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1、PROMPT THE FUTURETECHNOVISION2024071013081115TechnoVision 2024:Executive Companion23 3070810111315Generative Artificial Intelligence Small Will Be the New BigQuantum Technology When Cyber Meets QuantumSemiconductors Moores Law Isnt Dead,But It Is ChangingBatteries The Power of New Chemistry SpaceTec

2、h Addressing the Earths Challenges from Outer SpaceBeyond 2024 Other Technologies Shaping the Next 5 Years05INTRODUCTION06WHICH TECHNOLOGY(MEGA)TRENDS WILL SEE INFLECTION POINTS IN 2024?16TECHNOVISION 2024 SUMMARIZED19TECHNOVISION 2024:WHATS NEW?22FURTHER RESEARCHTABLE OF CONTENTSTechnoVision 2024:E

3、xecutive Companion45The quote“We shape our technologies and afterwards our technologies shape us”echoes Winston Churchills famous words during the reconstruction of the Commons Chamber in 1943,after its destruction by incendiary bombs in the Blitz.Churchill,emphasizing the significance of the Chambe

4、rs adversarial rectangular pattern,believed that its shape was crucial for Britains two-party system and parliamentary democracy.Similarly,we could argue that we are inevitably shaped by the technologies we create.Technologys primary role is to augment and enhance human abilities,a trait distinguish

5、ing humans from most mammals.However,we often overlook how technology,in turn,influences our behavior,organizations,and society.A critical question arises:How will technology shape our world in 2024 and beyond?For over 15 years now,Capgeminis TechnoVision has been exploring this question but so far

6、it has mainly focused on IT Trends.This year we decided to add a companion to our TechnoVision full report,taking a wider view of technologies that are moving the world.Overall,our intent is not to build futuristic forecasts;we see TechnoVision as a tool to facilitate strategic dialogue between tech

7、nologists and business leaders,helping to identify priorities and opportunities for business operations and digital systems development.TechnoVision aims to be the guiding North Star in the dual transformation towards a digital and sustainable economy.This journey involves numerous technological and

8、 business decisions,made more complex by the urgent need for strategic choices that might seem simple at first glance but often have far-reaching implications.Generative AI,which took the world by storm in 2023,is expected to continue shaping the future.Alongside this,several other key technology me

9、gatrends are critical for decision-makers planning for the future.This is the starting point of our discussion,leading to the 37 trends outlined in TechnoVision 2024.Together,these trends will provide insights for shaping the future and determining the necessary prompts for organizations in 2024 to

10、turn their visions into reality.INTRODUCTIONMICHIEL BOREELExecutive Vice President and Global Chief Technology Officer at Sogeti,part of CapgeminiPASCAL BRIERGroup Chief Innovation Officer and member of the Global Executive Committee5WHICH TECHNOLOGY(MEGA)TRENDS WILL SEE INFLECTION POINTS IN 2024?Wh

11、en it comes to shaping the future,all technology trends might hold equal significance,as forecasting is often a challenging,if not an impossible task.However,certain trends emerge as more prominent due to their anticipated substantial impact and the expectation of significant breakthroughs in the ne

12、ar future.We have pinpointed five such prominent technology megatrends that should have inflection points in 2024:Generative Artificial Intelligence Small will be the new bigQuantum Technology When cyber meets QuantumSemiconductors Moores Law isnt dead,but it is changingBatteries The power of new ch

13、emistry SpaceTech Addressing the earths challenges from outer space6TechnoVision 2024:Executive CompanionGENERATIVE AI SMALL WILL BE THE NEW BIG In 2024,will Generative AI live up to the massive amount of hype it has generated?The short answer is yes.Generative AI has made a crashing entrance in the

14、 global technology and business conversation in late 2022 and 2023,with expectations of significant business impact.But this popularity also highlighted some of the drawbacks of general-purpose Large Language Models(LLMs).One notable problem has been the tendency of some of these models to hallucina

15、te,in other words,to occasionally produce outputs that are unexpected,irrelevant,nonsensical,or disconnected from the input they received.In 2023,the solution has mostly been to build bigger and bigger models,with more data,more parameters,and more computing power behind them.But this trend is not i

16、nfinitely sustainable,nor is it suited for all use cases.While current LLMs will continue to thrive,there is also an increasing need for smaller,more cost-efficient,and specialized models.For example,we will see sector-specific models for advanced use cases in medicine,engineering,education,and many

17、 others.We can also anticipate domain-specific models,tailored for specific tasks(like advanced coding assistants).These models will get smaller and smaller to run on low-footprint installations with limited processing capabilities,including on the edge or smaller enterprise architectures.In additio

18、n,for use cases where factuality and correctness matter,the capabilities of LLMs will be enhanced by integrating structured knowledge from knowledge graphs.This promising combination can improve the accuracy,relevance and depth of information provided by LLMs.In 2024,we will see more and more AI sys

19、tems that not only have a deep understanding of natural language but are also anchored in structured,factual knowledge,making them more reliable and effective for a wide range of applications.In support of all this,new platforms are emerging,providing tools for companies to leverage Generative AI wi

20、thout the need for deep internal technical expertise.This will lead,in the long run,to the creation of interconnected networks of models designed and fine-tuned for specific tasks,and to the development of true multi-agent generative ecosystems.Why it matters:The developments in Generative AI are in

