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1、Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.2 7.0%7.0%6.9%6.8%6.7%6.7%6.7%6.8%6.9%6.9%6.8%1.2%1.3%1.4%1.4%2.1%2.1%2.0%2.0%1.4%1.4%1.5%Q1 15 Q2 15 Q3 15 Q4 15 Q1 16 Q2 16 Q3 16 Q4 16 Q1 17 Q2 17 Q3 17 国内生产总值增幅 居民消费价格指数 中国经济稳中向好中国经济稳中向好,消费持续拉动消费持续拉动 CHINA

2、CONTINUES MODERATE STABLE AND SOUND GROWTH,CONTRIBUTED BY CONSUMPTION 数据来源:国家统计局 Source:China National Bureau of Statistics 宏观经济指数 Macroeconomic Index 65%62%58%2015 2016 2017 消费对GDP增长贡献|1月-9月 Consumption Contribution to GDP Growth (Jan-Sep)China GDP China CPI Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),L

3、LC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.3 消费者信心指消费者信心指数创历数创历史新史新高,各指标提升高,各指标提升 CCI REACHS HISTROICAL HIGH,THREE COMPONENTS RISE RESPECTIVELY 数据来源:中国消费者信心调查 Source:China Consumer Confidence Survey 66 62 69 64 61 68 48 52 56 Y15 Y16 Q3 17 就业预期 个人经济情况 消费意愿 107 106 112 Y15 Y16 Q3 17 中国消费者信心指数

4、中国消费者信心指数 China Consumer Confidence Index 中国消费者信心指数构成要素 Components of China Consumer Confidence Index China CCI Job Prospects Personal Finance Willingness to Spend+7+7 +4+4 +7+7 Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.4 市场变化加速市场变化加速 THE PACE OF THE C

5、HANGE IS ACCELERATING 数据来源:前1000 品牌;尼尔森突破性创新报告 Source:Top 1000 Brands;Nielsen Breakthrough Innovation Study 有多少2007年前100品牌已消失在2017年的市场?HOW MANY 2007 TOP 100 BRANDS NO LONGER EXIST IN 2017 TOP 100?54 BRANDS Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.5 购买

6、力趋于年轻购买力趋于年轻化人群,品牌忠化人群,品牌忠诚度分诚度分散散 PURCHASE POWER TEND TO YOUNGER GENERATION WITH DIVERSIFIED BRAND LOYALTY 数据来源:国家统计局;中国消费者信心调查 Source:China National Bureau of Statistics;China Consumer Confidence Survey 44%44%37%32%34%1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 对比去年,增加家庭开支的比例%of people increase household expenditure

7、vs YA 1950s Post 00 消费主力军消费主力军 Main Force 消费新生代消费新生代 New Generation 25%19%21%21%18%尝试新品意愿%of people more likely to try new products Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.6 日新月异的市场,创日新月异的市场,创新却举步艰难新却举步艰难 MORE INNOVATION,BUT HARDER TO SURVIVE 数据来源:20

8、16年尼尔森突破性创新报告38品类 Source:2016 Nielsen Breakthrough Innovation Study 38 Categories-22%NPDS EFFICIENCY SALES VALUE/SKU#GROWTH 新品效率下降新品效率下降 新品销售额/新品个数 增长率 25,473+15%vs 2015#NPDs 新新品个数品个数 中国新品中国新品|概览概览 CHINA INNOVATION LANDSCAPE 70%+6%SHORT CYCLE INNOVATION LESS THAN 18 MONTHS 创新短周期创新短周期 存活短于存活短于1818个月个

9、月 多多 INNOVATIVE 快快 SHORT CYCLE 难难 DIFFICULT Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.7 30%29%25%31%28%36%营销花费占收入比 0.9 1.2 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.7 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016H1 营销费用比重增营销费用比重增加,投加,投资回报资回报率却停滞不前率却停滞不前 INCREASING PORTION OF MARKETING SPEND STAG

10、NATE IN ROI 数据来源:2017年尼尔森中国快消品市场营销分析36品类 Source:2017 Nielsen CPG Marketing Mix Meta Analysis 36 Categories 中国快消品市场营销活动投资回报率中国快消品市场营销活动投资回报率 China CPG Marketing ROI(RMB)Marketing spending to Revenue Ratio Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.8 不一样的


