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3. 9.23 罗德尼•特纳-项目营销(37页).pdf

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3. 9.23 罗德尼•特纳-项目营销(37页).pdf

1、Project Marketing-Marketing BY,FOR and OF the Project项目营销:项目方、承包方、投资方三方营销Professor Rodney Turner 罗德尼 特纳教授September 23,2017 Rodney Turner 罗德尼特纳Managing Partner,EuroProjexEuroprojex欧洲项目中心执行合伙人Professor,SKEMA Business School SKEMA商学院教授-博士项目导师Director of the PhD ProgrammeSAIPEM Professor,Politecnico di

2、Milano 米兰理工大学SAIPEM教授Professor and High End Foreign Expert,Shanghai University 上海大学教授,高端外国专家Adjunct/Visiting Professor 费城德雷克塞尔大学兼职/客座教授Drexel University PhiladelphiaProfessional 其他专业身份其他专业身份Editor,International Journal of Project Management -国际项目管理期刊编辑Vice-President and Honorary Fellow of APM -APM副总

3、裁,荣誉院士Honorary Fellow and past President and Chairman,IPMA -IPMA荣誉院士,前总裁兼主席PMI Life-time Research Achievement Award,2004 -2004年PMI终身研究成就奖获得者IPMA Life-time Research Achievement Award,2012 -2012年IPMA终身研究成就奖获得者Author or editor of 18 books -18部著作的作者或编辑Background 个人背景个人背景ICI as engineering project manage

4、r -ICI工程项目经理Coopers and Lybrand as management consultant -永道会计师事务所管理顾问Henley Management College -亨利管理学院Rotterdam School of Economics,Erasmus University -鹿特丹伊拉斯谟大学经济学院Project Marketing-Marketing BY,FOR and OF the Project项目营销:项目方、承包方、投资方三方营销Three organizations 三大组织Marketing by the project 项目方营销Marketi

5、ng for the project 承包方营销Marketing of the project 投资方营销An ongoing discussion in the project marketing literature项目营销著作当前的讨论热点Is project management part of project marketing 项目管理是项目营销的一部分-the project marketing view 项目营销观点-marketing by the contractor for a series of projects 承包商为一系列项目进行营销-part of proje

6、ct portfolio management 项目组合管理的一部分-the project is part of the marketing cycle 项目是营销周期的一部分-the project management view 项目管理观点-the project team market the project to stakeholders 项目团队向干系人营销项目-part of stakeholder engagement 是干系人参与的一部分Or is project marketing part of project management 项目营销也是项目管理的一部分Thre

7、e organizations involved in the management of projects参与项目管理的三大组织After Winch(2014)投资方:永久性组织,项目并非核心业务项目&项目集:临时性组织承包商:永久性组织,项目是核心业务父母-子女客户-承包商Project marketing is part of project management 项目营销是项目管理的一部分 marketing BY the project 项目方进行的营销Project management is part of project marketing 项目管理是项目营销的一部分 mar

8、keting FOR the project by the contractor 承包方进行的项目营销Not considered up to now 尚未列入考虑范畴 marketing OF the project by the investor 投资方进行的项目营销Three organizations involved in the management of projects参与项目管理的三大组织Project Marketing-Marketing BY,FOR and OF the Project项目营销:项目方、承包方、投资方三方营销Three organizations 三大

9、组织Marketing by the project 项目方营销Marketing for the project 承包方营销Marketing of the project 投资方营销The project management process项目管理流程监控流程启动流程规划流程执行流程收尾流程营销流程Stakeholder engagement process干系人参与流程干系人识别监控内外部变化识别干系人利益预测干系人反馈逐一为干系人制定策略干系人沟通监控干系人满意度项目成功Emotional intelligence-social competence情商 社交能力social awa

10、reness社群感知relationship management关系管理-empathy同理心-organizational awareness 组织意识-service服务-building bonds 建立关系-teamwork&collaboration 团队合作和协作-inspirational leadership 激励型领导-influence影响力-developing others 培养他人-change catalyst 变革催化剂-conflict management 冲突管理Stakeholder engagement process干系人参与流程组织意识识别干系人识

11、别干系人利益预测干系人反馈逐一为干系人制定策略监控干系人满意度干系人沟通冲突管理监控内外部变化项目成功组织意识同理心培养他人提供服务建立关系激励型领导团队合作和协作变革催化剂Engaging with stakeholders与干系人加强互动The aim is to engage with stakeholders 目的是与干系人加强互动交流 to make them feel part of the project 使干系人在项目中有存在感 to win their support 赢得干系人支持Service dominant logic 服务主导型逻辑 marketing with 与

12、干系人展开营销合作 collaborate with customers to produce value for both 与客户合作,为双方创造价值 overcome resistance by co-creating:携手共同克服阻力-co-creating conversation and dialogue 共创对话交流-co-creating value propositions 共创价值主张Marketing the project营销项目Product 产品 the benefits the project gives 项目所能带来的效益Price 价格 the commitme

13、nt people have to make 人们需要作出的承诺Place 地点 how and where the project impacts on their lives 项目以何种方式在哪些方面影响人们的生活Promotion 推广 how and where you communicate the project 以何种方式在哪里宣传项目People,process,physical environment 人员,流程,实体环境Project Marketing-Marketing BY,FOR and OF the Project项目营销:项目方、承包方、投资方三方营销Three

14、 organizations 三大组织Marketing by the project 项目方营销Marketing for the project 承包方营销Marketing of the project 投资方营销Service dominant logic服务主导型逻辑Contractors exist to integrate and transform their specialist competencies into services that are demanded in the market place,and which can provide their custom

