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1、DATA SNAPSHOTState of the XM Profession,2023Bruce Temkin,XMP,CCXPHead of Qualtrics XM InstituteMoira Dorsey,XMPXM CatalystTalia QuaadgrasSenior Research AssociateFebruary Copyright 2023 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.KEY FINDINGS IN THIS REPORTAs part of our study of XM professionals,we asked 245 pro

2、fessionals about their career trajectory so far,their current role and satisfaction,and which areas are most important for them to grow their expertise.Fromouranalysis,wefoundthat:+XM professionals are here to help.Nearly one in three XM professionals are most motivated to helptheir organization suc

3、ceed,and 29%are most motivated to improve peoples lives.23%of XMprofessionalsmost enjoyhelpingotherpeopleuseexperienceinsights.+XM pros are very satisfied.Eighty-eight percent of respondents are satisfied with their overallprofession.69%are satisfied with their opportunity for career advancement.In

4、their current roles,72%saytheyaresatisfiedwiththeircurrent level of compensation.+Not all leadership teams fully appreciate the value of XM professionals.Just 38%of respondentsfeel that their organizations leadership team strongly appreciates their value.One-quarter feels lessthanmoderatelyappreciat

5、ed.+XM professionals are looking to level up into leadership.Over one-quarter of respondents seeleading multi-year transformation as the most important area into which they want to expand theirexpertise.Few XM professionalsjust 4%consider managing XM technology to be the mostimportant potential area

6、of theirexpertise.Executive SummarySTUDY KEY FACTS 245 XM Professionals Sourced through the XM Institute network Conducted in Q4 Copyright 2023 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.STUDY OVERVIEW The data for this report comes from an XMprofessionals study that Qualtrics XM Instituteconducted in the fourth

7、 quarter of 2022.Using anonline survey,XM Institute collected data from 245XMprofessionals.XMInstitutesurveyedXMmanagementprofessionalsconnected toour subscriber list for ourmonthly newsletter,through members of XM Pros(ExperienceManagementProfessionalscommunity),and other professional networkingsit

8、es.State of the XM Profession,2023FIGURES IN THE REPORT1.Respondent Organizations2.XM Experience and Education3.Experience Across Functional Areas4.Roles and Responsibilities5.Satisfaction with the XM Profession6.Appreciation and Job Searching7.Motivation and Enjoyment8.Expanding ExpertiseMCopyright

9、 2023 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.+Mostrespondentsarefromlargerorganizations.+Seventy-six percent of respondents work inorganizations with at least 1,000 employeesand nearly half are from organizations withat least 5,000employees.+Two-fifthsofrespondentsworkinorganizations with at least 6 full-tim

10、e XMemployees.Respondent OrganizationsKEY TAKEAWAYS5%3%4%5%6%13%17%13%33%Less than 5050 to 99100 to 249250 to 499500 to 9991,000 to 1,9992,000 to 4,9995,000 to 9,99910,000 or moreHow many employees are there within your overall organization?28%30%20%6%5%3%1%1%5%1 or 23 to 56 to 1011 to 2021 to 4041

11、to 6061 to 8081 to 100More than 100How many full-time employees are dedicated to XM in your organization?Thischartexamineswhatsizerespondentsorganizations are and how many full-time employeesdedicated to XM are in their organizations.ABOUTCopyright 2023 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.Base:245 XM Prof

12、essionalsSource:Qualtrics XM Institute Q4 2022 XM Professionals Survey+26%of respondents have 11 or more yearsof XM professional experience and nearly27%have3orfeweryearsofXMexperience.+Less than 50%of respondents have beenXM professionals for at least half of theircareers.+Ninety-five percent of re

13、spondents have atleast anundergraduatedegree.XM Experience and EducationKEY TAKEAWAYS8%19%17%29%13%7%6%Less than 1 year2 or 3 years4 or 5 years6 to 10 years11 to 15 years16 to 20 yearsMore than 20yearsHow long have you been an XM professional?9%19%28%20%16%8%Less than 10%10%to 24%25%to 49%50%to 75%7

