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1、2020奢侈品行业微信指数报告. 注: 此报告前100页为中文版,后100页为对应英文版。 Please note that the report is in two languages: p1-100 is Chinese version and p101-200 is English version. 2020 奢侈品行业微信指数 2020奢侈品行业微信指数. 坐拥超过11.6亿的月活跃用户,微信在中国人市场生活中的主导地位是毋庸置疑的。 规划合适的平台策略和方式来与客户和粉丝进行互动已成为落在品牌肩上的重担。 微信的能力可以满足高度精准和高效的营销目的,但奢侈品牌对它们的表现与同类 品牌

2、相比如何,在大部分时候并不明晰。以往,此类数据无法在公共领域获得 直到2018年发布的奢侈品行业微信指数。 今年,DLG和JINGdigital补充了奢侈品牌的权威微信基准,加入了新的数据点和洞 察,以及框架和公式来帮助数字化专业人士规划和执行成功的微信策略。 AARON CHANG. 创始人兼首席执行官,JINGdigital PABLO MAURON. 中国区董事总经理兼合伙人,DLG pmaurondigital- 前言 2020 奢侈品行业微信指数 2017 2018 2019 简介. 微信 自2011年作为社交通信和媒体平台推出以来, 微信迅速发展成为一个提供支付、电商等服务 的超级

3、应用。随着用户群体不断扩增,截至 2019 年, 微信已拥有月活跃用户(MAU)超 10.8亿,无可否认,超级应用微信不单是一个 营销工具,而是品牌在中国大陆进行数字化战 略部署不可或缺的重要部分。 10亿 10.8 亿 11.6 亿 MAU MAU MAU 2020 奢侈品行业微信指数 账号类型. 服务帐号 订阅帐号 90%以上的品牌方选择服务号。服务号推送信息 会直接出现在用户的信息栏中,不折叠,但每月 的推送限额为四条。认证账号可以使用9个高级 API和微信支付。此份报告的重点是这个账号类 型。 订阅号更适合细分领域原创内容创作,分布着从 媒体到自媒体的多领域账号类型。从订阅号发送 的信

4、息会出现在用户信息栏的文件夹中,推送限 额为每日一次。品牌使用API的能力受限制。 1 2 1 2 微信 2020 奢侈品行业微信指数 4% 汽车 4% 美妆 社群规模 3,000 3百万 至 35 奢侈品牌 研究范围. 研究方法 25% 腕表和珠宝 25% 旅游 42% 时尚 2020 奢侈品行业微信指数 章节. 报告结构 互动 本章节调查了粉丝和推送互动的 统计数据 粉丝 本章节涵盖了所有与粉丝招募相 关的指标 内容 本章节将回顾由各类内容所驱动 的行为及表现 2020 奢侈品行业微信指数 粉丝. 第1章: 根据2019年的一项研究,中国奢侈品消费者在发现和研究阶段会 有 大约4到5 个接

5、触点*,其中超过60%在线上的。然而,当在购买时,只有12%会在线上 平台发生。大部分购买行为在线下进行,品牌需要找到一种方法来建立与客户 的联系。 随着对全渠道战略的关注不断加强,品牌需要在利用微信平台提高品牌认知度 的同时,进一步识别、联系和建立与客户和潜在客户的关系。但随着消费者越 来越挑剔,品牌发现在微信上吸引和留住粉丝是一个挑战。它们如何才能更好 地制定有效的增长和留存策略呢? 2020 奢侈品行业微信指数 *数据来自 2019 BCG x 腾讯奢侈品报告 粉丝. 第1章 1.1 增长率 1.2 人口特征 1.3 增长来源 1.4 粉丝生命周期 2020 奢侈品行业微信指数 粉丝 本

6、章节涵盖了所有与粉丝招募相 关的指标 整体增长. 增长率 相较2018 年,报告显示:2019年微信粉丝增长总体呈下降趋势, 其中,粉丝体量10万以上的账号年均增长量已从66%降至41%, 体量在10万以内的公众账号,年均增长量也出现了从68%到 34%的大幅度下滑。 自2012年微信公众平台上线,经过数年的高速增长,目前该平 台已进入增长趋缓期。这一趋势使品牌方考虑缩减广告投入,转 向以优质的内容留存老用户,维持用户自然增长。这也反映了大 趋势下市场已经接近饱和,增长用户变得愈加困难。 20182019 66% 68% 41% 34% 社群增长率 2020 奢侈品行业微信指数 大账号: 10