12、ENT.将会面对非常不一样的明明天天 THAT COULD BE VERY DIFFERENT TOMORROW Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.9 总结总结20172017,展望,展望20182018 2017 ANNUAL TREND SUMMARY,2018 INDICATION 消费者趋势消费者趋势 Consumer Trend 市场趋势市场趋势 Market Trend 营营销趋势销趋势 Marketing Trend 洞察新生代消费特征

13、 Consumption characteristic 遵循市场高端、绿色、体验化 Premiumisation、Green and Experience 主导内容为王、IP当道 Content is key,IP is favored 对话年轻人 下一个风口 寻求高效化 Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.10 新生代消新生代消费特征费特征 NEW GENERATION CONSUMPTION CHARACTERISTICS 女性崛起女性崛起 Fem

14、inism 彰显自我彰显自我 Embody Me 超级消费超级消费 Super Consumer Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.11 我就是我,一个变我就是我,一个变幻莫幻莫测的我测的我 REVEAL WHO I AM,A CHANGEABLE INDIVIDUAL 数据来源:二手资料;尼尔森95后报告 Source:Secondary source;Nielsen Post 95s Report 享受热享受热门门IPIP的快闪体验的快闪体验 E

15、njoy pop-up experience 标榜自我的炫食一族标榜自我的炫食一族 Seek differentiated affection 雪碧推出10亿瓶英雄联盟罐 Sprite launched 1bn LOL IP can 互动体验互动体验 Interaction 28%与众不同与众不同 Differentiated 31%味全拼字瓶实现品牌年轻化 Weichuan realized brand rejuvenation 五一期间营业四天的五一期间营业四天的奶茶快闪奶茶快闪店店 4-day Milk tea store 继双十一购物狂欢节之后针继双十一购物狂欢节之后针对年轻人推出的另

16、一个节对年轻人推出的另一个节日日 Specifically target to younger generation 全国各地108家淘宝店代表国内创造力的IP作品以及网红 108 taobao stores represent creativity and popularity 95后对食品饮料的情感需求相关的:Post 95s emotional need for F&B:Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.12 爱极限爱分享,逼格务实的追求者爱极

17、限爱分享,逼格务实的追求者 LOVE EXTREME SPORTS,SOCIAL AND COOL APPEARANCE 数据来源:尼尔森体育;尼尔森90后报告 Source:Nielsen Sports;Nielsen Post 90s Report 运运动上极限动上极限社交社交化化 Socialize extreme sports 90后外观风格偏好-90后的语言 Post 90 Appearance Preference 汽汽车上追求逼格车上追求逼格 Prioritize Appearance in Auto 社交分享 sharing 9595后热衷参与的运动后热衷参与的运动 Post

18、95s Popular sports 发动机、底盘不再是买车重要决定 Focus on appearance rather than configuration Running Basketball Cycling Skiing Extreme Gym 100 Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.13 17%29%2010 2016 女性消女性消费撑起半边天费撑起半边天 RISING FEMALE CONSUMPTION 数据来源:中国消费者信心调查;

19、尼尔森汽车报告 Source:China Consumer Confidence Survey;Nielsen Auto Report 女性车主比女性车主比例例 Ratio of woman driver 中产男女购车预算中产男女购车预算|个个人月收入人月收入1.5+1.5+Vehicle budget for Middle class with 15k per month 日常花销的去向日常花销的去向 Spare daily expenditure on 男性男性 Male 女性女性 Female 38 32 10 32 27 46 39 37 37 30 新衣服 子女教育 化妆品 旅游 出

20、门娱乐 女性女性:3535万万 Female:350k 男性男性:2020万万 Male:200k New cloth children education Cosmetics Travel Out home entertainment Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.14 不断拓展传统男性消费领域不断拓展传统男性消费领域 CONSTANTLY EXPAND INTO CONVENTIONAL MALE CONSUMPTION 数据来源:尼尔森体育

21、 Source:Nielsen Sports 2011-2015年间 对足球感兴趣的女性增多增多 Women are more likely interested in soccer during 2011-2015+30%44%33%我认为品牌应该在女品牌应该在女子体育上投资更多子体育上投资更多 46%全国马拉松参赛的女性比例 从2015年到2017增加了10%达到46%Woman marathon participants increased by 10%to 46%in 2017 看体育的人在改变看体育的人在改变 Sports audience are changing+331%部分女性

