation,creativity,4 and entrepreneurship.This also calls for qualifications t

162、hat recognize skills,work experiences and knowledge throughout life,and beyond formal education.Learn to be:This implies the deepest purpose of education,which is to instill in learners the values and capacities to lead a meaningful life,to enjoy that life,and to live it fully and well.In part,it is

163、 a biproduct of learning to learn,to live together,and to do.Learning to be requires developing every students potential for creativity and innovation;their capacity to enjoy and to express themselves through the arts;their awareness of history and the diversity of cultures;and their disposition for

164、 leading a healthy life,to practice physical activities,games,and sports.This cannot be achieved by chance;it requires an evolution in curricula and mindsets,so that building the capacity to develop our individual and social identities is not a mere add-on,but an integral component of 21st century e

165、ducation.III.Transforming education systems to meet our higher purposes To meet these higher purposes,we need to transform education in the following four areas:Ensuring a learning environment that supports the development of all learners The schools of the future,whether formal or informal,physical

166、,or virtual,must evolve to become more inclusive,safe,healthy,and stimulating learning places.With the right to education curtailed for millions of children and youth across the world today,we are far from such a reality.At the sharpest end of the exclusion crisis,are refugees and persons displaced

167、by emergencies,conflicts,and protracted crises.In other contexts,disadvantage can be because of where one lives,or ones family income or status.Children and youth can also face discrimination in education on grounds of sex,disability,ethnicity,religion,language,sexual orientation,gender identity,and

168、 legal status.Violence,harassment,and bullying are all too commonplace.All of this undermines our collective effort to build tolerant and inclusive societies,in which we learn to respect and appreciate our cultural and human diversity.Legislation and policies are essential to protect rights,promote

169、inclusion,prevent and address all forms of violence,stigma,discrimination,and exclusion.It is also critical to support learners nutrition,physical and mental health,for example,through the expansion of school counselling and school meals programmes.Inclusion must also be reflected in curricula and l

170、earning materials,which should promote equality,respect for diversity,and confront harmful stereotypes,norms,attitudes,and practices.Urgent action is needed to reach those most directly affected by crises and conflict today,and to transform education systems to prevent,prepare for,respond,and recove

171、r from crises.Enabling teachers to transform themselves and become agents of change Teachers are the backbone of all good education systems.To fulfil their essential roles in the education systems of the future,however,fundamental change is needed both in how societies view and value teachers and ho

172、w teachers approach their roles and fulfill their responsibility.5 Teachers must become knowledge producers,facilitators,and guides in the comprehension of complex realities.They must be trained and empowered to transcend from passive to active,from vertical and unidirectional to collaborative.They

173、must promote learning based on experience,enquiry,and curiosity;develop the capacity,the joy and discipline for problem solving.To spark such a transformation,action is required in four areas.The capacity,agency,and autonomy of teachers must be broadened,empowering them to design,interpret and manag

174、e the curriculum and to adapt and prioritize content and pedagogy.This includes implementing and mainstreaming context-responsive learning options,pedagogies,and curricula in diverse forms,assessment strategies and expected learning outcomes,from high tech to low-tech,and no-tech contexts.The global

175、 teacher shortage must be tackled head-on,including by making the teaching profession more attractive for younger generations.This calls for decent working conditions and an enhanced status of teachers,including through wages comparable with professions requiring similar levels of qualifications,and

176、 continuous professional development.Recruitment and promotion mechanisms for teachers must also become more equitable,fair,and non-discriminatory,ensuring opportunity for women and people from vulnerable and marginalized groups.Integrated teaching career management systems can also foster constant

177、professional development.Monitoring and evaluation of teaching is essential to support accountability and to ensure effective learning outcomes and the efficient use of educational investment.Finally,educational systems must ensure the participation of teachers in the formulation of educational poli

178、cies,including curricular and pedagogical transformation.Their right to organize themselves is fundamental.Harnessing the digital revolution for the benefit of public education.If harnessed properly,the digital revolution could be one of the most powerful tools for ensuring quality education for all

179、 and transforming the way teachers teach and learners learn.But if not,it could exacerbate inequalities and undermine learning outcomes,as the pandemic made all too apparent.In low-and middle-income countries,a large majority of learners and teachers had no access to digital connectivity or resource

180、s.Confronting this challenge requires unlocking the three keys of digital learning:connectivity,capacities,and content.For the connectivity key,we need universal access to broadband connectivity for teachers,students,schools,and other educational environments,which in turn requires the closing of ex

181、isting deficits in access to electricity.For the capacity key,we must assure universal digital literacy for education and other empowering purposes,with particular attention to preparing and supporting teachers to use technology effectively.And for the content key,we need robust and open public digi

182、tal learning platforms and content,and to guarantee that digital learning resources are treated as global public and common goods.Countries should take rapid action towards full educational connectivity and the international community must back the ongoing expansion of the Giga initiative to support

183、 country action.We also urge all actors to join and support the new multi-partner initiative to create and strengthen 6 inclusive digital learning platforms and content.Building on existing efforts,this initiative will search for and promote solutions to the financing,design,production,and free dist

