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1、新产品研发项目及项目集管理实践分享New product development project&portfolio management practice sharing2018-10-21Agenda主题Product and New Product Development of Ingersoll Rand英格索兰产品与新产品研发Projects、Programs&Portfolios Management项目、项目集和项目组合管理Product Line Based Core Team基于产品线的核心团队Visual Management可视化管理英格索兰 Ingersoll Rand

2、A$14+billion diversified industrial company140+亿美金工业公司70 manufacturing facilities worldwide70多个全球化生产基地Strategic brands are#1 or#2 in their marketsNo1 或 2品牌战略和市场定位Products and services for commercial,industrial and residential markets商用、家用和工业市场的产品和服务OfficesManufacturing Facilities英格索兰 Ingersoll Rand市

3、场领导品牌 Market-Leading BrandsIngersoll Rand is composed of a diverse array of business and market-leading brands serving customers in global commercial,industrial and residential marketsIR新产品开发流程Technology Development StreamConcept DevelopmentConceptValidationDesign&TestLaunchPreparationLaunch&Support

4、Rapid Learning CyclesG0G2G4G1G5IRPDPP1P2P3P4P5Product Lifecycle Management ProcessG3概念设计概念验证设计与测试产品发布准备 发布与支持IRPDP Standard Work ProcessesWhat is a Program?A group of related projects,subprogram and program activities that are managed in a coordinated way to obtain benefits not available from managi

5、ng them individually.Benefits may be realized incrementally throughout the duration of the program or all at once at the end of the programLike projects,programs have a start and a finish,but can span many more years and have more complexityWhat is Program Management?Applying knowledge,skills,tools

6、and techniques to meet the program requirements and to obtain benefits not available from managing them individually.Achieve program goals by optimizing or integratingcosts,schedule and effortUnderstanding and communicating the relationships,and dependencies and deliverables between projects in a pr

7、ogram is criticalProgram Benefits ManagementPMI Standard for Program Management,3rded.,pg.4-6PortfolioProjects,Programs,Subportfolios and operations managed as a group to achieve strategic objectives.Relationship between projects and programs is determined by a shared attribute such as business unit

8、,product category,etc.ProgramsA group of related projects,subprogram and program activities that are managed in a coordinated way to obtain benefits not available from managing them individually.Components in a program are related through a common outcome or delivery of a collective set of benefitsL

9、ike projects,programs have a start and a finish,but can span many more years and have more complexityProjectA temporary endeavor undertaken to create a uniqueproduct,service or result.Projects,Programs and Portfolios High Level View Showing the Often Complex RelationshipsPMI Standard for Program Man

10、agement,3rded.,pg.7-11,19PortfolioProgramsProjectsSubportfolioProgramsProjectsProjectsProjectsProgramsProjectsProjects项目种类多、管理难度大资源利用不够高效团队合作不够紧密项目团队临时性缺乏责任感信息沟通不够有效Product Line Based Core Team基于产品线的核心团队Project Manger and Leader Engineers由项目经理和核心工程师组成Lead projects and programs for specified product

11、line领导特定产品线的项目和项目集Efficiency Improvement效率提升Competence Improvement能力提升Product Expert产品专家Advantages 优势Resource Flexibility and Efficiency ImprovementEasy Alignment Ownership of Product LineBenefits on Competence DevelopmentDeep dive into the specified product knowledgeUnderstand whole picture of prod

12、uct-Better decisionRelatively stable teamKnowledge sharing among different production line teams Advantages 优势Competence DevelopmentIntegrated Communications 整合沟通Phoenix RefrigerationTeamControlsTeamHeatingTeamIndoor AirTeamClarksvilleOperationsMarketingCustomersEngineeringCoil Center of ExcellenceC

13、ompressorCenter ofExcellenceSourcingCabinetTeamNPIExecutive CouncilNPIApproversIRPDPApproversIRPDPExecutive CouncilOperationEnhance Cross functional CooperationBuild KnowledgeEngage EveryoneVisual Management 可视化管理Example Clarksville OfficeVisual Management 可视化管理Example Shanghai OfficeVisual Manageme

14、nt 可视化管理Obeya Room 作战室 Physical ObeyaCommunication and program managementAll key information(technical,financial,schedule)relating to a program is posted in the roomOne or multiple projects per Obeya Room5S,no searching,only what is needed Virtual ObeyaCo-Location Alternative solutionRoom utilizatio

15、noWorkshopsoBrainstormsoMeetingsVisual Management 可视化管理Example SharePointVisual Management 可视化管理Lab Kanban/Gemba(Go and See)通过运用看板,推进持续改善,降低实验室停机时间,减少浪费,缩短产品开发交付期成功将停机时间占比从原先的37%下降到15%Summary总结Product and New Product Development of Ingersoll Rand英格索兰产品与新产品研发Projects、Programs&Portfolios Management项目、项目集和项目组合管理Product Line Based Core Team基于产品线的核心团队Visual Management可视化管理A StoryThank you!



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