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1、DATA SNAPSHOTThe State of CX Management,2022Moira Dorsey,XMPPrincipal XM CatalystBruce Temkin,CCXP,XMPHead of Qualtrics XM InstituteTalia QuaadgrasSenior Research AssociateJuly Copyright 2022 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.KEY FINDINGS IN THIS REPORTTounderstand the current state of customer experien

2、ce(CX)management,Qualtrics XMInstitute surveyed168 CX practitioners at companies with 1,000 or more employees about their organizations CX efforts andaskedthemtocompleteourCXCompetency&MaturityAssessment.Highlightsfromtheresearchinclude:+CX is a top priority.Customer experience is a significant or c

3、ritical priority for 69%of respondentsorganizations.Seventy-seven percent have a centralized customer experience group,and 68%have aseniorexecutiveinchargeof customerexperienceacrossproductsandchannels.+Organizations are planning to expand into new CX technologies.Over fifty percent of respondentssa

4、y their organization is planning to use predictive analytics and artificial intelligence somewhat orsignificantly more than they were doing so last year.Forty-four percent of respondents organizationsplantousejourneyanalyticsmore,aswell.+Most organizations are in early stages of CX maturity.Just 2%o

5、f organizations reached the topstage of CX maturity,Embed.Most are either in the first stage of maturity(Investigate,33%)or thesecond stage(Initiate,44%).Evaluate your organizations CX skills and competencies to find out yourcurrent performanceusingtheCustomerExperience(CX)MaturityAssessment.+CX Lea

6、ders business outcomes benefit more from their CX programs.CX Leaders(companies withCX Competency&Maturity Assessment scores above the median score)reported that their customerretention,cross-selling,employee retention,and cost reduction all benefited from the CX program morefrequentlythanCXLaggards

7、.+CX Laggards lack strong CX leadership.CX Leaders cite competing organizational priorities andpoor integration across systems as their top obstacles to CX success,while CX Laggards are more likelythan CX Leaders to say that inconsistent executive buy-in and lack of leadership for these efforts aret

8、opobstacles.Executive SummarySTUDY KEY FACTS 168 CX Practitioners Organizations with 1,000+employees Sourced through the XM Institute network Q1 2022 Copyright 2022 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.STUDY OVERVIEW The data for this report comes from a customer experience management study that Qualtrics

9、XM Institute conducted in the first quarter of 2022.Using an online survey,XM Institute collected data from 168 customer experience management professionals working at companies with more than 1,000 employees.XM Institute surveyed CX management professionals connected to our subscriber list for our

10、monthly newsletter,through members of XM Pros(Experience Management Professionals community),and other professional networking sites.The State of CX Management,2022FIGURES IN THE REPORT1.Time with Centralized CX Team and Leader2.Priority of Improving XM3.Effectiveness of Customer Interaction Channel

11、s4.Evaluating CX Technology,Competency,and Culture5.Evaluating CX Agility6.Core CX Metric and Customer Listening Posts7.Usage of Insights from Listening Posts8.Obstacles to CX Success9.Looking Ahead:CX Technologies10.Calculating the CX Maturity Assessment11.CX Competency and Maturity Results12.CX Co

12、mpetencies:Leaders versus Laggards13.CX Agility:Leaders versus Laggards14.Business Outcomes:Leaders versus Laggards15.Financial Benefits:Leaders versus Laggards16.Channel Effectiveness:Leaders versus Laggards17.Core CX Metrics:Leaders versus Laggards18.Usage of Listening Posts:Leaders versus Laggard

13、s19.Effectiveness of Listening Posts:Leaders versus Laggards20.Obstacles to CX Success:Leaders versus Laggards21.Company Culture:Leaders versus LaggardsMCopyright 2022 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.Time with Centralized CX Team and Leader32%6%6%9%18%30%We do not have oneLess than six monthsSix to 11

14、 months12 to 17 months18 to 36 monthsMore than 36monthsHow long,if at all,has your organization had a senior executive in charge of customer experience across products and channels?23%9%3%8%23%34%We do not have oneLess than six monthsSix to 11 months12 to 17 months18 to 36 monthsMore than 36monthsHo

15、w long,if at all,has your organization had a centralized customer experience group?+More than three-quarters of respondentsorganizations have a centralized CX group,and over one third of organizations havehad a centralized CX group for more than36months.+More than two-thirds of respondents have asen