22、体育产品销量变化部分女性体育产品销量变化 Sports products sales gr(Y14/16)+421%+258%瑜伽垫 Yoga mat 女性泳衣 Swimming suit 参与体育群体在改变参与体育群体在改变 Participants are changing 站内女性相关搜索量站内女性相关搜索量 Key word search related with woman(Y14/Y16)I think brand should invest more in woman sports Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confid

23、ential and proprietary.Do not distribute.15 超级消费者:收益高超级消费者:收益高 热情高热情高 SUPER CONSUMER:HIGH ON PROFIT AND PASSION 超级消费者经济学 THE ECONOMICS OF SUPER CONSUMERS 品类家庭数 CATEGORY HOUSEHOLDS 品类销售额 CATEGORY SALES 品类收益 CATEGORY PROFIT 10%50-60%品类增长 CATEGORY GROWTH 40%30%重度 使用者 HEAVY USER 重度 参与者 HEAVILY ENGAGED 超

24、级消费者超级消费者SUPER CONSUMERS 热情 PASSION 收益 PROFITS Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.16 渴望更多与渴望更多与厂商之间厂商之间的互动,渗透影响力的互动,渗透影响力 EAGER FOR INTERACTION AND INFLUENCE ON MANUFACTURER 3.5X 想法数量 Fair Price Index 贵价指数贵价指数首次超50 Premium Price Index 50 快消品快消品

25、FMCG Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.21 Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.高端消费意愿是跨行业增长的保证高端消费意愿是跨行业增长的保证 PENETRATE OTHER INDUSTRY TO BOOST THE GROWTH 数据来源:尼尔森科技报告;汽车报告;二手资料 Source:Nielse

26、n T&T Report;Auto Report;Secondary Research 电电子产品子产品 Electronics 家用电器家用电器 Home Appliance 汽车汽车 Auto 24%26%13%22%Q3 16 Q4 16 Q1 17 Q2 17 Q3 17 RMB 2,500-3,500 Above RMB 3,500 智能手机分价格段市场份额%Smart Phone Value Share by Price Tier 79%消费者表示近半年里就有购买高端家电的计划 Consumer plan to buy high-end appliance in the next

27、half year 44.8%电视 TV 43.0%55.1%柜机空调 AC 烤箱 Oven 购买高端家电产品品类高端家电产品品类的购买意愿(%)Purchase willingness on high-end appliance 中国豪华车市场 China Luxury Auto Market 144 216 2013 2016 单位:万辆 Unit:10k VSVS 8.68.6%中国乘用车 Total Auto Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute

28、.22 Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.对未对未来消费升来消费升级的持级的持续发续发酵秉持乐观态度酵秉持乐观态度 KEEP OPTIMISTIC FOR FUTURE PROSPECTS 数据来源:尼尔森S2017年CEO问卷 Source:Nielsen 2017 CEO Questionnaire Biggest Driver 第一驱动力 零售商零售商 Retailer 厂商厂商 Manufacturer 19 19 35 14 24 33 T

29、rade-Up 消费升级 Rising Middle Class 扩大的中产阶级 New Retail 新零售 Trade-Up 消费升级 Innovation 创新驱动 New Retail 新零售 制胜之道制胜之道 Winning Key 未未来前来前景景 Future prospects 消费升级消费升级 Go Premium Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.23 Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),

30、LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.市场趋市场趋势势 MARKET TREND 市场趋势市场趋势 Market Trend 健康绿色 Green Consumption 零售改革 Retail Evolution 消费升级 Premiumisation Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.24 Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Conf

31、idential and proprietary.Do not distribute.不断上升的收入不断上升的收入支撑支撑消消费者对健费者对健康理解的提升康理解的提升 INCREASING INCOME IMPROVE UNDERSTANDING OF HEALTH 环境健康环境健康 健康管理健康管理 对身心有益对身心有益 符合质检标准符合质检标准 健康理解阶段 Understanding of health 全国居民人均可支配收入 National Resident Disposable income 健康生活 健康饮食、科学运动 18,311 20,167 21,966 23,821 20

32、13 2014 2015 2016 增速 Growth Rate+8%数据来源:国家统计局 Source:China National Bureau of Statistics Environmental health Health life Health management Meet quality inspection standard Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.25 Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company

33、(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.强烈的健康意识改变了对食品饮料的购买习惯强烈的健康意识改变了对食品饮料的购买习惯 STRONG HEALTHY AWARENESS IMPACTS F&B CONSUMPTION 数据来源:尼尔森零售指数 Source:Nielsen Retail Measurement Service MORE:LESS:122%24%15%12%10%水果茶 纯果汁 包装水 酸奶 运动饮料 -7%-6%-3%-1%-1%口香糖 低浓度果汁 散装糖果 即溶咖啡 巧克力 滚动年度17年09月食品饮料

