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1、(一)报告范围报告的组织范围: 本报告以中国工商银行股份有限公司为主体部分,涵盖全集团。报告的时间范围: 2012 年1月1日至 2012 年12 月31日。报告的发布周期 : 本报告为年度报告。(二)报告编制原则本报告参照全球报告倡议组织 可持续发展报告指南 (GRI 3.1) 及金融服务业相关补充指引、联合国全球契约十项原则等标准要求编写, 同时满足中国银监会 关于加强银行业金融机构社会责任的意见 、中国银行业协会 中国银行业金融机构企业社会责任指引 、上海证券交易所 上海证券交易所上市公司环境信息披露指引和 公司履行社会责任的报告编制指引的相关要求。(三)报告数据说明报告中的财务数据摘自

2、 2012 年度按国际财务报告准则编制的财务报表,该财务报表经安永华明会计师事务所独立审计。其他数据以2012 年为主,部分包括以前年度数据。本报告中所涉及货币金额以人民币作为计量币种,特别说明的除外。(四)报告保证方式本公司董事会及全体董事保证本报告内容不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性承担个别及连带责任。同时,安永华明会计师事务所按照 国际鉴证业务第3000 号: 历史财务信息审计或审阅以外的鉴证业务对本报告进行了独立第三方鉴证。(五)报告发布形式报告以印刷版和网络在线版两种形式发布。网络在线版可在本公司网站查阅 (网址: ,www.icbc-)

3、。本报告以中英文两种文字出版,在对两种文本的理解上发生歧义时,请以中文文本为准。i. Scope of the Report Organizational scope of the Report: This Report is primarily about Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited, covering the whole group. Reporting period: January 1, 2012 December 31, 2012Reporting cycle: Annual.ii. Preparation Prin

4、ciple of the Report This Report is prepared with reference to the Sustainable Development Reporting Guidelines of Global Reporting Initiative (GRI 3.1) and the Financial Services Sector Supplemental Guidelines, the Ten United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) Principle and meets the requirements set out

5、 in the Opinions concerning Enhancing the Social Responsibility of Banking and Financial Institutions issued by China Banking Regulatory Commission, the Guidelines for Corporate Social Responsibility of Chinese Banking and Financial Institutions released by China Banking Association, the Guidelines

6、of Shanghai Stock Exchange for Environmental Information Disclosure of Listed Companies promulgated by the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Guideline for the Preparation of the Report on Performance of Corporate Social Responsibility. iii. Data in the ReportFinancial data in the Report are from the 2

7、012 fnancial statements which were prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards and audited by Ernst & Young; other data are primarily in relation to year 2012, while others are related to previous years. Unless otherwise stated, fnancial and other data in the Report a

8、re in RMB.iv. Assurance Approach of the Report The Board of Directors and all the directors of the Bank undertake that the report contains no false record, misleading statement or material omission, and assume individual and joint and several liabilities to the authenticity, accuracy and completenes

9、s of the information in this report. Meanwhile, Ernst & Young is engaged to assure the Report in accordance with ISAE 3000 Assurance Engagements Other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information and provide an independent assurance report.v. Release and Interpretation of the ReportThe

10、 Report is released both in hardcopies and online. The online version is available at the Banks website at , www.icbc-. This Report is published both in Chinese and English. Should there be any discrepancy between the Chinese and the English versions, the Chinese version shall prevail. (六)联系方式中国工商银行

11、股份有限公司战略管理与投资者关系部地址: 北京市西城区复兴门内大街 55号 邮政编码: 100140电话 : 86-10-66105183传真: 86-10-66106336E-MAIL: vi. ContactCorporate Strategy and Investor Relations DepartmentIndustrial and Commercial Bank of China LimitedAddress: No. 55 Fuxingmennei Avenue, Xicheng District, Beijing, 100140, PRCTel: 86-10-66105183F

12、ax: 86-10-66106336E-mail: 报告说明 Introduction董事长致辞行长致辞回眸 2012关键数据01051011Chairmans Statement Presidents Statement2012 HighlightsKey Data03 07 1011 28价值银行27Value Creator助力实体经济支持新兴产业促进区域协调支持中小企业加大“三农”服务服务保障性住房支持民族经济29330 32 34 34404446Boosting the Real EconomySupporting the Emerging Industrie

13、sPromoting the Regional CoordinationSupporting the Small and Medium EnterprisesReinforcing the Agriculture, Countryside and Farmers ServicesServing the Construction of Low-income HousingSupporting the National Economy48品牌银行47Brand Builder505660提升客户服务加强全球履责建立一流品牌495559Promoting Customer ServicesStren

14、gthening Global CSR PracticeBuilding up First-class Brands社会责任战略与管理13Strategy and Management of Social Responsibility14公司概况公司简介公司治理责任理念利益相关方参与责任管理社会评价525Overview of ICBCCompany ProfleCorporate GovernanceResponsibility ConceptsStakeholders ParticipationResponsibility ManagementSocial Recog

15、nition1618 20 22 22 26 26 绿色银行63648298108Green Bank66747678推行绿色信贷,建设生态文明构筑绿色渠道,推广电子银行培养节能意识,倡导绿色办公爱护绿色家园,助力环保公益65737577Promoting Green Credit and Constructing Ecological CivilizationBuilding Green Channels and Promoting E-bankingRaising the Awareness of Energy Conservation and Advocating Green OfceC

16、herishing the Green Home and Boosting Environmental Protection Cause诚信银行81Creditworthy Bank8490929294消费者权益保护投资者关系管理责任采购知识产权保护反金融犯罪8389919193Protection of Customers Rights and InterestsImprovement of Investor Relations ManagementProcurementProtection of Intellectual Property RightsAnti-fnancial Crime

17、和谐银行 97Harmonious Bank2106规范用工管理, 保障员工权益重视员工诉求,听取民主意见关注职业发展,引领员工成长营造温馨氛围,致力人文关爱推进文化融合,打造和谐队伍9999101101105Standardizing Recruitment Management, Protecting Employees Rights and InterestsPaying Attention to the Needs of Employees, Taking Reasonable AdviceConcerning about Employees Career Dev

18、elopment, Caring for Their GrowthCreating Comfortable Working Environment, Dedicating to Giving Humanistic Care to Its PeopleBoosting Cultural Integration, Building Harmonious Team爱心银行107Charity Bank2124定点扶贫社会公益支持文教体育事业志愿者活动海外公益1123Targeted Poverty AlleviationPublic WelfareSupp

19、orting Culture, Education and SportsVolunteer ActivitiesOverseas Public Welfare0142未来展望社会责任独立鉴证报告GRI 索引全球契约十项原则对照表读者意见反馈表9141OutlookIndependent Assurance StatementGRI IndexTable of Social Responsibility Performance Contrast with the Ten UNGC PrincipleReaders Feedback Form董事长致辞C

20、hairman s Statement12董事长 姜建清Chairman of the Board of Directors Jiang Jianqing2大商无算,利民为先。2012 年,在复杂的经济金融形势下,我们坚持科学发展,将履行社会责任作为推动经济发展、促进社会进步的根本途径,视为建设生态文明、优化产业结构的必由之路;我们把握时代脉搏,将实现可持续发展作为心系社情民意、明确诉求担当的不竭动力,视为激发企业活力、 凝聚全球共识的坚强力量;我们立足社会全局,将打造企业公民作为对责任时代民意呼唤的积极响应,视为谋划改善民生的长远之计。面对经济形势变化,我们围绕国计民生握筹布画。2012 年

21、,我们完善公司治理,强化资本约束,加强风险管理,营造了安全稳定的经营发展环境,走出了资产质量优、资本效率高、盈利可持续的发展道路;我们结合经济周期特征,顺应经济转型方向, 科学优化信贷结构, 支持了新型工业化、信息化、 城镇化、 农业现代化发展, 确保了小微企业、 新农村、县域经济等实体经济领域的资金投向;我们专注自身发展优势,丰富客户服务体验,增强价值创造能力,成为市值、盈利、客户存款、贷款、品牌价值等多项指标全球第一、公司治理完善、风险抵御能力强的优秀上市公司,昂首步入世界领先大银行之列。面对资源约束趋紧,我们致力生态文明转型发展。2012 年,我们深入推进绿色信贷,建立环境问责机制,严格

22、执行一票否决, 从严把握信贷准入, 把环境保护作为稳增长扩内需、调结构转方式的重要引擎和关键抓手,支持了绿色发展、循环发展、低碳发展;我们完善绿色服务渠道,丰富电子渠道产品,推进柜面业务分流,捕捉绿色发展商机,电子银行业务占比达到了 75.1% 的历史高点,加快了向信息化银行的转变;我们大力弘扬生态文明, 创新节能减排机制,培养员工环保意识, 倡导绿色生活方式, 促进了资源节约型、环境友好型社会建设,用可持续发展的金融模式践行了绿色银行承诺。面对人文金融呼唤, 我们坚持以人为本、 饮水思源。 2012年,我们坚持自身公益理想,激发公众心灵共鸣,广泛传递爱心能量,在救灾赈济、扶危救困、敬老爱幼、

23、环境保护等领域中竭尽所能,形成了共荣共享的价值观念;我们连续18 年实施定点扶贫,创新开展“六大扶贫工程”,改善当地生活条件, 帮助群众脱贫致富;我们支持文化教育事业,致力普及金融知识,增强风险防范意识,以公益慈善助力民生改善;我们实施服务提升战略,注意倾听公众诉求,完善社会监督平台,成立了业内首家消费者权益保护办公室, 维护了金融消费者的合法权益 ; 我们倡导诚信立业理念,恪守现代商业伦理, 提升员工廉洁从业意识, 营造了和谐、安全、稳定的经营发展环境;我们注重上海品茶建设,实施人才兴行战略,推进国际化人才项目,建立了规范有序、公正合理、互利共赢、和谐稳定的劳动关系,为员工提供了多通道的职业

24、发展路径,形成了企业和职工利益共享机制。面对世界经济一体,我们加强国际对话增进互信。2012 年,我们贯彻国家对外开放战略,稳步拓展海外机构布局,境外网络已延伸至39个国家和地区, 分支机构总数达383家,形成了横跨亚、非、拉、欧、美、澳六大洲的全球服务网络,成为境外机构覆盖范围最广的中资银行;我们加快全球产品线纵深发展,积极推进人民币国际化业务,通过 FOVA系统的全覆盖,成为首家实现信息系统全球一体化延伸的中国银行,努力为有条件参与国际竞争的企业提供多元化的金融服务;我们尊重东道国人文和社会的差异性与多样性,通过共同的经营理念与企业精神,提高员工对跨国文化的认知,树立了扎根当地、惠及民生的

25、国际形象。回首工商银行 29 年的改革发展历程,我们积累的不仅仅是17 万亿资产、13.6 万亿的客户存款,我们获得的不仅仅是438 万公司客户、3.93 亿个人客户的支持,我们赢得的不仅仅是 42 万员工、94 万投资人的信任,更重要的是我们传承了“服务客户、回报股东、成就员工、奉献社会”的责任文化和企业使命,遵循了“诚实守信、稳健合规、创新进取、敬业奉献”的价值取向和行为模式,树立了“以人为本、以民为先、以和为贵、以责为上”的道德准则和精神追求。2012 年,我们在国内商业银行中率先加入联合国“全球契约”,开辟了一个让世界了解中国的窗口,创造了一个加强与国际社会交流合作的平台,也让我们向具

26、有责任竞争力的全球企业公民更迈进了一步。潮平两岸阔,风正一帆悬。“十八大”为我们描绘了今后十年乃至更长时期的发展蓝图,站在 2013 年这个面向未来的时代新起点,尽管国际政治经济金融环境仍将发生深刻变化,但股东的期许、客户的嘱托、社会的希冀、员工的企盼,都将让我们在奋斗和坎坷的前行中,收获拼搏和胜利的喜悦。 激情与汗水成就了历史, 智慧与坚韧铸就着未来。我们将以开放的姿态丰富经营智慧,以积极的举措解决社会问题,在发展中促转变,在转变中谋发展,为实现经济、社会、环境协调发展和实现生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好的目标而努力,为推进生态文明、建设美丽中国、推动全球可持续发展做出应有的贡献。董事长:姜建

27、清2013 年 3 月 27 日董事长致辞Chairman s Statement34Prosperous business relies on more than commercial gains and always prioritizes public interests. In 2012, under complicated economic and financial conditions, we insisted on development in a scientific manner, upholding the fulflment of our social responsi

28、bilities as an indispensable course to promote economic development and social progress, and the only way to establish a civilized environment and upgrade industrial structure. We grasped the pulse of the times and held sustainable development as the perennial force behind our identification with th

29、e communitys public opinions and aspirations, and behind the stimulus for enterprise vitality and reaching global consensus. Based on overall social conditions, we treated good corporate citizenship as our response to the societys appeal in the era of responsibility and a long-term plan to improve p

30、eoples welfare.In the face of changing economic conditions, we made plans revolving around the national economy and peoples welfare. In 2012, we improved corporate governance, strengthened capital constraint, and enhanced risk management. We created the environment for safe and stable operation and

31、development, and carved out a road of superb asset quality, high capital efficiency and sustainable profit. Taking into account the characteristics of economic cycle and following the direction of economic transformation, we improved our credit structure, supported modern industrialization, informat

32、ization, urbanization and agricultural modernization, and ensured capital application towards such areas of the real economy as small and micro enterprises, new countryside and regional economy. We focused on our own development advantages, enriched customer service experience, and enhanced value cr

33、eation ability. Through all these efforts, we became a leading listed company ranking the first globally in terms of such benchmarks as market capitalization, proft, customer deposits, lending and brand value and boasting sound corporate governance and strong risk resistance ability, and stepped int

34、o the rank of the worlds leading banks.In the face of tightening resource constraints, we were committed to transformation in ecological civilization development. In 2012, we pushed forward green credit and established an environment accountability mechanism. We strictly carried out the one-ballot v

35、eto principle to control credit access, adopted environmental protection as the important engine and key support for steady growth and expansion of domestic demand, structure adjustment and transformation of development mode, as well as supporting green development, recycling development and low car

36、bon development. We improved our green service channels, enriched electronic channel products, diverted some counter-based services, and captured green development opportunities. The proportion of transactions handled via electronic banking reached a new high of 75.1%, which sped up our transformati

37、on to an IT-based bank. We carried forward ecological civilization and made innovations to the energy conservation and emission reduction mechanism. Besides, we raised employees awareness of environmental protection, advocated a green life, stepped up efforts in building a resource-saving and enviro

38、nment-friendly society, and committed ourselves to be a green bank through a sustainable fnancial model.In the face of the appeal for humanistic finance, we insisted on people-oriented thinking and never forgot what makes us today. In 2012, we stuck to our own ideal of benefiting the community, arou

39、sed the resonance of the public, and spread the power of love. We did our best in disaster relief, helping the poor and saving the troubled, respecting the old and caring for the young, and protecting the environment, and formed the value of sharing honor and prosperity. We have continued targeting

40、poverty alleviation for 18 years, carried out the innovative Six Poverty Alleviation Projects, improved local livelihood, and helped the public to get rid of poverty and become richer. We supported cultural and educational undertakings, committed ourselves to popularizing financial knowledge and enh

41、ancing the awareness of risk prevention, and improved public welfare through public charity. We implemented service enhancement strategy, paid attention to public appeal, and improved the social supervision platform by setting up the first Consumer Protection Office in the industry, and protected th

42、e legal rights and interests of fnancial consumers. We advocated the philosophy of operation with good faith, adhered to modern business ethics, improved staff awareness of honest practice, and created a harmonious, safe and stable operational development environment. We emphasized the fostering of

43、corporate culture, adopted the strategy of our development relying on talents, and promoted programs of the internationalization of talents. We also fostered fair, reasonable, harmonious and stable labor relations which bring mutual benefts. We provided employees with multiple career development pat

44、hs, and formed a beneft sharing mechanism between the Bank and the employees.In the face of global economic integration, we strengthened international dialogue to enhance mutual trust. In 2012, we carried out the governments opening up strategy, and steadily expanded our platform of overseas entitie

45、s to extend to 39 countries and regions with a total of 383 branches, forming a global service network across Asia, Africa, Latin America, Europe, America and Australia, becoming the Chinese bank with the largest overseas network. We quickened the vertical development of our global product lines, ac

46、tively promoted RMB internationalization operations, and became the first Chinese bank which has accomplished the global integration of its information system through the complete coverage of FOVA system. We worked hard to offer diversified financial services to companies involved in international c

47、ompetition. We respected diverse nature of the host countrys community and society, through the common operating philosophies and enterprise spirit, we improved employees understanding of multinational culture and set up an international image that is rooted in the local community and benefts local

48、people.Looking back on ICBCs reform over the past 29 years, what we have accumulated is more than the RMB17 trillion assets and more than RMB13.6 trillion customer deposits, we have gained more than the support of 4.38 million corporate customers and 393 million personal customers, and what we have

49、earned is more than the trust of 420,000 employees and 940,000 investors. What is more important is that, we have inherited this culture of responsibility and corporate mission of excellent services to clients, maximum returns to shareholders, real success for our people, great contribution to socie

50、ty, followed the value orientation and behavior pattern of being honest and trustworthy, steady and compliant, innovative and enterprising, committed and dedicated, and built the code of ethics and spiritual pursuit of being humanity-oriented, putting people frst, valuing harmony, stressing responsi

51、bility. In 2012, we were the frst domestic commercial bank to join the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), opening a window for the world to know China and creating a platform to strengthen communication and cooperation with the international community. It also allows us to take one step forward t

52、o become a global corporate citizen with competitive edge in responsibility.The waters are broad at full tide, and the sail is hanging high before the wind. The 18th National Peoples Congress of the CPC has painted for us the blueprint for the coming ten years or even a longer period. Standing now i

53、n 2013 which is a starting point for a new era, despite the ongoing profound changes in international political, economic and financial environment, the shareholders and employees expectations, clients trust and societys hope will let us reap the joy from the struggle and victory following a bumpy s

54、truggling process. Passion and sweat make history, while wisdom and tenacity shape the future. We will be open to business wisdom, and take positive measures to solve social problems. We will promote changes in development and seek development in changes, in our efforts to target coordinated economi

55、c, social, environmental and production development, affluent life and good ecology. We will make due contributions to promote ecological progress, build beautiful China, and propel global sustainable development.Chairman: Jiang Jianqing March 27, 2013行长致辞President s Statement56行长 杨凯生President Yang

56、Kaisheng62012 年是我行增强可持续发展能力,提升消费者保护和服务水平,绿色银行建设又上新台阶的一年。我们以战略思维和前瞻眼光,自觉将发展战略与全面建成小康社会和全面推进生态文明建设的要求相适应,与回报客户、股东、员工、社会的责任相结合,在建设最盈利、最优秀、最受尊重的国际一流现代金融企业的道路上又迈出了坚实的一步。 致力稳健健康发展,创造长期综合价值我们始终坚持稳健经营,积极稳妥应对挑战,加快自身经营转型,持续创造长期回报。2012 年,本行资产规模达 175,422 亿元,实现净利润 2,387 亿元,分别增长13.3% 和 14.5%,平均总资产回报率和加权平均权益回报率分别达

57、 1.45% 和 23.02%,资本充足率达 13.66%,不良贷款率下降至 0.85%,拨备覆盖率提高至 295.55%,每股社会贡献值 2.13 元。 本行为投资者和社会提供了长期稳定的贡献和回报。积极优化信贷布局,助力实体经济发展我们坚持金融服务实体经济和转型发展的本质要求,提高信贷资源配置效率,进一步巩固了信贷结构调整成效。2012 年,本行保持信贷适度和均衡增长,境内分行人民币贷款新增 8,672 亿元,增长 12.3%;坚持信贷结构调整方向,先进制造业、战略性新兴产业、现代服务业、文化产业等四大产业贷款占境内公司贷款余额较年初提升6.7 个百分点;强化对重点县支行和涉农机构的信贷资

58、源倾斜配置力度,涉农贷款余额增长 20.23%;促进区域协调发展,加大对中西部和东北地区的信贷投放,对其贷款增速高于全行平均贷款增速 1.4 个百分点。加强消费者权益保护,创新提升客户服务我们加快推进服务提升战略,狠抓不规范经营治理及客户体验改善,投诉数量显著下降。2012 年,本行积极开展“满意在工行”主题活动,全面推动服务改进,有 116家网点入选中国银行业协会千佳名单,连续三年同业排名第一;在国内率先成立了消费者权益保护办公室,并制定了全行消费者权益保护制度,完成新版服务价目表等收费文件和合同的梳理和对外发布工作,从保护消费者权益角度引导产品和服务合理定价,稳妥高效处理各类客户纠纷维权事

59、件;开展各类金融消费者知识教育活动 5 万余次。支持生态文明建设,饮水思源反哺社会我们努力践行“绿色银行”、“爱心银行”,从经营和生活的方方面面支持生态文明建设,投身公益事业。2012 年,本行加强绿色信贷制度建设,发布了 54 个行业(绿色)信贷政策;充分依托科技领先优势,构筑绿色渠道,推广电子银行,电子银行业务占比创 75.1% 的历史新高;倡导绿色办公 , 年均减少办公用纸 1.5 亿张。我们热忱反哺社会,积极投入赈灾扶贫、文化教育、社区服务等社会公益。国际化再上新台阶,引领“走出去”新突破我们稳步推进国际化战略,实现了国际化发展的大跨越。2012 年末,本行境外网络覆盖 39 个国家和

60、地区,分支机构总数达 383 家,成为境外机构网络覆盖范围最广的中资银行;境外机构的经营能力持续增强;累计支持“走出去”项目 70 个,融资总额达 152 亿美元,境内国际结算又创历史新高,跨境人民币业务领跑同业。以人为本和谐发展,致力员工人文关怀我们以员工为本行发展的根本,关注员工职业成长,致力员工人文关怀,注重民族团结和文化融合,努力实现员工与企业的共同成长。2012 年,女性员工比例49.5%,少数民族员工占比 5.3%。本行紧密围绕人才强行战略,建立健全“纵向可进退、横向可交流”的职业发展新机制;完成各类培训 3.6 万期,279 万人次,人均受训约 10.6 天。2013 年,将是我

61、行推进第三个三年规划的关键之年。我们将认真贯彻十八大“全面建成小康社会、全面深化改革开放” 的要求, 主动适应国内外经济金融形势的新变化,充分用好金融杠杆,大力推进生态文明建设,积极支持和服务实体经济发展,不断推进健康可持续发展,履行大行使命,共建和谐美丽中国。 行长:杨凯生2013 年 3 月 27 日行长致辞President s Statement782012 is the year in which we have strengthened the sustainable development capabilities, enhanced our consumer rights pr

62、otection and service standards, and advanced the building of green bank. With our forward-looking and strategic view, we matched our healthy and sustainable development to the requirements of building a well-of society in all respects and advanced the construction of the ecological civilization. We

63、immersed ourselves in our responsibility to return to customers, shareholders, employees, and society. We have made another great step in building the Bank into a global leading bank with the best profitability, performance and prestige.Maintaining healthy development, creating long-term value for s

64、hareholdersWe have always stuck to sound operation, actively responded to challenges, sped up our own business transformation, and created long-term returns continuously. In 2012, the Banks total assets reached RMB17,542.2 billion, with a net proft of RMB238.7 billion, up 13.3% and 14.5% respectivel

65、y, ROA and ROE hit 1.45% and 23.02% respectively, CAR registered at 13.66%, and NPL ratio fell to 0.85%, allowance to NPL rose to 295.55%, and social contribution value was RMB2.13 per share. The bank has created long-term returns and contributions to investors and society.Actively optimizing credit

66、 portfolios, driving the development of real economyWe stuck to the fundamental requirements of serving the real economy and development transformation, improved the efciency of credit allocation and enhanced the efect of credit structure adjustment. The Bank maintained moderate and balanced credit

67、growth. In 2012, domestic branches of the Bank extended new loans of RMB867.2 billion, an increase of 12.3%. We stuck to the direction of credit structure adjustment, and facilitated loans in advanced manufacturing industry, strategic emerging industries, modern service industry and culture industry

68、, up 6.7percentage points to the proportion against the total domestic loans over the beginning of the year. We continued to increase more credit to key county regions sub-branches and agriculture-related institutions, with agriculture-related loans increased by 20.23%. We supported cross region bal

69、anced development, increased credit support to Central and Western China, with a loan growth of 1.4 percentage points higher than the average of the Bank.Strengthening consumer rights protection, innovating and upgrading servicesWe acceletated the implementation of service improvement strategy, stre

70、ngthened the control of non-compliance operations and improvement of customer experiences. In 2012, we actively promoted the event of Feel Satisfed with ICBC, advanced the service improvement activities, and had 116 outlets listed on the1,000 Best Banks by the China Banking Association, the most amo

71、ng banks for the past three consecutive years. We set up the frst Consumer Protection Office among Chinese banks, and formulated the regarding internal policies, rationalized and published documentation of new fee-charging and service contracts with the goal of protection of consumers and reasonable

72、 pricing, dealt with all kinds of customer disputes efciently. We actively held over 50,000 various financial education activities for the customers.Supporting the advance of ecological civilizaiton, rewarding and serving societyWe strove to practise Green Bank and Charity Bank, supported the constr

73、uction of the ecological civilization in every business aspect and daily life. In 2012, the Bank stepped up efforts in formulating green credit policies, issued (green) credit policy for 54 sectors. Leveraged our leading IT capabilities, we built green channels, and advocated electronic banking, e-t

74、ransactions now accounted for a new record of 75.1% of all the transactions processed. We advocated green office, reduced paper useage by 150 million pieces per year. We further emphasized rewarding and serving society, dedicated ourselves to disaster and poverty relief, education and community serv

75、ice.Elevating internationalization to a new level, leading the breakthrough of globalizationWe executed our internationalization strategy steadily and realized a large leap. In 2012, our overseas network covered 39 country and regions, with total units of 383, making us the largest Chinese bank in o

76、verseas outlets coverage. The performance and operation kept strengthening. We have supported 70 outbound projects accumulatively, total fnancing amounted to USD 15.2 billion, and hit a new record of international settlement volume domestically, kept the leading position of cross-border RMB business

77、 among peers.People-oriented harmonious development, humanistic care for employees We regarded employees as the fundmental to our development, cared about our employee career development, committed ourselves to the humanistic care for employees, emphasized national unity and cultural integration, an

78、d kept on realizing common growth of both employees and our business. In 2012, female employees represented 49.5% of all staff and members of ethnic minorities represented 5.3%. The Bank focused on the strategy of success with the talents, established and enhanced the mechanism of mobility in both v

79、ertical and horizontal career development. The Bank completed 36,000 various training programs for total 2.79 million trainees, 10.6 day per person in average.Year of 2013 will be crucial for the implementation of the third Three-Year plan. We will conscientiously carry out the requirements of build

80、ing a well-off society in all respects, deepening reform and opening up by 18th National Congress of the CPC, take initiatives to adapt to new changes in both global and domestic economic and financial environment, and fully leverage on finance to strongly advance the construction of ecological civi

81、lization, actively support and serve the development of real economy, continually promote healthy and sustainable development, fulfl our responsibilities as a major bank, and contribute to building beautiful China.President: Yang KaishengMarch 27, 2013监事长Chairman of the Board of Supervisors910监事长 赵林

82、Chairman of the Board of Supervisors Zhao Lin10责任领域责任绩效Field of responsibilityAward granter加强责任管理完善社会责任工作机制,深化社会责任工作内涵;连续第五年在全行范围举办社会责任专题培训班,传播了社会责任理念,增强了社会责任认知。Enhancing responsibility managementThe Bank improved its social responsibility working mechanism and deepened the connotation of social res

83、ponsibility work. It has held special training courses on social responsibility across the Bank for five consecutive years, which spread ideas and enhanced awareness of social responsibilities.建设生态文明全行环境友好及环保合格客户数量和贷款余额占全部境内公司客户数量及贷款余额的比例均保持在99.9% 以上;投向绿色经济领域贷款余额合计为 5,934 亿元。Promoting ecological pro

84、gressThe number of environment-friendly and environment-compliant customers and their proportion in the total loan balance accounted for above 99.9% of all the domestic customers and their loan balance. The balance of loans extended to green economy sectors totaled up to RMB593.4 billion.支持实体经济报告期内,

85、本行境内分行新增人民币贷款 8,672 亿元,增幅为 12.3%;中西部和东北地区分行贷款增幅高于全行贷款平均增幅 1.4 个百分点。Supporting the real economyDuring the reporting period, domestic branches of the Bank extended new RMB loans of RMB867.2 billion, an increase of 12.3%. The growth rate of new loans in Central and Western China and Northeastern China

86、was 1.4 percentage points higher than the average of the whole bank. 致力以人为本报告期末, 本行共有员工427,356人, 当年新创就业岗位14,665个;完成各类培训3.6万期, 人均受训约10.6天。Committed to being people-orientedAt the end of the reporting period, the Bank had 427,356 employees, and 14,665 new jobs were created in the year. The Bank comple

87、ted 36,000 trainings of all kinds, providing an average of 10.6 days of training per person. 推进国际接轨加入联合国全球契约,成为国内首家加入该组织的商业银行,并受邀出席全球契约中日韩网络会议;再次入选恒生可持续发展指数成份股,树立了良好的国际形象。Promoting international communicationThe Bank joined the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), being the frst domestic commercial

88、 bank to join this organization, and was invited to attend the network conference among China, Japan and South Korea. ICBC was once again included as a constituent stock of the Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Index Series, which helped it build up a good international image. 维护客户权益国内率先成立了消费者权益保护办

89、公室;开通了 “投诉举报专线电话” , 并建立了抽查督导、 监测分析、全行通报等机制。Protecting customers rightsThe Bank led the way to set up Consumer Protection Ofce. They also opened hotline for complaint and reporting, and established mechanisms for sample inspection and supervision, monitoring and analysis and Bank-wide criticizing. 热心

90、公益事业本行全年公益事业投入 4,098 万元;近三年,通过志愿者活动形式累计捐款 2,112 万元,受助人数近66 万人次。Devoted to public good undertakingsThe Bank invested RMB40.98 million in public good undertakings in the whole year. In the past three years, the Bank accumulatively donated RMB21.12 million in the form of voluntary programs, and the num

91、ber of donees amounted to nearly 660,000. 助力民生改善中小微型企业在公司贷款户中占比 92%,贷款余额 42,312 亿元,较年初增加 5,595 亿元;涉农贷款余额增长 20.23%。Helping to improve people s wellbeingSmall, medium and micro enterprises accounted for 92% of the Bank s corporate loan customers, and the loan balance registered RMB4,231.2 billion, an

92、increase of RMB559.5 billion over the year beginning. The balance of agriculture-related loans increased by 20.23%.回眸 20122012 Highlights关键数据Key Data1112资本充足率13.66%13.17%12.27%Capital adequacy ratio201220112010资产总额Total assets175,422154,769134,586绿色经济领域贷款Loans to green economy sectors平均总资产回报率Return

93、on average assets1.45%1.44%1.32%贷款总额Total loans88,03777,88967,905加权平均权益回报率Return on weighted average equity 23.02%23.44%22.79%客户存款Customer deposits136,429122,612111,456电子银行业务量占比Proportion of business volume of E-banking75.1%70.1%59.1%不良贷款率NPL ratio0.85%0.94%1.08%营业收入Operating income5,2974,7063,807不良

94、贷款余额NPL balance746730732净利润Net proft2,3872,0841,660拨备覆盖率Allowance to NPL295.55%266.92%228.20%核心资本充足率Core capital adequacy ratio10.62%10.07%9.97%纳税总额Ratal1,061919695现金分红Cash dividend-70964212锅炉燃气量Boiler gas consumption417,671404,544立方米 Cubic meter318,479锅炉蒸汽耗水量Boiler water consumption4,8364,885吨 Ton3

95、,972环境类指标 Environmental indicators20122011单位 Unit2010办公耗电量Ofce power consumption 18,307,90617,675,573千瓦时 KWH11,814,560办公用纸量Ofce paper consumption9,722,00011,095,400张 Piece10,666,300社会类指标 Social indicators小微企业贷款余额Loans to small and micro enterprises201218,401201116,901单位 Unit亿元 RMB100 million2010-人均培

96、训天数Average training days per person10.68.2天 / 人 Day/person8.2每股社会贡献值Social contribution per share2.131.76元 RMB yuan1.34公益捐赠Charitable donations 4,0983,920万元 RMB10 thousand6,252员工总数Total number of employees427,356408,859人 Person397,339女性员工比例Proportion of female employees49.5%48.8%48.2%少数民族员工占比Proport

97、ion of employees from ethnic groups5.3%5.2%5.2%注 1:办公耗电量、办公用纸量、锅炉燃气量、锅炉蒸汽耗水量为本行总部数据。注 2:2011 年本行总行本部大楼二期开始投入使用,人员和办公面积大幅增加。报告期内,本行通过各种办法有效控制能耗增长。注 3:每股社会贡献值 = 基本每股收益 +(纳税额 + 职工费用 + 利息支出 + 公益投入总额)/ 期末总股本。Note1: Ofce power consumption, Ofce paper consumption and Boiler gas consumption includes statist

98、ics only from the headofce of the Bank.Note2: In 2011, the second phase of the Head Office Building of the Bank came into operation, and the employees and office area sharply increased. During the reporting period, the Bank controlled energy consumption efectively by applying diferent methods.Note3:

99、 Social contribution per share = Basic earnings per share + (ratal + stafcosts + interest expense + total input in public welfare)/total equity at the end of the period.社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibility公司概况公司简介责任理念公司治理利益相关方参与责任管理社会评价Overview of ICBCCompany ProfleCorporate Gove

100、rnanceResponsibility ConceptsStakeholders ParticipationResponsibility ManagementSocial RecognitionCORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 20122012 社会责任报告社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Management of Social Responsibility1516姜建清董事长出席五四青年节表彰活动Chairman Jiang Jianqing attended the Awarding Ceremony for the Youth D

101、ay企业形象:您身边的银行,可信赖的银行公司概况公司文化使命:提供卓越金融服务服务客户、回报股东、成就员工、奉献社会愿景:建设最盈利、最优秀、最受尊重的国际一流现代金融企业价值观:工于至诚,行以致远基本价值取向:诚信、人本、稳健、创新、卓越基本理念 :发展理念、 效益理念、 风险理念、 服务理念、 品牌理念、 团队理念、人才理念、学习理念16社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Creditworthy Bank和谐银

102、行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望Outlook杨凯生行长应邀在人民网介绍本行为社会公众提供金融服务的情况President Yang Kaisheng was invited to introduce ICBCs practice for providing fnancial services to clients at People internet company Overview of ICBCCorporate cultureMission: Excellent for you - Excellent services to clients, M

103、aximum returns to shareholders, Real success for our people, Great contribution to societyVision: A global leading bank with the best proftability, performance and prestigeValue: Integrity leads to prosperityBasic dimensions of Value: Integrity, Humanity, Prudence, Innovation and ExcellenceBasic phi

104、losophies: Philosophies regarding development, beneft, risks, services, brand, team work, competent persons and learning Brand image: A reliable bank thats always by your side社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Management of Social Responsibility1718中国工商银行成立于 1984 年 1 月 1 日,总部在北京。2005 年 10 月 28 日整体改制为股份有限公司。2006

105、年10 月 27 日成功在上海证券交易所和香港联合交易所同日挂牌上市,开创了证券市场中 A 股和 H 股同步发行上市的先河,并一举创造了 28 项世界之最,被媒体和业界誉为“世纪招股”。通过持续努力和稳健发展,本行已经迈入世界领先大银行行列,成为全球市值、盈利、客户存款、贷款和品牌价值第一的上市银行。本行拥有优质的客户基础、多元的业务结构、强劲的创新能力和市场竞争力,通过约 1.7万家境内机构、383 家境外机构和遍布全球的 1,630 家境外代理行以及网上银行、电话银行和自助银行等分销渠道,向 438 万公司客户和 3.93 亿个人客户提供广泛的金融产品和服务,基本形成了以商业银行为主体,跨

106、市场、国际化的经营格局,并在绝大多数商业银行业务领域保持国内市场领先地位。本行始终坚持“以客户为中心、服务创造价值”的宗旨,持续提升金融服务水平,品牌内涵不断丰富,努力使“您身边的银行,可信赖的银行”的品牌形象深入人心,成为全球最具价值的金融品牌。本行坚持履行经济责任与社会责任的有机统一,在支持经济社会发展、保护环境和资源、支持社会公益等方面树立了负责任的大行典范,多次被评为“中国最受尊敬银行”、“最具责任感企业”。公司简介社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Bui

107、lder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Creditworthy Bank和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望OutlookIndustrial and Commercial Bank of China was incorporated on January 1, 1984 with headquarters in Beijing. The Bank was wholly restructured to a joint-stock limited company on October 28, 2005. On October 27, 2006, t

108、he Bank was listed on both the Shanghai Stock Exchange and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, becoming the first company publicly offering A shares and H shares simultaneously in the securities market, and it topped the world in 28 indicators. As a result, the Bank was accredited by media and

109、the banking sector as Centennial Ofering.Through its continuous endeavor and stable development, the Bank has developed into one of the top large banks in the world in terms of market capitalization, profit, customer deposits, lending and brand value. The Bank boasts an excellent customer base, a di

110、versified business structure, strong innovation capabilities and market competitiveness. The Bank provides extensive financial products and services for 4.38 million corporate customers and 393 million personal customers by virtue of its service network consisting of about 17,000 domestic institutio

111、ns, 383 overseas institutions and 1,630 correspondent banks worldwide, as well as through its distributing channels including online banking, telephone banking and self-service banking. It has basically formed an internationalized trans-market operating structure focusing on commercial banking, and

112、maintained a leading position in the domestic market in a majority of commercial banking areas. Upholding the management tenet of focusing on customers and creating value through services, the Bank constantly improves its fnancial services to enrich its brand connotation. With the brand image of A r

113、eliable bank thats always by your side being widely recognized, the Bank has been the most valuable fnancial brand around the globe.The Bank strives to realize the integration of economic and social responsibilities, establishing the image of a large responsible bank in the aspects of supporting eco

114、nomic and social development, protecting environment and resources, and participating in community services, and has won the awards of Chinas Most Respectable Bank and Most Responsible Enterprise for many times.Company Profle社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Management of Social Responsibility1920本行严格遵守营业所在地和上市