184、ribution of high quality public digital learning content.This is an important contribution to the broader push to secure a Global Digital Compact proposed in my report on the“Our Common Agenda”.Investing more,more equitably,and more efficiently in education Quality education is the single most impor

185、tant investment that any country can make for its future and its people.Investing in education is investing in people and in our collective future.This is a moral,political,and economic imperative.Put simply:the cost of not financing education is much higher than the cost of financing it.Global ineq

186、ualities in education spending are particularly shocking,with high-income countries spending on average about US$8.000 a year per school-age person compared to a mere US$50 invested in lower income countries.These disparities are compounded by educational inequalities within countries,where the bene

187、fits of educational investment rarely reach those who need them the most.To solve this problem,we must reframe how we see education and act in three critical directions.First,we must invest more in education.This will require a fundamental shift in how education is seen and treated by Ministries of

188、Finance and governments.Education spending is not just a consumption expenditure it is a crucial national investment.Such a shift can provide the basis for an increase in the proportion of GDP and the total public expenditure that governments devote to education.There is also a need to increase real

189、 investment per student and per school-age person,aiming towards an ambitious national benchmark established according to the national and regional context.This could require a progressive revamping of existing tax systems,increasing the proportion of taxes to GDP,and establishing social protection

190、floors.As developing country governments boost education spending,international partners can play a much more supportive role.As outlined in“Our Common Agenda”,a New Global Deal is needed to allow developing countries to invest more in people,avoiding“race to the bottom”tax strategies,countering ill

191、icit financial flows and tackling the debt crisis.Donors can also reverse current trends by repositioning education in their development cooperation:allocating 15 -20 per cent of ODA to education,capitalizing existing education funds and ensuring that funding reaches the most vulnerable people and c

192、ountries.International financial institutions can ensure their policies and practices support government plans to increase spending on education,including teacher recruitment.They can also work towards doubling their current education portfolios including by exploring education debt swaps and innova

193、tive financing.In this regard the establishment of the International Financing Facility for Education(IFFEd)is a welcome step forward.Its full funding and increased engagement with multilateral development banks will allow it to expand in the years ahead.Private philanthropies can also step up their

194、 contribution to transforming education,building on early signs of progress in this area.7 Second,we must invest more equitably in education.We must make sure that educational investment reaches those who have been traditionally excluded from quality education.Education investment must be equitable

195、in geographical terms,so that rural,distant,and emergency-affected communities have access to adequate infrastructure,good teachers and learning resources.It must also be equitable along socioeconomic lines,making sure that families living in poverty will have access to the opportunities offered by

196、high-quality public.And it must also be equitable in terms of all those groups and sectors usually discriminated against in their access to these opportunities,such as women and girls,ethnic minorities,persons with disabilities,indigenous populations,and those in protracted crises amongst others.We

197、must make sure that education investment leaves no one and no community behind.Finally,we must invest more efficiently in education.We must ensure that education investments transform the lives of learners and the future of societies.This requires effective public financial management systems and mo

198、nitoring,as well as regular assessment of the impact of educational investment,to ensure that increased resources reach the intended destination and produces the expected learning outcomes established in educational policies.Effective investments in transformational education are essential.IV.OUR CO

199、LLECTIVE LEADERSHIP:KEEPING THE PROMISE Education transformation requires the collective commitment and action of visionary political leaders at all levels,parents,students,teachers,and the public at large.Countries that have registered a National Statement of Commitment can translate those commitme

200、nts into a clear road map for transformation and proactively engage the education leadership from the local to the regional and national levels.This can evolve into a whole of government effort necessitating a new eco-system for education,with a clear line of accountability between vision,commitment

201、s,resources,actions,and results.And by results,we are thinking of the learners whose lives should be transformed by education.A new approach from government requires a new approach from all of society,demanding transformative education.Young people will be the heartbeat of this effort,leveraging the

202、ir voices,experiences,knowledge,and agency.Inclusive and participatory mechanisms to accompany and guide national transformation efforts are also critical.Students,parents,teachers,unions,employers,academia,and civil society must take up their respective roles with an openness to change.The One Mill

203、ion Conversations,the Youth Flagship initiative and a series of coalitions launched at the Summit can support such efforts,working together to meet people where they are.The Summit has helped to generate a new momentum and to seed a public movement for the transformation of education.Moving forward,

204、it must be nurtured and supported at all levels,led by the learners and teachers across the world,inspired by civil society,and connected with broader movements for positive change.8 The UN system is primed to support governments and communities on this journey.UN Resident Coordinators and leading m

205、embers of UN Country Teams including UNESCO,UNICEF,and the World Bank,can begin to reenvisage their own offer to developing countries,working with other international education partners like the EU and global funds to transform our collective contribution.Looking ahead,the SDG4 High Level Steering C

206、ommittee co-chaired by UNESCO and Sierra Leone will play a key role in ensuring the effective follow-up of the Summit strengthening global,regional,and national level cooperation,the alignment of action between education partners and the provision of support across its three functional areas.UNESCO

