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2021 Connecting the dots:新型冠状病毒大流行情况下趋势报告及应对建议 - GlobalWebIndex(英文版).pdf

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2021 Connecting the dots:新型冠状病毒大流行情况下趋势报告及应对建议 - GlobalWebIndex(英文版).pdf

1、20 21 In this report 414 30 4462 84 78130 102118 Click the dots to navigate Theres no place like home More than lockdown blues Its a kindness magic 2020: A year in insights All work and no play Intro A green awakening The digital storefront Data for good Coming of age Many stories start at the end,

2、only to take us back to the beginning. Unfortunately for us, we really dont know when the end will be. Its difficult to judge where we are now. Were in the middle of a global crisis. When it ends, we may not even realize. After all, not many people can pinpoint exactly when the Great Recession ended

3、. In last years Connecting the dots report, we anticipated trends to watch in 2020. We believed that more people would adopt telehealth and that digital pay- ments would become more widespread. We also predicted that technology would inch further in providing social interaction and companionship, an

4、d that we might be headed into a recession. In hindsight we made some pretty good calls, but we could never have imagined why these would be strong predictions based on what 2020 had in store for the world. We also expected to see big devel- opments in the role of physical retail spaces and in the u

5、se of data and per- sonalization in the travel experience. These two sectors have borne the brunt of the pandemics disruption. Yet were still confident in our asser- tions. The pandemic has led to a vast experiment, giving retailers unique lessons in the limitations of online channels and their rela

6、tionship with bricks-and-mortar. Also, more than ever before, passenger data is key in managing risk in travel during the outbreak. where to start? JASON MANDER CHIEF RESEARCH OFFICER by 2020. 5 Theres never been a stronger case for harmonized research A lot can happen in the next year or so. To acc

7、ount for such severe uncer- tainty during COVID-19, weve outlined dual scenarios in each article based on two slightly more predictable circumstances: From the get-go it became very obvious in our recurring coronavirus research that although most of the world found itself under lockdown, the respons

8、e and impact of the virus was highly fragmented. Our 46-country research is harmo- nized, meaning we can compare countries and audiences in a like-for- like manner. This has proved invaluable. The pandemic has shown us that theres never been a stronger case for harmonized research. Were still teasin

9、g out the intricacies of whats taken place across our 46 countries in the past year. But weve found some of the strongest variables impacting both B2C and B2B behav- iors have been when the virus hit, severity of cases, types of economies, and also climate. A worst-case scenario involving more cases

10、 and further restrictions A best-case scenario where normality seems more plausible As if things needed to be any more complex, its highly likely that different countries will find themselves in differ- ent scenarios, at different times. Uncertainty rules the day Global pandemic, myriad outcomes 7 A

11、gainst this complexity, we want this report to provide clarity and perspective. Its easy to get swept up in ideas or assumptions that seem to be playing out before us during such a vast and complex event. Understanding whats hype and whats real has always been a challenge; never more so than now. In

12、 the shadow of this uncertainty, many companies regardless of their industry find themselves in a similar position, facing up to the daunting task of rebuilding. But the rules have changed. What worked before might not work now or in the future. Consumers attention has shifted as the internet has sw

13、ept in to help us manage our lives more effectively, and their behav- iors have shifted too. We firmly believe behavioral shifts are only half the story. Through Connecting the dots, you wont just know what the biggest behavioral shifts were in 2020, youll also understand whats been driv- ing them,

14、and how to take advantage. This, coupled with a harmonized global perspective, can help give confidence that what youre seeing isnt just a regional fad. In an era defined by universal change, context is king. Without it, distinguish- ing between hype and reality is even more difficult. The rules hav

15、e changed 9 Our flagship research, a global survey representing more than 2 billion con- nected consumers, which offers over 40,000 data points on the behaviors and perceptions of internet users around the world. Our bespoke research into the COVID-19 pandemic, consist- ing of five waves conducted a

16、cross 20 markets between March and July 2020. It covers a host of topics, includ- ing: feelings about the virus, its economic impact, media consumption during lock- down, changes in spending habits, and many others. Respondents who took part also completed GWI Core. Bespoke research on topics which

