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1、股 票 代 码: A股 601390 H股 0390Stock code: 601390SH 0390HK建造精品 改善民生2011The report is printed by using environmental protection papers.Construct excellent projects to improve peoples livelihood本公司董事会及全体董事保证本报告内容不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性承担个别及连带责任。The Board of Directors and all directors of the

2、 Company guarantee that there is no false record, misleading statement or major omission in this report and they will bear individual and joint responsibility for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the contents.标识由公司汉语简称 “中国中铁” 与英文简称 “CREC” 构成, 采用象征科技和高远的蓝色为标准色。经纬交织的地球背景,展现了公司的全球视野和战略眼光。

3、端正、刚健的“工”字既型如坚实的钢轨,承载着辉煌厚重的历史,又势如擎天的建筑,昭示着蒸蒸日上的未来。The logo is constituted of the Chinese abbreviation of company name 中国中铁 and the English abbreviation CREC, adopting blue color that symbolizes technology and ambition as the standard color. The background of the Globe with meridians and latitudes in

4、terwoven indicates the companys global and strategic vision. The upright and vigorous word 工 is not only as a solid type of rail, carrying the glorious and heavy history, but also as dyke construction, declaring the flourishing future. 欢迎阅读中国中铁股份有限公司2011年社会责任报告为便于您的阅读,中国中铁股份有限公司在本报告中以“中国中铁”、“公司”、“我们

5、”等方式进行表述。本报告是公司第四份年度社会责任报告,时间跨度以2011年1月1日至12月31日为主,重点表述了2011年度中国中铁在员工发展、公益事业、环境保护、经济发展、技术创新、安全监督等方面的工作,适当关注了2011年以前公司履行社会责任的情况。报 告 编 写 参 照 联 合 国 全 球 契 约 ( G l o b a l Compact)颁布的“十大原则”,全球报告倡议组织(GRI)、社会责任国际(SAI)和中国企业社会责任报告编写指南(CASS-CSR2.0)相关标准,以及国务院国资委、上海证券交易所、香港联合交易所有关规定。报告中使用的相关数据和案例,均来自中国中铁及子分公司。本

6、报告以中英文两种文字出版,若两种文字间有差异,按中文版解读。本报告力求完整、客观和准确,并积极回应利益相关方的主要关切。本着精益求精的原则,公司下一年度及以后的社会责任报告的编写和发布工作还将持续改进、日臻完善,也欢迎您的支持。本报告的电子版本同时在公司网站发布(),您可以根据需要进行下载。Welcome to read Social Responsibility Report of 2011 of China Railway Group Limited.In order to facilitate your reading, China Railway Group Limited in th

7、is report will be expressed by CREC, the Company and us .etc.This report is the companys fourth annual social responsibility report with the time span of 1st January to 31st December of 2011, mainly focusing on the work about staff development, public welfare undertaking, environmental protection, e

8、conomic development, technological innovation and safety supervision.etc during the year of 2011, with due attention to the status of company fulfilling their social responsibility before 2011. Preparation of the report refers to the ten principles promulgated by the United Nations Global Compact (G

9、lobal Compact), the relevant standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Social Accountability International (SAI) and China CSR reporting guidelines (CASS-CSR1.0) and relevant requirements of the SASAC, Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.All relevant data and cases use

10、d in the report are from the CREC and its subsidiary (branch) companies.This report is published in both Chinese and English, if there are differences between both, according to Chinese version.This report strives to be completed, objective and accurate, and actively response to the main concern of

11、the stakeholders. In line with the principles of pursuit for excellence, the company will continuously improve and strive for perfection in the work of Social Responsibility Reports preparation and publishing the next year and the following years, and also welcome your support.The electronic version

12、 of this report will be published in the company website () at the same time; you can download it as needed.关于本报告About This Report领导致辞企业价值观社会责任规划利益相关方环境保护员工发展公益事业302040506开放的中国中铁社会评价展望Speech of LeaderCompany View of ValuesPlanning of Social ResponsibilityInterested PartiesEnvironmental Pr

13、otectionStaff DevelopmentPublic Welfare UndertakingOpen CRECSocial AssessmentOutlook General Situation of CompanyCompany Governance and Standardized OperationOutstanding Contribution071013公司概况公司治理与规范运作杰出贡献造福社会科学发展安全监管142026Benefit the SocietyScientific DevelopmentSafety SupervisionCatalogue 目录22011

14、年,中国中铁面对市场环境的变化,坚持以科学发展观为指导,紧密围绕“练内功、打基础、强管理、创一流”中心工作,团结拼搏、攻坚克难,充分发挥行业表率和示范作用,切实践行建造精品、改善民生的神圣使命,积极承担、 充分履行社会责任, 在拉动经济增长、 推动科技进步、促进就业、环境保护等方面做出了重要的贡献,得到了社会各界的高度评价和广泛认可。一年来,公司加强施工组织管理,强化项目全方位管控,优质高效地建成了京沪高铁、深圳地铁 5 号线、广珠城际、太中银、青岛胶州湾大桥等一批重点工程 ; 公司及时调整经营思路,积极开拓路外市场,加快走出去步伐,推进新兴板块发展,实现了及时调整、当年见效的积极成果 ; 公

15、司积极实施经营管理关键业绩指标考核,强化财务预算管理、现金流管理、 “四个集中”管理和安全质量管理,提升了企业管理水平 ; 公司加大科技创新力度,获得的国家级科技进步、优质工程、优秀工程勘察设计奖项和各项专利、工法为近年来最多,有效提升了企业综合实力 ; 公司推动企业内控体系建设,加强投融资集中管控,有效防范了企业经营风险 ; 公司成功召开了公司党代会,深入开展创先争优活动,全面推进和谐企业建设,社会美誉度不度提升。2011 年,中国中铁排名世界企业 500 强第 95 位,中国企业 500 强排名第 6 位。公司获得中国建筑工程鲁班奖 16 项(2010-2011) 、中国土木工程詹天佑大奖

16、 5 项,荣获“全国模范职工之家”称号。2012 年,中国中铁将一如既往忠实履行企业使命,不断探索造福社会的新形式,努力为推动科学发展、促进社会和谐做出新的更大贡献。董事长 : 李长进 总裁 : 白中仁2012 年 3 月领导致辞3In 2011, facing with the change of market environment, CREC adhered to the guidance of Scientific Outlook on Development, closely around the central task of “exercising inner strength,

17、 laying the foundation, intensifying management and creating top class”, unified all employees to struggle and overcome kinds of difficulties. CREC fully played the role of industry example and model, effectively practiced the sacred mission of construction of quality and improvement of peoples live

18、lihood, positively committed and fully fulfilled their social responsibilities. The company made important contributions towards stimulating economic growth, accelerating scientific and technological progress, promoting employment and environmental protection. And it been highly praised and widely r

19、ecognized by the Community.In the last year, the company strengthened the construction organization management, intensified the all-round management and control of the project, effectively completed the Beijing-Shanghai Express Railway, Shenzhen Subway Line 5, Guangzhou-Zhuhai Intercity MRT, Taiyuan

20、-Zhongwei (Yinchuan) Railway, Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay Bridge and other key project. The company timely adjusted the management ideas, actively explored markets outside the railway, quickened the “Going global” pace, promoted the development of new modules, fulfilled the timely adjustment and immediate

21、and active achievements. The company actively implemented the evaluation of business management key performance index, strengthened the financial budget management, cash flow management, “four centralized” managements and safety quality management, enhanced the enterprise management level. The Speec

22、h of Leadercompany also increased the strength of scientific innovation, gained the national awards for progress in science, high quality project, excellent project survey and design, as well as various patents and engineering methods that are the most in recent years and have enhanced the comprehen

23、sive enterprise strength. The company promoted the construction of enterprise internal control system, strengthened the centralized management and control of investment and financing, effectively prevented the enterprise operational risk. In the last year, the company successfully held the company c

24、ongress of party representatives, carried out the good campaign activity deeply and comprehensively promoted construction of harmonious enterprise. The social regulation of the enterprise constantly enhanced. In 2011, CREC ranked 95th in top 500 companies in the world and 6th in top 500 Chinese ente

25、rprises. The company won 16 Luban Prizes for China Architecture Project (from 2010 to 2011), 5 Zhan Tianyou Prizes for China Civil Projects and was awarded the honorary title of “National Model Home of Workers”.In 2012, CREC will continue to faithfully fulfill its corporate mission and constantly ex

26、plore new forms of community benefit and make efforts to make new and greater contribution to promoting scientific development and social harmony.Chairman of the Board: Li Changjin President: Bai ZhongrenMarch, 2012上海F1赛车场4公司价值观企业使命:建造精品 改善民生企业精神:勇于跨越 追求卓越企业宗旨:诚信经营 客户至上 回报股东 造福社会Company View of Valu

27、esEnterprise mission: Construct excellent projects to improve peoples livelihoodSpirit of Enterprise: the courage to leaps and the pursuit for excellenceTenet of Enterprise: Honest management, customer first, returns to shareholders and benefits of the community5作为建筑行业的领军企业,中国中铁始终以成为企业社会责任的实践者、推动者和引

28、领者为己任,自2008年以来,就开始着手建立科学、规范、系统、有效的企业社会责任管理体系,从造福社会、科学发展、安全监管、环境保护、员工发展、公益事业等六个方面进行社会责任规划,并从公司总部到各子公司全面开展了一系列企业社会责任管理实践活动,以实现全面覆盖、充分履行、日臻完善、行业领先的社会责任目标,为社会持续提供不可替代的杰出贡献。As a leader in the construction industry, CREC has always been to become a practitioner, propellant and leader of Corporate Social R

29、esponsibility as its mission. Since 2008, it began to establish a scientific, standardized, systematic and effective management system of corporate social responsibility, and planned social responsibility from six aspects of benefit of society, scientific development, safety supervision, environment

30、al protection, staff development, public welfare undertaking. And the company launched a series of management practices of corporate social responsibility from the company headquarters to the subsidiary in order to achieve the goal of full-coverage, full-compliance, pursuit for perfection and indust

31、ry-leading social responsibility, making the irreplaceable and outstanding contribution to a sustainable society.社会责任规划Planning of Social Responsibility社会责任规划Planning of Social Responsibility安全监管Safety Management科学发展Scientific Development环境保护Environmental Protection造福社会Benefits to Society公益事业Public

32、Welfare Undertaking员工发展Staff Development6利益相关方多年来,中国中铁始终与利益相关方保持和谐互信、互惠互利的合作关系,坚持从利益相关方视角,积极回应利益相关方关注的重要问题,建立顺畅、规范、富有特色的利益相关方沟通机制,不断增进企业内部员工和外部利益相关方的价值创造,努力实现与各利益相关方共同发展、和谐共赢。经全面分析所在行业产业链条和宏观环境,中国中铁的利益相关方主要由十类群体构成。Interested PartiesOver several years, CREC has always maintained the cooperation relat

33、ionship of harmony, mutual trust, mutually beneficial with all interested parties, adhered to the interests of interested parties in the perspective of interested parties, responded actively to important issues that interested parties pay attention to, established the smooth, standardized and distin

34、ctive communication mechanism of interested parties, continuously improved value creation of internal staff and external interested parties, and made efforts to achieve common development, harmony and win-win with all interested parties. After a comprehensive analysis of the production chain and mac

35、ro-environment in the industry, CREC interested parties are mainly constituted in ten groups.与利益相关方共同发展和谐共赢Common Development, Harmony and Win-win with interested parties政府Government投资者Investors合作伙伴Partners同业者Brother chip非政府组织Non-government organization客户Clients债权人Creditor供应商Suppliers公众Public员工Staff

36、7General Situation of CompanyCREC is the extremely large enterprise group with survey and design, construction and installation, industrial manufacturing, real estate development and other business. It is the largest construction contractors in the world, ranking 95th in the top 500 companies in the

37、 world and 6th in the top 500 Chinese enterprises. Companies were listed respectively on December 3rd, 2007 and December 7th, 2007 in Shanghai and Hong Kong, with the total assets of RMB 468.7 billion Yuan and net assets of RMB 81.35 billion Yuan.CREC have built railways of 77925 kilometers, more th

38、an two-thirds of the total length of national railway; the electrified railway contacting net they have built reaches 52894 kilometers, accounting for 95% of national electrified railway. They are participated in the road covering over 13781 kilometers, of which expressway is more than 7708 kilomete

39、rs, about one-tenth of high mileage. They are participated in the three-fifths of national urban rail project; they have constructed more than 9,000 bridges, including Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge, Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge, the East Sea Bridge, Hangzhou Bay Cross-sea Bridge, with the total length

40、of 9297 kilometers. They have built long tunnels of Qinling Tunnel, Taihang tunnel, Xiamen Xiangan undersea tunnel, Wuhan Yangtze River Tunnel and so on, with the total of 6886 kilometers. The builders with the Antarctic expedition for 9 times shouldered the construction and maintenance tasks of Zho

41、ngshan Station, Great Wall Station and Kunlun station. The company also has participated in more than 5000 items of national highways, airports, docks, hydropower, subway, high-rise buildings, municipal and other large engineering design and construction, with the business scope covering all civil c

42、onstruction fields, and the projects in all provinces and autonomous regions of the nation and almost 60 countries and regions in the world. The technological level in many areas has reached the worlds advanced level, and has won the national highest award for many times.公司概况中国中铁是集勘察设计、施工安装、工业制造、房地产

43、开发及其他业务于一体的特大型企业集团,全球最大的建筑工程承包商,在世界企业 500 强中排名第 95 位,在中国企业 500 强中排名第 6 位。公司于 2007 年 12 月 3 日、12月 7 日分别在上海、 香港两地上市。公司总资产 4687 亿元,净资产 813.5 亿元。中国中铁建设者先后修建了 77925 公里的铁路,占中国铁路总里程的三分之二以上 ; 建成电气化铁路接触网 52894公里,占中国电气化铁路的 95% ; 参与建设的公路超过13781 公里,其中高速公路超过 7708 公里,约占中国高速公路总里程的十分之一 ; 参与建设了中国五分之三的城市轨道工程 ; 修建了武汉长

