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1、2020年产权组织事实与数据2020年产权组织事实与数据除另有说明外, 本作品依照知识共享署名3.0政府间组织许可进行许可。允许使用者对本出版物进行复制、 发行、 改编、 翻译和公开表演, 包括用于商业目的, 无需明确同意, 条件是使用这些内容须注明来源为产权组织, 并在对原始内容作出修改时明确注明。改编/翻译/演绎不应带有任何官方标记或标志, 除非已经产权组织同意和确认。 请通过产权组织网站联系我们, 以获得许可。对于任何演绎作品, 请增加以下声明:“对于原始内容的转换或翻译, 产权组织秘书处不承担任何责任。 ”如果产权组织发表的图片、 图形、 商标或标志等内容属于第三方所有, 则此类内容的

2、使用者自行负责向权利人征得许可。查看此许可的副本, 请访问 https:/creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/igo/。本出版物中所用的名称及材料的呈现方式, 不意味着产权组织对于任何国家、 领土或地区或其当局的法律地位, 或者对于其边界或边界线的划分, 表示任何意见。本出版物不反映成员国或产权组织秘书处的观点。提及具体公司或具体厂商的产品, 不意味着它们得到产权组织的认可或推荐, 认为其优于未被提及的其他类似性质的公司或产品。 WIPO, 2020年世界知识产权组织 World Intellectual Property Organization 34,

3、chemin des Colombettes P.O. Box 18 CH-1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland 瑞士ISBN : 978-92-805-3212-8 署名3.0 政府间组织许可 (CC BY 3.0 IGO)瑞士印刷目录导言 5全球知识产权申请与有效知识产权 1. 2019年全球申请总量 7 2. 2019 年按地区开列的知识产权申请活动量所占百分比 8 3. 2019 年有效知识产权 9专利和实用新型4. 2019 年排名前五位的主管局在专利申请总量中所占百分比 115. 2019 年前十位主管局的专利申请 126. 2019年选定中低收入国家主管局的专利申

4、请 137. 2019 年排名前十位的原属地相对于国内生产总值的居民专利申请 148. 排名前五位的原属地各自申请数量最多的三个技术领域 (2016 年-2018 年) 159. 2019 年前十位原属地的 PCT 国际申请 1610. 2019 年排名前十位的 PCT 申请人 1711. 2019 年前十位主管局的实用新型申请 1812. 2019 年选定中等收入国家主管局的实用新型申请 19商标13. 2019 年排名前五位的主管局在商标申请活动总量中所占百分比 2114. 2019 年前十位主管局的申请类数 2215. 2019 年选定中等收入国家主管局的申请类数 2316. 2019

5、年选定原属地相对于国内生产总值的居民商标申请类数 2417. 2019 年排名前五位的原属地各自申请数量最多的三个行业部门 2518. 2019 年前十位原属地的马德里国际申请 2619. 2019 年排名前十位的马德里申请人 27工业品外观设计20. 2019 年排名前五位的主管局在外观设计申请活动总量中所占百分比 2921. 2019 年前十位主管局的申请外观设计项数 3022. 2019 年选定中等收入国家主管局的申请外观设计项数 3123. 2019 年选定原属地相对于国内生产总值的居民申请外观设计项数 3224. 2019 年选定原属地各自申请数量最多的三个行业部门 3325. 20

6、19 年排名前十位的原属地海牙国际申请中的外观设计 3426. 2019 年排名前十位的海牙申请人 36更多信息统计数据表 39统计数据资源 47术语表 485世界知识产权组织 (产权组织) 2020 年事实与数据通过最近一年可用的全面统计数据, 概述了知识产权活动。 此处提供的数据来自更为全面的产权组织2020 年世界知识产权指标 。知识产权事实与数据 是一份快速参考资料, 内容覆盖了以下四类工业产权:专利、 实用新型、 商标和工业品外观设计。 这份资料主要关注的是最常用于衡量知识产权活动的申请数据。 商标申请数据指的是类数, 即申请中指定的类数。 这有助于更好地对比各知识产权局的商标国际申

7、请活动, 因为一些司法管辖区的申请中可以指定多类商品和服务, 而其他管辖区则要求为每一类单独提交申请。 同样, 工业品外观设计数据指的是外观设计项数, 即申请中包含的外观设计数量。除非另有说明, 否则所有数据指的均是2019年内的活动, 增长指年度增长, 即自2018 年至 2019 年的变化。请注意, 由于对数据的持续更新, 本出版物所提供的数据有可能与原先发布的数据不同, 也有可能与产权组织网页上提供的数据存在差异。 如您想了解对产权组织和/或国家主管局知识产权数据的更深入分析, 请访问下述网页:知识产权统计数据:www.wipo.int/ipstats/zh世界知识产权指标:www.wi

8、po.int/ipstats/zh/wipi联系信息:经济学与数据分析部电子邮件:ipstats.mailwipo.int导言知识产权7全球知识产权申请与有效知识产权2019年全球专利申请量下降了3%,这是自2009年金融危机以来首次下降,而商标和工业品外观设计申请活动量分别增长了5.9%和1.3%。1. 2019年全球申请总量5.9%1.3%2018年年20193.0%9.1%商标*工业品外观设计*专利实用新型140万1,520万320万230万图例*指类数, 即商标申请中指定的商品和服务类别总数。*指外观设计项数, 即工业品外观设计申请中包含的外观设计总数。来源: 产权组织统计数据库, 2

9、020 年 9 月。2019 年, 全球专利申请量自 2009 年金融危机以来首次出现下降, 降幅为 3%。相比之下, 商标和工业品外观设计申请活动分别增长了 5.9% 和1. 3%。 从数量上看, 全球专利申请量为 320 万件, 商标申请达到 1,520 万件, 工业品外观设计申请达到共计140万件。 实用新型 (一种特殊形式的专利权) 申请量增长了 9.1%, 达到 230 万件。产权组织事实与数据知识产权8亚洲的主管局占知识产权申请活动的大部分比例2. 2019 年按地区开列的知识产权申请活动量所占百分比c de a b 0.511.31.720.41.1 65.0abc d e1.7

10、 cd1.715. d1.324.专利实用新型商标*工业品外观设计*亚洲亚洲亚洲亚洲亚洲拉丁美洲和加勒比地区大洋洲非洲北美洲欧洲图例*指类数, 即商标申请中指定的商品和服务类别总数。 *指外观设计项数, 即工业品外观设计申请中包含的外观设计总数。来源: 产权组织统计数据库, 2020 年 9 月。产权组织事实与数据知识产权9位于亚洲的主管局约占全球专利、 商标和工业品外观设计申请活动的三分之二,几乎占全球实用新型申请活动的全部。 在过去十年中, 亚洲在所有这四项知识产权全球申请量中的占比均有大幅增长

11、。请注意, 北美洲的主管局没有提供实用新型注册业务, 因此未被包括在该项知识产权的图表中。2019年全球约有1,500万件有效专利3. 2019 年有效知识产权7.0%15.2%7.3% 18.1 % 20182019商标工业品外观设计专利实用新型5,820万410万560万1,490万年年图例来源: 产权组织统计数据库, 2020 年 9 月。2019 年, 全球概算有 1,490 万件有效专利, 其中美利坚合众国 (美国) 的有效专利数量最多, 约有 310 万件, 中国有 270 万件, 日本有 210 万件。全球 5,820 万件有效商标注册中, 中国的数量最多, 达到 2,520 万

12、件, 其次是美国, 有 280 万件, 印度有 200 万件, 日本有 190 万件。 同样, 有效工业品外观设计注册数量最多的也是中国, 占全球总量的 44%。 此外, 中国在有效实用新型总量中的占比高达 94.2%。产权组织事实与数据11专利专利和实用新型排名前五位的主管局占全球总量的84.7%4. 2019 年排名前五位的主管局在专利申请总量中所占百分比100%43.4% 9.6% 6.8% 5.6% 3.51 % 3.91 % 3,224,200 全球专利申请总量中国美国日本大韩民国欧专局其他主管局欧专局指欧洲专利局。来源: 产权组织统计数据库, 2020 年 9 月。排名前五位的主管

13、局占 2019 年全球 320 万件专利申请中的 84.7%, 相比十年前, 即 2009 年的合计占比增长率高 8.3 个百分点。 仅中国的主管局就受理了全球申请总量的 43.4%。12专利产权组织事实与数据尽管申请量较上年大幅减少, 但2019年中国的主管局受理的专利申请数量仍然最多5. 2019 年前十位主管局的专利申请621,4534.1%1.8%307,969 218,975181,4794.1%67,4340.7%53,6277.1%36,4880.9%35,511 6.4%29,758 0.7%201820199.2%4.3%中国美国日本大韩民国欧专局德国印度加拿大俄罗斯联邦澳大

14、利亚140万年年图例欧专局指欧洲专利局。来源: 产权组织统计数据库, 2020 年 9 月。2019 年, 中国知识产权局受理了 140 万件专利申请, 是美国主管局受理数量的两倍多。 排在中国之后的是美国 (621,453 件) 、 日本 (307,969 件) 、 大韩民国(218,975 件) 和欧洲专利局 (欧专局; 181,479 件) 。 在前十位的主管局中, 印度(+7.1%) 、 大韩民国 (+4.3%) 、 美国 (+4.1%) 和欧专局 (+4.1%) 受理的申请量在 2019 年出现强劲增长。13专利产权组织事实与数据在选定的中低收入国家主管局中, 摩洛哥和土耳其在201

15、9年的专利申请数量增长迅速6. 2019年选定中低收入国家主管局的专利申请25,396 15,9412.9%0.3%8,172 8,0886,9140.0%3,8522.9%3,4820.2%2,7307.6%868 4.5%514 6.7%2.2%8.3%巴西墨西哥泰国土耳其南非乌克兰EAPO摩洛哥ARIPOOAPI20182019年年图例ARIPO是非洲地区知识产权组织的简称; EAPO 是欧亚专利组织的简称; OAPI 是非洲知识产权组织的简称。这些地区主管局代表该地区中低收入成员国开展工作。来源: 产权组织统计数据库, 2020 年 9 月。2019 年, 在选定中低收入国家主管局中,

16、 巴西 (25,396 件) 、 墨西哥 (15,941 件) 、泰国 (8,172 件) 和土耳其 (8,088 件) 均受理了大量专利申请。 土耳其 (+8.3%)和摩洛哥 (+7.6%) 主管局在 2019 年的增长尤其迅速。 在地区主管局中, 非洲地区知识产权组织 (ARIPO; +4.5%) 报告了强劲增长, 而与之相反, 非洲知识产权组织 (OAPI; 6.7%) 出现了大幅下降。 欧亚专利组织 (EAPO; 0.2%) 略有下降。 欲知所有其他知识产权局受理的专利申请数量 (如获提供) , 请见从第 39 页开始的统计数据表。14专利产权组织事实与数据大韩民国每单位国内生产总值申

17、请的专利数量依然最多7. 2019 年排名前十位的原属地相对于国内生产总值的居民专利申请7,7795,5204,6911,6421,6341,3891,1301,1281,127927大韩民国中国日本德国瑞士美国瑞典丹麦芬兰荷兰国内生产总值数据以 2017 年美国购买力平价 (PPP) 美元计算。 国内生产总值高于 250 亿美元购买力平价,并且居民专利申请量超过100件的, 被列入前十位原属地。 来源: 产权组织统计数据库和世界银行, 2020 年 9 月。专利活动量的差异既反映了各经济体的规模, 也反映了其发展水平。 但是, 通过衡量每个国家相对于其国内生产总值的申请数量, 可以比较具有不

18、同经济规模的国家之间的申请活动, 以作为替代性计算指标。大韩民国每单位国内生产总值 (1,000 亿美元) 的居民专利申请总量为 7,779 件, 仍是专利申请数量最多的国家。 2019 年, 中国 (5,520 件) 的申请量排名第二, 随后是日本 (4,691 件) 、 德国 (1,642) 和瑞士 (1,634 件) 。 在前十名原属地中, 中国相对于国民生产总值的居民专利申请量在 2009 年至 2019 年间有了相当大的提升。15专利产权组织事实与数据哪些国家在哪些技术方面具有专长?8.排名前五位的原属地各自申请数量最多的三个技术领域 (2016 年-2018 年) 7.36.06.