16、ior executive in charge of CX acrossproducts and channels,and 30%have hadaCXexecutiveformorethan36months.This chart shows the percentage of organizations thathave a senior executive in charge of CX and have acentralized CX group,and the length of time each ofthese has existed.ABOUTKEY TAKEAWAYSTime

17、with CX Team and CX LCopyright 2022 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.Base:168 CX Practitioners from companies with 1,000+employeesSource:Qualtrics XM Institute 2022 Q1 CX Practitioner Survey14%16%17%23%34%41%43%46%34%30%27%27%19%13%14%EmployeeexperienceProductexperienceBrandexperienceCustomerexperience

18、ABOUTKEY TAKEAWAYSModerate PrioritySignificant PriorityCritical PriorityNot a Priority/Minor Priority+Sixty-nine percent of respondents say theirorganizationsputahighpriorityonimprovingcustomer experience,the highestacrossexperienceareas.+Fewer than half of respondents say theirorganizations put a c

19、ritical or significantpriority on improving employee experience,thelowest of thefourexperienceareas.+Across all four experience areas,less than20%of respondents said their organizationdoes not consider each experience area atleast amoderatepriority.This chart shows the level of priority respondents

20、saytheir organizations place on improving their customerexperience,brand experience,product experience,andemployee experience.Priority of Improving XMWhat priority does your organization put on improving the following:Copyright 2022 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.Base:168 CX Practitioners from compan

21、ies with 1,000+employeesSource:Qualtrics XM Institute 2022 Q1 CX Practitioner Survey5%7%17%25%11%15%17%15%20%18%23%13%25%19%34%39%28%28%38%29%36%12%28%17%13%22%13%19%19%9%24%10%58%37%22%37%31%19%39%11%54%13%ABOUTKEY TAKEAWAYS+The highest percentage of respondents(50%)ratetheexperiencetheirorganizati

22、on delivers on the phone as verygoodorgood.+Less than half of respondents say theirorganization delivers customer experiencesinastoreorbranchorviachat bots.+Sixty percent of respondents rated theexperience their organization delivers on acomputer,self service,and across multiplechannelsasjust okay o

23、rpoor.This chart shows the percentage of organizations thatuse each interaction channel and the quality of thecustomer experience that they deliver through eachchannel,according to respondents.On the phoneIn a store or branchOn a computer,self-serviceOnline chat with an agentOn a mobile browserOn so

24、cial mediaOn the phone with self-serviceAcross multiple channelsOn a mobile appVia chat botsEffectiveness of CustomerInteraction ChannelsOkayN/AGoodVery GoodPoorHow would you rate the customer experience that your organization typically delivers through the following interaction channels?Copyright 2

25、022 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.Base:168 CX Practitioners from companies with 1,000+employeesSource:Qualtrics XM Institute 2022 Q1 CX Practitioner Survey11%11%17%35%35%37%26%29%25%18%20%17%9%ABOUTKEY TAKEAWAYSNeither weak nor strongSomewhat strongVery strongSomewhat weak+More than half of responde

26、nts rate theirorganizations customer-centric culture asvery orsomewhat strong.+Less than half of respondents feel that theirorganizations CX skills and capabilities andthe technology supporting their CX effortsarestrong.+Twenty-five percent of respondents saythattheirorganizationsCXskillsandcapabili

27、ties are weak and 27%say that theirorganizationsCXtechnologyisweak.This chart shows the strength of organizations CXculture,skillsandcapabilities,andtechnology,according to respondents.Evaluating CX Technology,Competencyand CultureHow would your rate your organization in the following areas?Your org

28、anizations customer-centric cultureYour organizations CX skills and capabilitiesTechnology that supports your organizations CX effortsVery Copyright 2022 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.Base:168 CX Practitioners from companies with 1,000+employeesSource:Qualtrics XM Institute 2022 Q1 CX Practitioner S

29、urvey6%8%30%32%33%39%28%30%27%28%26%27%24%20%11%8%7%ABOUTKEY TAKEAWAYS+Less than half of respondents say that theirorganization does each of these agilityactivitieseitherveryorsomewhateffectively.+Morethanaquarterof respondentssaythattheir organization is ineffective at eachagilityactivity.+Just one

30、-third of respondents say that theirorganizationdoesaneffectivejobofidentifyingemergingsegmentsofcustomerswhohaveanewset of needs.This chart shows how effective respondents rate theirorganization at each customer experience agility ability.Evaluating CX AgilityHow effectively does your organization