115、地的法律法规及相关监管规定,坚持把完善公司治理作为提升发展水平的关键举措,围绕“建设最盈利、最优秀、最受尊重的国际一流现代金融企业”的战略愿景,不断完善“三会一层”架构和工作制度,提升对子公司的治理水平,积极推进战略转型以及经营模式和增长方式的转变,强化风险管理和内部控制,着力改进和提高服务质量,提升核心竞争力,全面促进各项业务健康发展。报告期内,本行荣获香港上市公司商会“2012 年香港公司管治卓越奖”、香港会计师公会 “最佳企业管治资料披露大奖H 股板块白金奖”、 上海证券交易所“2012 年度上市公司信息披露奖”、南开大学2012 年度“中国最佳上市公司治理奖”等 31 项境内外公司治理

116、重要奖项。报告期内,本行持续优化公司治理架构,稳妥推进董事、监事、高管选任和董事会专门委员会调整。董事会认真履行决策和监督职责,监事会积极发挥监督作用,管理层加大重点领域和关键环节的改革力度,确保了经营计划顺利完成。报告期内,本行不断完善公司治理制度和机制建设,积极开展公司治理基本制度修订工作,加强授权管理,不断加强全面风险、内审、内控和激励约束机制建设。进一步提高信息披露质量,在保证全体股东享有同等权利的同时,注重畅通沟通渠道,确保科学运作、民主决策,积极践行企业社会责任。截至报告期末,本行董事会共有董事 16 名,其中执行董事 4 名,非执行董事 6 名,独立非执行董事 6 名;监事会共有

117、监事 7 名,其中股东代表监事 2 名,外部监事 2 名,职工代表监事 3 名。报告期内,本行共召开董事会会议 14 次,审议通过包括公司发展战略规划、调整董事会专门委员会委员、提名董事候选人、财务决算、利润分配等 62 项议案;听取了内部审计计划、风险管理情况等 20 项汇报报告期内,监事会共召开 7 次会议,审议通过了年度报告、内部控制评价报告、社会责任报告等 19 项议案,并及时发表独立意见;听取了关于内部控制评价、全面风险管理、内部审计工作等 23 项汇报。报告期内,本行共召开 1 次股东年会和 2 次临时股东大会,审议通过了 14 项议案并听取了 2 项汇报。各次会议的召开均履行了相

118、应的法律程序,保证了股东参会并行使权利。本行聘请律师见证了股东大会并出具了法律意见书。以上股东大会决议公告亦可详见本行网站。During the reporting period, the Bank convened 14 meetings of the Board of Directors, at which it deliberated and approved 62 proposals, including proposals on strategic planning for corporate development, member adjustment of special com

119、mittees of the Board of Directors, director candidate nomination, fnal accounts and proft distribution. In addition, it heard 20 reports on internal audit plan, risk management and other issues. During the reporting period, the Board of Supervisors held seven meetings, at which it reviewed and appro

120、ved 19 proposals, including proposals concerning annual report, internal control assessment report, social responsibility report and others, and timely expressed independent opinions. The Board of Supervisors heard 23 reports on internal control assessment, comprehensive risk management, internal au

121、dit and other issues. During the reporting period, the Bank convened one annual general meeting and two extraordinary general meeting, at which it deliberated and approved a total of 14 proposals and heard two reports. Each meeting was convened in compliance with relevant legal procedures which assu

122、red shareholders participation and exercise of rights. The Bank engaged lawyers to witness these meetings and issue legal opinions. Detailed resolution announcements of the above meetings can be found on the website of the Bank. 股东大会董事会Board of Directors监事会Board of SupervisorsShareholders General Me

123、eting公司治理社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Creditworthy Bank和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望OutlookIn strict accordance with laws, regulations and regulatory requirements in places of business and listing, the Bank took

124、 the improvement of the corporate governance as a key approach to promote its development. Centering on the strategic vision of a global leading bank with the best profitability, performance and prestige, it constantly improved the Shareholders General Meeting, the Board of Directors, the Board of S

125、upervisor and the Senior Management framework and the working system, lifted the governance level to subsidiaries, actively advanced the strategic transformation and the shift of operating and growth modes, strengthened risk management and internal control, intensifed improvement of service quality

126、and enhanced core competitiveness to promote the healthy development of various businesses in an all-round manner. During the reporting period, the Bank bagged 31 major corporate governance awards at home and abroad, including the 2012 Hong Kong Corporate Governance Excellent Awards conferred by the

127、 Chamber of Hong Kong Listed Companies, the Best Corporate Governance Disclosure Awards 2012 H Share Category Platinum Award by Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Information Disclosure Award for Listed Companies by Shanghai Stock Exchange, and the Chinas Best Listed Companies

128、in Corporate Governance in 2012 by Nankai University etc.During the reporting period, the Bank continuously improved the corporate governance framework and steadily promoted the selection and appointment of directors, supervisors and the senior management, as well as the adjustment of special commit

129、tees under the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors performed the decision-making and supervision responsibilities in earnest, the Board of Supervisors played the supervision function actively, and the Management intensifed the reform in key areas and aspects, thus ensuring the smooth fulfllme

130、nt of the business plan. During the reporting period, the Bank kept improving the corporate governance system and the mechanism, actively conducted the revision to the fundamental corporate governance system, strengthened the authorization management, and continuously enhanced the internal audit and

131、 control of enterprise risks and the building of the incentive and constraint mechanism. It further lifted the information disclosure quality, focused on smooth communication channels on the premise of guaranteeing equal rights enjoyed by all shareholders, ensured scientific operation and dynamic de

132、cision-making, and actively practiced the corporate social responsibility.As at the end of the reporting period, the Board of Directors of the Bank consisted of 16 directors, including 4 executive directors, 6 non-executive directors and 6 independent non-executive directors. The Board of Supervisor

133、s consisted of 7 supervisors, namely 2 shareholder supervisors, 2 external supervisors and 3 employee supervisors.Corporate Governance董事会股东大会监事会战略委员会Strategy Committee风险管理委员会Risk Management Committee 提名委员会Nomination Committee技术审查委员会Technical Approval Committee财务审查委员会Financial Approval Committee资产负债管

134、理委员会Asset & Liability Management Committee信用风险管理委员会Credit Risk Management Committee信息科技管理委员会Information Technology Management Committee风险管理委员会Risk Management Committee市场风险管理委员会Market Risk Management Committee业务与产品创新管理委员会Business & Product Innovation Management Committee信贷审查委员会Credit Approval Committ

135、ee操作风险管理委员会Operational Risk Management Committee薪酬委员会Compensation Committee审计委员会Audit Committee监督委员会Supervision Committee关联交易控制委员会Related Party Transactions Control CommitteeBoard of DirectorsShareholders General MeetingBoard of Supervisors内部审计局Internal Audit Bureau内部审计分局Internal Audit Sub-bureau 营销

136、及产品部门Marketing & Product Departments风险管理部门RiskManagementDepartments综合管理部门Comprehensive Administration Departments支持与保障部门Supporting Departments境内分支机构Domestic Institutions境外分支机构Overseas Institutions高级管理层Senior Management第一汇报路线第二汇报路线Primary reporting line Secondary reporting line 社会责任战略与管理Strategy and

137、Management of Social Responsibility2122中国工商银行的成长与发展源于客户、系于股东、发于员工、植于社会,赢得利益相关群体的认知和尊重是我们的不懈追求与价值精髓,取得利益相关群体的理解和共鸣是我们的坚定信念和行动指南。我们紧紧围绕“工于至诚,行以致远”的价值观,以企业公民的行为模式为基础,融入金融行业的独特内涵和标准,从价值银行、品牌银行、绿色银行、诚信银行、本行努力完善利益相关方的识别和参与机制,建立健全社会责任日常信息披露体系,积极创新社会责任沟通途径,通过交流对话、共同行动等多种方式,着力搭建社会责任信息交流平台,了解利益相关方期望与诉求,与利益相关方

138、构建战略互信关系,增进了解、增加共识。本行把风险管理作为公司治理的核心内容,完善具有自身特色的全面风险管理体系,统筹推进巴塞尔新资本协议的实施准备, 加强并表风险、 国别风险和表外风险管理,努力提升各类风险管理技术水准。报告期内,本行印发了2012-2014 年风险管理规划,明确了三年风险管理工作的重点和要求;修订风险管理评价、限额、评估办法,确保全面风险管理制度的适用性和前瞻性;修订并表管理制度,搭建集团并表管理体系;修订国别风险管理办法,完善国别风险评级体系。截至报告期末,本行三大支柱基础建设已完成。治理结构、制度体系、IT 系统与考核机制日益完善,风险计量体系日渐成熟,资本约束与激励机制


140、略,刻于企业的发展蓝图,凝练成工行的责任文化,升华为全员的价值追求。赵林监事长在中国银行业信息科技风险管理会议上致辞Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, Zhao Lin attended and addressed the IT Risk Management Conference of Chinese Banking Sector社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Credi

141、tworthy Bank和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望OutlookThe Bank s growth and development is based on customers, correlated with shareholders, derived from employees and rooted in the society. Wining the recognition and respect of stakeholders is our unremitting pursue and core value, and to be un

142、derstood by stakeholders is our frm belief and guide of action. The Bank focuses on its value of Integrity Leads to Prosperity to continuously improve its social responsibility performance consisting of six dimensions, namely Value Creator, Brand Builder, Green Bank, Creditworthy Bank, Harmonious Ba

143、nk and Charity Bank, integrating the unique connotation of and standards for the financial industry based on the behavioral pattern required for a corporate citizen. The Bank strives to win the trust of customers with quality services, favor of shareholders with excellent performance, understanding

144、of employees with advanced culture, and recognition of the society with brilliant performance. It integrates its mission, Excellent for you - Excellent services to clients, Maximum returns to shareholders, Real success for our people, Great contribution to society into its operating strategy, and em

145、beds it into the blueprint of the Bank, refnes it as responsibility culture of ICBC and sublimates it into the pursuit of all employees. The Bank has made great efforts to improve its stakeholder identification and participation mechanism, enhance its routine information disclosure system of social

146、responsibility, and actively innovate the methods for communications on social responsibility. The Bank strives to build a communication platform for social responsibility information to get to know expectations and appeals of stakeholders and establish strategic mutual trust with stakeholders to pr

147、omote mutual understanding, through dialogues, joint actions and other means. Taking risk management as the core of corporate governance, the Bank has improved its comprehensive risk management system with characteristics of its own, carried forward the preparations for implementing Basel II, streng

148、thened the management of consolidation risk, country risk and off-balance-sheet risk, and strived to improve the risk management technology. During the reporting period, the Bank issued the Risk Management Planning for 2012-2014, which clarifies the focuses of and requirements for risk management in

149、 the three years. It revised the evaluation method and risk limit for risk management, to ensure the applicability and perception of the comprehensive risk management system. It also revised the Consolidated Management Rules to build up a consolidated management system at the Group level. In additio

150、n, the Bank amended its Administrative Measures for Country Risk, to improve its country risk rating system. As at the end of the reporting period, the building of the three pillars was completed, governance structure, regulations, IT system and assessment mechanism were increasingly enhanced, the r

151、isk measurement system was more mature, and the capital incentive and constraint mechanism played a more effective role, indicating an overall enhancement of the Bank s risk management.With the risk control as the focus, value-added services as the purpose, and quality audit as the breakthrough poin

152、t, internal audit of the Bank has made scientific innovation and well performed its duties in corporate governance and risk management of the Bank. During the reporting period, internal audit of the Bank mainly carried out audits on financial performance, credit business, risks of the Group, capital

153、 market and overseas institutions, covering major risks, important systems and key business areas in the development of the Bank. Responsibility ConceptsStakeholders Participation社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Management of Social Responsibility2324期望与诉求沟通方式回应举措Expectations and appealsWays of communicationRe

154、sponses of ICBC政府Government监管机构Regulatory authorities股东Shareholders客户Customers促进经济持续、健康发展协助公共财政,服务政府发展目标政策指引上报统计报表日常调研、沟通支持国民经济发展,优化资源配置功能支持中小企业、三农、民族地区等民生领域发展,纳税稳定增长,增加就业机会合规经营,公平竞争维护金融体系稳定 监管政策工作汇报上报统计报表加强合规管理、诚信经营完善公司治理,加强内控建设,推进巴塞尔新资本协议实施股东大会公司公告业绩路演投资者热线、电邮、传真满意的投资回报良好的市值水平充分了解公司经营状况稳健经营,提高盈利能力

155、,分红稳定加强投资者关系管理,及时充分披露信息Policy guidelines;Submission of statistical statements;Routine surveys and communicationsSupport the development of national economy and improve resource allocation;support the development of SMEs, agriculture,rural areas and farmers, and ethnic group areas;Realize stable tax

156、growth and create more jobsRegulatory policies;Work report;Submission of statistical statementsStrengthen compliant management and creditworthy operation;Improve corporate governance, strengthen internal control, andpromote the implementation of Basel IIIGain satisfactory returns and market value;Fu

157、lly understand the Banks operating statusShareholders General Meeting;Company announcements;Business performance roadshow;Hotlines, emails and faxes for investors优质便捷的金融产品满意的金融服务舒适的业务环境座谈会满意度调查客服热线官方网站、微博电子银行业务量同比创新高,优化业务流程,创新产品服务提升服务品质,关注客户体验,升级改造网点成立消费者权益保护办公室社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Soc

158、ial Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Creditworthy Bank和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望Outlook合作伙伴Partners员工Employees社区Communities环境Environment公平采购 诚信互惠招投标业务交流合作定期走访公开透明的采购机制坚持平等互利、和谐双赢的业务合作Bid and tender;Business communication and cooperation;Regular visits 期望

159、与诉求沟通方式回应举措Expectations and appealsWays of communicationResponses of ICBC良好的职业生涯规划和成长机会完备的权益保障职工代表大会教育培训员工调研实施人力资源提升项目,完善员工培训体系完善薪酬激励、保险与福利体系Good career planning and development opportunities;Sound protection of rights and interests关注社区发展安全、健康的生活环境公益活动社区共建开展志愿者活动,扶助弱势群体,积极投身公益事业保证安全运营,普及金融知识,倡导环境保护P

160、ay attention to community development;Safe and healthy living environment关注气候变化,支持低碳经济倡导节能减排,构建节约型社会节能减排政策及倡议绿色公益活动实施绿色信贷,推广电子银行,拓展绿色金融渠道倡导绿色办公,推行责任采购,开展环保公益活动Pay close attention to climatic change and support low-carbon economy;Advocate energy conservation and emission reduction;Establish a conserv

161、ation-minded societyPolicies and proposals on energy conservation and emission reduction;Environment-friendly public welfare activities 社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Management of Social Responsibility2526本行已逐步形成一套成熟的多维度、多层次社会责任管理体系。在董事会和管理层领导下,总行战略管理与投资者关系部牵头协调社会责任整体工作,统一编制、发布社会责任报告,总行各部室及各分支机构分头组织实施,共同推进社

162、会责任的履行和落实。报告期内,本行在履行社会责任方面的良好表现赢得了社会各界的广泛认可,先后荣获“年度最具社会责任金融机构奖”、“2012年度扶贫大使奖” 、 “新长城教育扶贫突出贡献单位” 、 “年度最佳公益慈善贡献奖” 、 “社会责任管理最佳实践奖” 、“促进社会责任发展最佳实践奖”、“十一五全国节能先进集体”等近二十项大奖。2007 年以来,本行已连续 6 年发布了社会责任报告,全面、客观地披露本行社会责任理念与绩效。报告已经成为本行加强利益相关方沟通、传播社会责任理念,完善企业管理模式的重要工具。Since 2007, the Bank has released social resp

163、onsibility reports for six consecutive years, which comprehensively and objectively disclosed its concepts and achievements regarding social responsibility. These reports have become an important tool for the Bank to strengthen communications with stakeholders, spread social responsibility concepts

164、and improve enterprise management mode. 责任报告 Social responsibility report围绕社会责任管理、考核体系建设、公益文化传播等主题,赴中国移动等机构开展社会责任实地调研,增进了业界交流。Centering on social responsibility management, assessment system improvement and publicity of pubic good activities, the Bank conducted feld studies and surveys on social res

165、ponsibilities in China Mobile Communication Corporation and other institutions, enhancing exchanges with them. 外部交流 External exchanges成功加入联合国全球契约,成为首家加入该组织的国内商业银行,提高了国际声誉和社会影响力;主动参加全球契约中日韩网络会议,交流银行业社会责任工作实践。The Bank successfully joined the UNGC, being the first domestic commercial bank to join this

166、organization, which enhanced its international reputation and social infuence. In addition, the Bank actively attended the network conference among China, Japan and South Korea, at which it communicated banking sectors working practices in social responsibility. 国际接轨 International development连续第五年在全

167、行范围举办社会责任专题培训,针对社会责任理论与实践、全球契约、社会责任报告编写等方面,安排了专家面授、经验交流以及公益实践,并将课件通过员工网络大学供全行分享。The Bank has organized special trainings on social responsibility for fve consecutive years, and organized face-to-face lectures given by experts, experience exchanges and public welfare activities regarding theories and

168、 practices of social responsibility, UNGC, compilation of social responsibility report and other aspects. In addition, the training materials were shared across the Bank through the online employee college.文化培育 Culture cultivation根据企业公民发展趋势以及利益相关方诉求,修订社会责任信息披露管理办法,通过制度化管理加强社会责任理念与实际工作的融合。Based on th

169、e trend of corporate citizenship and appeals of stakeholders, the Bank revised the Administrative Measures on Social Responsibility Information Disclosure, to integrate social responsibility concepts into practical work, through institutionalized management. 制度建设 Rule formulation责任管理社会评价社会责任战略与管理Str

170、ategy and Managementof Social Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Creditworthy Bank和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望OutlookDuring the reporting period, the Bank obtained widespread recognition on its performance of CSR from all walks of life at home and abroad. Th

171、e Bank was honored with almost 20 awards concerning CSR, such as Most Socially Responsible Financial Institution Award, 2012 Poverty Alleviation Ambassador Award ,Outstanding Contribution Award for New Great Wall Educational Support, Best Charitable Contribution Award,Best Practice Award for Social

172、Responsibility Management, Best Practice Award for Social Responsibility Promotion and Advanced Unit of Energy Conservation during 11th Five-Year-Plan. The Bank has initially established a multi-dimensional and multi-layer system for social responsibility management. Under the leadership of the Boar

173、d of Directors and the management, the Corporate Strategy and Investor Relations Department of the Head Ofce coordinated the overall work of social responsibility, formulated and released the corporate social responsibility report in a united manner. Relevant departments of the Head Ofce and branche

174、s were responsible for organizing relevant work and jointly promoted the performance and fulfllment of social responsibility.Responsibility ManagementSocial Recognition价值银行 Value Creator助力实体经济促进区域协调服务保障性住房支持新兴产业加大“三农”服务支持中小企业支持民族经济Boosting the Real EconomySupporting the Emerging Industries Reinforci

175、ng the Agriculture, Countryside and Farmers ServicesPromoting the Regional Coordination Serving the Construction of Low-income HousingSupporting the Small and Medium EnterprisesSupporting the National EconomyCORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 20122012 社会责任报告价值银行Value Creator2930金融服务经济,金融行业在坚持自身可

176、持续发展的同时,在服务和支持实体经济发展方面发挥了重要作用。报告期内,面对错综复杂的国际国内经济形势,本行全力支持实体经济平稳健康发展,推动产业结构升级,加大战略性新兴产业支持力度,促进区域经济平稳协调发展,为利益相关方创造了一流的价值。助力实体经济姜建清董事长在某机械集团生产车间调研Chairman Jiang Jianqing visited the production workshop of a heavy machinery group本行信贷支持的福州港罗源湾港区某作业区Working area of a bay port area of Fuzhou Port that rece

177、ived the credit support from the Bank 案例报告期内,本行继续坚持金融服务实体经济发展,保持信贷总量合理均衡增长、保障国家经济平稳协调较快发展的基础上,加大信贷结构调整力度,通过信贷杠杆推动了经济发展方式转变和经济结构调整。对关系国计民生的重大项目给予合理支持,同时继续有序支持在建、续建重点项目建设。报告期内,本行境内分行人民币贷款新增 8,672 亿元,增幅为 12.3%。本行河北分行针对一批产业带动性强的项目资金需求,制定综合金融服务方案,向包括重点区域路网、战略性新兴产业园区和港口等项目投放贷款 96.86 亿元。本行安徽分行加快项目衔接和贷款投放进度

178、,支持当地基础设施项目建设,投放贷款 23 亿元;着力推进民生项目建设,为市政供水、污水处理等公共事业投放贷款超过 7 亿元。本行湖南分行针对长株潭城市群获批为国家资源节约型和环境友好型社会建设试验区,经济发展迅速驶入快车道后区域内融资需求的高速增长, 主动上门服务, 出谋划策, 创造性地催生了 “两型社会” 产业投资基金新模式,并作为独家主理银行和托管银行,为率先试点的湘潭市产业投资基金提供“财务顾问 + 托管”的综合金融服务。30社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Bran

179、d Builder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Creditworthy Bank和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望OutlookFinance serves the economy. Finance played an important role in serving and supporting the real economy while adhering to its own sustainability. In face of the complex economic situations both at home and abro

180、ad during the reporting period, the Bank spared no efort to support the steady and healthy performance of the real economy, propel the industrial upgrade, intensify the support for the strategic emerging industries, and promote the steady and coordinated development of the regional economies. In thi

181、s respect, the Bank created the frst-class values for all the stakeholders. Hebei Branch designed comprehensive fnancial solutions to deliver comprehensive fnancial supports to a batch of key projects in Hebei Province, and offered an accumulated loan of RMB9,686 million to key regional road network

182、s, parks for strategic emerging industries, ports and other projects. Anhui Branch expedited the project identifcation and loan granting. The branch granted a total loan of RMB2.3 billion to support the construction of national infrastructure projects in the local region, and lent over RMB0.7 billio

183、n to finance the building of projects relating to peoples well-being in municipal water supply, sewage treatment and other public utility areas. After approved to be a national pilot for the construction of an energy-saving and environment-friendly society, the Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan city group s

184、howed a fast-growing fnancing demand in order to stake the swift economic development. Hunan Branch actively served the city group, acted as an advisor, and creatively designed the new mode of energy-saving and environment-friendly society for industrial investment funds. Besides, the branch deliver

185、ed comprehensive fnancial services integrating fnancial advisor + trusteeship to the Xiangtan Industrial Investment Fund, which was the pilot of such new mode. Boosting the Real EconomyDuring the reporting period, the Bank continued to serve the real economy development with financial services. It m

186、aintained a reasonable and balanced growth of credit amount and ensured a smooth, coordinated and fast national economy development. Besides, the Bank strengthened credit structure adjustment and promoted the transformation of economic development patterns and the economic structural adjustment thro

187、ugh credit leverage. It provided reasonable support to major projects that would afect national economy and peoples livelihood, while continuing to back up construction of key projects that were either under construction or expansion. During the reporting period, the new loans of all domestic branch

188、es reached RMB867.2 billion, up by 12.3%. CASE本行河北分行实地考察某国际展览交易城Hebei Branch visited international fair and exhibition city价值银行Value Creator3132支持新兴产业杨凯生行长深入四川企业调研President Yang Kaisheng visited an enterprise in Sichuan Province天津和谐型大功率机车检修基地项目现场Project site of Tianjin Harmony High Power Locomotive

189、Repair Base 本行上海市分行紧密结合长三角地区高等级航道网发展、上海国际航运中心建设,维护上海港作为世界第一大港的地位,积极支持上海市内河航道整治工程项目,参与银团贷款 7.3 亿元。本行福建分行为当地码头、港区中转库等项目投入金融资源,大幅度提升了区域基础设施;支持了福建省跨省区“北粮南运”和粮食进口物流通道无缝化连接,提高了全省粮食安全保障程度,对促进区域粮食产业聚集发展等具有重要意义。本行宁波分行坚持 “金融服务实体经济发展” 的要求, 积极实施从传统的 “资产拉动型” 向 “投行引领型” 和 “商投互动型”服务转变。报告期内,通过牵头银团贷款、利用理财资金、发展租赁业务,新投

190、放资金 274.7 亿元,为支持宁波经济发展提供了强有力的金融支持。案例案例案例2012 年,根据国家战略性新兴产业发展规划,本行完善行业信贷政策,建立健全适应战略性新兴产业发展的信贷评审和管理制度,积极发展新型金融业务,加大对战略性新兴产业领域的信贷投放。报告期内,本行先后制定并印发了 54个行业信贷政策,基本涵盖了国家确定的七大战略性新兴产业。为积极支持战略性新兴产业的出口增长,本行对全国重点出口地区及战略性新兴产业聚集地区制定了相关区域信贷政策;进一步细化了贸易融资产品政策,打造出口信贷、工程 + 金融、投行 + 贷款等具品牌效应的融资产品,帮助企业积极拓展海外市场。本行天津分行积极支持

191、“天津和谐型大功率机车检修基地”项目,该项目设计总规模满足管辖区内 3,000 台电力机车保有量的检修任务和年制造 200 台新车规模,项目建成后年产值约 40 亿元,实现了大功率机车的专业化集中检修,提高了我国机车检修标准和水平,对天津市重型装备制造行业的进步以及经济发展起到推动作用。本行广东分行和浙江分行围绕当地经济转型升级的战略机遇, 加大对先进制造业、 现代服务业、文化产业和战略性新兴产业等四大重点市场的信贷支持。报告期末,广东分行四大重点市场贷款余额达 2,922.5 亿元,其中,支持战略性新兴产业客户共220余户, 贷款余额107.6多亿元,支持文化产业信贷客户近 500 户,近三

192、年累计发放贷款 265.7 亿元;浙江分行四大重点市场贷款余额达3,134.01亿元, 较年初新增609.9亿元,占全部公司贷款增量的 146.3%。社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Creditworthy Bank和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望OutlookIn 2012, in accordance with the development planning o

193、f Chinas strategic emerging industries, the Bank improved the industrial credit policy, established and upgraded the credit review and management system that suits the development of the emerging industries, actively developed new fnancial services, and increased the supply of credit to strategic em

194、erging industries. During the reporting period, the Bank formulated and published 54 industrial credit policies, basically covering the seven strategic emerging industries confirmed by the State. To actively support the export growth of strategic emerging industries, the bank drew up regional credit

195、 policies for the national key export areas and the strategic emerging industrial clusters; it also further refined the policies of trade financing products, created financing products with brand efects, such as export credit, engineering + fnancing, and investment banking + loans, and helped enterp

196、rises to expand overseas markets.Guangdong Branch and Zhejiang Branch grasped the strategic opportunity created by the local economic reshufe and upgrade, and intensifed the credit support for four major areas, including advanced manufacturing, modern services, cultural industry and strategic emergi

197、ng industries. As at the end of the reporting period, Guangdong Branch had a combined loan balance of RMB292.25 billion to the aforesaid key areas, including a loan balance of over RMB10.76 billion with more than 220 customers engaged in the strategic emerging industries, and a cumulative loan size

198、of over RMB26.57 billion with nearly 500 customers in the cultural industry for the recent three years. Zhejiang Branch kept a consolidated loan balance of RMB313.401 billion with the aforesaid key areas, representing an increase of RMB60.99 billion compared to the beginning of the year and 146.3% o

199、f the total corporate loan increment. Tianjin Branch actively supported the project of Tianjin Harmony High Power Locomotive Repair Base, which was designed to overhaul 3,000 electrical locomotives in the local jurisdiction and produce 200 new locomotives every year. After completion, the project wi

200、ll 本行河南分行支持的某2X300MW等级燃气-蒸汽联合循环热电厂开工奠基仪式2X300MW Gas-steam circular power plant supported by Henan Branch赵林监事长深入客户生产现场调研Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, Zhao Lin visited the clients production siteSupporting the Emerging Industries CASEShanghai Branch contributed RMB730 million to a syndicated l

201、oan, and actively supported the inland river channel improvement project in Shanghai, in an efort to support the development of the high-grade channel in the Yangtze River Delta and the construction of the international shipping center in Shanghai, and keep Shanghai s position as the worlds largest

202、port. Fujian Branch injected financial resources into local ports, transit storages and other local projects, thereby enhancing the regional infrastructures to a large extent. Moreover, the branch supported the north-to-south grain transport project across diferent provinces and the seamless connect

203、ion of the grain import logistics channel in Fujian Province, which boosted the grain security level of the whole province and was important to promote the cluster development of the regional grain industry. Ningbo Branch persisted in the requirement that fnance serves the real economic development.

204、 The branch actively shifted from the traditional service type featuring asset pull to the service type featuring the investment banking drive and the commercial-investment interaction.During the reporting period, the branch provided a mighty fnancial support for the local economic development, and

205、newly granted RMB27,470 million by organizing syndicated loans, leveraging funds from wealth management products and developing the leasing business. realize an annual output value of RMB4 billion, realize the professional concentrated overhaul of high-power locomotives, lift Chinas locomotive overh

206、aul standard and level, and promote the advance of the local heavy machinery equipment manufacturing industry and the local economic development. 价值银行Value Creator3334本行加强信贷政策与区域发展政策的协调配合,进一步加大对中西部和东北地区经济发展的信贷支持力度。截至报告期末,本行中西部和东北地区分行各项贷款余额达 32,284 亿元,较年初增加 14.4%,高于全行贷款平均增幅 1.4 个百分点,新增贷款 4,064.51 亿元,

207、占全行新增贷款的 40.05%。本行甘肃分行紧密结合全省经济社会发展重点,增加信贷投放额度,报告期末,各项贷款增长 17.41%;报告期内累计向电力、公路、铁路等重点行业投放贷款 246.26 亿元。本行广西分行大力支持广西“一轴四纵四横”铁路网络体系建设、湘桂铁路扩能改造工程等一批重大项目的开工建设,为项目建设提供有针对性的服务方案,报告期内累计发放项目贷款(本外币)143.93 亿元,同比多投放 84.94亿元,比年初增加 25.36 亿元。本行贵州分行积极支持旅游业重点景区建设Guizhou Branch actively supported the development of key

208、 tourism destinations 王丽丽副行长出席金融市场支持青海经济发展研讨会Senior Executive Vice President, Wang Lili participated in the seminar for Qinghais economic development.促进区域协调本行建立了完善的中小企业金融服务体系,包括组织机构、人员队伍、产品体系、政策制度和内部流程。本行中小企业贷款总量居国内银行业之首。报告期内,本行进一步加大对中小企业的金融服务力度,加大优势产品市场推广,满足客户需求。本行“网贷通”业务具有承诺授信、客户自主操作、资金实时到帐、降低融资成本

209、等诸多特质,适应小企业“短、频、急”的融资需求,让客户体验到现代金融的高效、便捷。至报告期末,本行中小微型企业有贷户在公司贷款户中占比 92%,较年初增长 11.8%;贷款余额 42,312 亿元,在公司贷款中占比 72%,较年初增加 5,595 亿元、增长 15.2%。其中:小型微型企业贷款余额18,400亿元, 较年初增加1,500亿元、增幅 8.9%。支持中小企业本行福建分行调研福建某冷冻食品有限公司Fujian Branch paid a visit to a frozen food company in Fujian 案例社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managemen

210、tof Social Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Creditworthy Bank和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望OutlookThe Bank strengthened the coordination and cooperation between the credit policy and the regional development policy, and further reinforced the credit support

211、for the economic development in the central regions, the western regions and the northeastern regions. As at the end of the reporting period, the Bank kept an aggregate loan balance of RMB3,228.4 billion in the aforesaid regions, representing an increase of 14.4% compared to the beginning of the yea

212、r and exceeding the average loan growth rate across the Bank by 1.4 percentage points, and newly granted RMB406,451 million worth of loans, accounting for 40.05% of the overall loan increment throughout the Bank. Gansu Branch increased the credit granting to the key areas associated with the economi

213、c and social development in Gansu Province. As at the end of the reporting period, 17.41% of the overall loan increment. During the reporting period, the branch lent RMB24,626 million to such key industries as electrical power, road, railway. Guangxi Branch energetically supported the development of

214、 the One Axis, Four Vertical & Four Horizontal Railways network system, the Hunan-Guangxi Railway Expansion Project and other significant projects in Guangxi Autonomous Region, and delivered special service solutions to these projects. During the reporting period, the branch cumulatively granted a t

215、otal project loan of RMB14,393 million in both Renminbi and foreign currencies, representing an increase of RMB8,494 million compared to the prior year and an increase of RMB2,536 million compared to the beginning of the year. 本行辽宁分行调研信贷支持企业Liaoning Branch paid a visit to an enterprise receiving the

216、 credit support from the Bank李晓鹏副行长出席“振兴中原经济区”创新沙龙Senior Executive Vice President, Li Xiaopeng attended the innovation salon for economic development of Central China Economy Zone.Promoting the Regional Coordination The Bank is equipped with an adequate financial system serving small and medium ente

217、rprises, including organizational structure, staff team, product system, policy framework and internal flow. The Bank has ranked atop all the Chinese banks by the aggregate size of small and medium enterprise loans. During the reporting period, the Bank further strengthened the financial services fo

218、r small and medium enterprises, and reinforced the promotion and marketing of advantaged products to satisfy the customer demand. The online revolving loans business of the Bank delivers functions as loan commitment, self-help operation by customer, real-time fund transfer and reduction of financing

219、 cost, so it well satisfies the financing demand of small enterprises featuring short term, high frequency and urgent demand, and delivers an efcient and convenient experience of modern finance to customers. As at the end of the reporting period, small, medium and micro enterprises accounted for 92%

220、 of the total corporate loan customers and an increase of 11.8% compared to the beginning of the year, and the loan balance reached RMB4,231.2 billion, accounting for 72% of the total corporate loans and an increase of RMB559.5 billion or 15.2% compared to the beginning of the year. The loan balance

221、 of small and micro enterprises with outstanding loans reached RMB1,840 billion, an increase of RMB150 billion or 8.9% compared to the beginning of the year. Supporting the Small and Medium EnterprisesCASE价值银行Value Creator3536本行上海分行成功携手宝钢集团,共同开发联接宝钢和工行的国内首家跨系统电子供应链融资系统,通过该系统,本行可以为宝钢集团在全国范围内近 3 万家经销商

222、和供应商提供便捷的网络融资服务,拓宽了小企业融资渠道。本行四川分行以产品创新为切入点,根据中小企业园区集群特点,年内创新实施 52 项个性化融资方案,因地制宜推出网贷通、集群联保贷、酒贷通等一系列创新型产品,为企业提供多元化融资渠道,有效破解中小企业融资担保瓶颈问题,满足了中小企业多样化和个性化的融资需求。截至报告期末,中型企业贷款余额1,028.79 亿元,比年初增加 57.51 亿元;小企业贷款余额 524.92 亿元,比年初增加 151.50 亿元,分别占全行贷款净增额的 12.37% 和 40.57%。本行上海分行信贷支持改造外滩 22 号旧建筑Shanghai Branch prov

223、ided a credit support for the renovation of the old building located on the Bund No. 22案例案例本行福建分行为龙岩龙州工业园区设计“龙州工业园区小企业集群联保融资方案”。龙岩分行以福建龙州工业园区小企业为营销对象,针对园区内小企业因无法提供有效的资产抵(质)押担保导致融资难的情况,量身定制了龙州工业园区小企业集群联保融资方案。该方案实施后受到园区小企业的一致推崇,取得较好的社会效应。案例本行广东分行为满足小企业贷款“短、频、急”的融资需求,创新开发了“审贷通”远程视频审批系统。2012 年 3 月,东莞市某橡

224、胶制品有限公司急需贷款 100 万元。但该企业无法提供有效抵押物。本行东莞分行获悉后,迅速组织支行展开联动调查。调查结果表明,该企业生产经营状况较好,管理制度较为规范,信誉状况良好,原材料供应、产品销售都有稳定的渠道,有可预见的净现金流入量,第一还款来源有保证,因此迅速向该企业发放一笔 100 万元、期限 6 个月的免抵押“小额便利贷”,用于补充生产性流动资金,解决了资金周转紧张的问题,成功帮助企业渡过了难关。案例社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Builder绿

225、色银行Green Bank诚信银行Creditworthy Bank和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望OutlookShanghai Branch successfully developed the first intersystem electronic supply chain financing system connecting Baosteel Group and ICBC, the frst of its kind in China, hands in hands with Baosteel Group. With the system

226、, ICBC can deliver convenient online financing services to nearly 30,000 dealers and suppliers of Baosteel Group throughout the country, thereby providing a broader fnancing channel for small enterprises. During the reporting period, Sichuan Branch, starting from the product innovation, designed 52

227、personalized fnancing solutions based on the features of small and medium enterprise cluster in industrial parks, and launched a series of innovative products, including the online revolving loans, the cluster joint guarantee-backed loans and the alcohol loan express, so as to provide diversifed fna

228、ncing channels for corporate fnancing, which efectively solved the bottleneck problem of fnancing guarantee for small and medium enterprises, and satisfed their diversifed and personalized fnancing demands. As at the end of the year, the Branch kept a loan balance of RMB102,879 million with the medi

229、um enterprises, representing an increase of RMB5,751 million compared to the beginning of the year and accounting for 12.37% of the total net loan increase of the Branch, and recorded a loan balance of RMB52,492 million with the small enterprises, representing an increase of RMB15,150 million compar

230、ed to the beginning of the year and accounting for 40.57% of the total net loan increase of the Branch. CASECASEFujian Branch designed the Longzhou Industrial Park Small Enterprise Cluster Joint Guarantee-backed Financing Plan for Longyan Longzhou Industrial Park. In order to win small enterprise cu

231、stomers in Fujian Longzhou Industrial Park, Longyan Branch developed the Longzhou Industrial Park Small Enterprise Cluster Joint Guarantee-backed Financing Plan, a tailor-made fnancing solution aimed to solve the fnancing problem of those small enterprises that can t provide efective asset mortgage

232、(pledge) guarantee in the industrial park. After implementation, the solution was warmly welcomed by the small enterprises in the industrial park, and created good social benefts. CASECASEGuangdong Branch creatively developed the Loan Review Express, a remote video review system, in order to satisfy