19、68.87.310.310.18.712.计算机技术第一位第三位第三位第三位第三位第三位第一位第一位第一位第一位中国德国日本大韩民国美国数字通信电器机械、电气装置、 电能测量机械元件医疗技术光学运输第二位第二位第二位第二位第二位灰色数字显示的是所占百分比来源: 产权组织统计数据库和欧专局 PATSTAT 数据库, 2020 年9月。按技术对专利进行分析, 显示了一个国家的优势或专长领域。 例如, 中国和美国的申请人提交申请最多的领域是计算机技术, 日本和大韩民国则是电器机械,而德国是运输。16专利产权组织事实与数据2019年中国超越美国成为专利国际申请量排

20、名榜首9. 2019 年前十位原属地的 PCT 国际申请58,99010.6%57,8402.8%52,6605.9%19,3532.0%19,08512.8%7,9340.2%5,7862.7%4,6100.7%4,1850.4%4,0113.0%20182019中国美国日本德国大韩民国法国联合王国瑞士瑞典荷兰年年图例来源: 产权组织统计数据库, 2020 年 9 月专利合作条约 (PCT) 体系通过降低在寻求保护的每个司法管辖区内提交单独申请的要求, 简化了在多个国家提交专利申请的程序。2019 年, 通过 PCT 提交的国际专利申请量增长了 5.2% (265,800 件申请) , 连续

21、十年实现增长。 居住在中国的申请人提交的 PCT 专利申请数量最多 (58,990 件) , 紧随其后的是来自美国的申请人 (57,840 件) 和日本申请人 (52,660 件) 。 2019年, 德国和大韩民国分别以 19,353 件和 19,085 件的申请量排名第四和第五位。17专利产权组织事实与数据2019年华为技术有限公司连续第三年成为申请数量最多的PCT申请人10. 2019 年排名前十位的 PCT 申请人4,4111,9271,8641,6912,1272,6611,6982,3341,646 1,687图例电信公司华为技术三星电子三菱电机LG电子欧珀移动通信京东方科技平安科技

22、中国大韩民国日本高通美国爱立信瑞典罗伯特博世德国来源: 产权组织统计数据库, 2020 年 9 月。2019 年, 中国电信巨头华为技术有限公司连续第三年成为位列榜首的公司申请人, 拥有已公布PCT申请 4,411 件。 其次是日本三菱电机株式会社 (2,661 件) 、大韩民国三星电子 (2,334 件) 、 美国高通公司 (2,127 件) 和中国广东欧珀移动通信有限公司 (1,927 件) 。 上榜的前十名申请人中, 有四家公司来自中国, 两家来自大韩民国, 德国、 日本、 瑞典和美国各有一家。18专利产权组织事实与数据2019年中国的知识产权局受理了全球实用新型申请总量的96.9%11

23、. 2019 年前十位主管局的实用新型申请WIPO IP FACTS AND FIGURES 18 11,6685.2%10,1364.0%8,4587.3%5,44712.6%5,2412.7%3,31011.5%2,9717.3%2,8249.2%2,7571.0%9.5%20182019中国德国俄罗斯联邦乌克兰大韩民国日本泰国土耳其巴西西班牙230万年年图例来源: 产权组织统计数据库, 2020 年 9 月。实用新型是一种特殊形式的专利权, 其要求不如专利严格, 但是保护期较短。 并非所有管辖区都提供实用新型保护。2019 年全球提交的230万件申请中, 中国的知识产权局受理了全球总量的

24、 96.9%,其他79家主管局合计受理量仅占 3.1%。 德国、 日本和大韩民国主管局的申请量在 2009 年至 2019 年间显著下降。 与之相反, 中国在同期出现了巨大增长。19专利产权组织事实与数据中等收入国家印度尼西亚的实用新型申请量增长显著12. 2019 年选定中等收入国家主管局的实用新型申请2,5609.1%2,55865.6%69914.9%63714.4%33410.2%30920.7%2281.8%21219.1%1923.0%1775.9%20182019菲律宾印度尼西亚墨西哥越南白俄罗斯秘鲁蒙古肯尼亚马来西亚哥伦比亚年年图例来源: 产权组织统计数据库, 2020 年 9

25、 月。上述图表显示了 2019 年选定中等收入国家知识产权局受理的实用新型申请数量。 印度尼西亚 (+65.6%) 受理的申请数量增长强劲。 秘鲁 (+20.7%) 和肯尼亚(+19.7%) 在 2019 年也显示了强劲增长。 欲知所有其他知识产权局受理的实用新型申请数量 (如获提供) , 请见从第39 页开始的统计数据表。产权组织事实与数据21商标商标排名前五位的主管局占据全球商标申请活动总量的65%13. 2019 年排名前五位的主管局在商标申请活动总量中所占百分比100% 51.7% 4.4% 3.6% 2.7% 3.0% 6.43 % 15,153,700全球商标申请活动中国美国其他主

26、管局日本伊朗伊斯兰共和国EUIPOEUIPO 指欧洲联盟知识产权局。来源: 产权组织统计数据库, 2020 年 9 月。2019 年, 全球商标申请活动中有大约 65%按类数计算都集中在排名前五位的主管局。 中国的主管局 (51.7%) 占全球商标申请活动总量的半数以上,并且申请主要来自中国居民。 前五位的其余四家主管局各占总量的 5% 以下。22商标产权组织事实与数据中国的商标申请活动量是其后九大主管局合计数量的两倍多14. 2019 年前十位主管局的申请类数 6.4%672,6815.1%546,2446.7%454,92518.4%407,7123.8%367,7647.3%311,63

27、44.3%306,97616.5%284,0727.6%282,44815.5%20182019中国美国日本伊朗伊斯兰共和国EUIPO印度法国俄罗斯联邦大韩民国土耳其780万年年图例EUIPO 指欧洲联盟知识产权局。来源: 产权组织统计数据库, 2020 年 9 月。中国主管局的申请类数达 780 万类, 其次是美国的主管局, 数量为 672,681 类。自二十一世纪初以来, 上述两局一直是排名前两位的主管局, 不过, 中国的申请类数自 2006 年以来显著增加, 已从美国的约两倍增长至 2018 年和2019年的几乎 12 倍之多。 这在很大程度上是由于中国居民在中国提交了大量商标申请。 排

28、名在上述两局之后的是日本的主管局 (546,244 类) 、 伊朗伊斯兰共和国的主管局 (454,925 类) 和欧洲联盟知识产权局 (EUIPO; 407,712 类) 。排名前十位的所有主管局在 2019 年的商标申请活动量都高于2018年的水平。 涨幅最大的是伊朗伊斯兰共和国 (+18.4%) 、 俄罗斯联邦 (+16.5%) 和土耳其 (+15.5%) 。23商标产权组织事实与数据在选定的中等收入国家主管局中, 巴西不仅商标申请活动量大, 而且实现了令人印象深刻的同比增长22.3%15. 2019 年选定中等收入国家主管局的申请类数250,02222.3%160,1942.8%112,

29、38819.3%79,4163.8%66,41115.1%64,38510.2%37,3712.6%37,7546.2%42,05815.0%13,86213.1%20182019巴西墨西哥越南乌克兰泰国阿根廷秘鲁埃及南非柬埔寨年年图例来源: 产权组织统计数据库, 2020 年 9 月。巴西 (250,022 类) 、 墨西哥 (160,194 类) 和越南 (112,388 类) 的商标申请活动量按类数计算远高于很多其他中等收入国家。上述图表显示了在 2019 年, 一些选定的中等收入国家知识产权局受理的商标申请中指定的类别总数。 欲知所有其他知识产权局商标申请类数的情况 (如获提供) ,

30、请见从第 39 页开始的统计数据表。24商标产权组织事实与数据中国和大韩民国在以每单位国内生产总值计的申请类数方面表现强劲16. 2019 年选定原属地相对于国内生产总值的居民商标申请类数33,66010,3597,1697,0756,6226,3146,2186,2053,4922,242中国大韩民国智利巴西马达加斯加德国俄罗斯联邦澳大利亚印度美国国内生产总值数据以 2017 年美国购买力平价 (PPP) 美元计算。来源: 产权组织统计数据库和世界银行, 2020 年9月。计算每单位国内生产总值 (1,000 亿美元) 的申请类数, 可以对比申请制度各异 (单类与多类) 和经济规模不一的各国

31、的商标申请活动。 根据这一计算指标, 澳大利亚、 智利和马达加斯加等较小国家的类数排名高于绝对数量级较高的一些大国, 例如印度和美国。25商标产权组织事实与数据各国申请人提交的商标申请中排名前列的是哪些行业?17. 2019 年排名前五位的原属地各自申请数量最多的三个行业部门22.214.812.312. 20.4第一位第一位第一位第一位第一位第三位第三位第三位第三位第三位第二位第二位第二位第二位第二位中国德国伊朗伊斯兰共和国日本美国农业商业服务服装和配饰卫生休闲和教育研究和技术运输 灰色数字代表所占百分比。来源

32、: 产权组织统计数据库, 2020 年 9 月。根据 尼斯分类 , 商标申请可以归类为十个行业部门。 上述图表显示了 2019 年商标申请活动量最多的前五位原属地各自申请数量最多的三个行业部门。 在德国和日本, 研究和技术、 休闲和教育以及商业服务都显示是商标申请量最多的三个行业部门。 农业和商业服务位列中国和伊朗伊斯兰共和国申请人所在行业部门排名的前三甲, 而卫生在美国申请人所在行业部门中位列第一。26商标产权组织事实与数据美国和德国仍是马德里体系的最大用户18. 2019 年前十位原属地的马德里国际申请10,08714.3%7,7002.1%6,3391.1%4,4371.8%3,7291

33、0.2%3,4603.2%3,1601.1%2,0942.4%2,64916.0%1,98037.8%20182019美国德国中国法国瑞士联合王国日本意大利澳大利亚土耳其年年图例来源: 产权组织统计数据库, 2020 年 9 月。产权组织管理的马德里体系使商标注册人能够通过向一家国家或地区知识产权局提交一份单一国际申请, 而在多个国家申请商标注册。申请人在 2019 年提交的马德里商标国际申请概算达 64,400 件。 这比上一年增加了近 3,500 件, 从而使年增长率达到 5.7%, 标志着第十年不间断增长。 位于美国的申请人连续第二年实现两位数增长, 继续位居通过马德里体系提交国际申请最

34、多的原属地榜首。 2019 年美国申请人提交的马德里申请概算有 10,087 件, 同比强劲增长 14.3%。 随后是德国 (7,700 件) 、 中国 (6,339 件) 、 法国 (4,437 件)和瑞士 (3,729 件) 的申请。27商标产权组织事实与数据法国个人护理和美妆公司欧莱雅是2019年排名首位的申请人19. 2019 年排名前十位的马德里申请人31124 101 103 6984制药公司欧莱雅诺华集团华为技术苹果Rigo 贸易NirSan Connect汉高BMW法国德国瑞士中国印度美国资生堂吉瑞医药日本匈牙利卢森堡图例来源: 产权组织统计数据库, 20

35、20 年 9 月。法国的个人护理和美妆公司欧莱雅以 189 件马德里申请成为 2019 年排名首位的申请人, 其次是瑞士的制药公司诺华集团 (135 件) 、 中国的技术公司华为技术有限公司 (131 件) 和印度的研究咨询公司NirSan Connect (124 件) 。 这是第一年位于亚洲中等收入国家的申请人出现在排名前五位的申请人之列, 在 2019 年之前, 这一位次主要由欧洲公司占据。产权组织事实与数据29工业品外观设计工业品外观设计中国的主管局占全球工业品外观设计申请活动总量的一半以上20. 2019 年排名前五位的主管局在外观设计申请活动总量中所占百分比100%52.3% 5.

36、1% 3.7% 3.4% 2.72 % 8.3% 1,360,900全球工业品外观设计申请活动中国大韩民国其他主管局美国土耳其EUIPOEUIPO 指欧洲联盟知识产权局。来源: 产权组织统计数据库, 2020 年 9 月。产权组织使用申请外观设计项数来计算工业品外观设计申请活动; 换言之, 其不仅对申请数量进行计算, 还计算申请中外观设计的数量。 外观设计项数是对各知识产权局的申请活动进行对比的更佳方式, 因为在一些主管局, 用户可以通过单一申请注册多项外观设计。2019 年, 全球提交的工业品外观设计申请刚过一百万件。 这些申请总计包含 140万项外观设计。2019 年全球工业品外观设计申请

37、活动按外观设计项数计算约有 73% 发生在排名前五位的主管局, 其中仅中国主管局的受理数量就占全球总量的 52.3%。 EUIPO (8.3%) 和大韩民国 (5.1%) 的受理数量分别占申请活动总量的第二和第三大份额。30工业品外观设计产权组织事实与数据在前十位主管局中, 土耳其的申请量增幅最大21. 2019 年前十位主管局的申请外观设计项数711,617113,3194.4%0.4%69,3601.5%46,2029.1%49,8485.7%44,0970.9%37,40412.0%1.9%32,17631,11129,8968.7%13.6%20182019中国EUIPO大韩民国美国土

38、耳其德国法国日本意大利联合王国年年图例EUIPO 指欧洲联盟知识产权局来源: 产权组织统计数据库, 2020 年 9 月。2019 年, 前十位主管局中, 土耳其 (+9.1%) 、 联合王国 (+8.7%) 、 美国 (+5.7%)和 EUIPO (+4.4%) 均在受理的工业品外观设计数量方面实现了最强劲的年度增长, 而意大利 (13.6%) 和法国 (12%) 均出现同比大幅下降。31工业品外观设计产权组织事实与数据在中等收入国家的主管局中, 伊朗伊斯兰共和国和印度的申请活动量仍尤为突出22. 2019 年选定中等收入国家主管局的申请外观设计项数17,62219.3%13,7238.6%

