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1、AmCham Shanghai June Covid Impact Survey上海美国商会调研报告:上海美国商会调研报告:新冠疫情对企业的影响新冠疫情对企业的影响2022年年6月月|上海上海Survey HighlightsBetween June 7-9, AmCham Shanghai conducted a survey of its members to assess the impact of recent Covid lockdowns in Shanghai on foreign companies. The survey was answered by 133 member

2、companies, with 69 respondents from the manufacturing sector and 64 respondents from the consumer and services sectors. The key survey findings include: 93% of respondents have cut their revenue projections for the year. 25% of respondents expect revenues to be more than 20% lower than originally pr

3、ojected, while this figure reaches 36% for consumer and service companies. 25% of consumer and services companies have decreased their investment plans, as have 20% of manufacturing companies. Just one respondent plans to increase their investment in China.26% of manufacturers are accelerating the l

4、ocalization of their China supply chains while moving production of global products out of the country. 23% of manufacturers said that the Shanghai lockdowns had not impacted their supply chain strategy.Nearly three-quarters of respondents (74%) had no unexpected resignations of expatriate staff due

5、 to the recent lockdowns. Among manufacturers, 35% are operating at full capacity, 25% are operating at or below 75% capacity, and 3% have not resumed operations. Among consumer and service sector companies, only 27% are fully operational. Among respondents who are not yet operating at full capacity

6、, 71% need their workers to be allowed to move freely between home and the workplace while more than half (53%) need better coordination with neighborhood committees in order to return to full capacity.Only 9% of respondents have received economic support measures from the Shanghai government to hel

7、p them recover from the effects of the lockdowns, while an additional 19% have applied for support and are still waiting.调研概要调研概要2022年6月7日至9日期间,上海美国商会向会员企业发起了新一轮调研,旨在了解近期的上海疫情以及封控政策对在沪外资企业的影响。此次调研共收到133家会员企业的反馈(含69家制造业企业和64家消费品及服务业企业)。主要调研结果如下:93%的受访企业下调了2022年的营收预期,其中25%的受访企业的预计营收较年初下调20%以上;36%的消费品及


9、和住宅小区间自由通勤,逾半数(53%)的企业表示(与)属地政府(街道)的支持和良好沟通对全面复工复产很关键;仅9%的受访企业表示申请并已获得了市政府的助企纾困补贴;另有19%的受访企业已申请助企纾困补贴,正在等待发放。Q1: How have you adjusted your revenue projections to account for the impact of recent Covid-related lockdowns in Shanghai and the YRD?近期上海及长三角地区的疫情封控管理措施对贵司今年的预计营收有何影响?近期上海及长三角地区的疫情封控管理措施对贵司

10、今年的预计营收有何影响?*Note: Due to rounding, some charts may not add up to 100%. 本次调研数据以四舍五入的方法精确至整数位,因此会出现个别总和高(低)于100%的情况。2%6%36%14%11%22%9%0%6%14%6%25%32%17%1%6%25%10%18%27%14%All 全体 (n=133)Manufacturing 制造业 (n=69)Consumer/Services 消费品/服务业 (n=64)Decreased yearly revenue projections by less than 5%下调少于5%De

11、creased yearly revenue projections by 5-10%下调5-10%Decreased yearly revenue projections by 11-15%下调11-15%Decreased yearly revenue projections by 16-20%下调16-20%Decreased yearly revenue projections by more than 20%下降20%以上No impact/maintain current revenue projections没有影响/持平Increased yearly revenue proj

12、ections预计营收增长Q2: What impact have the recent Covid lockdowns in Shanghai had on your investment plans?本轮疫情引发的上海封控管理措施对贵司的投资计划有何影响?本轮疫情引发的上海封控管理措施对贵司的投资计划有何影响?*Note: Due to rounding, some charts may not add up to 100%. 本次调研数据以四舍五入的方法精确至整数位,因此会出现个别总和高(低)于100%的情况。2%25%25%19%30%0%17%20%31%32%1%21%23%25%

13、31%All 全体 (n=133)Manufacturing 制造业 (n=69)Consumer/Services 消费品/服务业 (n=64)Too early to predict/have not decided言时尚早/尚不确定Delayed investments延迟投资Decreased investments减少投资No impact/maintain current investment plans没有影响/维持当前投资计划Increased investments增加投资Q3: What impact have the recent Covid-related lockdo