31、do the following?Look for emerging signals in what customers are thinking and feelingPrepare for rapid shifts in the customer environmentAddress customers evolving needs by creating new,differentiated experiencesIdentify emerging segments of customers who have a new set of Copyright 2022 Qualtrics.A

32、ll rights reserved.Base:168 CX Practitioners from companies with 1,000+employeesSource:Qualtrics XM Institute 2022 Q1 CX Practitioner SurveyNeither effectively nor ineffectivelySomewhat effectivelyVery effectivelySomewhat ineffectivelyVery ineffectivelyCore CX Metric and Customer Listening PostsWhic

33、h of the following is your core CX metric?(Pick more than one if they are equally important)Which of the following listening elements are a part of your customer experience program?(Select all that apply)+NPSismostfrequentlyusedasanorganizations core CX metric,followed bysatisfaction,andcustomereffo

34、rt.+Just 4%of respondents dont have a coreCX metric,and just 2%report using none ofthesixlistedCXlisteningelements.+More than three-quarters of respondentsuse relationship tracking,over two-thirdsuse interaction feedback,and just over halfuse journey feedback as listening elementsintheirCXprogram.AB

35、OUTKEY TAKEAWAYSCX Metrics and Listening Posts4%4%11%18%45%72%We dont have a coreCX metricLikelihood torecommend,but notNPSA different metric(please describe)Customer effortSatisfactionNet Promoter Score(NPS)This chart shows the percentage of respondentsorganizations using different CX metrics and c

36、ustomerlistening approaches.2%41%41%42%54%68%78%None of thesePassive ListeningFront line feedbackAlways-on digitallisteningJourney feedbackInteraction feedbackRelationship Copyright 2022 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.Base:168 CX Practitioners from companies with 1,000+employeesSource:Qualtrics XM In

37、stitute 2022 Q1 CX Practitioner Survey11%7%7%11%19%13%27%33%44%43%43%58%32%35%31%24%17%16%21%18%15%18%15%11%9%7%ABOUTKEY TAKEAWAYS+Respondentsorganizationsaremosteffective at making changes based oninsights from front line feedback,with 71%saying they do so effectively.Two-thirds orfewerofrespondent

38、ssaytheirorganizations are effective at using insightsfromall otherlisteningsources.+Organizations are least effective at makingchanges based on feedback from always-ondigital listening,with just 38%saying theirorganizationdoesthiseffectively.This chart shows how effectively respondents say theirorg

39、anization is at making changes based on insightsfrom six listening sources.Usage of Insights from Listening PostsHow effectively does your organization make changes based on insights from the following sources?Front line feedbackRelationship trackingJourney feedbackInteraction feedbackPassive Listen

40、ingAlways-on digital listeningNeither effectively nor ineffectivelySomewhat effectivelyVery effectivelySomewhat ineffectivelyVery Copyright 2022 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.Base:168 CX Practitioners from companies with 1,000+employeesSource:Qualtrics XM Institute 2022 Q1 CX Practitioner Survey+The

41、 highest percentage of respondents(64%)considerothercompetingorganizational priorities to be a significantobstacletoCXmanagementefforts,followedbypoorintegrationacrosssystems(50%).+Respondents cited lack of critical customerexperienceskillsandnonsupportiveorganization culture least frequently as CXi

42、mpediments.+Just 1%of respondents said none of theseitemsareobstaclestoCXsuccess.Obstacles to CX SuccessWhich of the following do you consider to be significant obstacles to your organizations customer experience management efforts?(Select all that apply)1%24%25%28%28%32%35%39%40%41%50%64%None of th

43、e aboveLack of critical customer experience skillsNon supportive organizational cultureLack of leadership for these effortsInsufficient fundingUnclear return on investmentInconsistent middle-management buy inTechnology limitationsInconsistent executive buy-inConflict across internal organizationsPoo

44、r integration across systemsOther competing organizational prioritiesABOUTKEY TAKEAWAYSThis chart shows the percentage of respondents thatreported each obstacle to their companys CX Copyright 2022 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.Base:168 CX Practitioners from companies with 1,000+employeesSource:Qualt