39、10,92822.0%7,6246.6%6,4325.3%5,2933.2%5,2365.7%4,38730.3%3,7262,7292.8%5.6%20182019伊朗伊斯兰共和国印度俄罗斯联邦乌克兰巴西泰国摩洛哥越南墨西哥埃及年年图例来源: 产权组织统计数据库, 2020 年 9 月。伊朗伊斯兰共和国知识产权局 2019 年受理的申请中有 17, 622 项外观设计, 远高于大多数其他中等收入国家的主管局。 印度 (13,723 项外观设计) 、 俄罗斯联邦(10,928 项) 、 乌克兰 (7,624 项) 、 巴西 (6,432 项) 和泰国 (5,293 项) 也位居外观设计申请活动

40、量全球排名前二十位的主管局之列。上述图表显示了 2019 年选定中等收入国家知识产权局提交的申请中所包含的外观设计总量。 欲知所有其他知识产权局的外观设计项数 (如获提供) , 请见从第39 页开始的统计数据表。32工业品外观设计产权组织事实与数据中国每单位国内生产总值申请中的外观设计数量领衔全球23. 2019 年选定原属地相对于国内生产总值的居民申请外观设计项数3,0712,7821,6701,6481,3541,255886567438112中国大韩民国土耳其意大利法国德国联合王国瑞士日本美国国内生产总值数据以 2017 年美国购买力平价 (PPP) 美元计算。 来源: 产权组织统计数据

41、库和世界银行, 2020 年9 月。计算每单位国内生产总值 (1,000 亿美元) 的外观设计项数, 可以对比申请制度各异 (单类与多类) 和经济规模不一的各国的居民工业品外观设计申请活动。 根据这一计算指标, 中国和大韩民国表现强劲。 以上两国在 2019 年每单位国内生产总值的居民外观设计数量最多, 其后是土耳其、 意大利和法国。33工业品外观设计产权组织事实与数据哪些行业在各国申请人提交的外观设计申请中居于前列?24. 2019 年选定原属地各自申请数量最多的三个行业部门21.220.912.819.626.044.826.513.312.114.419.512.第

42、一位第一位第一位第一位第一位第三位第三位第三位第三位第三位第二位第二位第二位第二位第二位巴西德国印度意大利大韩民国广告业建筑业电力和照明家具和家居产品纺织品和配件工具和机械灰色数字代表所占百分比。来源: 产权组织统计数据库, 2020 年 9 月。将32类洛迦诺分类细分为 12 个行业, 便于分析不同国家的优势或专长领域。 外观设计项数在所有五个选定原属地中均位列前三的部门, 是家具和家居产品部门以及纺织品和配件部门。 广告业在位于德国的申请人行业部门排名中位列前三, 建筑业位居大韩民国前三名, 电力和照明位居意大利前三名, 工具和机械位居巴西和印度前三名。34工业品外观设计产权组织事实与数据

43、大韩民国已成为海牙体系第二大用户25. 2019 年排名前十位的原属地海牙国际申请中的外观设计4,50913.7%2,73577.0%2,18011.1%1,99558.2%1,3912.71,35418.8%1,2969.9%1,1518.6%67355047.8%113.7%20182019德国大韩民国瑞士意大利荷兰美国法国日本中国联合王国年年图例来源: 产权组织统计数据库, 2020 年 9 月。海牙体系使申请人只需向产权组织国际局提交一件申请, 就可在多个司法管辖区获得对其工业品外观设计的保护。 这降低了在寻求保护的每一个管辖区分别提交一件申请的要求, 从而简化了在多国注册的程序。 海

44、牙申请人只需提交一件申请, 就可以保护同属一类的多达100项工业品外观设计。2019 年, 海牙体系受理了 5,894 件国际申请, 比 2018 年增加了 8.1%。 这些申请中包含 21,857 项外观设计, 与上一年相比增加了 10.6%, 第十三年实现不间断增长。居住在德国的申请人仍是海牙体系的最大用户, 其申请人提交的申请中含有 4,509 项外观设计。 2019 年, 大韩民国 (2,735 项外观设计) 超过瑞士 (2,180 项) , 成为第二。 曾连续十三年保持在第二位的瑞士在 2018 年和2019年都出现了两位数的下降。35工业品外观设计产权组织事实与数据排名前十位的原属

45、地中, 中国在 2019 年的增长最为迅速。 尽管基数较低, 但源自中国的外观设计增长了113.7%, 从 2018 年的315件外观设计增长到 2019 年的 673 件外观设计。 紧随中国之后的是大韩民国 (+77%) 、 意大利 (+58.2%) 和联合王国 (+47.8%) 。 相较之下, 美国 (-18.8%) 、 瑞士 (-11.1%) 、 法国 (-9.9%)和日本 (-8.6%) 均有所下降。36工业品外观设计产权组织事实与数据大韩民国的三星电子连续第三年领衔海牙体系申请人排名榜26. 2019 年排名前十位的海牙申请人929598859371410252 3222415362

46、21三星电子大众汽车宝洁公司吉列公司Fonkel MeubelmarketingGwendolyn Kerschbaumer飞利浦电子LG电子大韩民国荷兰德国美国标致雪铁龙汽车法国图恩公司意大利来源: 产权组织统计数据库, 2020 年 9 月大韩民国的三星电子连续第三年位列海牙体系申请人排名榜首, 其次是荷兰的Fonkel Meubelmarketing 公司、 大韩民国的LG电子、 德国的大众汽车和美国的宝洁公司。 只有三家公司在过去十年中一直占据排名领先的申请人位置: Fonkel Meubelmarketing 公司、 宝洁公司和三星电子。排名前十位的申请人来自各行各业, 包括汽车、

47、电子产品、 家具和家居用品/消费品。37工业品外观设计产权组织事实与数据产权组织事实与数据更多信息39更多信息2019 年按主管局开列的申请 知识产权局a申请专利实用新型商标类数b工业品外观设计项数c阿尔巴尼亚 5 1 8,395 . 阿尔及利亚 638 . . 1,682 阿根廷 3,702 155 64,385 2,049 阿拉伯海湾国家合作理事会专利局 2,162 . . . 阿拉伯联合酋长国 1,904 9 18,686 916 阿拉伯叙利亚共和国 153 . 13,185 240 阿曼 506 . 16,024 559 阿塞拜疆 167 58 13,288 961 埃及 2,183

48、. 37,754 2,729 爱尔兰 93 124 7,548 182 爱沙尼亚 32 73 5,524 104 安道尔 15 . 2,552 . 安哥拉 110 8 4,333 . 奥地利 2,274 450 26,012 . 澳大利亚 29,758 1,859 140,098 8,857 巴巴多斯 31 . 1,031 . 巴基斯坦 874 . 38,332 581 巴林 326 . 12,282 62 巴拿马 362 3 11,127 92 巴西 25,396 2,824 250,022 6,432 白俄罗斯 393 334 19,779 709 保加利亚 193 454 16,513

49、842 北马其顿 . . . 735 比荷卢知识产权局 . . 53,757 1,470 比利时 (d) 1,133 . . . 秘鲁 1,259 309 42,058 382 冰岛 62 . 9,080 417 波兰 3,999 911 38,781 . 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 59 . 9,921 734 伯利兹 32 . . 262 博茨瓦纳 2 15 3,431 . 大韩民国 218,975 5,447 284,072 69,360 丹麦 1,579 110 10,460 352 统计数据表更多信息40产权组织事实与数据更多信息知识产权局a申请专利实用新型商标类数b工业品外观设计项数c德

50、国 67,434 11,668 235,928 44,097 多米尼加 243 22 13,509 40 多米尼克 . . 151 . 俄罗斯联邦 35,511 10,136 306,976 10,928 厄瓜多尔 437 59 19,350 154 法国 15,869 454 311,634 37,404 非洲地区知识产权组织 868 24 725 76 非洲知识产权组织 514 15 13,966 1,132 菲律宾 4,380 2,560 62,672 1,735 芬兰 1,396 313 9,285 344 佛得角 1 . 284 . 冈比亚 16 . 2,211 . 哥伦比亚 2,1

51、57 177 47,996 668 哥斯达黎加 499 8 15,823 73 格鲁吉亚 197 75 11,274 690 古巴 115 5 7,958 24 哈萨克斯坦 . . 27,485 . 荷兰 (d) 2,677 . . . 黑山 16 . 8,573 872 洪都拉斯 187 3 7,538 . 吉尔吉斯斯坦 93 19 7,609 . 加拿大 36,488 . 193,670 7,538 柬埔寨 . . 13,862 . 捷克共和国 813 1,301 25,451 1,074 津巴布韦 . . 3,816 . 卡塔尔 838 . 8,372 . 克罗地亚 211 59 9,7

52、29 1,083 肯尼亚 335 212 13,282 165 库拉索 . . 2,414 . 拉脱维亚 87 . 5,736 173 立陶宛 123 . 6,909 634 联合王国 19,250 . 220,371 29,896 列支敦士登 (e) . . 9,082 992 卢森堡 (d) 476 . . . 卢旺达 . 18 3,140 71 罗马尼亚 939 46 25,515 1,061 马达加斯加 30 . 6,191 318 马耳他 12 . 731 11 马来西亚 7,551 192 46,707 1,904 41产权组织事实与数据知识产权局a申请专利实用新型商标类数b工业品

53、外观设计项数c毛里求斯 27 . 4,613 126 美利坚合众国 621,453 . 672,681 49,848 蒙古 170 228 16,525 1,216 孟加拉国 413 . 12,435 1,598 摩尔多瓦共和国 100 138 11,341 1,174 摩洛哥 2,730 . 30,215 5,236 摩纳哥 15 . 8,911 972 莫桑比克 47 11 5,705 77 墨西哥 15,941 699 160,194 3,726 纳米比亚 20 8 6,493 193 南非 6,914 . 37,371 1,884 尼日利亚 . . 18,658 . 挪威 1,539

54、. 43,147 4,641 欧亚专利组织 3,482 . . . 欧洲联盟知识产权局 . . 407,712 113,319 欧洲专利局 181,479 . . . 葡萄牙 807 93 36,063 2,058 日本 307,969 5,241 546,244 32,176 瑞典 2,190 . 19,646 658 瑞士 1,717 . 96,343 12,621 萨尔瓦多 148 5 8,121 41 萨摩亚 3 3 1,164 40 塞尔维亚 177 82 16,267 1,156 塞拉利昂 . . 2,686 . 塞浦路斯 5 . . 85 塞舌尔 12 . 645 5 沙特阿拉伯

55、 3,651 . 37,669 804 圣多美和普林西比 . . 1,767 . 圣马力诺 752 . . 108 圣文森特和格林纳丁斯 3 . 423 . 斯里兰卡 611 . 10,385 546 斯洛伐克 234 325 13,639 410 苏丹 245 . 5,243 . 塔吉克斯坦 2 . 6,479 . 泰国 8,172 3,310 66,411 5,293 坦桑尼亚联合共和国 . 1 . . 特立尼达和多巴哥 113 . 2,532 24 土耳其 8,088 2,971 282,448 46,202 危地马拉 238 11 12,621 205 更多信息42产权组织事实与数据更

56、多信息知识产权局a申请专利实用新型商标类数b工业品外观设计项数c文莱达鲁萨兰国 141 . 4,727 116 乌克兰 3,852 8,458 79,416 7,624 乌拉圭 . . 9,369 . 乌兹别克斯坦 543 277 15,728 266 西班牙 1,447 2,757 80,805 16,175 希腊 594 29 . 1,205 新加坡 14,136 . 53,288 4,769 新西兰 6,014 . 50,715 1,281 匈牙利 450 255 8,135 504 牙买加 65 . 6,378 207 亚美尼亚 116 37 11,978 491 也门 75 . 5,

57、690 51 伊朗伊斯兰共和国 12,147 . 454,925 17,622 以色列 7,738 . 21,651 1,483 意大利 10,127 1,916 97,077 31,111 印度 53,627 . 367,764 13,723 印度尼西亚 11,481 2,558 85,837 2,668 约旦 311 . 6,806 118 越南 7,520 637 112,388 4,387 赞比亚 23 . 4,843 58 智利 3,237 138 46,947 528 中国 1,400,661 2,268,190 7,833,081 711,617 中国澳门特别行政区 38 32

58、15,363 234 中国香港特别行政区 16,532 791 76,892 4,974 全球总计 (2019年概算) 3,224,200 2,341,180 15,153,700 1,360,900 a.并非名单中所有的国家/地区/政府间组织都设有知识产权局。 此外, 一些主管局并不受理某些知识产权的申请。 在此仅显示至少受理了一件申请的主管局。b.申请类数指某一主管局直接受理的申请中指定的类别总数, 适用情况下, 再加上该主管局通过马德里体系受理的指定中指明的类别总数。c.申请外观设计项数指某一主管局直接受理的申请中包含的外观设计总数, 适用情况下, 再加上该主管局通过海牙体系受理的指定中

