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Steven Tan-SODA:建立数据和存储的生态系统(GOTC上海会场)(20页).pdf

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Steven Tan-SODA:建立数据和存储的生态系统(GOTC上海会场)(20页).pdf

1、SODA:Building A Data&Storage Ecosystem TogetherSteven TanSODA Foundation ChairmanVP&CTO Cloud Solution-Storage,FutureweiFOUNDATIONPROJECTSEND USERSECOSYSTEMCOMMUNITYEVENTSTHE FOUNDATIONSODA Foundation is an open source project under Linux Foundation MISSION To foster an ecosystem of open source data

2、 management and storage software for data autonomy To offer a neutral forum for cross-projects collaboration and integration To provide end users quality end-to-end solutionsP R E M I E R M E M B E R SG E N E R A L M E M B E R SS U P P O R T E R SA S S O C I A T E M E M B E R SA L L I A N C E P A R


4、ei Kusunoki,NTT Communications(Co-Chair)Xin Zhong,CCB FintechMasanori Itoh,ToyotaVinod E,WiproHiroki Kimura,FujitsuYusuf Yildiz,LinbitShenglin Wu,ProphetStorKiran Mova,MayaDataPrashant Mishra,Click2CloudSanil Kumar,HuaweiEND USER ADVISORY COMMITTEEYuji Yazawa,Toyota Motor Corp(Chair)Cosimo Rosetti,V

5、odafoneWim Jacobs,KPNTomoko Kondo,SoftbankShinya Tsunetmatsu,GMO PepaboYusuke Sato,Yahoo JapanKatsumi Kaneda,Internet Initiative JapanMichiharu Nakazawa,Sakura InternetZhan Shu,China Construction Bank FintechWei Rao,China RailwaysSun Fangchen,China UnicomKei Kusunoki,NTT CommunicationsOUTREACH COMMI

6、TTEELawrence Lai,Futurewei(Chair)Thomas Kozlowski,Linbit(Europe)Brian Hellman,Linbit(N.America)Trevor Phillipe,MayaData(N.America)Brad King,Scality(N.America,Europe)Masahiro Itoh,Individual(Japan)Shinya Hamano,Fujitsu(Japan)Shimada Ichiro,Sony(Japan)Yusuke Sato,Yahoo!JAPAN(Japan)Pierre Zhang,China U

7、nicom(China)Chenjing,Huawei(China)Jiaming Pan,eHualu(China)Xionlai,China Construction Bank Fintech(China)Zengzan Liu,Scutech(China)Sai Nath,Wipro(India)Pradipta,IBM(India)Uma Mukkara,MayaData(India)Vivek,Microsoft(India)Rupal Shirpurkar,Click2Cloud(India)Ashit Kumar,Huawei(India)GOVERNING BOARDALLIA

8、NCE COMMITTEEShane Wang,Intel(Chair)Noel McLoughlin,GBE Tech Krishna Kumar,Accenture Hang Geng,CESIPEOPLESODA is an end-user driven foundation.End users drive roadmap requirements,provide use cases,test and provide feedback,and guide opportunities for data and storage technologies.The SODA End User

9、Advisory Committee meets regularly and provides guidance to the Board and TOC.The organizations represented in the EUAC manages some of the biggest data in the world.END USERSODF connects data end to end,from platform to storage,and from edge to core to cloud,and manages all the data in between.Open

10、 Source Connects Data Silos ExtensibleHIGHLIGHTSStandardization for data and storage management Ecosystem of hardware,software,solutions,servicesCertification for ecosystem components,developers,operatorsTHE OPEN DATA FRAMEWORK(ODF)Unify frameworks with standard data policies.Simplify operations thr

11、ough AI/ML&automationKEY FEATURES:1.block,file,object storage with API standardization 2.heterogeneous storage provisioning and monitoring3.hybrid/multicloud to AWS,Google,Azure,Huawei,IBM,Alibaba clouds4.support K8S,OpenStack,Vmware5.Prometheus&Kafka integration6.Performance visualization with Graf

12、ana7.Performance anomaly detection8.CSI plug&playODF ARCHITECTUREODF can be installed on any Kubernetes cluster with Helm,with kubectl,or Ansible.KEY FEATURES:1.Seamless K8s integration with SODA CSI plug-in 2.Provides block and file services 3.Dynamic provisioning for K8S persistent storage with po

13、licy-driven Storage Profile4.Orchestrate storage snapshots and replication5.Monitor performance,resources,and alerts across different vendor storage6.Data protection with recurring snapshots schedule7.Support heterogeneous vendor storage with CSI and SODA native drivers8.Create HA volumes so a K8s c

14、luster can fail over to a second clusterDYNAMICPROVISIONINGPERFORMANCEMONITORINGSTORAGEORCHESTRATIONDATAPROTECTIONSODA OPEN DATA FRAMEWORKODF FOR K8SODF FOR K8S BENEFITSPublic CloudVendor A SolutionA StoragePublic CloudVendor B SolutionB StoragePublic CloudVendor C SolutionC Storage CSIBackup,Replic

15、ation,Backup,Replication,Backup,Replication,CSI CSISODA OPEN DATA FRAMEWORKVendor AA StorageVendor BB StoragePublic CloudVendor CC Storage CSIHeterogeneous Backup,Replication,Migration,Tiering,Archiving,CSI+SODA APIWITHOUT SODA ODF:Need to manage multiple CSI plugins Provisioning for vendor-specific