207、and partners can also identify ways to strengthen political accountability for transforming and financing education,taking current arrangements for monitoring SDG4 implementation including the Global Education Meetings and the national SDG4 benchmarking process,to the next level.Finally,the UN Summi

208、t of the Future in 2024 provides a further opportunity to take forward the progress from this input.The Transforming Education Summit was a collective effort.I stand ready to work with Member States and partners to keep the flame of transformation burning.We must push forward together,with a focus o

209、n tangible actions where it matters most:on the ground,in the classroom,and in the experience of teachers and learners alike.50 2.教 育 变 革 青 年 宣 言教 育 变 革 青 年 宣 言(YOUTH DECLARATION ONTRANSFORMING EDUCATION)教育变革青年宣言 我们,世界青年,认识到当代世界充满了动荡不安的重重危机。随着这些危机在全球蔓延,如果我们要在地球和平和正义平等中生存和繁荣,那么教育就是给予我们希望并解决这些危机的关键所在。


211、难民、残疾人、LGBTIQ+人士、有色人种、土著人民以及其他弱势和边缘化群体为中心,同时还重视这些身份的交叉性。我们还强调在这一过程中促进代际团结、对话及伙伴关系的重要性。通过这份首创的青年宣言,我们世界青年展示了我们对教育变革的共同愿景。这是与来自 170 多个国家和地区的近 50 万青年进行广泛磋商后的成果。他们通过 20多场在全球、区域、国家以及基层各级的线上线下对话,通过线上调查、社交媒体活动等,为该宣言建言献策。本 青年宣言 基于并赓续了 2030 年可持续发展议程 尤其是可持续发展目标 4,并以世界人权宣言和联合国宪章所载各项宗旨和原则为基础,强调教育是一项基本人权、一项全球公共产

212、品及一项公共责任。宣言还以我们的共同议程(Our Common Agenda)、儿童权利公约、联合国青年战略:青年 2030及其他重要文件为基础。为实现这些目标,我们主张需要在所有行动中都采用跨部门、跨领域的交叉方式,以人权、可持续发展、性别平等、气候正义、包容、公平、平等及团结等原则为基础,在全球、区域、国家、地方及基层各级对教育及其体系进行变革。因此,我们特别呼吁成员国,呼吁政府、民间社会、国际组织、联合国及教育体系中的 https:/www.un.org/sites/un2.un.org/files/2022/09/tes_youthdeclaration_zh.pdf 51 其他关键决




216、环境,一个没有歧视、种族主义、性别歧视、仇外心理、残疾歧视及年龄歧视的环境;12.我们呼吁:决策者在整个教育过程中,不管课内课外,都应以所有学习者的身心健康为中心对象还应扩展到失学儿童和失学青年,并创造有助于促进艺术和体育等娱乐活 52 动的最佳环境,从而为所有儿童和青年公平提供教育补充资源;13.我们要求:决策者应投资于社会保护领域,为所有儿童和青年的教育历程提供支持,特别是女童和年轻女性、难民青年、残疾青年、土著青年等,同时确保各项战略快速有效落实到位,让失学儿童和青年重返学校;14.我们敦促:决策者应提高各级教育质量,包括扩大对免费教育的支持,增加对基础学习的支持,以确保所有儿童在小学阶



219、性的手段为教育变革提供资金,面向所有学习者,尤其是女童和年轻女性、残疾青年、年轻难民、土著青年等;22.我们要求:决策者,尤其是成员国,应保障教育预算,增加可问责的公共资金资源,从而惠及最脆弱和最边缘化的儿童和青年,有效开展跨部门和跨部委合作,并最终达到政府预算 20%的教育预算基准,从而保障和增加国内外教育资金;23.我们还敦促:决策者,尤其是成员国,应充分提供资金,支持和建立多利益攸关方 53 和公私伙伴关系,以确保为教育变革提供专项资金,并缩小区域间和区域内、公私机构间和机构内、城乡间和城乡内等的教育质量差距;24.我们特别呼吁:决策者应通过官方发展援助、人道主义援助、公共筹资等方式,在


221、单独和集体的方式实现教育变革;3.继续让决策者,尤其是成员国,在上述各项要求的设计、执行、交付、监测及评估的全过程中承担责任,同时确保我们的问责制框架能够转变性别现状;4.启动一项由 SDG4 Youth 网络协调进行的行动计划,在峰会结束之后继续推进上述各项要求,动员利益攸关方继续推动全球教育变革运动,并为年轻人提供必要的技能,使其能够在当地和全球层面倡导优质教育;5.促进各个社区、国家及地区在教育体系领域的代际间、文化间和宗教间的对话与合作,从而在团结、多样性、同理心、相互理解和尊重的基础上,创造一个更加美好的世界。54 3.关于教育连通性的重塑教育全球宣言关于教育连通性的重塑教育全球宣言

222、(Global RewirEd Declaration on Connectivity for Education)https:/unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000380598/PDF/380598eng.pdf.multi 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 4.Gateways to Public Digital Learning:A multi-partnerinitiative to create and strengthen inclusive digital learning platforms and content https:/ww

