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1、5G Outlook Series: Enabling Inclusive Long-term Opportunities J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 1 In collaboration with PwC Contents Foreword Executive summary 1 Leadership perspective on 5G 2 5G is set to play a key role in post-COVID world 3 Nine opportunities for 5G to enable transformation in the long term Co

2、nclusion Contributors Endnotes 3 4 5 6 7 13 14 15 Cover: Rostyslav Savchyn, Unsplash 2021 World Economic Forum. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retri

3、eval system. Enabling Inclusive Long-term Opportunities2 Foreword In 2020, communications reinvented the way we team up, learn and work. With large proportions of the worlds population confined to their homes, several years worth of digital transformation has taken place over a matter of weeks. This

4、 rapid switch to digital technologies was noticed in even the most technologically resistant industries, among small and medium businesses and across all countries, developing and advanced. This report concludes the 5G Outlook Series of publications in 2020 that have been analysing the role of 5G in

5、 the short, medium and long term in the context of the pandemic and the economic crisis. Five key takeaways have emerged from interviews and workshops: 5G Outlook Series: Enabling Inclusive Long-term Opportunities January 2021 In the 2020s and beyond a robust 5G infrastructure will be foundational t

6、o both inclusive economic growth and competitiveness 5G has the potential to democratize computing, helping to close digital divides Public-private partnerships are essential to success and broad-based gains To benefit from 5G, countries urgently require a clear strategy for cross-industry investmen

7、t and policy 5G is a general-purpose technology enabler, unlocking the potential of cloud, artificial intelligence (AI) and edge computing These insights will contribute to shaping public-private dialogues across sectors throughout 2021 as well as initiatives related to digital inclusion, digital tr

8、ansformation and the Fourth Industrial Revolution agenda. 1 2 3 4 5 Enabling Inclusive Long-term Opportunities3 Executive summary The year 2020 brought global challenges that none of us could have ever expected or had experienced before. Businesses and governments adopted digital technologies in a m

9、atter of weeks which might otherwise have taken several years. Surviving the pandemic through the adoption of digital tools and skills has given us additional flexibility and resilience to deal with uncertainties in the future, whatever form they may take. This switch to digital technologies has adv

10、anced consideration of 5Gs role in a post-COVID world. Given that it is the first mobile network designed to connect a massive number of devices in addition to humans, 5G presents a central opportunity for digitization as the world emerges from the global pandemic. Interviews with global chief execu

11、tive officers, presidents and chairpersons of leading technology companies as well as senior government officials have curated the following nine specific opportunities: 5G on the move 1. Remote operations to manage workplaces, generating data-driven insights to ensure better productivity as well as

12、 safe and secure operations. 2. Connected transport through real-time vehicle-to-vehicle communication enables a partly driverless future, making travel and transport safer and more efficient. 3. Mass adoption brings a new wave of smart and personalized services to connect our increasingly integrate

13、d digital and physical lifestyles post pandemic. 5G on-site 4. Smart monitoring enables the automation of asset-management processes freeing up time for asset utilization and increasing workplace safety and security. 5. Environmental protection will benefit from new management techniques, driven by

14、the ability to monitor, assess and act in a sustainable manner as 5G scales up. 6. Autonomous robotics allows real-time automation to improve efficiencies in carrying out complex and repeatable, sometimes hazardous, operational tasks. 5G in communities 7. Democratizing 5G enables a wider uptake of b

15、enefits across communities through public-private collaboration, which results in a more efficient use of scarce, available resources. 8. Regionalizing 5G by encouraging earlier deployment through incentives, benefiting people and businesses based outside major urban centres. 9. Experiential living

16、transforming our interactions socially, in classrooms, while gaming, with families, and in many other social and community settings. Enabling Inclusive Long-term Opportunities4 Leadership perspective on 5G 1 5G will help catapult Colombia, promote its culture, boost the economy and stimulate talent

17、for a new technological era. It will allow us to be at the forefront and enable the implementation and use of emerging technologies that will improve lives and opportunities for Colombians. Karen Abudinen, Minister of Information and Communication Technologies of Colombia 5G will drive tremendous in