44、江大桥、南京长江大桥、东海大桥、杭州湾跨海特大桥等 9000 多座大桥,总长达 9297 公里 ; 建成秦岭隧道、太行山隧道、厦门翔安海底隧道、武汉长江隧道等长大隧道共计 6886 公里。公司建设者九次远征南极,承担了中山站、长城站、昆仑站建设和维护任务。公司还先后参加了国内近 5000 项公路、机场、码头、水电、地铁、高层建筑、市政等大型工程的设计与施工,经营范围覆盖到土木建筑的各个领域,工程项目遍布中国各省市自治区和全球近 60 个国家和地区,科技水平在诸多领域达到世界先进水平,多次获得国家最高奖项。8业务分布2011年,中国中铁坚持以科学发展观为指导,紧密围绕“练内功、打基础、强管理、创

45、一流”中心工作,团结拼搏、攻坚克难,全力以赴应对市场环境的变化。公司完成营业总收入4607.2亿元,实现海外营业收入178.17亿元。2011年,公司与全球63个国家和地区开展业务。目前,境外在建工程项目319个,涉及铁路、公路、桥梁、隧道、房屋建筑、城市轨道、市政工程、农田水利、港口建设等领域,分布于南美、东欧、非洲、南太、东南亚、中东等53个国家和地区。公司道岔及钢结构等产品远销到美国、韩国、新西兰、德国、加拿大、丹麦等18个国家和地区。另外,公司在境外投资兴办纺织厂、制药公司,并开展了房地产开发、矿产资源等业务。9Business DistributionIn 2011, In 2011

46、, CREC adhered to the guidance of Scientific Outlook on Development, closely around the central task of “exercising inner strength, laying the foundation, intensifying management and creating top class”, unified all employees to struggle and overcome kinds of difficulties and went all out respond to

47、 the change of market environment. The company completed the business income of RMB 460.72 billion Yuan, and overseas revenue of RMB 17.817 billion Yuan.In 2011, the company started business in nearly 63 countries and territories. At present, 319 overseas construction projects have been involved in

48、railways, highways, bridges, tunnels, housing construction, urban rail, municipal engineering, water conservancy, port construction and other fields in 53 countries and areas of South America, Eastern Europe, Africa, South-Pacific, Southeast Asia, the Middle East. Companys products of turnouts, the

49、steels and others are exported to 18 countries and regions of the United States, South Korea, New Zealand, Canada, Denmark and others.In addition, the company overseas invests and sets up pharmaceutical factories and textile mills, and also increases the business volume of real estate and resource d

50、evelopment and so on.10公司治理与规范运作治理结构2011 年,中国中铁进一步完善公司治理结构,在确保公司治理结构运作规范性的同时,不断提高公司治理结构运作的有效性。公司董事会、监事会换届工作顺利完成,公司决策授权体系进一步确立,董事会战略管控能力和重大决策质量进一步提高,监事会监督资源进一步整合,董事会对经理层的监督和指导成效明显 ; 内控体系建设稳步推进,全面风险管理体系持续健全 ; 母子公司一体化建设取得突破性进展,公司治理水平有效提升。2011 年,公司被国务院国资委评定为董事会运作良好的建设规范董事会中央企业,在资本市场先后获得“优秀董事会” 、 “中国上市公司

51、内部控制指数综合排名 100 强” 、 “大中华区公司治理大奖” 、“金牛奖” 、 “金鼎奖”等多项殊荣。报告期末,公司董事会由 8 名成员组成,其中,执行董事 3人,非执行董事 1 人,独立非执行董事 4 人 ; 董事会下设五个专门委员会,其中审计委员会、薪酬与考核委员会全部由独立非执行董事组成 ; 监事会由 5 名成员组成,其中,股东代表监事 2 人,职工代表监事 3 人 ; 高管层由 10 名成员组成,其中包括总裁 1 名、副总裁 7 名、总经济师 1 名和董事会秘书 1 名。Company Governance and Standardized OperationStructure G

52、overnance In 2011, CREC further improved corporate governance structure, constantly enhanced the effectiveness of corporate governance operation. The Board of Directors and corporate Supervision Committee have successfully changed the term of office and the corporate decision authorization system wa

53、s further established. The strategic management and control capacity and major decision quality of the Board of Directors further enhanced; resources of the Supervision Committee were further integrated and the supervision and guidance of the Board of Directors to the managers were obviously effecti

54、ve. The company has stably promoted the construction of internal control system, constantly improved the comprehensive risk management system, achieved breakthrough in parent-subsidiary company integration and the effectively enhanced the corporate governance level. In 2011, the company was appointe

55、d as the Normalized Board Construction Central Enterprise with good operation of Board of Directors by the State Council, gained the Excellent Board, Chinese Listed Company Internal Control Index Comprehensive Top 100, Prize for Corporate Governance in Greater China, Golden Award, Golden Censer Awar

56、d and many other honors successively in the capital market. By the end of the report, the Board of Directors is composed of eight members including three executive directors and one non-executive director; there are five special committees under the Board of Director, among which all the Audit Commi

57、ttee and the Salary and Evaluation Committee are composed of nonexecutive directors. The Supervision Committee was composed of five members including shareholder representative supervisors and three workers representative supervisors. The upper management is composed of ten members including one pre

58、sident, seven vice president, one general economists and one board secretary. 11决策管理2011 年,中国中铁以忠实体现股东意志、维护股东利益为宗旨,以提高决策质量为目标,严格按照法律法规以及公司章程等规定履行职责,不断创新工作方法和工作机制,实现了股东大会、董事会及其专门委员会、监事会、经理层决策程序之间以及与信息披露程序的有效衔接 ; 在兼顾决策效率和决策质量的前提下,确立了董事会对经理层的决策授权体系 ; 逐步加强了重大事项的前期调研论证、事中把关和事后监督力度,稳步开展了股东大会、董事会决议执行的跟踪检查和

59、评价工作,有力地推动了决策的科学性、有效性不断提高。Decision-making ManagementIn 2011, CREC, aimed at loyally reflecting the stockholders will, maintaining the stockholders benefits and enhancing the decision quality, performed its responsibilities in strict accordance with the legal regulations and relevant regulations in t

60、he Articles of Association, constantly innovated the work method and mechanism, fulfilled the effective connection between the General Meeting of Stockholders, Board of Directors and its special committees, the Supervision Committee and the manager decision-making procedure with the information disc

61、losure procedure. Under the premise of ensuring decision efficiency and decision quality, the company established the decision authorization system of the Board of Directors to managers, gradually strengthened the prophase research and demonstration, intermediate control and afterward supervision of

62、 major events, stably carried out the tracking check and assessment work of the General Meeting of Stockholders and Board of Directors, vigorously promoted the enhancement of scientificity and effectiveness of decision. 12内控监督中国中铁高度重视内控体系建设,按照企业内部控制基本规范的要求,完成了内部控制制度的经理层、董事会的审核审批和发布运行工作, 自2011年1月1日起,

63、公司总部内控体系正式发布运行。截止年底。全公司二级企业都完成了内控体系发布运行工作,大部分三级企业完成了内控体系建设工作。2011 年 12 月,公司内部控制与风险管理体系运行管理信息系统上线试运行。通过积极开展工程项目审计、经济责任审计、财务收支审计和管理绩效审计等各项工作,全公司全年增收节支19,773 万元,提出审计建议被采纳 7515 条。2011 年,公司结合企业实际,在组织开展风险管理初始信息收集和所属各单位风险评估结果的基础上,编制风险评估调查问卷,从 5 大类 74 个风险点列举出公司层面面临的风险,从风险发生的可能性和影响程度两个维度制定风险评估准则,开展了风险问卷调查,评估

64、确定公司层面重大和重要风险,编制完成了2011 年度全面风险管理报告 。2011 年,公司各级纪检监察组织,针对容易产生腐败的重点部位和关键环节,健全规章制度,强化监督约束,有效防止了腐败和不廉洁行为发生。突出制度建设,加强对领导人员的行为约束 ; 突出重点人群,加强对领导人员的民主监督 ; 突出重点部位,加强对关键环节的过程监督 ; 突出薄弱环节,加强对重点问题的专项监督。严格执行公务用车购置审核,为企业节约资金 3654.18万元。资料 : 2011 年,在公司职代会上,13 名公司领导及高管向职代会述职述廉,接受职工代表评议,并当场公布了测评结果。全公司 29 个二级企业组织了述廉议廉,

65、职工代表对 300 名领导人员进行了议廉评廉。Internal Control MonitoringCREC pays high attention to the construction of internal control system, completed the auditing and approval, issuing and operation of the manager layer and Board of Directors in the internal control system according to requirements in Basic Specific

66、ations for Enterprise Internal Control. Since January 1, 2011, the corporate headquarter control system has started to run officially. By the end of the year, the internal control systems of all secondary enterprises of the company have started to run and most three-level enterprises have completed

67、the construction work of internal control system. In December, 2011, the operation management information system of corporate internal control and risk management system was launched for trail operation. Through active carrying out of engineering project auditing, economic responsibility audit, fina

68、ncial revenue auditing, auditing of management performance and other items, the company increased and saved RMB 197.73 million Yuan annually and raised 7515 accepted suggestions for auditing. In 2011, in combination with enterprise reality and based on the organization and implementation of manageme

69、nt initial information collection and risk assessment results of all subordinate units, the company compiled the risk assessment questionnaire, listed five categories 74 risk points that the company was facing, formulated risk assessment standards from the probability and influence degree of risk, c

70、arried out risk questionnaire survey, assessed and determined the great and major risks that the company was facing and compiled the Comprehensive Risk Management Report 2011. In 2011, due to the key points and crucial procedures easy to cause corruption, the corporate discipline inspection and supe

71、rvision organizations at all levels improved the rules and regulations, strengthened the supervision and restraint and effectively prevented corrupt or dishonest behaviors. They highlighted the system construction and strengthened restraint to the leaders behaviors, highlighted the key groups and st

72、rengthened democratic supervision of the leaders, highlighted the key points and strengthened the process supervision of crucial procedures, highlighted the weak procedures and strengthened the special supervision of key problems, strictly implemented the audit of office car purchasing and saved RMB

73、 36.5418 million Yuan for the enterprise. Information: in 2011, on the corporate Worker Congress, 13 corporate leaders and executives reported their work and their efforts to perform their duties honestly to the Worker Congress and accepted the review of the Worker Congress. The results were issued

74、on the site. 29 secondary enterprises of the company organized the report of their work and their efforts to perform their duties honestly and 300 leaders reported their work and their efforts to perform their duties honestly to the Worker Congress. 13杰出贡献2008年以来,我们在行业率先披露了公司每股社会贡献值。2011年,我们继续完善评估体系

75、,采用自我统计、估算与专家评审相结合的方法研究测算了中国中铁2011年度企业社会贡献值和每股社会贡献值,供您参考。我们的计算公式:企业社会贡献值=盈利贡献+税费贡献+债息贡献+雇员贡献+公益贡献+其他贡献-环境负贡献-安全质量负贡献-其他负贡献。每股社会贡献值=企业社会贡献值/总股本近三年统计情况:中国中铁2009年企业社会贡献值为750.8亿元,每股社会贡献值为3.52元。中国中铁2010年企业社会贡献值为969.96亿元,每股社会贡献值为4.55元。中国中铁2011年企业社会贡献值为972.12亿元,每股社会贡献值为4.56元。Outstanding ContributionSince 2

76、008, we took the lead to disclose the value of a share of social contributions of the company in the industry.In 2011, we continued to improve the assessment system, researched and estimated the value of corporate social contribution value and one share value of the CREC in 2011 with the combination

77、 methods of self-statistics, estimation and expert assessments, just for your reference.Our formula:Corporate social contribution value = profit contribution + tax contribution + debt interest contribution+ employee contribution + the public welfare contribution + other contributions negative contri

78、bution to the environment - negative contribution to the safety and quality - other negative contributions.Each share of social contribution value = corporate social contribution value / total equityThe statistics in recent three years illustrated:The corporate social contribution value of CREC in 2

79、009 reached RMB 75.08 billion Yuan, and each share of social contribution value was RMB 3.52 Yuan.The corporate social contribution value of CREC in 2010 reached RMB 96.996 billion Yuan, and each share of social contribution value was RMB 4.55Yuan.The corporate social contribution value of CREC in 2

80、011 reached RMB 97.212 billion Yuan, and each share of social contribution value was RMB 4.56 Yuan.术语解释:(1)盈利贡献:公司通过实现盈利为股东创造的价值(2)税费贡献:公司为国家和地方财税缴纳的税收、费用等价值(3)债息贡献:公司为债权人创造的利息等价值(4)雇员贡献:公司为员工(含农民工)支付的工资福利价值(5)公益贡献:包括捐款捐物在内的企业扶贫助困、奉献爱心等直接支出(6)其他贡献:前述所列项以外的企业活动给社会带来的正效益评估值(7)环境负贡献:企业行为对环境造成的负影响价值(8)安

81、全质量负贡献:企业安全质量事故对社会造成的负影响价值(9)其他负贡献:前述所列项以外的企业活动给社会带来的负效益评估值 Terminological Interpretation:(1) Profit contribution: the value that the company has created through making profits for shareholders.(2) Tax contribution: the value that company has paid the state and local tax revenue, fees and others.(3)

82、 Debt interest contribution: the value that company has created interest and others for creditors.(4) Employee contribution: the value of wages and benefits paid by company for employees (including migrant workers).(5) Public welfare contribution: the direct expenditures of helping the poor, loving

83、and others including donated money and things. (6) Other contribution: the positive benefits assessment value that corporate activities bring for the community except the above items listed.(7) The negative contribution to the environment: the value of corporate behaviors caused negative impact on t

84、he environment. (8) The negative contribution to the safety and quality: the value of corporate security quality incidents caused the negative impact on the society. (9) Other negative contribution: negative benefits assessment value that corporate activities bring to the society except the above it