14、wns in Shanghai had on your companys China operations strategy? Select all that apply.本轮疫情引发的上海封控管理措施对贵司的在华运营策略有何影响?(多选)本轮疫情引发的上海封控管理措施对贵司的在华运营策略有何影响?(多选)17%5%6%9%16%14%42%20%1%1%13%25%29%29%19%3%4%11%20%22%35%All 全体 (n=133)Manufacturing 制造业 (n=69)Consumer/Services 消费品/服务业 (n=64)No impact没有影响Move so

15、me operations outside of China but maintain the majority in China保留在中国的大部分业务,将部分业务迁至海外Accelerate localization of China operations加快运营本土化Identify suppliers outside of China 识别/接洽海外供应商Move majority of operations outside of China in the near future在可预见的未来会将大部分业务迁出中国Move regional headquarters outside of

16、 China将地区总部迁出中国Other其他With the situation in Shanghai not yet stable and confidence taking a major hit, many respondents in this category are still reevaluating their strategies. 鉴于上海的疫情形势仍未完全稳定,以及前期信心受到的严重打击,此类别中的许多受访企业仍在重新评估他们的运营策略。Q4: What impact have the Shanghai lockdowns had on your supply chai

17、n strategy? Select all that apply.本轮疫情引发的上海封控管理措施对贵司的供应链策略有何影响?(多选)本轮疫情引发的上海封控管理措施对贵司的供应链策略有何影响?(多选)20%0%7%12%9%16%26%22%23%19%1%6%11%11%14%16%17%36%All 全体 (n=133)Manufacturing 制造业 (n=69)No impact没有变化Adopt a China +1 strategy where some factories and suppliers are moved to other Asian countries采取“中国

18、+1”策略将部分工厂和供应商转移至其他亚洲国家Accelerate localization of supply chain in China, move production of global products outside of China加快中国供应链的本土化进程,将全球产品的生产环节转移到中国以外Temporarily move warehouses and supplies outside of Shanghai暂时将仓库和供应链迁出上海Identify suppliers outside of China for the long term识别/接洽海外供应商以长期合作Move

19、 or delay production of certain products outside of China将部分产品的生产迁至海外或延后Temporarily identify suppliers outside of China to fulfill orders临时与海外供应商合作以完成订单Permanently move warehouses outside of China将仓库永久迁出中国Other其他Q5: How have the recent lockdowns in Shanghai impacted your HR strategy in China? Select

20、 all that apply.本轮疫情引发的上海封控管理措施对贵司的人力资源战略有何影响?(多选)本轮疫情引发的上海封控管理措施对贵司的人力资源战略有何影响?(多选)13%8%11%23%33%28%12%4%10%16%29%45%12%6%11%20%31%37%All 全体 (n=133)Manufacturing 制造业 (n=69)Consumer/Services 消费品/服务业 (n=64)No impact没有影响Delayed planned hiring/secondments from other locations推迟雇佣/借调境外员工计划Accelerated lo

21、calization plans加速本土化进程Moved foreign staff outside of China将外籍员工调离中国Raised benefits to attract/retain foreign staff加码吸引/留任外籍员工Other其他Several respondents are conducting layoffs while others are still assessing the situation to see how market demand changes.在大部分企业仍在观望评估,了解市场需求变化的同时,个别受访企业已经开始了裁员的动作。Q6

22、: What percentage of your expatriate staff have unexpectedly resigned due to recent lockdowns?贵司外籍员工中出于本轮疫情封控管理措施而提出非计划内离职申请的比例为:贵司外籍员工中出于本轮疫情封控管理措施而提出非计划内离职申请的比例为:16-20%11-15%No unexpected resignations/all departures were planned.无非计划内辞职/均在计划内Less than 5%小于5%5-10%(n=133)Greater than 20%大于20%6%2%2%5

23、%10%74%All 全体全体(n=133)*Note: Due to rounding, some charts may not add up to 100%. 本次调研数据以四舍五入的方法精确至整数位,因此会出现个别总和高(低)于100%的情况。Q7: Has your company resumed operations and, if yes, at what capacity is your company currently operating?贵司是否已恢复生产经营?若是,产能贵司是否已恢复生产经营?若是,产能/经营活动的恢复程度为:经营活动的恢复程度为:*Note: Due t

