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Cirium:2021 Cirium 中国旅行者报告(英文版)(35页).pdf

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Cirium:2021 Cirium 中国旅行者报告(英文版)(35页).pdf

1、The Cirium Traveller Intelligence Report 2021 China Survey PREPARED BY AUDIENCENET FOR CIRIUM OCTOBER 2021 October 20212 The Cirium Traveller Intelligence Report 2021 | China Survey Background Cirium has commissioned the PC Agency and its global research partner, AudienceNet to conduct a quarterly p

2、rogramme of research throughout 2021. The research involves nationally representative surveys among the adult populations of: UK, US, China greater levels of personal space and an increase in touchless technologies will all play a significant role in restoring confidence in air travel, among Chinese

3、 travellers. Two thirds of Chinese travellers have taken at least one domestic flight since the start of the pandemic. But as growing confidence sees passengers return to the air for regional and international travel, choice of destination is likely to focus foremost on South East Asia, with seconda

4、ry choices being Europe, Australia/New Zealand and East Asia. With the right measures in place, the Chinese traveller is unquestionably set to return to levels of air travel which will match or exceed pre- pandemic levels. October 2021 The Cirium Traveller Intelligence Report 2021 | China Survey 6 T

5、o summarise the main points emerging from the Cirium China survey: 4 96% of Chinese citizens are either likely to fly in the future (75%) or would consider it but are currently unsure (21%). 4 Of those at least considering flying, 81% intend to travel by air within the next 12 months. 4 Three-quarte

6、rs (74%) of those intending to fly with in the next 12 months expected to book their ticket no more than two weeks from departure. 4 Leisure accounted for nearly three-quarters (73%) of proposed air travel. 4 One-third claimed that they would be less likely to travel by air, post pandemic, being pri

7、ncipally concerned over health, hygiene and safety. 4 44% claimed that they would return to former levels of air travel, while one-fifth intended to fly more frequently, post pandemic. 4 Top 3 factors that will influence choice of airline: 1st Safety record; 2nd Price; 3rd Brand reputation. 4 The va

8、st majority (88%) of the adults living in China supported the requirement of a health passport for air travel. Almost none (1%) disagreed with the notion. 4 Almost all (96%) supported the mandatory requirement to wear a face mask, when flying. 4 Top three measures that could increase motivation towa

9、rds a specific airline: 1st Mandatory mask wearing; 2nd Improved cleaning processes; 3rd Proof of a pre-departure COVID-19 test. 4 Top three measures that could increase motivation to fly generally: 1st Increased cleaning at the airport and onboard the aircraft; 2nd Increased personal space onboard

10、the aircraft; 3rd Touchless technology at airports and onboard. 4 More than three quarters (77%) place some importance on aircraft being modern/recently built, but only one in five (19%) feel strongly about this. Summary of findings October 20217 The Cirium Traveller Intelligence Report 2021 | China

11、 Survey 4 At 88%, the great majority considered themselves more likely to use apps to enable a touchless travel experience. A tiny minority (3%) were not likely to use apps. 4 More than half (53%) will look to reduce the amount of time they spend at airports post COVID-19. However, one in five (21%)

12、 will look to increase the amount of time they spend at airports as they feel safer due to COVID-19 protection measures. 4 One third (32%) claimed that they were more likely to use exclusive/ premium airport lounges post COVID-19, while 41% felt there would be no change to their previous levels of u

13、se. 4 Projected use of cabin class within the next 6 months, is dominated by the use of Economy and Premium Economy over Business/Upper or First Class. 4 Half (50%) intended to travel by air this autumn, with a further 27% remaining undecided. Of those with plans to fly, a leisure trip was, by some

14、way the most common reason, followed by a city/cultural visit. 4 Most (55%) of those planning to travel for leisure expected no change to the usual duration of their vacation. A similar proportion expected an increased duration (23%) as a shortened one (22%). 4 Two thirds (66%) reported that they ha

15、d taken a domestic flight since the pandemic. Most had taken between 1-3, though 18% of the sample had taken 4 or more. 4 Outside mainland China, Macau, Singapore and Hong Kong were the destinations with the highest level of COVID-19 related comfort. The highest proportion expressed discomfort at th

16、e idea of traveling to the US, Vietnam, or the Philippines. 4 South East Asia was the first choice of international destination, followed by Europe, Australia/New Zealand and East Asia. 4 More than half considered themselves more likely to travel with a partner/spouse (56%) and/or with family (54%)

