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1、情 感 悉 心 服 務 品 質 改 變 生 活品 質 給 城 市 更 多 改 變Better Quality, Better CityService with Heart, Change through Quality華潤置地有限公司社會責任報告Social Responsibility Report ofChina Resources Land Limited 2014報告導讀3Guide to the Report 致辭5Message公司簡介7Company Profile2014 年度大事記9Milestones in 2014關鍵績效11Key Results公司榮譽12Honors

2、責任專題一 : 情感悉心服務14Responsibility Theme I: Service with Heart責任專題二:品質改變生活27Responsibility Theme II:Change through Quality關於華潤置地33About China Resources Land責任管理38Responsibility Management目錄CONTENTS58II. 公平運營 Fair OperatiOn品質49I. 公司治理 COrpOrate GOverninG2015 年展望 112Prospects for 2015附錄 113Appendix104VI.社

3、區參與 Community EngagEmEnt73IV. 勞工實踐 Labor PraCtiCEs92V. 環境保護 EnvironmEntaL ProtECtion 67III.質量保障 QuaLity assuranCE改變生活3華潤置地有限公司 China Resources Land Limited時間範圍2014年1月1日至2014年12月31日,部分內容超出上述範圍。發佈週期本報告為年度報告,上年度報告發佈時間為2014年7月15日。組織範圍報告覆蓋華潤置地及附屬9個大區、2個事業部,為便於表達,在報告的表述中分別使用 華潤置地 、 公司 、我們 等稱謂。報告目的報告旨在對公司社

4、會責任理念、實踐和績效與利益相關方進行坦誠溝通,回應利益相關方關注的主題,華潤置地11家附屬單位也獨立編制了社會責任報告。報告承諾公司承諾本報告內容不存在任何虛假記載、誤導性陳述或重大遺漏,並對其內容真實性、準確性和完整性負責。數據說明本報告包含的信息以華潤置地成立以來至2014年12月31日的統計數據和正式文件為主,並包含編寫時在經營方針和戰略方面對未來的預測。參考標準本報告撰寫參照國際標準化組織社會責任國際標準ISO26000,中國社會科學院 中國企業社會責任報告編制指南(CASS-CSR3.0) ,全球報告倡議組織(Global Reporting Initiative, GRI)可持續

5、發展報告指南(G4), 華潤企業公民建設指引 和 華潤集團社會責任管理辦法 。PeriodFrom 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2014, except some contents.Release cycleThis Report is an annual publication. The last issue was published on 15 July 2014.Organization scopeThis Report covers China Resources Land and its 9 regions and 2 business depart

6、ments, hereinafter referred to as “China Resources Land”, “Company”, “We”, etc.ObjectivesThis Report aims to sincerely communicate with the stakeholders about the social responsibility practices and performance of the Company and to respond to topics concerning the stakeholders. The 11 subsidiaries

7、under China Resources Land have also prepared their social responsibility reports independently.Representation and warrantyCommitted to the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of this Report, the Company ensures that this Report contains no false records, misrepresentations or material omissions

8、.DataThis Report covers the statistical data and formal documents from the founding of China Resources Land up to 31 December 2014 in addition to the prospection on operation policies and strategies during its preparation.ReferenceThis Report is prepared with reference to ISO 26000, “International S

9、tandards of Social Responsibility”, the Guide to the Preparation of Corporate Social Responsibility Reports of China (CASS-CSR3.0) of the China Academy of Social Sciences, the Guide to Sustainable Development Reports (G4) of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the Guide to China Resources Corpora

10、te Citizenship Construction and China Resources Social Responsibility Management Measures.報告導讀guiDE to tHE rEPort Preparation processChina Resources Land strives to make this Report complete, substantial, true and balanced. It is prepared through international standards, industrial benchmarking, soc

11、ial responsibility investigations, report writing, approval by the management, report rating and other measures to ensure information quality.Contact informationPersonnel and Administration Department of China Resources LandAddress: 46/F, China Resources Building, 26 Harbor Road, Wanchai, Hong KongT

12、elephone: (852) 2877 2330You can acquire more information on social responsibility from the official website of the Company: .hk編制流程華潤置地努力保證報告內容的完整性、實質性、真實性和平衡性。報告編寫參考國際標準、按照同業對標、社會責任調研、報告寫作、管理層審定、報告評級等步驟進行,確保信息質量。聯繫方式華潤置地人事行政部地址:香港灣仔港灣道26號華潤大廈46樓電話:(852) 2877 2330您可通過公司官網獲取華潤置地更多社會責任信息:.hk5華潤置地有限公司