7、万 粉丝 小账号: 10万 粉丝 小账号: 3个月上次行为 1 次购买 现有分组信息 位置 性别 位置 性别 兴趣 产品偏好 位置 性别 兴趣 产品偏好 会员权益 售前服务 位置 性别 兴趣 产品偏好 会员权益 售前服务 售后服务 位置 性别 兴趣 产品偏好 会员权益 售前服务 售后服务 回头客 VIP 用户分组示例 最佳实践 2020 奢侈品行业微信指数 分组推送. 频率和时间 分组推送 无分组推送 54.29% 我们看到越来越多的奢侈品牌使用了用户分组。按照我 们的数据样本,超过45.71%的品牌利用分组推送,根 据兴趣和喜好选择目标群体,并相应地向他们推送定制 内容。 随着消费者变得越来

8、越挑剔,重要的是品牌将他们的沟 通努力变得更加有针对性和相关性,从而能够持续得到 他们的关注。 2020 奢侈品行业微信指数 我们正处于下一个阶段,在这个阶段,品牌不再把他们的微信受众仅仅视 为粉丝,而是消费者。这创造了品牌试图了解粉丝并建立提供针对性信息 的细分受众的一大浪潮。 KUN HSU 合伙人, JINGdigital 2020 奢侈品行业微信指数 内容. 第3章 内容 本章节将回顾由各类内容所驱动 的行为及表现 3.1 频率和时间 3.2 打开率 3.3 转化率 3.4 取关率 2020 奢侈品行业微信指数 2020 奢侈品行业微信指数 图文数量. 3.30% 2.25% 2.05

9、% 1.86% 0.51% 9.23% 打开率 平均打开率 8.41% 2019年,奢侈品品牌推出的图文平均打开率约为8.41%。这与2018 年8.6%的打开率相比略有下降,表明了品牌优化其内容策略以吸引 日益成熟的受众的重要性。 单图文推送的打开率目前为13.82%,多图文推送的第一篇图文打开 率为9.23%。虽然多图文推送的累积打开率较高,但只有当品牌每次 推送至少包含2至3篇图文时,这种影响才会显著。因此,产生这些 额外内容所需的额外投资可能不值得所得的回报除非品牌考虑 采用次条推送池方法,将工作量降至最低。 13.82% 2020 奢侈品行业微信指数 曝光率. 在对1,700篇微信图

10、文进行深入回顾后, 本章节将为高互动率度和转化率的图文提供 最佳实践。使用的数据指标包括: 研究方法 这是指图文的长度、语气、主题以及图文 中使用的行为号召。 精准聚焦 25.14% 12.00% 10.29% 5.71% 1.14% FashionHospitalityCommercialJewelry scheduling seasonal articles, events and promotions; making use of Chatbots for automatic message replies or live customer chats; creating custome

11、r journeys based on followerinterestsandbehaviours;andcreating shareable forms and quizzes. 12 1 Articles, promotions and products were designed around a pig motifincelebration of the2019 lunarcalendarsYear of thePig. LOUIS VUITTON 2 The brand launched an interactive quiz via a H5 on WeChat that enc

12、ouraged users to discover their traveller type. FOUR SEASONS HOTELS & RESORTS 2020 奢侈品行业微信指数 WELCOME JOURNEYSWELCOME JOURNEYS. . CASE STUDY 1 2 A followers interest is at its highest at the point during which he/she starts following the brand. It is important to interact with them positively at this

13、 first touch point in order to inspire return visits. First Impressions Count Besides offering general brand information, Swarovski also includes clear calls-to-action in its welcome journey, directing users to its loyalty programme,gift ideas andstorelocator. SWAROVSKI 1 2 Users are given a clear i

14、ntroduction to its menu functions, and are also prompted to leave their contact details to receive updates from the brand. A. LANGE & SHNE WECHAT LUXURY INDEX 2020 2020 奢侈品行业微信指数 WELCOME JOURNEYSWELCOME JOURNEYS. . BEST PRACTICES First impressions count, and the best way to ensure that users stay in

15、terested and engaged is to design personalised welcome experiences for them. Creating Engaging Journeys 1 2 Users can be taken on different journeys and shown targeted content based on their entry points. Content can also be customised to be displayedintheusers preferredlanguage. ENTRYPOINTS 1 Vario

16、us content formats can be used at different stages of these user journeys, including direct links to Mini Programs, loyalty programmes or brandcontent,tobetter driveengagement JOURNEYS 2 WECHAT LUXURY INDEX 2020 2020 奢侈品行业微信指数 Creating a welcome journey is the key to increasing retention and laying

17、the foundation for an engaged follower base. Its unfortunate that so many brands miss out on this potential. Founder & CEO, JINGdigital AARON CHANG 2020 奢侈品行业微信指数 OVER TIMEOVER TIME. . LEVEL OF ENGAGEMENT The first six weeks of a followers lifetime are where most of the actions are performed. Follow

18、ing that, the followers level of engagement with the brand will peter out. Typically, the number of actions performed by a follower peaks in the first week, and decreases over the next fourweeks. The example on the right, taken from the performance of one luxury brand, highlights the importance of l