233、 the demand of small enterprises for short, frequent and urgent loans. In March, 2012, a rubber products company in Dongguan City was urgent to borrow a loan of RMB1 million. However, the company couldnt provide an efective mortgage. After learning such situation, Dongguan Branch quickly organized t

234、he sub-branches to carry out a collaborative survey. The survey indicated that the company could provide a reliable primary repayment source, considering its good production and operating status, sound corporate governance, good credit standing, stable supply of raw materials, stable product sales c

235、hannels, and predictable net cash infow. Therefore, the branch quickly ofered a mortgage-free petty convenient loan involving an amount of RMB1 million and a term of 6 months. With the loan, the company replenished its working capital, mitigated its tight cash chain, and successfully tided over the

236、crisis.罗熹副行长出席全国小微企业金融服务评优表彰会Senior Executive Vice President, Luo Xi participated the Commendation Conference for the Competition of Financial Services to Chinas Micro-and-Small Enterprises.价值银行Value Creator3738本行宁波分行多措并举帮扶小微企业发展,开展了“行领导走访百家企业”、“百名客户经理进千家企业”等特色活动,加大实地走访频度,年内调研 280 次,走访企业 2,063 家,实地了

237、解并着力解决企业在生产经营中遇到的困难和问题;深入开展银企对接、帮扶结对及产品推介等专项活动,开展“小微企业请进行”活动,组织银企座谈会、对接洽谈会近 40 次,对接企业近 800 家,帮助解决难题近 500 个。报告期内,向小微企业累计发放贷款 654.8 亿元,小微企业贷款余额达到 431.7 亿元。重庆某百货公司为永川区零售行业龙头企业,其供应商有几百家,主要为经营服装、食品、农副产品等的小微企业,同时具有规模偏小、抵(质)押物缺乏、资金需求较旺的特点。其中,该公司采用先货后款结算方式的供应商就有 200 多家,挂账金额大都在100万元以下, 挂账周期一般在2-3个月,这些供应商通过传统

238、渠道难以从银行获得融资。针对上述难题,本行重庆分行为其设计个性化配套金融服务方案,引导其采用国内信用证结算方式, 解决供应商因无抵 (质)押物难融资的问题。该方案实施后,该公司通过本行,向其供应商累计开立了国内信用证 67 笔,本行向 23 户微型企业办理国内信用证议付 5,316 万元,笔均融资 79 万元, 单笔最小金额仅6万元。 通过上述方式,不仅解决了公司供应商融资难题,而且稳固了购销双方关系,实现了三方共赢。本行北京分行开展小微企业金融服务宣传活动Beijing Branch promoted fnancial services for small and micro enterpr

239、ises 本行广东分行营业部调研小企业Banking Department of Guangdong Branch visited a local small enterprise 案例案例本行黑龙江分行参加“黑河市中小企业服务平台成立”大会Heilongjiang Branch participated in the launch ceremony of the Heihe City Small and Medium Enterprise Service Platform 社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibility价值银行

240、Value Creator品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Creditworthy Bank和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望OutlookNingbo Branch helped the development of small and micro enterprises with diversifed measures. The branch hosted a series of personalized events, including the branch leaders visit to 100 en

241、terprises, and 100 customer managers contact with thousand enterprises. The heads of the institutions at diferent levels strengthened the on-site survey, and led 280 facts-fnding visits. At the same time, the customer managers visited 2,063 enterprises to fnd and solve the difculties and problems th

242、e enterprises encountered in production and operation. Besides, the branch launched special campaigns, such as the bank-enterprise interaction, the bank-enterprise pair and the product promotion, and opened the door wide to small and micro enterprises. The branch organized nearly 40 forums and fairs

243、, which benefted nearly 800 enterprises, and helped solve about 500 problems. During the reporting period, the branch cumulatively granted loans of RMB65.48 billion to small and micro enterprises, and posted a balance of small and micro enterprise loans at RMB43.17 billion. A department store is a l

244、eading retailer in Yongchuan District, and has hundreds of suppliers. Most of these suppliers are small and micro enterprises that specialize in apparels, foods and agricultural products, and feature small size, lack of mortgages (pledges) and robust fnancing demands. The company buys goods from mor

245、e than 200 of these suppliers on credit, involving a single amount below RMB1 million and a credit period of 2-3 months in most cases. These suppliers were difcult to access the fnancing service from banks through the traditional channels. To this end, Chongqing Branch designed a personalized fnanci

246、al service solution, and suggested the company adopt the domestic L/C settlement to solve the fnancing problem of its suppliers due to the failure to provide mortgages (pledges). After implementation of the solution, the company issued 67 domestic letters of credit to its suppliers via the Bank, and

247、 the Bank paid RMB53.16 million to 23 micro enterprises under the domestic letters of credit, involving an average amount of RMB790,000 and a minimum amount of only RMB60,000. The solution solved the fnancing problem of the companys suppliers, consolidated the business relations between each party,

248、and benefted all three parties. CASECASE本行江西分行深入安义工业园区调研Jiangxi Branch paid a visit to Anyi Industrial Park for in-depth research本行青岛分行开展小微企业金融服务宣传活动Qingdao Branch promoted financial services for small and micro enterprises 价值银行Value Creator3940本行持续加大对“三农”发展的信贷支持,提升重点涉农机构的信贷资源倾斜配置力度,有效推动了涉农贷款的平稳增长。截

249、至报告期末,本行涉农贷款余额比年初增长 20.23%,较好发挥了大银行在支持“三农”发展中的表率作用,有力支持了“三农”发展。本行于 2009 年启动了县支行变革,在积极做好县域现有机构网络布局优化调整的基础上,在县域及其下辖乡镇增建营业网点,填补本行在部分县域的服务空白点,对重点县支行在政策制度、资源配置等方面给予大力倾斜支持,有效增强了本行对县域经济的支持力度和对县域客户的服务水平。截至报告期末,本行县域机构网点数5,242 家,较年初增加 221 家,增幅 4.4%。加大“三农”服务本行江苏分行加大“三农”服务Jiangsu Branch reinforced the Agricultu

250、re, Countryside and Farmers Services本行海南分行开展“金融业务进乡村”系列活动Hainan Branch introduced fnancial services to rural area本行信贷支持的福建马岩旅游生态园Fujian Mayan Tourism Ecological Farm received the credit support from the Bank案例案例本行山东分行专门制定关于加快重点县域支行信贷业务发展的意见,配套出台业务流程、资源配置、渠道建设、激励考核等倾斜措施。报告期内累计在县域、乡镇地区新建网点65 家;新增重点县域、

251、乡镇贷款 181.05 亿元,余额达到 1,476.19 亿元;新增新农村建设专项融资 26 亿元,余额达到 33.9 亿元。本行福建分行金融支持福鼎某水产食品有限公司。该水产集团从一家乡镇小企业成长为宁德市最大的集水产品养殖、加工、出口贸易为一体的工贸企业,也是福鼎市最大的出口创汇龙头企业,年出口额占全市年度出口额的 70%以上。企业的跨越发展也带动了福鼎及周边地区 5,000 多户渔民的增产增收,以及当地以海产品养殖、加工为主的海洋经济的健康发展。截至报告期末,浙江平湖工银村镇银行和重庆璧山工银村镇银行贷款余额分别为 14.5 亿元和 4.8 亿元。两家村镇银行依托工商银行强大的市场品牌、

252、科技实力与网络渠道,坚持“服务民生、服务三农、服务中小”的办行宗旨和错位竞争、差异发展、特色经营、个性服务的经营方针, 充分发挥新型经营体制、机制优势,着力将自身打造成切实服务中小企业和农村经济的新型特色农村金融机构,取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益。社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Creditworthy Bank和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望OutlookThe

253、Bank continuously promoted the credit support for the development of agriculture, countryside and farmers, guided the major institutions specializing in the agricultural loan business to scale up the allocation of credit resources, and efectively promoted the steady growth of agriculture-related loa

254、ns. As at the end of the reporting period, the balance of agriculture-related loans increased by 20.23% compared to the beginning of the year. The Bank played a good leading role as a large bank in supporting the development of agriculture, countryside and farmers, and effectively backed the develop

255、ment of agriculture, countryside and farmers. In 2009, the Bank started the county sub-branch reform. with optimizing and adjusting the distribution of the existing outlet network at the county level, the Bank opened more business outlets in counties and towns under these counties, thereby extending

256、 the fnancial services to these areas. Furthermore, the Bank gave a great preference for the key county sub-branches in policy, resource allocation and other aspects, effectively reinforced the support for the local economic development and enhanced the customer services in these areas. As at the en

257、d of the reporting period, the Bank owned 5,242 outlets at the county level, representing an increase of 221 ones or 4.4% compared to the beginning of the year. As at the end of the reporting period, Zhejiang Pinghu ICBC Rural Bank Co., Ltd. and Chongqing Bishan ICBC Rural Bank Co., Ltd. recorded a

258、loan balance of RMB1,450 million and RMB480 million respectively. Relying on ICBC s powerful market brand, IT strengths and network, the two rural banks adhered to the mission of serving peoples well-being, serving agriculture, countryside and farmers, and serving small and medium enterprises, and p

259、ersisted in the operating policy of stagger competition, differential development, specialized operation and personalized service. Besides, they made the most out of their advantages in the new operating system and mechanism, strived to build themselves into new featured rural financial institutions

260、 effectively serving small and medium enterprises and the rural economy, and attained good economic benefts and social benefts as a result. Shandong Branch specially formulated the Opinions on Accelerating the Credit Business Development of Key County Sub-branches, and also carried out the preferent

261、ial policy in business flow, resource allocation, channel building, incentive, evaluation and other aspects. During the reporting period, the branch built a total of 65 outlets in the counties and towns, granted new loans of RMB18,105 million to the key counties and towns and recorded a loan balance

262、 of RMB147,619 million. Meanwhile, the branch newly ofered a special fnancing of RMB2.6 billion used for the construction of the new socialist countryside, and had a loan balance of RMB3.39 billion. Fujian Branch financially backed a Fujian Fuding Fishing Food Co., Ltd. The company has grown from a

263、small township enterprise to the largest industrial and trade enterprise integrating the breeding, processing and export trade of aquatic products in Ningde City. Also, the company is the largest local exporter, which contributes more than 70% of the annual export value of Fuding City. With its leap

264、ing development, the company has promoted the output and income growth of more than 5,000 fshermen in Fuding City and the surrounding areas, and driven the sound development of the local marine economy focusing on the breeding and processing of fshing products. Reinforcing the Agriculture, Countrysi

265、de and Farmers Services工银租赁支持新疆农业产业化龙头企业ICBC Leasing supported a Xinjiang leading agricultural enterprise价值银行Value Creator4142本行黑龙江分行为推动建三江垦区建设,积极做好金融服务工作。一是保障春耕生产,累计为 15 家农机合作社发放贷款 7,505 万元。二是保障秋粮收储。2012 年,以信用或由所在地农场提供保证担保的方式为 8 家水稻合作社发放流动资金贷款 5.94 亿元。三是创新融资产品,本行向第三方合作机构信托公司推荐,为农场设立特定耕地租金收益权信托计划,通过

266、本行发行法人理财产品,募集来的资金投资于该信托计划,累计为 3 家农场办理财产收益权理财业务 3 亿元。本行天津分行以新农村(小城镇)贷款为突破口,支农力度不断加大,涉农贷款余额不断增长。报告期内新支持西青区王稳庄镇、精武镇、北辰区北仓镇、津南区双桥河镇、八里台镇等示范小城镇建设项目。截至报告期末,小城镇贷款余额超过 100 亿元,对当地经济社会可持续发展做出了应有贡献。本行陕西分行积极支持农业产业化重点龙头企业。 报告期内, 信贷支持一家集饲料生产、 种猪繁育、 商品猪生产、市场交易、屠宰加工、副产品深加工、生物制品和市场营销的农工贸一体化、生产、加工、销售一条龙的国家重点龙头企业。项目投产

267、后,不仅可以在当地建立种猪养殖、生猪养殖、生猪屠宰、生猪深加工的全产链,而且可以为当地农户的生猪养殖提供销售保障。本行河南分行参加河南某农牧股份有限公司项目奠基仪式Henan Branch jointed a project foundation stone laying ceremony本行青海分行调研产业化龙头企业Qinghai Branch paid a visit to a leading enterprise specialized in agricultural industrialization 本行江苏分行积极服务水产养殖户Jiangsu Branch provided fna

268、ncial services to aquaculture farmers案例社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Creditworthy Bank和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望OutlookHeilongjiang Branch actively ofered fnancial services in support of the building of the Th

269、ree Rivers Reclamation Area. Firstly, the branch cumulatively granted a total loan of RMB75.05 million to 15 agricultural machinery cooperatives to support the spring plowing. Secondly, the branch supported the harvest and storage of autumn crops. In 2012, the branch granted a total working capital

270、loan of RMB594 million to 8 rice cooperatives unsecured or guaranteed by the farms where these cooperatives were located. Thirdly, the branch innovated fnancing products. The branch recommended the farms to third-party partners-trust companies, which launched the trust plans for the right to beneft

271、from the rent of specifc farmlands, issued corporate wealth management products via the branch, and invested the fund raised into the trust plans. The branch cumulatively handled the wealth management business involving RMB300 million for three farms based on the property usufruct right. Tianjin Bra

272、nch kept intensifying the support for agriculture, rural areas and farmers, and increasing the agriculture-related loan balance by ofering the loans for the new countryside (small town) constructions. During the reporting period, the branch newly supported the small town pilot construction projects

273、in Wangwenzhuang Town and Jingwu Town of Xiqing District, Beicang Town of Beichen District, and Shuangqiaohe Town and Balitai Town of Jinnan District. As at the end of the reporting period, the small town loans of Tianjin Branch reached a loan balance above RMB10 billion, and made due contribution t

274、o the sustainable economic and social development in the local region. Shaanxi Branch actively supported the leading enterprises specializing in agricultural industrialization. During the reporting period, the branch supported a national leading enterprise specializing in agricultural industrializat

275、ion, combining agriculture, industry and trade, and integrating feed production, boar breeding, commodity hog production, market trading, slaughtering, processing, deep processing of byproducts, biological products and marketing. After completion, the project could forge an entire industrial chain c

276、onsisting of boar breeding, live pig raising, live pig slaughtering, and deep processing of live pigs in the local community, and provide sales support for the live pig breeding in the local community. 本行辽宁分行组织的新农村带头人俱乐部启动仪式Liaoning Branch hosted the launch ceremony for the New Countryside Pioneers

277、Club 本行江西分行设立的助农取款点及召开金融服务三农暨银社战略合作启动大会Jiangxi Branch set up a banking outlet for nearby farmers convenience and held the launch ceremony for fnancial services oriented to agriculture, countryside and farmers as well as the bank-cooperative strategic partnershipCASE价值银行Value Creator4344报告期内,本行认真贯彻落实

278、国家房地产宏观调控政策,积极为各地保障性安居工程建设提供信贷支持和金融服务,履行大型国有商业银行应尽的社会责任。本行已开办的保障性安居工程建设贷款业务包括经济适用住房开发贷款、限价住房开发贷款、廉租住房建设贷款、城市棚户区改造贷款和公共租赁住房建设贷款。本行严格执行国家及监管部门差别化住房信贷政策 , 在风险可控的前提下积极发展个人住房贷款业务,支持居民购买首套普通住房。报告期内,本行发放个人住房贷款中,一套房占比 95.45%,二套房占比 4.55%,暂停发放三套房及以上贷款。服务保障性住房本行广西分行在报告期内推进多项保障性住房建设项目, 如贷款支持南宁市某二期经济适用房项目。该项目是南宁

279、市第一个实行招投标选择开发商的经济适用房项目,也是南宁市政府为民办实事的项目之一,目前已陆续向准购居民推出,可解决 2,990 户低收入家庭的基本居住需求。本行陕西分行支持的保障房建设项目The afordable housing project supported by Shaanxi Branch本行辽宁分行在报告期先后向辽宁两个房地产企业投放棚户区改造贷款 4.95 亿元,有力地支持了盘锦铁东棚户区和城北棚户区两个项目改造。同时,为保障两个棚户区改造项目的顺利实施,又为两个项目续贷 5.05 亿元,最大限度地满足棚户区改造项目在贷款额度和期限上的需求。金融支持盘锦老城区棚户区改造现场推进

280、会On-site promotion meeting on financial support for the renovation of shantytowns in the old district of Panjin City报告期内,本行厦门分行为当地最大保障性安居工程项目某限价房项目,提供 6 亿元的融资额度。该项目系福建省首个保障性安居工程综合体项目“洋唐居住区”建设规划之一,总用地面积 78,599 平方米,总建筑面积 206,992 平方米。案例社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibility价值银行Value C

281、reator品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Creditworthy Bank和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望Outlook本行天津分行支持的安置用房项目Resettlement housing project supported by Tianjin BranchDuring the reporting period, the Bank carried out the real estate regulation policy of the State in earnest, actively deliver

282、ed credit support and financial services to the low-income housing projects in different regions, and performed the due social responsibility as a large state-owned commercial bank. In this respect, the Bank ofered development loans for economically affordable housing projects, development loans for

283、 price-limited housing projects, loans for low-rent housing projects, loans for urban shanty town reconstruction and loans for public renting houses. The Bank strictly executed the diferential housing credit policies made by the state and the regulatory authorities, actively developed the personal h

284、ousing loan business while ensuring the controllable risk, and helped residents buy their first common houses. During the reporting period, loans of the frst houses and the second houses were accounting for 95.45% and 4.55% of the total personal housing loans respectively. The Bank suspended the loa

285、ns for the third houses and more. During the reporting period, Guangxi Branch implemented a number of affordable housing construction projects such as the phase-II project of building the economically afordable houses in Nanning City, which was successfully completed with the loan support. This proj

286、ect is the frst afordable housing project of Nanning City subject to the selection of developers by bidding and tendering, and also the frst project refecting Nannings policy of doing actual deeds for the people. At present, they have been opened to the qualified residents in succession, and the bas

287、ic housing needs of 2,990 low-income families can be satisfed.During the reporting period, Liaoning Panjin Branch issued the loans of RMB495 million to two real estate development companies, in succession for the purpose of renovating shantytowns, and efectively supported two projects of renovating

288、shantytowns in Tiedong and Northern part of Panjin City. Meanwhile, to ensure the smooth implementation of the two projects, additional loan of RMB505 million was granted to maximally satisfy the demands of the projects in loan limit and term. During the reporting period, Xiamen Branch provided the

289、financing limit of RMB600 million for the largest afordable housing project, a price-fxed Housing Project. This project is a part of the construction planning of Yangtang Residence Area, the frst afordable housing project complex of Fujian Province. Its total land area is 78,599 square meters, with

290、the total construction area of 206,992 square meters.Serving the Construction of Low-income HousingCASECASECASE价值银行Value Creator4546宁夏回族自治区南部山区处于贫困县以下的回族人口最为集中。近年来,本行宁夏分行累计新增 15 亿元贷款积极支持生态移民安置企业发展,有效提升了生态移民安置企业的承载能力 ; 积极拓展以枸杞、羊绒、清真食品等地方特色产业为主的专业市场,创新开展了以农户联保形式的个人经营贷款、个人小额贷款,推动地方特色经济发展。本行新疆分行围绕自治区经济发

291、展重点 , 以优质项目贷款为主线,以贸易融资等短期信贷产品为补充,优化和调整信贷结构,稳步推进信贷业务的发展, 有力推动了民族地区经济发展。报告期末,公司贷款余额达 490.68 亿元,较年初净增 101.88 亿元,增幅 26.2%。支持民族经济姜建清董事长接受宁夏回族自治区政府颁发的“中国 - 阿拉伯国家经贸论坛金融服务顾问”聘书Chairman Jiang Jianqing accepted the letter of appointment of the “Financial Service Advisor of China-Arab States Economic and Trade

292、 Forum” granted by the People s Government of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region本行历来重视民族地区经济发展,致力于推动民族地区团结,持续改善少数民族地区金融服务,促进民族地区经济健康快速发展。报告期内,本行紧紧围绕民族地区工业化、城镇化建设步伐,积极支持当地国计民生重大项目的发展,切实解决当地中小企业及三农融资难问题,为民族地区经济发展提供持续的金融服务。张红力副行长赴西藏分行调研Senior Executive Vice President, Zhang Hongli conducted a survey of Tibe

293、t Branch 案例社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Creditworthy Bank和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望OutlookThe Bank has always attached great importance to the economic development of ethnic areas, committed to promoting the

294、unity of ethnic areas, and continued to improve the fnancial services in the ethnic minority areas and promote the healthy and rapid economic development in ethnic areas. During the reporting period, focusing on the industrialization and urbanization of ethnic areas, the Bank actively supported the

295、development of major projects concerning the local peoples livelihood, efectively solved the fnancing difculties of local SMEs, agriculture, farmers and rural areas, and provided the sustainable financial services for the economic development of ethnic areas.The Hui people below the poverty line mai

296、nly live in the southern mountain areas of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. In recent years, Ningxia Branch has totally granted new loans of RMB1.5 billion to support the development of ecological migration and resettlement enterprises, which effectively improved the bearing capacity of ecological mig

297、ration and resettlement enterprises. In addition, the branch actively expanded the specialized markets of local feature industries with regard to wolfberry, cashmere and Moslem food, and innovated the personal business loan and personal loan in the form of farmers joint guarantee, which promoted the

298、 development of local feature economy.Xinjiang Branch focused on the economic development priorities of the autonomous region, with the quality project loan as the main line, and trade fnance and other short-term credit products as the supplement, optimized and adjusted the credit structure, and ste

299、adily promoted the development of credit operations, which vigorously promoted the economic development in ethnic areas. As at the end of the reporting period, the balance of corporate loans reached RMB49,068 million, representing an increase of RMB10,188 million and 26.2% compared to the beginning

300、of the year.Supporting the National Economy本行子公司工银租赁支持建设的小湾水电站大坝Dam of the Xiaowan Hydropower Station supported by ICBC Leasing, a subsidiary of the Bank本行参加阿里地区曲松乡路面硬化项目开工典礼The Bank participated in the Road Surface Improvement Project in Qusong Village, Ali Region本行内蒙分行支持的内蒙古成吉思汗旅游项目Inner Mongolia

301、Genghis Khan tourism project supported by Inner Mongolia Branch 品牌银行 Brand Builder提升客户服务建立一流品牌加强全球履责Promoting Customer Services Strengthening Global CSR PracticeBuilding up First-class BrandsCORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 20122012 社会责任报告品牌银行Brand Builder4950持续改进客户服务报告期内,本行积极推动“满意在工行”主题活动,实施标

302、本兼治的服务改进策略,以改进窗口服务为重点,以解决突出问题为突破口,以构建长效工作机制为保障,通过拓展服务渠道、创新服务手段、优化业务流程、提高服务效率等措施,全面推动服务改进。全行服务面貌得到大幅提升,客户体验不断优化。客户服务渠道进一步拓宽,客户服务更加便捷报告期内,本行通过新建增设、迁址重装、优化调整等形式,使网点布局更加优化,客户服务更加便捷。截至报告期末,本行共有营业网点 16,718 家,其中财富管理中心 268 家、贵宾理财中心 5,028 家、理财网点 8,779 家、金融便利店 2,643 家,形成了更加科学、完善的客户分层服务体系。在各营业网点内,本行进一步加强了无障碍设施

303、建设,完善了员工助残服务规范。在 2012 年中国银行业文明规范服务示范单位评选活动中,本行有 116 家网点入选中国银行业协会千佳名单,连续三年同业排名第一。同时,本行加大自助设备布放和运营维护的力度,推广了自助发卡机等新型设备,提高了自助服务对客户的友好性和吸引力,渠道服务能力不断提升。报告期内,全行可用ATM设备总量突破7万台, 自助终端数量达到4.35万台,POS 设备达到 94 万台。本行在电话银行服务上继续保持高水平。报告期内,电话银行 95588 接听率保持在 95% 以上,20 秒电话接听率保持在 90% 以上,还推出了外呼业务服务,服务内涵进一步深化,服务价值进一步提升。为响

304、应客户移动金融服务新需求,本行加快手机银行、短信银行、电视银行等新型服务渠道建设,推出手机预约取现、移动生活客户端、移动在线客服、手机银行捐款和位置营销等新服务,积极利用移动终端功能让客户获得更加便捷和时尚的操作体验;在业界率先推出并不断拓展短信银行服务,内容涵盖金融信息查询、账户信息查询、转账支付、短信提醒、自助管理 5 大类服务 74项功能。报告期内,本行通过网上银行、电话银行、手机银行、自助银行完成的交易笔数占全部交易的比例提高到75.1%。提升客户服务赵林监事长调研上海分行服务工作Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, Zhao Lin conduc

305、ted a survey on the service capability of Shanghai Branch开展网点柜员业务技能竞赛活动,提升业务服务能力和效率The Bank launched the business skill competition for the tellers to develop service capacity and efciency 50社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行C

306、reditworthy Bank和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望OutlookSustainable improving customer services The Bank opened more customer service channels, and delivered more convenient customer services During the reporting period, the Bank actively carried forward the event themed at Feel Satisfied at I

307、CBC, and implemented the service improvement strategy with thorough solutions. The Bank mainly focused on the counter service, and solved prominent problems in order to build a long-acting working mechanism. Moreover, the Bank opened more service channels, created new service modes, optimized busine

308、ss fows and increased the service efficiency. As a result, the Bank improved the service in every aspect, lifted the overall service level to a large extent and continuously optimized the customer experience.During the reporting period, the Bank further optimized the outlet distribution and delivere

309、d more convenient services to customers through the building of new outlets, relocations, redecorations, optimizations and adjustments. As at the end of the reporting period, the Bank owned a total of 16,718 outlets, including 268 wealth management centers, 5,028 VIP wealth management centers, 8,779

310、 wealth management outlets, and 2,643 financial convenience stores, thereby forming a more scientific and refined hierarchical customer service system. At every outlet, the Bank further strengthened the service facilities accessible to the disabled persons, and refined the service standard for the d

311、isabled persons. During the rating of the model entities with civilized and normative services in the Chinese banking sector in 2012, 116 outlets of the Bank were selected into the list of the top 1,000 institutions prepared by China Banking Association, and the Bank ranked top among the peers for t

312、hree consecutive years. In the meantime, the Bank strengthened the deployment, operation and maintenance of the self-service equipment, promoted such emerging equipment as self-service card issuing machines, made self-help services more friendly and more attractive to customers, and continuously enh

313、anced the channel service capacity. During the reporting period, the ATMs of the Bank available for use exceeded 70,000 units, the quantity of the self-service terminals reached 43,500 units, and the quantity of the POS terminals achieved 940,000 units. The Bank continuously kept the telephone banki

314、ng service at a high level. During the reporting period, the telephone banking hotline 95588 answered more than 95% of the calls, answered over 90% of the calls within 20 seconds, and launched the outgoing call service. Besides, the hotline further deepened the service contents and further enhanced

315、the service values. To respond to the new customer demands for mobile fnancial services, the Bank moved faster to build the mobile banking, the short message banking, the TV banking and other new service channels, released such new services as the appointment cash withdrawal on mobile phone, mobile

316、life client, mobile online customer service, mobile banking donation and position marketing, and delivered a more convenient and fashionable experience to customers with the mobile terminal functions. Moreover, the Bank took the lead in launching and continuously launching the short message banking

317、service, covering 74 functions under fve categories, including fnancial information inquiry, account information inquiry, transfer & payment, short message alert and self-service management. The proportion of the transactions completed through internet banking, tellephone banking, mobile banking and

318、 self-service banking in all transactions rose to 75.1% in the full year. Promoting Customer Services 刘立宪纪委书记在广西分行网点调研Secretary of Party Discipline Committee, Liu Lixian conducted a survey of Guangxi Branch 品牌银行Brand Builder5152本行将业务流程综合改造和优化作为提升网点服务效率的一项治本工程来推进, 实施了跨部门、跨机构、跨平台、跨业务的流程改造和优化。如多次填单、多次授

319、权、多次打印、多次输密等基层行反映强烈、严重影响客户和柜员体验的 533 项紧迫性问题全面解决,“一次填单、一次输密、一次授权”流程综合改造项目稳步推进,推出了网点排队管理系统,完善了产品预约服务和柜面预结合现代金融服务的新要求和客户需求的新变化,本行加强了服务制度体系建设,构建起了一套涵盖服务标准、监督检查、考核评价等方面的服务工作制度框架,为客户服务改进打下了坚实的制度基础。本行进一步加强了营业网点服务规范落实情况的监督和监测,组织开展了营业网点服务非现场检查活动,推广应用了营业网点服务质量监测评价系统和排队管理系统,开展了个人客户满意度第三方调查工作,组织了“千名记者进工行,万篇文章评服

320、务”的活动,调研了全行客户满意度状况,发掘了影响客户满意度的主要因素,为客户服务改进提供了数据支撑,夯实了服务工作的基础。业务流程更加优化,业务办理更加顺畅服务改进长效机制渐趋完善,服务质量监测更加及时高效柜面对公非现金业务集中处理比例达到97%Increased the proportion of concentrated non-cash corporate transactions at counters to 97%易会满副行长出席全行服务工作推动会Senior Executive Vice President, Yi Huiman attended the Service Capab

321、ility Promotion Meeting of the Bank填单服务,实现了近 20 项个人非实时业务集中处理,有效提高了业务处理和服务效率,客户业务办理时间明显缩短,客户体验明显改善。业务集中处理改革继续深化,本行柜面对公非现金业务集中处理比例达到 97%,业务集约运营成效进一步显现,业务运营和服务支持水平得到进一步提高。社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Creditworthy Bank和谐银行Har

322、monious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望OutlookIn view of the new requirements created by modern financial services and new dynamics of customer demands, the Bank strengthened the service policy regime, and established a service policy framework covering service standard, supervision, inspection, assessment

323、, appraisal and other areas, thereby paving the way to improve the customer service. The Bank further intensifed the supervision and monitored on the execution of service standards in the business outlets, carried out the ofsite service inspection on the business outlets, promoted the service qualit

324、y monitoring & assessment system and the queuing management system in the business outlets, investigated the third-party survey on personal customer satisfaction, organized the campaign of Thousand Journalists Entering ICBC, Ten Thousand Articles Reviewing its Service, surveyed the overall customer

325、satisfaction, and identified the major factors that influenced the customer satisfaction. This has provided a data support for improving the customer service and cementing the service work. The Bank saw the comprehensive flow reengineering and optimization as a fundamental move to enhance the servic

326、e efficiency of the outlets, and carried out the flow reengineering and optimization across departments, across institutions, across platforms and across businesses. For example, the Bank solved all the 533 urgent problems that suffered strong complaints from the institutions at the basic level and

327、badly influenced the customer and teller experience, such as repeated document filling, repeated authorization, repeated printing and repeated entry of passwords, and steadily carried forward the comprehensive flow reengineering project oriented to document filling, password entry and authorization

328、at one time, launched The Bank further optimized the business fow, and streamlined the business processing The Bank gradually refined the long-acting service improvement mechanism, and monitored the service quality in a more timely and efcient manner 客户投诉和重复投诉分别下降了73和91%The customer complaints and r

329、epeated complaints about the Bank fell down by 73% and 91% respectivelythe outlet queuing management system, refined the product appointment service and the preliminary document filling service at the counter, realized the concentrated processing of nearly 20 personal businesses requiring no real-ti

330、me processing, and thus effectively upgraded the business processing and service efficiency. As a result, the Bank obviously reduced the business processing time and improved the customer experience. The Bank further deepened the concentrated business processing, increased the proportion of concentr

331、ated non-cash corporate businesses at counters to 97%, further exhibited the effect of the concentrated business processing, and further enhanced the business operation and service support. 本行安徽分行开展“千名记者进工行,万篇文章评服务”的活动Anhui Branch launched the campaign of Thousand Journalists Entering ICBC, Ten Thou

332、sand Articles Reviewing its Services品牌银行Brand Builder5354报告期内,本行大力加强新产品研发,着力强化服务创新,致力推进科技创新,不断通过创新推动全行经营转型,提升服务和发展能力。在金融资产服务领域,创新推出了第三方支付机构备付金存管、账户原油、个人账户外汇买卖、外汇买卖双向交易、账户贵金属转换等产品,研发了无固定期限定投、黄金实物全回购、积存金延伸兑换功能、金融产品交易撮合等产品服务,助力了企业和个人客户财产性收入增长,推动了本行由持有资产大行向管理资产大行转变。在信贷领域,创新推出了电子供应链商品质押融资、小企业账户卡循环贷款、个人助业

333、贷款、个人留学贷款、个人家居消费贷款、个人文化消费贷款、个人理财产品质押等产品服务,促进了信贷结构调整,有力支持了实体经济发展。在电子银行领域,创新推出了 Android 网上银行、移动生活客户端、手机预约取现、企业网银外汇买卖、火狐 / 谷歌浏览器版本网银、短信银行智能应答、自助发卡机等产品服务,推动了渠道转型和业务分流,提升了电子化服务水平。在支付结算和银行卡领域,创新推出了账户管家、整汇零取、银医一卡通、JCB 双币信用卡、借贷合一卡、工银安盛联名卡、金融 IC 卡多功能终端等产品,研发了两卡一账户信用卡产品,促进了中间业务发展,拓展了新的利润增长点。在跨境金融服务领域,创新推出了海外

334、iPhone 手机银行、海外工银电子密码器、境外联名卡、海外电话银行、个人客户全球资产管理等产品服务,增强了境外机构内生发展能力,提升了全球一体化服务水平。在重点客户和重点区域专属产品领域,创新推出了高端客户预约理财和定向营销、私人银行专属网银、节节高存款、运通百夫长卡、中小商户移动支付终端等产品,促进了客户结构和区域结构的持续优化。金融创新支持服务提升客户在产品创新日活动现场参观交流Customers exchanged views on the Product Innovation Day 张红力副行长参加贵金属产品发布会Senior Executive Vice President, Z

335、hang Hongli attended precious metal products launching ceremony报告期内,本行继续举办了产品创新日暨产品体验月活动,通过展示重点创新产品、邀请来宾参观资金交易室、举办产品创新论坛、动员全行开展产品体验营销等活动形式,引导客户更多地了解、关注和体验本行的产品和服务,进一步拓宽了客户意见建议的征集渠道,增强了客户对本行专业化程度的直观感受,加深了客户对前沿金融领域知识的认知。活动期间累计有 15 万名客户体验和使用了本行最新产品,客户发来产品体验征文 355 篇。社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof So

336、cial Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Creditworthy Bank和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望OutlookImproving service supported by fnancial innovationDuring the reporting period, the Bank energetically strengthened the research and development of new products, reinf

337、orced the service innovation with great efforts, dedicated itself to scientific and technological innovation, and kept promoting the business transformation and upgrading the service and development capacity through innovation. In respect of financial asset service, the Bank creatively launched a nu

338、mber of products such as the reserve custody for third-party payment institution, crude oil on account, foreign exchange trading on personal account, two-way foreign exchange trading and switch of Paper Precious Metals, developed the regular investment without fxed term, physical gold repurchase, Go

339、ld accumulation derived exchange fanction, financial product deal making and other product services, boosted the wealth income growth of both corporate and personal customers, and propelled the transition from a large asset holder to a large asset manager. In respect of credit, the Bank creatively r

340、eleased a string of product services such as the pledge financing for electronic supply chain commodity, the revolving loan under the small enterprise account card, the personal business loan, the personal overseas study loan, the personal household consumer loan, the personal cultural consumption l

341、oan and the personal wealth management product pledge, which promoted the credit restructuring, and vigorously supported the development of the real economy. In respect of e-banking, the Bank creatively released a series of new product services such as the Android internet banking, the mobile life c

342、lient, the appointment cash withdrawal on mobile phone, the foreign exchange trading through the corporate internet banking, the internet banking for the Firefox/Google browsers, the smart response of the short message banking and the self-service card issuing machine, which drove the channel transf

343、ormation and business diversifcation from the traditional channels, and lifted the e-banking service level. In respect of payment, settlement and bank card business, the Bank creatively launched such products as the Account Manager, the Lump Sum Remittance & Withdrawal on Installments, the Bank-Hosp

344、ital Card, the JCB dual-currency credit card, the credit-debit-in-one card, the ICBC-AXA co-branded card, the financial IC card multifunctional terminal, and developed the credit card featuring two cards in one account, which promoted the development of the intermediate businesses, and expanded new

345、proft growth areas. In respect of cross-border fnancial service, the Bank creatively released a number of products and services, including the overseas iPhone mobile banking, the overseas ICBC electronic password device, the overseas co-branded card, the overseas telephone banking and the global ass

346、et management service for personal customers, which reinforced the endogenous development capacity of the overseas institutions, and lifted the global integrated service level. In respect of exclusive products for key accounts and key regions, the Bank creatively launched a series of products, inclu

347、ding the appointment wealth management and directed marketing for hi-end customers, the exclusive internet banking for private banking, the Jie Jie Gao Deposit, the American Express Centurion Card, the mobile payment terminal for small and medium merchants, and promoted the continuous optimization o

348、f the customer structure and the regional structure. In the reporting period, the Bank continued to organize the Product Innovation Day and Product Experience Month program. The Bank provided customers with more knowledge and experience concerning the Banks products and services by showcasing key in

349、novative products, inviting guests to the Treasury Dealing Room, holding product innovation forums and carrying out bank-wide product experience and marketing activities, which further expanded the channels for collecting customers opinions and suggestions, boosted customers direct experience of the

350、 Banks professionalism and deepened their knowledge on financial frontiers. During this program, 150,000 customers experienced and used the latest products of the Bank and 355 product experience articles were received from customers. 易会满副行长出席产品创新日暨产品体验月启动仪式Senior Executive Vice President, Yi Huiman

351、attended the launching ceremony of the Product Experience Month in the Product Innovation Day 品牌银行Brand Builder5556报告期内,本行积极推动国际化战略,新增覆盖 6 个国家,主要集中在东欧、南美、中东等新兴空白市场。同时,本行增强了亚太、欧美等已覆盖市场的服务能力。截至报告期末,本行已建成了覆盖 39 个国家和地区、分支机构总数 383 家、员工总数近万人的海外服务网络。加强全球履责本行通过举办“走出去”企业推介会,“区域内外联动座谈会”等方式,加强内外联动工作,为企业走出去提供更好