223、w.un.org/sites/un2.un.org/files/2022/09/gateways_to_public_digital_learning_long.pdf 2 Going forward this needs to change.It is imperative that countries and the broader international community get the fast-moving transition of education into digital spaces right.The virtual spaces of education that

224、 are increasingly central to teaching and learning must be developed and,if necessary,reengineered to support education as a public good and human right.A movement to assert the importance of freely accessible digital learning platforms and content will accelerate this endeavour.Universally accessib

225、le public digital learning platforms including websites,tools,and apps carry enormous benefits.They can deliver rich and engaging content beneficial to learners,teachers,caregivers and other education stakeholders and can complement and enrich school-based education.They can also assure the continui

226、ty of learning and expand educational options for learners facing disadvantages due to disability,geography,conflict,poverty,ethnicity,language,gender,and/or other factors.They further carry unique potential to provide learning opportunities for learners outside formal education systems,such as migr

227、ants and refugees.Beyond helping learners,public digital platforms can extend assistance to teachers and caregivers and facilitate more active,stimulating,and collaborative ways of teaching and learning,both in and outside of classrooms.In helping all countries establish and iteratively improve high

228、-quality public platforms,the Gateways to Public Digital Learning Initiative is in line with UN-wide efforts to strengthen the public digital commons,including the UN Secretary Generals Roadmap for Digital Cooperation,Our Common Agenda,the Global Rewired Declaration on Connectivity for Education,as

229、well as the commitments made at the Transforming Education Summit.Three keys to unlock the potential of digital learning As affirmed during the Transforming Education Summit and in the Call to Action on Assuring and Improving Quality Digital Public Learning for All,there are three keys to digital le

230、arning:content,capacity,and connectivity.Key No 1:Content:High quality,curriculum-relevant digital teaching and learning content must be made available and accessible to all learners,teachers and caregivers through digital learning platforms.Key No 2:Capacity:Capacity to use digital technology to im

231、prove learning must be strengthened to ensure teachers,learners and other education stakeholders have the skills and knowledge needed to leverage digital tools for learning using evidence-based approaches.Key No 3:Connectivity:Digital connectivity ensures that all schools and individuals have the ab

232、ility to benefit from the educational advantages that come with good quality internet connections.3 The overlooked key of content and strengthening public digital public platforms for learning Robust national and international efforts,such as Giga and the Global Education Coalition,already exist to

233、advance progress towards connectivity and capacity building,in recognition of their importance to transform education through digital learning.However,all too often,countries as well as the international community,do not fully realize the importance of freely accessible national education platforms

234、populated with high quality digital learning content.This is the overlooked key.While the Open Educational Resources(OER)movement has called necessary attention to the importance of freely and openly accessible content,what is often missing are platforms which make this content accessible to teacher

235、s and learners,in particular the most marginalized.High quality platforms assure there is a front door for public education on the internet a trusted and reliable first port of call for connected learning,and one that does not rely on advertising,data mining and monthly subscription fees.A global mo

236、vement to establish and strengthen public digital learning platforms will directly complement wider efforts to expand digital connectivity and capacities for education.It will further help increase demand for connectivity and provide greater incentive to develop digital capacities.In reinforcing the

237、 content key of digital learning,it is possible to buttress the other two keys of capacity and connectivity.Actions to establish public digital learning platforms must not entail a divestment in schooling as an in-person experience conducted in a community of peers and led by skilled teachers.It is

238、rather a process of turning digital environments into hubs and centres that enrich learning in ways that complement,improve,and extend the vital work that happens in brick-and-mortar education institutions.Harnessing the power of technology for education will ripple through every corner of education

239、 and catalyse transformations beyond technology itself.It will lead to changes in teaching and learning by enabling,for example,students to learn fundamental concepts through dynamic multimedia digital content and then apply these concepts practically and collaboratively at school.It will help reinv

240、ent assessment and move it away from merely ranking and sorting and towards formative evaluations that can identify and fill knowledge and skills gaps in ways that facilitate educational progression.Most importantly,it can help close,rather than widen,equity gaps in learning opportunities by,for exa

241、mple,ensuring the accessibility of educational content for students with disabilities and bringing world class learning resources to underprivileged children,youth,and adults.4 The The Gateways to Gateways to Public Public Digital Digital Learning Learning Initiative Initiative Objective and propose

242、d actions The main objective of the Initiative is to establish and technically support an international movement to ensure that every learner,teacher,and family can easily access,find,and use high-quality and curriculum-aligned digital education content to advance their learning.In most contexts,con

243、tent should be accessible via a national platform that is overseen,sustained,and improved with public resources.These platforms should be free for all users and complement and support teaching and learning that happens in school.They should also open avenues for self-driven education and lifelong le

244、arning.The Initiative will further seek to help countries recognize and act on national,regional and global possibilities to advance education through digital cooperation and solidarity.The internet allows unprecedented although currently underutilized possibilities for sharing,cooperation,and the p