16、 storage Storage not interoperable Vendor data silos in vendor storage and cloud Hard to monitor multi-vendor storage performance Cloud functionalities varies by vendorWITH SODA ODF:Easy to manage single CSI plugin Dynamic provisioning across multi-vendor storage clusters Replicate data across heter

17、ogeneous storage Consistent data management with standard policies Storage performance monitoring in a single pane Synchronized data between on-premise storage and cloudblock,file,objectbackup&recoverylifecycle&tieringsecurity&complianceretention&archiveblock,file,object storage for edge,DCmulticlou

18、d storagebackup to cloud or tapesnapshots from tier2 to cloudedge to DCtier 1 to tier 2,tier2 to cloud,tier2 to coldedge,DC,&cloud security and complianceoffsite tape/archivetier2 to cold storage(tape/archive disc)tier2 to cloud for long term retentionServices For Connected Car PlatformDevelop a cus

19、tomized solution or leverage an open unified data management framework?Public Cloud CEDGE DCDATA CENTER 1WAREHOUSEstorageDATA CENTER 2Tier 1 StorageTier 2 StorageCold StorageTape,Archival DiscPublic Cloud BStoragePublic Cloud AReplication&Geo-DistributionOffsite VaultingMulticloud Storage5G60PB of v

20、ehicle data goes to the DC each month 20GB/month/vehicle x 3M vehicles.source:AECCUSE CASEPrelaunchOPENSDS(PRE-SODA)2017H2 Zealand 2018H1 Aruba 2018H2 Bali 2019H1 Capri 2019H2 Daito 2020Q1 ElbaJun 2020FAROE v1.0Heterogeneous Storage ManagementBlock/File Multi cloudCSI Plug&Play experimentSep 2020GRE

21、ENLAND V1.1Prometheus&Kafka integration Storage Performance Monitoring(SPM)Multicloud object and fileAWS,Azure,GCPCSI Plug&PlayEdge data managementNetApp ONTAP&moreDec 2020HAWAII V1.2Performance anomaly detectionPerformance visualization with GrafanaEnhanced cloud file shares for AWS,GCP,Azure,Huawe

22、iEnhanced block AWSMore storage support-IBM SVC,HDS VSP,EMC VNXMar 2021ISABELA V1.3Improved storage monitoringMonitor NAS performanceGrafana performance visualizationHA support with multi-cloudCold storageCSI plug-n-play with more driversMore on-prem and cloud backendsJUN 2021JERBA V1.4Plug-in any C

23、SI driver Multiple CSI drivers in K8SContainer data protection(Restic)Application consistent snapshot to cloud Multi-cloud storage tieringStorage performance monitoring with more metricsBucket management for all cloud backendsOpen Design,Open DevelopmentRELEASEShttps:/ 2021KALPENI V1.5K8s clusters s

24、napshots and backup K8s objects to S3-based object storageStorage monitoring for CSI storageSchedule recurring backups to NFSDec 2021L RELEASE V1.6Data optimization with storage tieringAnomaly detection for CSI storageSchedule recurring backups to S3-compatible secondary or cloud storage2022&BeyondV

25、2.xData security and complianceStorage monitoring&anomaly detection for cloud storage Towards Open Data AutonomyT O W A R D S O P E N D A T A A U T O N O M Y2 0 2 1 F o c u s:C l o u d N a t i v e D a t a P r o t e c t i o n a n d D a t a O p t i m i z a t i o nROADMAPSODA ECO PROJECT PROGRAMDEVELOP

26、COMMMUNITYENDORSEMENTEND USERSPOCADOPTIONLAUNCHING AT SODACON GLOBAL Jul 13The SODA Eco Project Program provides services to projects to help them develop,grow and be adopted by end users.It helps projects join the SODA ecosystem,integrate with the SODA Open Data Framework(ODF),and introduce them to

27、 end users and the SODA community.Project must be or plan to be open source with an OSI approved license.Join:https:/sodafoundation.io/ecoproject/SODA GLOBAL COMMUNITIESEUROPE-KubeCon Barcelona 2019JAPAN-CloudNativeDays Tokyo 2019INDIA-Open Source India,Bengaluru 2019CHINA-KubeCon Shanghai 2019The S

28、ODA community is growing around the world with regular meetups in Japan,China,and IndiaCommunity Engagementengage with developers,vendors and end users in our meetings,meetups,and conferencesBrand Recognitionbring awareness to your organization,project,and things that matter to the SODA community an

29、d our partners communitiesThought Leadershipparticipate in our committees(TOC,AC,OC,EUAC)and workgroups to drive SODA technical direction and other activitiesPOC Solutionopportunities to participate in SODA proof-of-concept(POC)solution testing where vendors and end users work together closelySpeaki

30、ng Opportunitiesopportunities to speak at our meetups and SODACONs virtual and worldwideOpen Innovationaccelerate development and bring value to organizations through open innovation in the SODA ecosystemVendors,end users,and other organizations join SODA for these key benefits:Press Releasepress release announcement when joining SODA and possibilities of mentions or quotes in other SODA press releasesJOIN SODAJoin:https:/sodafoundation.io/join/Free Registration CodeGOTCSODATHANK YOUTHANK YOUPlease visit the SODA boothwww.sodafoundation.iohttps:/sodafoundation.io/slack/



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