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1、Meeting the Food Safety Issues of Today and Tomorrow with Innovation 运用创新直面当前与未来的运用创新直面当前与未来的食品安全问题食品安全问题Problems of the Past Persist 顽固问题依旧存在顽固问题依旧存在“The world is changing”“世界在快速变化”“世界在快速变化”Globalized supply chain 全球化的供应链全球化的供应链 Mozzarella cheese Italy 莫扎里拉奶酪 意大利 Yellow Peach Coconut China 黄桃、椰子 中国

2、 Salami slices Italy 腊肠切片 意大利 Basil Thailand 罗勒 泰国 Black Olive Spain 黑橄榄 西班牙 Color pepper Green pepper China 彩椒、青椒 中国 Flour North China 面粉 华北地区 Pineapple Philippine 菠萝 菲律宾 Durian Malaysia,Thailand 榴莲 马兰西亚,泰国 1980s 2000s 15,000 50,000 2020s Food System is Changing 食品体系正在发生变化食品体系正在发生变化 E.coli 199 case

3、s,31 HUS 3 Deaths,26 states Spinach Outbreak and the Power of One“毒”菠菜“毒”菠菜事件与“一”的能量事件与“一”的能量 Potential vs.ImpactPotential vs.Impact 潜力与影响潜力与影响 1.1.HowHow dodo wewe buildbuild ecosystems?ecosystems?如何构建生态系统如何构建生态系统?1.1.HowHow dodo wewe createcreate sharedshared value?value?如何创建共享价值如何创建共享价值?1.1.HowHo

4、w dodo wewe advanceadvance trusttrust andand transparency?transparency?如何提升信任与透明度如何提升信任与透明度?Principles for Food Principles for Food Safety InnovationSafety Innovation 食品安全创新原则食品安全创新原则 The WFSCC Innovation Pipeline Three Core Beliefs 沃尔玛食品安全创新平台的三个核心理念 1 Bringing food safety stakeholders together in

5、a single platform to identify and test high-potential innovations 建立一个平台,联合食品安全利益相关方共同寻找并验证有潜力的创新解决方案 2 Working publicly to attract new companies,technologies and ideas to the food safety space.通过公开合作,吸引新的企业、技术和想法进入食品安全领域 3 Building a community around food safety innovation to create a network for h

6、igh impact best practices 创建一个食品安全创新社区,并通过该社区推广具有影响力的最佳实践 Mission Statement 项目宗旨 Innovate for safer food together 协同创新,提升食品安全 The Innovation Pipeline fast-tracks promising innovations in food safety through networking and pilot opportunities.Applicants from all industries are encouraged to submit th

7、eir ideas to address an issue in food safety.What is the Innovation Pipeline?食品安全创新平台是什么?食品安全创新平台通过提供交流平台和项目试点机会来快速验证有潜力的食品安全创新解决方案。希望来自各行各业的申请者积极向创新平台提交他们的想法和方案,帮助解决食品安全领域的某一特定问题。Innovation Pipeline 创新平台创新平台 Supply Chain Temperature Monitoring from Farm to Door “从农场到家门”的冷链温度监控 E-Commerce Packaging

8、for Safety and Sustainability 安全可持续的电商配送包装 Supply Chain Insights 供应链洞察力 Product Traceability and Transparency 产品追溯及透明化 Past Innovation Pipeline Topics 创新平台往期主题创新平台往期主题 Round 1 第一期第一期 2017 We sought innovative solutions on 6 broad topics,laying the foundation for a community of food safety innovators

9、 针对6个领域公开征集创新解决方案。为食品安全领域的创新者创建了一个交流的社区。We focused on two key food safety issues,narrowing 30 +applicants around the world to 2 innovations piloted by Walmart China 关注两个关键的食品安全主题,从30多个参赛方案中评选出两个优胜项目,并成功与沃尔玛进行了项目试点。We challenged global startups to rethink supply chain insights with 64 applicants 6 co

10、untries,6 won pilots with Walmart China&USA 以“供应链洞察力”为主题向全球创新者发起挑战,并从来自6个国家的64个参赛方案中评选出6个与沃尔玛中国和美国进行试点。Round 2 第二期第二期 2018 Round 3 第三期第三期 2019 18k 150 64 8 Views on event live photo stream 次图片直播页面访问 Attendees from multiple industry sectors 位来自各个行业的参会嘉宾 Proposals received for IP Round 3 from 9 countr

11、ies 份来自9个不同国家的参赛方案 Projects drafted for potential pilot and business opportunities 个项目被选中进一步探讨试点及其它商业拓展机会 Walmart Food Safety Innovation Pipeline Round 3 沃尔玛食品安全创新平台第三期沃尔玛食品安全创新平台第三期 How it Works 创新平台如何运作 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Requests for Proposals Issued 发布征集项目书 Projects Submitted 参与者提交方案 Reviewed

12、by WFSCC 方案评估 Finalists Selected 确定入围者 Mentorship and Training 指导与培训 Pitch Session to Innovation Council 项目路演及终审 Winners Enter Pilot Talks with Walmart and Partners 获胜者与沃尔玛及合作伙伴讨论项目试点机会 How it Works 创新平台如何运作 Back to the Lab for Round 4 对创新平台第四期的思考 Expanded pool of global partners 扩大全球范围内的合作伙伴扩大全球范围内

13、的合作伙伴 +More challenge topics,tailored to business pain points 更具挑战的主题,为业务痛点量身定制更具挑战的主题,为业务痛点量身定制 +Extra events for alumni 为参与者安排更多活动为参与者安排更多活动 =Greater opportunities and more pilots for Innovation Pipeline participants =为创新平台的参与者们赢得更好的合作机会和更多的项目试点为创新平台的参与者们赢得更好的合作机会和更多的项目试点 Benefits for Partners 合作优

14、势 03 Opportunity to play a public role in advancing important social topic 在改善重要社会议题方面承担社会责任 01 Networking opportunities with partners in the food,retail and logistics industries 与食品、零售和物流领域合作伙伴的交流机会 02 Easy way to scout new technologies 发现新技术的便捷渠道 If you know of a promising organization that aligns

15、 with the Innovation Pipeline,please share them with the Walmart Food Safety Collaboration Center!Refer Applicants 推荐项目 The Innovation Pipeline Round Three will host public events across China with broad media visibility Co-host an Innovation Pipeline event 合作举办创新平台活动 Members will work with Walmart

16、and partners to identify and mentor promising ideas.Join the Innovation Council 加入创新委员会 Partner with Us!和我们合作吧!项目启动Kickoff May The Walmart Food Safety Collaboration Center will release the Request for Proposal 项目终审 Pitch Event Late Sept The Innovation Pipeline will culminate in a live pitch session

17、in Shenzhen.Finalists will pitch their proposals to judges from the Innovation Council.Winners selected from this pitch session will enter into pilot talks with Walmart or our partners.公布入围名单 Finalist Announced Aug WFSCC will narrow down submissions to a select a group of finalists to enter the ment

18、orship phase.These finalists will receive mentorship from Innovation Council members and get a“behind the scenes”look at member companies operations.Innovation Pipeline Timeline 创新平台时间安排 入围项目 提交最终方案 Final Proposal Early Sept Finalists will use their mentorship and training to improve their proposals and resubmit them to the Innovation Pipeline Contact Us 关注我们 Official Website 官网 Official WeChat 官方微信



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