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1、PeerPaper Report 2022Realizing the Benefits of RPA in the Legal Field|Based on real user reviews of UiPathDriving RPA Adoption with a Center of Excellence(CoE)2022,PeerSpotContentsPage 1.IntroductionPage 2.RPA Use Cases in the Legal WorldPage 4.The Benefits of RPA in Legal Work Saving Time and Money

2、 While Reducing Errors Enabling a Focus on Higher Value Work Handling Compliance NeedsPage 9 The Importance of Integration with Legacy Systems and Key Legal TechnologiesPage 10.ConclusionRealizing the Benefits of RPA in the Legal Field12021,PeerSpotIntroductionRunning a law firm or legal department

3、involves many administrative chores and repetitive,document-intensive processes that have little to do with practicing law.Theyre overhead-heavy distractions that get in the way of work thats interesting and profitable.Robotic Process Automation(RPA)can take over many of these workloads.With automat

4、ion,law firms and legal departments can speed up routine processes.They can save time and work more accurately.Staff members are liberated to do more valuable work,the kind of legal work they trained for and prefer to do.RPA is also useful for compliance.This paper discusses these topics and more,lo

5、oking at how legal professionals realize the benefits of RPA.It is based on reviews of UiPath by members of PeerSpot.Realizing the Benefits of RPA in the Legal Field22021,PeerSpotAn RPA Architect at Equitable,an insurance company with over 1,000 employees,uses UiPath for its reconcili-ation processe

6、s for insurance group retirement and LOB(Law on Occupational Benefits)plans.A Principal Solicitor at Consortium Legal,a small legal firm,uses RPA technol-ogy for arbitration agreements.He explained that“UiPath provides the automation engine behind it.Our product is a platform that is live online.It

7、allows a party to provide some contract information,and the robot assembles a document and communicates with DocuSign,our signature provider.It then sends out a correspondence to the other party and manages the signature process for a bespoke contract for an arbitration agreement.”Figure 1 describes

8、 this workflow.As he further described,this is a pro bono service to promote arbitration and the adoption of a particular arbi-tration clause.“Its accessible to all,”he said.“Parties can log in and it helps them to negotiate and conclude an arbi-PeerSpot members in the legal field are employing RPA

9、for a variety of tasks,such as the automation of searches in public databases.This is the use case for a Managing Associate at a legal firm with more than 50 employees.He elaborated,saying,“We have lawyers who need to search for various compa-nies.For example,we are searching insolvency files for a

10、list of business part-ners,so we use the robot to perform the search and notify clients about its results.Thus,it helps us with our work in searching public registries.”RPA Use Cases in the Legal World“We used a robot instead of a small army of paralegals to generate the documentation and draft up t

11、he emails where we had to communicate with 2,000 to 3,000 people.”Read review Realizing the Benefits of RPA in the Legal Field32021,PeerSpottration agreement in a mediated fashion.The robot sends out an email on behalf of a third-party,a court of arbi-tration,and it helps the parties get that agreem

12、ent done.Its about concluding an arbitration agreement before the dispute goes any further.”Filip&Company,a law firm with more than 50 employees,employs RPA to automate subcontracts and timekeeping entries.The firm is also using a robot to help with filling in engagement letters and contracts.Anothe

13、r robot helps with various public searches,e.g.,the automation of searches of the public record.Drafting documents and sending mass emails are two RPA use cases for Konexo,a UK legal firm with more than 50 employees.According to a Lead Consultant at the firm,“We used a robot instead of a small army

14、of paralegals to gener-ate the documentation and draft up the emails where we had to communicate with 2,000 to 3,000 people.It was a little bit more involved than just doing a standard mail merge,but we were able to use UiPath to create a number of docu-ments and email them to an individual customer

15、,all through a central email address.”Contract InformationContract InformationContract InformationSignature ProviderRPAFigure 1 Automation engine that assembles contract elements into a document for the signature provider?Helps conserve Paralegal manpower?Realizing the Benefits of RPA in the Legal F

16、ield42021,PeerSpotRPA legal users are finding a range of benefits from their use of the tech-nology.Konexos Lead Consultant shared that the ability to displace activi-ty that was traditionally on the firms paralegal team has improved the orga-nization.As an outsourced managed legal services provider

17、,they are what he calls a“people-based business.”RPA thus becomes an additional type of resource.He said,“We are able to move work that was traditionally done by people and would be charged at a rate,off to automation where we can bring the costs down.It enables us to reduce our running costs of our