15、ers with value.承包商要整合自身的专业能力并转化为市场所需的服务,为客户创造价值。Contractors have knowledge,competencies and skills that clients need,and the ability to use those to provide value to the client gives them with competitive advantage.承包商具备客户所需的知识、能力和技术,能够利用这些为客户创造价值,让客户获得竞争优势。Work with clients to co-create:与客户携手共创 val

16、ue networks and processes 价值网络和流程 conversation and dialogue 沟通对话 value propositions 价值主张 service offerings 服务供应Service dominant logic服务主导型逻辑Three stage marketing cycle三阶段营销周期Cova&Salle(2005)捕捉机遇关系开发获取ITT投标决策准备标书递交标书谈判签署合同功能开发独立于任何项目投标前投标Three stage marketing cycle四阶段营销周期Lecouevre&Deshayes(2006)项目前项目

17、后项目启动项目交付关系管理信任辅导、指导、支持沟通信任关系管理合作培训沟通合作培训辅导、指导、支持Activities of project marketing项目营销活动Relationship management,(Rel)关系管理Communication,(Com)沟通Trust,(Tru)信任Collaboration,(Col)合作Training,(Tra)培训Going with,(coaching,mentoring,support),(Gwi)辅导,指导,支持Lecouevre&Deshayes(2006)The marketing of a contractors co

18、mpetencies is part of project portfolio management.承包商的营销能力是项目组合管理的一部分。Successful marketing activities will result in project work,but continues after project completion.成功的营销活动不仅能够在项目进行时发挥作用,在项目完成后影响依然延续。There is no value until the project output is used.项目成果若未得到使用,则无任何价值可言。合作培训沟通Three stage market

19、ing cycle四阶段营销周期Market segmentation市场细分Bernink&Turner(1995)战略决策者战略决策者运营经理运营经理技术经理技术经理客户团队客户团队信心营销胜任力营销解决方案营销Pre-project项目前“At this stage we are driven by strategic intent.We are looking to develop key markets”“在这个阶段,我们受战略意图驱动寻求开拓关键市场。”“It is important to build relationship before receiving the tende

20、r.When the tender comes it is too late.”“在收到投标文件前建立关系至关重要。等到收到时再建立就晚了。”But a significant constraint is the need for probity.诚信是重要约束因素。Executive management lead.执行管理团队牵头。Tender投标“A key initial step is to understand the customers requirement.What benefit do they want?Dont just deliver the technology t

21、hey are asking for.”“首先要了解客户需求。他们需要获得哪些收益?切勿仅仅交付他们要求的技术。”Marketing and account management lead.营销和客户管理团队牵头。“Real business development is the project itself.The business development task is the ongoing project.”“真正的业务开发是项目本身。业务开发任务就是正在进行中的项目。”“We do with the client rather than unto the client”.“我们要与客

22、户合作,而不仅仅是满足客户所需。”Project managers lead.项目经理牵头。Project项目中Make sure the output works.确保项目成果发挥效用。Maintain an ongoing relationship.维护现有关系。“We have to be trusted by our client.That we are not going to take them for a ride.”“我们必须获得客户的信任,决不能敷衍了事。”All managers have responsibility.全体经理对其负责。Post-project项目后“It

23、 is all joint.Because we have a good relationship,we know how to deal with everybody.They all have their own peculiarities,but we know them well.How we maintain the relationship makes us the partner of choice”“这一点至关重要因为我们建立起了良好的关系,且知道如何与每一个人打交道。他们都有各自的偏好,但我们对此都了如指掌。出色的关系维护能力促使我们成为理想的合作伙伴。”Relationsh

24、ips关系Build communication and dialogues.增进交流与对话。(Vargo&Lusch,2004;Lusch et al,2007)Communication沟通Collaboration合作“We do with the client,rather than unto the client”“我们要与客户合作,而不仅仅是满足客户所需。”“Fit with the customer can provide a strong competitive position”“匹配客户的要求能助其获得强有力的竞争地位。”Develop networks and proce

25、sses to produce value to both the contractor and client.建立相关网络和流程,为承包商和客户创造价值。(Vargo&Lusch,2004;Lusch et al,2007)Trust in competence 信任对方的能力Trust in ethics 信任对方的品德 probity,honesty,transparency 正直,诚信,表里如一Adverse selection 逆向选择Trust is two way 彼此信任 the contractor must like working with the client 承包商必

26、须表现出与客户真诚合作的意愿。Trust信任Project Marketing-Marketing BY,FOR and OF the Project项目营销:项目方、承包方、投资方三方营销Three organizations 三大组织Marketing by the project 项目方营销Marketing for the project 承包方营销Marketing of the project 投资方营销Marketing throughout the investment cycle投资周期营销Garies(2005)项目前项目中停运运营与维护投资Marketing projec

27、t results项目营销效果开发开发绩效提升效益运营成果目标资源项目产出执行执行The project process as part of the investment cycle项目流程是投资周期的一部分Turner(2014)可行性概念设计开发开发绩效提升目标效益运营成果资源项目产出执行执行收尾Market segmentation市场划分Owner/investor 业主/投资者Financiers 金融机构Sponsor 赞助商Users/operators 用户/运营商Consumers 消费者Project manager 项目经理Project team 项目团队Senior

28、 supplier 高级供应商Suppliers 供应商Public 公众Local politicians 当地政要The project with the wrong name 败笔在于名称的项目 High Speed 2 2号高速路The project with the wrong story 败笔在于项目营销的案例 expansion of Heathrow Airport 伦敦希思罗机场扩建计划Tell the right story项目营销案例Thats All Folks到此结束,谢谢大家!rodneyturnereuroprojex.co.ukrodney.turnerskema.edujohnrodney.turnerpolimi.it



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