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1、This artwork was created using Nielsen data.Copyright 2019 The Nielsen Company (US), LLC. Confidential and proprietary. Do not distribute.May 2020The Rising of Single Economy单身经济崛起单身经济崛起2Copyright 2019 The Nielsen Company (US), LLC. Confidential and proprietary. Do not distribute.识别未来消费者识别未来消费者单身经济崛

2、起单身经济崛起*粗结婚率指每年某1,000人中结成婚姻的数目。Crude marriage rate refers to the number of marriages per 1,000 people per year.数据来源:中华人民共和国财政部,民政部,中国产业信息网,尼尔森-中国消费趋势指数Source: Ministry of finance of PRC, China industry information network,Nielsen-China Consumption Trend Index Q4 2019IDENTIFY FUTURE CONSUMERS-THE RIS

3、ING OF SINGLE ECONOMY结婚率持续走低结婚率持续走低Plunging marriage rate18年粗结婚率*仅为7.3比09年数据下降Crude marriage rate was 7.3 for 18,compared to that of 09 lowed by 19.7%更强的消费意愿更强的消费意愿Stronger willingness to consumeOnly about 1 percent of singles are under pressureto care for their families and educate their children只有

4、约1%的单身者面临养老养老和子女教育子女教育等方面的压力,因此更愿意进行即时的消费单身人口基数大单身人口基数大Large single population base我国单身人口已超过2亿亿,相当于俄罗斯俄罗斯和英国英国人口总和The single population is more than 20 billions, equals to the population of Russia and UK combined人口结构不平衡人口结构不平衡Imbalanced population structureAmong the 14.6 billions millennium generati

5、on,the ration of men to women is 在我国1.46亿亿00后人口中,男女比已达1.18:13Copyright 2019 The Nielsen Company (US), LLC. Confidential and proprietary. Do not distribute.数据来源:尼尔森,中国消费趋势指数Source: Nielsen-China Consumption Trend Index Q4 2019Top5Top5单身原因单身原因 | 2019Q4| 2019Q4Top 5 Reasons for Single | 2019Q4性别性别Gende

6、r投资投资Investment55.7%vs 44.3%40%未购买任何理财产品didnt own any investment productsVs. 非单身 22% 83%和父母居住83% Living with parentsVs. 非单身 5%Relationship will bring financial burdenPassive/Dont like socialThe social circle is too narrowNo time and energy to have relationshipSingle is good/do not worry about relati

7、onship单身很好/不着急恋爱忙工作忙学习,没时间没精力谈恋爱圈子小,交际圈太窄被动/不主动/不喜欢社交谈恋爱会带来经济负担务实务实独立自我独立自我注重社交质量注重社交质量居住状况居住状况Living status单身是他们的态度,但他们也有感情诉求单身是他们的态度,但他们也有感情诉求BEING SINGLE IS THEIR ATTITUDE, BUT THEY ALSO HAVE EMOTIONAL APPEALS4Copyright 2019 The Nielsen Company (US), LLC. Confidential and proprietary. Do not dist

8、ribute.单身是他们的态度,但他们也有感情诉求单身是他们的态度,但他们也有感情诉求31%保持单身Keep Single10%尽快脱单Having relationship ASAP59%遇到合适就恋爱Having relationship with right person情感转移情感转移Transference态度态度/ /标签标签Attitude/Label恋爱类综艺节目此起彼伏“单身大礼包”“单身大礼包”“单身狗粮薯片”“单身狗粮薯片”“磕CP”做个快乐的单身“汪”做个快乐的单身“汪”微博话题讨论 1207.2万Weibo Topic Discussion 12M阅读 69.3亿Re

9、ad 6.9B微博话题讨论 241万Weibo Topic Discussion阅读 77.9亿Read 7.8Bvs 整体干脆小食+1.4%Total crispy snack food某主打单身概念干脆小食品牌A brand of crispy snack food selling single concept 线上增长率Online GrowthMAT1910+351.2%微博话题讨论 200.9万Weibo Topic Discussion阅读 38.1亿Read 3.8B未来一年的情感状态Future relationship statusIDENTIFY FUTURE CONSUM