13、 China Resources Land Limited這是華潤置地的第二份獨立社會責任報告。通過實踐,我們知道,華潤置地的社會責任工作仍然 在路上 。因為企業社會責任工作需要長期堅守,不斷改進:企業履行社會責任是加強與利益相關方溝通,形成相關方認同、塑造品牌形象的重要手段;也是加快轉變發展方式,培育、提升企業責任競爭力的重要戰略舉措。一年來,華潤置地全體員工繼續秉承 誠實守信、業績導向、客戶至上、感恩回報 的價值觀,積極踐行社會責任管理工作。我們堅持精細設計準則、毫釐工程標準、情感悉心服務的高品質原則,堅持把企業社會責任貫穿至業務的方方面面,與業務融會貫通。為客戶提供高品質的產品及情感悉心

14、服務,為合作伙伴創造合作共贏、公平競爭的商業條件,為員工提供舒適健康的工作場所,為社會營造綠色環保的生態環境。我們通過自上而下的推動,將管理延伸至各下屬基層單位。華潤置地所屬9個大區和2個事業部均編寫了獨立的社會責任報告。按照社會責任工作的核心議題和績效指標,華潤置地所有基層單位在過去一年均取得了一定成效,並且通過社會責任報告的編制發現企業管理和社會責任踐行中的不足和問題,從而推動了管理改善和提升。同時,華潤置地還會通過媒體等多種渠道和方式將社會責任報告呈現給利益相關方,期望優化社會責任的溝通方式,通過系統、有效的溝通,努力爭取廣大員工和社會各界的 利益認同、情感認同和價值認同 。目前,華潤置

15、地的社會責任工作還 在路上 ,還需要繼續改進和提升,各項制度和機制還需要更加完善。如在公益慈善方面,還需更系統的組織、管理,公益投入的效果還需要繼續加強。這些正是我們2015年度的重點工作之一。展望2015,華潤置地將繼續堅持業務發展與承擔社會責任並重,進一步完善社會責任管理體系,強化社會責任管理,優化社會責任工作,與利益相關方共生、共融、共發展。情感悉心服務,品質改變生活!華潤置地全體員工致辭mEssagE6社會責任報告 2014 CSR Report 2014This is the second independent social responsibility report of Chi

16、na Resources Land.From experience, we know that the social responsibility work of China Resources Land is still “work in progress”. Corporate social responsibility work requires patient persistence and constant improvement; social responsibility performance is a key method for an enterprise to stren

17、gthen its communication with its stakeholders, reach agreements among its stakeholders and shape its brand image. It is also a key strategic action in order to speed up transforming means of development and both cultivate and improve the competitiveness of corporate social responsibility.Over the la

18、st year, the employees of China Resources Land continued to adhere to the principles of “honesty, performance orientation, customer-centric focus and gratitude”, actively practicing social responsibility management. We stick to the principle of “Design with Details, Execution with Standardization, S

19、ervice with Heart”, to introduce corporate social responsibility in all aspects of the business for effective integration, to provide the customers with quality products and considerate services, to create win-win cooperation and fair competition with business partners, to provide a comfortable and

20、healthy workplace for our employees and to create a green and environmentally friendly ecological environment for society.Through a top-down approach, we extended management to all subordinate units. All 9 regions and 2 business departments under China Resources Land prepared independent social resp

21、onsibility reports. According to the core topics and performance indicators of social responsibility work, every unit of China Resources Land achieved some degree of success during the past year and also identified some problems and shortcomings in corporate management and social responsibility prac

22、tices, providing us with opportunities to improve management efficiency. Furthermore, we intend to present the report to our stakeholders through a range of media channels in order to optimize our social responsibility communication means and increase the “identification of interest, feelings and af

23、fection” of our employees and the community at large through systematic and effective communication.So far, the social responsibility work of China Resources Land is still “work in progress” and requires further improvement, as do all systems and mechanisms. In terms of public charity, we require en

24、hanced systematic organization and management and stronger input in charity. This is one of our key goals in 2015.In 2015, China Resources Land will place an equal priority on business development and social responsibility, make further improvements to our social responsibility management system, st

25、rengthen our social responsibility management, optimize social responsibility and achieve a harmonious and constantly developing mutual co-existence with our stakeholders.Service with Heart, Change through Quality!All employees of China Resources Land7華潤置地有限公司 China Resources Land Limited華潤置地有限公司(HK

26、1109)是華潤集團旗下的地產業務旗艦,中國內地最具實力的綜合型地產發展商之一,從2010年3月8日起香港恒生指數有限公司把華潤置地納入恒生指數成份股,成為香港藍籌之一。截至2014年12月底,公司總資產超過3,000億港元,淨資產超過1,000億港元,土地儲備面積超過4,000萬平米,華潤置地已進入中國內地52個城市,發展項目超過120個。華潤置地以 品質給城市更多改變 為品牌理念,致力於達到行業內客戶滿意度的領先水準,致力於在產品和服務上超越客戶預期,為客戶帶來生活方式的改變。華潤置地堅持 住宅開發+投資物業+增值服務 的生意模式,住宅開發方面,已形成八條產品線:萬象高端系列、城市高端系列

