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Employment Hero:2022年职场健康报告(英文版)(40页).pdf

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Employment Hero:2022年职场健康报告(英文版)(40页).pdf

1、Wellnessat work2022 REPORTAUSTRALIAContentsThe seven dimensions of wellnessCast your mind back to 2021IntroductionOur key findingsMental health and the pandemic Career health and the Great ResignationFinancial health and a fluctuating marketAre we supporting working parents?The big picture on employ

2、ee healthAbout Employment HeroSurvey demographics and methodology06048667072TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroductionWhen you think about 2022,what comes to mind?Well take a guess and say Covid-19 is the first thing that appears.Following that might be crippling staff shortages,or even supply chain i

3、ssues.With so many factors at play,were all feeling an unnerving mix of uncertainty and concern.And while were glad that the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter,whats ahead of us remains unclear.The rising cost of living and inflation is also impacting our day-to-day.Recent data relea

4、sed by the ABS revealed the CPI(Consumer Price Index)has risen 3.5%in one year.Whats even more concerning is that were seeing the biggest rises in automotive fuel prices since 1990.This means that higher fuel and transportation costs are hitting our pockets directly and its driving the price growth

5、of goods and services up.Lets not forget the worldwide phenomenon of the Great Resignation.Our Employee Movement and Retention survey from September 2021 signalled that 48%of workers in Australia plan to look for a new role within the next 12 months.This shift in attitudes towards work is seeing emp

6、loyees question the type of work theyre doing,and thinking more about how they can seek fulfilment in their professional lives.Its causing an entire change in the way we think and feel about work.To say that theres a lot going on in Australia right now is an understatement and these events are influ

7、encing your employees in a major way.They can significantly impact ones sense of wellbeing,which can seep into every part of life including work.The good news is,what employers do to support their employees wellness can make a big difference.Workplace wellness programs can make employees feel more s

8、upported,fight risks to their wellbeing,and improve overall happiness in every aspect of their lives.We spend,on average,one-third of our lives at work,which can be exhausting if our wellbeing isnt supported.We want to bridge the gap between employers and employees when it comes to creating thoughtf

9、ul and powerful wellness programs.Thats why we surveyed over 1,000 workers from around Australia between the 13th and 25th of February,2022.We asked them about the ongoing impacts of Covid-19,how financial stress affects their workday,how personally fulfilled they are by their work,plus so much more

10、.The results are essential reading for any employer in 2022.While some results might surprise you,some are clear.Our responses sit on a scale from worrying to insightful,to pleasantly surprising.However,one message seems to underline it all;Health in 2022 is all about taking the good with the bad,an

11、d approaching solutions with an open mind.We hope this timely information,along with tips and suggestions from our employment experts,will help you build a supportive and engaging wellbeing program for your team.Before I sign off,I want you to know that wellness can be fostered in the workplace.I ho

12、pe these insights will help make employment easier and more valuable for yourself and your team this year.Wishing you all the best,Ben ThompsonCEO&Founder of Employment HeroDisclaimer:The information in this report is relevant as at 15 March 2022,and has been prepared by Employment Hero Pty Ltd ABN(

13、11 160 047 709)(Employment Hero).The views expressed herein are general information only and are provided in good faith to assist employers and their employees.The Information is based on data supplied by third parties.While such data is believed to be accurate,it has not been independently verified

14、 and no warranties are given that it is complete,accurate,up to date or fit for the purpose for which it is required.Employment Hero does not accept responsibility for any inaccuracy in such data.To the maximum extent permitted by law,Employment Hero will not be liable to any party in contract,tort(

15、including for negligence)or otherwise for any loss or damage arising either directly or indirectly as a result of reliance on,use of or inability to use any information provided in this report.Where liability cannot be excluded by law then,to the extent permissible by law,liability is limited to the

16、 resupply of the information or the reasonable cost of having the information re-supplied.00 400 5Wellness Report 2022Wellness Report 2022INTRODUCTIONCastyourmindback to 2021Things have changed a lot in the last two years.Problems that we thought wed need years to recover from,bounced back in record

17、 time.Its safe to say that weve all felt the extreme force of the pandemic in every aspect of our lives.How does this year compare to last year?Last year,we also surveyed over 1,400 Australian workers throughout January,to explore their wellness status.When we compare both years results,some areas i

18、mproved and others dipped.However,one thing is clear were a resilient bunch.But you likely already knew that.Lets take a look.00 600 7Wellness Report 2022Wellness Report 2022000 OUR KEY FINDINGSWeve seen a drop in employer perceptions.In 2021,60%of employees rated their employers commitment to welln