59、包含的外观设计总数。d.该国没有国家商标局或工业品外观设计局。 所有关于商标和外观设计保护的申请均提交至比荷卢知识产权局(BOIP) 或欧洲联盟知识产权局 (EUIPO) 。e.瑞士联邦知识产权局作为专利申请的受理局。.表示没有、 无法获取或者不适用。来源: 产权组织统计数据库, 2020年9月。43产权组织事实与数据2019 年按原属地开列的通过 PCT、 马德里和海牙各体系提交的国际申请原属地a国际申请PCT 马德里海牙b阿尔巴尼亚 3 12 . 阿尔及利亚 9 6 . 阿根廷 36 2 . 阿拉伯联合酋长国 108 23 15 阿拉伯叙利亚共和国 3 1 1 阿曼 10 . 1 阿塞拜疆

60、 12 5 . 埃及 44 21 . 埃塞俄比亚 1 1 . 爱尔兰 642 192 21 爱沙尼亚 38 103 6 安道尔 4 1 . 安提瓜和巴布达 47 4 . 奥地利 1,444 1,059 165 澳大利亚 1,768 2,094 6 巴巴多斯 79 2 . 巴哈马 2 6 . 巴基斯坦 1 . . 巴拉圭 . 4 . 巴林 2 . . 巴拿马 17 2 . 巴西 644 31 . 白俄罗斯 16 194 . 百慕大 15 19 . 保加利亚 49 223 45 北马其顿 5 35 7 贝宁 1 . . 比利时 1,355 752 107 秘鲁 26 . . 冰岛 41 31 4

61、波兰 364 512 106 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 2 59 75 伯利兹 . 5 . 博茨瓦纳 . 2 . 布基纳法索 1 . . 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国 1 10 . 赤道几内亚 . 1 . 大韩民国 19,085 1,392 2,735 丹麦 1,452 565 432 更多信息44产权组织事实与数据更多信息原属地a国际申请PCT 马德里海牙b德国 19,353 7,700 4,509 多米尼加 13 1 1 俄罗斯联邦 1,218 1,712 160 厄瓜多尔 18 1 . 法国 7,934 4,437 1,296 菲律宾 21 87 . 斐济 1 . . 芬兰 1,655 465 4

62、6 佛得角 . 1 . 刚果 1 . . 哥伦比亚 127 55 . 哥斯达黎加 12 . . 格鲁吉亚 6 30 1 古巴 9 13 . 哈萨克斯坦 27 159 1 荷兰 4,011 1,414 1,391 荷属圣马丁 . 4 . 黑山 1 5 . 吉尔吉斯斯坦 2 14 . 几内亚 . 3 . 加拿大 2,711 359 83 柬埔寨 . 4 . 捷克共和国 186 374 131 津巴布韦 2 . . 喀麦隆 1 5 2 卡塔尔 25 . . 科特迪瓦 1 13 . 科威特 5 . . 克罗地亚 41 172 51 肯尼亚 8 18 . 库拉索 . 7 . 拉脱维亚 36 133 3

63、老挝人民民主共和国 . 3 . 黎巴嫩 3 11 1 立陶宛 32 137 16 联合王国 5,786 3,460 550 列支敦士登 265 90 129 卢森堡 348 407 171 卢旺达 . 3 . 罗马尼亚 42 95 8 45产权组织事实与数据原属地a国际申请PCT 马德里海牙b马达加斯加 . 5 . 马尔代夫 . . 1 马耳他 38 58 . 马来西亚 202 21 . 马绍尔群岛 . 6 . 毛里求斯 10 10 . 美利坚合众国 57,840 10,087 1,354 蒙古 . 3 . 孟加拉国 2 . . 摩尔多瓦共和国 7 66 18 摩洛哥 34 90 39 摩纳哥

64、 12 110 8 莫桑比克 1 . . 墨西哥 220 113 . 纳米比亚 3 . . 南非 281 7 13 尼日利亚 1 . . 挪威 781 327 119 葡萄牙 196 223 55 日本 52,660 3,160 1,151 瑞典 4,185 825 434 瑞士 4,610 3,729 2,180 萨尔瓦多 2 . . 萨摩亚 1 . . 塞尔维亚 38 193 39 塞内加尔 4 7 . 塞浦路斯 44 231 408 塞舌尔 1 10 . 沙特阿拉伯 552 . 1 圣基茨和尼维斯 5 . . 圣马力诺 5 7 . 斯里兰卡 17 1 . 斯洛伐克 41 96 43 斯洛

65、文尼亚 89 208 51 苏丹 3 1 . 塔吉克斯坦 . 8 . 泰国 146 137 . 特立尼达和多巴哥 3 . . 突尼斯 11 29 88 更多信息46产权组织事实与数据更多信息原属地a国际申请PCT 马德里海牙b土耳其 2,058 1,980 389 土库曼斯坦 1 1 . 瓦努阿图 . 1 . 委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国 1 . . 文莱达鲁萨兰国 2 2 . 乌干达 2 . . 乌克兰 184 496 128 乌拉圭 10 . . 乌兹别克斯坦 1 14 . 西班牙 1,513 1,360 247 希腊 123 129 9 新加坡 1,029 735 34 新西兰 250 566

66、 2 匈牙利 157 199 70 牙买加 1 . . 亚美尼亚 3 30 7 伊拉克 2 2 . 伊朗伊斯兰共和国 229 24 2 以色列 2,006 340 4 意大利 3,388 2,649 1,995 印度 2,053 460 3 印度尼西亚 7 57 . 约旦 19 . . 越南 34 187 10 赞比亚 . 2 . 智利 224 2 . 中国 58,990 6,339 673 中国香港特别行政区 . 1 . 其他/未知 240 295 6 总计 (2019年概算) 265,800 64,400 21,857 a.原属地定义为申请人所述住址所在的国家/地区。 如果一件申请中列出了

67、不止一位申请人, 则原属地根据第一个申请人确定。 仅显示2019年至少受理了一件国际申请的原属地。b.数据代表海牙国际申请中包含的外观设计数量。.表示没有, 或不适用。来源: 产权组织统计数据库, 2020 年 9 月。47产权组织事实与数据统计数据资源知识产权统计数据中心产权组织知识产权统计数据中心是一项免费的在线服务, 可用于访问产权组织有关专利、 实用新型、 商标、 工业品外观设计和PCT、 马德里与海牙各体系使用情况的统计数据。 用户可选用多种指标查看或下载数据。 该工具旨在为知识产权专业人员、 研究人员和决策者提供服务, 可以通过知识产权统计数据网页进行访问:www.wipo.int

68、/ipstats/zh。知识产权统计数据中心还以阿拉伯文、 俄文、 法文、 西班牙文和中文提供。知识产权统计数据国别信息请访问产权组织知识产权统计数据国别信息网页, 了解更多统计数据和专利、实用新型、 商标及工业品外观设计数据更长时间序列内的有关情况。 和产权组织知识产权统计数据中心一样, 该项服务可通过知识产权统计数据网页访问: www.wipo.int/ipstats/zh。知识产权统计数据国别信息还以阿拉伯文、 俄文、 法文、 西班牙文和中文提供。更多信息48产权组织事实与数据更多信息术语表PCT申请通过产权组织管理的 PCT 提交的申请, 也称为国际申请。PCT体系PCT 是产权组织管

69、理的一项国际条约, 便利在很多司法管辖区获取专利权。 PCT体系消除了需要向各个司法管辖区单独提交申请文件的必要, 从而简化了多国专利申请的流程。 但是, 是否授予专利, 仍由国家或地区专利局决定, 而且专利权也仅限于专利授权机构的管辖范围。 PCT 申请流程从国际阶段开始, 在这一阶段进行国际检索, 并可能进行初步审查; 在国内阶段结束, 在这一阶段, 国家或地区专利局根据国家法律对某一发明是否可以授予专利做出决定。工业品外观设计工业品外观设计适用于种类繁多的工业产品和手工艺品。 工业品外观设计是指一件实用物品的装饰性或美学特征, 包括给产品或手工艺品带来特殊外观的线条、 颜色或任何立体形状

70、的组成。 经注册的工业品外观设计注册人享有禁止第三方未经授权复制或模仿外观设计的排他权。 工业品外观设计注册在一定期限内有效。 在大多数司法管辖区的保护期限通常为 15 年。 但是, 立法存在差异,特别是在中国 (该国规定了自申请日起10年的期限) 。海牙国际申请在产权组织管理的海牙体系下提交的工业品外观设计国际注册申请。海牙体系工业品外观设计国际注册海牙体系的缩写。 该体系包括两项国际条约: 1960 年海牙文本 和 1999 年日内瓦文本 。 海牙体系让申请人只需向产权组织国际局提交一份申请, 即可在多个司法管辖区注册多达 100 项工业品外观设计。 它降低了在每个申请保护的海牙成员国/地

71、区知识产权局单独提交申请的要求, 简化了在多国注册的程序。 海牙体系还简化了工业品外观设计注册的后续管理, 只需一步程序即可对所有被指定海牙成员登记变更或者续展注册。居民出于统计目的, 居民申请是指向申请文件中第一个申请人居住的国家或司法管辖区或作为其代表的知识产权局提出的申请。 例如, 日本居民向日本特许厅 (JPO)提交的申请对于日本特许厅来说, 被视作是居民申请。 居民申请有时被称作 “国内申请” 。 居民授权/注册是根据居民申请授予的知识产权。类数一件商标申请或注册中指定的类别数量。 在国际商标体系和某些国家及地区主管局中, 申请人可以提交一件商标申请, 在其中指定 尼斯分类 中45类

72、商品和服49产权组织事实与数据务类别中的一类或多个类别。 各主管局采用多类或单类申请制度。 例如, 日本、大韩民国和美利坚合众国 (美国) 的主管局, 以及多家欧洲的知识产权局均设立了多个类别申请制度。 另一方面, 巴西、 墨西哥和南非的主管局采用单类申请制度, 要求就申请人寻求商标保护的每一个类别单独提交申请。 为准确掌握各主管局之间申请和注册数量的差别, 有必要将其各自的申请和注册类数进行对比。马德里国际申请在马德里体系下, 就在一个或多个马德里成员司法管辖区内获得商标保护提出的国际注册申请。 国际申请必须基于基础商标在马德里成员司法管辖区进行在先申请或注册的商标。马德里体系描述商标国际注

73、册体系的缩写; 起初由 商标国际注册马德里协定 建立, 随后也受 马德里协定有关议定书 规管。 2016 年马德里联盟大会作出决议后, 议定书现已成为管理马德里体系的唯一条约。 马德里体系由产权组织国际局管理。商标用于将一家企业的商品和服务与其他企业的商品和服务区别开的标志。 商标的构成可能包括文字和文字的组合 (例如名称或口号) 、 标识、 人物和图像、 字母、数字、 声音, 或在极少数情况下嗅觉或动图, 或者上述元素的组合。 注册商标的程序由国家和地区知识产权局以及产权组织的法律规定和程序规管。 商标权限于注册商标的知识产权局所在的司法管辖区。 商标可以通过在相关的国家或地区主管局提交申请

74、, 或者通过马德里体系提交国际申请进行注册。实用新型实用新型是国家或司法管辖区授予发明人或发明人的受让人在一段固定期限内有效的特殊形式的发明权利。 授予实用新型权的条款和条件与授予普通专利权的条款和条例有细微差别 (包括保护期更短, 可专利性要求更宽松) 。 “实用新型” 这一术语也可以用来描述一些国家所称的 “小专利” 、 “短期专利” 或者 “革新专利” 。世界知识产权组织 (产权组织)联合国的一个专门机构, 致力于通过一种兼顾各方利益的有效的国际知识产权体系, 弘扬创新与创造, 促进各国的经济、 社会和文化发展。 产权组织于 1967年建立, 其任务是在全世界范围内, 通过各国之间的合作

75、和与其他国际组织的协作, 推动知识产权保护。外观设计项数一件工业品外观设计申请或注册中包含的外观设计数量。 在工业品外观设计国际注册海牙体系下, 申请人只需递交一份申请, 就可在多个司法管辖区为同属一个更多信息50产权组织事实与数据更多信息类别的多达 100 项工业品外观设计寻求保护。 一些国家或地区知识产权局允许申请中包含对相同产品或同属一个类别的一项以上外观设计, 而其他局仅允许每件申请中包含一项外观设计。 为准确掌握各主管局之间申请和注册数量的差别, 有必要将其各自的申请和注册外观设计项数进行对比。有效是指目前有效的知识产权, 或者对商标来说, 在使用的权利。 要保持有效, 必须对知识产