19、ifecycle management for followers. Brands need to come up with innovative ways to stimulate and reactivate their communities over time. Audiences cannot be expected to engage consistently with the brand based solely on its brand equity. 13.15 1.72 0.78 0.64 0.430.40 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 123456 Average

20、 Weekly Actions No. of Weeks After Following Brand Follower Engagement Over Time 2020 奢侈品行业微信指数 REACTIVATING FOLLOWERSREACTIVATING FOLLOWERS. . CASE STUDY Engagement campaigns on WeChat area good way ofreactivating followers. Thiscan comein theform of promotional content that invites users to perfor

21、m specific actions for an incentive (e.g. a prizefromthebrand,vouchers, etc) Promoting Engagement Whilecampaignsaregreatfordriving engagement, a more sustainable approach needs to be taken for the long run. Weekly content pushes should be optimised to include relevant links tostorelocators, websites

22、 or MiniPrograms Calls-to-Action 1 1 The fine watch brand launched a user-generated content (UGC)-driven campaign that promoted engagement by having audiences vote for their favourite pieceofwork. BAUME & MERCIER WECHAT LUXURY INDEX 2020 2020 奢侈品行业微信指数 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% QR Co

23、deSearchAccount Name Card Share Others 43.52% 45.40% 36.99% 33.83% 4.62% 6.17% 5.08% 2.17% Lifetime Active FollowersMonthly Active Followers Follower Activity FOLLOWER SOURCEFOLLOWER SOURCE. . LEVEL OF ENGAGEMENT WeChat Search is a brands only purely organic source of followers. While it is the most

24、 qualified recruitment source, it is also the hardest to stimulate as it is the direct result of a brands equity as well as the overall marketing mix it develops. As such, followers recruited through this sourcegenerally display the highest engagement rates. Coming in a close second in terms of enga

25、gement are followers recruited through QR codes. This is, in fact, the most qualitative recruitment source on which brands can have a direct impact. But while brands are able to stimulate the scanning of QR codes, it is important that the welcome journey that comes after a user scans that QR code (s

26、ee case study) is optimised, as this has a significantimpact on future engagement actions. Monthly Active: 4 actions per month Lifetime Active: 4 actions since following brand 2020 奢侈品行业微信指数 USER JOURNEYSUSER JOURNEYS. . CASE STUDY In making user of parametric QR codes, brands are able to better und

27、erstand user acquisition channels and design effective and relevant user journeys. Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts madeuse of thisat their propertyintheMaldives. Parametric QR Codes 2 1 1 Hotel guests that scan the QR codes available at the check-in area are immediately greeted with a welcome message

28、and an introduction video about thepropertyanditsfacilities. WELCOME MESSAGE 2 When guests scan the QR codes located in their rooms, they will be directed to a live chat with a member of the staff. All queries will be answered within 90 seconds in the preferred language detectedon theguests WeChat a

29、ccount. LIVE CHATS WECHAT LUXURY INDEX 2020 2020 奢侈品行业微信指数 ENGAGEMENTENGAGEMENT. . CHAPTER 2 ENGAGEMENT This section examines both fan and post engagement statistics 2.1 LEVEL OF ENGAGEMENT 2.2 TYPES OF ENGAGEMENT 2.3 ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITIES 2.4 ENGAGEMENT VALUES WECHAT LUXURY INDEX 2020 2020 奢侈品行业微信指

30、数 AN OVERVIEWAN OVERVIEW. . TYPES OF ENGAGEMENT The average engagement rate of users across all types of content currently sits at about 10.45%. It should be noted that content pushes with multiple articlesseeanoverallhighengagementrate (11.99%) than those with single articles (7.79%). Naturally, co

31、ntent pushes with multiple articles will have a higher cumulative engagement rate as followers are given more material to discover and explore. Brands should consider this when planning their contentcalendars. It is also important for brands to optimise the calls- to-actions within each article to e

32、ncourage and drive engagement actions. AVERAGE ENGAGEMENT RATE BY PUSH SINGLE ARTICLE PUSH ENGAGEMENT RATE MULTIPLE ARTICLE PUSH ENGAGEMENT RATE 10.45% 7.79%11.99% 2020 奢侈品行业微信指数 AN OVERVIEWAN OVERVIEW. . TYPES OF ENGAGEMENT The engagement rate for articles that have been sent to segmented user grou

33、ps is also significantly higher than those that are not. Articles that were pushed via segmentation saw an average engagement rate of 14.88%, while those that were not only had an engagement rate of 7.74%. By simply taking the preferences of users into consideration, brands would be able to generate