18、 clients.A single bot running post-completion has saved us two FTEs full-time employees.”The Benefits of RPA in Legal WorkUiPath has also helped the firm speed up case resolutions because,as he put it,“People dont need to complete an entire task end to end.They can stop at a certain point and the ro

19、bot takes over.That allows a person to get through more work.Also,the fact that the robots are able to do this stuff over-night 24/7,means that we have more capacity to do stuff.”A Co-Founder at a tech consulting company is finding that his legal clients are able to reduce headcount based on the fac

20、t that people are no longer having to do mundane tasks.“It helps us in providing added value to the clients and to the community at large,”said the Principal Solicitor at Consortium Legal.“What I have found interesting is that our product acts as a human would but its not intrusive.It doesnt require

21、 any real integration or interface with ones own systems,in“.the benefit took the form of relieving the legal staff of the“burdensome task”of searching on the public registry.”Read review Realizing the Benefits of RPA in the Legal Field52021,PeerSpotany meaningful way.Obviously,you need access,an ac

22、count to log in,but it otherwise acts as a human,and that makes deployment quite smooth.It doesnt require you to change anything in your system.I found that very useful.”For the Managing Associate,the benefit took the form of relieving the legal staff of the“burdensome task”of searching on the publi

23、c registry.He said,“For them,this has been a big improvement.It saves time and also the risk of human error has been reduced,because now the robot does the work.So,you dont get bored when you check 2,000 companies on the portal.The staff is overall more satisfied because they can do more value-added

24、 tasks than performing this search.”Saving Time and Money While Reducing ErrorsRPA saves time and money.It also improves the accuracy of most workloads.These known benefits have their own distinct flavor in the legal field.For example,the Managing Associate said the cost and time savings came in the

25、 busi-ness development area.“We are now trying to get more clients,”he said.“If we were to do this manually,it would take us one day for 200 companies.Now,it takes about half an hour.So,it has reduced our time to process information.”The RPA Architect at Equitable said,“It RPA has helped to eliminat

26、e human errors.It already saves 20 hours per month for reconciliation and LOB.”A Robotic Sales Specialist at T-Impact,a small tech services company that works with legal clients,also offered quantitative evidence of RPAs benefit,stating,“The man-hour cost for deduplicating the“If we were to do this

27、manually,it would take us one day for 200 companies.Now,it takes about half an hour.So,it has reduced our time to process information.”Read review?Saves time-20hours per month?Saves money-millions of poundsRealizing the Benefits of RPA in the Legal Field62021,PeerSpotdatabase was 11 man-years.We got

28、 that down to 30 days with a savings of 3.89 million pounds.”The tech company Co-Founder revealed that RPA had reduced the amount of time spent doing administrative activities by 50%.Other notable insights into the time,cost,and accuracy benefits of RPA in legal work included:“These automations have

29、 decreased errors but its hard to quantify by how much.Theyve inserted 20,000 transac-tions a year.I have no doubt that the error rates improved.Its just a hard thing to quantify.”-Lead Consultant at Konexo,a UK legal firm with more than 50 employees “In terms of reducing the cost of digital transfo

30、rmation,if a person had to do what the robot does,it would probably be impossible.Processing time is reduced by many orders of magnitude.As a professional,if I had to manage an adden-dum like that,it would take me weeks.And it takes about seven minutes or so,if all goes well.”-Principal Solicitor at

31、 Consortium Legal,a small legal firm “The most valuable feature is its ability to save time with a task.In general,it improves accuracy as well.”-Partner at Filip&Company,a law firm with more than 50 employees usersProvides added value to clients and the communitydebugReduced risk of human error and

32、 improves accuracyRealizing the Benefits of RPA in the Legal Field72021,PeerSpotFigure 2 When RPA bots take over a legal process,the people who were previously responsible for managing it are free to pursue higher value workEnabling a Focus on Higher Value WorkRPA liberates legal professionals to do

33、 the work that is both more interesting and profitable for their organizations.As Konexos Lead Consultant noted,RPA“enables us to shift activity nobody enjoys onto a robot and lets staff focus on the stuff theyve been trained to do.”Figure 2 depicts this transition.He further shared that RPA takes w

34、ork that people dont want to do at the moment,like having to download a docu-ment,take some details off the top and the bottom of the document,apply a stamp,and then re-upload.He said,“Its not what our paralegals and new trainees want to be doing on a day-to-day basis.UiPath enables me to free up ca

35、pacity for people to work on new work.”The RPA Architect at Equitable remarked that RPA lightens workloads for menial jobs and“lets people focus on more innovative work.”The Managing Associate similarly noted,“This has freed up our legal staffs time to focus on more important and strategic tasks.”“T