17、after the pandemic than they were prior to the pandemic. The Cirium Traveller Intelligence Report 2021 | China Survey October 20218 Detailed findings The following pages are intended to provide a walk-through of the survey, highlighting key insights at a total sample level and providing additional c

18、ommentary on any significant demographic differences. For demographic breaks, please see the full data tables supplied. October 2021AudienceNet9 Baseline questions Asked in each country Intention to fly in the future Intention to fly within the next 12 months Advanced booking Purpose of travel Post-

19、pandemic travel Factors influencing choice of airline Health passport Motivating measures - specific airline Importance of flying on modern aircraft Use of contactless apps post-COVID-19 Time spent at airports post-COVID-19 Use of airport lounges Cabin class The Cirium Traveller Intelligence Report

20、2021 | China Survey October 2021 The Cirium Traveller Intelligence Report 2021 | China Survey 10 01 Intention to fly in the future 96% of the sample indicated that they would at least consider flying in the future. Three quarters (75%) of the sample felt that they were either very or fairly likely t

21、o fly in the future, with neraly half (44%) considering themselves very likely to do so. An examination of the full data tables (supplied) revealed no major gender difference in terms of firm intention to fly. There were, however, noticeable age differences, with those 50+ being the most inclined, a

22、nd 18-29 year olds the least. Half of those aged 50+ considered themselves very likely to fly, compared to 35% of 18-29 year olds. Q: Which of the following statements best describes you in relation to travelling by air in the future? N= 2,069 Very likely to fly at some point in the future MaleFemal

23、e18-2930-3940-49 35% 45% 43% 45%44% 50+ 50% 21% I may consider flying at some point in the future but am unsure 4% There is no chance at all I will ever fly in the future 31% I am fairly likely to fly at some point in the future 44% I am very likely to fly at some point in the future October 2021 Th

24、e Cirium Traveller Intelligence Report 2021 | China Survey 11 02 Intention to fly within the next 12 months More than three quarters (78%) of the total sample expressed an intention to fly within the next 12 months. While 43% of the total sample intended to do so one or two occasions, suggesting a s

25、ingle trip, more than one third of the sample (36%) intended to fly at least three times in the next 12 months. Those aged 18-29 were the most likely to take only one or two flights, while a higher rate of older respondents would fly more frequently. Q: How many times do you intend to fly within the

26、 next 12 months? N= 2,069 * Including the 4% who do not intend to fly ever Not at all 13%* Once or twice 43% Three or four times 25% Five times or more 9% Monthly or more 2% I will not book a flight until vaccinations are fully deployed 8% October 2021 The Cirium Traveller Intelligence Report 2021 |

27、 China Survey 12 03 Advanced booking Among those who did have an intention to fly within the next 12 months, as much as three quarters (74%) expected to book their tickets within two weeks of departure. Just 5% envisaged booking their tickets more than a month ahead of their trip. This remained cons

28、istent when looking at age and gender, with between 70-78% of all age groups planning to book tickets within two weeks of flying. Q: If you do intend to fly within the next 12 months, how far in advance will you be most likely to book your travel? N= 1,786 1-3 days before departure A week before dep

29、arture 2 weeks before departure A month before departure 1-3 months ahead 6 months or more before departure Dont know/ Not sure 7% 36% 31% 18% 4% 1% 3% October 2021 The Cirium Traveller Intelligence Report 2021 | China Survey 13 04 Purpose of travel For nearly three quarters (73%), leisure was the m

30、ost common reason to travel by air within the next 12 months. As much as half of the sample also expected to fly in order to adhere to a family commitment, while a quarter (24%) claimed they would do so for business. Q: If you do fly this year, what will that be for? N= 1,980 Leisure 73% Other 1% Bu

31、siness 13% For a family commitment 50% Non- applicable 3% October 2021 The Cirium Traveller Intelligence Report 2021 | China Survey 14 05 Post-pandemic travel Nearly half (44%) expected to travel the same amount post-pandemic as they did prior to COVID-19, while a fifth indicated that they would tra

32、vel. 35% were likely to travel less frequently post-pandemic. Nearly nine in ten of those respondents (88%) cited health and hygiene concerns related to COVID-19 as a reason for decreasing their travel. Personal safety was also a prominent concern, while no other issue affected more than a fifth of

33、those expecting to decrease their travel. Q: Compared with the past, do you think you will travel by air more, less or about the same post the pandemic? N=198 Top 3 reasons for decrease More than in the past 21% About the same 44% Less than in the past 35% Concerns around health and hygiene due to t