76、权保护进行维持。知识产权知识产权是指智力创造成果: 发明、 文学和艺术作品, 以及商业中使用的符号、 名称、 图像和外观设计。 知识产权分为两类: 工业产权, 包括发明 (专利) 、 商标、 工业品外观设计和产地地理标志以及版权, 包括文学和艺术作品, 例如 (小说、诗歌、 戏剧、 电影) 、 音乐作品、 艺术作品 (例如绘图、 绘画、 摄影作品和雕塑) 及建筑设计。 与版权相关的权利包括表演艺术者对表演拥有的权利、 录音制品制作者对录音制品拥有的权利, 以及广播组织对广播电视节目拥有的权利。专利法律赋予新的、 非显而易见和商业上适用的发明的申请人的一套独占权利。 专利在有限的期限内有效 (通

77、常为20年) , 在此期间专利持有人可以排他性地对其发明进行商业利用。 作为回报, 申请人必须将发明公之于众, 以便同一技术领域的熟练人员能够实施该项发明。 专利制度旨在通过授予创新者有限时间内的排他法律权利来鼓励创新, 从而使其能够从创新活动中获得回报。ADDITIONAL INFORMATION51更多信息产权组织事实与数据世界知识产权组织 (产权组织) 34, chemin des Colombettes P.O. Box 18 CH-1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland 瑞士电话: + 41 22 338 91 11 传真: + 41 22 733 54 28产权组织驻

78、外办事处联系方式请见: www.wipo.int/about-wipo/zh/offices产权组织第943C/19号出版物 ISBN 978-92-805-3212-8WIPO IP Factsand Figures 2020WIPO IP Factsand Figures 2020Except where otherwise indicated, this work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 IGO License.The user is allowed to reproduce, distribute,

79、adapt, translate and publicly perform this publication, including for commercial purposes, without explicit permission, provided that the content is accompanied by an acknowledgement that WIPO is the source and that it is clearly indicated if changes were made to the original content.Adaptation/tran

80、slation/derivatives should not carry any official emblem or logo, unless they have been approved and validated by WIPO. Please contact us via the WIPO website to obtain permission.For any derivative work, please include the following disclaimer: “The Secretariat of WIPO assumes no liability or respo

81、nsibility with regard to the transformation or translation of the original content.”When content published by WIPO, such as images, graphics, trademarks or logos, is attributed to a third-party, the user of such content is solely responsible for clearing the rights with the right holder(s).To view a

82、 copy of this license, please visit: https:/creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/igoThe designations employed and the presentation of material throughout this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of WIPO concerning the legal status of any country, territory or

83、 area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.This publication is not intended to reflect the views of the Member States or the WIPO Secretariat.The mention of specific companies or products of manufacturers does not imply that they are endorsed or recomm

84、ended by WIPO in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. WIPO, 2020World Intellectual Property Organization 34, chemin des Colombettes P.O. Box 18 CH-1211 Geneva 20 SwitzerlandISBN : 978-92-805-3208-1 Attribution 3.0 IGO license (CC BY 3.0 IGO)Printed in SwitzerlandIntroduct

85、ion 5Global intellectual property applications and active IP rights 1. Total applications worldwide, 2019 7 2. Percentage shares of IP filing activity by region, 2019 8 3. IP rights in force, 2019 9Patents and utility models 4. Percentage shares of total patent applications by the top five offices,

86、2019 11 5. Patent applications for the top 10 offices, 2019 12 6. Patent applications for offices of selected low- and middle-income countries, 2019 13 7. Resident patent applications relative to GDP for the top 10 origins, 2019 14 8. The top three technology fields for each of the top five origins,

87、 20162018 15 9. PCT international applications for the top 10 origins, 2019 16 10. Top 10 PCT applicants, 2019 17 11. Utility model applications for the top 10 offices, 2019 18 12. Utility model applications for offices of selected middle-income countries, 2019 19Trademarks 13. Percentage shares of

88、total trademark filing activity by the top five offices, 2019 21 14. Application class counts for the top 10 offices, 2019 22 15. Application class counts for offices of selected middle-income countries, 2019 23Table of contents 16. Resident trademark application class count relative to GDP for sele

89、cted origins, 2019 24 17. The top three industry sectors for each of the top five origins, 2019 25 18. Madrid international applications for the top 10 origins, 2019 26 19. Top 10 Madrid applicants, 2019 27Industrial designs 20. Percentage shares of total design filing activity by the top five offic

90、es, 2019 29 21. Application design counts for the top 10 offices, 2019 30 22. Application design counts for offices of selected middle-income countries, 2019 31 23. Resident application design count relative to GDP for selected origins, 2019 32 24. The top three industry sectors for each of the sele

91、cted origins, 2019 33 25. Designs in Hague international applications for the top 10 origins, 2019 34 26. Top 10 Hague applicants, 2019 36Additional informationStatistical tables 39Statistical resources 47Glossary 485IP Facts and Figures 2020 from the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

92、provides an overview of intellectual property (IP) activity using the latest available year of complete statistics. The figures presented here are drawn from WIPOs more comprehensive World Intellectual Property Indicators 2020. IP Facts and Figures serves as a quick reference guide covering four typ

93、es of industrial property: patents, utility models, trademarks and industrial designs. It focuses primarily on application data, which is the most often used measure of IP activity. Trademark application data refer to class counts that is, the number of classes specified in applications. This afford

94、s a better comparison of international trademark filing activity across IP offices, because applications in some jurisdictions may specify multiple classes of goods and services, while others require a separate application for each class. Similarly, industrial design data refer to design counts that

95、 is, the number of designs contained in applications. Unless otherwise stated, all data refer to activity in calendar year 2019 and growth means annual growth, that is, the change from 2018 to 2019.Please note that, due to the continual updating of statistics, data provided in this publication may d

96、iffer from previously published figures and from data available on WIPOs web pages. For greater in-depth analysis of WIPO and/or national office IP statistics, please visit the following Internet pages:IP statistics: www.wipo.int/ipstatsWorld Intellectual Property Indicators: www.wipo.int/ipstats/en

97、/wipiContact information: Department for Economics and Data Analytics e-mail: ipstats.mailwipo.intIntroductionIP RIGHTS7Global intellectual property applications and active IP rightsPatent filings worldwide declined by 3% in 2019 the first decline since the 2009 financial crisis whereas trademark an

98、d industrial design filing activity grew by 5.9% and 1.3%, respectively1. Total applications worldwide, 20193.2 million5.9%15.2 million1.4 millionIndustrialdesigns*Trademarks*PatentsLEGEND2.3 millionUtilitymodels1.3%201820193.0%9.1%* refers to class count the total number of goods and services class

99、es specified in trademark applications.* refers to design count the total number of designs contained in industrial design applications.Source: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2020.In 2019, patent filings worldwide fell for the first time since the 2009 financial crisis, declining by 3%. In cont

100、rast, trademark and industrial design filing activity grew by 5.9% and 1.3%, respectively. In terms of volume, patent filings around the world numbered 3.2 million, trademark filing activity reached 15.2 million and industrial design filing activity totaled 1.4 million. Applications for utility mode

101、ls a special form of patent right grew by 9.1% to reach 2.3 million applications.WIPO IP FACTS AND FIGURES IP RIGHTS8Offices in Asia account for the bulk of IP filing activity2. Percentage shares of IP filing activity by region, 2019c Latin America and the Caribbeand Oceaniae Africa LEGENDa North Am

102、ericab EuropeAsiaPatents0.511.31.720.41.1Asia 65.0abc d eUtility models1.70.20.1Asia 98.0b cdTrademarks*1.715. 70.6bace dIndustrial designs*1.324. 68.4baecd* refers to class count the total number of goods and services classes specified in trademark applications. * refers

103、 to design count the total number of designs contained in industrial design applications. Source: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2020. WIPO IP FACTS AND FIGURESIP RIGHTS9Offices located in Asia account for around two-thirds of worldwide filing activity for patents, trademarks and industrial des

104、igns, and almost the entire global utility model filing activity. Over the past decade, Asia has increased considerably its share of applications filed around the world for all four of these IP rights.Note that North American offices do not offer utility model registration and are therefore not incl

105、uded in the bar for that IP right in the chart opposite.Around 15 million patents were in force globally in 20193. IP rights in force, 20197.0%14.9 million15.2%7.3%58.2 million4.1 millionIndustrialdesignsTrademarksPatentsLEGEND18.1%5.6 millionUtilitymodels20182019Source: WIPO Statistics Database, Se

106、ptember 2020.An estimated 14.9 million patents were in force worldwide in 2019. The highest numbers were in the United States of America (U.S.) (3.1 million), China (2.7 million) and Japan (2.1 million).Of the 58.2 million trademark registrations active worldwide, the greatest number in force were i

107、n China (25.2 million), followed by the U.S. (2.8 million), India (2 million) and Japan (1.9 million). Likewise, China had the most industrial design registrations in force, accounting for 44% of the world total. In addition, China accounted for 94.2% of all utility models in force.11PATENTSPatents

108、and utility modelsThe top five offices accounted for 84.7% of the world total4. Percentage shares of total patent applications by the top five offices, 2019100%43.4% China 9.6% Japan 6.8% Republic of Korea 5.6% EPO3.51 % 3.91 % U.S.WORLD patent applications3,224,200 EPO is the European Patent Office

109、.Source: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2020.Together, the top five offices accounted for 84.7% of the 3.2 million patent applications filed worldwide in 2019. This is 8.3 percentage points higher than their combined share in 2009 a decade earlier. Chinas office alone received 43.4% of the glob

110、al total.WIPO IP FACTS AND FIGURES 12PATENTSDespite a substantial decrease in filings on the previous year, the office of China still received the highest number of patent applications in 20195. Patent applications for the top 10 offices, 20191.4 million621,4534.1%1.8%307,969 218,975181,4794.1%67,43

111、40.7%53,6277.1%36,4880.9%35,511 6.4%29,758 0.7%ChinaU.S.JapanRepublic of KoreaEPOGermanyRussianFederationIndiaCanadaAustraliaLEGEND201820199.2%4.3%EPO is the European Patent Office.Source: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2020.In 2019, Chinas IP office received 1.4 million patent applications, wh

112、ich is more than twice the amount received by the office of the U.S. China was followed by the offices of the U.S. (621,453), Japan (307,969), the Republic of Korea (218,975) and the European Patent Office (EPO) (181,479). Among top 10 offices, those of India (+7.1%), the Republic of Korea (+4.3%),

113、the U.S. (+4.1%) and the EPO (+4.1%) saw a strong growth in filings received in 2019. WIPO IP FACTS AND FIGURES13PATENTSAmong offices of selected low- and middle-income countries, Morocco and Turkey saw a rapid growth in patent applications in 20196. Patent applications for offices of selected low-

114、and middle-income countries, 201925,396 15,9412.9%0.3%8,172 8,0886,9140.0%3,8522.9%3,4820.2%2,7307.6%868 4.5%514 6.7%BrazilMexicoThailandTurkeySouthAfricaUkraineARIPOEAPOMoroccoOAPILEGEND201820192.2%8.3%ARIPO is the African Regional Intellectual Property Organization; EAPO is the Eurasian Patent Org

115、anization; OAPI is the African Intellectual Property Organization. These regional offices act on behalf of their low- or middle-income member states.Source: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2020.Among offices of selected low- and middle-income countries, Brazil (25,396), Mexico (15,941), Thailand

116、 (8,172) and Turkey (8,088) each received a high number of patent applications in 2019. The offices of Turkey (+8.3%) and Morocco (+7.6%) recorded particularly rapid growth in 2019. Among regional offices, the African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO) (+4.5%) reported strong growth

117、, whereas, conversely, the African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI) (6.7%) saw a substantial decrease. The Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO) (0.2%) recorded a small decline. For the numbers of patent applications received by all other IP offices (where available), see the statistical tabl

118、e starting on page 39.WIPO IP FACTS AND FIGURES 14PATENTSThe Republic of Korea continues to file the most patents per unit of GDP7. Resident patent applications relative to GDP for the top 10 origins, 20197,7795,5204,6911,6421,6341,3891,1301,1281,127927Republic of KoreaChinaJapanGermanySwitzerlandU.