24、o rounding, some charts may not add up to 100%. 本次调研数据以四舍五入的方法精确至整数位,因此会出现个别总和高(低)于100%的情况。3%9%11%19%31%27%3%0%12%13%38%35%3%5%11%16%35%31%All 全体 (n=133)Manufacturing 制造业 (n=69)Consumer/Services 消费品/服务业 (n=64)Yes, fully operational是;已全面恢复Yes, operating at 99-76% capacity是;99-76%的产能Yes, operating at

25、75-51% capacity是;51-75%的产能Yes, operating at 50-26% capacity是;26-50%的产能Yes, operating at 25-0% capacity是;0-25%的产能No, our company has not resumed operations尚未复工复产Q8: What measures are needed to allow your company to operate at full capacity?Select all that apply.若尚未全面复工,下列哪些措施有助于贵司全面恢复经营生产?(多选)若尚未全面复工

26、,下列哪些措施有助于贵司全面恢复经营生产?(多选)16%38%62%69%67%56%47%58%71%12%27%41%46%48%48%53%58%71%All 全体 (n=92)Manufacturing 制造业 (n=45)Allow workers to move freely between facilities and home保障员工在工厂和住宅小区间自由通勤Reduce quarantine requirements for engineers and other key overseas personnel that must travel to China降低对工程师等重

27、要来华海外员工的隔离要求Better coordination with neighborhood committees(与)属地政府(街道)的支持和良好沟通Allow suppliers to restart operations供应商全面复工复产Better coordination between local governments in the Yangtze River Delta(与)长三角地方政府的支持和良好沟通Allow free movement of supplies to factories允许原料和商品自由运输至工厂Reduce wait time at Customs

28、减少货物进口通关时间Open warehouses开放仓库Other其他Q9: How can the local government mitigate concerns about the impact of Covid lockdowns on your companys revenues? Select all that apply.哪些政策可以缓解因疫情封控措施对贵司预计营收造成的负面压力?(多选)哪些政策可以缓解因疫情封控措施对贵司预计营收造成的负面压力?(多选)1%53%62%79%81%86%87%None of above以上皆非Accelerate customs clea

29、rance process to allow goods to move more freely and quickly加快货物清关流程,使货物可以自由、快速流通Ensure that foreign companies have access to the same treatment, subsidies and programs as domestic companies保障外资企业可以享受与本土企业同等的补贴、项目等待遇Provide economic support in the form of rent subsidies, tax breaks, benefits for wor

30、kers, and removal of tariffs提供如:租金补贴、税收减免、员工福利、取消关税等经济支持Provide more clarity and stability on government Covid policies to enable companies to better plan and increase consumer confidence提高防疫政策的清晰度与可预测性,使企业能更好地做提前规划并提振消费者信心Adjust travel policies to decrease quarantine length, allow for home quaranti

31、nes, simplify travel requirements, and allow for more international flights调整人员入境管理措施:缩短隔离时间、允许居家隔离、简化入境要求、增加国际航班数量Limit the usage of lockdowns to manage Covid outbreaks减少大范围封控管理措施Limit the usage of lockdowns to manage Covid outbreaks减少大范围封控管理措施Provide economic support in the form of rent subsidies,

32、 tax breaks, benefits for workers, and removal of tariffs提供如租金补贴、税收减免、员工福利、取消关税等经济支持Provide more clarity and stability on government Covid policies to enable companies to better plan and increase consumer confidence提高防疫政策的清晰度与可预测性,使企业能更好地做提前规划并提振消费者信心Adjust travel policies to decrease quarantine len

33、gth, allow for home quarantines, simplify travel requirements, and allow for more international flights调整人员入境管理措施:缩短隔离时间、允许居家隔离、简化入境要求、增加国际航班数量Ensure that foreign companies have access to the same treatment, subsidies and programs as domestic companies保障外资企业可以享受与本土企业同等的补贴、项目等待遇Accelerate customs cle

34、arance process to allow goods to move more freely and quickly加快货物清关流程,使货物可以自由、快速流通None of above以上皆非All 全体全体 (n=133)Q10: What short-term economic support measures would be most helpful to your company to recover from the lockdowns? Select all that apply.哪些短期经济援助政策有助于贵司从疫情封控措施造成的影响中恢复?(多选)哪些短期经济援助政策有助