19、ess as good.This years findings report 52%meaning that companies may be taking their foot off the pedal when it comes to wellness initiatives.Why?It could be that were vaccinated,out of lockdown and learning to live with Covid-19.This could also mean that wellness is no longer near the top of the pr

20、iority list even though it should be.Employers commitment to wellness has dipped from last yearAs many of us continue to work in a hybrid capacity,this finding might come as a surprise.More employees(52%)are rating their work-life balance as average or poor,compared to 46%of people in 2021.This coul

21、d be a sign that the Great Resignation is taking its toll on Aussies,with workforces spread thin due to staff shortages.Work-life balance is declining46%52%2022202252%2021202160%of employees who rated their employers commitment to improving wellness for employees as good%of employees who rated their

22、 work life balance as average or poor in the last 3 months00 800 9Wellness Report 2022Wellness Report 2022000 OUR KEY FINDINGSLast year,50%of Australian employees reported feeling burnt out.This year,that number has jumped to 53%.While its only a slight increase,its a trend you want to be aware of.W

23、hen work begins to eat into personal life,employees may be at risk of burnout.Its important to catch the signs of burnout early on otherwise your team could experience poor mental health and all the knock-on effects that come with it.Were still burnt out Australians are getting on with life,but Covi

24、d-19 and the Great Resignation are still the elephants in the room.Its no surprise that were feeling less productive especially when were feeling burnt out and lacking good work-life balance.Its a cycle that unfortunately continues if its not actively managed.Were feeling less productive%of employee

25、s agree to feeling burnt out from work%of employees who have rated their productivity as high in the last 3 months50%72%53%57%202220222021202100 1000 11Wellness Report 2022Wellness Report 2022000 OUR KEY FINDINGSThe of wellnesssevendimensionsIf theres two things we know about human health,its that;1

26、.Theres no singular element that signifies overall wellbeing,and;2.Each dimension of wellness is interrelated.The way that we like to talk about health is to encourage balance for the seven dimensions of wellness.You may be in perfect physical health,but do you really feel well if youre in financial

27、 distress?You may have a strong sense of occupational fulfilment,but if you dont feel that you can authentically communicate with others,you might feel excluded.This framework acknowledges that there are several interconnected elements of a healthy and happy life.By surveying workplace wellness thro

28、ugh these dimensions,we hope to go beyond the general thinking about health.Were not only looking to explore physical and mental health,but were hoping to find out how other dimensions of wellbeing influence experiences at work.00 1200 13Wellness Report 2022Wellness Report 2022THE SEVEN DIMENSIONS O

29、F WELLNESSPhysicalMentalRecreationalFinancialSpiritualOccupationalRelational02070103060405How your body operates and feels.How your mind handles stress and influences your emotions.Your connection to creativity,hobbies and interests.Your sense of confidence in your finances and financial goals.Your

30、connection to a sense of purpose(in a religious or secular way).Your sense of fulfilment and happiness in your professional life.Your sense of belonging and authenticity in your interactions with others.00 1400 15Wellness Report 2022Wellness Report 2022THE SEVEN DIMENSIONS OF WELLNESSOur keyfindings

31、00 1600 17Wellness Report 2022Wellness Report 2022000 OUR KEY FINDINGSWhen it comes to mental health,burnout is spreading quickly across the working population.Workers have felt a sense of extreme fatigue recently,with 53%signalling that it had affected them within the past three months(November-Jan

32、uary).This comes as no surprise,especially as we continue to feel the effects of Covid-19 and staff shortages.Only 32%were sure that they felt no sense of burnout from their work.Over half of Australian employees are struggling with burnout at work53%16%32%of Australian workers are feeling burnout f

33、rom workof Australian workers are undecided about burnout from workof Australian workers are not feeling burnout from work00 1800 19Wellness Report 2022Wellness Report 2022000 OUR KEY FINDINGSWhen were fulfilled in our professional lives,it contributes to our overall sense of purpose and wellbeing.A

34、fter a tumultuous two years,we can see firsthand that its left a wave of burnout but were also sharing some positive news.The majority of Aussie employees are finding fulfilment in their working life,with 69%of workers agreeing that the work they did was meaningful to them.Encouragingly,only 12%disa

35、greed with this statement.The majority of Australian workers are in meaningful work%of employees who agree to the following statement:The work I do is meaningful to me69%19%AgreeNeither agree nor disagree12%Disagree00 2000 21Wellness Report 2022Wellness Report 2022000 OUR KEY FINDINGSEven though man