119、S.SwedenDenmarkFinlandNetherlandsGDP data are in 2017 US purchasing power parity (PPP) dollars. The top 10 origins were included if they had a GDP greater than USD 25 billion PPP and more than 100 resident patent applications. Sources: WIPO Statistics Database and World Bank, September 2020.Differen

120、ces in patent activity reflect both the size of an economy and its level of development. However, by weighing the number of applications per country relative to its GDP, it is possible to compare filing activity between countries with economies of very different sizes to arrive at an alternative mea

121、sure.With 7,779 resident patent applications per unit of USD 100 billion GDP, the Republic of Korea continued to file the greatest number of patent applications. China (5,520) had the second highest ratio in 2019, followed by Japan (4,691), Germany (1,642) and Switzerland (1,634). Among top 10 origi

122、ns, China saw a considerable improvement in its resident patent applications to GDP ratio between 2009 and 2019. WIPO IP FACTS AND FIGURES15PATENTSWhich countries specialize in which technologies?8. The top three technology fields for each of the top five origins, 20162018ChinaGermanyJapanU.S.Republ

123、ic of KoreaComputer technologyDigital communicationElectrical machinery, apparatus, energyMeasurementMechanical elementsMedical technologyOptics7. in gray show percentage share.Sources: WIPO St

124、atistics Database and EPO PATSTAT database, September 2020.Analyzing patents by technology shows a countrys areas of strength or specialization. For example, applicants from China and the U.S. filed most heavily in computer technology, applicants from Japan and the Republic of Korea in electrical ma

125、chinery, and those from Germany in transport.WIPO IP FACTS AND FIGURES 16PATENTSChina in 2019 surpassed the U.S. to become the top filer of international patent applications9. PCT international applications for the top 10 origins, 201958,99010.6%57,8402.8%52,6605.9%19,3532.0%19,08512.8%7,9340.2%5,78

126、62.7%4,6100.7%4,1850.4%4,0113.0%ChinaU.S.JapanGermanyRepublic of KoreaFranceSwitzerlandU.K.SwedenNetherlandsLEGEND20182019Source: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2020.The Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) System simplifies the process of multiple national patent filings by reducing the requirement

127、 to file a separate application in each jurisdiction where protection is sought.International patent applications filed via the PCT grew by 5.2% (265,800 applications) in 2019, representing a tenth consecutive year of growth. Applicants residing in China (58,990) filed the greatest number of PCT pat

128、ent applications, followed closely by applicants from the U.S. (57,840) and Japan (52,660). Germany and the Republic of Korea ranked fourth and fifth, in 2019, with 19,353 and 19,085 applications, respectively. WIPO IP FACTS AND FIGURES17PATENTSFor a third consecutive year, Huawei Technologies was t

129、he top PCT applicant in 201910. Top 10 PCT applicants, 2019Huawei Technologies4,411OPPO Mobile Telecommuni-cations1,927BOE Technology1,864Ping An Technology1,691ChinaQualcomm2,127U.S.Mitsubishi Electric 2,661Ericsson1,698JapanSamsung Electronics2,334LG Electronics1,646Republic of KoreaSwedenRobert B

130、osch1,687GermanyLEGENDSource: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2020.For a third consecutive year, China-based telecoms giant Huawei Technologies, with 4,411 published PCT applications, was the top corporate filer in 2019. It was followed by Mitsubishi Electric Corp. of Japan (2,661), Samsung Elec

131、tronics of the Republic of Korea (2,334), Qualcomm Inc. of the U.S. (2,127) and Guang Dong Oppo Mobile Telecommunications of China (1,927). The top 10 applicant list comprises four companies from China, two from the Republic of Korea, and one each from Germany, Japan, Sweden and the U.S.WIPO IP FACT

132、S AND FIGURES 18PATENTSThe IP office of China received 96.9% of all utility model applications filed worldwide in 201911. Utility model applications for the top 10 offices, 2019WIPO IP FACTS AND FIGURES 182.3 million11,6685.2%10,1364.0%8,4587.3%5,44712.6%5,2412.7%3,31011.5%2,9717.3%2,8249.2%2,7571.0

133、%9.5%ChinaGermanyRussian FederationUkraineRepublic of KoreaJapanTurkeyThailandBrazilSpainLEGEND20182019Source: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2020.A utility model is a special form of patent right. It has less stringent requirements than a patent, but gives a shorter term of protection. Utility

134、 models are not available in all jurisdictions.Of the 2.3 million applications filed globally in 2019, the IP office of China received 96.9% of the world total the other 79 offices together receiving just 3.1%. Applications at the offices of Germany, Japan and the Republic of Korea declined substant

135、ially between 2009 and 2019. In contrast, China saw enormous growth over the same period. WIPO IP FACTS AND FIGURES19PATENTSUtility model filings grew markedly in the middle-income country of Indonesia12. Utility model applications for offices of selected middle-income countries, 20192,5609.1%2,5586

136、5.6%69914.9%63714.4%33410.2%30920.7%2281.8%21219.1%1923.0%1775.9%PhilippinesIndonesiaMexicoViet NamBelarusPeruKenyaMongoliaMalaysiaColombiaLEGEND20182019Source: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2020.The chart above shows the number of utility model applications received by the IP offices of selec

137、ted middle-income countries in 2019. Applications filed in Indonesia (+65.6%) grew strongly. Peru (+20.7%) and Kenya (+19.1%) also recorded strong growth in 2019. For the numbers of utility model applications received by all other IP offices (where available), see the statistical table starting on p

138、age 39.21TRADEMARKSTrademarksJust five offices accounted for 65% of all trademark filing activity worldwide13. Percentage shares of total trademark filing activity by the top five offices, 2019100%WORLD 15,153,700 51.7% China 4.4% U.S. 3.6% Japan 2.7% EUIPO 3.0% Iran (Islamic6.43 % Republic of)EUIPO

139、 is the European Union Intellectual Property Office.Source: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2020.About 65% of worldwide trademark filing activity as measured in class counts was concentrated at the top five offices in 2019. The office of China (51.7%) accounted for more than half of all global t

140、rademark filing activity, primarily from Chinese residents. The remaining four offices among the top five each accounted for less than 5% of the total. WIPO IP FACTS AND FIGURES 22TRADEMARKSTrademark filing activity in China is more than double that of the next nine largest offices combined14. Appli

141、cation class counts for the top 10 offices, 20197.8 million6.4%672,6815.1%546,2446.7%454,92518.4%407,7123.8%367,7647.3%311,6344.3%306,97616.5%284,0727.6%282,44815.5%ChinaU.S.JapanEUIPOIran (Islamic Republic of)RussianFederationIndiaTurkeyFranceLEGEND20182019Republic of KoreaEUIPO is the European Uni

142、on Intellectual Property Office.Source: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2020.The office of Chinas class count of 7.8 million was followed by a count of 672,681 at the office of the U.S. These have been the two top offices since the early 2000s, but from 2006 onwards Chinas class count has grown

143、markedly, from about twice that of the U.S. to almost 12 times as much in both 2018 and 2019. This is due in large part to the high number of trademark applications filed by Chinese residents in China. These two top-ranked offices were followed by those of Japan (546,244), the Islamic Republic of Ir

144、an (454,925) and by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) (407,712). All top 10 offices had higher levels of trademark filing activity in 2019 than in 2018. The largest increases were in the Islamic Republic of Iran (+18.4%), the Russian Federation (+16.5%) and Turkey (+15.5%). WIP

145、O IP FACTS AND FIGURES23TRADEMARKSAmong offices of selected middle-income countries, Brazil not only recorded high trademark filing activity, but also recorded an impressive year-on-year growth of 22.3%15. Application class counts for offices of selected middle-income countries, 2019250,02222.3%160,

146、1942.8%112,38819.3%79,4163.8%66,41115.1%64,38510.2%37,3712.6%37,7546.2%42,05815.0%13,86213.1%BrazilMexicoViet NamUkraineThailandArgentinaPeruSouth AfricaEgyptCambodiaLEGEND20182019Source: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2020.Brazil (250,022), Mexico (160,194) and Viet Nam (112,388) had considera

147、bly higher trademark filing activity as measured in class counts than many other middle-income countries.The chart above shows the total number of classes specified in trademark applications received by the IP offices of selected middle-income countries in 2019. For the trademark application class c

148、ounts for all other IP offices (where available), see the statistical table starting on page 39.WIPO IP FACTS AND FIGURES 24TRADEMARKSChina and the Republic of Korea performed strongly on application class count per unit of GDP16. Resident trademark application class count relative to GDP for select

149、ed origins, 201933,66010,3597,1697,0756,6226,3146,2186,2053,4922,242ChinaBrazilChileRepublicof KoreaRussianFederationMadagascarGermanyAustraliaIndiaU.S.GDP data are in 2017 US purchasing power parity (PPP) dollars. Sources: WIPO Statistics Database and World Bank, September 2020.Calculating applicat

150、ion class count per unit of USD 100 billion GDP allows us to compare trademark filing activity in countries with different filing systems (single-class versus multi-class) and economies of varying sizes. On this measure, smaller countries, such as Australia, Chile and Madagascar, rank higher than so

151、me larger countries with higher class counts in absolute terms, for example, India and the U.S. WIPO IP FACTS AND FIGURES25TRADEMARKSWhat were the top industries for trademark filing by applicants from different countries?17. The top three industry sectors for each of the top five origins, 2019China

152、Iran (Islamic Republic of)GermanyU.S.JapanAgriculture1stBusiness servicesClothing and accessoriesHealthLeisure and educationResearch and technology22.214.812.312.13rd2nd19.21st1st24.01st11.93rd13.73rd15.72nd2nd2nd21.520.620.81st14.22nd14.53rd 20.4Transportation3rd Numbers in gray show percentage sha

153、re.Source: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2020.Using the Nice Classification, trademark applications can be attributed to 10 industry sectors. The chart above shows the top three industry sectors for each of the five origins with the highest trademark filing activity in 2019. Research and techn

154、ology, leisure and education and business services feature as the three sectors to attract the highest volumes of trademark applications originating from Germany and Japan. Agriculture and business services were among the top three sectors for applicants from China and the Islamic Republic of Iran,

155、and health was a top sector for applicants based in the U.S.WIPO IP FACTS AND FIGURES 26TRADEMARKSThe U.S. and Germany continue to remain the biggest users of the Madrid System18. Madrid international applications for the top 10 origins, 201910,08714.3%7,7002.1%6,3391.1%4,4371.8%3,72910.2%3,4603.2%3

156、,1601.1%2,0942.4%2,64916.0%1,98037.8%U.S.GermanyChinaFranceSwitzerlandU.K.ItalyAustraliaJapanTurkey LEGEND20182019Source: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2020.The WIPO-administered Madrid System makes it possible for a trademark holder to apply for trademark registration in multiple countries by

157、 filing a single international application via a national or regional IP office.Applicants filed an estimated 64,400 Madrid international trademark applications in 2019. This is an increase of almost 3,500 on the previous year, resulting in an annual growth rate of 5.7% and marking a 10th year of un

158、interrupted expansion. Recording double-digit growth for the second year in a row, applicants based in the U.S. continued to top the list of origins with the greatest number of international applications filed via the Madrid System. A strong year-on-year growth of 14.3% resulted from an estimated 10

159、,087 Madrid applications filed by U.S.-based applicants in 2019. This was followed by applications from Germany (7,700), China (6,339), France (4,437) and Switzerland (3,729). WIPO IP FACTS AND FIGURES27TRADEMARKSFrench personal care and cosmetics company LOral was the top applicant in 201919. Top 1

160、0 Madrid applicants, 2019Novartis 135SwitzerlandLOral 189FranceBMW 78Henkel 77GermanyHuawei Technologies 131ChinaNirSan Connect 124 IndiaApple 101 U.S.Rigo Trading 103 LuxembourgRichter Gedeon69HungaryShiseido 84JapanLEGENDPharmaceutical companiesSource: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2020.With

161、 189 Madrid applications, French personal care and cosmetics company LOral was the top applicant in 2019, followed by pharmaceutical company Novartis AG of Switzerland (135), technology company Huawei Technologies of China (131) and research and advisory company NirSan Connect of India (124). This i

162、s the first year when applicants based in middle-income Asian countries appear among the top five applicants, which prior to 2019 had primarily consisted of European companies.29INDUSTRIAL DESIGNSIndustrial designsThe office of China accounted for more than half of all industrial design filing activ

163、ity worldwide20. Percentage shares of total design filing activity by the top five offices, 2019100%52.3% China 5.1% Republic of Korea 3.7% U.S. 3.4% Turkey2.72 % 8.3% EUIPOWORLD industrial design 1,360,900EUIPO is the European Union Intellectual Property Office.Source: WIPO Statistics Database, Sep

164、tember 2020.WIPO uses the application design count to measure filing activity for industrial designs; in other words, it does not just count the number of applications, but counts the number of designs in applications. Design count is a better way of comparing filing activity across IP offices, beca

165、use at some offices users are able to register multiple designs through a single application.In 2019, just over one million industrial design applications were filed worldwide. These applications contained a total of 1.4 million designs.Almost 73% of global industrial design filing activity as measu

166、red by design counts took place at the top five offices in 2019, with the office of China alone receiving 52.3% the world total. The EUIPO (8.3%) and the Republic of Korea (5.1%) received the second and third largest shares of total filing activity, respectively.WIPO IP FACTS AND FIGURES 30INDUSTRIA

167、L DESIGNSAmong top 10 offices, Turkey experienced the sharpest increase in filings21. Application design counts for the top 10 offices, 2019711,617113,3194.4%0.4%69,3601.5%46,2029.1%49,8485.7%44,0970.9%37,40412.0%1.9%32,17631,11129,8968.7%13.6%ChinaEUIPORepublic of KoreaU.S.GermanyTurkeyItalyU.K.Jap

168、anFranceLEGEND20182019EUIPO is the European Union Intellectual Property Office.Source: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2020.Among top 10 offices, Turkey (+9.1%), the United Kingdom (U.K.) (+8.7%), the U.S. (+5.7%) and the EUIPO (+4.4%) recorded the strongest annual growth in the number of design