21、dicating an evolution towards a more accessible,versatile,and cost-effective technology.The innovations mentioned before will enable organizations to scale their Generative AI use cases faster while also deriving more long-term value from the technology.Things/projects to watch for:Small being the n

22、ew big may seem paradoxical,but its set to become a reality.The quest is on for smaller LLMs that require significantly less resources to train and operate,while generating less false information(the so-called hallucinations),propagating fewer social stereotypes,and producing less toxic language.The

23、 mission:make AI models compute efficient,helpful,and trustworthy.Innovations like Stanfords Alpaca,and European ventures such as Mistral AI and Aleph Alpha,are leading this movement but Microsoft and Google are also entering the arena with Orca and Gemini Nano.7QUANTUM TECHNOLOGY WHEN CYBER MEETS Q

24、UANTUMEntering 2024,quantum computing has definitively left the era of theoretical exploration and entered a utility-scale quantum computation age.As defined by IBM,utility-scale quantum computers provide computing capabilities beyond the reach of classical computations and open a door to a quantum

25、advantage in real-world commercial quantum applications.As significant challenges in qubit quality remain,a large-scale,broad quantum advantage is still many years away.Nonetheless,2024 will see various claims of a narrow quantum advantage in specialized tasks within larger conventional computationa

26、l workflows.Boosted by early successes,broader quantum advantages will appear in the coming years.Driven by the prospect of quantum advantage in the near future,companies,startups,and research institutes are racing to find the first real-world applications.Key areas include:8TechnoVision 2024:Execut

27、ive Companion Condensed Matter Physics:Understanding the behavior of complex materials at a quantum level can revolutionize material science and engineering.Quantum Chemistry:Solving the Schrdinger equation for larger molecules,which classical computers struggle with,can lead to drug discovery and m

28、aterials breakthroughs.Computational Fluid Dynamics:Addressing the challenges in simulating fluid flow,essential for aerodynamics and climate modelling.Partial Differential Equations:These equations are fundamental in expressing physical phenomena and solving them more efficiently will provide value

29、 in fields like finance and engineering.Logistics and Operations Research:Optimizing supply chains and logistics can benefit from quantum computing by finding solutions to complex optimization problems more quickly.Sampling and Monte Carlo Methods:Used in statistical physics and finance,these method

30、s can be quadratically faster on a quantum computer,providing more accurate models and forecasts.Additionally,as quantum computers are supposed to break commonly used public-key cryptosystems(such as RSA and ECC)one day,a large-scale migration to quantum-safe technology is about to start.Driven by t

31、echnological improvements and regulatory pressure,2024 promises to be a pivotal year for quantum-safe solutions.Already in 2017,the National Institute of Standards and Technology(NIST)initiated a public process to select quantum-resistant public-key cryptographic algorithms for standardization.They

32、realized that public-key infrastructures are crucial to digital trust,protecting everything from web connections and email to digitally signed documents and code.The algorithms for asymmetric cryptography in place today rely on mathematically challenging problems,such as factoring very large numbers

33、,which are computationally difficult for current computers.Traditional computers would take years to break these algorithms.A sufficiently powerful quantum computer could solve these hard math problems in a matter of minutes by leveraging its ability to process multiple simultaneous states.NISTs goa

34、l is to establish a new standard based on even harder math problems(e.g.lattice cryptography)that are difficult for both traditional and quantum computers.To be clear,quantum-safe algorithms do not require a quantum computer themselves;they protect against an attack leveraging a quantum computer whe

35、n they become powerful enough.In late 2022,the US Government enacted the Quantum Computing Cybersecurity Preparedness Act,which promises to catalyze a seismic shift across industries.This groundbreaking law mandates that all private entities conducting business with the US government must migrate to

36、 PQC within a year after the NIST standards are finally released.This should affect PQC standards globally.The release of the final standard,combined with the new regulation should intensify the rush towards a quantum-safe future in 2024.Organizations everywhere need to take immediate steps toward u

37、pdating their cryptographic systems and software to the new quantum-safe algorithms because average migration will take significant time.Although quantum computers capable of breaking todays encryption do not exist yet,the risk of bad actors collecting encrypted data today with the intention of decr

38、ypting it later(harvest now decrypt later),is very real.As the rush for quantum preparedness intensifies,starting around mid-2024,industries ranging from finance to healthcare will likely invest heavily in upgrading their cybersecurity infrastructures.Why it matters:This emerging shift to Post Quant

39、um Cryptography promises to upend the very basis of cybersecurity standards globally.All business leaders and technology experts will be affected by this approaching milestone,while more and more organizations begin their quantum transition.Things/projects to watch for:Although enterprise scale quan

40、tum computing is probably still many years away,promising progress is being made in several areas.Google and IBM believe commercial quantum systems,applying error mitigation techniques,are only a few years away.Both tech giants have also released public roadmaps reaching one million qubits,by 2029 f

41、or Google and 2030 for IBM.In the meantime,hybrid classical and noisy quantum computing(NISQ Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum)will deliver the first practical use in specific problem areas,while we wait for large-scale fault-tolerant quantum computers to be available.9SEMICONDUCTORS MOORES LAW ISNT