85、ems listed.14造福社会改善物理环境引领产业进步建设精品工程促进经济发展Improvement of Physical EnvironmentLeading Industrial ProgressConstruction of Quality ProjectPromotion of Economic DevelopmentBenefits to Society15改善物理环境中国中铁有着在复杂地质、水文条件下进行各种结构的铁路、公路、桥梁、市政等工程建设的雄厚技术力量和机械装备。从塞外到南国,从东海之滨到雪域高原,从亚非欧美到南极大陆,中国中铁人怀着报效祖国,服务社会的信念,发扬“勇

86、于跨越,追求卓越”精神,出色地完成了各个时期国家和人民交付的神圣使命,在基本建设领域留下了一串串闪光的足迹,在为人类理想而改善地球物理环境的伟大事业中做出了不俗业绩。2011年,全公司共建设完成铁路正线铺轨(新线、复线)5697公里,电气化铁路接触网6847公里,公路1125公里(其中高速公路748公里)。新建成桥梁1676公里,隧道1310公里,进一步改善了交通基础设施和人居环境。Improvement of Physical EnvironmentCREC has strong technical force and mechanical equipment that can be use

87、d in complex geological and hydrological conditions for the constructions of railway, roads, bridges and municipal building with various structures. From beyond the Great Wall to the southern, from the East Sea to the snow-covered plateau, from Asia, Africa, Europe and America to the Antarctic conti

88、nent, CREC people with the faith of serving the country and the community, developing the spirit of the courage to leap and the pursuit for excellence, have perfectly achieved the sacred mission that the state and people delivers during various periods, and left a string of flash footprints in the f

89、ield of basic construction, making impressive performance in the great cause of improving the geophysical environment of the Earth for mankinds ideal. In 2011, the track laying (the new line, double line) that the whole company has completed covered 5697 kilometers, the electrified railway contactin

90、g net was 6847 kilometers, the roads covered 1125 kilometers (including the expressway of 748 kilometers), the new-constructed bridge covered 1676 kilometers and the tunnel extended 1310 kilometers, further improving transportation infrastructure and living environment.134521、广珠铁路虎跳门特大桥 4、新疆赛果高速公路2、

91、北京至天津城际轨道交通工程获中国建设工程鲁班奖 5、京沪高铁南京南站获中国钢结构金奖3、滨湖欣园是合肥市最大的拆迁安置小区16促进经济发展中国中铁努力成为国民经济发展的支柱。2011 年,公司通过完成全球市场, 特别是中国市场的铁路、 公路、 轨道交通、 港口、市政、机场等基础建设,拉动了全球和地方经济增长,促进了经济发展和社会进步,为发展低碳经济作出了巨大贡献。近年来,公司营业收入连年实现跨越式增长,连续八年进入世界企业五百强行列,在全球建筑企业排名第一,不断为社会创造和积累着优质的物质财富。2011 年, 公司营业总收入 4607.2 亿元; 新签合同额 5708 亿元;利税总额 288.

92、86 亿元,同比增长 2.87,实现归属于上市公司股东净利润 66.90 亿元,平均每股收益 0.31 元,成为社会财富的重要创造者和社会经济发展的重要推动力量。Promotion of Economic DevelopmentCREC has worked hard to become the prop for the national economical development. In 2011, the company has driven the national and local economical growth and promoted the economical deve

93、lopment and social progress through the fulfillment of the railway, highway, rail transit, port, government building, airport and other basic facilities in the global market especially the Chinese market, making great contribution on the development of low-carbon economy. In recent years, the operat

94、ing income of the company has achieved a leapfrog growth year by year, and has been among the 500 top enterprises in the world for 8 years, become the largest construction enterprise in the world, and constantly created and accumulated quality material wealth.In 2011, the company total revenues was

95、460.72 billion Yuan; the amount of new-signed contracts reached RMB 570.8 billion Yuan; the total amount of total Taxes & Profits was RMB 28.886 billion Yuan, up 2.87 %, net profit was RMB 6.690 billion Yuan, on average each share made profits of RMB 0.31 Yuan. The company has become the major creat

96、ors of social wealth and an important driving force for social and economic development3459.76018227.9(单位:亿元)(Unit: RMB 0.1Billion Yuan)4736.67354.8280.84607.25708288.86营业收入新签合同额利税总额Operating incomeThe amount of new-signed contractProfit and tax2009年2009年2009年2010年2010年2010年2011年2011年2011年17引领产业进步作为

97、中国和世界建筑业发展的重要参与者和推动者,多年来中国中铁不仅追求自我的发展,还担当着引领行业发展的重要责任,努力实现与产业的协同共进,主要表现在扩大产业规模、带动行业自律、引领科技创新、与合作者共赢等诸多方面。公司作为科技部、国资委和中华全国总工会授予的全国首批“创新型企业” ,拥有高速铁路建造技术国家工程试验室和盾构及掘进技术国家重点实验室。拥有 6 个经国家认定的技术中心和 19 个省部认定的技术中心,并先后组建了桥梁、隧道、电气化、先进工程材料、轨道和施工装备 6 个专业研发中心。在高原、 高速和电气化铁路, 城市轨道交通、大型桥梁及隧道、高速铁路道岔、盾构设备等多个领域形成了具有自主产

98、权的核心技术, “十一五”以来新增各类国家级科技进步发明奖 23 项、勘察设计奖 24 项,新增鲁班奖 44 项、 国优工程 73 项, 巩固了中国建筑业科技领先地位。资料 1 : 截至 2011 年底,公司先后有 465 项科技成果通过省(部、直辖市)科技成果鉴定,有 443 项成果通过公司科技成果评审。截止目前,共荣获国家科技进步奖和发明奖 91 项(其中特等奖 4 项,一等奖 12 项) ,省部级(含国家认可的社会力量设奖)科技进步奖 1252 项。公司拥有有效专利 1502 项(其中发明专利 354 项) 。资料 2 : 2011 年,全公司组织评审科研成果 120 项,通过省(部、直

99、辖市)级科技成果鉴定(评审)45 项 ; 授权专利 519 项,其中发明专利 146 项 ; 获国家级工法 38 项,省部级工法 99 项。资料 3 : 2011 年,公司获国家科技进步奖 5 项 ; 获中国施工企业管理协会科学技术奖 53 项(其中特等奖 4 项,一等奖 26 项) 、中国铁道学会科学技术奖 54 项、中国公路学会科学技术奖 8 项。2311、南京南站引导线2、京新高速公路上地分离式立交桥3、合肥火车站改造工程18Leading Industrial ProgressAs the main participator and promoter of the developmen

100、t of Chinese and world architecture, CREC has not only pursuit for self-development for many years, but also tasked the leading of industrial progress as its important responsibility and strived to achieve joint progress with the industry, which mainly manifested in the expanding the industrial scal

101、e, driving the industrial self-discipline, leading technical innovation, win-win with partners and other aspects. The company, as the first national “Innovative Enterprise” authorized by the Ministry of Science and Technology, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission and All

102、China Federation of Trade Unions, owns the national engineering laboratory for high-speed railway construction technology and national key laboratory for shielding and tunneling technology. The company owns 6 nationally certificated technical centers and 19 provincially certificated technical center

103、s, has successively set up 6 professional R&D centers for bridge, tunnel, electrification, advanced engineering materials, rail and construction equipments. The company has formed core technologies with independent intellectual property on plateau, high-speed and electric railway, urban rail transit

104、, large-scale bridges and tunnels, high-speed railway turnout, shielding equipments and many other fields. Since the “Eleventh Five-year Plan”, the company has gained 23 national prizes for scientific and technological progress and invention, 24 prizes for survey and design, 44 Luban Prizes and 73 n

105、ational excellent projects, greatly consolidated its technical leading position of Chinese construction industry. Information 1: by the end of 2011, the company has 465 scientific and technological achievements that have passed the provincial (department and municipality levels) identification of sc

106、ientific and technological achievement and 443 achievements that have passed the corporate evaluation of scientific and technical achievement. So far, the company has totally 91 national prizes for scientific and technological progress and invention (including 4 special prizes and 12 first prizes),

107、and 1252 provincial and departmental (including prizes set by social forces recognized by the state) prizes for scientific and technological progress. The company owns 1502 valid patents (including 354 patents for invention). Information 2: in 2011, the company organized the evaluation of 120 achiev

108、ements in scientific research, passed 45 provincial (department and municipality levels) identifications (evaluation) of scientific and technical achievements, issued 519 patents including 146 patents for invention, gained 38 national engineering methods and 99 provincial engineering methods. Inform

109、ation 3: in 2011, the company has achieved 5 national science and technology prizes, 53 science and technology prizes issued by Chinese Construction Enterprise Management Association (including 4 special prizes and 26 first prizes), 54 science and technology prizes issued by China Railway Society an

110、d 8 science and technology prizes issued by China Highway Society. 中原一号盾构机19建设精品工程2011 年,中国中铁继续发扬“精心设计,绘制时代蓝图 ;科学施工,构筑工程精品”理念,始终把每一个施工现场管理作为一个系统,通过开展标准化工地达标活动,严把质量关口, 严格执行施工工艺标准, 不断提高建筑产品质量,不断丰富建筑产品内涵,通过强化管理,精益求精,立足高起点、追求高水平、坚持高标准,努力把每一项工程都建设为国际一流建筑和百年精品工程。2011 年,公司 16 项工程获中国建筑工程鲁班奖(2010-2011) ,分别是

111、: 沪蓉国道主干线湖北宜昌至恩施公路八字岭隧道、天津市快速路南仓道铁东路立交工程、苏州科技文化艺术中心、新建北京至天津城际轨道交通工程、北京南站改扩建工程站房工程、新建武汉北编组站、合武铁路大别山隧道、苏通长江公路大桥、塔吉克斯坦公路项目沙尔沙尔隧道、南宁市南宁大桥、新建铁路福厦线福州南站房及配套工程、东汽汉旺生产基地灾后异地重建项目、杭州湾跨海大桥工程、淮阴卷烟厂“十一五”技改工程(含“十五”后期规划调整)项目、哈尔滨市道外二十道街松花江大桥及引道工程、沈阳地铁一号线。至此,中国中铁累计有 107 个项目获此殊荣。2011年, 全公司获得中国土木工程詹天佑大奖5项, 分别是:青藏铁路那曲物流

112、中心、杭州湾跨海大桥、襄渝铁路新大巴山隧道、国道 317 线鹧鸪山隧道、武汉至广州高速铁路浏阳河隧道。Construction of quality project In 2011, CREC continued to carry forward the philosophy of elaborately design to draw the blueprint for the times; scientifically construct to build quality project. The company has always made every construction site

113、 management as a system, through standardization of site compliance activities, strictly controlled quality and strictly conducted construction technology standards. The company considered the fine as a qualified, constantly improving the quality of construction products and constantly enriching the

114、 content of construction products. Through strengthening management and pursuing for excellence, based on a high starting point, pursuing for high level, insisting high standards, the company strived to build every project as an international first-class architecture and a fine art project. In 2011,

115、 the company has win the 16 Luban Prizes for Chinese Construction project (2010-2011), respectively: Shanghai-Chengdu National Road Yichang-Enshi Section Baziling Tunnel, Tianjin Expressway Nancang Section Tiedong Road Interchange Project, Suzhou Science and Technology Art Centre, newly constructed

116、Beijing-Tianjin Intercity Rail Transit Project, Beijing South Station Expansion and Reconstruction Project- Station Building Project, newly constructed Wuhan North Marshalling Station, Hefei-Wuhan Railway Dabieshan Tunnel, Suzhou-Nantong Yangtze River Bridge, Tajikistan Highway Project Scharner- Sch

117、arner Tunnel, Nanning Bridge, newly constructed railway Fuzhou-Xiamen Railway Fuzhou South Station and Supporting Project, Dongfang Turbine Hanwang Production Base Pose-disaster Reconstruction Project, Hangzhou Bay Bridge Project, Huaiyin Cigarettes Factory “Eleventh Five-year Plan” Technical Recons

118、truction Project (including Post “Ten Five-year Plan” Adjustment) Project, Harbin Daowai 20 Day Street Songhua River Bridge and Approach Project and Shenyang Subway Line 1. So far, CREC has won 107 such special prizes accumulatively. In 2011, the whole company has won 5 Zhan Tianyou Prizes for Chine

119、se Civil Projects, which are: Qinghai-Tibet Railway Nagqu Logistics Center, Hangzhou Bay Bridge, Xiangfan-Chongqing New Dabashan Tunnel, National Road 317 Line Zhegushan Tunnel and Wuhan-Guangzhou High-speed Railway Liuyang River Tunnel. 1345621、全国质量工作先进单位 4、南京南站无站台柱雨棚2、准朔铁路黄河特大桥 5、郑州地铁2号线施工人员正在调整盾构

120、机机位3、荣获国家建设工程鲁班奖的合武铁路大别山隧道 6、天津市快速路南仓道铁东路立交桥工程20科学发展诚实守信 依法经营精益求精 持续改进Honesty and Trustworthiness& Management according to Law依靠科技 鼓励创新Depending on Science and Technology& Encourage of Innovation优势互补 合作共赢Mutual Complementary& Cooperation and win-winPursuit for Excellence& Continuous ImprovementScien

121、tificDevelopment21诚实守信 依法经营2011 年,公司在市场经营开发工作中,严格贯彻执行招投标法 ,全年参与数百次投标,无不良经营行为。在施工生产环节,加强组织领导,统筹资源安排,推进项目扁平化、精细化管理,全面推广铁路工程“架子队”管理模式,优化施工组织方式和劳动用工方式,全面兑现了各项合同承诺。资料 1:2011 年,中铁一局被评为中国 AAA 级信用企业,中铁二局被评为 AAA 级守法诚信单位,中铁七局被评为中国 AAA 级信用企业、全国交通企(事)业信用建设工作先进单位,中铁五局被评为贵州省“守合同重信用”单位,中铁六局被评为全国守合同重信用企业,中铁八局被评为四川省

122、 AAA 级守合同重信用企业,中铁四局承建的合蚌客专站前二标杜家岗特大桥、中铁隧道集团股份有限公司承建的台山核电站1、2# 机组取水隧洞等被评为国家 AAA 级安全文明标准化诚信工地。资料 2 : 2011 年,全公司如期保证了京沪高速铁路、广深港高铁、区际铁路干线太原至中卫(银川)铁路、青藏线西宁至格尔木增建二线电气化工程、西铜高速公路、绥芬河至牡丹江高速公路、深圳地铁四号线、五号线、北京地铁亦庄线、昌平线一期、15 号线首开段、 房山线和大兴线5条新线、 西安地铁二号线、群雅砻江锦屏二级水电站 4 号引水隧洞、青岛胶州湾大桥和胶州湾隧道等一批重点工程相继建成使用。Honesty and T

123、rustworthiness &Management according to Law In 2011, CREC has strictly implemented the Bidding Law during the market exploring and operating, taken part in hundreds of biddings, without one case of unhealthy operating behavior. In the construction and production procedure, the company has intensifie

124、d the organizational management, made overall resources arrangement, promoted the project plat and delicacy management, spread the railway project Shelf Team management model, optimized the construction organizing method and labor employing method, completely fulfilled the promise of each contract.