169、s in applications received in 2019, whereas Italy (13.6%) and France (12%) each saw a sharp year-on-year decline. WIPO IP FACTS AND FIGURES31INDUSTRIAL DESIGNSAmong offices of middle-income countries, filing activity was again particularly high in the Islamic Republic of Iran and India22. Applicatio

170、n design counts for offices of selected middle-income countries, 201917,62219.3%13,7238.6%10,92822.0%7,6246.6%6,4325.3%5,2933.2%5,2365.7%4,38730.3%3,7262,7292.8%5.6%Iran (Islamic Republic of)IndiaUkraineRussian FederationBrazilMoroccoThailandMexicoEgyptViet NamLEGEND20182019Source: WIPO Statistics D

171、atabase, September 2020.With 17,622 designs in applications received, the IP office of the Islamic Republic of Iran had considerably higher filing activity than had the offices of most other middle-income countries in 2019. India (13,723 designs), the Russian Federation (10,928), Ukraine (7,624), Br

172、azil (6,432) and Thailand (5,293) also ranked among the top 20 offices in the world in terms of design filing activity. The chart above shows the total numbers of designs contained in applications filed at the IP offices of selected middle-income countries in 2019. For the appli-cation design counts

173、 for all other IP offices (where available), see the statistical table starting on page 39.WIPO IP FACTS AND FIGURES 32INDUSTRIAL DESIGNSChina leads the world in the number of designs in applications per unit of GDP23. Resident application design count relative to GDP for selected origins, 20193,071

174、2,7821,6701,6481,3541,255886567438112ChinaItalyTurkeyGermanyFranceU.K.JapanU.S.Republic of KoreaSwitzerlandGDP data are in 2017 US purchasing power parity (PPP) dollars. Sources: WIPO Statistics Database and World Bank, September 2020.Calculating design counts per unit of USD 100 billion GDP enables

175、 a comparison to be made between the industrial design filing activity of residents of countries whose filing systems are different (single-design versus multi-design) and whose economies are of varying sizes. On this measure, China and the Republic of Korea performed strongly. They had the highest

176、resident design count per unit of GDP in 2019, followed by Turkey, Italy and France. WIPO IP FACTS AND FIGURES33INDUSTRIAL DESIGNSWhich industries led design filing by applicants from different countries?24. The top three industry sectors for each of the selected origins, 2019AdvertisingConstruction

177、Furniture and household goodsElectricity and lightingTextiles and accessoriesTools and machines21.220.912.82nd19.62nd26.01st44.81st1st26.51st13.32nd12.13rd2nd14.42nd19.51st12.83rd9.73rd7.23rdGermanyBrazilIndiaItaly3rd10.5Republic of KoreaNumbers in gray show percentage share.Source: WIPO Statistics

178、Database, September 2020.Grouping the 32 Locarno classes into 12 industry sectors allows us to analyze the areas of strength or specialization of different countries. Both the furniture and household goods sector and the textiles and accessories sector featured among the top three sectors for design

179、s counts for all five selected origins. Advertising was one of the top three sectors for applicants located in Germany, while construction ranked among the top three for those in the Republic of Korea, electricity and lighting for applicants based in Italy, and tools and machines for those in Brazil

180、 and India.WIPO IP FACTS AND FIGURES 34INDUSTRIAL DESIGNSThe Republic of Korea has become the second biggest user of the Hague System25. Designs in Hague international applications for the top 10 origins, 20194,50913.7%2,73577.0%2,18011.1%1,99558.2%1,3912.71,35418.8%1,2969.9%1,1518.6%67355047.8%113.

181、7%GermanySwitzerlandFranceU.S.NetherlandsItalyChinaJapanU.K.LEGEND20182019Republic of KoreaSource: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2020.The Hague System makes it possible for an applicant to obtain protection for their industrial designs in multiple jurisdictions by filing a single application w

182、ith the International Bureau of WIPO. This simplifies the process of multinational registration by eliminating the requirement to file a separate application in each jurisdiction in which protection is sought. Hague applicants can protect up to 100 industrial designs for products belonging to one an

183、d the same class through a single application.In 2019, the Hague System received 5,894 international applications, up 8.1% on 2018. These applications contained 21,857 designs, representing an increase of 10.6% on the previous year and a 13th year of uninterrupted growth. WIPO IP FACTS AND FIGURES35

184、INDUSTRIAL DESIGNSApplicants based in Germany remained the biggest users of the Hague System, with 4,509 designs in applications. The Republic of Korea (2,735 designs) over-took Switzerland (2,180) to rank second in 2019. Switzerland, which remained second for a 13th consecutive year, recorded doubl

185、e-digit drops in both 2018 and 2019.Of the top 10 origins, China was the one to see the fastest growth in 2019. Designs originating from China grew by 113.7%, albeit from a low base, up from 315 designs in 2018 to 673 designs in 2019. China was followed by the Republic of Korea (+77%), Italy (+58.2%

186、) and the U.K. (+47.8%). In contrast, the U.S. (18.8%), Switzerland (11.1%), France (9.9%) and Japan (8.6%) all saw declines.WIPO IP FACTS AND FIGURES 36INDUSTRIAL DESIGNSFor a third consecutive year, Samsung Electronics of the Republic of Korea headed the list of top Hague System applicants26. Top

187、10 Hague applicants, 2019Samsung Electronics 929Republic of KoreaLG Electronics 598Fonkel Meubelmarketing859Philips Electronics371NetherlandsProcter & Gamble 410Gillette 252U.S.GwendolynKerschbaumer 322Thun241ItalyGermanyVolkswagen536PSA automobiles221FranceSource: WIPO Statistics Database, Septembe

188、r 2020.For a third consecutive year, Samsung Electronics of the Republic of Korea head-ed the list of top Hague System applicants. It was followed by the Netherlands Fonkel Meubelmarketing, LG Electronics of the Republic of Korea, Volkswagen WIPO IP FACTS AND FIGURES37INDUSTRIAL DESIGNSof Germany an

189、d the U.S.-based company Procter & Gamble. Only three com-panies have held the position of top applicant over the past 10 years: Fonkel Meubelmarketing, Procter & Gamble and Samsung Electronics.The top 10 applicants represent a diverse set of industries that includes auto-mobiles, electronics, furni

190、shing and household/consumer goods. 39Additional informationApplications by office, 2019IP office aApplicationsPatentUtility modelTrademark class count bIndustrial design count cAfrican Intellectual Property Organization 514 15 13,966 1,132 African Regional Intellectual Property Organization 868 24

191、725 76 Albania 5 1 8,395 . Algeria 638 . . 1,682 Andorra 15 . 2,552 . Angola 110 8 4,333 . Argentina 3,702 155 64,385 2,049 Armenia 116 37 11,978 491 Australia 29,758 1,859 140,098 8,857 Austria 2,274 450 26,012 . Azerbaijan 167 58 13,288 961 Bahrain 326 . 12,282 62 Bangladesh 413 . 12,435 1,598 Bar

192、bados 31 . 1,031 . Belarus 393 334 19,779 709 Belgium (d) 1,133 . . . Belize 32 . . 262 Benelux Office for Intellectual Property . . 53,757 1,470 Bosnia and Herzegovina 59 . 9,921 734 Botswana 2 15 3,431 . Brazil 25,396 2,824 250,022 6,432 Brunei Darussalam 141 . 4,727 116 Bulgaria 193 454 16,513 84

193、2 Cabo Verde 1 . 284 . Cambodia . . 13,862 . Canada 36,488 . 193,670 7,538 Chile 3,237 138 46,947 528 China 1,400,661 2,268,190 7,833,081 711,617 China, Hong Kong SAR 16,532 791 76,892 4,974 China, Macao SAR 38 32 15,363 234 Colombia 2,157 177 47,996 668 Costa Rica 499 8 15,823 73 Croatia 211 59 9,7

194、29 1,083 Cuba 115 5 7,958 24 Curaao . . 2,414 . Cyprus 5 . . 85 Czech Republic 813 1,301 25,451 1,074 Statistical tablesADDITIONAL INFORMATIONADDITIONAL INFORMATIONWIPO IP FACTS AND FIGURES 40IP office aApplicationsPatentUtility modelTrademark class count bIndustrial design count cDenmark 1,579 110

195、10,460 352 Dominica . . 151 . Dominican Republic 243 22 13,509 40 Ecuador 437 59 19,350 154 Egypt 2,183 . 37,754 2,729 El Salvador 148 5 8,121 41 Estonia 32 73 5,524 104 Eurasian Patent Organization 3,482 . . . European Patent Office 181,479 . . . European Union Intellectual Property Office . . 407,

196、712 113,319 Finland 1,396 313 9,285 344 France 15,869 454 311,634 37,404 Gambia 16 . 2,211 . Georgia 197 75 11,274 690 Germany 67,434 11,668 235,928 44,097 Greece 594 29 . 1,205 Guatemala 238 11 12,621 205 Honduras 187 3 7,538 . Hungary 450 255 8,135 504 Iceland 62 . 9,080 417 India 53,627 . 367,764

197、 13,723 Indonesia 11,481 2,558 85,837 2,668 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 12,147 . 454,925 17,622 Ireland 93 124 7,548 182 Israel 7,738 . 21,651 1,483 Italy 10,127 1,916 97,077 31,111 Jamaica 65 . 6,378 207 Japan 307,969 5,241 546,244 32,176 Jordan 311 . 6,806 118 Kazakhstan . . 27,485 . Kenya 335 212

198、13,282 165 Kyrgyzstan 93 19 7,609 . Latvia 87 . 5,736 173 Liechtenstein (e) . . 9,082 992 Lithuania 123 . 6,909 634 Luxembourg (d) 476 . . . Madagascar 30 . 6,191 318 Malaysia 7,551 192 46,707 1,904 Malta 12 . 731 11 Mauritius 27 . 4,613 126 Mexico 15,941 699 160,194 3,726 Monaco 15 . 8,911 972 Mong

199、olia 170 228 16,525 1,216 Montenegro 16 . 8,573 872 Morocco 2,730 . 30,215 5,236 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION WIPO IP FACTS AND FIGURES41IP office aApplicationsPatentUtility modelTrademark class count bIndustrial design count cMozambique 47 11 5,705 77 Namibia 20 8 6,493 193 Netherlands (d) 2,677 . . . Ne

200、w Zealand 6,014 . 50,715 1,281 Nigeria . . 18,658 . North Macedonia . . . 735 Norway 1,539 . 43,147 4,641 Oman 506 . 16,024 559 Pakistan 874 . 38,332 581 Panama 362 3 11,127 92 Patent Office of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf 2,162 . . . Peru 1,259 309 42,058 382 Philippines

201、4,380 2,560 62,672 1,735 Poland 3,999 911 38,781 . Portugal 807 93 36,063 2,058 Qatar 838 . 8,372 . Republic of Korea 218,975 5,447 284,072 69,360 Republic of Moldova 100 138 11,341 1,174 Romania 939 46 25,515 1,061 Russian Federation 35,511 10,136 306,976 10,928 Rwanda . 18 3,140 71 Saint Vincent a

202、nd the Grenadines 3 . 423 . Samoa 3 3 1,164 40 San Marino 752 . . 108 Sao Tome and Principe . . 1,767 . Saudi Arabia 3,651 . 37,669 804 Serbia 177 82 16,267 1,156 Seychelles 12 . 645 5 Sierra Leone . . 2,686 . Singapore 14,136 . 53,288 4,769 Slovakia 234 325 13,639 410 South Africa 6,914 . 37,371 1,

203、884 Spain 1,447 2,757 80,805 16,175 Sri Lanka 611 . 10,385 546 Sudan 245 . 5,243 . Sweden 2,190 . 19,646 658 Switzerland 1,717 . 96,343 12,621 Syrian Arab Republic 153 . 13,185 240 Tajikistan 2 . 6,479 . Thailand 8,172 3,310 66,411 5,293 Trinidad and Tobago 113 . 2,532 24 Turkey 8,088 2,971 282,448

204、46,202 Ukraine 3,852 8,458 79,416 7,624 United Arab Emirates 1,904 9 18,686 916 ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONADDITIONAL INFORMATIONWIPO IP FACTS AND FIGURES 42IP office aApplicationsPatentUtility modelTrademark class count bIndustrial design count cUnited Kingdom 19,250 . 220,371 29,896 United Republic of

205、Tanzania . 1 . . United States of America 621,453 . 672,681 49,848 Uruguay . . 9,369 . Uzbekistan 543 277 15,728 266 Viet Nam 7,520 637 112,388 4,387 Yemen 75 . 5,690 51 Zambia 23 . 4,843 58 Zimbabwe . . 3,816 . World total (2019 estimate) 3,224,200 2,341,180 15,153,700 1,360,900 a. Not all listed c

206、ountries/territories/intergovernmental organizations have an IP office. Also, some offices do not receive applications for some IP rights. Only those offices with at least one application filed are presented.b. Application class count is the sum of classes specified in applications received directly

207、 by an office plus, where applicable, those specified in designations received by the office via the Madrid System.c. Application design count is the sum of designs contained in applications received directly by an office plus, where applicable, those contained in designations received by the office

