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1、Google Confidential and Proprietary 1 Google Confidential and Proprietary 1 开拓全球营销的机遇开拓全球营销的机遇 withwith Google Confidential and Proprietary 201325亿互联网用户 60亿移动用户(10亿智能手机)2,5 billion Internet users 6 billion mobiles,Including 1 billion smartphones 2020 50亿互联网用户 100亿移动用户 5 billion Internet users 10 bil

2、lion mobiles Google Play 应用达到一百万 Google Confidential and Proprietary 6 Google Confidential and Proprietary 6 Confidential and proprietary Rise of the constantly connected consumer 5+Hrs每天在线时间 spent online per day 40%移动平台占比 of that time on mobile 65%移动起始交易占比 of transactions start on mobile 持续在线消费群体增长

3、 Rise of the constantly connected consumer 互联网引导市场行为变化 Source:Google&Compete B2B Customer Study June 2012 Q1:Which of the following sources,if any,did you use to look for information on BIM/Tech products?Q2:Which of the following online sources did you use to look for information about BIM/Tech prod

4、ucts on your computer?(YOY Growth includes only Business&industrial market data,not Technology).*Sample:B2B Customers who use the internet to research business purchases.互联网数字营销技术必不可少 Reach 覆盖 Everyone 每一个人 Data 数据 Be Smarter 智能化 Speed 速度 Launch&Iterate 启动和迭代 Source:Capgemini Consulting,The Digital

5、Advantage 运用Google驾驭互联网机遇 数字营销优势 How To Make Web Work For Me Google Confidential and Proprietary 9 Google Confidential and Proprietary 9 拥抱互联时代 驾驭数字世界 平均每一分钟,超过120 小时时长的视频被上传到 5B+Google搜索每日搜索请求 100M 过去30天的活跃用户 12亿 Android月活跃用户 全球最大的广告网络 80%全球互联网用户到达率 卓越的覆盖规模 精准的定位技术 完美的数字展示 透明的量化跟踪 世界第一的视频网络 世界第一的移动

6、网盟 世界第一的邮件平台 世界第一的搜索平台 世界第一的应用商店 世界第一的分析平台 Google Confidential and Proprietary 10 Google Confidential and Proprietary 10 互联网数字营销覆盖市场完整周期 Awareness 感知 Consideration 影响 Purchase 行动 Loyalty 忠诚 技术运用 视频展示Masthead技术运用 文字 图像 Apps 视频技术运用 动态文字 动态图像 位置 重定位Google Confidential and Proprietary 11 Google Confiden

7、tial and Proprietary 11 DEMOGRAPHICS Women 35+,$100K+/year HHI 收入10万美金/年的女性 AFFINITY AUDIENCES Travel Enthusiasts 喜爱旅游 PLACEMENT TARGETING Viewed travel sites or apps 浏览旅游网站和Apps REMARKETING Re-engage with existing site visitors 发掘现有网站浏览者 DISPLAY SELECT KEYWORDS Viewing best waves in Honolulu 浏览夏威夷最

8、好的浪潮点 SIMILAR AUDIENCES Similar to recent hotel purchasers 相似于最近的酒店预订者 IN-MARKET AUDIENCES Intending to book hotels 倾向预订酒店 获知获知 Awareness 考虑考虑 Consideration 购买购买Purchase CUSTOM AFFINITY AUDIENCES Surfing fanatics 热衷冲浪 KEYWORD Viewed best waves in Honolulu 浏览夏威夷最好的浪潮点 TOPIC TARGETING Viewed travel pa

9、ges 浏览旅游页面 互联网数字营销实现精准的定位 Google Confidential and Proprietary 12 Google Confidential and Proprietary 12 互联网数字营销实现品牌提升 品牌技术运用 品牌赢在“微时刻”Google Confidential and Proprietary 13 Google Confidential and Proprietary 13 驾驭数字技术共筑全球产业 基于行业的实时市场洞察 市场分析 集合行为的消费行为探索 品牌锻造 全球市场的精准数据营销 数字营销 Google Confidential and

10、Proprietary 14 Google Confidential and Proprietary 14 数字革命才刚刚开始 The Digital Revolution Has Only Just Begun Google Confidential and Proprietary 15 Google Confidential and Proprietary 15 Google confidential We dont go online.We live online.Google Confidential and Proprietary 新经济模式的崛起 Google Confidential and Proprietary 16 Google Confidential and Proprietary 16 Google Confidential and Proprietary 感谢聆听 Thank YouThank You



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