34、整体销售增长率 MAT 1709 F&B Value growth+5.3%83%70%中国 全球平均 83%的消费者主动调整饮食 预防健康疾病预防健康疾病%Actively make dietary choices to help prevent certain health conditions 全球排名:1st Global Ranking China Global average 更主动 Proactive Fruity Tea NFC Pwater Yogurt Drink Sports Drink Chewing gum Juice Drink Loose Pack Confect

35、ionery Instant Coffee Chocolate Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.26 Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.全民运动意识和热情赋能体育产业蓬勃发展全民运动意识和热情赋能体育产业蓬勃发展 EXERCISE AWARENESS AND DEDICATION RISING BRING

36、 PROMISING GROWTH ON SPORTS INDUSTRY 数据来源:中国体育总局;中国马拉松协会 Source:China General Administration of Sport,China Marathon Association 134 328 2015 2016 备案马拉松数 马拉松赛事数马拉松赛事数 Number of Marathon matches and participants 2015 1.7万亿万亿 1,700 Billion 2025 5万万亿亿 5,000 Billion 体育产业总规模体育产业总规模 Sports Industry Size 3

37、60 434 2015 2016 中国体育人口(百中国体育人口(百万万)Number of sports participants(MN)Registered matches Participants(MN)参赛人数参赛人数(百万)(百万)1.5 2.8 3 3倍倍 Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.27 Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.D

38、o not distribute.追求健康上升到重视健康生活的阶段追求健康上升到重视健康生活的阶段 PLACE IMPORTANCE TO HEALTHIER LIFE 数据来源:中国消费者信心调查;尼尔森2016年快速科技报告;二手资料 Source:China Consumer Confidence Survey;2016 Nielsen Tech Fast Forward Report;Secondary Research 空净器 Air purifier 净水设备 Water purifier 未来12个月想买的东西|对比前季度 Purchase intension in next 1

39、2 months vs PP-2-2-2-1-1-1-1 -1 +2 +2 +4 Water purifier 净水器 Smart bracelet 智能手环 Air purifier 空气净化器 E-reader 电子阅读器 Game console 游戏主机 Internet TV 互联网电视盒子 Smart TV 智能电视 Tablet 平板电脑 Wifi router 无线路由器 Laptop 笔记本电脑 Smart watch 智能手表 健康保健科健康保健科技技 HEALTHCARE TECHNOLOGY 到2020年占全球医疗技术市场12的份额 12%Share Of The Gl

40、obal Medical Technology Market By 2020 智能手环 Smart bracelet 12%16年增长 YoY+21.3%+17.7%+24.4%Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.28 Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.开开始改变意识,养始改变意识,养成成节节能环保的绿色消费

41、能环保的绿色消费 FORM ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AWARENESS 数据来源:国家统计局;可持续报告 Source:China National Bureau of Statistics,The Sustainability Imperative Report 节能环保节能环保 Environmental Protection 新能源汽车增长率 EV growth 集成电路、太阳能电池等产品的产量增长率 Integrated circuits,solar cells production growth +30.8+30.8%+20%+20%消费者表示愿意支付更多给

42、承诺对环境可持续环境可持续的品牌 OF CONSUMERS SAY THEY ARE WILLING TO PAY MORE FOR BRANDS WITH A COMMITMENT TO SUSTAINABILITY 66%全球GLOBAL 80%中国 CHINA 消费意识消费意识 Changing Consideration 17年前三季度 YTD 1709 Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.29 Copyright 2017 The Niels

43、en Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.市场趋市场趋势势 MARKET TREND 市场趋势市场趋势 Market Trend 健康绿色 Green Consumption 零售改革 Retail Evolution 消费升级 Premiumisation Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.30 Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Compa

44、ny(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.新零售百花齐放,激活线下增长新零售百花齐放,激活线下增长 BLOOMING NEW RETAIL,ACTIVATE OFFLINE REBOUND 数据来源:尼尔森零售指数;尼尔森S2017年CEO问卷 Source:Nielsen Retail Measurement Service;Nielsen 2017 CEO Questionnaire+7%+1%+32%滚动年度 MAT Oct16 线上线上+线下线下 Online+Offline 线下线下 Offline 线上线上