36、y employees are finding their work meaningful,the importance placed on a career overall may be shifting.36%of workers agree that Covid-19 has decreased the importance they place on their career.In line with the Great Resignation,this signals that more workers could be seeking a change of scenery,an

37、industry-swap,a side-step or even a move to an entirely different working model.As many made the switch to remote working during the pandemic,they may be considering how work could fit around their life,rather than how their life can support their work.However,the pandemic has many employees questio

38、ning their careersAgreeNeither agree nor disagreeDisagree36%31%33%Q Select your agreement with the following statement:Covid-19 has decreased the importance I place on my career00 2200 23Wellness Report 2022Wellness Report 2022000 OUR KEY FINDINGSWe all want to love going to work each day,and a big

39、part of this is feeling comfortable to be ourselves.We found that 72%of workers agreed their workplace accepts them for who they are as a person.This is great news for employees,as your work environment can heavily influence your overall wellbeing.Only 8%disagreed with this.Whether its due to loss o

40、f work,the uncertainty of the pandemic or skyrocketing inflation,Australian employees are worried about their finances.56%said that they were stressed about money.Females were slightly more likely to be stressed about finances(60%of females vs.52%of males),while those aged 18-24 were 31%more likely

41、to be stressed.Aussies are accepting of others in the workplaceOver half of Australian workers are stressed about financesQ How stressed are you about your finances?are stressedare neither stressed nor unstressedare unstressed56%20%23%AgreeNeither agree nor disagreeDisagree72%20%8%Q Select your agre

42、ement with the following statement:My workplace accepts me for who I am as a person00 2400 25Wellness Report 2022Wellness Report 2022000 OUR KEY FINDINGSEmployees who positively rated their business commitment to wellness were 63%more likely to be loyal.Supporting data63%We know that employers like

43、to see returns on their investments.Especially for small to medium-sized businesses(SMBs),you need to know that your efforts are worth it.The writings on the wall;we found that employees who rated their employers commitment to wellness as good,were 63%more likely to say they were loyal to a business

44、 as a result.This could save major costs associated with turnover and make all the difference to a growing company.Employees are loyal to workplaces that care about wellness00 2600 27Wellness Report 2022Wellness Report 2022000 OUR KEY FINDINGSMental health&the pandemicAs with many locations around t

45、he world,mental health problems are extremely common throughout the population.According to the Black Dog Institute,one in five Australians aged 16-85 will experience mental illness in any year.Whats more concerning is that an estimated 45%of Australians will experience mental illness at some stage

46、in their lifetime.As we all know,the pandemic made things worse much worse.A recent study by headspace.org.au found that 74%of young people reported that their mental health was worse since the outbreak of Covid-19.Our research supports this rise in stress for the majority of the working population.

47、52%of respondents said that their stress levels were negatively impacted due to Covid-19,while 18-24 year olds were 27%more likely to say their stress levels were negatively impacted.When we think about mental health in the workplace,its against the backdrop of the volatile emotional environment of

48、the last two years.At work,stress and frustration,mixed with long working hours,often manifests in burnout,fatigue and a lack of work-life balance.We asked our survey respondents about each of these experiences.INSIGHT 00100 29Wellness Report 2022001 MENTAL HEALTH AND THE PANDEMIC00 28Wellness Repor

49、t 2022Our major finding about burnout is that the majority(53%)of workers in Australia agree to feeling this from their work in the last three months.16%of respondents were unsure if they had experienced burnout,leaving 32%who have not experienced this unpleasant phenomenon.If youre unsure what cons

50、titute burnout,Headspace explains it as the feeling of being constantly“exhausted,emotionally drained,unproductive,and unmotivated at work”.However,there are some groups that are more at risk than others one being women,who were 11%more likely to agree to feeling burnt out from work.An average sense

51、 of work-life balance could be a contributor to burnout,with 52%of Australian workers rating their work-life balance as poor or average.However,the presence of work-life balance was a polarising point,with a promising 48%of workers stating they had a good sense of balance between professional and pe

52、rsonal life.BurnoutWork-life balanceQ In the last 3 months,your overall work/life balance has been48%39%GoodAverage13%Poor00 3000 31Wellness Report 2022Wellness Report 2022001 MENTAL HEALTH AND THE PANDEMICBurnout and a sense of work-life balance are deeply tied to productivity,and ones capacity to