27、、郊區高端系列、城市品質系列、城郊品質系列、城市改善系列、郊區改善系列、旅遊度假系列。投資物業發展了萬象城城市綜合體、區域商業中心萬象匯五彩城和體驗式時尚潮人生活館1234space三種模式,在引領城市生活方式改變的同時,改善城市面貌,促進經濟發展。其中,截至2014年12月,萬象城城市綜合體項目已進入中國內地20個城市,並已在深圳、杭州、瀋陽、成都、南寧、鄭州、重慶、無錫先後開業;萬象匯五彩城項目已進入中國內地20個城市,北京清河、合肥蜀山、浙江余姚、上海南翔華潤五彩城已相繼開業;首個華潤萬象空間(MIXC 1234space) 於2013年在深圳羅湖開業。華潤置地深度挖掘品質需求,從客戶起

28、居行為出發,提供從戶型佈局,人性化收納設計、活動家具、變形家具、地下車庫、大堂公共空間的增值服務,並在管家服務、園區服務、地下空間利用、可售商業增值服務、園林增值服務等方面進行試點研發。華潤置地通過內涵式的管理提升,推動全國發展戰略實施,持續提高地產價值鏈生產力,致力於成為中國地產行業中最具競爭力和領導地位的公司。公司簡介ComPany ProFiLE8社會責任報告 2014 CSR Report 2014China Resources Land Limited (HK1109) is the real estate flapship under China Resources Holding

29、s and one of the strongest comprehensive real estate developers in China. On 8 March 2010, Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited incorporated China Resources Land into Hang Seng Indexes Constituent Stocks as one of the blue chips in Hong Kong. As of 31 December 2014, the Company had over HK$300,000 mill

30、ion total equity, over HK$100,000 million in net assets and over 40 million m2 of land bank. China Resources Land has entered 52 cities in Mainland China with over 120 development projects.With “Changing Lives through Considerate Service and Quality” as its key brand concept, China Resources Land is

31、 committed to achieving the greatest customer satisfaction in the industry, exceeding customer expectations of its products and services and changing the lifestyles of its customers. Holding onto the business model of “residential property development + investment property + value-added service”, it

32、 has developed eight product lines in residential property development: THE MIXC High-end Series, Urban High-end Series, Suburban High-end Series, Urban Quality Series, Suburban Quality Series, Urban Improvement Series, Suburban Improvement Series and Tourism & Vacation Series. Three product lines h

33、ave been developed for investment property, including THE MIXC Complex, THE MIXC One/Hi5 and the Experience-based Fashion Salon 1234space. While leading the transformation of urban living, China Resources Land is also improving the appearance of the urban landscape and promoting economic development

34、. For example, in December 2014, THE MIXC Complex Project was introduced to 20 cities across Mainland China and had operation in Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Shenyang, Chengdu, Nanning, Zhengzhou, Chongqing and Wuxi; THE MIXC One/Hi5 Project had entered into 20 cities in Mainland China and in operation in Qi

35、nghe of Beijing, Shushan of Hefei, Yuyao of Zhejiang and Nanxiang of Shanghai; the first China Resources MIXC 1234space started operation in Luohu, Shenzhen in 2013.Through an in-depth exploration of the demand for quality, China Resources Land provides value-added services to meet the living needs

36、of the customers, including unit layout designs, personal self-contained designs, moveable furniture, underground garages and public lobby spaces as well as pilot services in housekeeping, park services, the utilization of underground space, saleable commercial value-added services, value-added gard

37、ening services and so on.With an aim to become the most competitive and leader in the industry, China Resources Land improves its internal management, promotes the implementation of a national development strategy, and continuously improves the productivity of the real estate chain.9華潤置地有限公司 China R

38、esources Land Limited6 個購物中心成功開業6 Shopping CentersSuccessfully Started Business2014年,華潤置地6個購物中心 (鄭州重慶無錫萬象城和合肥蜀山浙江余姚上海南翔五彩城) 成功開業。 In 2014, six shopping centers of China Resources Land successfully started operations (THE MIXC in Zhengzhou, Chongqing and Wuxi, and MIXC One/Hi5 in Hefei Shushan, Zheji

39、ang Yuyao and Shanghai Nanxiang).中國商業地產領導者Chinese CommercialReal Estate Leader2014年7月26日,華潤置地在深圳舉辦商業地產戰略發佈會,明確提出了 中國商業地產領導者 的戰略目標定位。On 26 July 2014, China Resources Land held the Commercial Property Strategy Press Conference in Shenzhen and clearly announced the strategic target of becoming the “Chi