352、的金融服务。2012 年 7 月,在境外工作会议召开期间成功套开了重点“走出去”企业内外联动推介会,针对现阶段“走出去”企业所关注的热点话题进行了业务推介,为客户与本行境内外机构之间、本行境内外机构之间以及客户与客户之间的充分沟通和交流搭建了联动平台,受到参会各方的一致好评。报告期内,本行强化内外联动,坚持支持和服务实体经济,主动适应客户多元化跨境金融服务需求,大力拓展国际贸易融资服务。全年,本行在境内提供进口押汇、订单融资、出口发票融资、打包贷款等各类国际贸易融资逾 1,461 亿美元,比上年同期增长 52.2%;国际结算额19,252 亿美元,其中,境外机构办理 5,343 亿美元。本行积

353、极发挥金融支持经济发展的核心作用,努力推进人民币货币体制改革和人民币国际化的进程。2012 年,本行跨境人民币业务实现量质同升,市场影响力不断提升。全年境内外机构跨境人民币业务逾 1.5 万亿元。自业务开办以来,全行跨境人民币业务线成功拓展至 25 家境外机构,共开立跨境人民币同业往来账户 366 户,跨境人民币清算网络已覆盖全球 67 个国家和地区,获得老挝人民币清算行资格,并实现了在伦敦市场上发行首笔人民币CD,全国首笔跨境人民币租赁业务等多项市场第一。建立起39个国家和地区分支机构383家的全球服务网络Established a global service network coveri

354、ng 39 countries and territories, consisting of 383 institutions王丽丽副行长出席墨尔本分行开业庆典仪式并致辞Senior Executive Vice President, Wang Lili attended the opening ceremony of Melbourne Branch社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Creditworthy Ba

355、nk和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望Outlook During the reporting period, the Bank actively implemented the strategy of going global, extended the reach to six more countries mainly distributed in the emerging markets in the Eastern Europe, the South America and the Middle East. In the meantime,

356、 the Bank enhanced its service capacity in the Asia-Pacifc Region, Europe, America and other markets where the Bank had established its presence. As at the end of 2012, the Bank had established a overseas service network covering 39 countries and territories, consisting of 383 institutions and nearl

357、y 10,000 employees.Strengthening Global CSR Practice In order to deliver better financial services to enterprises going global, the Bank hosted the going-global enterprise fair, and held the symposium on collaboration inside and outside the region to strengthen the collaboration between the domestic

358、 institutions and the overseas institutions. The Bank held the domestic-overseas collaboration fair for key going-global enterprises in July, 2012 during the period of overseas working meeting. The Bank held a business promotion activity aimed at the hot topics concerned by going-global enterprises

359、at present, and built a collaboration platform between customers and the Bank s domestic and overseas institutions, between the Banks domestic and overseas institutions and among customers. The event was unanimously welcomed by participants. During the reporting period, the Bank reinforced the domes

360、tic-overseas collaboration, persisted in the concept of serving and supporting the real economy, actively adapted to the customer demands for diverse and international financial services, and spared no effort to develop the international trade fnance service. In 2012. the Bank offered the internatio

361、nal trade finance amounted to USD146.1billion under import bill advance, order fnancing, export invoice fnancing, packing loan and other businesses domesticly. The figure represented an increase of 52.2% compared to the same period of the prior year. The total international settlement volume reached

362、 USD1,925.2 billion, among which USD534.3 billion was conducted by overseas operations. The Bank actively played its core role in supporting the economic development, and strived to propel the reform of the Renminbi monetary system and the internationalization of Renminbi. In 2012, the cross-border

363、Renminbi business of the Bank enhanced both in quantity and quality, and continuously increased the market influence. In the full year, the domestic and overseas institutions conducted over RMB1.5 trillion worth of cross-border Renminbi business. Since the launch of the business, the cross-border Re

364、nminbi business line had successfully expanded to 25 overseas institutions. The Bank opened a total of 366 cross-border interbank current accounts in Renminbi, and covered 67 countries and territories with the cross-border Renminbi clearing network. The Bank obtained the qualification for the Renmin

365、bi clearing bank in Laos, issued the first CD in Renminbi in the London market, completed the frst cross-border leasing business in Renminbi in China and made a number of top achievements in the market. 2012 年,全行跨境人民币业务逾1.5万亿元In 2012, the cross-border Renminbi business had reached over RMB1.5 trilli

366、on品牌银行Brand Builder5758本行法兰克福分行自开业以来始终立足于中欧、中德经贸往来,通过对当地市场和国内需求的深入调查,以“走出去”的中资跨国公司、与中国有业务往来的欧洲企业、境外中小银行等为主要客户,紧密围绕客户需求,通过大力发展贸易融资、国际结算和欧元清算等业务,为双边贸易提供便利。本行卡拉奇分行积极支持巴基斯坦支柱性产业的发展,利用在国内的代理行资源,为巴基斯坦棉纱出口企业提供信用证项下出口单据贴现业务,加快了出口商资金周转。本行万象分行于 2012 年 6 月 6 日成功获得老挝国家银行批准代表其行使人民币清算中心职责,成为老挝第一个、也是目前唯个老挝国家银行之外的货

367、币清算银行,老挝境内所有银行、包括老挝国家银行在内的人民币业务都将由万象分行进行清算,有力促进了双边贸易往来。 工银欧洲董事长、卢森堡分行总经理被卢森堡国家元首授予“Order of Merit”最高功绩勋章。此勋章嘉奖在卢森堡对推动人类经济、社会、和平、文化、慈善公益事业做出杰出贡献的人士。本行阿姆斯特丹分行与荷兰外商投资局、阿姆斯特丹市政府共同举办中荷企业商务峰会Amsterdam Branch, Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency, and the Amsterdam Government jointly sponsored the China-H

368、olland Business Summit 王希全副行长出席华沙分行开业庆典仪式并致辞Senior Executive Vice President, Wang Xiquan attended the opening ceremony of Warsaw Branch社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Creditworthy Bank和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望O

369、utlookKarachi Branch actively supported the development of this pillar industry in the Pakistan by utilizing the correspondent resources in China to offer the export document discounting business under the letter of credit to Pakistani cotton yarn exporters. This business quickened the fund turnover

370、 of the Pakistani exporters, and created more convenience for these exporters. On June 6, 2012, the central bank of Laos authorized Vientiane Branch to perform the responsibility of the Renminbi clearing center on behalf of the central bank, so Vientiane Branch became the frst and the only clearing

371、bank in Laos, excluding the central bank of Laos, and would undertake the clearing of the Renminbi business of all the banks in Laos, including the central bank of Laos, which vigorously supported the bilateral trade.Head of Luxembourg granted the Order of Merit, the supreme medal of merit in Luxemb

372、ourg, to Chairman of ICBC (Europe) and the General Manager of Luxembourg Branch. The medal is granted to people who make outstanding contributions to economy, society, peace, culture and charities in Luxembourg. 工银加拿大荣获投资加拿大优秀企业奖ICBC (Canada) won the Award for An Excellent Enterprise Investing in Ca

373、nada本行巴黎分行获得法国工商会颁发的最佳国际投资者奖Paris Branch won the Best International Investor Award granted by the French Chamber of Commerce and IndustrySince its establishment, Frankfurt Branch has always persisted in serving the economic and trade relations between China and Europe and between China and Germany.

374、Based on the thorough survey on the local market and the domestic demand, the branch identifed the demand of such major customers as Chinese going-global multinational corporations, European enterprises doing business with China, and overseas small and medium banks, and vigorously developed trade fi

375、nance, international settlement, Euro clearing and other businesses to facilitate the bilateral trade. 品牌银行Brand Builder5960优秀的机构业务银行。 报告期内, 本行加强民生领域金融服务, 落实社保基金理事会等客户综合金融服务方案, 加快社保卡、住房公积金联名卡、 中央财政授权支付网上银行、 海关税费电子支付、 预算单位公务卡等业务推广, 迅速启动全行统一的社保、公积金业务综合服务管理系统建设,有效提升民生领域金融服务的专业水平,成功中标“2013-2014 年度中央财政非税

376、收入收缴代理银行项目”,成为“地方财政国库集中支付电子化项目”首家试点合作银行,以及首家开发公务卡网上还款功能合作银行。创新同业合作,加快银银平台推广,年末银银平台签约客户达 271 家,有效提升对中小银行的营销服务水平,支持农村金融发展。中国最佳结算与现金管理银行。 报告期内, 本行围绕综合金融资产服务, 以现金管理、 支付结算、 法人营销等各产品线的创新,带动境内外、本外币业务综合协调发展。全年,本行共提出了 88 个研发项目 , 范围涵盖结算、代理、理财、现金管理、内部管理等多个条线。截至报告期末,本行对公结算账户 536 万户,实现对公人民币结算量 1,446 万亿元,市场占比均保持第

377、一。2012 年,本行先后获得环球金融颁发的“中国最佳司库 & 现金管理银行”、财资颁发的 “中国最佳跨国 &大型企业财资管理银行” 以及中国中小商业企业协会颁发的“全国支持中小企业发展十佳商业银行”等 10 余奖项。中国最大的信用卡发卡行。报告期内,本行坚持以创新促服务能力和质量的提升,在信用卡品牌、支付方式和账户管理方面进行了积极探索,推出了包含多币种信用卡、闪酷卡等一系列的新产品,稳步推进 IC 卡受理环境建设,保障了客户资金的安全,满足了持卡人金融服务需求。截至报告期末,本行信用卡发卡量达到 7,713 万张,信用卡消费额达到 13,026 亿元,同比增长33.4%, 信用卡透支余额2

378、,449亿元, 较年初增加668亿元, 被VISA 国际组织、 万事达卡国际组织、 银行家 杂志、金融理财杂志等国际机构授予“年度最佳收单业务管理奖”、“年度最佳白金卡表现奖”、“金融产品十佳奖”、“年度最佳信用卡银行”等奖项。建立一流品牌本行银医一卡通产品为社会公众提供医院预约挂号服务The Bank-Hospital Cards provided hospital booking and registration services to the public.3.93亿个人客户逾1.3万个基层营业网点393 million retail customers over 13,000 outl

379、ets中国第一零售银行。 报告期内, 本行通过流程改造、 渠道拓展和金融创新, 推动服务质量的提升;同时加大社区服务的力度,推出了一系列便民的服务举措,如代收代付业务、银医一卡通、助学金发放等,取得了良好效果。截至报告期末,本行个人银行客户达3.93亿个, 基层营业网点超过1.3万个, 继续保持中国最大零售银行的市场地位, 连续11年蝉联 亚洲银行家“中国最佳零售银行”和“中国最佳大型零售银行”奖项。领先的公司与投资银行。报告期内,本行持续推进公司金融业务转型,优化经营结构,积极顺应利率市场化进程,推动公司金融业务可持续发展。推行全产品营销与综合金融服务,推进商业银行与投资银行业务互动发展,满

380、足客户多样化的金融服务需求。荣获环球金融“中国最佳本地公司银行”称号,银团贷款业务荣获中国银行业协会“最佳业绩奖”和“最佳交易奖”称号。社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Creditworthy Bank和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望OutlookAn excellent institutional business bank. During the reportin

381、g period, the Bank enhanced fnancial services in the feld of peoples livelihood, implemented the integrated financial service plan for the National Council for Social Security Fund and other customers, accelerated the promotion of social security card, housing provident fund co-branded card, online

382、banking for authorized central fnance payments, e-payment of customs and tariff and business cards to budget units, quickened the building of the bank-wide integrated service management system for social security and provident funds and efectively boosted the professional level of fnancial services

383、in the feld of peoples livelihood. The Bank won the bid of 2013-2014 Banking Agency Collection for Non-tax Items under Central Finance, became the first pilot banking partner in the Local Centralized Treasury Payment Electronization Project and became the first banking partner for the development of

384、 online business card repayment function. The Bank also innovated in inter-bank cooperation, accelerated promotion of the bank-to-bank platform and signed bank-to-bank platform contracts with 271 customers at the end of the year, which efectively improved marketing service towards small and medium-s

385、ized banks and supported rural fnancial development. Best settlement & cash management bank in China. During the reporting period, the Bank drove the coordinated business development both at home and abroad, and in both Renminbi and foreign currencies through the innovation of cash management, payme

386、nt, settlement, corporate marketing and other product lines in order to deliver comprehensive financial asset services. In the full year, the Bank launched 88 research and development projects covering a number of business lines, including settlement, agency, wealth management, cash management and i

387、nternal management. As at the end of the reporting period, the Bank owned 5.36 million corporate settlement accounts, and realized a corporate settlement volume of RMB1,446 trillion in Renminbi, both ranking the first in the market. In 2012, the Bank successively won more than 10 awards, including t

388、he Best Treasure & Cash Management House in China conferred by Global Finance, the Best Transnational & Large Enterprise Treasury and Cash Management Bank in China by The Asset, and Chinas Top 10 Commercial Banks Supporting SMEs Development by China Association for Small & Medium Commercial Enterpri

389、ses etc. Largest credit card issuer in China. During the reporting period, the Bank persisted in enhancing service capacity and quality through innovation, actively explored the credit card brand, the payment mode and the account management mode, released a series of new products including multi-cur

390、rency credit cards and Sancore cards, and steadily bettered the environment for IC card services, guaranteeing the safety of customers assets and satisfying the financial needs of card holders. By the end of the reporting period, the Bank cumulatively issued 77.13 million credit cards, the consumpti

391、on amount on the credit cards reached RMB1,302.6 billion, representing an increase of 33.4% compared to the same period of the prior year, and the overdraft of the credit card loans amounted to RMB244.9 billion, representing an increase of RMB66.8 billion compared to the beginning of the year. The B

392、ank won a host of awards granted by VISA Inc, MasterCard Worldwide, The Banker, the Financial Money and other international organizations, including theBest Acquiring Business Management Award, the Best Platinum Card of the Year, the Top 10 Financial Product Award and the Best Credit Card Bank of th

393、e Year. No. 1 retail bank in China. During the reporting period, the Bank enhanced the service quality by process transformation, channel expansion and fnancial innovation, and meanwhile, reinforced the community service and launched a series of service measures for the convenience of people, includ

394、ing collection and agency payment service, Medical Moneylink Card and issue of student subsidies, which achieved sound results. As at the end of the reporting period, the Bank owned 393 million retail customers and over 13,000 outlets at the basic level. The Bank maintained its market position as th

395、e largest retail bank in China, and won the awards of Best Retail Bank in China and Best Large-Scale Retail Bank in China granted by the Asian Banker for 11 consecutive years. Leading corporate and investment banking. During the reporting period, the Bank continuously promoted the transformation of

396、the corporate banking service, improved the business structure, actively adapted to the process of interest rate liberalization, and pushed forward the sustainable development of the corporate banking service. It promoted the all-product marketing and comprehensive fnancial service to carry forward

397、the interactive development of the commercial banking business and the investment banking business and meet the diversifed demands of customers on financial services. The Bank has won the title of Best Domestic Bank in China conferred by Global Finance, and the Best Performance Award and the Best De

398、al Award by China Banking Association for its syndicated loan business.Building up First-class Brands品牌银行Brand Builder6162中国最佳托管银行。报告期内,本行严格履行托管人职责,提升风控能力,安全保管资产,提供高效营运服务,强化信息披露管理,坚持产品和服务创新,全年新增托管产品 36 只。报告期内,本行囊获了年度所有重大托管业务相关奖项,累计获奖达 35 项。国内一流的养老金管理与服务机构。报告期内,本行建立完善养老金业务制度体系;进一步规范、细化了服务内容;初步建立远程监测、

399、分行履职检查、总行监管检查“三位一体”的操作风险监测检查管理机制。报告期内,全行共为 34,140家企事业单位提供养老金管理服务, 受托管理养老金基金512亿元, 管理养老金个人账户1,168万户, 托管养老金基金2,293亿元。中国最佳资产管理银行。报告期内,本行固定收益产品期限结构进一步优化,股票、股权和外汇类理财产品发行量显著上升,资本市场类理财产品和国际市场类理财产品规模同比显著增长,加大了定制产品发行力度,定制的个性化理财产品超过 1,000 亿元,进一步丰富了客户的投资选择。赵林监事长在香港看望慰问工银亚洲 FOVA 建设项目支持团队。Chairman of the Board o

400、f Supervisors, Zhao Lin visited the working team for ICBC(Asia) FOVA system 34,140家养老金管理服务客户Delivering pension management services to 34,140 enterprises and non-proft organizations领先的科技平台支撑服务水平和服务品牌的稳步提升。报告期内,本行信息系统保持安全平稳运行,全行境内日均业务量达到 1.797 亿笔,同比增长 9%,境外机构日均业务量达到了 74 万笔,均创历史新高。报告期内,本行在提升科技系统连续性服务水平

401、、保障自助机具正常运营、保护客户信息安全以及支持业务产品创新方面均取得了可喜的成绩。社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Creditworthy Bank和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望OutlookBest custodian bank in China. During the reporting period, the Bank strictly performed

402、the custodians responsibility, strengthened the risk control capacity, preserved assets safety, delivered efficient operating services, reinforced the information disclosure management, and adhered to the product and service innovation. The Bank gained 36 new products under custody. During the repor

403、ting period, the Bank gained all the important awards relating to the custody business in the year, and cumulatively won 35 awards. First-class pension management and service institution in China. During the reporting period, the Bank established and refined the policy framework for the pension busi

404、ness, further standardized and elaborated the service contents, and preliminarily established the operational risk monitoring, inspection and management mechanism combining remote monitoring, the performance inspection by the branch and the supervisory inspection by the Head Ofce. During the reporti

405、ng period, the Bank delivered the pension management service to 34,140 enterprises and nonproft organizations, managed RMB51.2 billion worth of the pension funds, managed 11.68 million personal pension accounts, and managed RMB229.3 billion worth of the pension funds under custody. Best asset manage

406、ment bank in China. During the reporting period, the Bank further optimized the term structure of the fixed-yield products. The quantity of the wealth management products oriented to stocks, equities and foreign exchange rose obviously, the wealth management products oriented to the capital market a

407、nd the international market grew evidently compared to the same period of the prior year. The Bank strengthened the issuance of customized products, and delivered personal wealth management products exceeding RMB100 billion, and enriched more choices for customers. Leading IT platforms bolstered the

408、 steady enhancement of the customer service level. During the reporting period, the information systems of the Bank maintained safe and stable operations, the average daily business volume of the Bank reached 179.7 million transactions domesticly, representing an increase of 9% compared to the same

409、period of the prior year, and the average daily business volume of the overseas institutions arrived at 740,000 transactions. Both figures created a new record in history. During the reporting period, the Bank made encouraging achievements in boosting the continuous service level of the IT systems,

410、guaranteeing the normal operation of the self-service devices, protecting the information security of customers and supporting the business and product innovation. 日均业务处理量逾1.797亿笔Average daily transactions reached 179.7 million2012 年 11 月,本行参加北京国际金融博览会In November 2012, the Bank attended Beijing Inte

411、rnational Financial Exhibition绿色银行 Green Bank推行绿色信贷 建设生态文明培养节能意识 倡导绿色办公构筑绿色渠道 推广电子银行爱护绿色家园 助力环保公益Promoting Green Credit and Constructing Ecological CivilizationBuilding Green Channels and Promoting E-bankingRaising the Awareness of Energy Conservation and Advocating Green OfceCherishing the Green Ho

412、me and Boosting Environmental Protection CauseCORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 20122012 社会责任报告绿色银行Green Bank6566全球经济社会发展正面临日益严峻的资源环境约束,建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会是人类文明发展的必然方向。本行努力践行“绿色银行”的发展模式,通过推广绿色金融服务、坚持绿色办公、倡导绿色生活,以实际行动支持生态文明建设,弘扬社会责任理念,为实现人与自然的和谐与可持续发展做出积极贡献。本行将促进环境保护、资源节约、污染治理等作为信贷决策的重要依据,通过合理有效配置信贷

413、资源,最大程度地引导社会控制并减少资源和环境损耗,在促进经济社会与资源环境协调发展的过程中,实现银行自身的可持续发展。2012 年,根据监管机构的指导原则,本行不断完善绿色信贷政策和制度体系,优化健全绿色信贷分类标准及管理要求,逐步将绿色信贷贯彻于信贷全流程 , 加强落后产能企业和涉及重金属污染领域的信贷风险管理,有效推动了全行信贷结构的“绿色”调整。在本行 2012 年版行业(绿色)信贷政策中,54 个行业(绿色)信贷政策对公司贷款的覆盖面达到了 85%,并将重点行业的主要环境污染、资源消耗、节能环保等绿色信贷核心指标全部纳入行业(绿色)信贷政策,作为全行必须严格执行的行业绿色信贷标准。为有

414、效防范重金属环境污染风险,报告期内,本行印发了关于加强防控重金属排放企业信贷风险管理工作的通知,进一步加强重金属排放企业的信贷风险管理,明确了涉及重金属排放的重点行业范围,提升了全行对重金属排放企业环保风险和政策风险的认识,从严控制该领域的信贷投放。报告期内,本行建立健全绿色信贷问责机制,将绿色信贷指标纳入对各级分支机构的绩效考评指标体系,按季度对分支机构的环保监测和处理情况进行考核打分,对监测执行不力且形成风险损失的相关责任人,按照信贷管理要求予以处罚。推行绿色信贷,建设生态文明加强绿色信贷制度建设本行云南分行支持“普达措国家公园”建设Yunnan Branch supported the

415、construction of Pudacuo National Park本行宁波分行调研当地某节能科技有限公司Ningbo Branch investigated and surveyed the local energy conservation technology company社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Creditworthy Bank和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity

416、Bank未来展望OutlookSince global economic and social development is facing increasingly severer resource and environmental constraints, it is inevitable that human civilization will head in the direction of constructing a resource-effective and environment-friendly society. The Bank has always been striv

417、ing to implement the development model of green bank, to support the ecological conservation and carry forward the idea of social responsibility with actual deeds such as promoting green fnancial services, sticking to the creation of green ofces and advocating green living style, and has made great

418、contributions to the harmonious and sustainable development of human and the nature.The Bank will base its credit decisions upon such principles as promoting environment protection, resource conservation and pollution abatement, make outmost eforts to promote social control and reduce resource and e

419、nvironmental losses through reasonable and efective allocation of credit resources, to achieve its own sustainable development by promoting social and economic development in coordination with resources and the environment. In 2012, following the guidelines of regulatory authorities, the Bank made c

420、ontinuous efforts to improve its credit policies and systems, improved classification standards and management requirements of green credit, gradually applied rules of green credit in all credit procedures, strengthened credit risk management of companies with outdated capacities and enterprises in

421、industries with heavy metal pollution, so as to efectively push forward the adjustments to the Banks credit structure into a green one. In the Industry (Green) Credit Policy of the Bank compiled in 2012, there are 54 industry (green) credit policies covering 85% of corporate loans, and core indicato

422、rs of green credit such as the major environment pollutant, resource consumption, energy conservation and environment protection in major sectors are all included, serving as the industry green credit standards which shall be strictly implemented in the whole bank. In order to effectively prevent ri

423、sks from the heavy metal contamination, the Bank published the Notice on Strengthening the Prevention and Control of Credit Risk of Enterprises Discharging Heavy Metals during the reporting period, further strengthened the credit risk management of companies with heavy metals discharge, specified ke

424、y industries with heavy metal discharge, improved the environment-protection and policy risks awareness throughout the Banks and had credit extensions to these enterprises under strict control.During the reporting period, the Bank set up a well-established green credit accountability mechanism, inco

425、rporated the green credit indicators into the performance evaluation indicator system for its branches and afliated institutions at all levels, gave quarterly ratings on their performance in environmental protection and response, relevant persons in charge were penalized for failed execution of moni

426、toring and losses induced by risks according to the credit management requirements. Promoting Green Credit and Constructing Ecological CivilizationEnhancing construction of the green credit system绿色银行Green Bank6768在审查某国企集团授信时,本行注意到,其新收购的有色子公司主要从事有色金属开采和冶炼业务,该国企集团入主后积极进行业务整合,但整合效应尚未显现。本行综合考虑有色行业的环保风险

427、和该有色子公司具体成员企业经营情况后,明确提出授信额度不得用于国内以有色冶炼为用途的融资需求,严格贯彻落实“绿色信贷”要求,防控环保风险。陕西某公司拟改造原有 10 万吨 / 年颗粒磷铵生产线,另新建一条 10 万吨 / 年粉状磷铵生产线及配套设施。本行陕西分行审查注意到,“磷铵生产装置”和“20 万吨 / 年以下硫铁矿制酸”为限制类行业,硫磷化工属本行环保风险防控行业,同时该项目紧邻汉江支流堰河,磷铵和硫酸在生产过程中产生的废水、废气,可能会对环境造成污染。因此,对该项目予以否决。2012 年,本行积极贯彻国家产业政策精神,严格控制产能过剩行业信贷投放, 促进了全行信贷结构 “绿色” 调整。

428、具体措施包括:修订完善产能过剩行业信贷政策,确定产能过剩行业为本行信贷限制或谨慎进入类行业,从严把控“两高一剩”行业的信贷准入;对于产能过剩行业,在严格控制行业信贷总量的同时,择优支持行业龙头企业符合国家产业政策、环保要求的产业结构优化升级项目,促进行业内客户结构优化调整;在国家产业政策和环保政策的基础上,进一步提高和完善行业绿色信贷标准,对于不符合绿色信贷标准的客户和项目实行一票否决制。引导行业结构调整案例案例本行广西分行深入企业调查废气、废水环保设施施工、投产及排污情况Guangxi Branch made an in-depth investigation in the construc

429、tion and operation of environmental protection facilities for exhaust gas and sewage disposal of local enterprises and their pollution discharge. 魏国雄首席风险官出席湖南分行“两型社会”(资源节约型和环境友好型)活动Chief Risk Officer Wei Guoxiong participated in the “energy-saving and environment-friendly society” event hosted by Hu

430、nan Branch 社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Creditworthy Bank和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望OutlookIn 2012, the Bank actively put the spirit of the national industry policies into practice, strictly controlled credit

431、extensions to industries with excess capacities and promoted the green adjustments to the credit structure of the whole bank by adopting such measures as revising and improving credit policies for sectors with excess capacities, identifying industries with excess capacity as industries subject to cr

432、edit restriction or prudent access, strictly controlled credit access of industries featured with high pollution, high energy consumption and excess capacity; for industries with excess capacities, in addition to strictly controlling the total volume of credit loans, preferential supports were given

433、 to leading enterprises that meet the requirements of national industry policies and environment protection to promote their structural upgrading programs and optimize client-structure of the industries; on the basis of the national industry policies and environment-protection policies, the industry

434、 green credit standards were further strengthened and improved, and a one ballot veto voting system was implemented so that customers and projects fell short to the green credit standards would be overruled by a single veto. In the investigation in the credit loans to a state-owned group corporation

435、, the Bank noticed that it has newly acquired a nonferrous subsidiary which mainly specializes in mining and refning nonferrous metals. After the acquisition, it has been active in business integration which, however, illustrated few apparent effects. With full consideration of the environmental ris

436、ks in nonferrous industry and business circumstances of the subsidiarys affiliated enterprises, the Bank specified that the granted line of credit should not be used to meet fnancing needs of domestic nonferrous refining business and strictly carried out the requirements of green credit so as to pre

437、vent and control environmental risks. A company in Shaanxi Province intended to renovate its existing particle ammonium phosphate production line with an annual production of 100,000 tons and built a new powder ammonium phosphate production line with an annual production of 100,000 tons and supporti

438、ng facilities. During the credit review, Shaanxi Branch noticed thatammonium phosphate production devices and sulfuric acid from iron pyrite with an annual production of or less than 200,000 tons fell into the category of restricted industries, sulfur and phosphor chemical industry is one of the ide

439、ntified industries for environmental risk prevention and control of the Bank. Meanwhile, the project was located in close proximity to Yanhe River, a tributary of Hanjiang River. Therefore, the sewage and exhaust gas produced in the production of ammonium phosphate and sulfuric acid may contaminate

440、the local environment. Hence, credit loan to the project was vetoed. Leading the industrial structural adjustmentsCASECASE绿色银行Green Bank6970中国节能环保集团公司是国内节能环保领域的龙头企业,目前已形成以清洁能源发电、环保水务、工程承包和低碳园区等节能环保业务为主,贸易、健康产业等其他业务为辅的发展格局。报告期内,本行北京分行支持中节能集团环保产业发展的信贷资金已超过 20 亿元。报告期内,本行坚持资源低耗和环境友好的绿色信贷导向,积极了解国内外同业在可持续

441、领域的先进做法,并逐步消化吸收内化为本行绿色信贷领域政策和制度,引导全行积极支持国家节能重点工程、环境保护重点工程以及采用先进节能环保技术的升级改造项目,优先支持客户在新能源、节能环保和资源综合利用等领域的绿色信贷项目,加大对碳排放、节能等领域的绿色信贷产品创新力度。截至报告期末,全行环境友好及环保合格客户数量及贷款余额占全部境内公司客户数量及贷款余额的比例均保持在 99.9% 以上。其中,投向生态保护、清洁能源、节能减排和资源综合利用等绿色经济领域贷款余额合计为5,934 亿元。支持绿色经济发展本行广东分行营业部提供融资支持的污水处理项目Guangdong Branch Banking De

442、partment provided fnancing to sewage treatment project本行河南分行支持某抽水蓄能电站项目建设A pump storage power station project supported by Henan Branch案例湖南某再生能源电力有限公司主要利用农林废弃物和城市生活垃圾进行发电与销售,是湖南省第一个正式投产的生物质发电项目,预计年发电 2.4 亿度,节约电煤 10 万吨,减少二氧化碳排放 20 万吨,直接增加当地农民收入8,500万元, 经济和社会效益显著。 截至报告期末, 本行湖南分行累计投入信贷资金1,500万元,有效支持了该公

443、司的运营和发展。案例在支持柴达木循环经济试验区内的“龙头”项目某集团 100 万吨钾肥项目的基础上,为促进客户转变经济增长方式、走资源综合利用与环境保护的可持续发展道路,本行青海分行积极支持“100 万吨钾肥综合利用”、“金属镁一体化”等项目建设。截至报告期末,已累计向金属镁一体化项目发放贷款 14.7 亿元 ,其中当年新增贷款 9.2 亿元。案例社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Creditworthy Bank

444、和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望Outlook70During the reporting period, the Bank insisted on the guidiance of resource-effective and environment-friendly green credit, actively learnt from advanced practices in sustainable development from industrial peers both at home and abroad and gradually

445、created its own green credit policies and system to lead the whole bank to actively support key national energy conservation and environment protection projects and projects of renovating and upgrading by bringing in advanced energy saving and environment protection technology. It gave priority to g

446、reen credit projects in fields such as new energy, energy conservation and environment protection, and the comprehensive utilization of natural resources, and made more eforts to innovate green credit products in felds like carbon emission and energy conservation. By the end of the reporting period,

447、 both the number of qualified clients of environment-friendly and related outstanding loans accounted for more than 99.9% of its total number of domestic corporate clients and total volume of related outstanding loans, of which the outstanding loans granted to green economic fields such as ecologica

448、l preservation, clean energy, energy saving and emission reduction, and the comprehensive utilization of natural resources totaled at RMB593.4 billion. China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Group (CECEP) is a leading domestic enterprise in energy conservation and environmental prote

449、ction. It boasts a development pattern which mainly specializes in energy conservation and environmental protection businesses such as clean power generation, environment-friendly water utilities, project contracting, and low-carbon industrial parks and supplemented by other businesses such as the t

450、rade and health industries. During the reporting period, Beijing Branch ofered more than RMB2 billion credit funds to CECEP to support the development of its environmental protection business. Supporting the growth of green economyCASECASECASEA renewable energy-based power company in Hunan Province,

451、 which mainly utilizes agricultural and forestry wastes and urban household garbage for power generation and sales, is the frst biomass power generation project ofcially came into operation in Hunan, with an estimated annual power generation capacity of 240 million kWh and remarkable social and econ

452、omic benefts. Each year, it helps to save 100, 000 tons of thermal coal and reduce 200,000 tons of carbon dioxide emission, and directly increases the income of local farmers by RMB85 million. By the end of the reporting period, Hunan Branch has cumulatively granted RMB15 million of credit funds to

453、the company, efectively supported its operation and development. In addition to supporting a leading enterprise in pilot site for circular economy in Qaidam a potash fertilizer project with an annual production of 1 million tons, Qinghai Branch has been actively supporting the construction of projec

454、ts such as the comprehensive utilization of 1 million tons potash fertilizer and the integration of magnesium metal in order to drive customers to transform their economic growth mode in pursuit of the sustainable development of the comprehensive utilization of natural resources and environmental pr

455、otection. By the end of the reporting period, the Bank has granted RMB1.47 billion credit loans cumulatively to the magnesium metal integration project, of which RMB920 million were newly extended loans in the report year. 绿色银行Green Bank7172重庆某综合性科技环保企业是经重庆市政府确定的“城市污水处理技术及项目”牵头企业,主营环保节能产品开发及自销和服务、环保

456、技术咨询服务、环保“三废”治理工程承包等。公司研发能力在行业内处于领先水平,产品和技术得到了广泛的应用。报告期内,本行重庆分行为其核定 7.59 亿元授信额度,有力支持了环保项目发展。2012 年,本行黑龙江分行为哈尔滨某环保科技公司发放流动资金贷款 3,000 万元,开立保函 76 万元,承兑汇票 180 万元,向其子公司发放委托贷款 2,000 万元,用于峡山生态经济区、安哥拉共和国生态新城等污水净化工程,对国内外的环境治理、污水排放起到了促进作用。江苏某生态农林发展有限公司主营项目包括名贵苗木、高档水果种植、生态养殖、生态旅游观光等。2012 年,本行苏州分行积极支持生态文明建设,加大对

457、农业、园林绿化的投入力度,为该公司发放项目贷款 4,000 万元。本行浙江分行通过行内银团方式向吉林市某公司提供了 2,300 万元项目贷款用于 100kt/a 二氧化碳尾气回收项目建设,对于减少大气污染、保护生态环境具有促进作用。案例案例案例案例案例本行天津分行为当地某再生资源公司“废旧五金拆解及深加工项目”提供 1.65 亿元贷款支持。该项目所在的天津子牙循环经济产业区是目前中国北方最大的再生资源专业化园区,并于 2012 年 12 月升级成为目前国内唯一一家以循环经济为主导产业的国家级经济技术开发区。该公司作为园区龙头企业,通过引进国际先进技术和工艺, 对废旧金属进行拆解和深加工, 有效

458、减轻了废旧重金属对环境造成的污染, 环境效益显著。本行内蒙古分行支持的风电场项目The wind power plant project supported by Inner Mongolia Branch社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Creditworthy Bank和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望Outlook72A comprehensive technolo

459、gy-based environmental protection company in Chongqing, which has been accredited by Chongqing municipal government as a leading enterprise of the urban sewage treatment technology and project, mainly specializes in the development and sales of environmental protection and energy conservation produc

460、ts and services. It also provides services such as environmental protection technology consultancy and project contracting of exhaust gas, sewage and waste residue disposal. The company is well ahead of its industrial peers in R&D with its products and technology widely applied. During the reporting

461、 period, Chongqing Branch has set its line of credit at RMB759 million, providing strong support to the development of environmental protection projects. In 2012, Heilongjiang Branch granted RMB30 million of working capital loans, issued letters of guarantee (L/G) worth RMB760,000 and acceptance dra

462、fts worth RMB1.8 million to an environmental protection technological company in Harbin, and granted RMB20 million entrusted loans to its subsidiary for sewage purifcation projects in Xiashan Mount Ecological Economic Zone and new ecological city in the Republic of Angola, which has played a positiv

463、e role in environment improvement and sewage discharge control both at home and abroad. An ecological agriculture and forestry development company in Jiangsu Province mainly specializes in businesses such as cultivation of rare seedlings and top grade fruits, ecological breeding, bioengineering and

464、ecological tourism. In 2012, Suzhou Branch actively promoted ecological progress, expanded its input in agriculture and landscaping, and granted loans of RMB40 million to the projects of the company. Tianjin Branch granted RMB165 million of loans in support of the waste metal dismantling and further

465、 processing project of a local renewable resource company. Tianjin Ziya Industrial District for Circular Economy, where the project is located, is the largest specialized industrial park of renewable resources in northern China. In December 2012, it was upgraded to the only economic and technologica

466、l development zone at the national level with circular economy as its predominant industry in China. As the leading enterprise in the Park, the company dismantles and further processes waste metals by introducing internationally advanced technology and workmanship, and has efectively mitigated envir

467、onment pollution caused by waste heavy metals and produced enormous environmental benefts. Zhejiang Branch granted RMB23 million project loans in terms of intra-group syndicated loan to a company in Jilin for its construction of the project of recovering 100 kt/a carbon dioxide from tail gas, which

468、is of great significance in reducing air pollution and protecting ecological environment. CASECASECASECASECASE绿色银行Green Bank7374内蒙古某环保工业发展有限责任公司是一家高科技、高附加值的大型环保企业,其主要产品为以工业废弃物治理为目标的环境治理设备和以工业废弃物综合利用为目标的各类应用产品。本行内蒙古分行为该公司工业废渣综合利用项目提供项目贷款 4 亿元,不仅节约了资源,保护了环境,而且实现了显著的经济效益。本行充分依托科技领先优势,推广无纸化、低消耗、高效率的电子银行

469、业务,不断创新渠道和产品、培养客户使用习惯,电子银行业务量占比逐年攀升。在为客户提供环保、便捷的绿色金融服务的同时,为社会节省了大量易耗资源,减少了碳排放。报告期内,本行电子银行坚持以客户为中心、以市场为导向, 规模效益与结构质量并重, 不断强化创新引领优势,各项业务发展创历史佳绩。网上银行交易额突破 300 万亿元,同比增长 17.2%;手机银行客户数增幅达 54.5%;交易离柜率在 50% 和 80% 以上的电子银行个人活跃客户占比同比分别提高 7.1 和 4.6 个百分点。电子银行分流了大量的柜面业务和服务压力,低碳高效的特点日益突出。截至报告期末,本行电子银行业务占比创 75.1% 的