18、vestment in Digital Infrastructure globally and its impact will be more fundamental and profound on how we live than we can anticipate today. Sanjiv Ahuja, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Tillman Global Holdings Through its ability to connect everything to the cloud in a reliable manner, 100%

19、of the time, 5G will help democratise computing by enabling access to powerful compute-intense applications in the cloud. And, as 5G-enabled devices quickly approach mass market, this will benefit consumers as well as the broader digital transformation of industries. Cristiano Amon, President, Qualc

20、omm The new normal is a change in how we think about remote working. 5G presents us with an acceleration of how we serve customers, and it is the beginning of low touch operations with little human interaction. Sigve Brekke, President and Chief Executive Officer, Telenor Group Governments need to pr

21、ioritize getting enterprises on 5G now, not least through investment friendly policies. Enterprises can unleash 5Gs potential as a platform for innovation, taking forward uses that help us emerge strongly from Covid-19 and tackle other acute challenges, such as climate change. Brje Ekholm, President

22、 and Chief Executive Officer, Ericsson While governments cannot predict what future consumer tastes across all industries will be, we do have a unique ability to mobilise and encourage key players within industry sectors to develop 5G solutions and use cases. Paul Fletcher, Minister for Communicatio

23、ns, Cyber Safety and the Arts of Australia The greatest value of 5G lies in enabling the digital transformation of industries. For companies, it will cut costs and boost productivity. For people, it will make the workplace safer and less taxing. Every industry is unique so we need to identify real a

24、nd practical needs. Ken Hu, Deputy Chairman, Rotating Chairman, Huawei 5G will have a far-reaching impact on peoples quality of life and on Chiles productivity. With the opening of the offers of the interested operators, we are getting closer to having 5G in the country. Gloria Hutt, Minister of Tra

25、nsport and Telecommunications of Chile The current COVID crisis should also be seen as an opportunity to accelerate digital transformation, a key differentiator for the post-COVID world. This includes security, which has to be addressed at an architectural level to ensure the robustness and reliabil

26、ity of critical network infrastructure. Andr Kudelski, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Kudelski Group The world is changing. Physical industries, such as manufacturing, utilities and healthcare, must adopt Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies, including 5G, in order to keep u

27、p with customer expectations. The outcome will be more resilient supply chains, productivity growth, quicker go-to-market, and immense economic gain. Pekka Lundmark, President and Chief Executive Officer, Nokia At a time when countries need to decide on how to best respond to the pandemic, Governmen

28、ts should take the opportunity to set the right policies for the future and aim at implementing thoroughly planned measures that will benefit the population not only in the short-term, but above all in the long-term. Mario Maniewicz, Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau, International Telecommu

29、nications Union Cellular and WiFi have enabled the interconnected lives we lead. 5G and WiFi6 together will power the next era, transforming businesses, economies and nations. It is my hope that we will become more connected, collaborative and ultimately more responsible global citizens as a result

30、of the hyper- connectivity achieved from these technologies. Antonio Neri, President and Chief Executive Officer, Hewlett Packard Enterprise 5G alone cannot be a solution for the pandemic crisis but in combination with other technologies it can help drive recovery. To support this, a huge amount of

31、investment is needed to upgrade the telecom infrastructure. Alain Rauscher, Founder, Managing Partner and Chief Executive Officer, Antin Infrastructure Partners Applications with massive bandwidth requirement will first benefit from the availability of 5G. The massive roll-out of 5G will help to dri

32、ve cost down significantly and open up application scenarios which are commercially not feasible today. Peter Weckesser, Chief Digital Officer, Schneider Electric We live in an interesting intersection of time and technology. The pandemic crisis has shown that technology has a critical role to play

33、and that the once hypothetical future world scenarios are now real. Andrew Weinberg, Founder, Managing Partner and Chief Executive Officer, Brightstar Capital Partners 5G has the potential to revolutionize and transform entire industries but could also worsen the digital divide with irreversible con