245、ooling of resources that can benefit learners,teachers and families within countries and also across them.This Initiative aims to maximize these collaborative actions.The Initiative is also a natural extension of the Transforming Education Summit Call to Action to Assure and Improve Quality Public D

246、igital Learning.As part of this Call to Action,countries were invited to make two important commitments concerning the content key of digital learning:Establish and iteratively improve public digital learning platforms with high quality,curriculum-aligned education resources,ensuring they are free,o

247、pen,and accessible for all,in line with UNESCOs Recommendation on Open Educational Resources,while also protecting the privacy,safety and data security of users.Ensure these platforms empower teachers,learners,and families,support accessibility and sharing of content,and meet the diverse needs of us

248、ers including learners with disabilities,speakers of minority languages,girls and women,and people on the move.To complement and facilitate the realization of these two commitments,the Gateways to Public Digital Learning Initiative will advance progress across three components:#1 A Global Gateway;#2

249、 Evidence Generation and Good Practices;#3 Norms and Standards.5 Component#1:Global Gateway to Public Digital Learning Platforms(UNESCO and UNICEF led)Action:Create and maintain a global gateway to existing public digital learning platforms sanctioned or formally recommended by ministries of educati

250、on or other public authorities.Most of this work will be centred on national platforms but will also include relevant regional platforms.The Global Gateway will provide detailed information about the quality of each platform and monitor indicators established through the analysis of evidence and bes

251、t practices(Component#2)and building on the norms and standards(Component#3).Description:The gateway,to be established and maintained by UNESCO and UNICEF,will provide rich descriptions of different public digital learning platforms,including,for example,details about reach,content organization,cons

252、tituencies served,quality-control processes,governance,funding,planned improvements,and differences to other public digital learning platforms that might be used in a particular country.The gateway will display quantitative and qualitative information about digital learning platforms and content,hig

253、hlighting indicators and gaps related to accessibility,inclusion,equity,safety,and overall quality.Indicators and targets will be established in consultation with an expert group(see section on Partners),and the gateway will also monitor and map progress in achieving these targets.This information w

254、ill be presented in a user-friendly format and incorporate a map and various dashboard views.The gateway will be tailored to assist cross-country analysis of emerging trends concerning public digital education platforms.It will also aim to highlight good and innovative practices and facilitate the s

255、haring of country experiences related to the establishment,maintenance,and iterative improvement of public platforms for learning.Finally,the gateway will help establish channels of communication and dialogue with countries about their platforms.This will maximize opportunities for countries to coop

256、erate through knowledge sharing and peer learning.Component#2.Evidence Generation and Good Practices(UNICEF led)Action:Create and showcase good practices,research,and evidence about digital education resources and platforms,across different contexts,focusing on equity,scalability,safety,and impact.D

257、escription:Sharing of robust research will support evidence-informed decision making and help ensure the impact of the Initiative.Good practices and case studies,in particular from champion countries,will serve to provide inspiration and guidance.Through this component,the Initiative will highlight

258、examples of high-quality platforms built and improved in different contexts across the globe.It will pay special attention to platforms and resources that are reaching and meeting the needs of the most marginalized.The initiative will establish an evidence base of“what works”for digital resources an

259、d platforms and develop a searchable database(repository)of case studies and best practices.This will serve to guide country efforts to establish and strengthen public digital learning platforms with the aim of making them safer and more accessible,usable,and equitable for end-users,including by dev

260、eloping guidance on reaching remote and marginalised populations,supporting teacher-centred solutions,and on ensuring accessibility of digital platforms in contexts of limited or no connectivity and on low-cost mobile devices.It will also include guidance and learning resources for national monitori

261、ng and evidence generation.The work will be undertaken in collaboration with partners,including EdTech Hub,and help lay foundations for norms and standards(Component#3).6 In support of this component,UNESCO will produce occasional case studies,think pieces and foresight work to help shine light on e

262、merging and futures trends.Specific work will unpack,for example,options available to countries to manage digital content approval processes or the implications of technological innovations for digital learning platforms.Component#3:Norms and Standards(UNESCO led)Action:Establish international norms

263、 and standards to help countries ensure the quality of public digital learning platforms and inform national targets and benchmarks.Description:Creating and sustaining digital platforms for education involves technical,legal,institutional,and economic challenges that encompass national,regional and

264、global actors.Governments as well as schools will be well served with coherent visions of what public digital learning platforms should entail.This will help clarify steps required to establish and improve platforms from very different starting points and in diverse contexts.Benchmarks and standards

265、 for developing and strengthening public digital platforms for education will draw on an analysis of existing public platforms(Component#1),as well as good practices and the experiences of countries with robust learning platforms already in place(Component#2).The norms and standards work will also l

266、ook beyond what currently exists to consider what might and should exist.This Component will examine what functionalities,content and characteristics that are not already in place should be hallmarks of excellent quality public platforms for learning.This will provide a basis to identify platforms o

267、f excellence platforms that meet or exceed rigorous quality standards a designation that can be indicated on the Global Gateway(Component#1).UNESCO will work closely with Member States that might wish to propose a formal UNESCO Recommendation concerning digital learning platforms.Such a Recommendati