35、于贵司从疫情封控措施造成的影响中恢复?(多选)Waive/reduce utilities fees (water, electrical, sewage) 降低企业公共服务费用成本(补贴水费、电费、污水处理费等)Tax breaks税收优惠Rental support租金减免Tax reduction or direct subsidies for Chinese public to stimulate consumption个人所得税减免或发放现金补贴以提振消费One-off subsidies一次性现金补助Extension of benefits-in-kind non-taxatio

36、n treatment for foreign employees延长外籍员工的津补贴优惠政策Waive administrative fees行政事业性收费减免Waive social security benefits contributions for foreign employees减免外籍员工社保缴纳金76%66%63%50%All 全体全体 (n=133)47%46%41%41%Q11: Has your company already enjoyed any economic support measures since the Covid lockdowns in Shang

37、hai?自上海实施疫情封控管理措施实施以来,贵司是否已经享受到政府补贴?自上海实施疫情封控管理措施实施以来,贵司是否已经享受到政府补贴?72%19%9%All 全体全体(n=133)No未申请到任何补贴Yes, applied but still waiting to enjoy已申请,仍在等待补贴发放Yes, already applied and enjoyed 已申请并已获得补贴Q12: If yes, what economic support measures has your company already enjoyed or applied to enjoy? Select a

38、ll that apply.若是,贵司已享受到下列哪些纾困或补贴措施?(多选)若是,贵司已享受到下列哪些纾困或补贴措施?(多选)None of the above以上皆非14%3%3%5%8%8%8%11%30%38%43%None of the above以上皆非Access to low-interest loans提供低息贷款Transportation and housing subsidies for workers为员工提供交通和住房补贴Extension of benefits-in-kind non-taxation treatment for foreign employee

39、s延长外籍员工的津补贴优惠政策Waiving administrative fees行政事业性收费减免Tax reduction or direct subsidies for Chinese public to stimulate consumption减免个人所得税或发放现金补贴以提振消费Waive social security benefits contributions for foreign employees减免外籍员工社保缴纳金Waive or reduce utilities fees (water, electrical, sewage)降低企业公共服务费用成本(补贴水费、

40、电费、污水处理费等)One-off subsidies一次性现金补助Tax breaks税收优惠Rental support租金减免Rental support租金减免Tax breaks税收优惠One-off subsidies一次性现金补助Waive or reduce utilities fees (water, electrical, sewage)降低企业公共服务费用成本(补贴水费、电费、污水处理费等)Tax reduction or direct subsidies for Chinese public to stimulate consumption减免个人所得税或发放现金补贴以

41、提振消费Waive social security benefits contributions for foreign employees减免外籍员工社保缴纳金Access to low-interest loans提供低息贷款Extension of benefits-in-kind non-taxation treatment for foreign employees延长外籍员工的津补贴优惠政策Transportation and housing subsidies for workers为员工提供交通和住房补贴Waiving administrative fees行政事业性收费减免N

42、one of the above以上皆非(n=37)Q13: In the medium and long term, what economic stimulus policies would be the most helpful for your company to further grow and develop in the China market?中长期来看,哪些纾困刺激政策有助于贵司未来进一步发展和开拓中国市场?中长期来看,哪些纾困刺激政策有助于贵司未来进一步发展和开拓中国市场?43%38%20%All 全体全体(n=133)Stimulus policies for ent

43、erprise expansion, e.g., companies that achieve business growth at a certain level, expand capital commitment to the China market, obtain high-tech or new IP related certifications, etc.向符合条件的企业定向提供纾困政策或补贴,如:1. 实现一定程度的业务增长的企业;2. 扩大在华资本投入的企业;3. 获得高新技术认定或新的知识产权认证的企业等Other policies其他政策Stimulus policies

44、 for enterprise consumption, e.g., subsidies to consume/purchase certain industrial products, manufacturing equipment, R&D equipment, high-tech products, etc.对企业的消费类刺激政策,如对企业消费/购买部分工业产品、制造设备、研发设备、高科技产品等给予补贴Additional suggestions include 其他建议包括其他建议包括: Better market access and equal treatment for fore

45、ign and local products 进一步放开市场准入,并保障内外资企业的产品得到平等对待 Equal treatment for private and state-owned companies 对国有企业与民营企业一视同仁 Clearer macroeconomic guidance and Covid management policies 提高宏观经济指导和防疫政策的清晰度 Easier domestic travel 更便利的本土差旅*Note: Due to rounding, some charts may not add up to 100%. 本次调研数据以四舍五入的方法精确至整数位,因此会出现个别总和高(低)于100%的情况。



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