17、complements and further interrogates themes in our Core research and beyond. The data in this report draws from recontact studies made at different points throughout 2020. Respondents who took part also completed GWI Core. Our B2B dataset, which analyzes business profes- sionals across 10 global mar

18、kets. Respondents who took part also completed GWI Core. Launched in July 2020, GWI USA provides more relevant and timely insight into the modern American consumer. Representing over 240 million people across all 50 states, the study tracks new and emerging trends not typically covered by traditiona

19、l market research providers, including key questions around cultural identity, race, and ethnicity. Data sets included in this report GWI Core GWI Work GWI USA GWI Coronavirus GWI Zeitgeist 11 Each chart from our ongo- ing global research in this report contains a hyper- link that will bring you str

20、aight to the relevant question on our Platform, where you can investigate all data by demographics, over time, and among your own audiences. Information about the source and base Discover the data on our platform Source Base Each of the graphs is numbered More information can be found in the Appendi

21、x section at the end of this report Just click this icon to explore the data on the platform Sneak preview of our new platform 13 01by VIKTORIYA TRIFONOVA Theres no place like home Samuel Pepys depiction of London during the Great Plague cant help but reso- nate with the world today. The death of th

22、e city is once again feared; but even then, urban environments eventu- ally thrived once more. At that time, one vital part was missing from the equa- tion the Teams, the Slacks, and the Zooms that make mass remote working not only possible, but poten- tially a better solution for businesses and emp

23、loyees alike. So, are people tempted to walk away from the city for good this time? Yes and no. The pandemic has without doubt contrib- uted to a growing desire to escape from the city, but one thats not so much defined by the movement of people as it is by a shift in the urban mindset. Dont focus o

24、n con- sumer postal/zip codes; double down on the chang- ing consumer lifestyle. 01 How the pandemic will reshape city life But, Lord! how sad a sight it is to see the streets empty of people . SAMUEL PEPYS (1633 - 1703), DIARIST 17Theres no place like home The gap between the haves and the have-not

25、s appears to be get- ting bigger; whether thats people having access to essential goods and employment, or governments having access to affordable debt to prop up economies and manage the outbreak. The 23 percentage point difference in concerns for falling ill between higher and lower earners speaks

26、 for itself. A desire for a city escape might be on the cards but mostly for those who can afford it. In many parts of the world, the momentum is still on the side of cities. Urbanites in advanced economies are much keener on getting out of the city compared to those in fast-growth countries. What w

27、ere seeing with the latter are in fact signs of continued urbanization, with those in suburban and rural areas waiting for an opportu- nity to flock to cities. A lot of megacities in developing economies are not only luring new workers but retailers as well, with Apple and Huawei launch- ing flagshi

28、p stores in Beijing and Shanghai, respectively. There have been many reports of a “great escape” from cities due to COVID-19, but relocating from the city during a pandemic may be a luxury limited to those who can easily work remotely. Common sense tells us that mass remote working just isnt applica

29、- ble for manufacturing-based economies where opportunities are clustered around city environments. And although our data shows migration from the city is desired in Western countries, this isnt as much induced by fear of the virus as by shifts in consumer priorities. Our research in the UK and U.S.

30、 shows that where people want to relocate is primarily about a change in lifestyle (31%) and a quest for a quieter loca- tion (29%) than what the city can offer. Thats why 2021 wont see a drastic change in the physical composition of urban areas, but rather one that reflects a shift in urban mentali

31、ty. Dont believe the hype 19Theres no place like home 26 33 50 17 21 10 7 BR CN IN UK US FR DE Cities havent lost their appeal My career/employment has become more important because of the outbreak BR 30 16 36 12 22 10 5 25 9 29 5 29 5 21 CN IN UK US FR DE Urbanites who want to move out of metropoli

32、tan areas Suburban/rural dwellers who want to move into metropolitan areas Fast-growth countries Advanced countries 1 % who agree with the above statement 3,984 internet users living in urban areas it embodies a unique mindset geared toward convenience and diversity, and an economy designed to accom

33、- pany that. Pret a Manger and Au Bon Pain, for example, were explicitly designed with the coffee morning and lunch break of the urban office-based professional in mind. These are just two examples of how businesses that were once a per- fect fit for the urban dweller are now having to essentially r