42、DEAD,BUT IT IS CHANGINGThe semiconductor industry stands on the brink of a revolutionary shift in 2024,influenced by various factors that are collectively transforming its dynamics.Throughout 2023,there has been an intense discussion among experts about the future of Moores Law,which posits that the

43、 number of transistors on an integrated circuit doubles approximately every two years,thereby enhancing the computing power of a microchip.As chip technology approaches the 2-nanometer(0,0000001 cm)scale,with the costs of manufacturing expanding at an exponential rate,questions arise about the feasi

44、bility of continuing this trend,especially considering the impending physical constraints at the 1-nanometer scale.However,2024 is poised to demonstrate that Moores Law is not obsolete but rather undergoing a metamorphosis.Were likely to witness shifts in approach,such as the adoption of vertical st

45、acking in multi-layer structures,exploration of non-silicon materials,and new lithography techniques.In essence,we can label this technological shift as going for more than Moore,i.e.,aiming to sustain the growth in computing power,even as traditional methods of chip miniaturization approach their p

46、hysical limits.Simultaneously,the semiconductor ecosystem is set to undergo reconfiguration.This will encompass the establishment of new gigafactories,the adaptation to local regulations,the expansion of fabrication capacities,the introduction of novel business models,and enhanced foundry services.S

47、emiconductor companies are expected to intensify their focus on catering to industry-specific demands by producing chips that significantly enhance customer experiences,marking a new era in semiconductor technology.Why it matters:An accelerated digital transformation is expected across industries,en

48、abled by more powerful connected objects,from smartphones to electric vehicles to data centers and telecoms.These technological breakthroughs will be reflected in shifts in the ecosystem of semiconductors itself,with new gigafactories,regulations,business models,and foundry services emerging in 2024

49、.Things/projects to watch for:Cramming more components onto integrated circuits will come to an end because we are approaching the boundaries of physics.Despite this insurmountable asymptotic peak of physics,chip design is now contemplating a 1.x nanometer scale.However,energy and heat challenges po

50、se significant challenges.In addition,the cost of fabrication of such chips grows aggressively.One approach to improving performance and lower energy use is to add AI into the chip(IBM Z Systems)to reduce the movement of data to the compute and back and have it available in the processor chip and it

51、s caches.Others use AI to optimize the power consumption leveraging periods of lesser activity where not every compute resource is being used to its fullest.Another way to leverage AI is to assist the software engineer understand the tradeoff between the performance of the system and the precision o

52、f the numbers.If they need more bandwidth,they can reduce the precision,training specifically for reduced precision,effectively exchanging a hardware problem for a software problem.Other approaches include adding more nodes or using heterogeneous architectures like handing off tasks to specialized c

53、o-processors like GPUs,TPUs,and XPUs exemplified by Nvidias Hopper+Grace solution,Intels Saphire Rapids,and Falcon Shore platforms.10TechnoVision 2024:Executive Companion1.Energy Density:Energy density in batteries is measured in two ways:volumetric(Wh/L)and gravimetric(Wh/kg),indicating the energy

54、stored per unit volume or mass.This is crucial for electric vehicles(EV)and stationary energy storage,where battery size and weight matter.BATTERIES THE POWER OF CHEMISTRYImproving the performance and reducing the costs of batteries is a major focus for both businesses and governments,as the industr

55、ial stakes are high for each nation.The aim is to support electric mobility and accelerate long-duration energy storage,which is critical to speed up the energy transition to renewables and the acceleration of smart grids.There are five key performance characteristics of battery technology evolution

56、:2.Power Density:Power density refers to the energy a battery can release in each capacity,with specific power denoting energy per unit mass.The charging rate(C-rate)describes the power needed to charge a battery,and discharge power indicates the energy output at any moment.3.Lifespan:The lifespan o

57、f a battery decreases with each charge-discharge cycle,affecting its longevity and suitability for its original purpose.Eventually,batteries should be repurposed or recycled.4.Costs:Cost is a significant factor,often calculated per kWh.For EVs,achieving cost parity with internal combustion engine ve

58、hicles is key,as the battery pack is the most expensive component.5.Safety:Safety concerns arise due to the flammable liquid electrolyte and thermal energy release from the cathode material after several cycles.These safety issues could hinder the broader adoption of EVs and battery-based energy sto

59、rage solutions.11While LFP(lithium ferro-phosphate)and NMC(nickel manganese cobalt)are becoming standard for electric vehicle applications,several technologies concerning the chemistry of batteries are being explored,such as cobalt-free(sodium-ion)and solid-state batteries,with a likely acceleration

60、 in 2024.The primary driver for the market of sodium-ion batteries is the increased demand for energy storage generated through solar and wind.Market leaders in this industry are Faradion Limited(UK),NGK Insulators Ltd(Japan),Tiamat(France),HiNa Battery Technology Co.Ltd(China),and Contemporary Ampe

61、rex Technology Co.Limited(China).The development of solid-state batteries represents a major shift in battery technology,primarily for electric vehicles,as they have higher energy densities(i.e.storage capacity),for a price which will become lower than traditional batteries.They also reduce dependen

62、cy on materials such as lithium,nickel,cobalt,rare-earth minerals,and graphite,while promising longer lifespans and more robust safety.QuantumScape(USA),Toyota(Japan),Solid Power(USA),Samsung(South-Korea),and LG Chem(South-Korea)are among the leaders in this rapidly evolving field.Why it matters:In