125、Information 1: In 2011, CREC No. 2 Bureau was assessed as the Chinese AAA Grade Credit Enterprise; CREC No. 2 Bureau was awarded as the AAA Grade Law-abiding Credit Unit, CRER No. 7 Bureau was awarded as Chinese AAA Grade Credit Enterprise and the advanced unit in the credit construction work of nat

126、ional transportation (public) enterprises. CRER No. 5 Bureau was awarded as “Contract and Credit Keeping Unit” in Guizhou Province. CRER No. 6 Bureau was awarded as national Contract and Credit Keeping Unit. CRER No. 8 Bureau was awarded as AAA Grade Contract and Credit Keeping Unit in Sichuan Provi

127、nce. The Special Hebang Passenger Station First Two Standards Dujiagang Grand Bridge constructed by CRER No. 4 Bureau and Taishan Nuclear Power Station Unit 1 and 2# Water Intake Tunnel constructed by China Railway Tunnel Group Co., Ltd. were awarded as national AAA Grade Safe and Civilized Standard

128、ized Construction Site. Information 2: in 2011, the whole company guaranteed the Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway, Guangzhou-Shenzhen Express Railway, interregional railway artery-Taiyuan-Zhongwei (Yinchuan) Railway, Qinghai-Tibet Xining-Golmud added Line 2 Electricity Project, Xian-Tongchuan Exp

129、ressway, Suifenhe-Mudanjiang Expressway, Shenzhen Subway Line 4 and 5, Beijing Subway Yizhuang Line, Changping Line Phase I, Line 15 First Section, Fangshan Line and Daxing Line, Xian Subway Line 2, Yalong River Jinping II hydropower station No. 4 Water Division Tunnel, Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay Bridge a

130、nd Jiaozhou Bay Tunnel and other key projects. 中铁九局承建的新疆库俄铁路顺利开通北京地铁10号线二期07标角草区间左线顺利贯通22 精益求精 持续改进2011年,中国中铁始终坚持“精益求精,持续改进”总体思路,坚持以人为本的理念,以对国家、对人民、对企业高度负责的态度,不断完善制度、夯实基础。2011年,中国中铁按照发展规模和承担任务特点,加强和规范各级组织机构建设和人员的配备,从行业、地域进行拓展,以永不满足的进取意识,敢于挑战的创新精神不断提高管理水平。资料:2011年,公司不断完善安全质量管理体系,全面加强二、三级公司安全质量稽查队伍建设与

131、管理,进一步规范稽查队伍人员结构、工作制度、工作职责;继续加强资金集中管理、物资和大型设备集中采购与调配;将外协队伍纳入集中管理,促进了施工生产,提高了施工管理受控水平。Pursuit for Excellence &Continuous Improvement In 2011, CREC has constantly adhered to the general idea of Pursuit for Excellence and Continuous Improvement and the concept of people first, continuously improved the

132、 system and laid solid foundation with the attitude of being obligate to the state, people and enterprise.In 2011, CREC, based on the characteristics of the development mode and task, strengthened and normalized the construction of organizational institutions at all levels and personnel allocation,

133、explored from the industrial and geological ranges and constantly enhanced the management level with the never satisfied pioneering consciousness and creative spirit of daring to challenge. Information: in 2011, the company has constantly improved the safety quality management system, comprehensivel

134、y strengthened the construction and management of safety quality inspection team of level 2 or 3 companies, further normalized the personnel structure, working system and working responsibilities of the inspection team. The company has constantly strengthened the centralized capital management, mate

135、rial and centralized purchasing and allocation of large-scale equipments, included the outsourcing team into the centralized management, promoted the construction process and enhanced the construction management control level. 京沪高铁无砟轨道预制板场沪昆客专杭长湖南段2标架梁23 依靠科技 鼓励创新2011 年,中国中铁认真贯彻落实国家关于“自主创新,重点跨越,支撑发展

136、,引领未来”的科技工作指导方针,坚持“科技兴企”的发展战略,认真实施公司“十二五”科技发展规划,完善企业创新制度,加速培养企业创新团队,增强企业自主创新能力,实施企业知识产权战略,取得了一大批拥有自主知识产权、 国际先进、 国内领先的科技成果,有力地提升了企业核心竞争力。2011 年 , 公司围绕客运专线、高速铁路等国家重点工程建设,组织开展关键技术科技攻关,在理论基础、设计标准、施工验证、成套设备研制等方面开展研究,攻克了一系列关键技术难题,进一步增强了企业科技创新能力。全公司 2011 年度新开科研项目 1198 项, 科技投入 97 亿元。 2011 年,公司共获得全国优秀工程勘察设计奖

137、 11 项,省部级优秀工程勘察设计奖 77 项,省部级优秀工程咨询成果奖 17 项。 资料 1 : 公司结合重点桥梁工程建设,自主研发新装备、使用新技术、破解施工技术难题,顺利建成了目前世界同类桥梁跨度最大、我国首座四线公路铁路两用斜拉桥武汉天兴洲长江大桥和我国第一座跨海湾大桥杭州湾大桥,多项成果达国际领先水平并获国家发明专利。结合武汉天兴洲长江大桥研发的“大跨度桥梁钢桥面铺装成套关键技术及工程应用”和结合杭州湾大桥研发的“强潮海域跨海大桥建设关键技术”分获 2011 年度国家科技进步二等奖。资料 2 : 2011 年,中铁三局等 10 家单位获中国施工企业管理协会科技创新先进企业 ; 12

138、人获中国施工企业管理协会科技创新先进个人。深圳地铁5号线工程24In 2011, CREC carefully implemented the national guidance for scientific and technical works of “independent innovation, key spanning, supportable development and leading the future”, adhered to the developmental strategy of “developing the enterprise through science

139、and technology”, carefully implemented the corporate “Twelve Five-year ”scientific and technical plan, improved the enterprise innovation system, speeded up the cultivation of enterprise innovation team ,intensified the enterprise independent innovative capability, implemented the enterprise intelle

140、ctual property strategy, achieved a number of internationally advanced and domestically leading scientific and technical results with independent intellectual property and vigorously enhanced the enterprise core competitiveness. In 2011, the company, around the construction of passenger special line

141、, high-speed railway and other national key projects, organized to make breakthrough on key technology and science, has conducted researched on theoretical basis, design standard, construction verification, set equipment preparation and other aspects, overcome a serious of key technical problems and

142、 further enhanced the enterprise scientific and technical innovation capability. In 2011, the company started 1198 new research projects and invested RMB 9.7 billion Yuan on scientific research. In 2011, the company achieved 11 national prizes for excellent project survey and design, 77 provincial p

143、rizes for excellent project survey and design and 17 provincial prizes for excellent project consultation achievements. Information 1: the company combined key bridge project construction, independently developed new equipments, applied new technologies and broke construction technical problems, has

144、 successfully constructed the bridge with largest span among similar bridges in the whole word and the first 4-line highway and railway cable-stayed bridge in China- Wuhan Tianxingzhou Yangtze River Bridge and the first bay-cross bridge-Hangzhou Bay Bridge. Many achievements have reached internation

145、al advanced level and gained the national patent for invention. The company gained the National Second Prizes for Scientific and Technical Progress in 2011 through “key Technology and Engineering Application of Large-span Bridge Steel Deck Pavement and Set Completion” developed in combination with W

146、uhan Tianxingzhou Yangtze River Bridge and “Key Technology for Construction of Bridge in Area with Force Tide” developed in combination with Hangzhou Bay Bridge. Information 2: in 2011, CREC No. 3 Bureau and other 9 units were honored as the Chinese advanced enterprises in scientific and technical i

147、nnovation issued by China Association of Construction Enterprise Management and 12 personnel were honored as the advanced personnel in scientific and technical innovation issued by China Association of Construction Enterprise Management. Depending on Science and Technology & Encourage of Innovation2

148、5优势互补合作共赢中国中铁十分重视与国内外企业和各类组织的战略合作及产业链整合,并关注其在产品、服务、用工、人权、信誉等方面的表现。公司与各级政府、高校、社会组织、金融机构、相关企业在人才培养、资金管理、施工生产、材料供应、文化构建、科技创新、战略发展等方面,建立了广泛的战略联盟和密切的合作关系,促进了多方优势互补,实现了资源共享与协同发展。2011年,中国中铁进一步加强了与各级政府、中央和地方企业的合作,全年分别与河北省、武汉市、长春市、铜陵市、兰州市、福州市、厦门市等地方政府及中国南车、昆钢、东钢、天瑞等企业签订战略合作协议,使战略合作伙伴队伍进一步壮大。Mutual Complement

149、ary & Cooperation and Win-winCREC pays great attention to domestic and foreign enterprises and various organizations of the strategic cooperation and integration of industrial chain and cares about its products, services, labor, human rights, reputation and performance. With all levels of government

150、, universities, community organizations, financial institutions and related companies, CREC establishes a broad strategic alliance and close partnership to promote the multi-advantages and resource sharing and coordinated development on personnel training, fund management, construction production, m

151、aterial supply, cultural construction, technological innovation, strategic development and other aspects.In 2011, CREC further intensified cooperation with governments at all levels, central and local enterprises, have respectively signed the strategy cooperation agreement with Hebei Province, Wuhan

152、 city,Changchun City, Tongling City, Lanzhou City, Fuzhou City, Xiamen City and other local governments, as we as China South Locomotive, Kunming Steel, Cidong Steel, Skyray and other enterprises, which further expanded the team of strategic partners. 公司董事长李长进与外方签订资源合作协议26安全监管加大安全教育落实保障措施Implementat

153、ion of Safeguard Measures Increase of Safety Education 完善管理体系Improvement of the Management System关注职业健康Concerns about the Occupational HealthSafetyManagement27完善管理体系中国中铁始终将“保持安全生产的稳定局面,为社会提供安全优质的建筑产品,为公众提供安全愉悦的周边环境,为员工创造安全健康的工作条件”作为履行社会责任的重要方面。在长期的施工生产和项目管理的过程中,形成了一整套完善的安全管理体系,包括了安全生产责任制、防治重大事故、安全投入

154、、安全教育、安全管理和安全督查、安全考核及奖惩等方面,并形成了一套较为成熟的安全管理观和安全工作方针、原则及安全管理目标。中国中铁安全观 : 隐患险于明火,防范胜于救灾,责任重于泰山。安全管理工作方针 : 安全第一,预防为主,综合治理。安全管理工作原则 : 统一领导、落实责任、分级管理、分类指导、全员参与。安全管理目标 : 建设本质安全型企业。2011 年,全公司牢固树立以人为本、安全发展理念,深入贯彻落实中央有关安全生产工作文件和会议的重要精神,紧紧围绕公司中心工作,强化层级管理,狠抓责任落实,夯实基础管理,深化监管工作,安全生产形势与工程质量安全可控,工程质量创优工作成效显著,环境保护和职

155、业健康工作有序推进。Improvement of the Management System CREC is constantly taking to maintain stable condition of safe production, to provide the society with safe and good-quality architectural products, provide the public with pleasant environment and create safe and health working condition for the staff

156、as the most important aspect of social responsibility for the enterprise. In the long-term construction production and project management process, CREC formed a complete set of perfect safety management system, including the safe production responsibility system, prevention of major accidents, safet

157、y input, safety education, safety management and safety inspection, safety assessment, rewards and punishments and so on, and also formed a more mature safety management concept and safety policies, principles and safety management objectives.CREC Security Concept: hidden dangers in the fire, preven

158、tion is better than disaster relief, and responsibility is extremely heavy.Safety management policies: safety first, prevention as main and comprehensive management.Safety management principles: unified leadership, responsibility, classification management and guidance, full participation.Safety man

159、agement objectives: building of intrinsic safe enterprise.In 2011, the whole company firmly established the concept of people first and safe development, thoroughly implemented the important spirits central documents and meetings relevant to safety production work, closes around the corporate centra

160、l work, strengthened the level management, focused on implementation of responsibilities, put the basic management into practice and deepened the supervision work. The safety production trend and project quality safety were controllable; the project quality excellence creating work achieved obvious

161、effect, the environmental protection and occupational health work were promoted orderly. “安全生产月”安全质量宣誓活动现场安全质量承诺签字活动28落实保障措施2011年,公司全面加强企业生产安全监督管理,完善安全标准,提高技术水平,夯实生产安全基础,健全规章制度,认真落实“一岗双责,岗岗有责”的全员安全生产责任制和工程质量终身负责制,努力做到制度落实到位、风险管理到位、过程控制到位、铁腕治安全到位。2011年,公司先后下发了关于进一步加强和规范安全质量环保专职机构设置及人员配备的通知、安全质量稽查队伍管理