45、rics XM Institute 2022 Q1 CX Practitioner Survey16%13%20%29%22%31%43%38%18%28%18%16%44%28%18%14%ABOUTKEY TAKEAWAYS+More than one-third of respondents expecttheir organization to use each of thesetechnologies more than they did last year toanalyzetheirexperiencedata(X-data).+More than 85%of responden

46、ts currentlyuse text analytics,and 67%plan to use thistechnologymoretoanalyzetheirX-data.+Of respondents that expect usage of eachtechnology to remain the same,the highestpercentage(28%)expectpredictiveanalyticsusagetoholdsteady.This chart shows the percentage of respondentsorganizations that plan t

47、o use each type of technologyto analyze experience data compared with the previousyear.Looking Ahead:CX TechnologiesCompared to what you were doing last year,to what degree is your organization planning to use these types of technologies to analyze your experience data?Text AnalyticsJourney Analytic

48、sPredictive AnalyticsArtificial IntelligenceWe dont use thisSomewhat moreSignificantly moreAbout the sameLCopyright 2022 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.Base:168 CX Practitioners from companies with 1,000+employeesSource:Qualtrics XM Institute 2022 Q1 CX Practitioner SurveyThese steps demonstrate how

49、to calculate and evaluatethematurityofanorganizationsCXskillsandcompetencies.Calculating The CX Maturity ACopyright 2022 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.+The CX Maturity Assessment creates anumerical rating for customer experiencecompetencies based on the extent to whicheachof the20CXskillsaredemonstr

50、ated.+Respondents self-assess how well theirorganization has adopted each of the CXSkills.This data is used to calculate a scoreforeachCXCompetency.+The Six Competency scores determine anoverall maturityscore.To what degree has your organization widely adopted these skills(“1 1”to“5 5”)?1:Missing1:M

51、issing:Demonstrates almost none of the required behaviors at an effective level2:Emerging2:Emerging:Demonstrates a small amount of the required behaviors at an effective level3:Developing3:Developing:Demonstrates many of the required behaviors at an effective level4:Established4:Established:Demonstr

52、ates almost all of the required behaviors at an effective level5:Ingrained5:Ingrained:Demonstrates all of the required behaviors at a very effective levelRatings of CX competencies(average scores)Less than 2.602.60:Very WeakVery Weak2.602.60to 3.293.29:WeakWeak3.303.30to 3.893.89:AdequateAdequate3.9

53、03.90to 4.494.49:StrongStrong4.504.50to 5.005.00:VeryVery StrongStrongStep 1:Provide a numerical rating for all 20 CX skills based on this criteriaStep 2:Calculate scores for each of the six competencies based on the average score of the related skillsMaturity stage(total score)6 6to 1414:Stage 1:In

54、vestigateInvestigate1515to 1818:Stage 2:InitiateInitiate1919to 2222:Stage 3:MobilizeMobilize2323to 2626:Stage 4:ScaleScale2727to 3030:Stage 5:EmbedEmbedStep 3:Calculate the overall CX maturity score by adding together the scores from the individual competenciesABOUTKEY TAKEAWAYSCX Competency And Mat

55、urity Results+More than three-quarters of respondentsareinthefirst twostagesof CXMaturity.+Just 2%of respondents have achieved thetop(Embed)stageof CXMaturity.+Less than 20%of respondents have strongcompetencyratingsacrossallsixCXCompetencies.Morethanhalfofrespondents are very weak at the Disruptand

56、Realizecompetencies.33%44%16%6%2%Stages of CX MaturityCX Competency RatingsThese charts show the percentage of organizations thatachieved each CX maturity level,and the average scorebreak down for each CX Competency.6%6%11%8%9%8%14%11%12%16%14%20%27%36%29%27%22%26%53%42%44%46%53%40%DisruptRespondEnl

57、ightenActivateRealizeLeadAdequateStrongVery WeakVery StrongWeakABOUTCopyright 2022 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.Base:168 CX Practitioners from companies with 1,000+employeesSource:Qualtrics XM Institute 2022 Q1 CX Practitioner SurveyKEY TAKEAWAYSCX Competencies:Leaders Versus LaggardsKEY TAKEAWAYSC

58、opyright 2022 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.ABOUTCX LaggardsCX LeadersThis chart shows the percentage of respondents thatrated their organization as strong or very strong ineach area.Responses are broken into two groupsbased on their CX Competency&Maturity Assessmentscores.Companies with scores abov