10、ERS-THE RISING OF SINGLE ECONOMY“心动的信号”“心动的信号”“女儿们的恋爱”“女儿们的恋爱”“恋梦空间”“恋梦空间”数据来源:尼尔森,中国消费趋势指数;尼尔森零售监测;微博话题榜Source: Nielsen,China Consumption Trend Index Q4 2019;Nielsen RMS data;Weibo Topic5Copyright 2019 The Nielsen Company (US), LLC. Confidential and proprietary. Do not distribute.单单身身经济经济关关键词键词KEY

11、WORDS OF SINGLE ECONOMY自我投资自我投资购物习惯:购物习惯:Shopping habits生活习惯:生活习惯:Living habits单身消费单身消费关键词关键词消费升级消费升级爱便利爱便利“夜猫子”“夜猫子”注重生活质量,为颜值和品质买单消费为方便省时,网购和外卖需求增加深夜进行娱乐,带动夜经济繁荣注重自我提升,教育和健身投资增加1235“独而不孤”“独而不孤”更加需要陪伴,社交与养宠需求旺盛4Consumption UpgradePrefer Convenience Focus more on life quality and pay for appearance

12、and quality.Focus more on convenience, demand for online shopping and take-outs surged.Alone But Not LonelyNight OwlsSelf-investmentFocus on self-improvement, investments in education and fitting increase.Need more companion. Willing to social with fiends or keep pets.Entertainment activities of sin

13、gle people at night drive the boom of night economics.6Copyright 2019 The Nielsen Company (US), LLC. Confidential and proprietary. Do not distribute.单身人群花钱为取悦自己,并且更倾向购买品质更好的商品单身人群花钱为取悦自己,并且更倾向购买品质更好的商品1消费升级消费升级756742933买衣服买衣服食品饮料食品饮料个人电子个人电子产品产品护肤品护肤品休闲休闲/ /旅游旅游/ /度假度假单身非单身42%Single peopl

14、e to please themselvesPlan to buy in coming 12 months未来一年计划购买SingleNon-SingleBuy clothFood&BeveragePersonal digital applianceCosmeticsLeisure/Travel/HolidayVs. non-single 25%买衣服Buy clothSpend more for quality product购买品质更好但价格相对较贵的产品个人电子产品Personal digital appliance护肤品CosmeticsVs. non-single 43%Vs. no

15、n-single 37%VS.的非单身者Non-singles27%食品饮料Food&BeverageVs. non-single 32%休闲/旅游/度假Leisure/Travel/HolidayVs. non-single 20%35%27%50%40%26%单身消费者为悦已为悦已而消费数据来源:中国消费者信心调查Source: Nielsen-China Consumption Trend Index Q4 2019SINGLE PEOPLE SPEND MONEY TO PLEASE THEMSELVES AND ARE MORE INCLINED TO BUY GOODS WITH

16、BETTER QUALITY Consumption Upgrade7Copyright 2019 The Nielsen Company (US), LLC. Confidential and proprietary. Do not distribute.单身人群线下消费为省时买单单身人群线下消费为省时买单SINGLE PEOPLE TEND TO SPEND MORE FOR CONVENIENCE2爱便利爱便利线下渠道增幅 | MAT1910Offline Channel Growth | MAT1910+42.4%即食面即食面+18%单卷卫生纸单卷卫生纸+183%便利店增长潜力品类 |

17、 MAT1910CVS Potential Growth Category | MAT930%39%便利店购物人群单身占比CVS Shopper Trend -Single portionCVS小瓶啤酒小瓶啤酒全国便利店全国便利店52%单身消费者出于方便省时方便省时的动机消费Single people consume out of convenience and timesavingVS.的非单身者Non-singles39%2%13%全国总和全国总和数据来源:尼尔森-中国消费趋势指数; 尼尔森零售研究数据库;2017-2018/2018-2019购物者趋势研究报告-便利