163、了安全质量管理需要,16项工程获得全国“AAA”安全文明工地。中铁二局、五局、隧道局基本完成了抢险救援队伍组建、基地建设、设备配置和整章建制等工作,开展了人员培训和应急演练等工作,初步具备了专业救援能力。Implementation of Safeguard Measures In 2011, the company comprehensively strengthened the enterprise production safety supervision and management, improved the safety standards, enhanced technical

164、level, put the production safety basis into practice, improved rules and regulations, carefully implemented the whole-employee production responsibility system of “two responsibilities for one position and every position has responsibilities” and project quality lifelong responsibility system, striv

165、ed to put the system, risk management, process control and strong safety control into practice. In 2011, the company has successively issued the Notice about Further Intensification and Normalization of Setting of Special Safety Quality Environmental Protection Institutions and Personnel Allocation,

166、 Measures for Management of Safety Quality Inspection, Avalanche Protection Card Control Red Line in Tunnel Construction, Notice about Further Normalization of Production Safety Accident Report in the Whole Company and over 40 other management telegrams and documents. The company modified the Safety

167、 Quality Accident Accountability Measures, Safety Quality and Disaster Accident (Event) Emergency Response Program and other management documents and measures, promoted the further systemization, standardization and normalization of the safety quality management work. Information 1: For a long time,

168、 the company and its subsidiary enterprises have constantly insisted on signing safety production responsibility books level by level for each project, through the quantification of indicators to decompose the responsibility. On safety production working conference 2011 of the whole company, Preside

169、nt Bai Zhongren and the general managers of all subsidiaries respectively signed the Safety Production Responsibility Book.Information 2: by December 2011, the special personnel in the whole company reached over 13000, among which, over 1600 are registered safety engineers that have basically met th

170、e requirements of safety quality management and 16 projects were awarded as national “AAA” safe and civilized construction sites. CRER No. 2 Bureau, No. 5 Bureau and Tunnel Bureau have basically completed the construction of emergency rescue team, base construction, equipment configuration, regulati

171、on formulation and other works, carried out personnel training, emergency drilling and other works and primarily owned professional rescue capability. 29加大安全教育2011年,公司加大安全教育投入,广泛开展了多种形式的安全教育活动,利用报纸、网站、宣传栏、有线电视、下发光盘等媒介和手段,开展安全生产宣传教育。将竞赛答题活动与安全生产月“安全责任,重在落实”主题教育活动相结合,将教育培训内容与现场重大危险源、施工进展及季节性安全管理相结合,掀起


173、量誓词牌,集体宣读安全质量誓词。Increase of Safety EducationIn 2011, the company increased the investment on safety education, broadly carried out kinds of safety educational activities, propagandized the safety production education through media and means like newspaper, websites, billboards, cable TV, DVD deliver

174、ing and others. The company combined the answer knowledge contest with the monthly production safety subject “safety responsibility, heavy at implementation” educational activity, combined the educational training content with on-site great danger sources, construction progress and quarterly safety

175、management, ignited the climax to “learn safety, know safety and work safely”. At 9:00 am, June 1 2011, more than 200 people of the headquarters, as well as the manger department of more than 6000 projects of the whole company, about 280,000 employees and 1.5 million labors were carrying out the saf

176、ety quality pledge activity. Over 160,000 employees of the whole company have taken part in the National Safety Emergency Knowledge Competition held by National security production monitoring Deputy and the national federation of trade union, 14 units and 7 individuals have won awards, which further

177、 enhanced the broad employees realization of safety production emergency work.on the basis carryout of safety quality pledge activity, all key project groups, construction site, workshop teams and other production first lines of the whole company regularly carried out the “safety quality pledge befo

178、re work” activity, set unified safety quality pledge boards. The group (operational team) responsible persons will lead all personnel to face the safety quality pledge board and read the safety quality pledge before and after they give lectures before the first work starting, intermediate shift tran

179、sfer and before they enter the operation site every day. 开展安全知识竞赛进行消防演练30关注职业健康 2011年,中国中铁继续秉持“以人为本、安全发展”的管理理念,强调“本质安全、长治久安”,高度重视员工身心健康。全公司进一步完善员工健康档案,定期组织员工体检,为员工办理职业伤害保险,落实作业场所职业健康监督管理暂时行规定要求,开展健康讲座,引导员工和企业共同做好职业危害源头控制,积极配合相关部门做好职业危害科学防治。持续构建完善的培训体系、科学的激励体制和人性化的福利制度,定期举行各类文体活动,促进员工不断成长,保障员工身心健康。在工

180、程现场,加大资金投入力度,改善员工工作环境,不断完善现场防尘、降噪及安全设施,加强作业场所有毒有害气体、粉尘、噪声的检测和治理,为作业人员提供符合安全卫生标准的劳动保护设施和个人防护用品,最大程度地减少职业危害,积极为员工创造安全、卫生、舒适、和谐的工作环境。资料:2011年,中铁资源把员工职业健康作为安全管理工作中的重中之重,优化劳动组织,降低一线员工作业强度;针对矿山生产中常见的职业病,制订了员工定期排查与防治管理制度;对工作场所空气中的粉尘浓度进行定期检测,并采取洒水降尘等多种措施降低作业过程中的粉尘浓度,减少对环境的污染,保证员工身心健康。Concerns about the Occu

181、pational Health In 2011, CREC continued to adhere to the management concept of “people first and safe development”, focused on “Intrinsic Safety and prolonged stability”, highlighted the staffs physical and mental health. The whole company further improved the staff health archives, regularly organi

182、zed staff physical examination, paid occupational injuries insurance for the staff, implemented requirements in the Workplace Occupational Health Supervision and Management Temporarily Measures. The company also held healthy lectures to lead the staff to control the source of occupational hazard joi

183、ntly with the enterprise and actively coordinated with relevant departments to carry out the scientific prevention of occupational hazards. The company highlighted the personal growth and spiritual-cultural needs of the staff, constantly established and improved the training system, scientific motiv

184、ation system, and humanized welfare system, regularly held all kinds of academic activities to promote the continuous growth. On the construction site, the company continued to increase fund investment, improve staffs working conditions, constantly improve the site dustproof, noise reduction and saf

185、ety facilities, enhanced the inspection and treatment of all noxious gas, dust, noise in the workshop, provided the personnel with working protection facilities and personal protecting materials to meet the safety and sanitation standards, minimized the occupational hazards maximized and actively cr

186、eated the safe, clean, comfortable and harmonious working environment for the staff.Information: in 2011, CREC treated the staffs occupation health as the top priority for the safety management work, has optimized the labor organization, reduced the operational intensity of first-line staff. Due to

187、the common occupational disease in mine production, the company formulated the regular staff examination and prevention management system, regularly inspected the powder concentration in air and adopted various measures such as watering, dust reduction to reduce the powder concentration in operation

188、 process, reduce the environmental pollution and ensure the stalls physical and mental health. 项目部为员工体检环境保护减少污染排放Reduction of Pollution Discharge坚持环境治理Persistence on Environment Governance节约能源物资Thrift of Energy Material保护自然生态Protection of Natural EcologyEnvironmentalprotection3132节约能源物资2011 年,中国中铁秉承

189、节约能源、减少排放的宗旨,完善三大体系,严格贯彻执行能源管理体系(GB/T2331-2009)标准要求,把建立资源节约型、环境友好型企业作为目标, 把工程项目节能减排作为降低成本、提高效益的重要途径,加强能源消耗的过程管理和控制,实现工程项目精细化管理 ; 加大经费投入和研发力度,大力开展节能减排技术攻关和技术改造,推广应用先进节能减排技术和产品,公司能效水平不断提高,企业实现低碳发展。2011 年,公司被国务院国资委授予“ 十一五节能减排优秀企业”称号。资料 1 : 中铁一局西宝客运专线 XBZQ-1 标兴平西制梁场积极开展节能减排技术攻关,成功开发出了“预应力混凝土箱梁节能减排施工工艺”

190、,并在工程建设中应用,实现节地 40%、节油 42.5 吨、节煤 678 吨、节约钢材132 吨、节约混凝土 57.3 立方,节约成本近千万元。资料 2 : 中铁山桥集团优化工艺布局,加大节能减排经费投入,采用变频调速技术改造风机、水泵,采用无功补偿技术改造变配电设备,对重点耗能炉窑设备进行节能改造,效果明显,节约标准煤 1700 吨。资料 3 : 中铁大桥局柳州市维义大桥项目开展能耗对标管理,制定机械设备能耗定额,开展定期统计分析,及时纠偏,并把能源使用纳入项目部成本分析,项目节能效果明显。2011 年项目节约柴油 62 吨、汽油 20 余吨。Thrift of Energy Materia

191、l In 2011, CREC adhered to the objective of energy saving and emission reduction, improved three great systems, strictly implemented the standards requirements of Energy management system (GB/T2331-2009), took the establishment of energy saving and environmental friendly enterprise as the purpose, t

192、ook the energy saving and emission reduction in construction project as the important mean to reduce cost and increase benefit. The company also strengthened the process management and control of energy consumption, fulfilled the fire management of construction project, increased the financing inves

193、tment and R&D strength, vigorously carried out technical breakthrough and reconstruction on energy saving and emission reduction, promoted and applied advanced energy saving and emission reduction technologies and product. The companys energy efficiency level has constantly enhanced and the enterpri

194、se has fulfilled the low-carbon development. In 2011, the company was honored the title of Excellent Enterprise in “Eleventh Five-year Plan” Energy Saving and Emission Reduction by the State Council. Information 1: CREC No. 1 Bureau Xian-Baoji Passenger Special Line XBZQ-1 standard West Xingping Gir

195、der Manufacturing Field carried out technical breakthrough on energy saving and emission reduction, successfully developed the “Energy Saving and Emission Reduction Construction Technology of Girder on Pre-stressed Concrete box” and applied it in project construction, saved 40% land, 42.5 tons of oi

196、l consumption, 678 tons of coals, 132 tons of steels, 57.3 m3 concrete and saved the cost of nearly RMB10 million Yuan. Information 2: CREC Shanqiao Group optimized the technical layout, increased the financing investment in energy saving and emission reduction, adopted the technology of frequency c

197、ontrol of speed to reconstruct fans and pumps, adopted reactive compensation technology to reconstruct the electric transfer and distribution equipments, conducted energy saving reconstruction of key energy consumption furnaces with obvious effect, saved 1700 tons of standard coals. Information 3: C

198、hina Major Bridge Engineering Co., Ltd. Liuzhou Weiyi Bridge Project carried out the energy consumption benchmarking management, formulated the energy consumption quota for mechanical equipments, carried out regular statistic analysis and timely corrected it, included the energy consumption into the

199、 cost analysis of the Project Department. The project energy saving effect was obvious, and in 2011, 62 tons of diesel and over 20 tons of gasoline were saved in this project. 开展节能减排宣传活动33减少污染排放2011 年,全公司工程项目积极推行节能减排标准化工地建设,推广应用新技术、新工艺和新设备,大大降低了污染物的排放 ; 同时加大了技术改造和淘汰落后设备力度,减少了废气、废液的排放,充分利用废渣等废弃物。工业企业

200、加大了技改力度,废水、废气、固体废弃物 (三废) 综合治理率达到 95% 以上;“三废”排放达标率及固定锅炉废气排放达标率达到 80% 以上。2011 年,全公司无环境责任事故及节能减排重大违规违纪事件,排放污染物均达到国家和所在地相应排放标准,圆满完成了国家和国务院国资委的年度考核目标。资料 1 : 中国中铁建设分公司粤湘高速公路博罗至深圳段优化施工方案,将梁场布置在路基上,节约了用地 80 亩,保护了当地农田 ; 因地制宜,在隧道口附近设置碎石场,把隧道开挖出的弃碴粉碎帅分,用于项目施工,同时将多余的碎石外卖,减少征地 100 余亩,减少水土流失,保护了当地环境。资料 2 : 中铁隧道集团

201、台山核电站取水隧洞工程加强技术研发与创新,把管片养护水用于盾构挖掘,将挖掘外排的泥水通过多级沉淀,实现循环利用,最后将干稠的泥浆通过压缩分离设备固化外运,实现了污水零排放。加强绿色材料及节能设备使用,减少污染排放,掘进过程中盾尾全部采用可分解油脂密封,实现了零污染。资料 3 : 中铁八局莞惠城际轨道交通工程优化施工方案,采用旋挖钻代替冲击钻施工,充分利用旋挖泥浆,减少废水排放。在梁场布置三级沉淀池,经三级沉淀后循环利用,减少废水排放。Reduction of Pollution Discharge In 2011, the company actively promoted the energ

202、y saving and emission reduction standardized construction site construction in all engineering projects, promoted and applied new technologies, processes and equipments and greatly reduced the pollutant emission. At the same time, the company also increased the strength on technical renovation and e

203、limination of the backward equipments, reduced the discharge of waste gas and wastewater and fully utilized the waste residue and others. The industrial enterprises increased the strength of technical renovation and the comprehensive treatment rate of wastewater, waste gas and solid waste have reach

204、ed over 95%. The discharge standard rate of “three wastes” and fixed furnace waste gas discharge standard rate reached over 80%. In 2011, there was no environmental liability accident or great principle breach events on energy saving and emission reduction; the pollutant discharge reached both relev

205、ant national and local discharge standards and the company has successfully achieved the annual evaluation objectives assigned by the state and the State Council. Information 1: CREC branch Guangdong-Guangxi Express Boluo-Shenzhen Section optimization construction program, the construction site was

206、arranged on the subgrade, which saved 80 acres of land and protected the farmland. According to concrete geological situation, the macadam court was set near the tunnel to smash and classify the spoils excavated from the tunnel and apply them in the project construction. At the same time, the redund

207、ant macadam was sold to other companies, which reduced over 100 acres of land, reduced soil erosion and protected the local environment. Information 2: in China Rail Tunnel Group Co., Ltd. Taishan Nuclear Station Water Intake Tunnel Project, the company strengthened the technical R&D and innovation,

208、 applied the duct piece curing water for shield excavation. The company recycled the excavated, drained muddy water through multilevel sediments, finally dried the dense slurries and transported them out off the construction site through compression separation equipment and fulfilled the zero discha