63、a business world driven by the energy transition,the fight against climate change,and organizations in transition to a sustainable economy,these emerging developments may offer a pathway towards better tradeoffs for the battery industry and more sustainable use of materials.Things/projects to watch

64、for:When looking at this technology megatrend,two categories of players need to be distinguished:the unicorns and the startups.Amongst the unicorns,well-established companies can be recognized such as Tesla(USA),accelerating the transition to EVs and energy storage,Northvolt(Sweden),manufacturing Li

65、-ion for EVs,Verkor(France),manufacturing low-carbon batteries for EVs,QuantumScape(USA),develops solid-state battery technology to increase the range of EVs,Freyr(Norway),manufacturing semisolid Li-ion batteries for energy storage and EVs,Sila(USA),provider of nano-composite silicon anode that powe

66、rs breakthrough energy density in EV batteries,and SES AI(USA),manufacturing of scalable,dense,smart and light Li-Metal batteries for electric transportation on land and in air.Since battery technology exhibits genuine quantum mechanical and quantum chemical behavior,it is a very natural area to app

67、ly quantum computing.Several government-funded and promising projects are ongoing,and a large amount of startup activity can be witnessed e.g.IonQ(USA),psiQuantum(USA),Phasecraft(UK).12TechnoVision 2024:Executive CompanionSPACETECH ADDRESSING THE EARTHS CHALLENGES FROM OUTER SPACEIn 2024,humanity wi

68、ll be preparing to return to the moon.The NASA Artemis II Mission,scheduled for a November 2024 launch,will send astronauts into lunar orbit for the first time since the 1972 Apollo 17 mission.This landmark event is a symbol of a broader industry trend that can be described as a new Space Age.This r

69、enewed interest in space technologies is driven by two major shifts in the industry.Firstly,and contrary to the Space Race of the 60s and 70s,it is driven not just by government agencies,but also by a multitude of private actors,from startups to corporations.Secondly,aside from the major scientific

70、missions headed to the Moon or Mars,this race is mostly headed for Low Earth Orbit(LEO),in the pursuit of cheaper use cases and more performance.All in all,the year 2024 is set to usher in an array of exciting technological projects in many domains:In the field of space communications and networks,w

71、e can see a surge of exciting projects such as the development of laser communication systems,hybrid ground and space networks,or even seamless 5G connectivity from space.In Earth Observation,we can look forward to fascinating projects to advance our understanding of the planet and its changing envi

72、ronment.In particular,the increasing integration of AI in Earth Observation is offering more efficient data processing,enhanced analytical capabilities,and the potential for new insights into Earths environmental and climate-related challenges.Simultaneously,the Internet of Things is expanding into

73、an entirely new dimension with the development of satellite constellations.CubeSats,ChipSats,and other nanosatellites are being launched in their thousands,each onboarding its own array of miniature sensors and communications equipment.An exponentially growing volume of data is being collected and s

74、hared for a variety of purposes,including gathering data on weather patterns and wildlife migrations.There are also several exciting projects at the intersection of cyber and space,even in the field of quantum cryptography.Cybersecurity in space has become a crucial frontier,especially as the relian

75、ce on space-based assets for both military and civilian purposes increases.Theres an increasing emphasis on improving cybersecurity for space-bound equipment,with strategies like Zero Trust architectures,and even research into Quantum Key Distribution(QKD).Finally,this new space age is driven by a c

76、omplete sustainable by design philosophy.This approach emphasizes the importance of sustainability from the outset by emphasizing the development of spacecraft and satellites that are not only more efficient but also reduce space debris.13These companies are at the forefront of transforming space te

77、chnology,pushing boundaries in their respective domains.1.Blackshark(Austria):Identifying any object on the earths surface from space.2.GalaxEye(India):Providing all-weather multisensory imaging satellites.3.Helios(Israel):Extracting oxygen from moon dust.4.Orbit Fab(USA):Fuelling stations for space

78、craft.5.True Anomaly(USA):Specializing in autonomous orbital vehicles.6.Spin Launch(USA):Catapulting rockets into space.7.GATE Space(Austria):Offering bolt-on propulsion and deep throttling engines.8.Keplar Communications(USA):The internet of space.9.Planet Labs(USA):High Frequency geospatial data t

79、hat drives innovation.10.Ohmspace(UK):Innovating with low-pressure water propellants.11.Firefly(USA):End-to-end space transportation company.12.Revolv Space(Netherlands):Advancing solar array rotary actuators.14TechnoVision 2024:Executive CompanionAll of these innovations signify the dawn of a new e

80、poch in space exploration,fueled by rapid technological advancements and a rekindled interest from the public.This renewed interest in space technologies aims to drive scientific discoveries and help solve the earths most critical challenges,including the monitoring of climate risks and disasters,be

81、tter access to telecommunications,as well as defense and sovereignty.Why it matters:The last Space Race revolutionized the world by accelerating groundbreaking innovations like satellite technology,GPS,integrated circuits,solar energy,and composite materials.This return to the stars promises similar

82、 revolutions in the fields of computing,telecommunications,and Earth Observation.Things/Projects to watch for:In 2024,the SpaceTech sector is brimming with innovative startups,each contributing unique advancements to the industry.Some players to keep an eye on include:13.Abyom SpaceTech(India):Devel