53、do their best work.Between these elements,we can see a vicious cycle occurring.Employees who stated that they had poor work-life balance over the last three months were 76%more likely to also have felt burnt out.Those who felt burnout were 35%more likely to feel that their productivity was low.Emplo

54、yees with poor productivity were 280%more likely to feel a poor sense of work-life balance.So the cycle of workplace stress continues,eroding mental wellbeing with each revolution.The journey from poor work-life balance to burnout,through to low productivity are clear.Protecting your employees from

55、burnout and fostering a sense of balance will see a boost to productivity.If you support mental wellbeing within your business,you support great work.Its extremely encouraging that,when a generation ago there was little to no dialogue around mental health in the workplace,50%of employees now agree t

56、hat their company is very supportive of employees mental health.This is a significant increase from our January 2021 findings,which is progress thats worth acknowledging and celebrating.However,with burnout and work-life balance still sitting at average levels,we know that theres more work to do.The

57、re are still barriers for employees to access mental health support from their employer.42%of respondents still feel uncomfortable discussing mental health in the workplace and 36%are concerned about mental health stigma.There is also an emerging issue to be aware ofThe vicious cycleHalf of Australi

58、an businesses support mental healthPoor worklife balanceBurnoutLow productivity00 3200 33Wellness Report 2022Wellness Report 2022001 MENTAL HEALTH AND THE PANDEMIC 46%of respondents who work remotely in some capacity agree that mental health conversations are harder to have remotely.As many of us co

59、ntinue to work from home at least some of the time,theres an increased chance that poor mental health may go unnoticed.Managers will need to find new strategies to support hybrid teams both virtually and onsite.Recognising the signs of an employee who is struggling,keeping up a regular communication

60、s cadence,and providing remote mental health tools will be essential.My company is very supportive of employees mental healthMental health conversations are harder to discuss with my manager remotely I am uncomfortable discussing mental health in the workplaceMy company has tools or processes to mea

61、sure wellness in the workplaceMental health stigma in the workplace is a worry for meMy company has no budget for mental health support services I avoid reporting mental health concerns for fear of repercussions I dont know how I can approach my manager/HR about my mental healthWorkplaces should not

62、 get involved in employees mental health problemsRemote work can make mental health discussions harderQ I agree with the following statements:50%21%46%42%39%36%34%36%36%00 3400 35Wellness Report 2022Wellness Report 2022001 MENTAL HEALTH AND THE PANDEMICEmployees have looked to a variety of things fo

63、r stress relief through the course of the pandemic.With so many regular support measures off the table time spent with family,catching up with friends and travelling workers have had to look elsewhere to reduce stress.Reflecting on what was most useful for them can help businesses with future wellne

64、ss planning.Nearly half(49%)of employees stated that regular exercise was the most helpful tool to relieve stress during the pandemic.This was followed by taking up a new hobby or interest,which 27%of employees turned to.20%tried meditation and mindfulness,and 10%found being able to talk about menta

65、l health at work helpful.Sadly,23%found that nothing helped with stress relief.Older age groups were more likely to suggest that nothing helped,whereas younger age groups were more likely to try several initiatives to help relieve their stress.Strategies for mental reliefQ What has helped the most w

66、ith your management of stress since the start of the pandemic.(Select three options)Regular exerciseA new hobby/interestNothingMeditation/mindfulnessBeing able to talk about mental health at workTherapy sessionsProgressive muscle relaxationMental health apps such as HeadspaceMy employers Employee As

67、sistance ProgramOther49%27%23%20%10%8%8%7%6%4%00 3600 37Wellness Report 2022Wellness Report 2022001 MENTAL HEALTH AND THE PANDEMICIn their own words.“My organisation could implement counselling sessions for employees experiencing mental health issues.They could also introduce special days,like wellb

68、eing days,where fun,social events can be incorporated into working days to provide employees with social activities and a break away from work.”“Listen to what Im saying,provide better working hours,allow remote work.”“Talk to staff.Keep in touch with how they are going mentally.”“Id like to keep wo

69、rking from home so I have more time to work on my health.”“Offer more flexible work that allows for employees to have more balanced work.Q If your organisation could do one thing to help improve your wellness in the next six months,what should it be?00 3800 39Wellness Report 2022Wellness Report 2022

70、001 MENTAL HEALTH AND THE PANDEMICCareerhealthand theGreatINSIGHT 002ResignationCovid-19 has transformed the way we feel about work.The pendulum has swung fast and hard in both directions.During the first lockdown,jobs and income were thrown into jeopardy.According to the ABS,April 2020 reported a 6