268、on would establish international consensus about the aims and core characteristics public digital learning platforms.In support of this component,UNICEF will advance work to clarify equity,accessibility and online safety standards in collaboration with relevant partners.Monitoring Digital learning d

269、oes not feature prominently in the Sustainable Development Goals,and the few indicators that exist to track it and assure accountability have major gaps and provide only a blurry sense of the availability and quality of digital learning opportunities.Given the growing importance of digital learning,

270、it is necessary to develop better and clearer indicators and targets that provide a more complete snapshot of how countries and the world are advancing commitments to harness the power of the digital and internet revolution for education.7 Goals,targets,commitments,and actions concerning national di

271、gital learning platforms will need to be realistic to monitor and at a reasonable cost.The existence of platforms,key indicators concerning quality and equity,and data about the volume and frequency with which platforms are used and by whom are fairly straightforward to measure.The Gateways to Publi

272、c Digital Learning Initiative will across its three components monitor the development and quality of public platforms and content and track progress towards targets.It will do this by mapping,as a first step,the existence of publicly sanctioned learning platforms and content(component#1).The identi

273、fication of good practices(component#2)will enlarge possibilities for monitoring the quality of public platforms,as will the development of norms and standards(component#3).Partners The global Gateways to Public Digital Learning initiative will draw on the expertise of global,regional,and national p

274、artners,many of whom already have significant roles and experiences in the field of digital learning.Specifically,the global initiative will leverage:-Partners involved in the Transforming Education Summit Digital Learning Action Track-Champion countries with experiences in successfully scaling equi

275、table digital learning platforms and initiatives(initially Argentina,Bangladesh,Costa Rica,Egypt,Mongolia,Nigeria,Spain,Switzerland,the UAE,and Uruguay).-Regional and international institutions active in the area of digital learning.-The Secretary-Generals High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation.-Ex

276、isting global initiatives about digital learning and connectivity,including GIGA,with the objective of catalysing action for high-impact,equitable and sustainable change.The Initiative will mobilize partners to establish international expert groups that will inform and guide the work under each of t

277、he three components:Component 1:Reference Group composed of 6-10 international experts to guide work on the global gateway to public digital learning platforms and content.Component 2:Evidence Group composed of 3-4 organisations with expertise in education research and evidence-building.Component 3:

278、Advisory Group composed of a large and diverse group of national and international experts contributing in their individual capacity.At the regional level,the initiative will seek to help countries come together to act on regional possibilities to advance education through digital collaboration and

279、solidarity,building on existing efforts.Towards this end,regional organizations will be encouraged to collate and disseminate research,evidence,and best practices on digital learning between countries;establish networks of champion countries;and develop and disseminate education resources through re

280、gional platforms(for example,across countries that share a common language).8 Preliminary List of Partners:Co-leads:UNESCO and UNICEF Global Technical Partners:Digital Public Goods Alliance,EdTech Hub,Global Education Monitoring Report,GenU,ITU,Giga,UIS,UNHCR,World Bank Alignment:Secretary-Generals

281、High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation Champion Countries:Argentina,Bangladesh,Costa Rica,Egypt,Mongolia,Nigeria,Spain,Switzerland,United Arab Emirates,Uruguay The Initiative will build on the work of organizations and partners involved in digital public resources for education,such as those develo

282、ping freely accessible reading books(e.g.,Global Digital Library,Library For All,Bibliothques Sans Frontires),open educational resources(e.g.,OER Africa,OER Commons,OER Dynamic Coalition),freely accessible digital platforms(e.g.,Learning Passport,Global Education Coalition,Digital Public Goods Allia

283、nce),co-creation with youth(e.g.,Generation Unlimited,Learning to Action),and convening organisations(e.g.,mEducation Alliance).63 5.National Consultation for Transforming Education Summit:Report on the Outcome of the China Consultation https:/knowledgehub.sdg4education2030.org/system/files/2022-08/

284、China%202022-06-20%20NC%20report.pdf 2 efforts and remarkable achievements in promoting post-COVID recovery in education sector,advancing education transformation,ensuring education investment,and revitalizing the implementation of the SDG education goals,and put forward their opinions and suggestio

285、ns on the future development of global education.The representatives opinions and suggestions are mainly summarized as follows:All representatives shared the view that,the Communist Party of China(CPC)and the Chinese government attached great importance to education,earnestly fulfilled the commitmen

286、t to implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,and considered education to be essential for the country and the Party.Giving top priority to the development of education,the CPC Central Committee established the Leading Group on Education to conduct overall leadership in education dev

287、elopment and coordinate the resolution of education issues.Since 2015,China has formulated and implemented Chinas Education Modernization 2035 and the 13th and 14th Five-Year Plan for the National Education Development which organically integrate the implementation of the Education 2030 Agenda with

288、the promotion of Chinas education modernization and poverty alleviation.Efforts have been made to comprehensively deepened education reform and overcome numerous difficulties including the impact of the COVID-19,and significant progress has been made in implementing the Education 2030 Agenda with ex