34、ecalibrate entire business models. During lockdown we were forced to adapt to a new way of living that made us take a step back and realize what really matters to us and what brings us joy might not be the same as before. The nights out with friends transformed into nights in with family; the saved

35、money from theater and live concert tickets was reinvested in kitting out our homes. Not to mention the enthusi- asm about that daily outdoor exercise slot. This doesnt mean that cities are dead but our relationship with them, and what we enjoy about them, has changed. Behaviors that were mostly ass

36、oci- ated with suburban or rural culture have now sprawled across cities young populations, slowly but surely becoming ingrained into actual con- sumer interests. Pay attention to the new urban mindset 23Theres no place like home Cooking, home improvements, and gardening have come to symbolize our n

37、ew reality With many of us baking our way through the pandemic, cooking, home improvements, and gardening have come to symbolize our new real- ity. Our data from 46 markets shows that our youngest demographic, Gen Z, are increasingly more interested in these activities, with cooking jumping 7% betwe

38、en Q1 2020 and Q2 2020. And data from Q3 2020 suggests this trend is going to continue. On a more profound level, these behav- iors are more than just new pastimes consumers have picked up because of the outbreak. With their therapeu- tic effects, they speak to a desire to wind down and push the bra

39、kes on the fast-paced pre-COVID way of life even within a city setting. Having grown into a hot social media and fashion trend, the #cottagecore craze has come to represent what con- sumers have longed for during these times: simplicity, tranquility, and nos- talgic comfort. Businesses and marketers

40、 have a unique opportunity to tap into this new mentality. As we discuss elsewhere in the report, mental health will be a big topic in 2021, so positioning offerings and messaging to be in line with the mental health-conscious segment will be key. Urban perks look increasingly less appealing % of gl

41、obal urbanites who say theyre interested in the following Eating outLive events 44474139 32725 35373432 20182019 Q1 2020 Q2 20182019 Q1 2020 Q2 20182019 Q1 2020 Q2 20182019 Q1 2020 Q2 Museums/galleriesTheaters 2 GWI Core 2018-2020 (Averages of waves conducted between Q3 2018-Q2 2020) 691,

42、827 internet users living in urban areas aged 16-64 25 This new urban mentality means global businesses should think even more local. Consumers shifting interests, combined with remote working oppor- tunities, signal a sustained change in the amount of time we spend in our local areas. Where consume

43、rs would previously drive or board a train, they now prefer a short walk or a cycle. The 42% of regular public transport users looking to a future where they walk to work give proximity a whole new meaning. You might think smaller cities where distances are shorter and virus con- cern is typically h

44、igh drive this trend. But even in megacities across Asian markets like Beijing where only 26% of residents said theyre extremely/very concerned about coronavirus walk- ing is consumers top preference for future commute (56%). The idea of a hyper-local city isnt new, and its been proposed as a model

45、across major European cities pre-COVID; but what was once a proposition is now a mainstream consumer need thats not limited to European borders. The demand for local solutions will reach an all-time high, with major grocery chains already jumping on the bandwagon. But the implications stretch beyond

46、 just retail and physi- cal presence. Marketing to various city clusters will be a challenge and the need for locally-tailored messag- ing will grow in importance. Budweiser has been quick to get in on the act with its latest Detroit campaign aiming to help the brand reach “hyper hyper-local” groups

47、 in 2021. If success- ful, others are sure to follow, and the granularity could go even further mar- keting to neighborhoods, not just cities. Segmenting target audiences by loca- tion with regional and spatially granular data has never been more critical. Cities arent dead, but they are chang- ing.

48、 Your next customer may literally be around the corner. Prepare for a hyper-local future 3 Public transport users WalkingDriving (alone)Cycling Drivers 42 42 37 32 37 54 % who say theyd prefer to commute in the following ways in the future Top 3 means of future commute WALKING 42% of regular public

49、transport users say theyd prefer to walk for their commute to work in the future GWI Zeitgeist September 2020 5,649 regular/semi-regular drivers and 2,923 regular/semi-regular public transport users in 7 countries aged 16-64 27Theres no place like home Consumers have re-evaluated their priorities and some urban perks as we once knew them have taken a backseat. They wont be as ingrained in consumer culture going forward as they were prior to the outbreak. The bond people have established with



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