18、店;Source: Nielsen, China Consumption Trend Index Q4 2019;Nielsen RMS Data;2017-2018/2018-2019 National CVS Shopper Trend;Prefer Convenience 8Copyright 2019 The Nielsen Company (US), LLC. Confidential and proprietary. Do not distribute.单身人群线上消费为便利单身人群线上消费为便利数据来源:中国消费者信心调查Source: Nielsen-China Consump

19、tion Trend Index Q4 2019SINGLE PEOPLE TEND TO SPEND MORE ONLINEPREFER SHOPPING ONLINE单身 Single非单身 Non-Single更爱点外卖更爱点外卖PREFER ORDERING FOOD ONLINE的单身人士单身人士更倾向于点外卖外卖of single people prefer to order take-outs online V.S 46% 的非单身人士非单身人士Versus 46% of Non-singles更爱网购更爱网购2爱便利爱便利Prefer Convenience 9Copyrigh

20、t 2019 The Nielsen Company (US), LLC. Confidential and proprietary. Do not distribute.爱网购的单爱网购的单身人身人群更易受群更易受到到KOLKOL影响影响SINGLE PEOPLE ARE MORE EASILY INFLUENCED BY KOL 48%单身消费者对KOLKOL带货现象带货现象表示一定程度的认同Single people shows recognition to the sales led by KOL to some extent 21%37%经常使用网红带货类APPUsing apps

21、led by KOL more frequently5%10%单身者非单身者SingleNon-single会选择当下流行的产品/网红产品Will choose popular products for currentVS.的非单身者Non-singles36%2爱便利爱便利Prefer Convenience 10Copyright 2019 The Nielsen Company (US), LLC. Confidential and proprietary. Do not distribute.单身人群更注重自我投资单身人群更注重自我投资SINGLE PEOPLE ARE MORE FO

22、CUSED ON SELF-INVESTMENTS对自己期望更高对自己期望更高Higher Self- Expectation学习新技能学习新技能(画画(画画/乐器等)乐器等)Learn New Skills(Painting/instruments)18%11%培养自己的兴趣爱好培养自己的兴趣爱好(电影(电影/戏剧戏剧/展览等)展览等)Foster New Interests(movie/drama/exhibition)17%14%有时间多读书有时间多读书More time to read22%13%未来消费意愿未来消费意愿Consumption WillingnessQ:请问您未来一年对

23、生活有哪些期望?What are your expectations for life in the coming year?Q:未来一年倾向如何度过休闲时光?其中,哪些休闲娱乐方式是您愿意多花钱的?How will you spend your free time in the coming year? Among them, which recreational means are you willing to spend more money?单身单身非单身非单身VS自我提升(学习自我提升(学习/看书)看书)Self-improvement(study/reading)16%11%运动健

24、身运动健身Exercise and fitness14%12%单身单身非单身非单身VSSingle Non-singleSingle Non-single数据来源:尼尔森,中国消费趋势指数Source: Nielsen,China Consumption Trend Index Q4 20193自我投资自我投资 Self-investment11Copyright 2019 The Nielsen Company (US), LLC. Confidential and proprietary. Do not distribute.26%23%户外娱乐单身人群有社交需求,闲钱多花费在外出活动上单

25、身人群有社交需求,闲钱多花费在外出活动上和朋友和朋友/同事同事/同学同学一起一起With friend/colleague/schoolmate52%25%一个人一个人/独自独自进行进行Alone和家人和家人一起一起With Family最近一年线下生活进行各类消费时,通常是In the past year, offline consumption usually with:23%闲钱花费Spare cash spend on社交社交SocialOut of home entertainment28%20%0%10%20%30%外出就餐单身非单身Dine Out4“独而不孤”“独而不孤”数据来