59、e 15.5(medianscore)are“CX Leaders”and companies with scores of15.5 and below are“CX Laggards.”Base:168 CX Practitioners from companies with 1,000+employeesSource:Qualtrics XM Institute 2022 Q1 CX Practitioner SurveyABOUT+CX leaders rate their organization as havingstrong CX skills and capabilities t

60、hree timesmorefrequentlythanCXlaggards.+CX leaders report having strong customer-centric culture and strong CX technologytwiceasoftenasCXlaggards.How would your rate your organization in the following areas?(Strong or Very Strong)30%22%35%60%66%70%Technology that supports yourorganizations customer

61、experienceeffortsYour organizations customerexperience skills and capabilitiesYour organizations customer-centriccultureCX Agility:Leaders Versus LaggardsKEY TAKEAWAYSCopyright 2022 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.ABOUTCX LaggardsCX LeadersThis chart shows the percentage of respondents thatrated their

62、 organization as effective or very effectivein each area.Responses are broken into two groupsbased on their CX Competency&Maturity Assessmentscores.Companies with scores above 15.5(medianscore)are“CX Leaders”and companies with scores of15.5 and below are“CX Laggards.”Base:168 CX Practitioners from c

63、ompanies with 1,000+employeesSource:Qualtrics XM Institute 2022 Q1 CX Practitioner SurveyABOUT+CX leaders perform all of these CX agilityactionsmoreeffectivelythanCXlaggards.+CXleaders are 4.2 times as likely to addresscustomersevolvingneedswithnewexperiences,3.3 times as likely to prepareforrapidsh

64、iftsinthecustomerenvironment,and 2.2 times as likely toidentifyemergingsegmentsof customers.How effectively does your organization do the following?(Effectively or Very Effectively)19%35%14%22%63%50%60%49%Prepare for rapid shifts in thecustomer environmentLook for emerging signals in whatcustomers a

65、re thinking and feelingAddress customers evolving needsby creating new,differentiatedexperiencesIdentify emerging segments ofcustomers who have a new set ofneedsBusiness Outcomes:Leaders Versus LaggardsKEY TAKEAWAYSCopyright 2022 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.Which of the following business outcomes

66、 has your CX program significantly improved over the last year?ABOUTCX LaggardsCX Leaders17%14%13%29%24%34%36%41%Cost reductionEmployee engagement and retentionCross-selling to existing customersCustomer retentionThis chart shows the percentage of respondents thatagree with each statement about thei

67、r company.Responses are broken into two groups based on theirCXCompetency&MaturityAssessmentscores.Companies with scores above 15.5(median score)are“CX Leaders”and companies with scores of 15.5 andbelow are“CX Laggards.”Base:168 CX Practitioners from companies with 1,000+employeesSource:Qualtrics XM

68、 Institute 2022 Q1 CX Practitioner SurveyABOUT+Respondents with high CX capabilities(CXLeaders)aremorelikelytoreportimprovementacrossthesebusinessoutcomes as a result of their CX programthan those with lower CX capabilities(CXLaggards).+Forty-one percent of CX Leaders reportimproved customer retenti

69、on as a result oftheir CX program,compared to 29%of CXLaggards.+CX Leaders are 23 percentage-points morelikely to have CX programs that improvecross-sellingtoexistingcustomers.7%21%46%26%WorseAbout thesameSomewhatbetterSignificantlybetterABOUTKEY TAKEAWAYS+Seventy-two percent of respondents atorgani

70、zations with stronger CX capabilitiesreport better financial results compared totheir competitors.Just 54%of CX Laggardsreport thesame.This chart shows how organizations financial resultscompare to competitors according to respondents.Responses are broken into two groups based on theirCXCompetency&M

71、aturityAssessmentscores.Companies with scores above 15.5(median score)are“CX Leaders”and companies with scores of 15.5 andbelow are“CX Laggards.”Financial Benefits:Leaders Versus LaggardsLooking back over the previous year,how did your organizations financial results compare with your competitors?Co

72、pyright 2022 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.Base:168 CX Practitioners from companies with 1,000+employeesSource:Qualtrics XM Institute 2022 Q1 CX Practitioner Survey10%37%35%19%WorseAbout the sameSomewhatbetterSignificantlybetterCX LaggardsCX LeadersChannel Effectiveness:LeadersVersus LaggardsKEY TAK