45、Online+10%+5%+27%滚动年度 MAT Oct17 CONGREGATED STORE UPGRADED GROCERY AUTOMATIC CVS 集成型门店集成型门店 升级食杂店升级食杂店 无人便利店无人便利店 CEOCEO们如何看待新零售们如何看待新零售?What do you think new retail?这是一场改变行业的革新这是一场改变行业的革新 A NEW CONCEPT THAT WILL CHANGE THE INDUSTRY 这只是另一种形式的电商这只是另一种形式的电商 ANOTHER FORM OF ECOMMERCE 45%48%48%33%6%19%厂

46、商 零售商 这是个需要证实的新概这是个需要证实的新概念念 A NEW CONCEPT THAT IS YET TO BE PROVEN 新零售业新零售业态态 Online and Offline are blending Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.31 Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.零售改革去增

47、强消费者体验是核心零售改革去增强消费者体验是核心 RETAIL EVOLUTION STICK WITH SHOPPING EXPERIENCE 体验体验 Experience shoppers think enjoyable shopping experience is important 运用高科技提升体验 Apply Technology To Improve Shopping Excitement 餐饮娱乐一体化 Integrate Dining&Entertainment Area To Enable One-Stop Shopping 借力O2O平台加速送达 Leverage On

48、line Platform To Speed-up Delivery 增强绿色成列更好引流 Enlarge Fresh Food Area And In-Store Layout To Attract Traffic 85%购物者认为舒适的购物体验很重要 Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.32 Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not

49、distribute.零售本质:做好引流最大化销售零售本质:做好引流最大化销售 CORE RETAIL SALES:MAXIMIZE TRAFFIC AND OUTPUT 线上线下融合线上线下融合 最大化引流最大化引流 Online offline merge to maximize traffic 陈列 销售员 促销 娱乐体验化 生活服务化 提升消费体验提升消费体验 Enhance shopping experience 扩大销售篮扩大销售篮子子 Increase basket size 形成品牌回流形成品牌回流 Elevate branding image Copyright 2017 T

50、he Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.33 Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.把握市场脉搏,制胜新消费把握市场脉搏,制胜新消费 MARKET TREND 市场趋势市场趋势 Market Trend 健康绿色 Green Consumption 零售改革 Retail Evolution 消费升级 Premiumisation 把握品质需求,创

51、造升级机会 Leverage quality of life demand,create trade-up occasion 理解健康阶段,针对性健康投入 Understand health stages,specific health investment 增强购物体验,增加流量利润 Enhance shopping experience,increase traffic profit Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.34 Copyright 2

52、017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.设备选择 营销内容 效果监测 DEVICE SELECTION MARKETING CONTENT RESULT MONITOR 新时代营销趋势新时代营销趋势 NEW ERA MARKETING TREND Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.35 Copyright 2017 The Niels

53、en Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.互联网用户向移动端迁徙,加速营销生态从开互联网用户向移动端迁徙,加速营销生态从开环到闭环的孵化环到闭环的孵化 HIGH CONCENTRATION OF MOBILE COMMERCE ACCELERATES THE E-TAILER ADVERTISING ECOSYSTEM FROM OPEN TO CLOSED LOOP 数据来源:尼尔森数字化研究报告 2017,中国互联网络信息中心报告,尼尔森2016Q1全球生态结果 Source:Nielsen Conn

54、ected Commerce Report Jan 2017;The 40th Statistical Report on Internet Development(2017);Nielsen 2016Q1 Global Mobile Ecosystem Result 中国互联网用户以及移动互联网用户数量是美国的中国互联网用户以及移动互联网用户数量是美国的3 3倍左右倍左右 Chinese internet users and mobile internet users are about three times that of the United States 721 MILLION 23

55、7 MILLION USA CN 96%65%中国移动互联网用户使用手机支付的意愿中国移动互联网用户使用手机支付的意愿更强更强 Chinese mobile internet users have stronger willingness to pay via mobile than users in the United States 非常愿意非常愿意+愿意使用手机愿意使用手机AppApp购物购物 People Highly+Somewhat Likely use a mobile app to make a purchase Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Compa

56、ny(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.36 Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.热热门门IPIP吸引年轻消费者关注吸引年轻消费者关注 OTV ATTRACTS YOUNG CONSUMERS THROUGH HOT IP PROGRAMS 原创小众内容综艺原创小众内容综艺 Original Niche Shows IP自制剧目自制剧目 IP Content-based Dra