34、sequences. If we fail to recognize the promise of 5G for developing countries and the need to make the technology safe, affordable and inclusive, we will fail in our mission to promote equitable growth across the world. Boutheina Guermazi, Director, Digital Development Department, The World Bank 5G

35、is set to play a key role in a post-COVID world 2 Despite many businesses feeling capital constraints under the pandemic, numerous markets have seen an acceleration in 5G network deployment in 2020, revealing new levels of confidence in the role of 5G as we recover. In fact, industry analysts have s

36、uggested 5G will add $3.8 trillion, or 2%,1 to expected gross output by 2035, supporting 22.8 million new jobs.2 These benefits will be felt in many industries as 5G provides the technology to digitize business, enabling value chains to evolve and markets to grow. As we emerge from the pandemic, thi

37、s paper finds that 5G is expected to have a profound impact in both emerging and advanced economies and across the themes depicted below. 5G offers an opportunity to challenge the digital divide, since the pandemic has threatened to exacerbate inequality. But it is believed 5G deployment economics m

38、ay support mass deployment in densely populated regions of developing countries, including many parts of South and South-East Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America. Population density, flat topography and a lack of fibre combine to make the case for deploying 5G in developing markets more

39、attractive than before the pandemic struck. With the benefit of shared deployment models, 5G is also poised to expand into regional areas outside cities in many countries. Industrial growthSocial cohesionNational development 5G will play a role to sustain change haphazardly forced on industries duri

40、ng the pandemic. The pandemic forced adoption of digital tools and practices in weeks, for what would have taken years of incremental transformation. This sudden transition has challenged perceptions of the physical location of work, the organization of the supply chain and interactions with custome

41、rs and partners. As we move beyond addressing pandemic- related emergencies, 5Gs role in embedding impacts will emerge. Source: PwC | Strategy for example, in training and education provided in a classroom versus upskilling experiences provided remotely. With 5G, multi-player gaming or even children

42、s museum visits, experienced through simulated scenarios, will become more lifelike than ever before. Micro-credentials gained through short, remotely experienced courses by workers through VR/AR equipped devices will help workforces adapt rapidly to shifting industry needs. These developments will

43、provide opportunities to diversify and create new revenue streams in the healthcare, education and tourism industries, as well as transforming interactions between colleagues and customers in commercial settings. VR and AR have the potential to deliver a $1.5 trillion boost to the global economy by

44、2030.14 Establishing 5Gs role: Establishing 5Gs role in diverse aspects of experiential living requires policy measures that enable the development and trialling of such use cases so they can be scaled up commercially as well as ethically and responsibly. It is likely that, in the initial years, thi

45、s will be done industry by industry and use case by use case, until governments and the private sector devise collaboration methods to define 5Gs role at scale. Case study: BT, Glasgow City Council, the University of Glasgow and the Scotland 5G Centre delivered a VR demo of the use of 5G technology

46、in education and manufacturing. A real-time VR teaching scenario was delivered from the James Watt Nanofabrication Centre in Glasgow, Scotland, to demonstrate how faster speeds, reliability and responsiveness of 5G enable immersive content and real-time interaction to campuses across the world.15 9

47、Enabling Inclusive Long-term Opportunities12 Conclusion 5G has a crucial role to play post-COVID. At a time when we need a resurgence of economic growth, this third paper in the 5G Outlook Series outlines specific opportunities that we can grasp to ensure 5G fulfils its role as a premier-enabling te

48、chnology to a prosperous future. Throughout the development of the three publications in the series in collaboration with PwC and under the strategic guidance of the Forums 5G Global Accelerator community, have been identified five key insights that will contribute to shaping initiatives related to

49、digital inclusion, digital transformation and the Fourth Industrial Revolution broadly in the coming months. First, 5G will help to facilitate industry transformation and secure superior economic growth as we emerge from the pandemic. Second, through this emergence, characterized by increased digiti

50、zation, 5G can democratize access to, and affordability of, computing which could help to close the digital divide across regions. Third, public-private partnerships will be key as governments seek to sustain the economic recovery following the COVID crisis. Fourth, countries urgently require a clea



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