34、 a high return on investment through the creation of WeChat articles. Followers can be easily tagged and segmented across a range of dimensions defined by the brand. SEGMENTED ARTICLES NON-SEGMENTED ARTICLES OVERALL ENGAGEMENT RATE 2020 奢侈品行业微信指数 ACTION TYPESACTION TYPES. . TYPES OF ENGAGEMENT The m

35、ost frequently performed engagement action is that of Menu Clicks (68%), indicating that it is important for brands to focus on how their navigation menu on WeChat is designed, and optimising the information provided there. Users will be looking for specific types of information when seeking out the

36、 menu button, and it is up to brands to decide what is importantand relevant. Interestingly, the incidences of users sending a message via chat (12%) and interacting with posts pushed by the brand (15%) are at approximately the same level. Menu Clicks 68% Scanning QR Codes 5% Messaging 12% Post Inte

37、ractions 15% ACTIONSACTIONS 2020 奢侈品行业微信指数 POPULAR CATEGORIESPOPULAR CATEGORIES. . TYPES OF ENGAGEMENT It is important for brands look beyond WeChats basic function as an information sourcewhen it comes to brand and product introductions.Whileover33%ofengagementactions performed centre around this,

38、actions related to CRM (31%) includingretrievingtheirmembershipinformationand contacting customer service representatives are also on par. Brands should think about strengthening their CRM activities on WeChat, as well as investing in a clienteling solution to ensure that these customer interactions

39、 can be carried out in a structured and effectivemanner. At 36%, e-commerce functions were the most accessed in 2019. This indicates that consumers are increasingly receptive towards shopping on WeChat and that brands should think about better leveraging that aspect of WeChat and creating a more sus

40、tainable stream of e-commerce revenue from this channel. 33% 31% 36% INFORMATIONINFORMATIONCRMCRME E- -COMMERCECOMMERCE Membership Info Customer Service Company Info Event Info Product Info Shopping 2020 奢侈品行业微信指数 27% Replied 73% Not Replied RESPONSE RATESRESPONSE RATES. . TYPES OF ENGAGEMENT At pre

41、sent, the rate at which followers send a message to brands via its chat window on WeChat stands at 7.5%. However, nearly three-quarters of these queries (73%) go unanswered. Clearly, there is a lot of work to be done in terms of community management. While there are many ways to go about addressing

42、this situation, a possible fix is to set automatic replies for messages, or to install a Chatbot. Investing in dedicated customer service agents on WeChat would be the next step, but this would require a significant investment from brands. 2020 奢侈品行业微信指数 CHATBOTSCHATBOTS. . BEST PRACTICES Chatbots c

43、an be a quick and easy way to address customer queries. Automated replies can besentbased on specifiedkeywords KEYWORD RESPONSES Chatbots can also facilitate data collection. Studies have shown that this method usually sees a 50 to 60% completion rate, while regular forms only have a completion rate

44、 of 30to40% DATA COLLECTION Custom user journeys that address a brands business goals can also be created (e.g. including links to offline store locators or e- commercesitesinthejourney) USER JOURNEYS WECHAT LUXURY INDEX 2020 2020 奢侈品行业微信指数 Partner, JINGdigital KUN HSU We are seeing an acceleration

45、in the sophistication of how brands are choosing to engage with their customers online. Besides social proof and virality, brands are also seeing value in creating personalisedcontent to increase relevancy and customer loyalty. 2020 奢侈品行业微信指数 ENGAGEMENTENGAGEMENT. . CHAPTER 2 ENGAGEMENT This section

46、 examines both fan and post engagement statistics 2.1 LEVEL OF ENGAGEMENT 2.2 TYPES OF ENGAGEMENT 2.3 ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITIES 2.4 ENGAGEMENT VALUES WECHAT LUXURY INDEX 2020 2020 奢侈品行业微信指数 0.00%1.00%2.00%3.00%4.00%5.00%6.00%7.00% Read More Links Favourites Comments Shares 1.15% 6.38% 0.32% 0.25% 2.80%

47、Post Engagement Actions POST ACTIONSPOST ACTIONS. . ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITIES It is important for brands to note that engagement does not only come from within its community on WeChat, but from all users within the WeChat ecosystem. The most engaged- in activity within posts is that of clicking links wi

48、thin articles (6%). This goes to show that it is necessary for brands to integrate relevant links within a piece of WeChat content as it serves as a good platform for driving conversions. It should also be noted that users rarely leave comments (0.25%) or favourite (0.32%) an article. This highlight

49、s once again that unlike its Western counterparts, WeChat does not function as a social media per se. Its “social” aspect tends to be weaker, limiting the impact of word of mouth. As such, that brands should refrain from assessing the performanceof theircontent based on these indicators. 2020 奢侈品行业微信指数 ININ- -ARTICLE LINKSARTICLE LINKS. . CASE STUDY 1 2 3 As clicking on in-article links is the most popular e



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