470、历史新高,电子银行全年办理的业务量相当于替代了 2.3 万个网点、23 万柜员,节约了大量的人力和物力,提高了业务处理效率;全行一半以上的基金交易和理财产品销售,以及 90% 以上的外汇买卖和账户贵金属交易均通过电子银行渠道进行。本行依托强大的创新能力和科技研发力量,积极探索信息技术与金融业融合的发展方向,不断完善包括网上银行、电话银行、手机银行、短信银行、电视银行等在内的渠道体系,快速提升服务供给能力。2012 年,创新推出 50 多项面向客户的创新产品,完善近 300 项产品功能,持续巩固本行电子银行的行业领军地位。报告期内,本行在业界首家推出短信银行客户端,建立可视化的交互服务界面,其丰

471、富的业务种类、流畅的操作体验等特点受到客户的好评。目前,短信银行服务内容已涵盖金融信息查询、账户信息查询、转账支付、短信提醒、自助管理五大类服务 74 项功能,能够满足客户从简单业务咨询到交易的各方面需求。报告期内,电视银行业务在江苏分行成功试点。为客户提供了账户管理、转账汇款、在线缴费等常用金融服务,使客户在看电视的同时就能轻松完成业务办理,进一步拓展了电子银行服务渠道。截至2012年末, 本行已有26家境外机构对外开通网银业务,14 家境外机构开通电话银行服务,工银澳门开通手机银行服务,35 家境外机构开通门户网站,电子银行的全球服务网络进一步拓宽。本行内蒙古分行支持建设的内蒙古某环保工业

472、发展公司项目The project of Environmental Protection Industry Development Co., Ltd. supported by Inner Mongolia Branch案例构筑绿色渠道,推广电子银行完善电子渠道加快创新步伐社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Creditworthy Bank和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来

473、展望OutlookInner Mongolia Environmental Protection Industry Development Co., Ltd. is a large high-tech and high value-added environmental protection enterprise which mainly specializes in environment improvement equipment for industrial waste disposal and various products for the comprehensive utiliza

474、tion of industrial wastes. Inner Mongolia Branch granted project loans of RMB400 million to this company to support its comprehensive utilization of industrial waste project, which not only saved resources and protected environment but also generated noticeable economic benefts.The Bank fully drew o

475、n its leading technological edge to promote paperless, low energy-consumption and highly-efficient e-banking businesses. It constantly innovated channels and products, cultivated clients habits of using e-banking services, and achieved an annually growing volume of e-banking businesses. While provid

476、ing its clients with environment-friendly and convenient green fnancial services, it also helps to save plenty of consumable social resources and reduce carbon emissio.During the reporting period, the Banks e-banking adhered to the principle of being client and market-oriented, pursued both economie

477、s of scale and the quality of structure, made continuous eforts to enhance its leading innovation edge and post unprecedented performance records in all businesses. Trade volumes of online banking services exceeded RMB300 trillion, up by 17.2% compared with the same period of last year; the number o

478、f its mobile banking clients grew sharply by 54.5%; active individual e-banking customers with more than 50% and 80% of transactions through non-counter channels increased by 7.1 and 4.6 percentage points respectively. E-banking helps mitigate enormous pressure of counter operations and services wit

479、h its features of low carbon and high efciency becoming increasingly striking. By the end of the reporting period, ICBCs share of e-banking business hit a new record high of 75.1%. Businesses conducted through e-banking were equivalent to transactions processed by 230,000 bank tellers of 23,000 outl

480、ets, saved plenty of manual labor and material resources and improved business handling efficiency; more than half of fund transactions and sales of wealth management products as well as over 90% of foreign exchange trading and account-precious metals transactions were conducted through e-banking ch

481、annels. The Bank has been taking full advantages of its strong innovation capability and scientific & technological R&D capacity, vigorously explored the direction for the integration of information technology and the financial industry, made continuous efforts to improve its e-banking network compr

482、ising of internet banking, telephone banking, mobile banking, SMS banking and TV banking, which improved its service capacity rapidly. In 2012, the Bank launched 52 innovative products to customers, improved functions of nearly 300 products and persistently forged its leading position in e-banking b

483、usinesses. During the reporting period, the Bank took the lead in launching SMS banking services on the user side and set up visual interactive service interface, which were well received by customers for its large variety of business and experiences of smooth operations. The SMS banking now covers

484、74 functions of services in 5 categories including financial information inquiry, account information inquiry, transfer of payment, SMS reminder and self-service management, which met various customer needs from simple business consulting to transactions. During the reporting period, the TV banking

485、pilot program of Jiangsu Branch was successfully launched, providing frequently used fnancial services such as account management, transfer and remittance, online payment of expenses, etc. so that customers could complete business transactions easily while watching TV, which further expanded service

486、 channels of the e-banking. By the end of 2012, the Bank has launched internet banking businesses in 26 overseas institutions, telephone banking services in 14 and web portals in 35 overseas institutions which further expanded its global e-banking service network. Besides, it started mobile banking

487、services in its Macao Branch.Building Green Channels and Promoting E-bankingImproving electronic channelsAccelerating innovation in products and servicesCASE绿色银行Green Bank7576报告期内, 本行组织开展 “U盾加短信, 安全你我他” 和 “龙年开通短信认证 工行祝您步步高升”两项有奖营销活动,吸引客户通过网上银行自助开通使用短信认证的安全产品。本行积极构建客户服务新型网络渠道,以官方微博“中国工商银行电子银行”为纽带,整合短

488、信、微博、网站等渠道,打造 “三位一体”的立体化客户互动平台。2012 年,本行电子银行在平台上开展了 24 期主题鲜明、内容丰富的宣传推广活动, 宣传本行业务, 普及金融知识,开展客户安全教育;建立起客服人员与微博粉丝的在线联动服务机制,解答客户咨询、发布客户热点问答,全年电子银行微博转发量达163万次, 粉丝数量突破100万。节能降耗,功在当今,利在长远,是一项利国利民利已、事关可持续发展的宏伟事业。本行积极实行绿色办公,鼓励创新节能的减排模式,降低运营能耗,打造环境友好型的“绿色银行”;注重培养员工的节能环保意识,提倡员工从自身做起,营造全行重节能、讲环保的良好文化氛围。从 2001 年

489、起,本行开发投产了办公信息化系统,实现了电子公文、信息文档的无纸化流转,大幅度减少并逐步取消了纸介质。据不完全统计,自实施办公自动化系统以来,全行每年可节约用纸(A4)约 1.5 亿张。本行大力提倡节能降耗, 形成 “人人谈节约, 事事讲成本”的良好氛围。报告期内,本行严格执行空调运行管理规定,每晚 18 时至次日早 7 时关闭空调系统;积极实施“绿色照明”工程,组织对全行营业网点、办公场所内外各加强产品推广培养节能意识,倡导绿色办公报告期内,本行上海分行投产了“易取单”项目。对公客户可以凭借自身账户所对应的金融服务卡及密码,在任一回单自助打印终端上打印回单,降低了操作风险,免去了网点柜面传统

490、的收发、打印、分类、插箱等一系列工作环节,节省了柜面人员工作量,发展了绿色金融服务。案例类照明设施进行调查和统计,凡不符合绿色照明要求的,要求更换为节能灯具;严格控制夜景照明和办公照明用电,调低地下室和车库的照明强度;在开水间摆放剩水回收桶,集中收取暖瓶隔夜水,供保洁使用;鼓励员工双面打印,减少纸张浪费。工银欧洲节能环保大楼The energy conservation and environmental protection building of ICBC (Europe)林晓轩首席信息官应邀出席技术大会并推荐本行客户端产品Chief Information Ofcer Lin Xiaox

491、uan was invited to the IT Forum and promoted the Bank s client side products社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Creditworthy Bank和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望OutlookDuring the reporting period, the Bank organized two l

492、ottery marketing campaigns of USB key plus SMS services secure money in your account and Sign up for SMS Authentication in the Year of Dragon, Best Wishes for You to Get Further Promoted , which aimed to attract customers to use security products with SMS authentication through self-service online b

493、anking. The Bank actively built new online customer service channels, integrating various channels like SMS, micro-blog and website by its ofcial micro-blog ICBC E-banking, and built up a three-dimensional trinity of customer interaction platform. In 2012, the Bank launched 24 marketing and promotin

494、g campaigns with striking themes and rich contents on this platform, advertising its businesses, spreading financial knowledge and providing safety education to customers; it also set up an online collaborative service mechanism linking customer service staff with micro-blog fans, answering inquirie

495、s from customers and publishing Q&A hotspots. Throughout the year, its e-banking micro-blog were forwarded for 1.63 million times, and the number of fans has surpassed 1 million. Energy saving and consumption reduction, though succeed at the present, will bring long-term benefts in future. It is a m

496、agnifcent course that will beneft the country, its people and the Bank, and is closely related with sustainable social and economic development. The Bank has been actively implementing green office, encouraging innovation of energy saving and emission reduction models, reducing operational energy co

497、nsumption and forging an environment-friendly green bank; it also pays much attention to raising the energy saving and environmental protection awareness of its staff, encourages the staff to start from their personal lives, and strives to cultivate a sound cultural atmosphere with the focus on ener

498、gy conservation and environmental protection. Since 2001, the Bank has launched an office information system, realized the paperless circulation of electronic documents and information files, and greatly reduced and gradually abolished the use of paper. According to incomplete statistics, since the

499、implementation of the ofce automation system, it can save about 150 million pieces of A4-sized paper each year. The Bank vigorously advocated energy saving and consumption reduction to cultivate of a sound atmosphere where keeping the idea of saving in mind, everyone strives to control cost to the s

500、ubtlest details. During the reporting period, it strictly implemented the air-conditioning management regulations, powered of the air-conditioning system from 18:00 p.m. to next 7:00 a.m.; it actively carried out the green lighting program, organized investigations and statistics of various lighting

501、 facilities in and outside the operation sites of all outlets of the bank, and replaced all facilities that failed to meet the green lighting requirements with energy saving lighting devices; it strictly controlled nightscape lighting and ofce lighting, reduced the brightness in basements and garage

502、s; placed residual water recycling buckets in water heater rooms, collectively amassed the overnight water in thermos bottles for cleaning purpose, and encouraged staf to print on both sides of the paper. Reinforcing the promotion of productsRaising the Awareness of Energy Conservation and Advocatin

503、g Green OfceCASEDuring the reporting period, Shanghai Branch put the project of convenient receipt taking into operation, which enables corporate clients to print their receipts on any self-help receipt printing terminals with their financial service cards and passwords linked to their accounts, whi

504、ch mitigates operational risks, saves a series of traditional procedures of counter businesses such as receiving & dispatching, printing, classifying and so on, reduces the workload of counter bank tellers and boosts the development of green fnancial services. 绿色银行Green Bank7778本行员工和青年志愿者积极投身环保公益,广泛

505、参加义务植树、自然保护、绿色出行等公益活动,以切实行动保护生态环境、美化生存空间,也向社会公众宣传了环保、健康的生活理念。报告期内,本行数据中心(北京)自行研发了会议室成本管理功能,在会议室申请自动化系统的基础上引入虚拟成本管理理念,形成成本激励约束机制,在提升会议室使用效率、压缩会议时长、精简会议数量、减少沟通成本等方面取得了较为显著的成果。成本管理系统应用后,平均会议时长较实施前下降了 34%,会议数量下降了 5%。本行苏州分行在培训中心率先引入了太阳能设备,以降低煤耗。据不完全统计,自 2012 年更换设备以来,降低净成本支出 32 万元。案例案例本行福建分行组织开展“绿化漳州大地、建设

506、生态名城”义务植树活动Fujian Branch organized voluntary tree planting activity with the theme of “Green the Land of Zhangzhou, Build a Well-known Ecological City”爱护绿色家园,助力环保公益积极参加植树造林本行把植树造林、改善生态环境作为履行企业社会责任的方式之一,倡导义务植树、绿化美化环境,并积极参加共和国部长义务植树活动。2012 年本行总部共植树3,420 株。报告期内, 本行大连分行组织90余名青年员工开展了 “绿化浪漫之都”春季植树活动。大家在体验

507、劳动的同时,进一步加强了团队协作意识,提升了集体凝聚力和向心力,并为绿化大连做出贡献。本行江苏分行每年春天组织青年员工开展植树活动,培养青年环保意识。从 2009 年起在淹城野生动物园选择了一块荒地,建立植树包干区,四年来持续不断。当年的荒山坡现在基本被树木覆盖,绿意盎然。社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Creditworthy Bank和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展

508、望OutlookDuring the reporting period, the Data Center (Beijing) independently developed the function of meeting room cost control, introduced the idea of virtual cost management on the basis of an automated system for meeting room use application and formed an incentive and constraint mechanism for c

509、ost control, which produced remarkable results in improving meeting rooms usage efciency, shortening meeting duration, simplifying and reducing meetings, and cutting communication costs. Since the application of the cost management system, the banks average meeting duration has dropped by 34% and th

510、e number of meetings has fallen by 5%. Suzhou Branch took the lead in introducing solar energy equipment in its training center to reduce coal consumption. According to incomplete statistics, since the equipment replacement in 2012, the branch has cut net cost by RMB320,000. The staf of the Bank, to

511、gether with young volunteers, are actively dedicated themselves to environmental protection cause, participating extensively in various kinds of charity events such as voluntary tree planting, nature conservation and green traveling campaigns, taking actions to protect ecological environment and bea

512、utify living space, and promoting the idea of environment-friendly and healthy life style in public. Cherishing the Green Home and Boosting Environmental Protection CauseExtensive participation in tree planting activitiesCASECASE本行陕西分行营业部组织开展“我为秦岭添新绿 携手共植碳补林”公益植树活动The Business Division of Shaanxi Br

513、anch launched a charity tree planting campaign with the theme of “Give the Landscape of Qinling More Green Brush, Make a Concerted Efort to Plant Trees for Low Carbon”. The bank has always treated planting trees and improving ecological environment as ways of performing corporate social responsibili

514、ty. It promotes planting trees and making the environment more green and beautiful, and actively participated in the Voluntary Tree Planting Activity by Ministers of the Republic. In 2012, the Banks head office planted 3,420 trees in total. During the reporting period, Dalian Branch organized a spri

515、ng tree planting activity in this City of Green Romance in which more than 90 young staff participated. Through laboring, team spirit among the staf was further enhanced, the collective cohesive and centripetal force was elevated and contributions were made to the greening course of Dalian. Jiangsu

516、Branch organizes tree planting activities every spring for its young staff to raise their awareness of environmental protection. In 2009, it picked a wasteland in Yancheng Wildlife Park for tree planting. For the past four years, continuous efforts were made and now the barren land is basically cove

517、red by woods, thriving and exuberating. 绿色银行Green Bank7980报告期内,本行共开展环保公益类活动 200 多项,参与人数 8,000 多人次,受助人数超过 1 万人次。本行数据中心(北京)常年在中心园区内设立专用废旧电池回收箱,带动中心员工以实际行动践行环保义务,2011 年活动开展以来,累计收集废旧电池共 30 公斤,并主动联系当地废品回收中心进行回收,进一步提升了员工的环保意识。报告期内,本行苏州分行参加以“感恩母亲湖,洁净太湖水”作为主题的鱼悦节活动,通过志愿者们的集体放鱼行动,呼吁全社会一起关注太湖水资源,保护太湖水环境,为子孙后代

518、留下一片美好的碧水蓝天。工银租赁一直关心和支持环保事业,致力于保护生物多样性。自 2009 年起至今,工银租赁共认养了北京植物园 28 棵古树,保护了物种多样性。本行贵州分行为减少员工上下班开车出行,积极倡导绿色出行,号召步行或坐公交车辆上下班,并为员工统一办理公交乘车卡。工银租赁在北京植物园认养的侧柏古树An Ancient Chinese arborvitae under the aegis of ICBC Leasing in Beijing Botanical Garden本行苏州分行参加“感恩母亲湖,洁净太湖水”鱼悦节活动Suzhou Branch took part in the

519、“Happy Fish Day” initiative with the theme of Thanksgiving to the Mother Lake, Purify Water of Taihu Lake”热心环保公益活动案例案例案例本行悉尼分行参加环保志愿者活动Sydney Branch took part in voluntary environmental protection activity社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行G

520、reen Bank诚信银行Creditworthy Bank和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望OutlookDuring the reporting period, the Bank totally launched over 200 initiatives of environmental protectionand dedication with more than 8,000 person-time in total, which benefted more than 10,000 person-time. The Data Center (B

521、eijing) has placed waste battery recycling bins in the centers park and encouraged its staff to take practical actions to fulfll their obligation of environmental protection. Throughout the year, it collected about 30 kilograms of waste batteries and contacted local recycling center for recycling, w

522、hich further enhanced the awareness of environmental protection among its staf. During the reporting period, Suzhou Branch joined the Happy Fish Day activity with the theme of Thanksgiving to the Mother Lake, Purify Water of Taihu Lake in which volunteers collectively set fsh free and called on the

523、whole society to care for the water resources of Taihu Lake and protect surrounding environment to leave a wonderful world with clean water and blue sky to future generations. Guizhou Branch, in support of green traveling, called on its staf to walk or take a bus to commute between their homes and w

524、ork places instead of driving cars, and to this end, it collectively applied for public transport cards for its staf.ICBC Leasing has been giving much care and support to the environmental protection cause and dedicated itself to preserving the biological diversity. Since 2009 till now, it has been

525、committed to the preservation of 28 ancient trees in Beijing Botanical Garden to preserve the diversity of species. Dedication to charity environmental protection eventsCASECASE本行湖南分行开展“保护母亲河,共青团在行动”活动,多次组织员工在索溪河道两边清理垃圾Hunan Branch launched an activity with the theme of “Youth League in Action of Pr

526、otecting the Mother River” and organized its staf to collect garbage along the Suoxi Watercourse for several times工银印尼组织员工参加印尼银行家协会举办的“健康行走”活动ICBC (Indonesia) organized its staff to attend the event of “Healthy Walk” hosted by the Indonesian Bankers Association数据中心(北京)开展“我的一亩责任田”环保活动The Data Center

527、(Beijing) launched an environmental protection initiative “A Tract of Land under My Care”CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 20122012 社会责任报告诚信银行 Creditworthy Bank消费者权益保护责任采购投资者关系管理反金融犯罪知识产权保护Protection of Customers Rights and Interests Improvement of Investor Relations ManagementAnti-fnancial Cri

528、meProcurementProtection of Intellectual Property Rights诚信银行Creditworthy Bank8384为进一步加强不规范经营治理,做好消费者权益保护工作,本行在国内率先成立了消费者权益保护办公室,并制定了全行消费者权益保护基本文件、指导意见及配套制度,以建立健全金融消费者权益保护长效机制。报告期内,本行印发关于加强消费者权益保护工作的通知,从健全组织管理体系、完善长效工作机制、强化预警分析和监督管理以及加强与监管部门沟通协调四个方面规划了全行消费者权益保护工作管理体系;拟定了关于进一步做好消费者权益保护工作的意见,进一步明确了文本审核与

529、执行监督、定价审核与服务收费体验评估、客户维权协调、消费者金融知识宣传教育、特殊消费者群体保护等方面的消费者权益保护基础性工作内容。作为经营信用的金融企业,本行始终以“诚信”作为立行之本和固行之基。本行秉承“工于至诚、行以至远”的价值观,致力消费者权益保护,强化投资者关系管理,积极履行反金融犯罪义务,以“诚信”赢得客户的信赖 , 取得股东的认可,获得社会的尊重。建设完善消费者权益保护工作机制消费者权益保护报告期内,本行完成新版服务价目表的梳理和对外发布工作。新版价目表对 2009 版收费项目和实际执行的收费项目进行全面梳理,并以印制手册和门户网站公布方式推出,取得良好社会效应。本行还深入比较分

530、析同业服务收费动态,完善本行定价策略和定价机制。此外,本行对新推出的产品和服务的定价从平衡银行和消费者利益角度进行审核 , 引导产品和服务合理定价, 如对工银运通百夫长黑金卡和工银运通铂金卡有关定价的审核, 对监管机构和外界关注度较高的 “房屋抵押登记费” 、“房产评估费”、“代办抵押登记费”等问题,在深入研究相关法律法规和监管规定的基础上,改进了服务项目设置和定价。对产品进行定价审核与评估分析李晓鹏副行长前往北京分行网点调研 2012 年版服务价格目录公示及执行情况Senior Executive Vice President, Li Xiaopeng conducted a survey

531、on the publicity and implementation of the Service Price List (2012 version) in outlets of Beijing Branch社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Creditworthy Bank和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望OutlookTo further strengthen th

532、e management of operations that are not in compliance with the laws and regulations and the protection of customers rights and interests, the Bank took the lead in establishing an ofce for the protection of customers rights and interests. Relevant basic documents, guiding opinions and supporting reg

533、ulations have been formulated for the whole bank, for the purpose of establishing and improving a long-term mechanism for the protection of fnancial customers rights and interests. During the reporting period, the Bank issued the Notice on Strengthening the Protection of Customers Rights and Interes

534、ts, to work out a management system by improving the organization and management system and the long-term working mechanism, enhancing the early warning analysis and supervision, and strengthening the communication and coordination with regulatory authorities. Besides, the Opinions on Further Carryi

535、ng out the Protection of Customers Rights and Interests was drafted, which further specifed basic work regarding the protection of customers rights and interests, such as review, implementation and supervision of relevant documents, review on pricing and assessment of charging experience, coordinati

536、on for protecting customers rights, publicity and education of fnancial knowledge for customers, and protection of special customer groups. As a financial enterprise that values good faith, ICBC always regards creditworthiness as the basis for operating and consolidating the Bank. Adhere to its valu

537、e of Integrity Leads to Prosperity, the Bank commits itself to protecting customers rights and interests, strengthens investor relations management and actively performs the obligation of fighting against fnancial crimes, thus winning trust of customers, gaining recognition from shareholders and ear

538、ning respect of the society with creditworthiness. Protection of Customers Rights and InterestsEstablishing and improving the working mechanism for the protection of customers rights and interests做好 2012 年版服务价目表公示工作Make a publicity to the Service Price List (2012 version)evaluation fee, and commissi

539、oned mortgage registration fee, the Bank also ameliorated the setting and pricing of bank charges based on the in-depth study of relevant laws, regulations and regulatory requirements. During the reporting period, the Bank completed the collation and release of the new service price list, in which,

540、charged items of 2009 and the ones actually applied were collated in an all-around manner. Launched by printed manuals and through the portal site, the new service price list achieved sound social effects. Besides, the Bank made in-depth comparisons and analyses of charges on products and services w

541、ith those of its counterparts, with a purpose of improving its pricing policies and mechanism. In addition, the Bank reviewed the pricing of new products and services from the perspective of balancing its interests with customers to guide reasonable pricing of products and services. For example, it

542、reviewed the pricing of ICBC-American Express Centurion Black Gold Card and ICBC-American Express Platinum Card. As for the problems concerned by regulatory authorities and the society which caused by the house mortgage registration fee, property Reviewing, assessing and analyzing the pricing of pro

543、ducts诚信银行Creditworthy Bank8586报告期内,本行对各类收费文件进行了梳理,对于不符合监管部门规定的、或合同文件与新版服务价目表收费项目不一致的,进行了修订完善或调整废止,年内累计梳理完成各类收费业务相关文件 1,537 个,其中包括业务制度 726 个,协议文本 579 个,业务凭证 170 个,其他开展收费项目所涉合同文本的梳理和审核优化业务系统,加强规范经营文本62个, 已基本完成了存量收费文件的梳理工作。 同时,本行从保护消费者利益的角度出发,结合客户投诉和外部检查所反映或暴露的问题,对新拟订的业务规章制度、协议合同、市场推广方案等进行审核,有效防范了新产品或新

544、业务推出后对消费者权益的侵害或危害。报告期内, 本行对涉及12个业务子系统、 607个项目的中间业务收费名称、 参数系统和凭证打印存在的问题进行了深入调研,并提出了包含 537 个调整项目和内容的中间业务收费系统规范化改造项目需求,通过系统促进中间业务收费与新版价目表的配套衔接。同时,本行强化了新版价目表执行情况的跟踪监测和调研分析,组织开展新版价目表实施情况与消费者权益保护专题调研,针对发现的问题督促相关分行和部门进行整改;组织完成新版价目表优化意见的征集、汇总和研究分析,共收集各类优化调整意见 86 条,并提出了优化调整方案。此外,本行还根据银监会关于整治不规范经营工作的整体部署,组成 5

545、 个检查组,赴 10 家分行进行了不规范经营专项检查,针对检查发现的问题及时提示各行和有关部门整改。本行消费者权益保护工作组织架构图 The Organizational Chart of the Bank s Customer Rights Protection总行消费者权益保护办公室一级分行、直属分行消费者权益保护工作牵头管理部门一级分行、直属分行消费者权益保护工作牵头管理部门一级分行、直属分行消费者权益保护工作牵头管理部门二级分行消费者权益保护工作团队二级分行消费者权益保护工作团队二级分行消费者权益保护工作团队Customer Rights Protection Office at th

546、e Head OfficeCustomer Rights Protection Office at Tier-one branchCustomer Rights Protection Office at Tier-one branchCustomer Rights Protection Office at Tier-one branchCustomer Rights Protection Office at Tier-two branchCustomer Rights Protection Office at Tier-two branchCustomer Rights Protection

547、Office at Tier-two branch一级支行消费权益保护工作联系人一级支行消费权益保护工作联系人一级支行消费权益保护工作联系人Customer Rights Protection Office at Sub-branchCustomer Rights Protection Office at Sub-branchCustomer Rights Protection Office at Sub-branch.社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Build

548、er绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Creditworthy Bank和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望OutlookDuring the reporting period, the Bank collated various documents on bank charges. Documents inconsistent with regulatory requirements, relevant contracts or new service price list were revised, modified, adjusted or r

549、escinded. Accumulatively 1,537 different documents supporting charged items were collated, including 726 documents on business systems, 579 contracts, 170 business vouchers and 62 other items . So far, the collation of existing documents on bank charges has been basically completed. Meanwhile, for t

550、he purpose of protection of customers Rights and Interests, ICBC reviewed newly drafted business rules and regulations, agreements and contracts, and marketing plans by taking into consideration customer complaints and problems discovered or exposed in external inspections, efectively prevented cust

551、omers rights and interests from infringement or damage after the introduction of new products or businesses. 各业务线文本审核数量分布情况Distribution Chart of Contracts Reviewed by Business Lines 个人金融业务 Personal Banking银行卡业务 Bank Card Business电子银行业务 E-banking金融市场业务 Financial Market Business贵金属业务 Precious Metal Bu

552、siness信贷、授信业务 Credit Business其他业务 Other Bussinesses30%43%4%2%11%5%5%Collating and reviewing contracts concerning charged itemsOptimising the operation system, enforcing the complianceThe Bank conducted in-depth investigations on the problems regarding 12 business subsystems, names of 607 items of fe

553、e-based intermediary businesses, parameter system and voucher printing in the reporting period. It proposed requirements for standardized reconstruction project on the charging system of intermediary businesses which covers 537 reconciliation items and contents, so as to facilitate the integration o

554、f fee-charging of intermediary businesses and the new price list. In the meantime, the Bank strengthened the tracking, monitoring, investigation and analysis on the practice of the new service price list. Special investigations concerning the execution of the new service price list and protection of

555、 customers interests and rights were organized and carried out, so that relevant branches and departments could be urged to rectify discovered problems. A total of 86 opinions on improving and adjusting the new price list were collected, summarized and analyzed, and a plan was brought forward. Moreo

556、ver, the Bank set up 5 inspection groups according to the overall plan of the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) on the governance of operations which are not in compliance with the laws and regulations, to conduct special inspections on 10 branches. Problems discovered during the inspection

557、s were notifed to branches and relevant departments for rectifcation in a timely manner. 诚信银行Creditworthy Bank8788本行构建了服务管理部门协调推动、专业部门各司其职的投诉管理工作模式,由总行直接参与处理各类客户纠纷维权事件。全行高度重视,快速反应,采用电话沟通、实地回访、调阅资料等方式进行核实,并积极主动与客户沟通解决。报告期内,本行共办理业务 658 亿笔,平均 950 万笔业务发生 1 件投诉,网均投诉 0.4 件。自2011 年以来,本行投诉已连续八个季度延续环比下降态势,重点

558、领域投诉数量明显减少,2012 年接到的投诉总量较 2011 年下降 73%。报告期内,本行投诉处理完结率99%,客户对投诉处理的满意率达到 96%。为增加客户反映问题和沟通的渠道,本行在总分行两级机构同时公告并开通了“投诉举报专线电话”,并建立了抽查督导、监测分析、全行通报等机制。报告期内,全行受理投诉举报专线电话 783 起。同时,本行注重通过源头改进服务促进投诉量的压降,优化投诉处理流程,不断提高投诉处理效率和质量,主动收集、分析客户反映的本行金融产品和金融服务涉及消费者权益保护方面的有关缺陷、瑕疵或风险隐患,研究消费者维权案例,推动产品和服务改进。本行认真做好普及金融知识万里行宣传活动

559、The bank earnestly carried out the campaign of Dissemination of Financial Knowledge本行北京分行积极开展反洗钱宣传月咨询活动Beijing Branch actively carried out the consulting campaign with the subject of Publicity Month of Anti-money Laundering稳妥高效处理各类客户纠纷维权事件本行一直致力于做好客户金融知识普及,提升公众金融安全意识,开展了以“金融知识在您身边服务月”、“助推小微、 三农金融服务月

560、” 和 “特殊群体客户关爱服务月”为主题的“普及金融知识万里行”活动。活动中,本行通过持续跟踪、定期统计、重点指导、现场调研等措施开展金融消费者知识教育组织全行开展了形式多样、内容丰富的知识普及和宣传工作,取得了积极的社会宣传效果。报告期内,本行共组织各类活动 5 万余次,参与网点数量 15,000 多个,设立公共区域宣教点 1,600 多个,参与员工 29 万余人次,投放宣传资料 900 万份。同时,本行借助各种媒体对活动进行了2,000余次的宣传报道, 其中通过电视120余次,广播 70 余次,报刊 450 余次。External InstitutionsComplaint Hotline

561、Mails and VisitsBranchesOfficial Website95588 Customer Service LineCustomer Complaints Channels外部机构举报专线电话来信来访营业网点官方网站95588客服电话客户投诉渠道社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Creditworthy Bank和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望Outl

562、ookThe Bank established the complaint management working model, featuring the coordinated facilitation of service management departments and professional departments performing their respective duties. The Head Ofce directly participated in the handling of customer complaints and rights-protection c

563、ases to which the whole bank attached great importance and responded quickly by means of telephone communication, return visit, access to information and positive communication with customers. During the reporting period, the Bank processed 65.8 billion businesses, one complaint occurred per 9.5 mil

564、lion businesses on average, 0.4 complaint occurred per branch on average. Since 2011, complaints to the Bank have declined for eight consecutive quarters, complaints in the key areas decreased significantly, complaints in 2012 declined by 73% over 2011. During the reporting period, completion rate o

565、f complaints handling reached 99%, and customer satisfaction of the complaints handling reached 96%. To broaden channels for customers to report problems and communication with customers, the Bank opened the complaint and reporting hotline both at the Head Ofce and branches on which announcements we

566、re made at the same time, and mechanisms of selective examination, supervision, monitoring, analysis and bank-wide notifcation were set up. During the reporting period, 783 compliant and reporting cases were accepted through the hotline in the whole bank. At the same time, the Bank attached importan

567、ce to lowering complaints through improving services, optimizing complaints handling processes, constantly enhancing complaints handling efficiency and quality, proactively collecting and analyzing the defects, flaws and risks lying in financial products and services in terms of customer rights proe

568、ction, studying customer rights protection cases, and facilitating the betterment of products and services. 本行上海分行携手区公安局共同开展金融反诈骗活动Shanghai Branch, together with the district Public Security Bureau, jointly organized the fnancial anti-fraud activity本行广西分行向公众宣传金融知识,提升公众金融安全意识Guangxi Branch publicized

569、 financial knowledge to the public to enhance people s awareness of fnancial safetyHandling customer complaints and rights-protection cases reliably and efcientlyThe Bank has always devoted itself to the popularization of financial knowledge among customers to raise the awareness of the public for f

570、inancial safety. Therefore, the public education campaign of Dissemination of Financial Knowledge was launched, with the subjects of Service Month of Financial Knowledge by Your Side, Month of Financial Services Supporting Micro and Small Businesses, and Agriculture, countryside and Farmers, and Ser

571、vice Month of Care for Special Customer Groups. In the campaign, the Bank organized the whole bank to popularize and publicize diversified and wide-ranging fnancial knowledge by taking measures including constant tracking, regular statistics, targeted guidance and on-site investigation, which produc

572、ed positive social effects. During the reporting period, over 50,000 activities were organized by the Bank, with the participation of more than 15,000 outlets. Over 1,600 public education centers were set up, employees of more than 290,000 person-times took part in the activities, and 9 million leaf

573、lets were handed out. In addition, more than 2,000 reports on these activities were made through various media, including TV program for over 120 times, broadcasting for more than 70 times, and newspapers and periodicals for more than 450 times. Educating fnancial knowledge among customers诚信银行Credit

574、worthy Bank8990报告期内,本行不断完善投资者关系管理,强化股东回报,畅通沟通渠道,有力保障全体股东尤其是中小投资者合法权益,赢得投资者的广泛认可与信赖。现金分红(亿元)Cash dividend (RMB100 million)本行继续秉持信息披露公平性原则,向所有股东公平披露信息。为了确保投资者的公平知情权,本行坚持在沪港两地交易所和公司网站同步披露临时公告和定期报告,报告期内,本行共对外披露定期报告 4 次,发布临时公告及相关资料 198 份;坚持以现场和全球电话会议同步的方式召开业绩发布会,并通过官方网站以网络广播的形式供全球投资者收看;坚持以简体中文、繁体中文、英文三种版

575、本印制定期报告;在倡行“绿色环保”、积极引导股东采用电子方式收取公司通讯文件的同时,向有纸质阅读习惯的股东寄发纸质公司通讯文件。报告期内,本行荣获上交所“2012 年度上市公司信息披露奖”、香港会计师公会“最佳企业管治资料披露大奖”H 股板块白金奖、美国媒体专业联盟(LACP)评选的年度报告白金奖和最佳年度财务信息披露金奖(亚太区)等等境内外信息披露权威奖项。本行 2012 年中期业绩发布会ICBCs Interim Results Announcement of 2012 投资者关系管理报告期内,本行实现税后利润 2,386.91 亿元,同比增长 14.5%;每股盈利 0.68 元;加权平均

576、权益回报率达到 23.02%。截至报告期末,本行市值为 2,365 亿美元。在业绩稳定增长的同时,本行积极落实现金分红政策,以高现金分红回报股东,让投资者分享公司增长成果。以稳定的业绩增长和持续的现金分红回报投资者以充分、及时、公平的信息披露保护投资者200744420085506422011709社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Creditworthy Bank和谐银行Harmonious

577、 Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望Outlook本行网站投资者关系专栏公告 Announcements in the investor relations column on ICBCs websiteDuring the reporting period, the Bank strongly protected the legitimate rights and interests of all shareholders especially small and medium investors by constantly improving investor relatio

578、ns management, increasing return to shareholders and unblocking the communication channels, winning the recognition and trust of investors. Adhere to the principle of impartiality for information disclosure, the Bank disclosed information to all shareholders impartially. To ensure that investors hav

579、e equal access to the information, it persisted in disclosing interim and regular announcements simultaneously at The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong, Shanghai Stock Exchange and on its official website. During the reporting period, regular reports were disclosed four times, and 198 interim announcement

580、s and relevant materials were disclosed. Results announcements were At the end of reporting period, the Bank s after-tax proft was reported at RMB 238.691 billion, with a year-on-year increase of 14.5%; earning per share (EPS) was RMB0.68; return on weighted average equities were recorded at 23.02%;

581、 market capitalization was recorded at USD 236.5 billion. While maintaining the stable performance growth, the Bank actively implemented the cash dividend policies, with a purpose of repaying high cash dividends to shareholders and letting investors enjoy the fruits of growth of the Bank. persistent

582、ly made by on-site and global teleconference and transmitted through network broadcasting on its website so that global investors could watch the announcements. Besides, regular reports were published in three versions of simplifed Chinese, traditional Chinese and English. While advocating environme

583、ntal protection and actively guiding shareholders to receive electronic company documents, the Bank sent paper documents to shareholders who had such reading habit. In the reporting period, the Bank won a series of prestigious awards granted by domestic and overseas institutions, including the 2012

584、Listed Company of Excellent Information Disclosure Award by Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE), the Best Corporate Governance Disclosure H-Stock Platinum Award by Hong Kong Institute of Certifed Public Accountants, the Annual Report Platinum Award and Best Annual Financial Information Disclosure Award (A

585、sia-Pacifc) by League of American Communications Professionals LLC (LACP). Repaying investors with stable performance growth and sustained cash dividendsProtecting investors with sufcient, timely and fair information disclosureImprovement of Investor Relations Management诚信银行Creditworthy Bank9192本行积极

586、畅通沟通渠道,确保全体股东尤其是中小投资者同等享有和行使知情权、决策参与权、建议权和质询权。本行一直坚持在股东大会两地会场同时设立 A 股股东和 H 股股东登记处 , 两会场股东均有投票权。本行设立了投资者热线(+86-10-66108608)和投资者关系邮箱(),配备专门工作人员负责回答热线接听和投资者邮件回复。从接好每一个投资者的电话,到解决每一个投资者关心的问题,本行致力于踏踏实实建立友善、 和谐的投资者关系, 通过深入细致的沟通,与广大投资者建立了良好的互动关系。本行不断完善投资者意见建议采集与行内传导机制,杨凯生行长在中央人民广播电台“做客中央台”直播节目现场接受访谈Presiden

587、t Yang Kaisheng attended a live broadcasting program named Be A Guest of Central Peoples Broadcasting Station” 报告期内,本行全面修订了集中采购规章制度,形成了较为规范统一的集中采购制度体系。本行在集中采购过程中加大了对供应商在社会责任履行方面的资质要求和审查力度,如供应商生产过程中是否严格遵循环境政策、致力环境保护、是否关心员工权益、是否鼓励开发和推广环境友好型技术,以及在反腐败方面的行动等,力求通过定性约束,向上下游产业链传导社会责任意识,促进供应链上各方社会责任的承担。2012