73、EAWAYSHow would you rate the customer experience that your organization typically delivers through the following interaction channels?(Selected”Good”or“Very Good”)CX LaggardsCX Leaders+CX Leaders are more likely to rate thecustomerexperiencetheirorganizationdelivers as very good or good through allo

74、f these interaction channels,except for ina store or branch,compared with CXLaggards.+The largest gap in the quality of interactionchannelsbetweenCXLeadersandLaggards is for experiences delivered on acomputer,self-service(29percentage-point gap),followed by online chat with anagent(20-point gap).3%1

75、3%13%16%16%14%30%13%14%40%9%20%23%27%30%30%30%33%43%59%Via chat botsOn a mobile appAcross multiple channelsOn the phone with self-serviceOn a mobile browserOn social mediaIn a store or branchOnline chat with an agentOn a computer,self-serviceOn the phone with an agentThis chart shows the percentage

76、of respondents that ratethe customer experience their company delivers througheach interaction channel as“good”or“very good.”Responses are broken into two groups based on their CXCompetency&Maturity Assessment scores.Companieswith scores above 15.5(median score)are“CX Leaders”,those with scores of 1

77、5.5 and below are“CX Laggards.”ABOUTCopyright 2022 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.Base:168 CX Practitioners from companies with 1,000+employeesSource:Qualtrics XM Institute 2022 Q1 CX Practitioner SurveyCore CX Metrics:Leaders Versus LaggardsKEY TAKEAWAYSWhich of the following is your core CX metric?

78、(Pick more that one if they are equally important)CX LaggardsCX Leaders6%5%13%19%41%78%3%3%10%17%49%69%Likelihood to recommend,but not NPSWe dont have a core CX metricA different metric(please describe)Customer effortSatisfactionNet Promoter Score(NPS)This chart shows the percentage of respondents t

79、hatreport their company using each CX metric.ResponsesarebrokenintotwogroupsbasedontheirCXCompetency&MaturityAssessmentscores.Companies with scores above 15.5(median score)are“CX Leaders”and companies with scores of 15.5 andbelow are“CX Laggards.”+CX Laggards are nine percentage-pointsmore likely th

80、an CX Leaders to use NPS astheir core CX metric and are three pointsmore likely to use either a different CXmetric or use likelihood to recommend,butnot NPS.+Just 3%of CXLeaders dont have a core CXmetric,comparedto5%of CXLaggards.+CXLeadersaremorelikelytousemorethanonecoreCXmetricthanCXLaggards.ABOU

81、TCopyright 2022 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.Base:168 CX Practitioners from companies with 1,000+employeesSource:Qualtrics XM Institute 2022 Q1 CX Practitioner SurveyUsage of Listening Posts:Leaders Versus LaggardsKEY TAKEAWAYSCX LaggardsCX Leaders+CX Leaders are much more likely than CXLaggards to

82、 use each of these listeningelementsaspart of theirCXprogram.+CX Leaders are 18 percentage-points morelikely to use journey feedback than CXLaggards,and 15 percentage-points morelikelytousefront linefeedback.37%37%33%44%62%70%44%47%49%63%73%84%Passive ListeningAlways-on digital listeningFront line f

83、eedbackJourney feedbackInteraction feedbackRelationship trackingThis chart shows the percentage of respondents thatreport using each listening element at their company.Responses are broken into two groups based on their CXCompetency&Maturity Assessment scores.Companieswith scores above 15.5(median s

84、core)are“CX Leaders”and companies with scores of 15.5 and beloware“CXLaggards.”ABOUTCopyright 2022 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.Base:168 CX Practitioners from companies with 1,000+employeesSource:Qualtrics XM Institute 2022 Q1 CX Practitioner SurveyWhich of the following listening elements are a pa

85、rt of your customer experience program?(Select all that apply)Effectiveness of Listening Posts:Leaders Versus LaggardsKEY TAKEAWAYSCX LaggardsCX Leaders+CX Leaders are much more likely than CXLaggards to use each of these listeningelementseffectively.+CX Leaders are 2.1 times more likely to userelat

86、ionship tracking effectively,2.4 timesmore likely to use interaction feedbackeffectively,and 5.6 times more likely to usejourney feedback effectively in their CXprogram.30%22%28%14%39%52%48%48%69%80%81%82%Passive ListeningAlways-on digital listeningInteraction feedbackJourney feedbackRelationship tr