71、.2%unemployment rate.In January 2022,the unemployment rate fell significantly to 4.2%,leaving us with one of the most candidate-short talent markets weve ever seen.The response to this tumultuous period was The Great Resignation;the global phenomenon of workers quitting their jobs in search of somet

72、hing more.In our Employee Movement and Retention Report(September 2021)we uncovered that 48%of employees in Australia were planning to seek a new role within the next 12 months.In this report,were trying to dig deeper on how these decisions connect to a sense of satisfaction and fulfilment at work.C

73、ould a better understanding of occupational wellness stem this flow of resignations?00 4000 41Wellness Report 2022Wellness Report 2022002 CAREER HEALTH AND THE GREAT RESIGNATIONYou know theres change on the horizon when 36%of workers agree that Covid-19 has decreased the importance that they put on

74、their career.Were less focused on our careers,despite having generally positive sentiments around our workplaces.72%of employees believe that their workplace accepts them for who they are,63%feel that they can effectively set personal boundaries at work,and 61%of workers feel valued and appreciated

75、for the work that they do.This could suggest that,while awareness around workplace culture and employee experience is improving,many employees are still questioning the role that work plays in their lives.They could be looking to move industries,seek a remote role or try a different kind of working

76、model.What once seemed a change for the too-hard-basket,now seems very achievable thanks to remote work.Its also worth asking the question;does a reduced level of importance placed on career necessarily mean a decrease in performance at work?Could a more balanced approach to personal and professiona

77、l life actually lead to better productivity,ideas and output?How we think about work has changedQ Please select your level of agreement with the following statements:Across respondents,29%overall felt that their career had been negatively impacted by the pandemic.29%neither agreed nor disagreed,and

78、42%disagreed with this statement.We know that many industries were hard hit by the pandemic and these results show it.Whether it was redundancies or reduced hours,the working lives of many Australian workers were turned upside down.However,as the unemployment rate remains low,we can safely assume th

79、at the country and our employees are bouncing back.Covid-19&career impactsMy workplace accepts me for who I am as a person I feel like I can effectively set personal boundaries at workI feel valued and appreciated for the work I doI work in a company that shares similar values to mineMy manager care

80、s about my personal developmentI have a clear career path that I can follow in my organisationCovid-19 has decreased the importance I place on my careerCovid-19 has negatively impacted my career progressionAgreeNeither agree or disagreeKEYDisagree72%63%61%60%51%48%36%29%29%42%20%25%23%27%32%31%31%16

81、%14%17%21%33%8%12%00 4200 43Wellness Report 2022Wellness Report 2022002 CAREER HEALTH AND THE GREAT RESIGNATIONIf youd like to see a companys mission and values in action,allow us to share ours.The Employment Hero team is driven by one mission;To make employment easier and more valuable for everyone

82、.Five values guide our work;1.We serve:We believe in a better future of work.We recognise human needs and work hard to create solutions that change life for the better.2.We are one team:We know were at our best when we work together.We champion diverse personalities,talents and skills.3.We are bold

83、and ambitious:We challenge prevailing assumptions and question industry norms.Were always looking for a better way.4.We invent:Were inventors,creating solutions that bring about meaningful change.We break things,take risks and push higher in search of big ideas.5.Own it:We take ownership of deliveri

84、ng our personal best every day.We dont always have the answers,but we own the problem and back ourselves to find a solution.An occupationally healthy person is one that feels content and fulfilled by their professional life.Their personal values align with their workplaces values,their employer acti

85、vely invests in their development,they feel valued for their contribution and they can be their authentic self in the workplace.You can improve career health for your employees by;Creating a flexible development and coaching strategy.You can do this by using tools like Learning Management Systems,on

86、e-on-one meetings,mentorship programs,career pathways and external learning opportunities.Download our Guide to Coaching.Strongly articulating your companys mission and values.Without a mission,employees wont know what theyre ultimately working towards,making it harder to find meaning in the everyda

87、y.Values set a tone for the companys culture and give guidance when making decisions.Learn more about company values.Rewarding and recognising your team for great work.Teams need to feel appreciated for the work they do,and the best way to make sure this happens is to create structured programs for

88、both top-down and peer-to-peer recognition.Download our Ultimate Guide to Recognition.Setting clear and achievable goals.Its so much easier to stay motivated when youre moving towards a clear objective.Goals should be ambitious,but clear and achievable.Explore the leading goal-setting framework Obje