588、年,本行继续积极推进采购领域市场诚信体系建设,严把供应商推荐关。全行各级纪检监察部门共对 3,889 个集中采购项目进行了监督,监督项目金额达 96.28 亿元,将 92 家有不良行为的供应商列入禁入名单,有效促进了全行集中采购业务的规范开展。责任采购本行在增强业务创新和科技创新力度的同时,加快推进自主创新技术保护工作。报告期内,本行专利申请和专利获权取得了显著成绩,累计向国家知识产权局递交了 80 项专利申请,获得了国家知识产权局 61 件专利授权证书,目前已经拥有的专利总量达到 224 个。同时,本行坚持贯彻落实国家有关软件正版化的政策和规定,在信息化建设过程中,坚持与IBM、微软、ORA

589、CLE 等软件供应商签订企业级合作协议,合法使用其软件产品和技术服务,尊重合作伙伴的正当权益。知识产权保护林晓轩首席信息官出席人民银行推进金融业软件正版化工作会议并介绍经验Chief Information Ofcer, Lin Xiaoxuan attended seminar held by PBOC, and introduced ICBC s experience on software copy-right protection以积极主动的沟通服务投资者通过境内外非交易性路演、反向路演、投资者分析师见面会、媒体发布会等方式不断拓宽沟通途径 , 及时掌握媒体、投资者关注的问题并认真解答

590、,进一步加强与全球投资者的沟通与交流,不断提升本行公司治理水平和投资价值。社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Creditworthy Bank和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望OutlookIt actively unblocked communication channels so that all shareholders, especially small and

591、medium investors, could enjoy and exercise equal rights to know, to make decisions and participate, to propose and to inquire. By virtue of registry ofces for A-stock holders and H-stock holders in Shanghai and Hong Kong, all shareholders could exercise their voting rights when the General Meeting o

592、f Shareholders being held. An investor hotline (+86-10-66108608) and a special email () for investor relations have been set and specialized personnel were delegated to answer and reply the questions and emails from investors. The Bank devoted itself to establishing friendly 本行江西分行举行“中国网络媒体江西行走进工行”活

593、动Jiangxi Branch organized the campaign of Chinese Internet Media in Jiangxi - Learn about ICBC本行在加拿大开展非交易性路演Non-trading road show of ICBC in CanadaDuring the reporting period, the Bank revised the policies on centralized procurement in an all-around manner and developed a standardized and unified ce

594、ntralized procurement system. In the process of centralized procurement, the Bank proposed more requirements on qualifications of suppliers in performing social responsibilities with stricter examination and review. For example, whether suppliers committed to environmental protection strictly in acc

595、ordance with environmental policies in the process of production, cared about the rights and interests of employees, encouraged the development and promotion of environment-friendly technologies and took anti-corruption actions. Therefore, the Bank tried to Responsible ProcurementThe Bank strengthen

596、ed the business and technology innovation and accelerated the protection of independently developed innovation technologies. During the reporting period, it made remarkable achievements in terms of the application for and acquirement of patents. Accumulatively 80 items of patent applications were su

597、bmitted to the State Intellectual Property Ofce, and 61 patent certifcates were granted by the ofce. The Bank now has 224 patents in total. In the meantime, the Bank persistently implemented the national policies and regulations on copyrighted software. In information construction, it insisted on si

598、gning enterprise-level cooperative agreements with software suppliers including IBM, Microsoft and ORACLE, using their software and technical services legitimately, to respect cooperative partners rights and interests. Protection of Intellectual Property Rightsraise the awareness of social responsib

599、ility of enterprises along upstream and downstream industrial chains through qualitative constraints to urge the performance of social responsibilities of all parties of the supply chain. In 2012, the Bank continued to build the market credit system for procurement, and strictly reviewed the recomme

600、ndations of suppliers. Disciplinary inspection institutions at different levels supervised a total of 3,889 centralized procurement projects amounting to RMB9,628 million, 92 delinquent suppliers were included in the blacklist, effectively advancing sound development of centralized procurement. and

601、harmonious relationship with investors by means of in-depth and meticulous communications including answering all calls and questions from all investors and has established sound interactive communication with them. Besides, the Bank continued to improve the mechanism of collection and internal tran

602、smission of investors opinions and suggestions. By domestic and overseas non-trading road show, reverse road show, meet-and-greet with investors and analysts, and press conference, the Bank constantly expanded communication channels, so as to duly learn and answer the questions raised by the media a

603、nd investors, further strengthen the communication and exchange with global investors, and continuously enhance the Bank s corporate governance and investment value. Serving investors through proactive and interactive communication诚信银行Creditworthy Bank9394报告期内,本行按照“行为有规、授权有度、监测有窗、检查有力、控制有效”的内控合规总体要求

604、,持续推进内部控制体系建设。本行制定或完善了一系列内控管理基本制度,明确了内控体系建设目标,并初步建立起集团制度的全流程管理机制;全面修订了一级(直属)分行内控评价办法和指标体系,促进内控评价全面实现非现场评价为主和年度常态化评价;通过深入推进信息科技系统建设,加强了内控合规非现场监测分析工作,强化信息安全管理。反金融犯罪完善内控体系,制定内控规划报告期内,本行在全辖范围内组织开展了以员工行为规范教育为主题的合规文化建设活动,通过主题学习、征文评比、知识竞赛等活动,对全行 40 余万干部员工进行了一次深入、系统的行为规范教育,强化了全行“凡事讲依法合规、做事要有规有矩”的意识;评选了一批长期严


606、钱检查,增强集团反洗钱和反恐怖融资风险掌控能力。履行反洗钱职责,维护金融安全稳定创新反欺诈技术手段,加强信用卡风险监控罗熹副行长出席工商银行反洗钱重点领域工作座谈会Senior Executive Vice President, Luo Xi attended seminar for anti-money laundering本行以“假币零容忍”为工作目标,在全行范围组织开展假币专项治理工作,强化假币收缴和堵截,加强反假宣传和普及,重点做好向社会收付现金的假币防范工作,2012 年全行累计收缴人民币假币 104.7 万张、4,144.3 万元,货币流通秩序得到净化,切实维护了广大人民群众的切身

607、利益。加强反假币宣传,保障人民群众利益本行构建了全行信用卡申请反欺诈数据平台,建立了基于对风险监控事件分析排查为基础的 CPP 筛查和重大风险事件防控机制,以及总分行互动、724 小时风险监控作业机制。报告期内,开展了形式多样的银行卡安全使用知识宣传,不断增强持卡人自我保护的风险防范意识;荣获公安部 2012 年联合打击银行卡犯罪行动“最佳协作单位奖”。社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Creditworthy B

608、ank和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望OutlookAnti-fnancial CrimeDuring the reporting period, the Bank kept promoting the construction of internal control system based on the general requirements on internal control and compliance which could be characterized by regular conducts, proper authoriza

609、tion, windowed monitoring, powerful inspection, and efective control. With the formulation or improvement of a range of basic regulations on internal control management, the Bank defined the objectives for construction of internal control system, and preliminarily established the whole-process manag

610、ement mechanism at the group level. Moreover, through the all-round revision of internal control evaluation system and indicator system for tier-one (directly controlled) branches, the Bank pushed forward the annual normalized evaluation with the focus on of-site evaluation. Meanwhile, the Bank ener

611、getically reinforced the of-site monitoring and analysis on internal control compliance and tightened up information security management by facilitating the building of information technology system. Improving the internal control system and establishing the internal control planningDuring the repor

612、ting period, the Bank organized and carried out compliance culture building activities under the subject of education on code of conduct throughout the Bank, such as theme-based learning, essay competition and knowledge quiz, so that more than 400,000 employees of the Bank could receive in-depth and

613、 systematic education on code of conduct, for the purpose of intensifying the consciousness of complying with laws, regulations and rules in everything. A batch of institutions and individuals as compliance models that strictly performed the code of conduct and their duties on a long-term basis and

614、considered both risk control and operation performance, were selected to build up a behaviour model on internal control compliance in the Bank, and make compliance culture being further accepted by employees. Building the compliance culture and enhancing the compliance awarenessThe Bank bears with t

615、he goal of zero-tolerance to counterfeit money, performed prudential management on counterfeit money control compaign, by blocking and confscating the counterfeit money. The Bank aslo enforced publicity to the customers for the konwledge of awaring forged banknote. In 2012, the Bank accumulatively c

616、ollected 1.047 million fake banknotes, with the face-value of RMB 41.443 million. As a result, currency circulation was purifed, and the Bank well protected the publics benefts.Publicizing anti-counterfeit money and protecting publics beneftsPerforming anti-money laundering duties and maintaining fn

617、ancial safety and stabilityDuring the reporting period, the Bank rigidly observed the anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist fnancing laws and regulations of China and the countries (regions) where overseas branches were located, and earnestly fulflled social responsibilities and legitimate obliga

618、tions regarding anti-money laun dering. As a fnancial institution which was the frst one to provide reports on large-value and suspicious transactions on a pilot basis in China, the Bank developed a risk-focused monitoring model on suspicious transactions and a new-generation anti-money laundering m

619、onitoring system, successfully reformed anti-money laundry fuction concentration, and implemented multi-level and forms of training program. The anti-money laundry framework of Concentration, Professionism and Systematicness is further improved. Besides, the assessment project on anti-money launderi

620、ng of overseas institutions was initiated, risk warning on anti-money laundering was released in a timely manner, and domestic and overseas institutions were organized to conduct self-examination on anti-money laundering, to potentiate the Group s capabilities on controlling anti-money laundering an

621、d anti-terrorist fnancing risks. Innovating anti-fraud technologies, and reinforcing monitoring of credit card risksThe Bank built an anti-fraud data application platform for credit card, established CPP scanning and major risk events preventing mechanisms based on the analysis and monitoring of ris

622、k events, and formed the 724 risk monitoring mechanism with interaction between the head ofce and branches. During the reporting period, the Bank publicized the knowledge of banking cards security in diverse ways, constantly enhancing self-protection awareness of card-holders; also, the Bank was gra

623、nted The Most Cooperative Unit Award by the Public Security Department. 诚信银行Creditworthy Bank9596本行按照“标本兼治、综合治理、惩防并举、注重预防”的方针,以健全惩治和预防腐败体系为重点,整体推进反腐倡廉各项工作,取得良好成效,塑造了本行廉洁、合规、诚信的社会形象。本行四川分行举办“前车之覆 后车之鉴”案防警示教育展览Sichuan Branch held an exhibition on case prevention and caution education named “Remembranc

624、e of the Past Is the Teacher of the Future”. 报告期内,本行推出“三重一大”决策制度实施细则等,进一步明晰了权力边界,减少了制度执行中的自由裁量空间,形成覆盖权力运行过程的控制链;起草规范管理人员职务消费意见,并在全行东、南、西、北四个区域共选择 6 家一级分行开展试点,为科学有效规范职务消费行为摸索积累经验;强化监督检查,把监督检查作为促进权力规范运行的关键手段, 总行共组织巡视了 6 家一级(直属)分行,对 10 个一级(直属)分行和 5 个总行部室进行了廉政案防责任制量化考评,指导 29 个一级(直属)分行开展了效能监察试点工作;加强信访核查,

625、把管理人员违规违纪问题和上级交办的信访件作为核查重点,并加大直查力度,总行共直查重要信访件 28 件;权力制约和监督工作成效明显反腐倡廉教育深入人心本行以教育为先导,在全行深入开展反腐倡廉宣传教育,将反腐倡廉宣传教育纳入各级管理人员教育培训规划。报告期内,全行累计开展各类反腐倡廉学习培训 14,790结合全行近年来国际化发展趋势,主动延伸监督触角,对 2 家境外机构管理人员廉洁履职情况开展现场检查;充分发挥执法监察的监督作用,全行各级纪检监察机构对 1,454 个机构财务制度执行情况开展了执法监察,促进各单位进一步规范财务管理工作;同时注重充分运用监督成果,针对监督检查发现的问题督促有关部门完

626、善管理制度 40 余条,通过以查促建、以建纠偏,以个案问题推动共性问题的解决,进一步完善了源头治腐长效机制。报告期内,本行共组织开展治理商业贿赂有关检查 2,340次,出台规范交易行为、推进银行业市场诚信体系建设的新制度和新措施 1,363 个。次,培训员工 966,780 人次,编发活动简报 9,459 期,刊载活动网讯信息 22,160 次。健全反腐体系,塑造自律氛围社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Credi

627、tworthy Bank和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望OutlookDuring the reporting period, the Bank actively explored a restriction and supervision mechanism for proper allocation and exercise of power, and formulated the implementation rules on related decision-making system to further clarify the boun

628、dary of power, reduce fexibility in the implementation of regulations and develop a control chain covering the process of power execution. The Bank drafted the opinions on position-related consumption of management personnel, and selected six tier-one branches in the eastern, southern, western and n

629、orthern areas for trial implementation, so as to accumulate experience in efective supervision of position-related consumption. The Bank also intensifed supervisory inspection and took it as a key means for promoting proper exercise of power. Specifcally, the Head Ofce inspected six tier-one branche

630、s (branches directly under the Head Office), carried out quantitative evaluation of anti-corruption and case prevention accountability system in ten tier-one branches (branches directly under the Head Ofce) and fve departments under the Head Ofce, and guided 29 tier-one (branches directly under the

631、Head Office) to conduct efficiency supervision on a pilot basis. For the purpose of strengthening the inspection on complaint letters and visits, the Bank gave priorities to direct investigation on disciplinary violations of management personnel and complaint letters assigned by superior departments

632、. The Head Office conducted investigations concerning 28 important complaint letters. Considering the development of global presence in recent years, the Bank extended the range of supervision and carried out on-site inspections on clean duty performance by the management personnel in two overseas i

633、nstitutions. Fully playing their supervisory role, disciplinary inspection institutions at different levels in the Bank supervised the implementation of financial systems in 1,454 institutions to improve fnancial management. Besides, the Bank urged related departments to solve the problems found in

634、the supervisory inspections and accordingly improve more than 40 management regulations. In this way, specific problems were tackled with the development of regulations pushed forward by inspections, to facilitate the solution of common problems and improve a long-term mechanism for combating corrup

635、tion from the source. During the reporting period, the Bank organized 2,340 inspections on combating commercial briberies, and issued 1,363 new regulations and measures for trading activities and market credit system of banking sector. In accordance with the guidelines of combating corruption in an

636、integrated way, addressing both its symptoms and root causes, and combining punishment and prevention, with emphasis on the latter, the Bank promoted its overall work of anti-corruption, achieved favourable efects and built a social image represented by integrity, compliance and creditworthiness for

637、 the Bank. Improving of anti-corruption system and building a self-discipline atmosphereThe Bank carried out the publicity and education on anti-corruption in depth throughout the Bank and incorporated such education into the training plan for management personnel at diferent levels. During the repo

638、rting period, accumulatively 14,790 trainings on anti-corruption were conducted across the Bank, trained employees reached 966,780 person-times, 9,459 issues of bulletins were prepared and released, and 22,160 pieces of news about these activities were published on websites. In-depth education on co

639、mbating corruption Marked achievements in the power restriction and supervision mechanism和谐银行 Harmonious Bank规范用工管理,保障员工权益关注职业发展,关爱员工成长营造温馨氛围,致力人文关爱推进文化融合,打造和谐队伍重视员工诉求,听取民主意见Standardizing Recruitment Management, Protecting Employees Rights and InterestsPaying Attention to the Needs of Employees, Tak

640、ing Democratic AdviceConcerning about Employees Career Development, Caring for Their DevelopmentCreating Comfortable Working Environment, Dedicating to Giving Humanistic Care to Its PeopleBoosting Cultural Integration, Building Harmonious TeamCORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 20122012 社会责任报告和谐银

641、行Harmonious Bank99100员工是本行发展的根本,构建和完善和谐的劳动关系,着力营造“以人为本”的工作氛围,是本行构建和谐银行的出发点和落脚点。本行切实保障员工合法权益,重视员工民主管理,关注员工职业成长,致力员工人文关怀,注重民族团结和文化融合,努力实现员工与企业的共同成长。报告期内,本行贵州六盘水分行、大连分行营业部被中国金融工会授予“全国金融系统劳动关系和谐企业”称号,浙江分行获评“2012MBA 眼中的最佳雇主”。员工概况 Employees Profle员工总数Total number of employees当年新增员工(创造就业)New employees of t

642、he indicated year (jobs newly created)女员工占比Ratio of female staf中高层管理人员的女性比例Ratio of female staf among middle-leveland high-level managers45 岁以下员工比例Percentage of staf under the age of 45员工流失率Staf turnover rate少数民族员工比例Percentage of staf from ethnic minorities 2012427,35614,66549.5%24.6%62.1%1.1%5.25%2

643、011408,85913,58748.8%24.3%63.9%1.15%5.23%2010397,33911,26948.2%24.3%63.9%1.05%5.15%报告期内,本行不断完善各项劳动用工制度,遵循公平、公正的原则,科学设定岗位职责,合理配置人力资源,建立和健全切实有效的维权机制,充分保障员工权利,全面建立企业年金、员工及补充医疗保险等补充福利制度。自 2008 年起实施企业年金计划并委托专业机构进行投资管理,取得较好收益,进一步提高了员工福利。规范用工管理,保障员工权益本行不断完善以职代会为基本形式的民主管理制度,对涉及员工切身利益的规定,及时启动民主程序,切实保障全行员工的知情

644、权和参与权,激发员工的主人翁精神,充分调动员工积极性。同时,通过员工满意度调查、专题访谈等途径全面掌握员工的思想动态,解决员工在薪酬福利、职业发展等方面的各种问题,凝聚人心,促进和谐。本行重庆分行开办了首期职工代表培训班,召开了第四次职代会暨会员代表大会,全面征集和全部办理、回复了代表提案,开展了提案工作满意度调查,代表满意率为 97%。重视员工诉求,听取民主意见社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Creditwor

645、thy Bank和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望Outlook员工学历结构Employees educational background structureEmployees are the basis of ICBCs development. Therefore, it is the Banks starting point and foothold on its way of becoming a harmonious bank to actively build and maintain a harmonious labor relati

646、on and strive to create a people-oriented atmosphere. The Bank earnestly strives to ensure the legitimate rights and interests of its staff, attaches great importance to democracy in staff management, pays attention to their professional growth, commits itself to giving more humanistic care to them,

647、 and emphasizes national unity and cultural integration, makes great eforts to achieve mutual growth of the Bank and its staf. During the reporting period, Liupanshui Branch in Guizhou Province and the business division of Dalian Branch were awarded with the title of Enterprise of Harmonious Labor R

648、elation in the Financial System of China by China Trade Union of Finance, and Zhejiang Branch was accredited as 2012 Best Employer in the Eyes of MBAs .During the reporting period, the Bank made continuous eforts to formulate and improve its various labor and employment systems in accordance with th

649、e principle of fairness and justice, scientifcally specifed job descriptions, logically allocated human resources, established and perfected a practical and efective rights protection mechanism to fully ensured employees rights; it established comprehensive supplementary welfare systems including en

650、terprise annuity and supplementary medical insurance. It has carried out the enterprise annuity program and hired professional institutions to manage the investment which gained sound returns since 2008, and further improved the staf welfare. 博士 PhD 硕士 Master 本科 Bachelor 专科及以下 Junior college and bel

651、ow本行大连分行召开职代会Dalian Branch held the Congress of EmployeesThe Bank has been working on improving the democratic management system in the basic form of congress of workers and staf, duly initiated democratic procedures on regulations to make sure that their opinions were fully heard, ensured all emplo

652、yees rights to know and participate, and fully stimulated their enthusiasm. Meanwhile, the Bank adopted various means 3.7%0.1%52.4%43.8%Standardizing Recruitment Management, Protecting Employees Rights and InterestsPaying Attention to the Needs of Employees, Taking Reasonable Advicesuch as satisfact

653、ion surveys and interviews among its staf to get a comprehensive grip on the staff opinions, and pushes hard for solutions to various problems of the staf about their salary and welfare and career development, which keep the unity and stability of the personnel. Chongqing Branch started the first ro

654、und of training sessions for staff representatives and held the 4th Congress of Workers and Staf and Member Representative Conference, in which it fully collected, processed and replied proposals from representatives, and conducted a survey on the satisfactory level of proposing work in which 97% re

655、presentatives gave a positive reply. 和谐银行Harmonious Bank101102报告期内,本行紧密围绕人才强行战略,以增强员工素质能力、优化员工队伍结构为重点,建立健全“纵向可进退、横向可交流”的职业发展新机制,为员工提供多通道的职业发展路径,为员工指明职业发展方向;针对不同岗位、不同梯队、不同能力、不同年龄的员工,实施针对性职业设计与能力培养,为员工成长提供坚实的支撑。本行建立健全基于岗位胜任能力的培训制度,不断丰富员工培训的渠道资源,采取传统教育与电化教育相结合、请进来与走出去相结合的方式,形成有利于员工职业生涯发展的培训模式。报告期内,本行共完

656、成各类培训 3.6 万期,279 万人次,人均受训约10.6 天;积极推进网络直播课堂、数字图书馆、知识库系统等和网络大学的集成,组织全行性重点网络培训项目 20 期,培训近76 万人次;广泛开展业务知识和技能比赛,以赛促学,以赛促教,努力营造公平竞争、积极向上的成长氛围;与剑桥大学、沃顿商学院等境内外 50 余家知名机构开展培训交流合作,初步形成覆盖美洲、欧洲和亚洲的高端国际交流与合作网络。胡浩董事会秘书出席战略合作培训班Hu Hao, Secretary of the Board of Directors, attended the strategic cooperation traini

657、ng session姜建清董事长、王希全副行长就提高选人用人满意度进行调研Jiang Jianqing, Chairman of the Board, and Wang Xiquan, Senior Executive Vice President of the Bank conducted a survey on improving the satisfaction in regard to recruitment and employees career development本行高度重视员工健康与安全保障,尊重和关心特殊群体,定期组织员工体检,广泛开展关爱员工心理健康、关爱女性员工、关爱

658、离退休员工、困难员工帮扶等暖心工程,将对员工的关怀落到实处。刘立宪纪委书记视察湖北分行员工餐饮配送中心Liu Lixian, Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee, visited Staf Food Distribution Center in Hubei Branch报告期内,本行积极开展职工之家场所设施建设,使员工工作生活环境和设施得到明显改善。全行累计投入资金 8.45 亿元,新建职工之家634 个,职工小家 9,193 个,完善职工之家 2,892 个,职工小家 3,445 个。同时,本行通过心理健康培训、交友平台、 户外拓展训练、 员工亲子

659、活动、运动会等各类文体活动,不断丰富员工精神文化生活,缓解工作压力,保持员工身心健康。关注职业发展,关爱员工成长营造温馨氛围,致力人文关爱社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Creditworthy Bank和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望OutlookDuring the reporting period, the Bank centered closely on ta

660、lent-driven developmetn strategy with a focus on enhancing employees qualities and capabilities and improving the structure of its work force, set up a new sound career development mechanism which is flexible and courageous in terms of vertical position movements and horizontal exchange to provide i

661、ts staf with broadened causes of career development, illuminated the future career development directions for the staf; specifc career development and training programs were designed and organized for employees holding different posts, at different levels, with different capabilities and at differen

662、t ages, providing frm support to the growth of its employees. The Bank has established and improved a sound competency-based training system, dedicated to continuously expanding the training resources through extended channels of both traditional education and audio-visual training through internati

663、onal cooperation, and built a training model benefcial to the career growth of its staf. During the reporting period, the Bank completed 36,000 training sessions in various kinds with 2.79 million person-times involved, which amounted to an average of 10.6 days of training per person. It also active

664、ly promoted the integration of live online classes, digital library, knowledge database system and online college, and organized 20 major online training programs throughout the bank with 760,000 person-times participated in. Besides, it launched various competitions on business know-how and skills

665、with the purpose of boosting learning and education among the staf, and strived to cultivate a fair and positive learning environment. The Bank has established cooperation and exchange channels with more than 50 well-known educational institutions at home and abroad such as the University of Cambrid

666、ge, the Wharton School of Business, initially formed a high-level international exchange and cooperation network covering America, Europe and Asia. 本行中年客户经理岗位技能比赛优秀选手技能展示暨颁奖典礼Skill show of outstanding competitors of the ICBC Middle-aged Customer Manager Skill Competition & the Award Ceremony本行举办第三届青

667、年外语大赛,适应全行国际化加快的步伐,服务青年的学习成长需求The Bank held the 3rd Youth Foreign Language Competition to ft into its pace of internationalization and meet the learning and growth needs of young staf.The Bank highly values the health and security of its employees, respects and cares for special groups, regularly or

668、ganizes physical examinations for all employees. It extensively launched heart-touching programs for employees psychological health, and implemented assistance and other programs to care for its female and retired staff and employees in difficulties, and turned its words of love and care for its emp

669、loyees into actions. During the reporting period, the Bank actively constructed staff recreation centers, which greatly improved the Creating Comfortable Working Environment, Dedicating to Giving Humanistic Care to Its People working environment and facilities for its staff. The Bank cumulatively in

670、put RMB845 million to newly construct 634 new staff recreation centers and 9,193 small family-style staff centers, and improve 2,892 existing staff recreation centers and 3,445 existing small family-style staff centers. Meanwhile, it organized various cultural and sports activities such as psycholog

671、ical health training sessions, friend-making platform, outdoor exercises, parent-child activities and athletic meetings to enrich the cultural life of its staf, relieve their work pressure, and keep their physical and psychological well-being. Concerning about Employees Career Development, Caring fo

672、r Their Growth和谐银行Harmonious Bank103104本行陕西分行员工冬至在职工小家包饺子Employees of Shaanxi Branch made dumplings at the family-style staf center on the Winter Solstice Festival数据中心(北京)举办员工帮助计划大讲堂The Data Center (Beijing) held EAP lectures案例本行数据中心(北京)关爱广大员工心理健康,实施EAP(员工帮助计划)项目,通过宣讲会、现场观察、焦点座谈、“一对一”访谈、问卷调查等多种形式开展了

673、心理调查活动, 设计发放宣传品, 发布专题板报,组织大讲堂, 并辅之以心理工作坊、 心理热线服务等,为员工提供了专业心理诊断和援助。报告期内,本行完成“非你不可”交友平台的系统升级并召开推广会,关注单身员工幸福。截至报告期末,共有 11 家系统内在京机构参与,系统注册人数共计4,498 人,红娘人数 233 人,发布交友人数 616 人,共有 16 人牵手成功。案例本行山西分行慰问离退休员工Visits and regards to retired employees organized by Shanxi Branch截至报告期末,本行共设立了 504 个服务管理机构,配备了 1,466名专

674、兼职工作人员,确保全行 14 万离退休员工待遇的落实和服务管理的到位。报告期内,本行组织 134,867 名离退休员工进行体检;先后慰问了 23,505 名特困离退休员工;为 51,799 名离退休员工庆祝生日;依托 1,536 个离退休人员活动中心和 7 所自办老年大学,开展门球、舞蹈、健身、合唱、书法、摄影、台球等自娱自乐活动,确保“老有所学,老有所乐”。王丽丽副行长出席本行在京机构女员工联谊会Wang Lili, Senior Executive Vice President, attended the sodality of female staf from Beijing-locat

675、ed institutions本行深圳分行女员工业余学习美术Female employees of Shenzhen Branch were having art classes in their spare time本行积极推进女员工权益保护专项集体合同签订和落实工作。截至报告期末,全行 36 个一级分行、直属学院签订了女职工权益保护专项集体合同。 本行江西分行召开座谈会11场, 下发并回收问卷625 份, 开展对集体合同落实情况的专项检查,获省总工会授予“江西省女职工权益保护专项集体合同工作先进单位”称号。报告期内,本行组织了联谊晚会、先进女员关爱女员工关爱离退休员工工疗休养活动、兴趣小组

676、、休闲沙龙等一系列关爱女员工专项活动,深受女员工喜爱。社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Creditworthy Bank和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望OutlookDuring the reporting period, the Bank upgraded the Only You friend-making platform system, and held a

677、promotion with the participation of 11 Beijing-located institutions within the banking system, which ofered more opportunities for single employees to make friends. By the end of the reporting period, the system had 4,498 registered users of which 233 were match-makers, 616 in search of friends and

678、16 successfully found their boy or girl friends. 本行北京分行组织员工参加长走活动Beijing Branch organized its staff to take part in the long-distance walking initiative本行海南分行开展“六一亲子活动”Hainan Branch held a parent-child event on the Childrens Day CASECASEThe Data Center (Beijing) cares for the psychological health of

679、 employees, thus implemented an Employee Assistance Program (EAP), which made psychological surveys through teach-ins, on-site observation, focused talks, one-on-one interviews and questionnaires, designed and sent out publicity materials, published special bulletins, organized lectures with the sup

680、porting psychological work studio and hotline service to provide professional psychological diagnosis and assistance to its staf. 本行广西分行组织离退休人员开展“金秋夕阳红”文娱活动Guangxi Branch organized retired employees to take part in the Golden Sunset entertainment activityAs at the end of the reporting period, the Ba

681、nk established 504 service management organizations for retired employees and employed 1,466 full-time and part-time personnel to ensure the full execution of wage packages for 140,000 retired employees and make sure that the service for retired employees is in place. During the reporting period, th

682、e Bank organized physical examination for 134,867 retired employees, visited and extended regards to 23,505 retired employees in extreme difficulties, celebrated the birthday of 51,799 of them, and launched various entertaining activities such as croquet, dance, fitness, chorus, calligraphy, photogr

683、aphy and billiards in 1,536 entertainment centers and 7 self-funded universities for retired employees, ensuring a happy study and happy life in old age for its staf. The Bank has been actively pushing ahead the signing and execution of special collective contracts for the protection of rights and i

684、nterests of female employees. By the end of the reporting period, 36 tier-one branches and immediate subordinate schools of the Bank had signed the special collective contracts. Jiangxi Branch held 11 symposiums, handed out and collected 625 questionnaires and carried out special surveys on the exec

685、ution of these collective contracts, won the title of Outstanding Enterprise in the Execution of Collective Contracts for the Protection of Female Employees Rights and Interests in Jiangxi Province awarded by Jiangxi Provincial Federation of Trade Unions. During the reporting period, the Bank organi

686、zed a series of special activities for female employees such as parties, therapy recreation activities for outstanding female employees, hobby groups and entertainment salons which were very popular among female employees. Caring for female employees Caring for retired employees和谐银行Harmonious Bank10

687、5106米兰分行员工参加年度长跑活动Employees of Milan Branch attended the annual long-distance running event工银印尼举办员工传统服装秀以纪念印尼妇女节ICBC (Indonesia) held a traditional costume show among employees in commemoration of the Indonesian Womens Day本行高度重视维护少数民族员工权益,关心少数民族员工成长,在公开、公平、公正原则下,加大少数民族人才选拔力度, 充分尊重各民族员工的宗教信仰自由和风俗习惯,努

688、力营造团结和谐的工作、生活氛围,有效维护了民族团结。本行在境外机构建设和发展过程中,遵循“One ICBC”的理念, 注重与当地文化的融合, 做到兼收并蓄和求同存异。遵守当地劳工法律,并参考当地风俗习惯,在人员招聘、职业发展、薪酬福利等环节均平等对待全球雇员,不断提高当地员工比例,制订针对全球雇员的福利体制,选派优秀全球雇员赴国内培训及交流;在日常生活中重视人文关怀,通过开展中西文化讲座、共度中国及当地传统节日、开展丰富多彩的文化体育活动、员工互助活动等增强员工的凝聚力,促进员工间的融合,提高全球雇员对本行上海品茶的认同,增进对本行归属感。本行新疆分行在校园招聘工作中,对优秀的少数民族民考民大

689、学生,考虑预科经历,将录取年龄较汉族学生放宽一年,扩大了选择范围和录取人数。报告期内,新疆分行共招聘维吾尔族、哈萨克族、回族、满族、蒙古族、 锡伯族等各少数民族优秀大学生17人, 占全部招聘人数的7.66%,高学历少数民族新员工得到充实。本行宁夏分行充分尊重回族员工风俗习惯,专门设立“清真”食堂,在回族聚集地区吴忠市设立了具有伊斯兰特色的回乡支行,在回族重大节假日时按照国家规定给予假期,努力营造团结和谐的工作氛围。案例案例湖南邵阳分行女员工马建平曾被总行和湖南省人民政府分别荣记一等功,并被授予“工行卫士”光荣称号。马建平因病逝世后,邵阳分行将其女儿的冷暖、成长牵挂在心,经常帮助她解决一些生活、

690、学习上的困难。2012 年马建平的女儿以优异成绩考入湖南师范大学树达学院,但面临高额的学费一筹莫展。分行得知情况后,一次性支助其助学金 10,000 元,鼓励其勤奋励志,圆满完成大学学业。本行不断加强对困难员工的帮扶救助,组织救助了天津、宁波、广西等分行的重急病员工,慰问了西藏分行等条件艰苦地区机构的员工。报告期内,本行累计救助、慰问各类员工 32,000 多人次,累计 4 次集中救助,拨付专项资金 8,000 万元。案例本行湖南分行为员工子女送去助学金Hunan Branch sent fellowship to Mas daughter推进文化融合,打造和谐队伍困难员工帮扶救助社会责任战略

691、与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Creditworthy Bank和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望OutlookDuring the establishment and growth of overseas institutions, the Bank adheres to the principle of One ICBC, attaches great importance

692、to integrating into local culture and aims at embracing diversities and seeking common grounds while reserving diferences. Overseas institutions abide by local labor laws and regulations, respect local customs and habits, and treat overseas 万象分行为员工庆祝生日Vientiane Branch celebrated the birthday of empl

693、oyeesCASECASEIn campus recruitment, Xinjiang Branch considers the experience of taking preparatory courses and sets the employment age upper limit one year higher than students from the Han nationality for outstanding college students from ethnic minorities who had taken admission examinations in th

694、eir own languages, which widened the numbers of candidates and recruited ethnic students. During the reporting period, Xinjiang Branch recruited 17 outstanding university graduates from ethnic minorities such as Uygur, Kazak, Hui, Manchu, Mongol and Xibe, accounting for 7.66% of the total which repl

695、enished the work force of highly educated employees from ethnic minorities. Ningxia Branch, fully respected the customs and habits of employees from the Hui nationality, set up a Muslims canteen, established Huixiang sub-branch with Islamic features in Wuzhong which is highly populated by the Hui co

696、mmunity, and provided holiday breaks according to the national regulations on major festivals of the Hui nationality, dedicated to cultivating a unified and harmonious working environment. The Bank pays much attention to protect the rights and interests of employees from ethnic minorities, cares abo

697、ut their growth, and makes great efforts in selecting and promoting outstanding employees in accordance with the principle of openness, fairness and justice. Meanwhile, it fully respects religious freedom, customs and habits of employees from ethnic minorities, strives to cultivate a unifed and harm

698、onious working and living environment, which efectively maintains national unity. employees equally in recruitment, career development and salary and welfare, constantly raising the proportion of local employees. Besides, they have established welfare systems for overseas employees, and sent outstan

699、ding overseas employees to China for trainings and exchanges. In daily life, the Bank attaches great importance to humanistic care for employees and launches a series of activities such as lectures on Chinese and Western Culture, celebrations for Chinese and local traditional festivals, diverse and

700、vibrant cultural and sports activities and mutual assistance among employees in order to enhance unity, boost mutual understanding, improve the recognition of the banks corporate culture by overseas employees, and strengthen their sense of belonging. The Bank has been providing more assistance to em

701、ployees in difficulties, offering help to heavily sick or acutely sick employees in branches in Tianjin, Ningbo and Guangxi, visiting and extending regards to employees in branches based in areas with harsh conditions like Tibet Branch. During the reporting period, the Bank accumulatively helped and

702、 visited over 32,000 person-times, launched 4 concentrated assistance initiatives and appropriated RMB80 million special funds. Ma Jianping, a female employee of Shaoyang Branch in Hunan, was once awarded with Order of Merit by the Bank and the Provincial Government of Hunan Province respectively, a

703、nd honored with the title of Guard of ICBC. After her death of illness, Shaoyang Branch has been concerned about the well-being and growth of her daughter and regularly helps her with difficulties in her life and study. In 2012, though having been admitted by ShuDa College of Hunan Normal University

704、 with high scores in examinations, Mas daughter could not afford the high tuition. On hearing this news, Shaoyang Branch offered a lump sum fellowship of RMB10,000 to encourage her to study hard and fnish the college education. CASEBoosting Cultural Integration, Building Harmonious TeamHelping emplo

705、yees in difculties 爱心银行 Charity Bank定点扶贫支持文教体育事业社会公益海外公益志愿者活动Targeted Poverty AlleviationPublic WelfareOverseas Public WelfareSupporting Culture, Education and SportsVolunteer ActivitiesCORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 20122012 社会责任报告爱心银行Charity Bank109110本行视强国富民为己任,热忱于反哺社会,投身于公益事业,努力做优秀的企业公民。

706、报告期内,本行秉持“源于社会、回馈社会、服务社会”的宗旨,遵循“全局规划、突发优先、统筹配置、双线并行、注重创新”的原则,以“公益慈善”和“普惠民生”为主轴,从赈灾扶贫、文化教育、社区服务等多个角度积极参与社会公益事业。截至报告期末,除员工个人捐赠外,本行在公益事业方面共投入 4,098 万元。自 1995 年开始,本行持续在四川省南江县、通江县和万源市开展定点扶贫工作,以支持当地“六大扶贫工程”为路径,以贫困村和贫困人口为主要对象,以保障和改善民生为核心,努力协助当地稳定实现扶贫对象“不愁吃、不愁穿,保障其义务教育、基本医疗和住房”的总体目标,促使当地生产生活条件显著改变,特色优势产业显著发

707、展,公共服务均等化水平显著提高,社会保障事业显著改善,可持续发展能力显著提升。2012 年,本行继续深入开展定点扶贫工作,先后投入扶贫资金1,200万元, 实施了一系列绿色扶贫、 卫生扶贫、 教育扶贫新项目,促进了贫困地区居民收入水平和生活质量的不断提高,推动了扶贫地区经济和社会事业的协调发展。杨凯生行长代表本行向扶贫县捐赠 400 万元On behalf of the Bank, President Yang Kaisheng donated RMB4 million to poverty-stricken counties 定点扶贫为加快推动当地山青、水净、天蓝的生态环境建设,本行连续五年