83、oping re-ignitable cryogenic rocket engines.14.Clear Space(Switzerland):Removing space debris.15.Vyoma(Germany):Addressing collision avoidance.16.Ion-X(France):Innovating in electric propulsion systems.17.Quasar(Australia):Developing Phased array ground stations.18.Astrix(New Zealand):Focused on inf

84、latable solar arrays.19.Astranis(USA):Building small,low cost internet connectivity satellites.20.Blue Origin(USA):Pioneering reusable rocket technology.BEYOND 2024 OTHER TECHNOLOGIES SHAPING THE NEXT 5 YEARS1.Low-carbon hydrogen:Towards a credible alternative to fossil fuelsHydrogen has long been t

85、outed as a clean fuel alternative because it produces only water when burned.However,traditional hydrogen production is energy-intensive and often relies on fossil fuels.The trend toward low-carbon hydrogen seeks to change this by using renewable or nuclear energy to power the electrolysis of water,

86、splitting it into hydrogen and oxygen with zero carbon emissions.Advances in electrolyzer technology,including the development of proton exchange membrane(PEM)and solid oxide electrolyzers,are improving efficiency and reducing costs.,However low-carbon hydrogen is still not competitive at this point

87、,in addition to other reliability and scaling challenges.Countries and corporations around the world are investing heavily in low-carbon hydrogen as part of their strategies to achieve carbon neutrality,to bring its cost down soon.2.Carbon capture:Accelerating the decarbonation of carbon-heavy proce

88、sses While reducing carbon emissions remains the top priority,as defined by the Paris Agreement,several hard-to-abate industries will also need to invest in carbon capture technologies(especially at the point of source,such as a cement or steel factory)to reach their decarbonation goals.New methods

89、of capturing CO2 are becoming more efficient and less energy-intensive,supported by significant public investment,especially in the US and the EU.Innovations include the development of advanced solvent technologies that require less energy to capture,use,and store CO2,as well as solid sorbents offer

90、ing lower cost and higher CO2 selectivity.Additionally,the filtering of CO2 from other gases using membrane technology is being refined to improve its efficiency and scalability.Nevertheless,carbon capture is still facing specific challenges such as cost,storage,or conversion in industrial processes

91、.There is also significant research into the removal of CO2 directly from the atmosphere via direct air capture(DAC),even though that application remains expensive compared to its alternative carbon capture solutions.3.Synthetic biology:Harnessing the power of natureThe COVID-19 pandemic underscored

92、 the importance of synthetic biology to protect public health,highlighting the immense potential of innovations like synthetic mRNA to develop vaccines at unprecedented speeds.In November 2023,a major milestone was reached when the UK medicines regulator approved a therapy leveraging the CRISPR-Cas9

93、 gene editing tool as a treatment against sickle-cell diseases,the first of its kind in the history of medicine.But synthetic biology goes much,much further.It is an interdisciplinary field combining biology,engineering,computer science,and biotechnology,allowing for revolutionary applications that

94、could dramatically impact medicine,agriculture,and environmental sustainability.Standing at the confluence of rapid technological advancements and critical global needs,this technology is poised to be a hot topic in the next few years.Future advancements include programmable cells and organisms,like

95、 microbial factories that can produce essential drugs.Examples include fungi engineered for penicillin and recombinant E.coli for insulin production.These techniques also extend to producing green chemicals and sustainable materials,like yeast for bioethanol production and algae for biodiesel,as wel

96、l as E.coli for bioplastics,which offer better performance and environmental friendliness across their lifecycle.Gene editing is another area of rapid progress,offering hope for individuals with genetic disorders through potential treatments or cures.Additionally,advances in computational methods an

97、d bioinformatics are fueling the creation of new biological systems,positioning synthetic biology as a frontier for both scientific discovery and pragmatic solutions to current challenges.15TECHNOVISION 2024 SUMMARIZEDThe overarching theme of TechnoVision 2024 is Augment ME!Elevate Your Possible,Red

98、iscover Ourselves.Under this flag,TechnoVision offers an extensive and multifaceted look at the impact of emerging technologies on business,society,and the environment.We start by recalling the Apollo 8 missions Earthrise photograph,symbolizing a moment of global awareness and unity.Today,we find pa

99、rallels in how emerging technologies like AI,quantum computing,and synthetic biology augment our capabilities.These advancements,while seemingly focused on technological growth,ultimately lead to a deeper understanding of ourselves and our organizational purposes.However,we also caution against the

100、uncritical adoption of technology.We underscore the need for balancing technological growth with sustainability and ethical considerations.The hottest year on record,2023,points to escalating climate crises,underscoring the importance of sustainable business practices and the role of technology in a

101、chieving these goals.TechnoVision 2024 explores the potential of technology in addressing these challenges,advocating for dual transitions in technology and sustainability.This involves integrating IT,OT,and Biotechnology,reimagining our approach to global issues.TechnoVision categorizes IT trends i

102、nto six containers:user experience,collaboration,data,process automation,applications,and infrastructure.Each trend is detailed with its impact,use cases,and links to key technologies.In addition to those containers,there is a seventh container consisting of the overall design imperatives that must