89、ctives and Key Results(OKRs).Mission and values in actionHow can workplaces improve career health?00 4400 45Wellness Report 2022Wellness Report 2022002 CAREER HEALTH AND THE GREAT RESIGNATIONAre you finding that everyday life is more expensive these days?Its because everything is on the up annual in

90、flation has risen 3.5%last year.Not to mention other factors at play like staff shortages,supply chain issues and the rising cost of fuel its no surprise the cost of living has skyrocketed.With 56%of workers already feeling stressed about money,its clear to see that this will be one of the biggest t

91、hreats to employee wellness this year.Financial&afluctuatinghealthmarketINSIGHT 00300 47Wellness Report 2022003 FINANCIAL HEALTH IN A FLUCTUATING MARKET00 46Wellness Report 2022We asked our survey respondents a tricky related question;do they feel fairly paid for the work that they do?While 58%said

92、yes,a significant 31%said no.And when comparing themselves to the average Australian worker,42%felt that their pay was within average standards.While the gender pay gap remains significant,its no surprise that women were 10%more likely to disagree that they were paid fairly for work,and 14%more like

93、ly to say that their pay was below average.Perceptions of fair payQ Do you feel fairly paid for your work?Q Compared to the average Australian worker your pay isYesNoUnsure58%31%11%SameBelow averageAbove average42%30%29%00 4800 49Wellness Report 2022Wellness Report 2022003 FINANCIAL HEALTH IN A FLUC

94、TUATING MARKETWhen we think about stress during the workday,we generally attribute it to workloads,priorities and deadlines.But could financial stress be a forgotten source of this discomfort?Financial stress is one of the most subtle types of anxiety.It has the uncanny ability to seep into every pa

95、rt of an individuals life;if its the number one cause of relationship stress for Aussies,its no surprise that its on employees minds at work.19%of employees claimed to have lost their motivation at work due to financial stress,16%claimed it had made them feel tired and distant,and 15%said that stres

96、s around money had them seeking a better paid job.23%said that financial stress did not have an impact on their working life.Financial stress and the workplaceQ How is your happiness at work impacted by financial worries?Choose three that are most relevant to you.23%19%16%15%15%14%12%12%7%5%5%4%No i

97、mpactI have lost my motivationI am tired and distant at workI find it hard to focus and make decisionsI am looking for a better paid jobI am looking for an additional jobMy productivity has decreasedI have taken leaveI have been late for workI struggle to meet deadlinesI am unable to do elements of

98、my jobI have skipped meetings00 5000 51Wellness Report 2022Wellness Report 2022003 FINANCIAL HEALTH IN A FLUCTUATING MARKETMoney remains to be a taboo topic of discussion,especially in the workplace.Just under half of workers(48%)are uncomfortable when it comes to discussing their finances with thei

99、r employer.14%of employees are unsure,and only 39%are comfortable initiating the discussion.Despite this,employees are looking for their employers to support their financial wellbeing in a number of ways.36%of workers would like their employers to help towards their financial wellbeing through paid

100、bonuses or overtime.18%would like free/subsidised health insurance,18%would like additional superannuation contributions,and 24%said they require nothing beyond salary.Interestingly,younger employees were more likely to select multiple forms of financial benefits especially when it comes to salary f

101、lexibility and investments.Those aged 18-24 were 102%more likely to want their employer to provide educational resources.This age group was also 97%more likely to want their employers help in investing their salary into stocks and 119%more likely to want their employer to direct a portion of their p

102、ay to these endeavours.How can employers help?Q Do you feel comfortable discussing your finances with your employer?Q How would you like your employer to further support your financial wellness,beyond salary?Please select up to three.NoYesUnsure48%39%14%Pay bonuses/overtimeNothingProvide additional

103、super/pension contributionsProvide/subsidise my health insurancePay for/subsidise my physical/mental health memberships(gym,Headspace app etc.)Pay for/subsidise day to day expenses(utilities,groceries,movies etc)Provide/subsidise my commuteAllow access to my earned salary ahead of paydayHire a Finan

104、cial Wellness Officer or related role for the organisationOffer an employee stock ownership plan(ESOP)Help me invest my earned salary in stocksAutomatically direct part of my earned salary to investments(eg.stocks)Pay for/subsidise childcareOtherProvide financial education/educational resources36%24

105、%18%18%14%12%10%9%6%6%6%6%6%5%2%00 5200 53Wellness Report 2022Wellness Report 2022003 FINANCIAL HEALTH IN A FLUCTUATING MARKETWhile financial incentives are at the top of employees lists for support,they are also seeking financial education in a number of areas.In Australia,were a future-minded popu