26、源:尼尔森-中国消费趋势指数Source: Nielsen, China Consumption Trend Index Q4 2019SINGLES HAVE SOCIAL NEEDS, THEY TEND TO SPEND MORE ON OUTSIDE ACTIVITIESConsumption Upgrade12Copyright 2019 The Nielsen Company (US), LLC. Confidential and proprietary. Do not distribute.宠物食品线上增幅宠物食品线上增幅 | 滚动年滚动年1910线上畅销宠物食品单品关键词线上畅

27、销宠物食品单品关键词|2019年年10月月养宠人群为85/9085/90后后Pet owners are 80/90s57%养宠人群为未婚未婚宠物经济成为单身消费的代表宠物经济成为单身消费的代表Pet owners are unmarriedPet economy has become the symbol of single economy养宠人群画像养宠人群画像狗粮狗粮31.6%猫粮猫粮75.0%Dog Food Cat Foodvs35.5% 宠物食品整体Pet Food TotalPortraits of pet ownersKey words of online top sellin

28、g items | Oct. 2019Online pet food growth | MAT19104“独而不孤”“独而不孤”数据来源:尼尔森2019中国宠物消费趋势报告;尼尔森电商数据库Source:Nielsen 2019 China Pet Consumption Trend Report; Nielsen E-commerce DatabaseAlone But Not Lonely单身人群花钱为寻找安慰,情感转移到爱宠身上单身人群花钱为寻找安慰,情感转移到爱宠身上SINGLE PEOPLE TEND TO SPEND MORE TO FIND COMFORT, THEY TRANS

29、FER EMOTIONS TO THEIR PETS 13Copyright 2019 The Nielsen Company (US), LLC. Confidential and proprietary. Do not distribute.单身人群增长促进夜经济繁荣单身人群增长促进夜经济繁荣数据来源:尼尔森,中国消费趋势指数, 中华人民共和国商务部,2019年上半年中国外卖产业调查研究报告 , 阿里巴巴夜经济报告Source: Nielsen,China Consumption Trend Index Q4 2019,Ministry of Commerce, P.R.C., China

30、 take-out industry report for the first half of 2019, Alibaba Night Economy ReportTHE GROWTH OF SINGLE POPULATION FUELS THE BOOM OF NIGHT ECONOMY单身者都是“夜猫子”单身者都是“夜猫子”Singles are night owls的单身者会在十一点到深夜十一点到深夜进行娱乐活动Singles will entertain from11 o clock until late at nightVS.的非单身者Non-singlesQ:请问您一般都是在一天的

31、哪个时段进行文化娱乐活动的?At what time of day do you usually have cultural andrecreational activities?夜生活对经济的高贡献夜生活对经济的高贡献High contribution to economy商务部发布的数据显示,我国60%的消费发生在夜间发生在夜间according to the data released by Ministry of Commerce, P.R.C,60% of consumption occurred at night 19年上半年,美团上的夜间外卖消费夜间外卖消费占全天消费比例达35.

32、7%During first half of 2019,consumption on the take-out platform Meituan at night reached up to 35.7%淘宝上,夜间网购消费夜间网购消费占全天消费比例超36%Night shopping on Taobaoaccounted for more than 36%of all day consumption5“夜猫子”“夜猫子”Night Owls14Copyright 2019 The Nielsen Company (US), LLC. Confidential and proprietary.

33、Do not distribute.SUMMARY总结总结单身经济单身经济与消费趋势消费趋势单身人群基数大同时消费意愿强,或将成为未来消费的主力人群Single population has a large base and strong willingness to consume, which will probably become the pillar of future consumption单身者普遍具有消费意愿但个体需求不高,小包装需求或将增加Single people have the desire to consume but individual demand is not

34、 high, small packaging demand will increase单身人群中消费升级趋势明显,生活品质提出更高要求Under the consumption upgrade trend, there are higher demand for the quality单身人群注重自我投资,促进教育和健康产业发展Single people focus on self-investment which contributes to the development of education and health industry.消费主力人群注重方便的生活习惯驱使下,夜间与线上消费份额将不断提升Driven by the lifestyle of paying attention to convenience among main consumer group, the share of night and online consumption keeps increasing



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