87、ackingFront line feedbackThis chart shows the percentage of respondents thatreport using each listening element somewhat or veryeffectively at their company.Responses are broken intotwo groups based on their CX Competency&MaturityAssessment scores.Companies with scores above 15.5(median score)are“CX

88、 Leaders”and companies withscores of 15.5 and below are“CX Laggards.”ABOUTCopyright 2022 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.Base:168 CX Practitioners from companies with 1,000+employeesSource:Qualtrics XM Institute 2022 Q1 CX Practitioner SurveyHow effectively does your organization make changes based on

89、 insights from the following sources?(Somewhat effectively or Very effectively)Obstacles to CX Success:Leaders Versus LaggardsKEY TAKEAWAYSWhich of the following do you consider to be significant obstacles to your organizations customer experience management efforts?(Select all that apply)CX Laggard

90、sCX Leaders+CX Laggards are much more likely to citelackofleadershipfortheseefforts,inconsistent executive buy-in,and nonsupportiveorganizationalcultureasobstaclestoCXmanagementeffortscomparedtoCXLeaders.+CX Leaders are more likely to cite othercompetingorganizationalprioritiesandpoorintegrationacro

91、sssystemsasobstaclesthanCXLaggards.+All CXLeadersfoundsomeof theseitemstobe obstacles to their CX managementefforts,while 3%of CX Laggards reporthavingnoneof thelistedobstacles.3%46%40%30%32%52%33%37%48%40%48%62%0%11%11%20%24%29%31%33%34%39%51%69%None of the aboveLack of leadership for these efforts

92、Non supportive organizational cultureLack of critical customer experience skillsInsufficient fundingInconsistent executive buy-inUnclear return on investmentInconsistent middle-management buy inConflict across internal organizationsTechnology limitationsPoor integration across systemsOther competing

93、 organizational prioritiesThis chart shows the percentage of respondents thatreported each obstacle to their companys CX efforts.Responses are broken into two groups based on theirCXCompetency&MaturityAssessmentscores.Companies with scores above 15.5(median score)are“CX Leaders”and companies with sc

94、ores of 15.5(median score)and below are“CX Laggards.”ABOUTCopyright 2022 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.Base:168 CX Practitioners from companies with 1,000+employeesSource:Qualtrics XM Institute 2022 Q1 CX Practitioner SurveyCompany Culture:Leaders Versus LaggardsKEY TAKEAWAYSCopyright 2022 Qualtrics

95、.All rights reserved.Respondents who agree with the following statementsabout their organization:ABOUTCX LaggardsCX Leaders+CX Leaders are more likely to report anorganizational culture that demonstratesempathyfor customersandemployees,andthat embraces a mission and analytics indecision-making.+Less

96、 than half of CX Laggards report havingan organizational culture that demonstrateseach of these statements,except for ourorganization demonstrates empathy for itscustomers.+ThelargestculturegapbetweenCXLeaders and Laggards is feeling that theirorganization demonstrates empathy for itscustomers at 35

97、percentage-points.17%21%43%37%48%51%40%51%66%70%77%86%Our organization regularly makesimprovements without significant internalresistanceOur organization quickly recognizes andadapts to changes in the marketplaceOur organization demonstrates empathy forits employeesOur organization embraces the use

98、of dataand analytics to make key decisionsLeaders make decisions that are consistentwith a well understood mission and set ofvaluesOur organization demonstrates empathy forits customersThis chart shows the percentage of respondents thatagree with each statement about their company.Responses are brok

99、en into two groups based on theirCXCompetency&MaturityAssessmentscores.Companies with scores above 15.5(median score)are“CX Leaders”and companies with scores of 15.5 andbelow are“CX Laggards.”Base:168 CX Practitioners from companies with 1,000+employeesSource:Qualtrics XM Institute 2022 Q1 CX Practi

100、tioner SurveyABOUTAUTHORSMoiraDorsey,XMPPrincipal XMCatalystBruceTemkin,CCXP,XMPHeadof QualtricsXMInstituteTaliaQuaadgrasSeniorResearchAssociatePUBLICATION DATEJuly 2022MethodologyDATA CALCULATIONIn Figures 11-16,we break responses into two groups based on their CX Competency&Maturity Assessment scores.Companies with scores above15.5(the median score)are“CX Leaders”and companies with scores of 15.5 and below are“CX Laggards.”Copyright 2022 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.



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