103、be observed.The You Experience container highlights the rapid evolution of digital experiences driven by technological advancements.Businesses are enhancing their digital presence,offering seamless,human-centric experiences that merge the physical and digital worlds.This evolution is propelled by AI

104、,immersive technologies,and the Metaverse,aiming to create more natural online interactions.The Metaverse is emerging as a platform for both personal expression and industrial applications,blurring the line between virtual and real life.Digital Twins are being used to efficiently simulate and manage

105、 real-world entities.Emotional intelligence in technology is gaining importance,with advancements in AI enabling more empathetic interactions.The concept of No Experience involves intuitive,stress-free technology use,where interactions are as natural as in real life,largely facilitated by Generative

106、 AI.This transformation is also reshaping workplaces,driving increased engagement,productivity,and sustainability.Overall,these developments aim to meet rising user expectations for more authentic,convenient,and seamless digital experiences.We Collaborate explores the dynamic evolution of collaborat

107、ion in the digital age,driven by AI and distributed technologies.It describes a shift from traditional teamwork to innovative models involving human-to-machine and machine-to-machine collaborations.The rise of decentralized identity management empowers individuals to control their data within comple

108、x digital networks,enhancing security and personal empowerment.Hybrid work environments blend remote and in-office collaboration,leveraging digital tools to optimize team dynamics.The token economy is reshaping value exchange through digitization,decentralization,and democratization.Mesh technology

109、facilitates agile,adaptive collaboration across diverse sectors.The Economy of Things integrates IoT,AI,and Web3 to create a decentralized economic landscape,redefining traditional business models and interactions in a digitally interconnected world.16TechnoVision 2024:Executive CompanionThriving on

110、 Data.In the data-centric business world,data is pivotal for enhancing customer experiences,optimizing operations,and achieving sustainability.Organizations strive to master data,leveraging AI and automation tools to make data accessible and actionable.Data sharing and collaboration within ecosystem

111、s amplify value,driving innovation and societal benefits.The self-service data revolution is democratizing data access,empowering individuals across businesses to engage in data science roles.Generative AI fosters creativity and productivity but requires careful oversight.Sustainable data practices

112、are crucial for net-zero ambitions,emphasizing efficient data use.The Internet of Things(IoT)and edge computing are turning everyday objects into intelligent,data-driven assets,reshaping industries,and personal lives.Applications Unleashed.In the digital era,software has become a vital asset for com

113、petitive success.Organizations are transitioning to become software-centric,adopting agile,cloud-based applications built from microservices.AI is significantly enhancing developer productivity,with natural language processing emerging as a new programming paradigm.This shift includes adopting low/n

114、o-code tools,empowering more people to develop applications.Applications are also being redesigned for sustainability,focusing on lower energy use.AI is increasingly integrated into applications,adding smart functionalities.The future of software is marked by miniaturized,agile applications,AI-assis

115、ted development,and sustainable engineering,all converging towards a more efficient and intelligent software ecosystem.Invisible Infostructure.The journey towards invisible IT infrastructure is advancing,with the cloud as the default,offering hybrid options and industry-specific solutions.AI-driven

116、autonomy addresses skill shortages,reduces CO2 emissions,and simplifies IT operations.The infrastructure integrates cutting-edge technology like sensors and 5G,bringing technology closer to people and things.However,awareness of ITs carbon footprint is lacking,prompting a focus on sustainable IT pra

117、ctices.Emerging computing paradigms like quantum and neuromorphic technologies promise significant innovation.The clouds role is expanding beyond migration to encompass sustainability,financial transparency,and multi-cloud options,aiming for seamless integration with business operations.Process on t

118、he fly.In the fast-paced business environment,processes must be adaptable,quickly responding to changes and challenges.AI and automation are key to enabling efficient,touchless management of processes.Digital Twins provide risk-free environments for testing changes,while business process automation

119、breaks down silos,connecting disparate systems.Processes are increasingly miniaturized into micro-forms,enhancing speed and agility.This evolution towards autonomous,AI-driven systems requires less physical space and energy,leading towards a sustainable,lights out enterprise.Ultimately,this transfor

120、ms how organizations operate,blending human capabilities with technology for innovative and purpose-driven business operations.17Balance by Design highlights the importance of balancing different elements in technology decision-making.It emphasizes aligning business and IT,leveraging AI for judgment

121、,and prioritizing social and environmental value.The concept suggests embracing flexibility and openness,balancing corporate intelligence,creativity,and emotional quotients,and preparing for a hands-free,automated business future.This approach requires a unified,agile,and adaptable organization that

122、 effectively integrates technology and human elements.The aim is to create a Technology Business that is responsive,ethical,and sustainable,while also being innovative and efficient.Looking towards the future,we explore the potential of technology in various scenarios,such as space exploration,hybri

123、d work environments,and the convergence of AI,quantum computing,and cybersecurity.We predict a future where technology is not only a business enabler but an integral part of addressing global challenges like climate change and healthcare.In conclusion,TechnoVision 2024 serves as both a comprehensive

124、 analysis of current technology trends and a roadmap for future innovation.It stresses the importance of balancing technological advancement with ethical considerations,sustainability,and human-centric design.Our journey with technology mirrors that of Apollo 8s crew:a quest to explore new frontiers