209、rge of wastewater, intensified the utilization of green materials and energy saving equipments and reduced the pollutant discharge. In the excavation process, all shield tails were sealed with dissoluble grease, thus fulfilled zero pollution. Information 3: in CREC No. 8 Bureau Dongguan-Huizhou Inte

210、rcity Rail Transit Optimization Construction Program, the company adopted rotating driller instead of impact driller in the construction, fully utilized the excavated slurries and reduced the discharge of wastewater, arranged three-level sedimentation basin on the girder field, recycled them after t

211、hree-level sediment, thus reduced the discharge of wastewater. 台山核电站工程泥水循环利用34坚持环境治理在环境治理方面,中国中铁把实现人与自然的和谐体现在每一项工程中,建立了自上而下、全面监控的绿色环保管理体系,积极做好生态环境的保护工作。公司各项目部坚持“建优质工程,创文明生态”原则,落实公司高标准的环境保护和水土保持措施,把“工程质量和环保水保双优”作为奋斗目标,努力实现优质工程与优美环境的高度和谐统一。资料1:2011年,中铁上海工程局市政公司承建上海市白龙港城市污水处理厂污泥处理工程BST2.3标投产运营,将对上海市约50

212、的污泥进行浓缩、消化、脱水和干化处理,真正将污泥“变废为宝”,作为园林绿化介质土、垃圾填埋场覆盖土及盐碱地改良,实现了污泥的无害化、减量化、资源化,整体处于国际先进水平。项目的八座蛋形消化池每天产生的约4.5m3沼气,提供热能源循环利用于系统本身的干化等阶段,最大限度地实现节能减排,为上海市污水处理做出了贡献。 资料2:中铁四局新建铁路合肥至武汉客专线,坚持“安全、环保、舒适、和谐”的新理念,全力打造生态环保客运专线。在路基边坡生态绿化措施上,采用乔灌草结合的方式,构建乔灌草立体防护生态体系,通过种间竞争、自然演替成与周边环境融为一体的稳定植物群落,从而达到保护边坡,绿化边坡,美化边坡的目的,

213、建设绿化生态客运专线铁路。Persistence on Environment Governance On environment governance, CREC embodied the harmony of man and nature into every project, established the top-to-bottom and all-around monitoring green environmental protection management system and actively implemented the ecological environment p

214、rotection work. Each project department of the company insisted on construction of excellent quality projects, creation of civilized ecology principle, implemented companys high standard environmental protection and soil conservation measures and regarded project quality and double excellence of env

215、ironmental protection and water conservation as its goal to strive to achieve the high degree of harmony and unity between excellent quality project and beautiful environment.Information 1: in 2011, Shanghai Civil Engineering Co., Ltd. of CREC constructed the sludge treatment project BST2.3 of Shang

216、hai Bailonggang Sewage Treatment Plant, which was put into operation, has concentrated, digested, dehydrated and drought about 50% of sludge in Shanghai, actually fulfilled the “turn waste into worth” of sledge. The company also improved the garden greening medium soil, refuse landfill soil and sali

217、ne-alkali soil, fulfilled the harmlessness, reduction, resource recovery and was the international advanced level in the whole. The eight eng-shaped digestion tanks can produce about 4.5m3 methane every day, provided heat source for the system to apply in drying and other procedures, which maximally

218、 fulfilled the energy saving and emission reduction, has made great contribution to the sewage treatment in Shanghai. Information 2: in Hefei-Wuhan Passenger Special Line, CREC No. 2 Bureau adheres to the new “safe, environmental, comfort and harmonious” concepts, strived to build the ecological and

219、 environmental Passenger Special Line. The Bureau adopted combination of bush and grass for the ecological greening measures of subgrade and slopes, constructed the tree-bush-grass three-dimensional ecological protection system, reached the purposes of slope protection, greening and beautifying thro

220、ugh species competition, natural evolution and stable plant species that formed harmonious integrity with the surrounding environment and constructed the green ecological passenger special line railway. 上海白龙港污泥蛋形消化池洒水止尘抓环保35保护自然生态中国中铁始终致力于生态环境的保护工作,项目工程开工前,组织专业人士认真进行生态环境保护方面的评估,制定切实有效的保护方案,做到生态环境与工程

221、建设同步规划,同步实施。施工过程中增加生态保护的投入,使用环保设备、改进施工工艺和优化施工方案,减少对水、大气、植被和生物的影响。全年未发生生态环境事件。资料 1 : 中铁上海工程局大西客运专线通过湿地泥浆回用技术,将原设计从井底返回地面的泥浆采用合适的泥浆分离系统,设法控制和尽可能降低泥浆中的固相含量,使泥浆分离后继续使用,有效地处理了湿地泥浆排放问题,减少了湿地的破坏。资料 2 : 中铁宝桥公司,陆续投资 2000 余万元,建成水循环再生系统,建立锅炉除尘、设备除尘和噪声处理的污染控制系统,使公司的“三废”逐步达到排放标准,树立了良好的社会形象。Protection of Natural

222、Ecology CREC has always committed to the ecological environment protection, before the project starting, CREC organized professional personnel to evaluate the ecological environmental protection situations carefully, formulized practical and effective protection program, planed and implemented the e

223、cological environment with the project construction synchronously. In the construction progress, CREC increased the investment in ecological protection, applied environmental equipments, improved ecological processes and optimized construction program, thus reduced the impact on water, gas, vegetati

224、on and live beings. No ecological destruction occurred throughout the year.Information 1: in Datong-Xian Passenger Special Line, Shanghai Civil Engineering Co., Ltd. of CREC adopted the wetland slurry reuse technology, tried to control and reduce the solid phase content in slurry returned to the ear

225、th from the well bottom as possible through proper slurry separating system, reused the slurry after the separation, effectively treated the wetland slurry discharge problem and reduced the damage to wetland. Information 2: China Railway Baoji Bridge Group Co., Ltd. constantly invested over RMB 20 m

226、illion Yuan, constructed the water recycling system, established the furnace dust removal, equipment dust removal, noise treatment and other pollutant control system, made the companys gradually reach the “three wastes” discharge standards and built good social image. 安哥拉项目建设指挥部与自然环境和谐融洽开展“青年环保志愿行”活

227、动员工发展促进员工成长Promotion of Staffs Growth实行五同管理Implementation of “Five Same”Management加强三工建设Reinforcement of Three Projects Construction维护员工权益Maintenance of Staffs Rights and InterestsStaffDevelopment 3637维护员工权益中国中铁高度重视员工权益维护,支持男女平等。通过依法签订劳动合同,建立科学的薪酬管理制度,维护职工合法权益。劳动合同管理公司认真贯彻落实劳动法、劳动合同法,规范劳动用工和劳务派遣管理,职


229、职工代表选举了职工监事,与行政签订了集体合同;收到职工代表提案225项,立项203项,会后督促相关职能部门全部处理办复,进一步畅通了职工民主参与、民主管理、民主监督的渠道。员工生活保障2011年,全公司进一步深化“三不让”承诺,检据报销使用专项资金7300余万元,帮助困难员工、农民工3万余名。“两节”期间,筹措送温暖资金5619万元,慰问职工、离退休人员、一线员工和农民工16万余名。员工休假制度公司严格遵守国家劳动法律法规,认真执行国家员工带薪年休假条例及其他各类假期规定。对在法定节假日、公休假日和延长工作时间的职工,按照国家法律规定支付加班工资。Maintenance of Staffs R

230、ights and InterestsCREC paid much attention to maintenance of staffs rights and interests and supported gender equality. Through the agreement and signature of labor contract according to law, it established a scientific system of salary management and maintained the legal rights and interests of st

231、aff. Labor Contract Management The company strict implemented the national Labor Law and Labor Contract Law, constantly perfected the management system of labor staff and standardized labor contract management. The signature rate of labor contract in the whole company reached 100%. The company formu

232、lated and issued the Guide Opinions on Strengthening of Management of Migrant workers, cultivated stable migrant worker group and actively maintained the migrant workers legal rights and benefits. Salary Management for Staff CREC established normal increasing and safeguard mechanism of the staff sal

233、aries, constantly improved the staff performance system and combined the staff salary with the performance evaluation results and enterprise performance. The company adheres to full acquiring broad staffs suggestions on great events on income distribution relevant to staffs actual benefits, enhanced

234、 the transparency of salary distribution and performance evaluation, thus strengthened the democratic staff management. Social Insurance Management for StaffCREC has formulated normalized enterprise annuity management methods, implemented the requirements of national settlement and normal supplement

235、ation of endowment insurance, enhanced the overall supplementary medical insurance level, ensured the rights and benefits of active staff and retirees and promoted the elder and injured staff included into the unified social management. Democratic Rights of StaffIn 2011, the company held the second

236、session of the first staffs congress. On the congress, the staff representative congress selected the staff supervisors that signed the collective contract with the Administrative Department, has received 225 proposals of the staff representatives and 203 proposals have been approved. The company pr

237、omoted relevant functional departments to treat and approval relevant documents after the congress, further unblocked the channel for democratic participation, management and supervision. Life Guarantee for StallIn 2011, the whole company further deepened the “three prevention” commitments, inspecte

238、d and reimbursed special fund over RMB 7.3 million Yuan and helped over 30,000 staff in difficulty and migrant workers. During the “Two Congresses” Period, the company raised warm-delivery fund of RMB 5.619 million Yuan, visited over 160,000 staff, retirees, first-line staff and migrant workers.Holi

239、day System for StaffThe company strictly complied with the national labor legal regulations, carefully implemented the national Regulations on Staff Paid Annual Leave for Employees and various other holiday regulations, paid the overtime salary to staff that worked on national holidays or work overt

240、ime according to national legal regulations. 38促进员工成长中国中铁大力实施“人才强企”战略,把人才资源视为企业的第一资源,努力做到人才资源优先开发、人才结构优先调整、人才投入优先保证、人才制度优先创新。2011 年,公司进行了总部全员业绩考核和重新聘任工作,完善了总部员工业绩考核体系。发布实施了公司 “十二五” 人才发展规划 和 “十二五” 人才培训规划 ,提出了 “经营管理人才队伍” 、“职业项目经理人才队伍” 、“专业技术人才队伍” 、 “国际化人才队伍” 、 “党群工作人才队伍”及“高技能人才队伍”六支人才队伍建设的具体目标。2011 年,

241、公司共培养国家青年科技奖 1 人、茅以升铁道工程师奖 4 人,十佳科技创新标兵 10 人。共评审通过教授级高工 160 人、高级工程师 1224 人、高级经济师 189 人、高级会计师 110 人,评审通过一级职业项目经理 51 人、二级职业项目经理 107 人。2011 年,全公司共培训各类人才 30 万人次,促进了人才队伍能力素质的大幅度提高。资料 1 : 中铁一局窦铁成、中铁电气化局巨晓林荣获国家第十届中华技能大奖(全国共 20 名) 。2011 年 2 月22 日,中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理张德江接见了窦铁成、巨晓林等优秀技能人才。2011 年 3 月,巨晓林获得国务院颁发的政府

242、特殊津贴。资料 2 : 2011 年,全公司共有 12788 名员工参加职业技能鉴定和高技能人才评价,完成鉴定计划的 142.7%。其中,评价通过技师 1730 人,公司审核通过高级技师773 人。资料 3 : 2011 年,在公司第四次科技大会上,对评选出的十佳科技创新标兵进行了隆重表彰, 营造了尊重人才、尊重创造的良好氛围。为鼓励专业技术人员积极投身技术研究创新,制定实施了中国中铁工程技术专家管理办法 ,建立了畅通专业技术人才职业发展通道的有效机制。Promotion of Staffs Growth CREC strongly implemented the Talent Enterpr

243、ise strategy, promoted the enterprise development through talents development, treated the talents as the first enterprise recourse, made effort to prior explore the talents resources, prior adjust the talents structure, prior ensure the talent investment and prior innovate the talents system.In 201

244、1, the company summarized the whole staff performance evaluation and reemployment work, improved the whole staff performance evaluation system, issued and implemented the companys Twelfth Five-year Talent Development Plan and Twelfth Five-year Talent Training Plan, raised the concrete objectives for

245、 construction of “operation management talent team”, “occupational project manage talent team”, “professional technical talent team”, “international talent team”, “party-mass work talent team” and “high skill talent team”. In 2011, the company totally gained one Science and Technology Award for Chin

246、ese Youth, 4 Mao Yisheng Prizes for Railway Engineer and 10 Top Ten Models in Scientific and Technical Innovation. The company totally approved 160 senior technicians, 1224 senior engineers, 189 senior economists, 110 senior accountants, 51 first-class occupational project managers and 107 second-cl

247、ass occupational project managers. In 2011, the whole company has totally trained over 300,000 talents in all fields and promoted the large-scale increase the capacity and quality of talent team.Information 1: CREC No. 1 Bureau Dou Tiecheng and Ju Xiaolin in CREC Electrification Bureau Group have wo

248、n the 10th Chinese Skill Performance Prizes (totally 20 in the whole country). On February 22, 2011, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party and Vice Primer of the State Council Zhang Dejiang met Dou Tiecheng and Ju Xiaolin and other excellent skilled t

249、alents. In March 2011, Ju Xiaolin won the special governmental subsidy issued by the State Council. Information 2: in 2011, totally 12788 staff in the whole company have participated into the occupational skill identification and high skilled talents evaluation, which completed 142.7% of the origina

250、l plan. Among them, 1730 passed the technicians certification and 773 passed the senior technician certification in the company auditing. Information 3: in 2011, on the 4th corporate scientific congress, the company cited the selected top ten models on scientific and technical innovation and built t

251、he good atmosphere of talent respect and creation respect. To encourage the professional technical personnel to devote themselves into the technical research and innovation, the company has formulated the Measures for Management of CREC Engineering Technical Exports and established effective mechani