14、5%to 89%90%to 100%Thinking about your entire professional career,what portion(in terms of years)has been focused on XM?0%0%5%34%8%52%Some schooling,butdid not graduate highschoolHigh school degreeSome undergraduatecollege/universitycoursesUndergraduatecollege/universitydegreeSome post-graduatecourse

15、sPost-graduatedegreeWhat is the highest level of education that you have completed?This chart examines how long respondents have beenworking in XM,what portion of their career has beenXM-focused,and the highest level of education theyhave achieved.ABOUTCopyright 2023 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.Ba

16、se:245 XM ProfessionalsSource:Qualtrics XM Institute Q4 2022 XM Professionals Survey+XM Professionals have a variety of differentprofessional backgrounds.+Morethan40%havespenttimeinmarketing/PR,operations,and customerservice.Experience Across Functional AreasKEY TAKEAWAYSThinking about your entire p

17、rofessional career,which of the following functional areas have you worked in for at least one full year?(Select all that apply)5%2%4%7%13%15%17%17%18%22%26%37%40%41%46%None of the aboveLegalEngineeringFinanceHRProduct developmentITProduct managementLearning and developmentSalesCustomer successStrat

18、egyCustomer serviceOperationsMarketing/PRThis chart examines what functional areas respondentshave worked in for at least one full year previously intheir careers.ABOUTCopyright 2023 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.Base:245 XM ProfessionalsSource:Qualtrics XM Institute Q4 2022 XM Professionals Survey+

19、More than 60%of respondents lead asignificant portionof theirXMprograms.+20%of respondents are executives.8%oversee an XM program that spans one ormoreexperienceareas,while12%overseeaCX,EX,PX,orBXprogram.Roles and ResponsibilitiesKEY TAKEAWAYS43%22%12%11%8%Lead a significant portion of a CX,EX,PX,or

20、 BX programManage ongoing programs such as voiceof the customer or voice of the employeeExecutive in charge of a CX,EX,PX,orBX programHandle market research efforts focusedon customers,employees,brands,orproductsExecutive in charge of an XM programthat spans CX,EX,PX,or BXWhich of the following best

21、 describes your PRIMARY responsibility?This chart examines what roles and responsibilitiesrespondents hold.ABOUTCopyright 2023 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.Base:245 XM ProfessionalsSource:Qualtrics XM Institute Q4 2022 XM Professionals Survey+Eighty-eight percent of respondents aresatisfied with th

22、e XM profession,while only6%aredissatisfied.+Seventy-two percent of respondents aresatisfied with their level of compensation,whileonly15%aredissatisfied.+Sixty-ninepercentofrespondentsaresatisfied with their opportunity for careeradvancement,whileonly13%aredissatisfied.Satisfaction with the XM Prof

23、essionKEY TAKEAWAYS2%4%6%45%44%Extremely dissatisfiedSomewhat dissatisfiedNeither satisfied nor dissatisfiedSomewhat satisfiedExtremely satisfiedHow satisfied are you with being an XM professional?1%14%12%55%17%Extremely dissatisfiedSomewhat dissatisfiedNeither satisfied nordissatisfiedSomewhat sati

24、sfiedExtremely satisfiedHow satisfied are you with your current level of compensation?3%10%18%46%23%Extremely dissatisfiedSomewhat dissatisfiedNeither satisfied nordissatisfiedSomewhat satisfiedExtremely satisfiedHow satisfied are you with your opportunity for career advancement as an XM professiona

25、l?This chart examines how satisfied respondents are withtheirprofession,withtheircurrentlevelofcompensation,and their opportunity for advancementas an XM professional.ABOUTCopyright 2023 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.Base:245 XM ProfessionalsSource:Qualtrics XM Institute Q4 2022 XM Professionals Sur