36、his has freed up our legal staffs time to focus on more important and strategic tasks.”Read review Higher value workHigher value workHigher value workLegal Process Step ALegal Process Step BLegal Process Step CLegal Process Step ALegal Process Step BLegal Process Step CMigrate to RPAuseruseruseruser

37、?user?user?Realizing the Benefits of RPA in the Legal Field82021,PeerSpot“It has increased their level of compliance because its timely and there are no errors in the reminders.”Read review Handling Compliance NeedsRPA can help with compliance,a tedious but critical workload in law firms and legal d

38、epartments.The Managing Associate described his use case by saying,“One of the departments in our organization does use UiPath for compliance purposes:To send reminders to our clients.We have to ensure that clients are compliant when they submit financial statements.We use the robot to send them rem

39、inders to update the steps of compliance,i.e.,if its done.”He added,“It has increased their level of compliance because its timely and there are no errors in the reminders.”Deloitte,the global consultancy,uses RPA for contract compliance,according to one of their Strategy and Analytics Consultants.I

40、ts part of their back office reporting process for general deliverables.Realizing the Benefits of RPA in the Legal Field92022,PeerSpotRPA should ideally integrate easily with legacy systems and technologies,such as Optical Character Recognition(OCR),that are elemental to legal work.As the RPA Archit

41、ect at Equitable put it,“The most valuable features provide solutions for when I am using OCR technology.It easily integrates with Google OCR,Microsoft OCR,and ABBYY OCR.We are using that inte-gration feature to incorporate OCR mostly for reading scans.”The Importance of Integration with Legacy Syst

42、ems and Key Legal TechnologiesHe went on to describe how his RPA solution connects to Google OCR,Microsoft OCR,or ABBYY OCR,saying“you dont need to implement a separate component but you can just in a blink of an eye integrate those peripheral solu-tions into the UiPath Studio and use them in your a

43、utomated processes.”This capability made RPA far more useful in auto-mation.He said,“UiPath is not building out an actual OCR component but they are just giving you an option to incorpo-rate the other OCRs.That is very valuable.”The Managing Associate expressed a comparable sentiment when he said,“W

44、e mostly value the fact that it easily inter-acts with existing systems.We dont have to go to a complex interface to access public information to send the emails,etc.This is the good part.”?Speeds up case resolutionRealizing the Benefits of RPA in the Legal Field102021,PeerSpotConclusionRPA is becom

45、ing a valuable tool for the operation of a law firm or legal department.The technology is well-suited to some of the fields repetitive,document-intensive workloads.As PeerSpot members in the legal world are discovering,RPA has the potential to save time and money.Automating legal workloads can reduc

46、e errors,too.Employees are free to pursue more value-added legal work,rather than administrative routines.It is still early in the RPA life cycle for legal business.As the technology proves itself and continues to evolve,it will likely find an increasing number of applications that help legal firms

47、and departments work more efficiently and profitably.Realizing the Benefits of RPA in the Legal Field112021,PeerSpotAbout PeerSpotUser reviews,candid discussions,and more for enterprise technology professionals.The Internet has completely changed the way we make buying decisions.We now use ratings a

48、nd review sites to see what other real users think before we buy electronics,book a hotel,visit a doctor or choose a restaurant.But in the world of enterprise technology,most of the information online and in your inbox comes from vendors.What you really want is objective information from other users

49、.PeerSpot provides technology professionals with a community platform to share information about enterprise solutions.PeerSpot is committed to offering user-contributed information that is valuable,objective,and relevant.We validate all reviewers with a triple authentication process,and protect your

50、 privacy by providing an environment where you can post anonymously and freely express your views.As a result,the commu-nity becomes a valuable resource,ensuring you get access to the right information and connect to the right people,whenever you need PeerSpot does not endorse or recommend any produ

51、cts or services.The views and opinions of reviewers quoted in this document,PeerSpot websites,and PeerSpot materials do not reflect the opinions of PeerSpot.About UiPathUiPath is leading the automation first erachampioning a robot for every person and enabling robots to learn new skills through arti

52、ficial intelligence(AI)and machine learning(ML).Through free and open training,UiPath brings digital era skills to millions of people around the world,improving business productivity and efficiency,employee engagement,and customer experience.The companys hyperautomation platform combines the#1 Robot

53、ic Process Automation(RPA)solu-tion with a full suite of capabilities that enable every organization to scale digital business operations at unprecedented speed.The company has already automated millions of repetitive,mind-numbing tasks for businesses and government organizations all over the world including approximately 50%of the Fortune 500.



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