708、在定点扶贫县(市)实施绿色扶贫示范工程,2012 年再次投入资金 200 万元,支持当地打造绿色扶贫开发示范村,新建沼气池 200 余口,并对所在乡村及农户的配套道路、庭院、厨、厕、圈、坝等设施进行了大规模改造和完善,同步提升了新农村环境卫生水平;在通江县陈河乡、诺水河镇继续实施了椴木银耳栽培项目,资助耳农建设了 161 口耳堂,初步形成了“饲料 - 能源 - 肥料 - 养殖 - 种植”等绿色产业经济一体化链条,提高了农户的自身发展能力,促进了当地群众脱贫致富。近年来,本行逐年加大了扶贫助教力度,2012 年相继投入资金575 万元,捐物捐款 18 万元,进一步扩大了教育扶贫受助面。连续十年在

709、三县(市)举办了优秀贫困大学生助学行动和优秀山村教师评选活动。2012 年,在三县(市)择优奖励了扎根山区教育工作的 150 名优秀教师,激励更多教师扎根农村、无私奉献;同时对 300 名品学兼优、考入大学但因家庭贫困无力支付学费的新入学大学生提供资助,帮助他们顺利步入大学校园。截至报告期末,本行在三县(市)累计资助优秀贫困大学新生 1,100 名,累计表彰优秀山村教师 740 名,得到了当地群众的广泛好评。绿色扶贫教育扶贫表彰优秀乡村教师Award ceremony for excellent rural teachers社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof

710、Social Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Creditworthy Bank和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望OutlookAiming at speeding up local ecological progress and keeping the mountain green, water clean and sky blue, the Bank has implemented green poverty relief demonstratio

711、n projects in these targeted poverty relief counties (cities) for five consecutive years. In 2012, the Bank invested RMB2 million to build green poverty alleviation demonstration villages. As a result, over 200 biogas digesters were established, roads, courtyards, kitchens, toilets, livestock pens,

712、dams as well as other facilities were greatly renovated, and the sanitary conditions in new countryside were improved. The Bank made continuous eforts to launch the edible tree fungus cultivation project in Chenhe Township and Nuoshuihe Town of Tongjiang County, assisting local farmers to build 161

713、edible tree fungus greenhouses, thus initially forming a green industrial economic integration chain covering feedstuff, energy, fertilizer, breeding and planting, and meanwhile improved local farmers capability of development and promoted poverty alleviation.邱家坪农妇已经使用沼气能源做饭Farmers in Qiujiaping beg

714、an to use biogas energy to cookThe Bank is dedicated to repaying society and making the people rich and the nation powerful. It is engaged in public welfare undertakings, striving to become an outstanding corporate citizen. During the reporting period, the Bank made an overall planning, prioritized

715、emergencies, coordinated configurations, leveraged parallel efforts and stressed innovation under the principle of rooted in society, rewarding society and serving society. The Bank actively took part in charitable activities centering on public welfare and universal livelihood, including disaster a

716、nd poverty relief, culture and education, and community service. As at the end of the reporting period, the Bank contributed an aggregate total of RMB40.98 million to public welfare undertakings, in addition to the donations from individual employees. Since 1995, in order to help those underprivileg

717、ed villages and people, the Bank has launched targeted poverty alleviation activities to improve the peoples livelihood in Nanjiang County, Tongjiang County and Wanyuan City of Sichuan Province. By supporting six local poverty alleviation projects, it made great eforts to enable adequate food and cl

718、othing, compulsory education, basic medical care and housing available to the poor population. As a result, great changes have taken place in local production and living conditions; specialty and competitive industries have developed significantly; the equal distribution of basic public services has

719、 been promoted considerably; social security undertakings have been enhanced notably, and the capacity for sustainable development has been boosted drastically. During 2012, the Bank continued to carry out poverty alleviation activities. It has launched a series of new projects, such as green povert

720、y alleviation, health poverty alleviation and educational poverty alleviation, with the funds totaling RMB12 million, which continuously improved the income level and life quality of poverty-stricken people and promoted the coordinated development of economy and social undertakings in these areas. T

721、argeted Poverty Alleviation In recent years, the Bank intensifed eforts in educational poverty alleviation year by year. It successively invested the fund of RMB5.75 million and the donated materials worth of RMB180,000 in 2012, furthering expanding the scope of poverty alleviation recipients. The B

722、ank initiated campaigns to support excellent poor college students and to select outstanding rural teachers in three counties (cities) for ten consecutive years. In 2012, 150 outstanding rural teachers who chose to work in the mountainous areas in the three counties (cities) were awarded to encourag

723、e more teachers to work in and dedicate themselves to the countryside; meanwhile, 300 excellent fresh college students from poverty-stricken households were awarded, enabling them to go to college smoothly. As at the end of the reporting period, the Bank funded 1,100 excellent underprivileged colleg

724、e students, awarded 740 outstanding teachers, thus highly appreciated by local residents. Educational poverty alleviationGreen poverty alleviation爱心银行Charity Bank111112连续三年实施“新长城高中生自强班”项目。本行密切跟踪项目实施情况,确保资金发放到位。同时,驻点扶贫干部定期看望自强班学生,帮助他们树立人生理想,克服困难,完成学业。连续两年实施“爱心小厨房”工程。针对偏远山区学校厨房及餐饮设施缺乏,学生就餐难问题,2012 年本行

725、再次捐款 180 万元,两年累计为 67 所贫困地区学校建起厨房并配备炉灶、餐桌、餐具等设施,受惠学生总量达到 6万余名。实施“筑巢行动”项目。扶贫县(市)实施“撤点并校”后,学生数量大为增加,学生住宿难问题更为突出。本行捐赠资金 215 万元,与中国扶贫基金会合作,为万源市八台乡中心校、通江县芝苞乡中心小学和南江县正直镇花桥小学各新建一座500余平方米的学生住宿楼。 目前,项目正在按计划紧张施工,将于 2013 年年底前全面交付使用。万源贫困小学用上全新的乒乓球台Students of Wanyuan Primary School are using brand new table tenn

726、is tables本行向罗文希望小学的孩子们捐赠爱心书包The Bank donated schoolbags to students of Luowen Hope Primary School捐赠文体用品和教学设备。为补充贫困地区学生文体教学设施设备,本行为南江县凉水小学、通江县董溪小学捐赠爱心包裹 1,190 个;本行员工捐向白沙镇凉水井小学杨凯生行长探望“母婴平安 120 行动”受助婴儿President Yang Kaisheng showed care for babies benefted from Safety of Mothers and Babies 120 campaign

727、扩大了“母婴平安 120 行动”资助范围。 2012 年本行将“母婴平安 120 行动”的资助额从 60 万元增加到 90 万元,受助贫困高危孕产妇增加到 1,500 人。截至报告期末,该项目已惠及三县(市)3,500名贫困孕产妇,母婴死亡率大大降低。捐赠“母亲健康快车”。2012 年,本行捐款 36 万元,与中国妇女发展基金会合作向三县(市)妇幼保健院各捐赠了一辆全新救护车,并配备了车载 B 超机,既延伸了服务半径,又将健康理念、健康知识、健康服务送下乡,保障了贫困地区妇女儿童的健康权益。卫生扶贫捐赠了数字化教室设备、校园广播系统、音乐教学系统、电视机、黑板、室外篮球架、乒乓球台等教学设备。

728、社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Creditworthy Bank和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望Outlook罗文希望小学的孩子在爱心厨房用餐Students of Luowen Hope Primary School were having dinner in the Little Kitchen of Love The Bank supported New Gr

729、eat Wall senior high school students from self-improvement class project for three consecutive years. The Bank kept close track of the implementation of the project to ensure the funds were given out to those underprivileged students. At the same time, ofcials assigned to targeted areas paid regular

730、 visits to these students, help them to set up their own ideals, overcome difculties, and fnish school.本行援建的南江凉水小学多媒体教室Multi-media teaching classroom of Liangshui Primary School in Nanjiang constructed with the aid of the Bank通江贫困大学生捐助仪式Donation ceremony to college students in poverty in TongjiangTh

731、e Bank conducted the Little Kitchens of Love project for two consecutive years. In response to the lack of kitchen and dining facilities and to tackle the school meal problem for students in remote mountainous areas, the Bank donated another RMB1.8 million on Little Kitchens of Love project. The fun

732、ds donated over the past two years helped setting up kitchens with complete auxiliary dining facilities such as stoves, dining tables and cutleries for 67 schools in poverty-stricken areas, benefting over 60,000 students. The Bank conducted the Nesting Project. With the implementation of combination

733、 of school policy in poor counties (cities), the number of students was considerably increased, which aggravated the problem of student accommodation. The Bank donated RMB2.15 million. Together with China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation, the Bank is constructing a student apartment building cover

734、ing an area of more than 500 square meters for Batai Township Central School in Wanyuan City, Zhibao Township Central Primary School in Tongjiang County and Huaqiao Primary School in Zhengzhi Town of Nanjiang County respectively. Currently, the project is undergoing as planned and will be completed

735、before the end of 2013.More and more people benefted from the Safety of Mothers and Babies 120 campaign. The Bank increased the funds from RMB600,000 to RMB900,000, providing 1,500 high-risk pregnant women in poverty with hospital delivery subsidy. As at the end of the reporting period, 3,500 women

736、in the three counties (cities) benefted form the project, reducing infant and maternal mortality rate considerably. The Bank donated one mother lifeline express. In 2012, the Bank donated RMB360,000 and purchased the ambulances equipped with type-B ultrasonic machine by working together with China W

737、omens Development Foundation, helping the Bank to expand service radius, providing local people with health concept, knowledge and services, as well as ensuring the heath of women and children in disadvantaged areas. The Bank donated recreation and sports appliances as well as teaching facilities to

738、 poverty-stricken areas. 1,190 care packages were donated to Liangshui Primary School in Nanjiang County and Dongxi Primary School in Tongjiang County. The Banks employees donated to Liangshuijing Primary School in Baisha County for purchasing digital classroom equipments, schoolyard broadcasting sy

739、stems, music teaching systems, televisions, blackboards, outdoor basketball stands, table tennis tables as well as other teaching facilities.Health poverty alleviation爱心银行Charity Bank113114沙坝 - 工行爱心桥Shaba in SichuanICBC caring bridge2012 年,本行再次捐款 150 万元,与中国扶贫基金会合作继续实施“溪桥工程”,资助当地集中连片区域的 15 个自然村每村架设一座

740、桥梁。目前项目正在实施中,将于 2013 年汛期前全面交付使用。“溪桥工程”为帮助当地群众创业致富,本行再次向国际小母牛组织捐资 130 万元港币,实施“礼品传递”计划,向农户提供畜禽、技术培训及相关服务。自 2006 年以来,本行已累计投入 590 余万元,受助农户达到 2,200 多户。项目实施提高了受助农户科学饲养畜禽的能力,人居环境和社会风尚也得到了改善。“小母牛”项目为帮助当地提升 “造血” 能力, 相继投放信贷资金约5亿元,扶植了一批产业带动力强、示范性广、经济效益显著的农业深加工企业及小微企业,推动了当地产业升级和产业结构优化。切实改善和加强了金融服务2012年9月7日, 云南省

741、昭通市彝良县先后发生5.7级、 5.6级地震,给当地造成大量人员伤亡和财产损失。地震发生后,本行全力做好金融支持抗震救灾工作,同时,全力做好灾区的金融服务,向昭通灾区发放了 1.7 亿元的信贷资金,共计捐款捐物 534 万元。此外,本行云南分行向云南省捐赠 300 万元救灾款,向昆明市嵩明县捐赠 100 万元抗旱资金。本行云南分行向地震灾区捐款 300 万元Yunnan Branch donated RMB3 million to earthquake-hit area社会公益情系灾区社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibilit

742、y价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Creditworthy Bank和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望OutlookTo improve local traffic conditions, the Bank donated another RMB1.5 million in Xiqiao Project in 2012 through cooperation with China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation, to help each o

743、f the 15 villages in concentrated areas to build a bridge. These bridges are expected to be put into service ahead of the food season in 2013.本行为通江县周子坪村铺就的致富路A road leading Zhouziping Village of Tongjiang County to prosperity paved by the Bank本行云南分行开展“抗旱保民生、送水解民忧”爱心送水活动Yunnan Branch launched the act

744、ivity of delivering water to fight drought and ease peoples worriesOn September 7, 2012, a 5.7-magnitude earthquake followed by another 5.6-magnitude one hit Yiliang County, Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province, causing heavy casualties and property losses. After the earthquakes, the Bank tried its best w

745、ith timely financial support and disaster relief. Meanwhile, the Bank allocated RMB170 million of credit funds to striken areas and donated a total of RMB5.34 million in means of money as well as goods. In addition, Yunnan Branch of the Bank donated relief funds of RMB3 million to Yunnan Provincial

746、Government and RMB1 million to Songming County of Kunming City.Xiqiao ProjectThe Bank donated another HKD1.3 million to Heifer International Program for Passing-on-gift Project to provide local farmers with livestock and poultry, technical training and other related services. Since 2006, the Bank ha

747、s invested more than RMB5.9 million to aid over 2,200 households. The program has enhanced the farmers ability to scientifically feed livestock and poultry with considerable improvement of peoples living environment and social atmosphere. Heifer ProgramTo strengthen local wealth-generating capacity,

748、 the Bank successively granted loans of about RMB500 million to help a group of agricultural deep-processing enterprises with strong driving force, wide demonstrative infuence and signifcant economic benefts as well as some micro and small enterprises, promote the upgrading and structural optimizati

749、on of local industries.Improving and strengthening fnancial services in real termsPublic WelfareDisaster relief爱心银行Charity Bank115116工商银行健康快车“三门峡母亲河光明之旅”ICBC-Lifeline Express Sanmenxia, the Mother River Brightness Tour 2007 年以来,本行先后为四川、贵州、云南贫困白内障患者送去光明,在内蒙古捐建眼科显微手术培训中心,在云南捐建白内障治疗中心,累计捐款 1,210 万元,帮助近

750、 5,000 名贫困白内障患者重见光明。报告期内, 本行再次向中华健康快车基金会捐赠300万元,由北京大学人民医院眼科医护人员上车服务,为河南三门峡1,552名贫困白内障患者免费实施了复明手术;在 “健康快车 / 工商银行内蒙古眼科显微手术培训中心”,举行了第二届白内障手术技术培训班;举办“健康快车国际眼科大会”,200 多名眼科医生参会;为内蒙古贫困白内障患者实施减免费用手术 92 例。健康快车光明行本行河南分行在上蔡县农民工子女学校举行爱心捐助仪式Henan Branch held donation ceremony at the school for children of migran

751、t workers at Shangcai County本行云南分行关爱农民工子女活动Yunnan Branch conducted activity of caring for children of migrant workers2012 年春节期间,由本行独家赞助制作的第一财经 2012 财神到春晚通过宁夏卫视和第一财经两个频道在全国播出,本行通过该节目与甘肃省甘南夏河县拉卜楞藏民小学等贫困中小学建立了对口帮扶关系。同时,各帮扶学校所在地的分行也积极组织员工,捐款捐物。此外,本行还号召各分支机构积极组织“献爱心,圆梦想”关爱农民工子女主题活动,通过多种形式满足农民工子女的小心愿。“献爱心

752、,圆梦想”关爱农民工子女主题活动本行甘肃分行积极开展“联村联户 为民富民”行动。报告期内,投入 8.4 万元用于购置化肥,帮扶 61 个村、7,177 户困难群众完成春耕生产;得知清水县土门乡遭受冰雹灾害后,再次投入资金 5 万元帮助当地恢复生产,同时出资 60 万元,启动致富产业发展基金,完善帮扶村脱贫致富长效机制。2012 年 5 月,甘肃岷县发生大范围冰雹泥石流灾害,本行及时捐赠 20 万元,并组织员工捐款 7 万余元,支持灾区重建美好家园。 社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibility价值银行Value Creator

753、品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Creditworthy Bank和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望Outlook本行重庆分行在“农民工子女关爱月”走进忠县中星小学Chongqing Branch visited Zhongxing Primary school at Zhongxian County during the Month of Caring for Children of Migrant WorkersDuring the Spring Festival in 2012, Ningxia TV Ch

754、annel and CBN aired nationwide the program CBN 2012 God of Wealth to Spring Festival Gala, which was exclusively sponsored by the Bank. The Bank established one to one proverty alleviation relationship with primary and middle schools by the program, including Labuleng Tibetan Primary School of Ganan

755、s Xiahe County, Gansu Province. Meanwhile, local branches of ICBC also organized their employees to donate money and goods. In addition, the Bank called for these branches to organize activities themed on Realizing Dreams with Loving Heart to help children of migrant workers realize their dreams by

756、a variety of ways.Realizing Dreams with Loving Heart activities to help children of migrant workersSince 2007, the Bank has helped lots of impoverished cataract patients in Sichuan, Guizhou and Yunan provinces. It donated to build a micro-ophthalmic surgery training center in Inner Mongolia and set

757、up a cataract treatment center in Yunnan. The Bank donated RMB12.1 million in aggregate and helped nearly 5,000 impoverished patients recover from cataract.During the reporting period, the Bank donated another RMB3 million to the Foundation for Lifeline Express for free surgeries on 1,552 impoverish

758、ed cataract patients in Sanmenxia, Henan Province, which were performed on the Lifeline Expresses by medical personnel from the Department of Ophthalmology of Peking University Peoples Hospital. In the Lifeline Express/ICBC-Inner Mongolia Ophthalmic Surgery Training Center, the Second Cataract Surge

759、ry Training Session was held. Lifeline Express - International Congress of Eye Research was held, in which over 200 ophthalmic surgeons participated. Ninety-two surgeries free of charge or at lower expenses were performed on impoverished cataract patients in Inner Mongolia. Lifeline Express Brings E

760、yesight to PatientsGansu Branch of the Bank actively carried out the activity of uniting villages and households for a better living of the people. During the reporting period, the branch had donated RMB84,000 in fertilizers and helped 7,177 households in 61 villages finish spring ploughing. After l

761、earning that Tumen Township of Qingshui County had suffered hail disaster, the branch donated another RMB50,000 to help local people restore production, and at the same time subsidized RMB600,000 to launch a Development Fund for Industries to perfect the long-term mechanism of poverty alleviation. I

762、n May 2012, hail and landslides hit a wide range of areas in Minxian County, Gansu Province. The Bank promptly donated RMB200,000 and the staf more than RMB70,000 to support local people in rebuilding their homes.爱心银行Charity Bank1171185 月 23 日,本行黑龙江分行组织开展了“学英雄,爱岗位,比贡献”向舍己救人的最美女教师张丽莉学习活动,向全行发出倡议书,并组织

763、现场捐款,得到了全行员工的积极响应。关注“最美女教师”2012 年 4 月 28 日,本行福建分行举办工行之夜“春天新希望”慈善晚会,出席活动的爱心人士超过 400 人,为闽清下祝乡的孩子募集助学金 95,640 元;在义卖活动环节,本行员工积极参与认捐,为帮助家境困难的小朋友实现“刮风不倒、下雨不漏”的家庭梦想筹集房屋修缮基金 11,640 元。本行福建分行为“福建微博关怀”爱心账号揭幕Fujian Branch unveiled its microblog for Fujian Weibo Cares“春天新希望”慈善晚会2012 年 7 月,本行子公司工银瑞信联合其它机构在新浪微博平台发

764、起“我们要学的自救常识”公益活动,整个活动历时 5天,向全社会传递了正能量。此后,工银瑞信根据网络上的公开资料制作了安全自救手册,详细介绍了日常可能用到的 12 类自救常识,发布在网站上供大众下载学习。2012 年 11 月 3 日至 12 月 7 日,本行联合台湾永丰金融控股股份有限公司在台湾台北国父纪念馆举办汇通天下从钱庄到现代银行展览。这是上海银行博物馆馆藏珍品面向台湾公众的第一次集中展示,该展览分为“汇通天下从钱庄到现代银行”、“通宝大观中国历代货币”、“荟萃台湾台湾地区金融业”三大章节,集中了两岸三馆各类具有鲜明历史特征和丰厚文化内涵的馆藏精品 639 件,其中本行从银行博物馆 3

765、万余件藏品中精选出 550 件参展。其中,钱币类 350 件,反映了西汉以来 2,200 年的货币历史;实物类 200 件,反映了清末钱庄银行一个多世纪的发展历程。本行江西分行走进鹰潭市第八小学开展“送金融知识到学校”的主题活动Jiangxi Branch held the activity of Bringing Financial Knowledge to Schools in No.8 Primary School of Yingtan City为正确树立学生的理财投资理念,增强风险防范意识,使学生更好地将金融理论知识和实践有机结合,报告期内,本行江西分行举办了“新金融 高校行”之金融知

766、识进校园主题活动,引导学生树立正确的投资理念,提升学生金融素质和社会实践能力;深圳分行与当地教育局联合举办了五场“青少年学生财商教育读书暨社会实践活动”,覆盖学校 25 所、学生两万余人,向中小学生及其家长宣传财商教育理念的同时,还赠送了 25,000 册财商教育读本。“金融知识进校园”微博公益支持文教体育事业举办“汇通天下从钱庄到现代银行”展览社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Creditworthy Bank和

767、谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望Outlook本行黑龙江分行赴哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院慰问“最美女教师”张丽莉Representatives of Heilongjiang Branch visited Zhang Lili, the Most Beautiful Woman Teacher, at the First Afliated Hospital of Harbin Medical UniversityOn May 23, 2012, Heilongjiang Branch held the activity of Learning fro

768、m Hero, Loving Our Jobs, and Making Contributions and also organized a fund-raising event for Zhang Lili, Most Beautiful Woman Teacher,who risked her life to save two students. The staff responded warmly and made their donations. Concerning about the Most Beautiful Woman TeacherOn April 28, 2012, Fu

769、jian Branch held an ICBC Spring with New Hope charity evening party with over 400 participants. RMB95,640 was raised for children at Xiazhu Township, Minqing, to support their schooling. The branchs staff actively participated in the auction and raised RMB11,640 for Family Dream Foundation to help i

770、mpoverished children have their homes repaired. Spring with New Hope charity evening partyIn July 2012, ICBC Credit Suisse, a subsidiary of ICBC, in cooperation with other institutions, launched a public welfare event of Self-rescue Knowledge that We Should Learn at Sina Weibo platform. The fve-day

771、event made a positive infuence on the society. Afterwards, based on materials on the website, ICBC Credit Suisse produced a brochure named Self-rescue Manual, which can be downloaded for free, detailing 12 categories of self-rescue knowledge. Public Welfare on WeiboThe Bank held an exhibition Land o

772、f WealthFrom Money House to Modern Bank which lasted from November 3 to December 7, 2012, with the Taiwan-based SinoPac Holdings in the National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall in Taipei. It was the frst time that the Shanghai Bank Museum showcased its collections to people in Taiwan. The exhibition w

773、as divided into three parts Land of Wealth From Money House to Modern Bank, Copper CoinsChinas Ancient Currency, and Treasury in Taiwan Taiwans Financial Industry. It collected 639 items from Taiwan and the Chinese Mainland that carry distinct historical features and rich cultural connotations, incl

774、uding 550 items selected from more than 30,000 items from the Museum. Particularly, there were 350 currencies on display, which refected the 2,200-year currency history since the Western Han Dynasty. There were also 200 physical items refecting the development of the money houses in the late Qing Dy

775、nasty for more than a century.本行深圳分行举行青少年财商教育和社会实践启动仪式Shenzhen Branch held the launching ceremony of Teenage FQ Education and Social Practice activityTo help students establish the correct wealth management concept, increase their risk awareness, and enable them to better combine fnancial knowledge

776、with practice, Jiangxi Branch launched the Publicizing New Financial Knowledge to Campuses activity during the reporting period. In addition, Shenzhen Branch cooperated with local bureau of education to hold fve rounds of Teenage FQ Education and Social Practice activity, which covered 25 schools wi

777、th over 20,000 students participated. While promoting FQ education to students and their parents, a total of 25,000 books on FQ education were given out.Bringing fnancial knowledge to schoolsSupporting Culture, Education and Sports Land of Wealth - from Money House to Modern Bank爱心银行Charity Bank1191

778、20本行姜建清董事长和国民党荣誉主席连战等共同为“汇通天下从钱庄到现代银行”展览开箱揭幕Jiang Jianqing, Chairman of ICBC, and Lien Chan, honorary chairman of the KMT, inaugurated the exhibition Land of WealthFrom Money House to Modern Bank本行支持举办的“上海新年音乐会”Shanghai New Year Concert 2013 supported by the Bank报告期内,本行携手对外经济贸易大学合作举办第三届“工商银行杯”全国大学生银

779、行产品创意设计大赛。大赛共吸引了来自清华大学、中国人民大学、对外经济贸易大学等全国 370 余所高校 6,200 余名选手提交的 1,052 件参赛作品。最终评选出 37 个获奖作品和 10 个优秀高校组织奖。该活动不仅为大学生提供了深入开展社会实践、展现自身社会价值的平台,还通过举办获奖选手座谈会、开展部分获奖作品点评等形式,普及了金融知识,体现了高校、银行及社会各方对合作加强创新型人才培养的高度重视和深刻共识,收到了良好的社会反响。本行连续第三年为上海艺术博览会提供全方位的金融服务,推进了文化产业与金融资本的有效嫁接;支持文化场馆的运营建设;连续多年支持上海市自然科学牡丹奖评选,资助了 3

780、3 位科学家开展自然科学基础研究工作,为中青年科学家脱颖而出提供了广阔的舞台;支持举办“上海新年音乐会”;举办中国人看世界全国摄影展,共收到来自全球五大洲的参赛作品 12,500 余幅;举办“工行杯”宁波市书法篆刻作品展,围绕“喜迎十八大,翰墨同辉煌”的时代主题,努力推动文化产业发展。大陆与台湾同根同源,历史文化一脉相承。该展览生动地展示了中国金融发展的沧桑岁月和灿烂文明,传播了中国金融文化和创新成果,推动了两岸经济发展和文化繁荣,增进了两岸金融机构的合作交流,搭建了两岸金融业的文化桥梁, 为携手推动社会进步、共创金融发展作出了新的贡献。第三届“工商银行杯”全国大学生银行产品创意设计大赛支持文

781、化艺术产业社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Creditworthy Bank和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望Outlook本行安徽分行援建希望小学签字仪式Anhui Branch held donation ceremony for the hope school本行支持的上海艺博会Shanghai Art Fair 2012 supported by the Ban

782、k本行宁波分行支持举办的第二届“中国人看世界”全国摄影大赛The 2nd National Photography Show The World in Chinese Peoples Eyessponsored by Ningbo Branch During the reporting period, the Bank and the University of International Business and Economics jointly held the 3rd “ICBC Cup” National Competition in Innovative Design of Ban

783、king Products by College Students. The event attracted over 6,200 student participants from more than 370 colleges, such as Tsinghua University, Renmin University of China and University of International Business and Economics etc., and received 1,052 entries in total. In the end, 37 entries were se

784、lected and ten universities and colleges were awarded with the outstanding organization prize. This event provided students with chances of social practices and platforms to exhibit their social values. Also, it disseminated fnancial knowledge in the form of symposium participated by winners of the

785、competition and comments on some winning entries. The event publicized fnancial knowledge, refected universities and colleges, banks and societys high attention to and profound consensus on enhancing innovation training.The 3rd ICBC Cup national competition in innovative design of banking products b

786、y college studentsThe Bank provided a full range of fnancial services to the Shanghai Art Fair for the third year in a row to promote efective integration of the culture industry and fnancial capitals. The Bank supported the construction and operation of cultural venues. For many years, the Bank has

787、 supported Shanghai Peony Award for Natural Science and subsidized 33 scientists on fundamental natural science research, providing a broad stage for young and middle-aged scientists to stand out. Additionally, it sponsored Shanghai New Year Concert; held the World in the Chinese Eyes national photo

788、 exhibition and attracted more than 12,500 entries from all over the world; it held ICBC Ningbo Calligraphy and Seal-cutting Exhibition, with the theme of Celebrating the 18th National Congress of the CPC with Brush and Ink, promoting the development of cultural industry. Supporting the culture and

789、art industryChinese mainland and Taiwan share the same root, history and culture. The exhibition has vividly showed the vicissitudes and splendid civilization in Chinas financial development. It has also spread the Chinese financial culture and innovation fruits, promoted the cross-Strait economic d

790、evelopment and cultural prosperity, enhanced the cooperation and communication between financial institutions of both sides, built a cultural bridge for cross-Strait financial business, and made new contributions to promoting social progress and fnancial development.爱心银行Charity Bank121122本行上海分行走进敬老院

791、开展志愿者行动Shanghai Branch launched volunteer activities in retirement home在法律援助领域,本行资助中国法律援助基金会160 万元用于开展 “1+1”中国法律援助志愿者行动项目。该项目由中国法律援助基金会每年组织动员一批律师志愿者和大学生志愿者(1+1)到西部无律师和律师资源十分短缺的贫困县,无偿为当地农民工、残疾人、老年人、妇女儿童等贫弱群体维护自身合法权益提供法律援助,并为当地政府和群众无偿提供法律咨询服务。2010-2012 年志愿者活动情况表 2010-2012 Statistic Sheet of Youth Volu

792、nteer注:志愿者活动时间仅为 2012 年数据 Note: Volunteering time includes statistics only in 2012NumberParticipants/Participating TimesPersons/Times AidedVolunteering Time (hour)项目数参与人数 / 次70,218953扶贫帮困Poverty Alleviation19,97689,5301,167.657,350587助学支教Assisting Learning and Teaching4,594.572,907519.822,553523环保交通

793、Environmental Protection and Transportation11,845.530,56624.27,564240其他 Others52635,496144.676,6274,196金融教育宣传 Financial Education and Dissemination21,968.5405,60055.712,701430医疗卫生(含无偿献血)Medical Care and Health (Including Voluntary Blood Donation)2,250.510,04243.5258,0977,369合计62,112.5658,6582,112.3D

794、onation Amount (RMB 10,000)捐资金额(万元)受助人数 / 次志愿者活动时间(小时)2012 年,本行秉承“工行在哪里,爱心到哪里”的青年爱心行动理念,开展了金融宣传、扶贫帮困、助老助残、捐资助学、公共服务等一系列丰富多彩的青年爱心行动。报告期内,本行评选表彰了 12 名 “中国工商银行青年爱心行动爱心大使”,72 名“中国工商银行青年爱心行动优秀个人”,20 个“中国工商银行青年爱心行动明星项目”,138 个“中国工商银行青年爱心行动优秀项目”,23 个“中国工商银行青年爱心行动优秀组织”,进一步激发了广大员工投身社会公益的热情。本行天津分行志愿者慰问患病儿童Volu

795、nteers of Tianjin Branch visited child patients11,084440助老助残Assisting the Old and the Disabled951.514,517156.9Total法律援助志愿者行动志愿者活动社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Creditworthy Bank和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望Outlook

796、本行北京分行走进社区开展金融知识讲座Beijing Branch provided lectures on fnancial knowledge to local communitiesIn the field of legal assistance, we provided RMB1.6 million to China Legal Aid Foundation (CLAF) for the implementation of “1+1” Legal Aid Volunteer Campaign. Through the campaign launched by CLAF, a number

797、 of voluntary lawyers and undergraduates (1+1) were sent on an annual basis to the poverty-stricken counties in Western China with extreme scarcity of legal practitioners. They provided free legal assistance to the vulnerable and disadvantaged people (local peasant workers, the disabled, old people,

798、 women and children, etc) to help them protect their legitimate rights and interests. The volunteers also provided free legal consultancy services to local governments and people.本行辽宁分行为盘锦市福利院孤残儿童献爱心Liaoning Branch visited Panjin Children Welfare Center本行山西分行举办图书捐赠活动Shanxi Branch carried out book do

799、nation activities本行重庆分行组织开展自愿献血 Chongqing Branch launched volunteer blood donation activityIn 2012, in accordance with the spirit of youth volunteer activities of wherever ICBC is, our care goes, the Bank actively launched a series of youth care activities such as fnancial knowledge dissemination, p

800、overty alleviation, assisting the old and the disabled, supporting learning and teaching and public services. During the reporting period, the Bank recognized the outstanding performance of these volunteers, among whom 12 people were praised as Ambassador of Love for ICBC Youth Care Activities and 7

801、2 as Individuals with Excellent Performance in ICBC Youth Care Activities. Meanwhile, 20 projects were selected as Star Project of ICBC Youth Care Activities, 138 as Excellent Project of ICBC Youth Care Activities and 23 as Excellent Organization of ICBC Youth Care Activities. These awards further a

802、roused employees enthusiasm for public welfare. 本行厦门分行开展送金融知识下乡活动Xiamen Branch brought fnancial knowledge to countrysideLegal Aid Volunteer CampaignVolunteer Activities爱心银行Charity Bank123124本行苏州分行为福利院老人们包粽子Suzhou Branch made zongzi with the seniors in Welfare House工银澳门参与“青年正能量 - 云澳同胞情”赈灾筹款活动ICBC (Ma

803、cau) participated in Positive Infuence of Youth on Macau-Yunnan Compatriots earthquake relief fundraising本行软件开发中心组织开展“关爱自闭症儿童”系列活动The Software Development Department organized a series of Caring for Autistic Children activities 工银澳门连续第四年向澳门大学、澳门理工学院、澳门科技大学三所澳门高等学府提供奖学金,并开始向澳门城市大学提供奖学金,支持澳门文教事业发展;向同善

804、堂、澳门日报读者公益金基金会捐赠善款 , 组织全行员工及家属近900人参加一年一度的公益金百万行活动;组织员工参加“关爱特奥慈善足球赛”、“爱心育苗郊游乐”助学扶贫慈善活动、“青年正能量云澳同胞情”彝良地震赈灾筹款活动,展现了工银澳门员工参与社会、投身公益的良好精神风貌。报告期内,本行深入贯彻落实本地化发展战略,积极履行全球企业公民责任,不断深化对东道国的环境保护、社区公益等社会责任议题的理解和参与,与东道国在务实合作中实现了互利共赢、共同发展,以实际行动展示了扎根当地、关注民生、反哺社会的良好企业品牌和社会形象。 海外公益工银澳门关爱自闭症儿童本行上海分行连续两年参加了“我是爱心达人”关爱自

805、闭症慈善集市活动,通过转发邮件、张贴海报、散发传单、微博推广等方式募集到几百件创意玩具、办公用品、家居饰品、工艺收藏品等,通过展台募集善款 10,612 元,为自闭症患儿提供了切实帮助。本行软件开发中心积极组织参与“关爱自闭症儿童”系列活动,并在圣诞慈善义卖活动中踊跃奉献爱心。 “情暖端午、共度佳节” 本行苏州分行组织开展了以“情暖端午、共度佳节”为主题的青年志愿者走进相城福利院慰问帮扶送温暖活动。志愿者们不仅为福利院的孤寡老人送去了几大箱现成的粽子,还别出心裁的准备了粽叶、肉馅、糯米等材料,与老人们互动包粽子。同时,志愿者们还给院里的十五位孤儿带去礼物,有可爱的玩具、实用的文具、优质的奶粉和

806、纸尿布,件件都饱含志愿者的真心,满载工行人的真情。 社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Creditworthy Bank和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望Outlook本行上海分行组织开展“我是爱心达人”关爱自闭症慈善集市活动Shanghai Branch participated in the I Care Charity Fair for Autistic Child

807、ren工银澳门向澳门日报读者公益金基金会捐款 20 万澳门元ICBC (Macau) donated MOP200,000 to Macau Daily News Readers Charitable FoundationDuring the reporting period, overseas institutions of the Bank actively fulflled its responsibilities as global corporate citizens while implementing the localization development strategy.