34、he pandemic 88% Concerns about personal safety 41% Concern around the costs of travel 18% October 2021 The Cirium Traveller Intelligence Report 2021 | China Survey 15 06 Factors influencing choice of airline In order of importance, the following factors emerged as being influential in the decision a

35、s to choice of airline. Please note: the respondents were asked to select all of the factors which could influence their decision. Safety record and price were the two most important factors across all age groups, with the former being selected by a higher proportion of those 50 year old and over co

36、mpared to those 18-29 year old (71% vs 65%) and the latter a higher rate of those 18-29 compared to those 50 and over (71% vs 66%).There were no other notable age differences. Safety record Price Brand reputation Network and destinations Lounge access and frequent flyer benefits Sustainability crede

37、ntials 68% 67% 59% 43% 36% 20% October 2021 The Cirium Traveller Intelligence Report 2021 | China Survey 16 07 Health passport Among the 96% of participants who expressed an interest in flying in the future, there was unanimous support for the idea of it being mandatory to carry a health passport. a

38、greed with health passports vs. 1% who disagreed remained undecided Support remained high across all age groups and genders, with no less than 86% of any gender or age group expressing support. Q: To what extent would you agree with a requirement to carry a health passport to fly? N= 1,980 88% 11% 8

39、8% Total who agree 11% I am neither for or against 1% Total who disagree 42% Strongly agree 47% Agree October 2021 The Cirium Traveller Intelligence Report 2021 | China Survey 17 08 Motivating measures - specific airline When asked what measures would increase motivation to fly with a specific airli

40、ne, emphasis was placed on both mandatory mask wearning, cleaning processes, and proof of being COVID-19 negative/vaccinated. The following order of importance was obtained overall: Mandatory mask wearing 66% Improved cleaning processes in place 65% Proof of pre-departure negative COVID-19 test 62%

41、Sanitation kit for every passenger 57% Passengers must carry a vaccine passport 56% Flexible ticketing options 43% Airline being part of an international common pass scheme 30% 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 October 2021 The Cirium Traveller Intelligence Report 2021 | China Survey 18 09 Importance of flying o

42、n modern aircraft While more than three-quarters (77%) of respondents placed importance, when asked, on the notion of the aircraft they fly on being modern/ recently built, just one-fifth stressed that this was a very important factor. Q: How important is it that you fly on a modern, recently built

43、aircraft? N= 1,980 Very important 19% Fairly important 58% Fairly unimportant 21% Not at all important 3% October 2021 The Cirium Traveller Intelligence Report 2021 | China Survey 19 10 Use of contactless apps post COVID-19 The future use of contactless technology, while travelling, had unanimous su

44、pport among our sample with 88% claiming a likelihood to use apps for a touchless experience, post COVID-19. While a high rate of younger respondents (18-29), in general, would use more apps for a touchless travelling experience, respondents aged 30 years and above displayed a stronger determination

45、 to use touchless apps. 30% of 18-29 year olds were definitely more likely to use a touchless app compared to 45% of those aged 30 and above. Q: Are you more likely to use apps to ensure a more touchless travelling experience in the post-COVID-19 world? N= 1,980 8% Not sure 41% I am definitely more

46、likely to use apps 1% Not applicable 47% I am somewhat more likely to use apps 3% Im not likely to use apps October 2021 The Cirium Traveller Intelligence Report 2021 | China Survey 20 11 Time spent at airports post- COVID-19 While slightly more than half of the sample (53%) felt that they would spe

47、nd less time at the airport, prior to taking flights post COVID-19, nearly as many, 43% of the sample, would either spend the same amount or more time at the airport, prior to taking off. One in five (21%) expressed that COVID-19 protections made them feel safer than before and, as such, would spend

48、 more time at the airport. Q: Which of the following statements comes closest to your views in relation to the amount of time you are likely to spend at an airport in future, i.e. post COVID-19, prior to taking a flight? N= 1,980 The same amount of time as I previously did - COVID-19 has no impact o

49、n my decision 27% More time at the airport than I previously did - COVID-19 protections make me feel safer than before 21% Less time at the airport as I previously did - COVID-19 makes me more wary of being in the airport 53% October 2021 The Cirium Traveller Intelligence Report 2021 | China Survey

50、21 12 Use of airport lounges Slightly more than half (53%) of the sample claimed that they never use airport lounges or that there would be no change to the level with which they would be likely to use them in the post COVID-19 world. Q: Would you be more or less likely to use exclusive airport loun



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