289、pected objectives achieved.The gross enrolment ratio in the three-year pre-primary education reached 88.1 percent,a dynamic zero dropout rate has been achieved for free nine-year compulsory education,and a basically balanced development of compulsory education has been realized in all counties.The g

290、ross enrolment ratio(GER)in upper secondary education reached 91.4 percent.By 2021,the gross enrolment ratio in higher education has reached 57.8 percent,passing the internationally recognized threshold of popularization of higher education.The general public expenditure on education remained above

291、4 percent of GDP for 10 consecutive years,the conditions for running schools of all kinds at all levels and the quality of teachers have been improved significantly.A relatively sound system of financial aid for students from families with financial difficulties has been established to ensure that s

292、tudents from families with financial difficulties will not lose education opportunities due to poverty.Gender equality has been basically achieved at all levels and the nine-year compulsory education has been universalized for students with disabilities.Information and communication technology(ICT)h

293、as been fully utilized to boost the rapid development of continuing education,and currently efforts are being made to construct a learning society in which everyone can learn wherever and whenever they want.As a developing country with a large population,Chinas achievements in 3 education reform and

294、 development have made a significant contribution to the global implementation of the Education 2030 Agenda.At the same time,China has found a path and model suited to its national condition to implement the global education development goals,and is willing to exchange and share with other countries

295、 through education.The representatives believed that,undergoing major changes unseen in a century,the world has entered a period of turbulence and transformation,and peace and development are confronted with complex and severe challenges.At the same time,a new round of scientific and technological r

296、evolution and industrial transformation have profoundly changed the ways of production,life and education of humankind.Human development is at a critical crossroads,and education must take the initiative to change and act.It is imperative to re-imagine the future of education,define the direction fo

297、r progress,and accelerate the implementation of Education 2030 Agenda.I.Ensure a Full Recovery of Education from the Impact of COVID-19 The representatives held that,the COVID-19 pandemic posed major challenges to the development of education.For more than two years,the pandemic has led to the closu

298、re of many schools around the world,and has had a huge impact on students learning and growth.The pandemic has changed the educational ecology,school forms and learning conditions,tested the education governance capabilities of different countries,and motivated the transformation of global education

299、 supply system,supply mode and even its concept.As the first country to report COVID-19 cases,China has responded actively to the impact of COVID-19,advanced epidemic control and education reform and development in a coordinated way,ensured to the best extent the teaching and learning quality,and ma

300、de sustained progress towards the implementation of SDG4.Based on Chinese practices,the representatives believe:1.We should put life first and give top priority to the life,safety and health of teachers and students.We shall constantly improve school facilities,equipment and measures to respond to t

301、he pandemic and other challenges,conduct effective epidemic control with targeted and science-based measures,so as to create a relatively safe environment in schools,minimize the epidemic risk,and spare no effort to maintain teaching order in schools.If a school has to be temporarily closed due to t

302、he pandemic,online 4 teaching must be organized in a timely manner to ensure that every student,including those who need to be quarantined,can continue to study without interruption.Teachers shall be organized to follow up on students learning,to have a timely knowledge of students whereabouts and t

303、heir mental and physical health condition,and to provide necessary psychological counseling in time.When conditions permit,students shall be encouraged to return to school and resume their classes in time.For students who have not returned,their situation shall be closely followed and the persuasion

304、 to return shall be started as soon as possible to prevent dropping out of school due to pandemic.After students return to school and resume their classes,the situation of each students study at home shall be learned thoroughly,in order to master the specific learning situation of each student accur

305、ately and formulate teaching plan in a scientific manner.Timely adjust the dates for entrance examinations for upper secondary schools and higher schools,and take necessary measures to ensure all candidates participate in the examinations as scheduled.2.We should make full use of new technologies to

306、 provide students with more equitable and quality education resources.During the pandemic,China launched the largest online education in the history.We have launched the projects to lay broadband cables,set up base stations and provide mobile phones or tablets in remote rural areas,and ensure that a

307、ll schools are basically equipped with internet infrastructure to satisfy students needs for online learning.Pre-service training of online teaching for teachers are conducted.Efforts are made to guide local governments to set up technical service teams,25 emergency measures including teachers onlin

308、e teaching,home-school cooperation,psychological counseling,etc.are issued,and the development of the Resources Kit for Improving Teachers Online Teaching Competence is completed to support teachers timely adapt to the transition from off-line to online teaching.A hybrid teaching mode that combines

309、classroom and distance learning is adopted to upgrades and integrate online courses into the teaching plan.The objective that the closure of schools does not interrupt teaching and learning has been achieved.Faced with the resurgence of pandemic,we have ensured to the largest extent the continuity o

310、f schooling.Over the past two years,China has continued to increase the unified supply of free online educational resources at the national level,and the MOE has set up the public service platform Smart Education of China.The platform brings together high-quality course resources such as MOOCs in ba

311、sic education,vocational education and higher education,and helps schools to easily switch between online and offline teaching modes,and ensures that the quality of online teaching is substantially equivalent to that of classroom 5 teaching.Students can quickly adapt to multiple learning methods and