26、vey+Nearly two in five respondents feel stronglyor very strongly appreciated by their seniorleadership team,while one quarter feelslessthanmoderatelyappreciated.+Thirty-five percent of respondents are likelyto look for a new job within six months,while38%arenot likelytolookforajob.Appreciation and J

27、ob Searching KEY TAKEAWAYS6%19%37%33%5%Do not appreciateSlightly appreciateModeratelyappreciateStrongly appreciateVery stronglyappreciateTo what degree do you feel that your organizations senior leadership team appreciates the value of XM professionals like you?17%21%16%21%14%Extremely unlikelySomew

28、hat unlikelyNeither likely norunlikelySomewhat likelyExtremely likelyHow likely are you to look for a new XM job outside of your company within the next six months?This chart examines the percentage of respondentsthat feel appreciated by their senior leadership teamand the percentage likely to look

29、for a new job in thesame profession in the next six months.ABOUTCopyright 2023 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.Base:245 XM ProfessionalsSource:Qualtrics XM Institute Q4 2022 XM Professionals Survey+Respondentsaremost motivatedbyhelpingtheir organization succeed and improvingpeopleslives.+Respondentsmo

30、stenjoyhelpingotherpeople use experience insights and drivechangeacrosstheirorganizations.Motivation and EnjoymentKEY TAKEAWAYSThinking about the current moment in your career,which of the following motivates you the MOST?3%4%5%7%21%29%32%Getting promotedTaking on moreresponsibilitiesIncreasing your

31、compensationBuilding your personalbrandExpanding yourknowledge and skillsImproving peopleslivesHelping yourorganization succeed2%6%6%12%13%15%21%23%Implementing andusing XM technologiesOperating acrossdifferent functionalareasImproving yourorganizations cultureDoing research andanalyzing dataCreatin

32、g new andinnovative experiencesMaking your overallorganization moreeffectiveDriving change acrossyour organizationHelping other peopleuse experience insightsWhich of the following do you most enjoy about being an XM professional?This chart examines what respondents are currentlymotivated by,and what

33、 they enjoy most about being anXM professional.ABOUTCopyright 2023 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.Base:245 XM ProfessionalsSource:Qualtrics XM Institute Q4 2022 XM Professionals Survey+Over one-quarter of respondents said theyneed to expand their expertise in leadingmulti-year transformation,followed

34、 by 17%needing to improve their knowledge aroundrespondingtoactionswithinsights.+XM professionals are least likely to say thattheyneedtoexpandtheirpersonalexpertise in managing XM technology overthenext fewyearsof theircareers.Expanding ExpertiseKEY TAKEAWAYS4%7%7%10%12%16%17%26%Managing XM technolo

35、gy(includesdeployment and usage of XM platforms)Disrupting the status quo with design(includes experience design and experienceintegration)Activating the organization for change(includes internal communications andtraining)Developing an experience-centric culture(includes culture assessments and cul

36、turechange)Realizing value from XM(includes trackingmetrics and value management)Enlightening the organization with insights(including research,analysis,and insightsdistribution)Responding to insights with action(includesclosed loop and continuous improvementprocesses)Leading multi-year transformati

37、on(includesstrategy,governance,and roadmaps)As you think about the next few years of your career,which of the following is the MOST IMPORTANT area for you to expand your personal expertise?This chart examines the significant components ofrespondents current roles and which area they believeis most i

38、mportant to expand their expertise in.ABOUTCopyright 2023 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.Base:245 XM ProfessionalsSource:Qualtrics XM Institute Q4 2022 XM Professionals SurveyAUTHORSBruceTemkin,CCXP,XMPHeadof QualtricsXMInstituteMoiraDorsey,XMPPrincipal XMCatalystTaliaQuaadgrasSeniorResearchAssociatePUBLICATION DATEFebruary 2023MethodologyDATA CALCULATIONAll question calculations were conducted by dividing the number of respondents that selected each option by the total number of respondents for Copyright 2023 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.



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