808、They gradually deepened their understanding of and enhanced their participation in issues of social responsibilities, such as environment protection and community welfare, for the mutual benefts of and common development with host countries to shape the image of responsible corporate focusing on loc

809、al markets, caring for peoples well-being and repaying the society.Shanghai Branch participated in the I Care Charity Fair for Autistic Children for two years in a row. By forwarding emails, posting posters, distributing leaflets, and microblogging, employees of the Branch collected hundreds of crea

810、tive toys, stationery, household articles and handicrafts and collected RMB10,612 at the fair, bringing true help to autistic children. The Software Development Department of the Bank organized a series of Caring for Autistic Children activities and participated in Christmas Charity Sales.Suzhou Bra

811、nch of the Bank organized young volunteers to visit Xiangcheng Welfare House to celebrate the festival with alone elders. They not only brought boxes of ready-made zongzi (sticky rice ball wrapped in bamboo leaves), but also bamboo leaves, grounded meat and raw sticky rice to make zongzi together wi

812、th the elders. Meanwhile, they brought lovely toys, quality milk powder, stationery, diapers and other gifts to the 15 orphans living at the House. Each gift expressed the care and love of the volunteers and ICBC.Celebrating Dragon Boat Festival with seniorsCaring for Autistic Children ICBC (Macau)

813、had been ofering scholarships to University of Macau, Macau Polytechnic Institute, Macau University of Science and Technology for 4 consecutive years and started to offer scholarships to City University of Macau in 2012, in a bid to support the cultural and educational development in Macau. It donat

814、ed money to Macau Tung Sin Tong Charitable Society and Macau Daily News Readers Charitable Foundation and organized its employees and their family members, nearly 900 people, to join the annual Walk for Millions charity event. It also organized its staf to participate in other charity events, like C

815、harity Football Games for Paralympic Games, Caring for School-aged Children Field Trip” poverty alleviation events and Positive Infuence of Youth on Macau-Yunnan Compatriots ICBC (Macau)Overseas Public Welfare- Yiliang earthquake relief fundraising. All these activities displayed the willingness of

816、its employees to serve the society and devote to charity cause.爱心银行Charity Bank125126工银印尼依托“工银印尼关爱基金”积极开展公益慈善活动,组织员工与来自不同基金会的 40 名孤儿一同观看电影;组织为巴淡 Yayasan 孤儿院捐款,组织百余名中外员工开展无偿献血活动,传承中华民族扶贫济困的传统美德,在当地社会引起强烈共鸣。工银亚洲捐助香港明爱电视筹款节目明爱暖万心ICBC (Asia) subsidized Hong Kong Caritas Charity TV Show工银欧洲参加卢森堡抗癌基金协会组织的

817、生命接力赛ICBC (Europe) employees participated in Relay for Life charity event initiated by Luxemburg Cancer Foundation工银印尼员工打扫清理公交站ICBC (Indonesia) organized employees to clean bus stations病患儿童基金会为工银加拿大颁发荣誉证书SickKids Foundation awarded ICBC (Canada) Certifcate of Honor作为香港明爱慈善组织连续十四届筹款委员会主席,工银亚洲通过主办“201

818、2 工银亚洲慈善高球日”等活动,为明爱筹款港币近 200 万元。此外,工银亚洲还积极参与香港明爱其它筹款活动,帮助社会上有需要的人士。报告期内,工银亚洲获得香港社会服务联会颁发的“商界展关怀 10 年”奖项,表彰其过去 10 年间在社区服务方面所作出的贡献。工银印尼工银亚洲其他海外机构工银国际参与了香港公益金举办的港岛、 九龙区百万行筹募活动, 将善款捐赠给 “家庭及儿童福利服务”的 23 家香港社会福利机构;金边分行参加了中国驻柬埔寨大使馆组织的为柬埔寨红十字会筹集资金的义卖活动;工银欧洲组织员工参与卢森堡抗癌基金会发起的第七届“生命接力跑”公益活动;工银加拿大参与了多伦多“热浪”沙滩排球赛

819、暨赞助病患儿童基金会(SickKids Foundation)活动,为病患儿童基金会捐助善款;万象分行成立了“ICBC 老挝公益基金”,向万象市占塔武里区哈萨地泰村翻修道路捐赠了部分资金,获得了当地政府颁发的“建设家园”表彰证书;悉尼分行荣获“最佳社会责任奖”; 新加坡总统陈庆炎向新加坡分行颁发了“热心公益奖”,感谢中国工商银行对新加坡金融繁荣以及文化及公益活动的大力支持。社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行Green Bank诚信银行Cred

820、itworthy Bank和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望Outlook工银印尼关爱基金联合 Dilts 孤儿基金会组织孤儿们参观印尼国家博物馆ICBC (Indonesia) Care Foundation, working with Dilts Orphan Foundation, organized a visit to Indonesia National Museum for the orphans工银亚洲员工与家属参与港岛、九龙区百万行活动ICBC (Asia) employees and their family members pa

821、rticipated in Walk for Millions at Hong Kong Island and Kowloon DistrictThrough the work of ICBC Indonesia Care Foundation, ICBC (Indonesia) spared no eforts in participating in charity events. The Foundation organized employees of the branch to watch movies with 40 orphans from other foundations, r

822、aised money for Yayasan Orphanage and organized over 100 employees to participate in voluntary blood donation. These activities passed on the traditional Chinese virtue of helping needy and disadvantaged people, which was greatly acknowledged and applauded by local people. ICBC (Indonesia)As the cha

823、irman of the 14th Caritas Hong Kong Fundraising Committee, ICBC (Asia) raised nearly HKD2 million for Caritas Hong Kong Bazaars through holding 2012 ICBC (Asia) Charity Golf Day event. Besides, it also participated in other fundraising activities, such as subsidizing fundraising TV programs, providi

824、ng Caritas charity fundraising services and participating in charity sales, aiming at helping those in need. During the reporting period, ICBC (Asia) was awarded with the 10 Consecutive Years Caring Company by Hong Kong Council of Social Service for its excellent service to the community for 10 cons

825、ecutive years.ICBC (Asia)Other Overseas InstitutionsICBC International participated in Fundraising Walk for Millions event in Hongkong Island and Kowloon District organized by the Community Chest of Hong Kong and donated the money raised to 23 social welfare agencies under Family and Child Welfare S

826、ervices in Hong Kong. Phnom Penh Branch participated in the charity sales organized by Chinese Embassy in Cambodia for Cambodian Red Cross. ICBC (Canada) took part in Toronto Hot Wave Beach Volleyball Games to raise money for SickKids Foundation. Vientiane Branch set up the ICBC (Laos) Welfare Found

827、ation and subsidized the reconstruction of some roads in the city, thus receiving a commendation certifcate from the local government. Sydney Branch was awarded the prize of Best Social Responsibility; Tony Tan, president of Singapore awarded ICBC (Singapore) the Public Welfare Contribution award, w

828、ith the view to appreciating ICBCs contribution to the prosperity of Singapore and development of its culture and charity industry.未来展望OutlookCORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 20122012 社会责任报告未来展望Outlook129130展望 2013,本行将 以科学发展观为指引,将“稳中求进”作为工作主基调,抓住“危”中之“机”,把转变发展方式和增强服务实体经济能力作为履行自身社会责任的重中之重,切实增强履

829、行社会责任的使命感,健全社会责任管理体系,不断深化社会责任工作内涵,探索创新社会责任沟通方式,加快促进社会责任理念与日常经营管理的有机融合,为股东创造更高的价值、为客户提供更好的服务、为员工构建更广的平台、为社会贡献更多的力量。2013 年是全面贯彻落实党的十八大精神的开局之年,也是机遇与挑战交织并存的一年。国际金融形势的深刻变化,国内化解产能过剩矛盾压力增大、经济运行中的结构性矛盾突出,金融业也面临着金融脱媒、利差收窄、利率市场化、资本约束趋紧、商业模式转变等多重压力,我国经济社会将进入一个“转型突围”时期,商业银行的可持续发展也将面临诸多困难和挑战。大力加强先进制造业、战略新兴产业、现代服

830、务业、文化产业信贷支持持续提高中小企业贷款比重,加大“三农”建设、民族地区信贷支持加大对经济结构调整和经济社会发展薄弱领域的支持积极稳妥地推进国际化发展战略,更好地服务于“走出去”企业贯彻绿色信贷政策,严格执行一票否决制,加快产能过剩行业退出力度加快生态文明建设,加大绿色经济领域的支持力度加大自助银行、ATM 等设备投放力度,加快网上银行、电子支付技术推陈出新倡导绿色办公,推行责任采购,力争实现人均能耗指标稳中有降责任导向价值银行绿色银行2013 重点举措品牌银行诚信银行和谐银行爱心银行改善服务质量,切实保护消费者合法权益 推进流程改造,优化业务环节,加快网点改造普及金融知识,培育理性金融消费

831、观念重视客户反馈,提升客户满意度,建立和完善客户体验机制加强合规管理,弘扬诚信文化,倡导互利共赢履行反洗钱、反欺诈义务,防范腐败风险强化内部控制,完善全面风险管理体系强化供应链社会责任管理切实保障员工权益,改善办公环境拓展员工职业发展空间,加快多元化、国际化员工培训力度完善员工民主参与的渠道建设深入推进定点扶贫工作积极投身公益事业,组织开展丰富多彩的志愿者活动支持文教、体育和科技事业健康发展社会责任战略与管理Strategy and Managementof Social Responsibility价值银行Value Creator品牌银行Brand Builder绿色银行Green Ban

832、k诚信银行Creditworthy Bank和谐银行Harmonious Bank爱心银行Charity Bank未来展望OutlookThe year of 2013 is the start to follow the decisions of the 18th National Peoples Congress, and also a year woven by opportunities and challenges. The international financial markets are confronted with profound changes, and the do

833、mesic market is witnessing increasing pressure in reducing excess capacity and outstanding structural contradictions in economic operation. Besides, the fnancial sector comes under multiple pressures, including fnancial disintermediation, narrowing interest spread, interest rate liberalization, tigh

834、tening capital constraint and business mode transformation. All these will lead Chinese economy to a period of transformation and breakthrough, and at the same time, present commercial banks with huge difculties and challenges in their sustainable development. Looking into 2013, guided by the scient

835、ific outlook on development and keynoted on steady progress, the Bank will seize the opportunities amid time of crisis. It will take development mode transformation and enhancement of capacities in serving the real economy as the priorities in performing its social responsibility, earnestly reinforc

836、e its sense of mission in performing social responsibility, and establish and improve the management system for social responsibility. It will deepen the connotation of social responsibility work, explore and innovate ways of communication on social responsibility, and accelerate the integration of

837、social responsibility concepts with routine operational management. In a word, the Bank will take all possible measures to create more value for shareholders, provide better services to customers, build up a broader platform for employees and make more contributions to the society. Vigorously streng

838、then credit supports to advanced manufacturing industry, strategic emerging industries, modern service industry and cultural industry;Constantly scale up SME loans and enhance credit aids for the development of agriculture, countryside and farmers and ethnic group areas;Strengthen the support to eco

839、nomic structural adjustment and weak areas in economic and social development;Actively and steadily propel the internationalization strategy and better serve going global enterprises.Implement the green credit policy, strictly stick to the one-ballot veto principle and accelerate the exit of loans t

840、o industries with excess capacity;Promote ecological progress and increase the support to green economic development;Install more self-service banking facilities and ATMs and accelerate the innovation in Internet banking and e-payment technologies;Advocate green ofce and environmentally responsible

841、procurement to realize steady decline of energy consumption per capita. Responsibility OrientationValue CreatorGreen BankKey Measures in 2013Brand BuilderCreditworthy BankHarmonious BankCharity BankImprove the quality of services and earnestly protect the legal rights of consumersPromote process ree

842、ngineering, optimize business links and speed up outlet transformation;Popularize fnancial knowledge and foster rational fnancial consumption concept;Value customer feedbacks, improve their satisfaction level, establish and improve customer experience mechanism.Strengthen compliant management, promo

843、te creditworthy culture and encourage reciprocity and mutual benefts;Perform anti-money laundering and anti-fraud obligations and prevent corruption risk;Strengthen internal control and improve the comprehensive risk management system;Strengthen supply chain social responsibility management.Protect

844、the basic rights and interests of employees, improve ofce environment;Broaden employees career growth space and intensify eforts in diversifed and internationalized employee training;Improve channel building for democratic participation of employees.Further facilitate the poverty relief work in targ

845、eted areas;Actively participate in charitable activities and organize various voluntory activities;Support the healthy development of education, culture, sports, science and technology.131132一、鉴证范围 中国工商银行股份有限公司 (以下简称 “贵行” )2012 年社会责任报告 (以下简称 “报告” )由贵行管理层编制。收集和披露报告内容,保留充分的证据,以及设计、实施和维护与报告编制相关的内部控制是贵行

846、管理层的责任。我们的责任是根据贵行管理层的要求,对报告中披露的 2012 年度关键社会责任指标实施有限保证鉴证程序 ,并对报告是否遵循了全球报告组织 (GRI)发布的 可持续发展报告指南 (G3) 要求的重要性和包容性原则进行评价。根据双方的业务约定条款,本报告仅为贵行董事会编制。我们的工作仅限于就上述约定事项向贵行董事会进行汇报,而非其他目的。我们不会就我们所实施的工作、出具的报告或做出的结论对除贵行董事会以外的任何第三方承担任何责任。我们按照国际鉴证业务准则第 3000 号: 历史财务信息审计或审阅以外的鉴证业务计划和执行鉴证工作。我们设计了以下鉴证程序以评价报告是否遵循 GRI(G3)

847、要求的重要性和包容性原则 :重要性: 贵行是否对重要社会责任事项在报告中作出平衡的表述?包容性: 贵行是否识别了利益相关方? 贵行是否管理了利益相关方的参与过程? 贵行是否在报告中对重要社会责任事项向利益相关方做出平衡的回应? 二、鉴证工作为了得出鉴证结论,我们进行了下列工作 : 根据贵行管理层的要求,我们选取了如下范围进行工作,对报告中披露的 2012 年度关键社会责任指标实施鉴证程序: 总行 福建分行 江西分行 陕西分行 甘肃分行 工银亚洲 新加坡分行除此以外,我们没有对其他分行及子公司实施鉴证程序。 我们所实施的鉴证程序仅限于以下方面: 与贵行负责收集、整理和披露信息的管理层和员工进行访

848、谈; 在上述选定的范围,抽样测试 2012 年度关键社会责任指标的准确性; 根据财务报表审计结果,与相关社会责任指标核对一致 ; 通过收集行业、其他同业以及媒体关注的焦点问题,检查贵行报告中是否涵盖了重要社会责任事项; 选取有关政策、文件等支持性证据,以评估重要社会责任事项的描述是否适当。社会责任独立鉴证报告中国工商银行股份有限公司董事会:三、鉴证的局限性我们的鉴证工作不包括 : 鉴证除贵行总行、上述四家境内分行、一家境外分行及一家子公司关键社会责任指标外,其余信息或数据的准确性及公允性; 鉴证贵行管理层的预测性声明 ; 鉴证历史比较数据。四、保证水平我们的鉴证程序是为得出有限保证的结论而设计

849、的,执行这些程序并不会使我们获取为得出合理保证的结论而所需的全部鉴证证据。因此,该报告意见不是合理保证意见或审计意见。尽管我们在决定鉴证程序的性质和范围时会考虑贵行内部控制的有效性,但我们的目的不是就贵行内部控制的有效性发表意见。五、结论基于本鉴证报告所述的范围,实施的程序和上述局限性,我们的鉴证结论如下:关键社会责任指标 : 我们没有注意到任何重大事项使我们相信贵行编制的 2012 年社会责任报告中披露的关键社会责任指标存在重大错报。重要性和包容性: 我们没有注意到任何重大事项使我们相信贵行编制的2012 年社会责任报告不符合 GRI(G3) 要求的重要性和包容性原则。安永华明会计师事务所中

850、国北京市东城区东长安街 1号东方广场安永大楼 16 层邮政编码 : 100738Scope of Our EngagementThe 2012 Corporate Social Responsibility Report (the Report) of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited (the Bank) has been prepared by management of the Bank (the Management). The Management is responsible for the collection and

851、 presentation of information within the Report and for maintaining adequate records and internal controls that are designed to support the corporate social responsibility reporting process.Our responsibility was to carry out limited assurance procedures in relation to key sustainability indicators i

852、ncluded in the Report for the year ended 31 December 2012 in accordance with the Managements instructions. We also evaluated the Report in terms of the principles of materiality and inclusivity set out in Global Reporting Initiative G3 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines. Our work was limited to the

853、se stated above and our report is made solely to you, as a body, and for no other purpose. We do not therefore accept or assume any responsibility for any other purpose or to any other person or organization. Any reliance any such third party may place on the Report is entirely at its own risk.Our r

854、eview has been planned and performed in accordance with International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3000: Assurance Engagements Other Than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information issued by the International Federation of Accountants.We have designed our procedures for us to

855、evaluate the Report in terms of the principles of materiality and inclusivity set out in Global Reporting Initiative G3 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines.Materiality Has the Bank provided a balanced representation of material issues concerning its sustainability performance?Inclusivity Has the Ban

856、k identifed stakeholders? Has the Bank managed its stakeholder participation process? Has the Bank responded to stakeholder concerns?Work PerformedIn order to form our conclusions, we carried out the following procedures.In accordance with the Managements instructions, we selected Head Ofce, four do

857、mestic branches, one subsidiary and one oversea branch to perform limited assurance procedures over key sustainability indicators in the Report for the year ended 31 December 2012. The sites selected included: Head Ofce Fujian branch Jiangxi branch Shaanxi branch Gansu branch ICBC (Asia) Singapore b

858、ranchWe did not perform limited assurance procedures on other sites. The limited assurance procedures we carried out were limited to: Interviewing a selection of the Banks management responsible for sustainable development issues to understand the current status of sustainable development activities

859、 and the progress made during the reporting period. Sample testing key sustainability indicators in the sites selected.Independent Limited Assurance Statement on Corporate Social ResponsibilityTo the Board of Directors of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited Cross checking key sustainabil

860、ity indicators to the annual fnancial report of the Bank, where applicable. Conducting a high-level review of the Report to ensure all material sustainability issues have been covered in the Report. Reviewing selected documents relating to the material sustainability issues.Limitations of Our Review

861、 ScopeOur scope of work did not include: Assessing the accuracy or fairness of information relating to areas other than the key sustainability indicators of the sites selected. Reviewing the forward-looking statements made by the Management. Reviewing and consequently providing assurance on historic

862、al data. Level of AssuranceOur evidence gathering procedures have been designed to obtain a limited level of assurance (as set out in ISAE 3000) on which to base our conclusions. The procedures conducted do not provide all the evidence that would be required in a reasonable assurance engagement and,

863、 accordingly, we do not express a reasonable assurance opinion or an audit opinion. While we considered the effectiveness of the Managements internal controls when determining the nature and extent of our procedures, our review was not designed to provide assurance on internal controls.Our Conclusio

864、nsSubject to our limitations of scope noted above and on the basis of our procedures for this limited assurance engagement, we provided the following conclusion: Nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that there are any errors that would materially affect the key sustainability

865、indicators reported by the Management. Based on our work performed, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that any material sustainability issues were not aligned with the materiality and inclusivity set out in Global Reporting Initiative G3 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines.

866、Ernst & Young Hua MingLevel 16, Ernst & Young TowerOriental PlazaNo. 1 East Chang An AvenueDong Cheng DistrictBeijing, China 100738Ernst & Young Hua Ming LLPBeijing, PRC27 March, 2013GRI 索引GRI Index133134编号内容披露页码战略与分析1.1机构最高决策者关于企业战略与可持续发展的陈述P2, P61.2对主要效果、危机及机遇的描述P129公司概况2.1机构名称P172.2主要品牌、产品及服务P172

867、.3组织结构图P202.4公司总部的地址P172.5机构业务所在国及报告中涉及的与相关的国家的数量和名称P172.6所有权性质及法律形式P172.7所服务的市场P172.8公司规模 (含员工数量、营业收入、市值等)P11, P122.10报告期间获得的奖项P25报告参数3.1所提信息的报告时间扉页3.2最近一次报告的时间扉页3.3报告周期扉页3.4回应关于报告或内容相关问题的联系方式扉页3.5确定报告内容的程序扉页3.6报告的界限扉页3.7说明关于报告范围及界限的限制因素扉页3.9数据计算和处理方法扉页3.12列表标明报告引用的标准; 标明页码和网络链接扉页 , P133, P135, P13

868、73.13在可持续发展报告附带的认证报告中列出机构为报告寻求外部认证的政策以及现行措施。如果没有列出,请解释任何外部认证的范围以及根据,并解释汇报机构与验证者之间的关系扉页P131公司治理4.1机构的治理结构P19, P204.2说明最高治理机构的主席是否也兼任行政职位P194.3如机构有完整的董事会体系,说明独立董事与非执行董事的数量P194.4股东和员工向机构最高治理层提供意见和建议的机制P194.5公司治理层、高级经理及执行主管的薪酬与机构效益的联系P194.8与经济、环境、社会效益及其实施情况相关的使命或价值观、行为守则及原则P154.9最高决策层如何对机构进行监查,管理经济、环境、社

869、会效益P1294.11说明机构是否以及如何提出预防性的措施P1294.13在协会 (如行业协会)和 / 或国内、国际相关组织的成员资格P10 134No.ContentsPagesStrategy and Analysis 1.1Statement from the most senior decision-maker of the organization about the relevance of sustainability to the organization and its strategyP3-4, P7-81.2Description of key impacts, risk

870、s, and opportunitiesP130Organizational Profle2.1Name of the organizationP182.2Primary brands, products and servicesP182.3Operational structure of the organizationP202.4Location of organizations headquartersP182.5Number of countries where the organization operates, and names of countries with either

871、major operations or that are specifcally relevant to the sustainability issues covered in the reportP182.6Nature of ownership and legal formP182.7Markets servedP182.8Scale of the reporting organization (including number of employees, net revenues and total capitalization)P11, P122.10Awards received

872、in the reporting periodP26Report Parameters3.1Reporting period for information providedHeadpage3.2Date of most recent previous reportHeadpage3.3Reporting cycleHeadpage3.4Contact point for questions regarding the report or its contentsHeadpage3.5Process for defning report contentHeadpage3.6Boundary o

873、f the reportHeadpage3.7State any specifc limitations on the scope or boundary of the reportHeadpage3.9Data measurement techniques and the bases of calculationsHeadpage3.12Table identifying the location of the Standard Disclosures in the report, identify the page numbers or web linksHeadpage, P134,P1

874、36, P1383.13Policy and current practice with regard to seeking external assurance for the report. If not included in the assurance report accompanying the sustainability report, explain the scope and basis of any external assurance provided. Also explain the relationship between the reporting organi

875、zation and the assurance provider(s)P132Governance4.1Governance structure of the organizationP204.2Indicate whether the Chair of the highest governance body is also an executive ofcerP204.3For organizations that have a unitary board structure, state the number of members of the highest governance bo

876、dy that are independent and/or non-executive membersP204.4Mechanisms for shareholders and employees to provide recommendations or direction to the highest governance bodyP204.5Linkage between compensation for members of the highest governance body, senior managers, and executives, and the organizati

877、ons performanceP204.8Internally developed statements of mission or values, codes of conduct, and principles relevant to economic, environmental, and social performance and the status of their implementationP164.9Procedures of the highest governance body for overseeing the organizations identificatio

878、n and management of economic, environmental, and social performanceP1304.11Explanation of whether and how the precautionary approach or principle is addressed by the organizationP1304.13Memberships in associations (such as industry associations) and/or national/international advocacy organizationsP1

879、0 GRI 索引GRI Index135136编号内容披露页码公司治理4.14机构利益相关者的名单P23, P244.15识别及选择利益相关者的依据P23, P244.16利益相关者参与的程序P23, P244.17利益相关者参与提出的主要问题及机构如何进行回应P23, P24经济绩效EC1产生和分配的直接经济价值P11EC2机构活动由于市场环境变化产生的财务问题和其他风险及机遇P129EC3公司明确承诺的各种福利和补偿计划P99, P101, P103, P105EC5机构在各主要营运地点工资的标准起薪点与当地最低工资的比例P99EC6机构在主要业务运营地地点对当地供应商的政策、措施以及支出

880、比例P91EC8机构透过商业活动、实物捐赠或者免费,主要为大众利益而提供的基建投资及服务的发展与影响P109-125EC9机构了解并说明其重大的间接经济影响,包括影响的程度P89, P91环境绩效EN1所用物料的总量或者用量P12EN3按照主要源头划分的直接能源耗量P12EN5因环境保护及提高效益而节省的能源P12EN6提供具能源效益或以可再生能源为本的产品及服务计划,以及计划的成效P65-79EN7减少间接能源耗量的计划以及计划的成效P65-79EN8按源头划分的总耗水量P12EN18减少温室气体排放的计划及成效P75-79EN26减低产品及服务的环境影响的计划及其成效P65-79EN30按

881、类型说明环境保护的总体支持及投资P65-79社会绩效LA1按雇佣类型、雇佣合同及地区分类的员工总数P99LA2按年龄组别、性别及地区划分的雇员流失总数及比率P99LA3按主要业务划分,只提供全职雇员 (不给予临时或者兼职雇员)的福利P99-105LA8为协助雇员、雇员家属或者社区成员而推行的,关于严重疾病的教育、培训、辅导、预防与风险监控计划P99-105LA10按雇员类别划分,每名雇员每年受训的平均时数P101LA11加强雇员的持续职业发展能力及协助雇员转职的技能管理及终生学习课程P101LA12接受定期绩效考核及职业发展计划的雇员的百分比P101LA13按性别、年龄组别和少数族裔及其他多元

882、性指标划分,管理层员工和普通雇员的细分P99LA14按雇员类别划分,男性与女性的基本薪金比率P99No.ContentsPagesGovernance4.14List of stakeholder groups engaged by the organizationP23, P244.15Basis for identifcation and selection of stakeholders with whom to engageP23, P244.16Approaches to stakeholder engagementP23, P244.17Key topics and concern

883、s that have been raised through stakeholder engagement, and how the organization has responded to those key topics and concernsP23, P24Economic PerformanceEC1Direct economic value generated and distributedP11EC2Financial implications and other risks and opportunities for the organizations activities

884、 due to climate change130EC3Coverage of the organizations defned beneft plan obligationsP100, P102, P104, P106 EC5Range of ratios of standard entry level wage compared to local minimum wage at signifcant locations of operationP100EC6Policy, practices, and proportion of spending on locally-based supp

885、liers at signifcant locations of operationP92EC8Development and impact of infrastructure investments and services provided primarily for public beneft through commercial, inkind, or pro bono engagementP120-126EC9Understanding and describing signifcant indirect economic impacts, including the extent

886、of impactsP90, P92Environmental PerformanceEN1Materials used by weight or volumeP12EN3Direct energy consumption by primary energy sourceP12EN5Energy saved due to conservation and efciency improvementsP12EN6Initiatives to provide energy-efficient or renewable energy based products and services, and r

887、eductions in energy requirements as a result of these initiativesP66-80EN7Initiatives to reduce indirect energy consumption and reductions achievedP66-80EN8Total water withdrawal by sourceP12EN18Initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reductions achievedP66-80EN26Initiatives to mitigate e

888、nvironmental impacts of products and services, and extent of impact mitigationP66-80EN30Total environmental protection expenditures and investments by typeP66-80Social PerformanceLA1Total workforce by employment type, employment contract, and regionP99LA2Total number and rate of employee turnover by

889、 age group, gender, and regionP99LA3Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employees, by major operationsP99-106LA8Education, training, counseling, prevention, and risk-control programs in place to assist workforce members, their families, or communi

890、ty members regarding serious diseasesP99-106LA10Average hours of training per year per employee by employee category P172LA11Programs for skills management and lifelong learning that support the continued employability of employees and assist them in managing career endingsP102LA12Percentage of empl

891、oyees receiving regular performance and career development reviewsP102LA13Composition of governance bodies and breakdown of employees per category according to gender, age group, minority group membership, and other indicators of diversityP99LA14Ratio of basic salary of men to women by employee cate

892、goryP99GRI 索引GRI Index137138编号内容披露页码社会绩效HR3雇员在作业所涉及的人权范围内的相关政策及程序方面受训的总时数,以及受训雇员的百分比P101HR10接受人权审查和 / 或影响评估的运营点的百分比和总数P59SO1与社区事务有关的评估和管理工作,其核心思路、评估和管理范围以及有效性P49, P53, P83, P87SO2已作贿赂风险分析的业务单位的总数以及百分比P95SO3已接受机构的反贿赂政策及程序培训的雇员的百分比P95SO4惩治贿赂个案所采取的行动P95SO5对公共政策的立场,以及在发展及公共政策立法过程中的参与P29-45SO6按国家划分,对政党、政

893、客以及相关组织作出财务及实物捐献的总值P12PR5客户满意度管理措施,包括调查客户满意程度的结果P87PR6为遵守市场推广相关法律法规、自愿守则而设立的计划P83-P87金融行业附加指标FS1应用于业务活动的具体环境和社会政策P65-79, P109-125FS2在业务中评估与监控环境和社会风险的程序P65-73FS3对客户环境和社会合规情的监控P65-73FS4提高员工执行环境与社会政策能力的程序P65-79, P109-125FS5与客户、投资人和合作伙伴关于环境社会风险与机遇的互动P23, P24FS6按地区、规模、行业分的业务比例P29-45FS7为实现特定社会目标而设计的产品及服务的

894、价值,按目标分类P49-61FS8为实现特定环境目标而设计的产品及服务的价值,按目标分类P65-75FS10在投资组合中,报告组织与其存在环境或社会因素互动的公司的比例与数量P65-75FS13按类型列示的低人口密度和经济上欠发达地区的切入点P29-45FS14提高为弱势群体获取金融服务能力的行动P33-43FS15金融产品与服务的公平设计和销售的政策P49-53, P83-87FS16按受益类型分,提高金融知识教育的行动P87, P117No.ContentsPagesSocial PerformanceHR3Total hours of employee training on polic

895、ies and procedures concerning aspects of human rights that are relevant to operations, including the percentage of employees trainedP102HR10Percentage and total number of operations that have been subject to human rights reviews and/or impact assessments.P60SO1Nature, scope, and effectiveness of any

896、 programs and practices that assess and manage the impacts of operations on communitiesP50-54, P84-88SO2Percentage and total number of business units analyzed for risks related to corruptionP96SO3Percentage of employees trained in organizations anti-corruption policies and proceduresP96SO4Actions ta

897、ken in response to incidents of corruptionP96SO5Public policy positions and participation in public policy development and lobbyingP30-46SO6Total value of fnancial and in-kind contributions to political parties, politicians, and related institutions by countryP12PR5Practices related to customer sati

898、sfaction, including results of surveys measuring customer satisfactionP88PR6Programs for adherence to laws, standards, and voluntary codes related to marketing communicationsP84-88Financial Services Sector SupplementFS1Policies with specif c environmental and social components applied to business li

899、nesP66-80, P110-126FS2Procedures for assessing and screening environmental and social risks in business linesP66-74FS3Processes for monitoring clients implementation of and compliance with environmental and social requirements included in agreements or transactionsP66-74FS4Process(es) for improving

900、staf competency to implement the environmental and social policies and procedures as applied to business linesP66-80,P110-126FS5Interactions with clients/investees/business partners regarding environmental and social risks and opportunitiesP23, P24FS6Percentage of the portfolio for business lines by

901、 specif c region, size and by sector P30-46FS7Monetary value of products and services designed to deliver a specific social beneft for each business line broken down by purposeP50-62FS8Monetary value of products and services designed to deliver a specific environmental beneft for each business line

902、broken down by purposeP66-76FS10Percentage and number of companies held in the institutions portfolio with which the reporting organisation has interacted on environmental or social issuesP66-76FS13Access points in low-populated or economically disadvantaged areas by typeP30-46FS14Initiatives to imp

903、rove access to f nancial services for disadvantaged peopleP34-44FS15Policies for the fair design and sale of f nancial products and servicesP50-54, P84-88FS16Initiatives to enhance f nancial literacy by type of benef ciary P88, P118全球契约十项原则对照表Table of Social Responsibility Performance Contrast with

904、the Ten UNGC Principles139140企业应该尊重和维护国际公认的各项人权企业应该维护结社自由承认劳资集体谈判的权利彻底消除各种形式的强制性劳动杜绝任何在用工与行业方面的歧视行为企业应对环境挑战未雨绸缪主动增加对环保所承担的责任鼓励无害环境技术的发展与推广企业应反对各种形式的贪污,包括敲诈、勒索和行贿受贿消除童工 绝不参与任何漠视与践踏人权的行为坚持以人为本,严格遵守国家及经营所在国法律、法规、规章;劳动合同签订率 100%,及时足额为员工缴纳各项社会保险和住房公积金;加强职工民主管理制度建设,切实维护员工合法权益。完善职工代表大会制度,广泛听取民主意见,切实保障员工知情权

905、、参与权和监督权的落实;工会组建率 100%,员工入会率 100%。遵守劳动合同法等相关法律法规要求,依法合规做好劳动合同的签订工作;通过建立高效有序的工作机制和加强劳动力优化组合,充分保障员工的休息休假权利,杜绝各种形式的强迫劳动。尊重员工的宗教信仰自由,尊重员工个性,杜绝因种族、性别、国别、文化、年龄等方面的歧视现象;在招聘录用、岗位调整、薪酬待遇、职业发展、离职管理等各个环节,对全体员工一视同仁、平等对待。积极应对气候变化,自觉承担国际环境责任,建立健全生态环境保护综合管理机制, 发挥金融杠杆作用, 摆脱对传统发展路径的依赖, 促进经济结构调整。完善绿色信贷政策和制度体系,建立绿色信贷问

906、责机制 , 加强落后产能企业和涉及重金属污染领域的信贷风险管理,实施贷款“环保一票否决制”,从源头上遏制了环境污染,有力支持了生态文明建设。优先支持客户在新能源、节能环保和资源综合利用等领域的绿色信贷项目,加大对碳排放、节能等领域的绿色信贷产品创新力度。截至报告期末,全行环境友好及环保合格客户数量及贷款余额占全部境内公司客户数量及贷款余额的比例均保持在 99.9% 以上,投向绿色经济领域贷款余额合计 5,934 亿元。依托科技领先优势,推广无纸化、低消耗、高效率的电子银行业务,电子银行业务占比达 75.1%。按照“标本兼治、综合治理、惩防并举、注重预防”的方针,以健全惩治和预防腐败体系为重点,

907、整体推进反腐倡廉各项工作,报告期内组织开展治理商业贿赂有关检查 2,340 次,出台规范交易行为、推进银行业市场诚信体系建设的新制度和新措施 1,363 个。坚决杜绝使用童工。遵守世界人权宣言等国家签署或承认的国际公约或惯例。全球契约十项原则2012 年责任绩效140Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights.Make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuse

908、s.Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the efective recognition of the right to collective bargaining.The elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor.The elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.Businesses should support a precautionary app

909、roach to environmental challenges.The Bank has been people-oriented and strictly observed laws, regulations and rules of China and the host country of its place of business. It signed labor contracts with its staf (100%) and timely paid all social insurance premium and housing provident fund for its

910、 employees in full amount. In addition, it improved the system for democratic management of staf, to earnestly protect the legal rights of employees. The Bank abided by international conventions signed by the state or practices accepted by the state, including The Universal Declaration of Human Righ

911、ts.The Bank improved the system of staff representative meeting, to listen to all employees opinions and protect their right to know, participate and supervise. All branches and subsidiaries of the Bank have their own labor unions and all employees are members of labor unions. The Bank complied with

912、 the Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Employment Contracts and other relevant laws and regulations, and signed employment contracts according to law. It also strived to protect employees rights to rest and take leaves and eliminate all forms of forced and compulsory labor through an efcient a

913、nd orderly working mechanism and improved labor combinations. The Bank respected employees religious belief and individuality, and eliminated any discrimination against ethnicity, gender, country, culture, age and others. In addition, the Bank fairly and justly treated all employees regarding recrui

914、tment, post adjustment, compensations, career development and post leaving management. The Bank actively responded to climate changes, willingly assumed responsibility for international environment . It made use of the fnancial leverage, to get rid of dependence on traditional development mode and p

915、romote the adjustment of economic structure. The Bank improved its green credit policy and rule system, established an accountability mechanism for green credit, and strengthened credit risk management of enterprises with backward production capacity and heavy metal pollution. Theone-ballot veto pri

916、nciple for loans adopted by the Bank rooted out the causes of environmental pollution and vigorously supported ecological progress. In accordance with the guidelines of combating corruption in an integrated way, addressing both its symptoms and root causes, and combining punishment and prevention, w

917、ith emphasis on the latter, the Bank promoted its overall work of anti-corruption. During the reporting period, the Bank organized 2,340 inspections on commercial briberies, and introduced 1,363 new regulations and measures for regulating trading activities and promoting the establishment of a marke

918、t credit system for the banking sector.The Bank gave priority to customers green credit projects in such fields as new energy, energy conservation and comprehensive utilization of resources. It also intensifed its eforts in innovating green credit products related to carbon emission and energy conse

919、rvation. As at the end of the reporting period, the number of environment-friendly and environment-compliant customers and their proportion to the total loan balance accounted for above 99.9% of all the domestic corporate customers and their loan balance. The balance of loans extended to green econo

920、my felds totaled u RMB593.4 billion.In addition, based on its leading advantages in technology, the Bank promoted the paperless, low energy-consuming and high-efficient e-banking business, and transactions handled through electronic banking accounted for 75.1% of the Banks total. The Bank thoroughly

921、 eradicated child labor. Businesses should undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility.Businesses should work against corruption in all forms, including extortion and bribery.Businesses should encourage the development and spread of environmentally friendly technologies.The

922、 efective abolition of child labor.Ten UNGC Principles2012 Social Responsibility Performance意见反馈表Readers Feedback Form141142感谢您在百忙之中阅读 工商银行 2012 年社会责任报告 。这是工商银行持续第六次公开发布的社会责任报告。为了更好的满足您的需求,向您及各利益相关方提供更有价值的信息,同时促进公司改善社会责任工作绩效,提高履行社会责任的能力和水平,我们殷切的期望您能够对报告提出宝贵意见,并通过以下方式反馈给我们:传 真:(8610)661063

923、36电子邮件 : 邮寄地址:(中国)北京市西城区复兴门内大街 55号 战略管理与投资者关系部邮 编: 1001401、您对本报告的总体评价是: 好 较好 一般 差2、您对工商银行在经济层面履行社会责任的评价是: 好 较好 一般 差3、您对工商银行在环境层面履行社会责任的评价是: 好 较好 一般 差4、您对工商银行在社会层面履行社会责任的评价是: 好 较好 一般 差5、您认为本报告是否能真实反映工商银行社会责任实践对经济、环境、社会的影响? 能 一般 不能 6、您认为本报告披露的信息、数据、指标的清晰、准确、完整程度如何? 高 较高 一般 低7、您认为本报告的内容安排和版式设计是否方便阅读? 好

924、 较好 一般 差您对工商银行社会责任工作和本报告的意见和建议:注: 请您在相应的 “”内打 “” 。1421. What is your overall evaluation for the report? Very good Good General Poor2. What is your evaluation for ICBCs performance of its social responsibility on the economic level? Very good Good General Poor3. What is your evaluation for ICBCs perf

925、ormance of its social responsibility on the environmental level? Very good Good General Poor4. What is your evaluation for ICBCs performance of its social responsibility on the social level? Very good Good General Poor5. Do you think the report can truly represent the infuence on economy, environmen

926、t and society of the social responsibility practice of ICBC? Yes So so No 6. What do you think of the clarity, correctness and completeness of the information, data and statistics in the report? Very good Good General Poor7. Is this report reader-friendly from your perspective in terms of its conten

927、ts, structure and formatting? Very good Good General PoorWhat is your opinions and suggestions on corporate social responsibility of ICBC and this report? Thank you for reading the 2012 Corporate Social Responsibility Report of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited. ICBC has published Corp

928、orate Social Responsibility Reports for consecutive six years. In order to better satisfy your need, provide more valuable information for you and the interested parties, improve our performance of corporate social responsibility and enhance our ability to fulfll our social responsibility, we sincer

929、ely hope that you would provide your valuable opinions and feedback regarding this report to us via the following means:Fax: (8610) 66106336E-mail: Address: No. 55 Fuxingmennei Avenue, Xicheng District, Beijing, PRC Corporate Strategy and Investor Relations Department Post code: 100140Note: Please add in the corresponding .



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