106、lation.36%of employees are looking for guidance on retirement and pensions,and 34%would like to learn more about savings.25%are seeking more information about investing.If we take a snapshot of the younger generation,those aged 18-24 were 102%more likely to want their employers assistance about budg

107、eting,92%more likely to want assistance with savings and 61%more likely to want assistance with investing.On the other end of the scale,those aged 65+were 111%more likely to not want financial support from their employer,showing that they may already have access to the information they need.Financia

108、l education in the workplaceQ How would you like your employer to assist you with financial guidance?34%18%14%25%36%18%SavingsBudgetingMortgagesInvestmentRetirement and pensionsI dont want financial guidance from my employer00 5400 55Wellness Report 2022Wellness Report 2022003 FINANCIAL HEALTH IN A

109、FLUCTUATING MARKET“Provide subsidies for massage,health therapy,physio or some kind of health benefit for staff.”“Increase my pay.”“Increase the budget for mental health care.”“More staff development opportunities.“Provide perks such as company wide lunch days once a month.”Q If your organisation co

110、uld do one thing to help improve your wellness in the next six months,what should it be?In their own words.00 5600 57Wellness Report 2022Wellness Report 2022003 FINANCIAL HEALTH IN A FLUCTUATING MARKETworkingparents?When employers are considering their wellness plans,its important to consider the di

111、fferent needs of groups in your workforce.In our survey,we explored the needs of working parents.According to ABS,there were 7.3 million families in Australia in June 2021.The majority(69.9%)of couple families with dependants had both parents employed,and those in one parent families with dependants

112、,61.3%of single mothers were employed compared with 75.8%of single fathers.INSIGHT 004Are wesupporting00 59Wellness Report 2022004 ARE WE LETTING DOWN WORKING PARENTS?00 58Wellness Report 2022Working parents are pulling off the ultimate balancing act,and theyre doing a lot without external support;w

113、hether that be from family members,a nanny or a community network.Excluding partner support,45%of surveyed working parents said they never had help at home,while another 48%had help occasionally.Only 7%said they always had help available.Support at homeQ In addition to yourself/partner,do you receiv

114、e any help with your children at home?When it comes to career health for working parents,we received varied responses.Just over half(52%)of parents agreed they had the same level of career opportunities compared to non-parents.However,27%of working parents did not feel that they had been given equal

115、 opportunities.This highlights that while things have improved over the years,theres still room for improvement.Opportunities and career developmentQ Do you feel you have the same career opportunities as non parents in your organisation?NeverYesOccasionallyNoAlwaysUnsure45%52%48%27%7%21%00 6000 61We

116、llness Report 2022Wellness Report 2022004 ARE WE LETTING DOWN WORKING PARENTS?A significant portion of employers are coming to the table with help for their working parents.39%of working parents were employed by companies that supported them with flexible working arrangements,and a further 18%were e

117、mployed by companies that offered remote or hybrid working arrangements.10%stated that their employers did not support their wellbeing as a working parent,meaning that theres still more work to be done when it comes to supporting working parents.Employer parental supportQ How does your employer curr

118、ently support your wellbeing as a parent?Please select all that apply.Flexible working hoursRemote/hybrid working arrangementAdditional leave daysReduced working hoursGenerous parental leave policyJob sharing optionsMy employer does not support my wellbeing as a parentSubsidised healthcare costsSubs

119、idised childcareOther39%18%15%14%10%10%10%9%5%3%00 6200 63Wellness Report 2022Wellness Report 2022004 ARE WE LETTING DOWN WORKING PARENTS?In their own words.“More personal leave to take of sick kids.”“Flexible working hours.”“Be more understanding when I need to take time off for my child.”“Greater

120、flexibility with start/finish times and the ability for some hours to be done at home.”“Paid paternity leave.”“Providing subsidised childcare and offering additional paid leave.”Q What can employers do more of to help parents?00 6400 65Wellness Report 2022Wellness Report 2022004 ARE WE LETTING DOWN

121、WORKING PARENTS?The big picture on employee health00 6600 67Wellness Report 2022Wellness Report 2022THE BIG PICTURE ON EMPLOYEE HEALTHThroughout this report,weve explored the experiences of employee wellbeing during one of the most unique periods of our time.By uncovering these issues,we hope to hel

122、p businesses better care for their teams and create better workplaces.When we zoom out to a general view of workplace wellness,its clear that Australian businesses are heading in the right direction,even if there still is progress to be made.Whats encouraging is that 52%of employees rated their empl