125、 that ultimately leads to a deeper understanding of our humanity,and our collective future.As one crew member,William Anders,announced a few years after the mission“We set out to explore the moon and instead discovered the Earth.BALANCE BY DESIGN BALANCE BY DESIGN BALANCE BY DESIGN BALANCE BY DESIGN

126、ThrivingOn DataProcessOn The FlyApplicationsUnleashedInvisibleInfostructureYouExperience We Collaborate18TechnoVision 2024:Executive CompanionNo Experience Container:You Experience The consilience of Generative AI and immersive technologies will result in controller-less interactions and the merging

127、 of the physical and virtual worlds for a natural,intuitive,and stress-free experience of technology;like there is no experience at allWhat if technology could just get what we want,without needing to use 2D touchscreens,buttons,and controllers?What if we could just talk,look,point,and gesture in ou

128、r digital multiverse,just like we interact in the real world,and move seamlessly between them?High-quality rendering,powerful real-time graphics engines,and immersive displays can make us feel physically present in virtual worlds.Combined with the power of Generative AI,these technologies are unleas

129、hing the No Experience paradigm.We will be guided by AI-powered virtual agents that are indistinguishable from us,complete with preferences and personalities.They will deliver personalized experiences,services,and recommendations within highly realistic immersive experiences that will blend into our

130、 lives,understanding and responding to our environment,preferences,and needs.TECHNOVISION 2024:WHATS NEW?Because TechnoVision is seeing its 16th edition and some trends stay relevant for multiple years,every year we do see new trends emerging,replacing previous ones that usually have become part of

131、the status quo and are fully adopted in organizations information technology stack.To provide a quick overview of whats new for 2024,what follows is a summary of the ten new trends(out of a total of 30)and three new guiding principles.My Identity,My Business Container:We Collaborate The rise of dece

132、ntralized identity management,powered by the Web3 Mesh Web,will empower individuals to reassert control over their own dataNavigating the digital jungle,were all potentially one misstep away from a cyber calamity,especially while tethered to Centralized Identity Management.Cue Decentralized Identity

133、,armed with Web3 and blockchain,swooping in as our guardian of the online galaxy.Its more than a plot twist,with tools like Self-Sovereign Identity and smart contracts,were scripting a new narrative,placing the control firmly back in the users hands.The climax?A tale of bolstered security,user empow

134、erment,and organizations nailing the balance between safeguarding and seamless experiences.Sounds like were in business.Economy of Things Container:We Collaborate In a digital dance of devices and decentralization,a new Economy of Things emerges;business as usual gets a revolutionary remixImagine a

135、world where every tangible and digital entity boasts its unique,sovereign identity,seamlessly interacting through groundbreaking technology such as the Internet of Things,AI,multi-agent computing,5G,and the Web3 mesh web.Its not sci-fi;its the next digital horizon where people,machines,and gadgets c

136、an chat,trade,and even pioneer their own economic blueprints.Its a digital metamorphosis ushering in a realm thats open,secure,and green.A newly invented reality,blending leading practices of decentralized and centralized worlds,people,and physical assets.Meet the Economy of Things,a bold digital-so

137、cio-economic landscape.Business as usual just got an extraordinary makeover.19The Thing with Data Container:Thriving on Data An abundance of data going around within the Internet of Things at the edge turns mundane objects into hyper-intelligent,connected assetsHeres the thing:in the vast ecosystem

138、of technology,data is the lifeblood coursing through the veins of the Internet of Things(IoT)and edge computing.This isnt merely a symphony of ones and zeros playing in the background;its the harmonious rhythm powering industries and reshaping business landscapes.Picture this computing at the edge i

139、n-space technology,processing astronomical data in real-time to optimize satellite communications for global enterprises.The IoT,meanwhile,is transforming mundane equipment into intelligent assets,weaving a web of efficiency across factories and supply chains and indeed:earth and space.This evolutio

140、n isnt just about machines becoming wiser;its about elevating businesses to unparalleled levels of innovation and connectivity.Harnessing this wealth of data isnt just strategic;its absolutely visionary.My AI Generation Container:Thriving on Data Generative AI enables individuals and organizations t

141、o express themselves creatively like never before while boosting productivity but human oversight and guardrails are keyTalkin bout my AI generation:it seems that almost overnight we have gotten accustomed to having productive and creative AI assistants available everywhere,helping us with a wide ra

142、nge of activities.Large Language Models excel in exactly what their name suggests:interpreting and producing language,whether it pertains to text,audio,video,images,test data,or program code.Combined with technology for(private)data retrieval and contextual navigation,Generative AI truly becomes a p

143、henomenal augmentation force for the enterprise.But watch out for the AI generation gap:beautifully articulated language can perfectly mask the disinformation it may contain.Guardrails are a must,just as human oversight,wherever appropriate.Micro Process Magic Container:Process on the Fly Miniaturiz

144、ing processes into micro-sized forms to achieve greater speed,agility,and efficiency while learning more about daily operationsIts a kind of magic.Imagine miniaturizing processes into smaller and smaller forms,using micro-services,cloud technology,and the Web3 mesh web.These tiny,razor-focused micro

145、-components enable rapid adaptation to market shifts and reduce bottlenecks.They also optimize resource usage and minimize waste,while leveraging all goodness from advanced AI and automation.They not only drive cost savings and extreme agility but also keep businesses competitive in a dynamic market