208、 via the Hague System.d. This country does not have a national trademark or industrial design office. All applications for trademark and design protection are filed at the Benelux Office for Intellectual Property (BOIP) or the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).e. The Swiss Federal

209、Institute of Intellectual Property acts as the receiving office for patent applications. indicates either zero, not available or not applicable.Source: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2020.ADDITIONAL INFORMATION WIPO IP FACTS AND FIGURES43ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONInternational applications by origi

210、n via the PCT, Madrid and Hague Systems, 2019Origin aInternational applicationsPCT MadridHague bAlbania 3 12 . Algeria 9 6 . Andorra 4 1 . Antigua and Barbuda 47 4 . Argentina 36 2 . Armenia 3 30 7 Australia 1,768 2,094 6 Austria 1,444 1,059 165 Azerbaijan 12 5 . Bahamas 2 6 . Bahrain 2 . . Banglade

211、sh 2 . . Barbados 79 2 . Belarus 16 194 . Belgium 1,355 752 107 Belize . 5 . Benin 1 . . Bermuda 15 19 . Bosnia and Herzegovina 2 59 75 Botswana . 2 . Brazil 644 31 . Brunei Darussalam 2 2 . Bulgaria 49 223 45 Burkina Faso 1 . . Cabo Verde . 1 . Cambodia . 4 . Cameroon 1 5 2 Canada 2,711 359 83 Chil

212、e 224 2 . China 58,990 6,339 673 China, Hong Kong SAR . 1 . Colombia 127 55 . Congo 1 . . Costa Rica 12 . . Cte dIvoire 1 13 . Croatia 41 172 51 Cuba 9 13 . Curaao . 7 . Cyprus 44 231 408 Czech Republic 186 374 131 Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea 1 10 . Denmark 1,452 565 432 Dominican Republic

213、13 1 1 Ecuador 18 1 . ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONWIPO IP FACTS AND FIGURES 44Origin aInternational applicationsPCT MadridHague bEgypt 44 21 . El Salvador 2 . . Equatorial Guinea . 1 . Estonia 38 103 6 Ethiopia 1 1 . Fiji 1 . . Finland 1,655 465 46 France 7,934 4,437 1,296 Georgia 6 30 1 Germany 19,353 7,

214、700 4,509 Greece 123 129 9 Guinea . 3 . Hungary 157 199 70 Iceland 41 31 4 India 2,053 460 3 Indonesia 7 57 . Iran (Islamic Republic of) 229 24 2 Iraq 2 2 . Ireland 642 192 21 Israel 2,006 340 4 Italy 3,388 2,649 1,995 Jamaica 1 . . Japan 52,660 3,160 1,151 Jordan 19 . . Kazakhstan 27 159 1 Kenya 8

215、18 . Kuwait 5 . . Kyrgyzstan 2 14 . Lao Peoples Democratic Republic . 3 . Latvia 36 133 3 Lebanon 3 11 1 Liechtenstein 265 90 129 Lithuania 32 137 16 Luxembourg 348 407 171 Madagascar . 5 . Malaysia 202 21 . Maldives . . 1 Malta 38 58 . Marshall Islands . 6 . Mauritius 10 10 . Mexico 220 113 . Monac

216、o 12 110 8 Mongolia . 3 . Montenegro 1 5 . Morocco 34 90 39 ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONADDITIONAL INFORMATION WIPO IP FACTS AND FIGURES45Origin aInternational applicationsPCT MadridHague bMozambique 1 . . Namibia 3 . . Netherlands 4,011 1,414 1,391 New Zealand 250 566 2 Nigeria 1 . . North Macedonia 5 35

217、 7 Norway 781 327 119 Oman 10 . 1 Others/Unknown 240 295 6 Pakistan 1 . . Panama 17 2 . Paraguay . 4 . Peru 26 . . Philippines 21 87 . Poland 364 512 106 Portugal 196 223 55 Qatar 25 . . Republic of Korea 19,085 1,392 2,735 Republic of Moldova 7 66 18 Romania 42 95 8 Russian Federation 1,218 1,712 1

218、60 Rwanda . 3 . Saint Kitts and Nevis 5 . . Samoa 1 . . San Marino 5 7 . Saudi Arabia 552 . 1 Senegal 4 7 . Serbia 38 193 39 Seychelles 1 10 . Singapore 1,029 735 34 Sint Maarten (Dutch Part) . 4 . Slovakia 41 96 43 Slovenia 89 208 51 South Africa 281 7 13 Spain 1,513 1,360 247 Sri Lanka 17 1 . Suda

219、n 3 1 . Sweden 4,185 825 434 Switzerland 4,610 3,729 2,180 Syrian Arab Republic 3 1 1 Tajikistan . 8 . Thailand 146 137 . Trinidad and Tobago 3 . . Tunisia 11 29 88 ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONADDITIONAL INFORMATIONWIPO IP FACTS AND FIGURES 46Origin aInternational applicationsPCT MadridHague bTurkey 2,058

220、 1,980 389 Turkmenistan 1 1 . Uganda 2 . . Ukraine 184 496 128 United Arab Emirates 108 23 15 United Kingdom 5,786 3,460 550 United States of America 57,840 10,087 1,354 Uruguay 10 . . Uzbekistan 1 14 . Vanuatu . 1 . Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 1 . . Viet Nam 34 187 10 Zambia . 2 . Zimbabwe 2

221、 . . Total (2019 estimates) 265,800 64,400 21,857 a. Origin is defined as the country/territory of the stated address of residence of the applicant. Only origins with at least one international application filed in 2019 are presented. b. Data represent the number of designs contained in Hague intern

222、ational applications. indicates zero or not applicable.Source: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2020.ADDITIONAL INFORMATION WIPO IP FACTS AND FIGURES47ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONStatistical resourcesIP Statistics Data CenterThe WIPO IP Statistics Data Center is a free online service for accessing WIPO

223、s statistics on patents, utility models, trademarks, industrial designs and the use of the PCT, Madrid and Hague Systems. Users can select from a wide range of indicators to view or download data. This tool is intended for IP profession-als, researchers and policymakers and can be accessed via the I

224、P Statistics webpage: www.wipo.int/ipstats.The IP Statistics Data Center is also available in Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish.IP Statistical Country ProfilesVisit WIPOs IP Statistical Country Profile webpages for more statistics and longer time series for patent, utility model, trademar

225、k and industrial design data. Like WIPOs IP Statistics Data Center, this service can be accessed via the IP Statistics webpage: www.wipo.int/ipstats.The IP Statistical Country Profiles are also available in Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish.WIPO IP FACTS AND FIGURES 48ADDITIONAL INFORMATI

226、ONGlossaryClass countThe number of classes specified in a trademark application or registration. In the international trademark system and at certain national and regional offices, an applicant can file a trademark application specifying one or more of the 45 goods and services classes of the Nice C

227、lassification. Offices use either multi-class or a single filing system. For example, the offices of Japan, the Republic of Korea and the United States of America (U.S.), as well as many European IP offices, have multi-class filing systems. On the other hand, the offices of Brazil, Mexico and South

228、Africa follow a single-class filing system, requiring a separate application for each class in which an applicant seeks trademark protection. To capture the differences in application and registration numbers across offices, it is useful to compare their respective application and registration class

229、 counts.Design countThe number of designs contained in an industrial design application or regis-tration. Under the Hague System for the International Registration of Industrial Designs, it is possible for an applicant to obtain protection for up to 100 industrial designs for products belonging to o

230、ne and the same class by filing a single application. Some national or regional IP offices allow applications to contain more than one design for the same product or within the same class, while others allow only one design per application. In order to capture the differences in application and regi

231、stration numbers across offices, it is useful to compare their respective application and registration design counts.Hague international applicationAn application for the international registration of an industrial design filed under the WIPO-administered Hague System.Hague SystemThe abbreviated for

232、m of the Hague System for the International Registration of Industrial Designs. The System comprises two international treaties: the Hague Act of 1960 and the Geneva Act of 1999. The Hague System makes it possible for an applicant to register up to 100 industrial designs in multiple jurisdictions by

233、 filing a single application with the International Bureau of WIPO. It simplifies multinational registration by reducing the requirement to file separate applica-tions with each IP office. The System also simplifies the subsequent manage-ment of the industrial design, since it is possible to record

234、changes or renew a registration through a single procedural step for all designated Hague members. WIPO IP FACTS AND FIGURES49Industrial designIndustrial designs are applied to a wide variety of industrial products and hand-icrafts. They refer to the ornamental or aesthetic aspects of a useful artic

235、le, including compositions of lines or colors or any three-dimensional forms that give a special appearance to a product or handicraft. The holder of a registered industrial design has exclusive rights against unauthorized copying or imitation of the design by third parties. Industrial design regist

236、rations are valid for a limited period. The term of protection is usually 15 years in most jurisdictions. However, differences in legislation exist, notably in China (which provides for a 10-year term from the application date).In forceRefers to IP rights that are currently valid or, in the case of

237、trademarks, active. To remain in force, IP protection must be maintained.Intellectual property (IP)Refers to creations of the mind: inventions, literary and artistic works, and symbols, names, images and designs used in commerce. IP is divided into two categories: industrial property which includes

238、patents, utility models, trademarks, industrial designs and geographical indications of source and copyright, which includes literary and artistic works (such as novels, poems, plays, films), musical works, artistic works (such as drawings, paintings, pho-tographs and sculptures) and architectural d

239、esigns. Rights related to copyright include those of performing artists in their performances, those of producers of sound recordings in their recordings and those of broadcasters in their radio and television programs.Madrid international applicationAn application for international registration und

240、er the Madrid System, which is a request for the protection of a trademark in one or more Madrid member jurisdiction. An international application must be based on a basic mark, that is, prior application or registration of a mark in a Madrid member jurisdiction.Madrid SystemAn abbreviation describi

241、ng the system for the international registration of trademarks, originally established by the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks and later also governed by the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement. Following a decision by the Madrid Union ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONA

242、DDITIONAL INFORMATIONWIPO IP FACTS AND FIGURES 50Assembly in October 2016, the Protocol is now the sole governing treaty of the Madrid System. The Madrid System is administered by the International Bureau of WIPO.PatentA set of exclusive rights granted by law to applicants for inventions that are ne

243、w, non-obvious and commercially applicable. A patent is valid for a limited period of time (generally 20 years), during which time patent holders can commercially exploit their inventions on an exclusive basis. In return, applicants are obliged to disclose their inventions to the public in a manner

244、that enables others skilled in the art to replicate the invention. The patent system is designed to encourage innovation by providing innovators with time-limited exclusive legal rights, thus enabling them to appropriate the returns from their innovative activity.PCT applicationA patent application

245、filed through the WIPO-administered PCT, also known as an international application.PCT SystemThe PCT, an international treaty administered by WIPO, facilitates the acquisition of patent rights in a large number of jurisdictions. The PCT System simplifies the process of multiple national patent fili

246、ngs by reducing the requirement to file a separate application in each jurisdiction. However, the decision on whether to grant patent rights remains in the hands of national and regional patent offices, and patent rights remain limited to the jurisdiction of the patent granting authority. The PCT ap

247、plication process starts with the international phase, during which an international search and, possibly, a preliminary examination are performed, and concludes with the national phase, during which a national or regional patent office decides on the patentability of an invention according to natio

248、nal law.ResidentFor statistical purposes, a resident application refers to an application filed with the IP office of, or acting for, the state or jurisdiction in which the first named applicant in the application has residence. For example, an application filed with the Japan Patent Office (JPO) by

249、 a resident of Japan is considered a resident application from the perspective of the JPO. Resident applications are sometimes referred to as “domestic applications.” A resident grant/registration is an IP right issued on the basis of a resident application.TrademarkA sign used to distinguish the go

250、ods or services of one undertaking from those of others. A trademark may consist of words and combinations of words (for ADDITIONAL INFORMATION WIPO IP FACTS AND FIGURES51ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONinstance, names or slogans), logos, figures and images, letters, numbers, sounds, or, in rare instances, sm

251、ells or moving images, or a combination thereof. The procedures for registering trademarks are governed by the legislation and procedures of national and regional IP offices and WIPO. Trademark rights are limited to the jurisdiction of the IP office that registers the trademark. Trademarks can be re

252、gistered by filing an application at the relevant national or regional office(s), or by filing an international application through the Madrid System.Utility modelA special form of patent right granted by a state or jurisdiction to an inventor or the inventors assignee for a fixed period of time. Th

253、e terms and conditions for granting a utility model are slightly different from those for normal patents (including a shorter term of protection and less stringent patentability require-ments). The term “utility model” can also describe what are known in certain countries as “petty patents,” “short-

254、term patents” or “innovation patents.”World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)A United Nations specialized agency dedicated to the promotion of innova-tion and creativity for the economic, social and cultural development of all countries through a balanced and effective international IP system. WIPO was established in 1967 with a mandate to promote the protection of IP throughout the world through cooperation between states and in collaboration with other international organizations.



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