57、ma 256 173 256 198 25-29岁岁(Age)25-29岁岁 (Age)经典游戏经典游戏 Classic Games 热门网络小说热门网络小说Popular Online Novels 年轻人感兴趣的话题年轻人感兴趣的话题Hot topics among Young IP 粉丝粉丝 数据来源:尼尔森2017年数字广告收视率报告 Source:Nielsen 2017 DAR Annual Report Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute

58、.37 Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.品牌广告通过有趣的内容营销传递给消费者品牌广告通过有趣的内容营销传递给消费者 BRANDS CONVEY ADVERTISEMENTS TO CONSUMERS THROUGH CONTENT MARKETING 直播直播 Live Show 口播口播 Small talk show 剧情道具剧情道具 Props Product used as props during the drama.弹窗弹窗 Bran

59、d showed aligning with drama content.弹幕弹幕 Barrage showed brand names 数据来源:图片来自于网络 Pictures are from internet 尼尔森消费者脑神经科学分析结果,某领先品牌2017实例 Source:Leading brand case sharing,result from Nielsen Neuro Science.Y:2017 Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribut

60、e.38 Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.从从 模糊的“路径”模糊的“路径”到到 清晰的“路径规律”清晰的“路径规律”FROM CHAOTIC PATHS OF PURCHASE TO CLEAR PATTERN UNCOVERING 38 38 路径 PATHS 10,000+35 PATH 条路径覆盖了 Covering 85%SALES 的销售 数据来源:尼尔森数字媒体效用研究报告|洗护品类|3个月监测 Data source:Nielsen

61、 Digital Media Study|Household|3 months Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.39 Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.模糊的“整体效果”模糊的“整体效果”到到 清晰的“单点效果”清晰的“单点效果”FROM COMPLEXITY TO CLARITY 从线性链 接到网状互联

62、 FROM LINEAR TO INTER-CONNECTED 从 FROM 到 TO Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.40 Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.抓住年轻人目光的内容营销更有效果抓住年轻人目光的内容营销更有效果 EFFICIENT CONTENT MARKETING IS BEST AT C

63、ATCHING YOUNG GROUPS EYE 营销生态向移动端转移营销生态向移动端转移 Advertising ecosystem transfers to mobile end 内容营销切合年轻群体兴趣内容营销切合年轻群体兴趣 Content marketing targets to young group interests 监测营销大数据提升广告效果监测营销大数据提升广告效果 To improve RoI through monitoring marketing big data 更新快更新快 Changing daily 有趣有趣 Interesting 简短简短 Short 小众

64、小众 Small Group 个性化个性化 Personalized 颜值颜值 Outstanding appearance Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.41 Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company(US),LLC.Confidential and proprietary.Do not distribute.总结中展望总结中展望 SUMMARY FOR BETTER TOMORROW 中国消费中国消费者信心者信心新

65、新高,市场现象喜忧参半高,市场现象喜忧参半 Consumer Confidence Index reach historical high,market is mingled challenge and opportunity 洞察新生代消费特征洞察新生代消费特征 New generation consumption insight 引领引领市场三大趋势市场三大趋势 Lead the market development 高效企业营销产出高效企业营销产出 Optimize marketing effectiveness 彰显自我:彰显自我:提供多样个性化产品和服务,满足有趣体验的需求 Offe

66、r a variety of differentiated product and service,pleased with interesting experience 女女性崛起:性崛起:增加女性相关投资,培养激发女性消费 Increase female related investment,stimulate the female consumption 超级消费者:超级消费者:完善和消费者互动,催使社群经济 Improve interaction with super consumer,drive strategy and action to influence others 消费升级

67、:消费升级:跨行业呈现贵价化推动市场趋势,未来不可限量 Witness premiumization willingness cross industry to boost the growth 健康绿色健康绿色:全名运动是趋势,辅以健康饮食,形成绿色消费 Exercise become more common,followed by healthy eating,form green consumption 零售改革:零售改革:零售进化本质离不开提升购物体验,满足消费者 Retail evolution is stick with shopping experience to satisfy consumer 设备选择:设备选择:营销生态向移动端转移 Advertising ecosystem transfers to mobile end 营销内容:营销内容:内容营销切合年轻群体兴趣 Content marketing targets to young group interests 效果监测:效果监测:通过监测营销大数据提升广告效果 To improve ROI through monitoring marketing big data



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