312、 their autonomous learning ability significantly improved.3.We should provide students with all-round support in physical and psychological health.The epidemic prevention capacity of schools should be enhanced,technical guidance for epidemic prevention and control,guidelines for students study and l

313、ife,code of conduct for school staff etc.should be issued,and drinking water,environmental sanitation,personal hygiene facilities,and other safety measures should be ensured to meet the epidemic prevention and control requirements.The content of physical education courses and teaching methods should

314、 be adjusted to ensure that students physical fitness,strength and sports skills do not decline.Students social and emotional competences such as emotional adjustment,sense of self-efficacy and social skills during the pandemic should be attended.The psychological health sections in the national pla

315、tforms like Smart Education of China and the psychological assistance hotline of universities directly under MOE should be utilized to provide online psychological counseling services and psychological crisis intervention,help students to relieve psychological pressure and mitigate negative emotiona

316、l reactions.Guidance should be provided to local schools to launch life education and family education,and enhance students awareness of respecting and valuing life.Home-school coordination should be advocated.China has issued and enacted the Family Education Promotion Law,to encourage parents to pa

317、y attention to their childrens mental health and emotional state,provide strong support for students learning,and jointly safeguard students growth during the pandemic.4.We should provide care and support mainly to the groups most affected by the pandemic.The Chinese government sticked to the princi

318、ple that the financial aids and support will not be interrupted by the closure of schools.Public education investment is still on the rise.The allowance standard of the Nutrition Improvement Programme for Rural Students in Compulsory Education has been elevated,which benefited 37 million students.In

319、 order to cope with the pressure of the pandemic on students with financial difficulties,the interest on state student loans for university graduates with financial difficulties was temporarily waived and the repayment of the loans was allowed to be deferred.The interest-free funds were borne by the

320、 state finance,benefiting more than 4 million graduates.The Chinese government actively responds to the downturn in the job market caused by the pandemic and take the employment of college graduates as the top priority of its employment-first policy.For around 10 million college graduates each year,

321、the Chinese government built a smart platform providing 24-hour and 365-day full-time service for student employment,6 launched employment capacity building programmes for groups with employment difficulties,carried out targeted support by conducting one person,one file and one person,one strategy,a

322、nd supported more college graduates in a multi-dimensional manner to enjoy higher-quality and heart-warming employment service.Next,the Chinese government will further summarize the experiences of online education during the pandemic,so as to promote the improvement of quality of hybrid teaching mod

323、e and effectively enhance teachers information literacy and long-term capabilities.Efforts will be made to learn about students mental,psychological and physical health,mobilize family and private actors to provide effective support to help students better ease into new ways of learning and life.Sup

324、port for disadvantaged groups will be strengthened,equal learning opportunities will be guaranteed,and compensatory learning assistance will be provided to help them catch up with progress as soon as possible and overcome the negative impact of the pandemic.China will strengthen exchanges and sharin

325、g with other countries,work together to tackle the challenges of the pandemic,and contribute wisdom and strength to accelerate the post-pandemic recovery and the transformation of global education.II.Identify Major Strategic Changes and Levers to Accelerate Progress Towards Common Educational Goals

326、and Reimagine Education for the 21st Century The representatives expressed the view that,the Chinese government,upholding that education should embraces modernization,the world,and the future and taking into account of Chinas national conditions,took the initiative to adapt to the new round of scien

327、tific and technological revolution and industrial revolution and seized the opportunities to respond to changes in a scientific manner.In accordance with the overarching goal of building China into a great modern socialist country that is prosperous,democratic,culturally advanced,harmonious and beau

328、tiful by the middle of the century,and adhering to the philosophy of innovative,coordinated,green,open,and shared development,the Chinese government issued Chinas Education Modernization 2035 in 2018,which enumerates new goals for educational reform and development,including popularizing quality pre

329、-primary education,realizing balanced quality compulsory education,popularizing upper secondary education,and establishing a modern education system of life-long learning for all.The Plan aims to 7 promote Chinas education to develop in the direction of higher quality and efficiency,as well as enhan

330、ced equity and sustainability,and lay a solid foundation for the common prosperity of all people.It also underlines the need to actively initiate educational reform and innovation,vigorously promote the modernization of education concepts,systems,institutions,contents,methods,and governance,and bett

331、er satisfy the new demands on education of the people to pursue a better life.The concepts,principles,goals and measures set out in the Plan are of great significance in guiding China to constantly promote education reform and development.In the light of the efforts made in recent years to eliminate

332、 poverty through education,respond to the pandemic,and to comprehensively deepen educational reform,the representatives expressed the following important views:1.We should utilize the levers of laws,policies and standards to ensure the prioritized and balanced development of education.A complete sys

333、tem of educational laws and regulations should be constructed to make it clear that the government gives priority to education in economic and social development planning,prioritize education in financial investment,and prioritize the satisfaction of the needs of education and human resources development in the allocation of public resources.The scope of authority and responsibility of the governm



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