252、sm with unblocked channel for development of professional technical talents. 39实行五同管理公司坚持维护广大农民工的合法权益,对农民工实行延伸管理,大力推行“五同”管理。对农民工全部开展岗前培训和安全教育 ; 督促劳务分包企业、劳务派遣公司与劳务人员全部签订劳动合同 ; 建立了农民工工资监督机制,采取直接发放或办理工资卡等形式,确保农民工工资按时足额发放 ; 落实农民工意外伤害保险和工伤保险, 定期组织农民工体检; 认真开展“三工”建设,不断改善农民工工作、生活环境 ; 在组织各类技能大赛、技术比武和评先评优时,将农

253、民工纳入其中,充分调动农民工的工作积极性和创造性,树立农民工先进典型。资料 : 2011 年,中国中铁评选出第二届“十大新型农民工” , 召开全公司大会表彰, 全国“五一劳动奖章”获得者巨晓林被授予“中国中铁农民工楷模” 。Implementation of Five Same Management The company constantly insisted on maintenance of legal rights of broad migrant workers, implemented the extension management of migrant workers, pro

254、moted the “five same” management vigorously. The company comprehensively conducted training for jobs and safety education for migrant workers; supervised the construction enterprises of work subcontractors, labor dispatching companies to sign labor contracts with the labors; established supervision

255、mechanism for the migrant workers; salaries. The company adopted modes of direct delivering and salary cards, to ensure that the migrant workers salaries are delivered on time; paid the migrant workers personal accident insurance and industrial injury insurance, organized regular physical examinatio

256、n for the migrant workers. The company also carefully conducted three sites constructions, to constantly improve the working and living environment of the migrant workers; get the migrant workers into each kind of skill competition and outstanding performance evaluation, fully motivate the working a

257、ctivity and creativity of the migrant workers. Therefore, lots of advanced migrant workers representatives were spewing out in every units of the company.Information: in 2011, CREC selected the second “Top Ten New Migrant Worker Model”, held the corporate annual commendatory meeting. The national “M

258、ay Day Labor Model” winner Ju Xiaolin was honored as the “CREC Migrant Worker Model”. 帮农民工兄弟买票“全国农民工楷模”巨晓林40加强三工建设2011 年,中国中铁逐步深化以工地生活、工地文化、工地卫生为主要内容的“三工”建设,累计投入“三工”建设资金 2.3 亿元,进一步改善了员工的工作、生活、文化条件和环境。资料 :中国中铁十分关心海外工程参建员工。2011 年11 月中旬,总裁白中仁专程前往委内瑞拉铁路建设工地检查指导工作,并亲切看望慰问参建员工 ; 公司工会专门拨付 50 万元,用于改善参建员工的工作

259、生活和文化条件 ; 各参建单位通过走访慰问员工家属、录制家人音像光盘等方式,表达了对参建员工的关心、关爱、关怀。Reinforcement of Three Projects Construction In 2011, CREC gradually deepened the “three projects” construction with main content of construction site life, culture and hygiene, accumulatively invested RMB 230 million Yuan in the “three project

260、 construction, further improved the staffs working, living, cultural conditions and environment. Information: CREC highly cares the staff engaged n overseas projects, in the mid-November, 2011, the President Bai Zhongren went to the railway construction site in Venezuela to specially inspect and ins

261、truct work and warmly visited staff participated in the projects. The company Labor Union allocated RMB 500,000 Yuan as funds for improvement of working, living and cultural conditions of staff participated in the project. All participated units expressed their care, love and concern to the staff th

262、rough visiting staffs families, recording the family video or audio discs and other modes. 公司总裁白中仁慰问海外员工合福线工程施工驻地职工文艺小分队深入施工生产一线演出“情系京城地铁”集体婚礼41公益事业地企共建 服务社会Construction of Enterprises &Service to Society促进就业 维护稳定Promotion of Employment & Maintenance of Stability抢险救灾 扶贫助困Disaster Relief & Assistance

263、 for the Poor 全球责任 全球典范Responsibility of the Global and the Model of the GlobalPublic WelfareUndertaking42抢险救灾 扶贫助困多年来,中国中铁在一系列重大自然灾害面前挺身而出,勇挑重担,积极投身抢险救灾 ; 广泛参与公益事业,捐款捐物,扶贫助困,积极践行央企责任,受到政府和社会各界好评。在青海玉树灾后重建工作中,中国中铁承担结古镇城南片区的恢复重建任务。主要包括城乡居民住房建设、公共服务设施建设、基础设施建设等三大类,共计 60 余个大项,100 余个子项、 170 余个单体, 重建总投资额

264、为 43.75 亿元。公司以“开工必先,全程领先”为指导思想,广大员工克服重重困难,高质量施工,创造了四天一层楼的灾后重建玉树速度、玉树奇迹。2011 年,公司在全面加快施工进度的同时,把确保居民入住置于首位,优化资源配置,加大施工力量,累计投入各类人员 3800 人,机械设备 243 台(套) 。资料 1 : 2011 年 11 月 7 日,中国中铁援建的玉树县下拉秀镇农牧民住房第二批新房举行入住仪式,至此,中国中铁援建下拉秀镇 1000 套农牧民住房任务完成超 95%。资料 2: 2011 年 4 月 25 日, 山西发鸠山地区突发森林火灾,情况紧急,中铁一局中南通道项目部党员、团员及劳务

265、工组成 423 人的抢险团队连夜开赴发鸠山, 经过 18 小时奋战,使火势基本得到控制。Disaster Relief & Assistance for the Poor For years, CREC has come out bodily, worked in the first line, and dared to challenge when facing series of serious natural damages, actively toke part in the rescue works; broadly participated in the charity affai

266、rs, donated both money and materials to help the poor, actively fulfilled the responsibility of central enterprise, and has been highly praised by both the government and public.In the post-disaster reconstruction in Qinghai Yushu, CREC undertook the reconstruction task of south urban area of Jieshi

267、 Town, mainly including the urban and rural residential construction, construction of public service facilities and infrastructure construction, totally over 60 great projects, over 100 subprojects and over 170 monomers with total reconstruction investment of RMB 4.375 billion Yuan. The company, wit

268、h the guidance idea of “starting project first, leading in the whole process” led the broad staff to overcome various difficulties and complete the construction with high quality, created the Yushu Miracle of constructing one floor in four days in post-disaster reconstruction work. In 2011, the comp

269、any comprehensively speeded up the construction progress, ensure the priority of residents resettlement, optimized the resource configuration, increased the construction strengthen and accumulatively imputed 3800 various personnel and 243 sets (units) of mechanical equipments. Information 1: on Nove

270、mber 7, 2011, the ceremony of secondary group of farmers and herdsmens houses in Laxiu Town, Yushu County constructed by CREC was held, so far, CREC has completed 1000 sets of farmer and herdsmens houses in Laxiu Town, exceeded the target by 95%. Information 2: on April 25, 2011, forest fire happene

271、d in Shanxi Fajiu Mountain, the situation was rather emergent, all party members, league members and contract workers in CREC South Central Shanxi Railway Project Department formed the rescue team of 423 people and went to Fajiu Mountain on that very night and basically controlled the fire after fig

272、ht for 18 hours. 1321、项目员工志愿参加地方救火行动2、党员捐款证书3、“衣加衣”捐赠活动为贫困山区送温暖43地企共建 服务社会中国中铁长期以来坚持地企文明、和谐共建的工作思路,广泛开展拥军优属,支持军警建设,志愿服务敬老院、医院、街道、社区、学校等地方单位,以实际行动履行企业公民责任,大力弘扬社会道德风尚,积极构建和谐社会。2011年是中国中铁响应党和国家扶贫号召,定点帮扶湖南省桂东和汝城两个贫困县的第十年。公司坚持“科技扶贫,教育扶贫”,选送第八批扶贫干部到两个贫困县,全年共投入188万元,启动并完成了8个扶贫项目。由于教育扶贫成绩显著,公司被中国扶贫基金协会授予“20

273、11年度公益大使奖”。资料1:中铁置业集团在发展过程中始终注重服务社会,积极参加公益事业,在西安项目启动“一基金”活动,赞助支持了蚌埠市“春蕾行动”和多项社会文化体育活动。资料2:中铁航空港承秦项目部在施工期间,连续三个月主动将清澈纯净的饮用水送到当地群众家中,看望慰问当地老弱病残困难户,为乡村学校捐款捐物,为村里修筑便道和水渠。资料3:2011年,中国中铁团委共组建青年志愿者队伍343支,拥有青年志愿者8829人,组织开展活动337场次,荣获“2010年中央企业青年志愿者工作先进单位”。Construction of Enterprises &Service to Society For a

274、 long time, CREC insisted on the working thought of civilized construction of enterprises and harmonious construction, broadly carried out preferential treatment for families of servicemen, supported construction of police and volunteered for nursing homes, hospitals, streets, communities, schools a

275、nd other local units. The company fulfilled corporate social responsibility with practical actions, actively promoted social morality and actively built a harmonious society. In 2011, CREC responded to the guidance of the Party and the State, assisted two poverty counties Guidong County and Rucheng

276、County in Hunan Province in the tenth year. The company adhered to “scientific and educational poverty relief”, sent to the eighth group of pervert relief leaders to the two pervert counties, totally invested RMB1.88 million Yuan in the whole year, started and completed 8 property relief projects. S

277、ince the obvious educational poverty relief achievements. The company was honored as “Annual Charity Ambassador Award2011” by the Chinese Association for Poverty Relief. Information 1: CREC Estate Group has constantly focused on serving the society in developmental process, actively participated the

278、 charity welfare work, started the “One Foundation” activity in Xian Project and supported the “Spring Bud Action” in Bengbu City and many other social cultural and sports activities. Information 2: China Railway & Airport Construction Group Corporation has constantly sent clean and pure drinking wa

279、ter to local peoples homes in three months during the construction period of Chengde-Qinhuangdao Project, visited the local older or disabled people and difficult households, donated materials and money for rural schools and constructed roads and water channel for villages. Information 3: in 2011, C

280、REC League Committee organized 343 youth volunteer teams, owned 8829 youth volunteers, organized and carried out 337 activities and was honored as the “Advanced Unit in State-owned Enterprises Volunteer Work of 2010”. 开展“金秋助学”活动开展“奉献爱心,无偿献血”活动出资修建西安高新五小并为其捐资助学44促进就业 维护稳定中国中铁始终把履行就业责任作为公司社会责任的一项核心内容。

281、2011 年,公司在国内基建投资大幅紧缩、铁路工程项目调整和资金压力较大的情况下,充分展示央企的社会责任,为 150 万农民工提供了就业机会,启动预防和解决拖欠农民工工资工作的长效机制,通过各种渠道积极筹措 32 亿元资金,全力解决因政策等因素引起的农民工工资拖欠问题,取得了良好的效果。同时,公司还在南美洲、东南亚、非洲、中东等国外地区,为当地劳动力提供了约2.5 万个就业岗位。公司每年还通过接收大中专毕业生、接收转业军人、通过人才市场引进人才等形式,为社会创造和提供着大量新的岗位。2011 年,全公司新接收大中专毕业生 13991 人,军转干部在京安置工作也得到国务院军转办肯定。Promot

282、ion of Employment & Maintenance of StabilityCREC has always regarded fulfilling employment responsibility as a core content of the corporate social responsibility. In 2011, under the circumstance of large-scale reduction of investment on domestic basis construction, adjustment of railway engineering

283、 project and large capital pressure, the company fully exhibited the social responsibilities of central enterprise, has provided the employment opportunity for 1,5 million migrant workers, started long-effect mechanism for the prevention and solution for migrant workers salary, raised RMB 3.2 billio

284、n Yuan as from through all channels to solve the migrant workers salary delay program caused by policy and other factors and got excellent effect. At the same time, the company also provided about 25,000 employment positions for local labor forces in Southeast Asia, Africa, Mideast and other oversea

285、s areas. The company has also created and provide a large number of new positions for the society through reception of college graduates, retired soldiers and introduction of talent from the talent market and other forms. In 2011, the company has accepted 13991 college graduates and the resettlement

286、 work of transferred soldier leaders was also recognized by the State Council. 在石(家庄)武(汉)客运专线工地上,有来自全国各地的农民工建设者45全球责任 全球典范长期以来,中国中铁坚持“奉献精品工程,造福东道国家”理念,在先后完成的一大批如阿联酋棕榈岛填海工程、孟加拉帕克西大桥工程、马来西亚沙巴洲铁路改造工程、尼日利亚铁路改建、南非水坝工程、援加纳公路改扩建工程、安哥拉罗安达省医院工程、摩洛哥高速公路和铁路等重大国际工程项目,以及目前正实施的以 75 亿美元委内瑞拉铁路为代表的 200 多个较大境外工程项目中,都

287、充分体现了中国中铁对境外工程项目所在国家国民生大计社会责任的高度重视。通过奉献精品工程和利民工程建设,提高了当地交通运输能力、改善民众生活条件、加速了东道国与周边国家的经贸往来,促进了当地经济繁荣和发展。2003 年以来,公司所属各单位在实施对外承包工程中,累计境外纳税总额达 12.6 亿人民币,约合 2 亿美元,有力促进了当地经济发展。2011 年,公司海外项目雇工当地工人已达 26471 人。在项目启动初期,中方工程师和技术工人还对当地雇工实施岗前培训,全年培养各类技能技术操作工人超过 2000 人。资料 1: 2011 年,中铁七局在坦桑尼亚 60 公里道路施工中,为保护项目毗邻的世界第

288、二大坦葛尼喀深水湖,放弃施工组织中的“近开挖湖边山石”计划,改为从距项目主营地几十公里外寻找合格石料进行施工, 保护当地生态环境的做法,得到了当地政府和业主的充分肯定。资料 2 : 中海外西非公司的一个沥青站曾建在市内,为了附近居民的健康,西非公司主动将沥青站迁移到远郊。东非公司肯尼亚公路项目部在营地和工地设立了分类垃圾箱,并对开挖和回填土方进行遮蔽处理。在博茨瓦纳,中海外雇用当地员工 1500 人,提供的岗位有项目高管、估算师、技术工种及普通劳工。在马里,中方员工和当地 300 名骨干人员领导着 6000 名当地雇员从事工程、纺织、农业项目。Responsibility of the Glo