123、oyers commitment to improving overall wellbeing as good,while only 15%rated it as poor.This shows that although many states in the country endured some of the longest and most strict lockdowns in the world,employers were still focused on their team throughout these trying times.If we focus in on spe

124、cific areas of wellness,we can see some similar trends emerging.45%of employees rated their employers commitment to mental health as good,and 27%rated it as poor.When it came to financial wellbeing,40%rated their employers commitment as good and 26%rated it as poor.When it comes to career progressio

125、n,42%rated their employers commitment as good and 25%rated it as poor.While these results are encouraging,there is still room for improvement.Remember,employees who feel supported in their wellbeing are more likely to be positive and productive in the workplace something that all employers should be

126、 aiming to consistently achieve.But its not just job satisfaction thats driving the need to support employee wellness.Future-thinking employers know that for a peak performing team,employee wellbeing has to be above average.High-growth and resilient businesses are created by healthy and inspired emp

127、loyees,who are given the environment to do their best work.The data in this report confirms that these teams are more likely to be productive,present and loyal.So how will you boost your teams wellbeing in 2022?Q How would you rate your employers commitment to improving wellness for employees?Q Rate

128、 your employers commitment to improvingMENTAL HEALTHFINANCIAL WELLBEINGCAREER PROGRESSIONGoodGoodGoodAverageAverageAveragePoorPoorPoor GoodAveragePoor52%45%42%32%28%40%35%26%25%27%34%15%The big picture on employee health00 6800 69Wellness Report 2022Wellness Report 2022THE BIG PICTURE ON EMPLOYEE HE

129、ALTHAboutEmploymentHeroEmployment Hero is the smarter way to manage people,payroll and productivity for SMEs with big ambitions.Employment Hero empowers SMEs by providing automated solutions to help launch them on the path to success by powering more productivity every day.Employment Hero is launchi

130、ng employers toward their goals,powering more productive teams and taking employment to rewarding new heights.Join over 80,000 SMEs and 750,000 employees around the world using Employment HeroOur features include:Recognition Shout Outs(Peer to peer recognition)Policy templates Letter templates Appli

131、cant tracking system Employee happiness scores Feedback 1:1s Performance reviews Learning management system(LMS)OKRs(Objectives and Key Results)Custom surveys And so much moreFor more information on how we can help transform your business,book a demo today.00 7000 71Wellness Report 2022Wellness Repo

132、rt 2022ABOUT EMPLOYMENT HEROSurvey demographics&methodology00 7200 73Wellness Report 2022Wellness Report 2022SURVEY DEMOGRAPHICS AND METHODOLOGYThe findings in this report have been determined from a survey organised by Employment Hero.The 11 minute online quantitative survey was deployed using the

133、Glow Survey platform,and survey responses were collected from the national research panel Dynata.To complete the survey,respondents had to be employed in any capacity(full time,part time,casual)and not own the business they worked in.The survey was deployed using nationally representative quotas for

134、 age,gender and location,but no active quotas were placed on the number of completed surveys.In total there were 1,007 survey participants.There were 307 working parents surveyed,making up 30.4%of the overall sample.The survey collected responses between the 13th of February 2022 and the 25th of Feb

135、ruary 2022.Methodology00 7400 75Wellness Report 2022Wellness Report 2022SURVEY DEMOGRAPHICS AND METHODOLOGYDemographics12%31%27%21%1%3%11%7%20%18%17%17%16%33%26%19%13%9%10%12%6%4%16%19%19%13%Age of respondentsTenure in organisationLocation of respondentsWork status of respondentsOrganisation size th

136、at respondents are employed byIndustry of respondentsProfessional seniority of respondentsGender of respondents18-240-3 years4-5 years6-10 years1120 years21+years0-9 employeesA professional/non-manager employee10-30 employees31-200 employees201-500 employees501+employeesI dont know25-3435-4445-5455-

137、6465+New South Wales&ACTBusiness servicesConsumer servicesHealthcare and community servicesManufacturing,logistics,agriculture and miningEducation and trainingConstruction,engineering and tradesHospitality,tourism and recreationGovernment and defenceVictoriaQueenslandSouth AustraliaWestern AustraliaTasmaniaNorthern TerritoriesFemaleFull timeMalePart time/casual50%59%Employer/senior executive10%A manager 23%An entry level/junior employee26%41%50%41%27%17%22%20%9%5%00 7600 77Wellness Report 2022Wellness Report 2022SURVEY DEMOGRAPHICS AND METHODOLOGY



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