146、.Integrate micro-processes into the corporate workflows to revolutionize operations with precision and adaptability.By escaping the confines of monolithic systems,the finesse of these independent units is harnessed to swiftly adapt and innovate,while rediscovering the essence of each and every proce

147、ss component involved.Enchanting!20TechnoVision 2024:Executive CompanionAutonomous Enterprise Container:Process on the Fly Harnessing AI,the autonomous and unattended lights out enterprise continually optimizes itself,bringing harmony and blending capabilities between humans and technologyIncorporat

148、ing AI into the equation elevates mechanistic automation by not only enabling mimicry but also augmenting human intelligence.AIs proficiency in comprehending natural language,and deciphering audio,video,and images allows it to perceive processes within their broader context,uncovering intricate patt

149、erns beyond human perception.This AI-human combo not only jazzes up how we work but it fully reshapes our work processes and organizational structures,fundamentally altering the landscape of business operations and daily life.As AI continually optimizes the autonomous and unattended lights out enter

150、prise,it fosters harmony by blending the capabilities of humans and technology,creating a dynamic synergy that propels us into a new era of innovation and efficiency.Ok Qompute Container:Invisible Infostructure New horizons of more organic computing are emerging,driven by quantum and neuromorphic ch

151、ips breaking the spell of bits and bytes,opening up entirely unexplored opportunitiesTo address some of the most significant challenges of our time,such as improving healthcare and the race to net zero,there is a demand for much more computational power.The time has come to explore alternative compu

152、ting methods.Welcome to the realm of bits,neurons,and qubits.We have already moved beyond a single processor architecture CPUs,GPUs,TPUs are here to stay,but their roles will be shaken up by the new kids on the block quantum and neuromorphic chips.They operate on fundamentally different principles,m

153、ore closely modeling our own,organic reality.That promises extraordinary,quite OK capabilities.Chat is the New Super App Container:Applications UnleashedAI-augmented chatting and talking in plain,natural language becomes the new app to rule them allIt has been the ambition of quite a few captains of

154、 the IT industry:Creating one Super App that can be used to manage and launch whatever application service one could possibly need.But it would still be an app,with an interface that needs to be mastered and a logical flow that must be followed.What if all of that would simply disappear and be repla

155、ced by a simple dialogue in natural language?The rapid breakthrough of AI-augmented chat systems,combined with an infinity of subject matter-specific plug-in models,is making this a reality.It will democratize access to applications,driven by a radically new design concept for software engineers.Sup

156、ercalifragilisticexpialidocious!When Code Goes Know Container:Applications UnleashedPair programming with an AI assistant can significantly boost coding productivity and quality while steepening your learning curve if you know what youre doingKnow what?It was already getting easier to produce high-q

157、uality code,through API catalogues,prebuilt templates,automation,and powerful low/no-code systems.And now there is Generative AI,providing both professional and business developers with language models that can produce code as if it was written by the best software engineers on GitHub.It delivers pr

158、oductivity and quality and its highly educational too.All of this is done through dialog in plain,natural language.Exactly what an aspiring Technology Business needs.But beware,an experienced eye is always needed before releasing AI-generated apps.As the saying goes:you know it when you see it.NEW G

159、UIDING PRINCIPLES Balance by Design Overarching.Transformative.Purposeful:When augmenting ourselves with technology,we rely increasingly on complex,interconnected systems that no longer fit into our established command and control ways of management.A new balance needs to be established between what

160、 we trust from Artificial Intelligence and automation,versus what we still deem human.The AIll be the Judge of That principle suggests a new judgment symbiosis between man and machine.The aspirational Be Like Water has served as the overall concept of the Technovision edition 2021 which evolved into

161、 the practical Being like Water for the consecutive 2022 edition.Today the built-in water-like capabilities of agility,flexibility,responsiveness,resilience,and openness have evolved into a design imperative.Finally,the IQ CQ RQ EQ Up design imperative revers to a properly measured and monitored bal

162、ance between four sometimes conflicting assets:the corporate intelligence quotient,creativity quotient,robotic quotient,and emotional quotient.An aspect that is essential when trying to Augment ME!,and not replace me.21FURTHER RESEARCHData-Powered Innovation ReviewThe Great AI ExperimentHigh Time fo

163、r Low-Code in Industrial IT/OTThe Rise of the Experience EcologyImmersive Learning22Quantum Safe CryptographyBreathe In(novation)TechnoVision 2024:Executive CompanionSoftwarizationBiodiversityGenAI in OrganizationsOpen InnovationSustainability TrendsClimate Tech23About CapgeminiCapgemini is a global

164、 leader in partnering with companies to transform and manage their business by harnessing the power of technology.The Group is guided every day by its purpose of unleashing human energy through technology for an inclusive and sustainable future.It is a responsible and diverse organization of nearly

165、350,000 team members in more than 50 countries.With its strong 55-year heritage and deep industry expertise,Capgemini is trusted by its clients to address the entire breadth of their business needs,from strategy and design to operations,fueled by the fast evolving and innovative world of cloud,data,AI,connectivity,software,digital engineering,and platforms.The Group reported in 2022 global revenues of 22 billion.Get the Future You Want|Copyright 2024 Capgemini.All rights reserved.



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