289、bal and the Model of the Global For years, CREC, constantly insisted on concept of dedication of elite projects to serve the host countries, has successively achieved a great number of projects like A couplet chief Zongyu Island Reclaim Project, Bangladesh Parker West Bridge Project, Malaysia Sabah

290、State Railway Reconstruction Project, Nigeria Railway Reconstruction, South Africa Dam Project, Signing Ghana Highway Reconstruction Project, Luanda, Angola Provincial Hospital Project, Morocco Highway and Railway Project and other major international engineering projects. All the over 200 large ove

291、rseas engineering projects represented by the RMB7.5 billion Yuan Venezuela Railway under construction at present have embodied the CRECs high emphasis on the social responsibilities relevant to the national livelihood of the country of overseas projects. Through the dedicated fine elite project and

292、 people project construction, the company has enhanced the local transportation, improved the local peoples livelihood, accelerated the economical cooperation of the host countries with the nearby countries and s promoted the flourish and development of local economy.Since 2003, all units of the com

293、pany has paid RMB 1.26 billion Yuan of foreign taxes (almost USD 200 million) during the implementation of foreign contracted projects, vigorously promoted the development of local economy. In 2011, the local staff in overseas project reached 26471 people. In the project starting initial stage, the

294、Chinese engineer and technical workers also trained the local employees before they worked in the construction and trained over 2000 various technical operating personnel. Information 1: in 2011, in Tanzania 60km road construction project, CREC No. 7 Bureau gave up the plan of “near excavation of la

295、ke-aside hill stone” in the construction organization to protect the adjacent world second largest deep-water lake-Jotham GeNi Khartoum Deep-water Lake, changed to find proper stone materials from several kilometers outside the project site. The measure to protect local economic environment has gain

296、ed full recognition of local government and owner. Information 2: one Asphalt Station of China Overseas West Africa Company has ever been constructed in the urban area, for the heath of neighborhood residents, the West Africa Company actively removed the Asphalt Station to the outer suburb. The East

297、 Africa Company has set classified trashcans on the Highway Project Camp and Construction Site and shielded the excavated and backfilled soil. In Botswana, China Overseas hired 1500 local employees and provided the positions such as project directors, quantity estimators, technical personnel and com

298、mon labors. In Mali, the Chinese staff and 300 local skeleton personnel led 6000 local staff to conduct the engineering, textile and agricultural projects. 46开放的中国中铁规范的信息披露2011 年,中国中铁信息披露工作严格遵循沪港两地上市规定开展,信息披露内部审查机制和信息披露人员队伍建设进一步增强,自主信息披露的广度和深度进一步加大,信息披露的及时、真实、准确、完整、公平得到有效实现。2011 年,公司在 A 股市场和 H 股市场共发

299、布公告及通函 124 项。其中,A 股公告 50 项,包括临时公告 32 项,定期报告 6 项,公司治理类 3 项,股东大会资料 2 项,其他 7 项 ; H 股公告及通函 74 项,包括公告 (中英文) 21 项, 海外监管公告 33 项, 通函 18 项,财务报告(中英文)2 项。上述公告及通函均在履行相应的审批程序后予以发布,并于披露当日发布至公司网站备股东查阅。Open CRECNormative Information DisclosureIn 2011, CREC carried out the information disclosure work in strict accor

300、dance with the listing rules in Shanghai and Hong Kong. The internal review mechanism of information disclosure and construction of information disclosure personnel team were further intensified, the width and depth of independent information disclosure were further increased and the timing, truth,

301、accuracy, integrity and fairness of information disclosure were fulfilled. In 2011, the company issued a total number of 124 announcements and circular letters in A-share market and H-share market. Among them, there are 50 A share announcements, including 32 temporary announcements, 6 regular report

302、s, 3 company treatment types, 2 announcements on stockholder congress materials and 7 announcements on other items. The company also listed 74 H share announcements and circular letters including 21 announcements (both in Chinese and English), 33 oversea supervision announcements, 18 circular letter

303、s and 2 financial reports (both in Chinese and English). All the above announcements and circular letter were delivered to the company website for the stockholders check at the date of information disclosure.47积极的投资者关系2011年,公司秉承“积极沟通、主动接触”的工作理念,通过接听投资者热线、接待投资机构来访、举行业绩推介会、组织业绩路演和反向路演、积极参加国际国内资本市场大型论坛


305、司治理”、“金鼎奖”大中华区公司治理大奖、“中国区投资者关系网站大奖”、“最佳管理团队”和“最受两地投资者欢迎的上市公司”等多项殊荣。公司目前入选的指数有:沪深300指数、中证100指数、上证180公司治理指数、中证香港100,以及香港恒生综合指数系列、恒生流通指数系列、恒生中国企业指数、恒生AH指数系列、恒生可持续发展企业指数系列等众多只境内外证券市场指数系列。Active Investor Relations In 2011, the company adhered to the working concept of “active communication and contact”,

306、further strengthened and expanded the communication channel with broad investors, promoted the mutual understanding and trust between the investors and the company through reception of investor hotline and visit of investor mechanism, holding industrial performance promotion meeting, organization of

307、 performance road show and reverse road show, active participation in large-scale international and domestic capital market forums and investment strategy meetings and other means. In 2011, the company organized the reception of visit of investors for over 50 times and over 400 investors, among them

308、, 100 investors are overseas investors. The company has totally arranged the attendance of 12 international investment forums and investment strategy meetings, organized 30 road shows and 1 reverse road show, totally met over 500 fund managers and analyzers. Among them, to coordinate the issuing of

309、annual report in 2010, interim report in 2011 and performances in three quarters in 2011, the company has respectively held four large-scale performance launch congresses, 2 performance promotion telephone congresses, organized relevant performance road shows and answered 1300 hotlines. In 2011, the

310、 company has successively won the “Excellent Board”, “Chinese Top 100 Listed Companies”, “Best Company Treatment in 2011”, “Golden Censer Award”, “Company Treatment Award in Greater China”, “Investor Relation Website Award in China”, “Best Management Team”, “Best Popular Listed Company to Investors

311、in Both Places ” and many other honors. The companys current selected index includes: Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 index, CSI 100 index, SSE 180 corporate treatment index, CSI Hong Kong 100, as well as the Hang Seng comprehensive index series, Hang Seng circulation index series, Hang Seng Chinese enter

312、prise index, Hang Seng AH index series, Hang Seng sustainable development enterprise index and mane other domestic and overseas market index series. 48和谐的媒体关系多年来,中国中铁和各类社会媒体保持着良好的关系,通过召开新闻发布会,邀请媒体出席企业重要会议,组织报道重要工程开竣工典礼,在媒体开辟专栏、举办联谊会、培训班等多种形式加强与新闻媒体的沟通、促进工作、发布信息、接受媒体监督。2011年,新华社、中央电视台、人民日报、光明日报、经济日报、

313、科技日报、中国证券报、上海证券报、证券日报、证券时报、新华网、人民网及凤凰卫视等媒体发布公司信息超过16000条。Harmonious Media RelationsOver the years, CREC and various kinds of social media maintained good relations. Through the forms of holding press conferences, inviting media to attend important enterprise meetings, organizing and reporting openin

314、g and completion ceremonies of important constructions to, opening up column in media and holding partied and training courses, etc, the company enhanced the communication with the media, promoted work, released information and received medias supervision.In 2011, Xinhua news agency, CCTV, Peoples D

315、aily, Guangming Daily, Economic Daily, Science and Technology Journal, the China Securities, Shanghai Securities, Securities Daily, Securities Times, Xinhua Net, Peoples Net and Phoenix TV have issued more than 16,000 items of information.“全国专家型技术工人”窦铁成接受记者采访49特色的企业传媒2011年,我们进一步完善公司网站、中国中铁青年网,中国中铁报、


317、cteristic Enterprise Media In 2011, we further improved the corporate website, CREC Youth Net, CREC Newspaper, CREC Party Construction, CREC Union Transport, CREC Youth and other enterprise media. We have constructed the internal office information system that covers the whole company and all compan

318、ies above Level 3 have established the public websites, regularly compiled and issued working information, circular notices and various other brief reports. Many units in the whole company have established the TV station, construction site broadcast, organized and executed over 10 national public pr

319、esses, over 40 internal enterprise presses, timely transmitted the enterprise reform and developmental dynamic and production and operation information, exhibited the enterprise image and enriched the enterprise culture. In 2011, the company, around the opportunities of Beijing-Shanghai Express Rail

320、way, Shenzhen Suburb Line 5, Jiaozhou Bay Bridge, Yushu post-disaster reconstruction, signature of China-Myanmar Railway Agreement and other key projects and major events, organized and carried out the centralized reports, propagandized the enterprise culture and exhibited the enterprise image from

321、multiple angles. The 20 sets of TV documentaries Chinese Highway that the company has participated reflected the construction progress of Chinese highway, was broadcasted in the prime time in CETV. 50社会评价2011 年,中国中铁排名世界企业 500 强第 95 位、中国企业 500 强第 6 位、 “2011 中国国有上市企业社会责任榜” 第 9 位, 首次入选 “全球 500 绿色企业” ,

322、荣获“ 十一五节能减排优秀企业” 、 “年度业绩考核 A 级” 、 “全国模范职工之家”等称号。全公司有20家单位被评为全国优秀施工企业、6家单位被评为全国建筑先进企业、4家单位被评为“全国模范劳动关系和谐企业”、7家单位荣获“全国文明单位”称号、3家单位荣获全国五一劳动奖状、13名职工荣获全国五一劳动奖章、21个集体37名个人分别获全国工人先锋号、火车头奖杯、铁路工人先锋号、火车头奖章。共青团组织共有14个集体和个人活动获得“全国五四红旗团委(团支部)”、“全国青年文明号”、“全国青年岗位能手表彰”,有115个集体和个人获得省部级表彰Social Assessment In 2011, CR

323、EC ranked the 95th among world top 500 enterprises and the 6th in Chinese top 500 enterprises, the 9th in “Social Responsibility Ranking List of Chinese State-owned Listed Enterprise 2011” and been selected as the “Global 500 Green Enterprise” for the first time, honored as “Excellent Enterprise” in

324、 “Eleventh Five-year Plan” Energy Saving and Emission Reduction, “Annual Performance Evaluation Grade A”, “National Model Home of Workers” and other titles. 20 units in the whole company have been evaluated as national excellent construction enterprises, 6 units as advanced enterprises in national c

325、onstruction industry, 4 units as the “National Model Labor Relation Harmonious Enterprise”, 7 units as “National Civilized Units”, 3 units as National May Day Labor Prize. 13 personnel have been honored as national May Day Labor Prize, 21 collectives and 37 individuals have respectively been honored

326、 as national Worker Pioneers, Locomotive Prize, Railway Worker Pioneer and Locomotive Award. In the youth League Organization, totally 14 collectives and individuals have won the “National Red Youth League (Branch)”, “National Youth Civilization” and “National Youth Position Expert Command”. Totally

327、 115 collectives and individuals won provincial commands 51展望目前,中国中铁的发展目标是:通过“十二五”和较长一个时期的努力奋斗,使中国中铁具有世界一流的自主创新和科技研发能力,拥有行业领先的知识产权核心技术和人才队伍;具有世界一流的公司治理和运营管理能力,具备较强的国内外建筑市场竞争能力;具有世界一流的经营质量和经济效益,各项综合指标处于行业先进水平;具有世界一流的产业结构和资源配置能力,具备差异化的市场竞争优势和国际化经营水平;具有世界一流的上海品茶和履行社会责任能力,拥有广泛影响力的国际知名品牌。2012年,中国中铁将进一步发挥

328、行业龙头企业履行社会责任的表率作用,全面深化社会责任管理,拓展社会责任领域,丰富社会责任内容,提升社会责任实践水平,与利益相关方共同携手,为推动全社会的发展进步而不懈努力!Outlook At present, the developmental aim of CREC: through the constant efforts in the “Twelfth Five-year Plan” and a longer period, make the CREC own the world first-class independent innovative and scientific res

329、earch ability, core technology of industrial leading intellectual property and talent team, world first-class cooperate treatment and operation management ability, relative competitive power in both domestic and overseas construction market, the world first-class operation quality and economic benef

330、it and all comprehensive index in advanced industrial level, own the world first-class industrial structure and resource configuration ability, differential market competitive advantages and international operation level, world first-class enterprise culture, ability to perform the social responsibi

331、lity and international famous brands with broad influential power. In 2012, CREC will further play an exemplary role of the industry leading enterprise to corporate social responsibilities, comprehensively deepen the social responsibility management, expand the social responsibility fields, enrich t

332、he social responsibility contents, enhance social responsibility practices, to cooperate with the interested parties, to make unremitting effort to promote the development and progress of the whole society!读者反馈感谢您在百忙之中阅读中国中铁股份有限公司2011年社会责任报告。报告在编写过程中难免存在瑕疵和疏漏之处,我们十分愿意倾听您的意见和建议,再一次向您对本公司的支持和帮助表示衷心感谢。

333、地址:北京市海淀区复兴路69号中国中铁大厦电话: 邮政编码:100039传真: 电子邮箱:网址:Readers FeedbackThanks for your reading the social responsibility report of 2011 China Railway Group Limited in your busy schedule.There are inevitable flaws and omissions in compiling preparation process of the report. We are v

334、ery willing to listen to your comments and suggestions.We express our sincere thanks for your support and help to the company once again.Address: No. 9 China Railway Group Limited Building, 69 Fuxing Road, Haidian District, Beijing.Telephone: Postal code: 100039Fax: E-mail: Website: 版权所有,如需转载请与我们联系,否则将不被允许。The copyright is owned by us. If you need transshipment, please contact with us, otherwise it is not allowed.股 票 代 码: A股 601390 H股 0390Stock code: 601390SH 0390HK建造精品 改善民生2011The report is printed by using environmental protection papers.



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