40、nese Commercial Property Leader”.馳名商標Well-known Trademark2014年,華潤置地 萬象城 被國家商標評審委員會認定為馳名商標。In 2014, China Resources Lands THE MIXC was recognized by the SAIC Trademark Review and Adjudication Board as a “Well-known Trademark”.2014 年度大事記miLEstonEs in 201410社會責任報告 2014 CSR Report 2014萬象城系列推廣活動Vientiane

41、 promotion events2014年,華潤置地開展萬象城系列推廣活動,全面提升商業品牌形象。In 2014, China Resources Land launched THE MIXC promotion events to maximally improve the image of the commercial brand.三次全國性整合營銷活動three national integrated marketing events華潤置地2014年舉辦三次全國性整合營銷活動, 國慶放價 、 鑽10新房 、 購房年終獎 ,給客戶帶來比平時更多的優惠讓利。In 2014, China

42、Resources Land held three national integrated marketing events, namely “National Day Price Promotions”,”Diamond 10 New Property” and the “Property Purchase Year-end Award”, creating more benefits for the customers than ever before at lower costs.成立建設事業部founded the Construction Business Department201

43、4年,華潤置地成立建設事業部,統一管控華潤建築、優高雅、勵致家私三家利潤中心。In 2014 China Resources Land founded the Construction Business Department to control the three profit centers of China Resources Construction, Uconia and Logic.五家酒店投入運營Five Hotels Were Put Into Operation截至2014年,華潤置地石梅灣艾美酒店、深圳君悅酒店、深圳灣木棉花酒店、瀋陽君悅酒店、大連君悅酒店等五家酒店投入運營

44、。By 2014, five hotels under China Resources Land were in operation: Shimei Bay Le Meridien Hotel, Shenzhen Grand Hyatt Hotel, Hotel Kapok Shenzhen Bay, Shenyang Grand Hyatt Hotel and Dalian Grand Hyatt Hotel.11華潤置地有限公司 China Resources Land Limited綜合營業額港幣 883.81 億元,同比增長23.8%。Consolidated revenue for

45、Year 2014 amounted to HK$88,381 million, up by 23.8% YoY.年度銷售面積 660.09 萬平方米,同比增長 14.2%。In Year 2014, the Group achieved contracted GFA of 66,009 million square meters, up by 14.2% YoY.年度銷售金額港幣 692.10 億元,同比增長 4.4%。Annual sales for Year 2014 amounted to HK$69,210 million, up by 4.4% YoY.88.381 billion

46、6.601 million69.210 billion包括酒店經營在內的投資物業實現營業額港幣 54.36 億元,同比增長 17.6%。Rental income of investment property (including hotel operations) up by 17.6% YoY to HK$ 5,436 million.扣除投資物業評估增值後核心股東應佔溢利港幣 118.02 億元,同比增長 25.0%。Core profit attributable to the owners of the Company excluding revaluation gain from

47、investment properties reached HK$11,802 million, representing a YoY growth of 25.0%.每股核心盈利港幣 202.4 仙,同比增長24.9%。Core EPS of HK202.4 cents representing a YOY growth of 24.9%.5.436 billion11.802 billion24.9%納稅總額 166.95 億港幣元。Total tax for Year 2014 reached HK$16.695 billion.16.695 billion綠色建築認證面積 477.74

48、 萬平方米。Certified area of green buildings: 4.777 million m2.4.777 million綜合營業額 (港幣)Consolidated Revenue(HK$ mn)簽約額 (人民幣)Contracted Sales (RMB mn)核心股東應佔溢利 (港幣)Core Profit Attributable to theOwners of the Company(HK$ mn)2010 2011 2012 2013 20142010 2011 2012 2013 20142010 2011 2012 2013 201425,72922,263

49、4,24635,79535,9585,61344,36452,1937,24971,38966,3069,44488,38169,21011,802關鍵績效KEy rEsuLts人民幣兌港幣滙率 =1:1.2625Note: RMB VS. HKD=1:1.262512社會責任報告 2014 CSR Report 2014公司榮譽Honors獎項Award獲獎單位項目Award winning unit/project工程質量類Project Quality 中國土木工程詹天佑獎 上海橡樹灣三期 Shanghai Oak Bay (Phase III)優秀住宅小區金獎 福州橡樹灣三期 Fuzh

50、ou Oak Bay (Phase III)China Civil Engineering Jeme Tien Yow Award 綿陽中央公園 (一、二期) Mianyang Central Park (Phase I and II)Excellent Estate Block Gold Award 大連海中國三期 Dalian Maritime (Phase III) 廣廈獎 北京西堤紅山 Beijing Eco LivingGuangsha Award 瀋陽華潤中心二期 (酒店) Shenyang City Crossing (Phase II Hotel) 瀋陽華潤中心三期 (悅府)



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