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1、Greg Scott,UN-GGIM SecretariatEnvironmental Statistics and Geospatial Information BranchUnited Nations Statistics DivisionDepartment of Economic and Social AffairsUnited Nations,New YorkGIS:有助于可持续发展的智能神经系统GIS:An intelligent nervous system that helps sustainable development综合地理空间信息框架:联合信息促进可持续发展The I

2、ntegrated Geospatial Information Framework:Federating Information for Sustainable Development你们好The 2030 Agenda is an Integrated Plan of Action structured in four main parts:(i)Vision and principles for transforming our world as set out in the Declaration;(ii)Results framework of 17 SDGs and 169 tar

3、gets;(iii)Means of implementation through governments,society and global partnership;and(iv)Follow-up and review framework of global indicators.2030年议程:一项综合行动计划2030 Agenda:An Integrated Plan of Action2019年可持续发展目标报告The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2019“It is abundantly clear that a much deepe

4、r,faster and more ambitious response is needed to unleash the social and economic transformation needed to achieve our 2030 goals.From our advances,we know what works.This report therefore highlights areas that can drive progress across all 17 SDGs:financing;resilience;sustainable and inclusive econ

5、omies;more effective institutions;local action;better use of data;and harnessing science,technology and innovation with a greater focus on digital transformation.In everything we do,we must diligently ensure that policy choices leave no one behind,and that national efforts are supported by effective

6、 international cooperation,grounded in a commitment to diplomacy and crisis prevention”Antnio GuterresSecretary-General,United NationsAny national SDG implementations will be sub-optimal without strategies and frameworks to integrate statistics,geospatial information,Earth observations,and other new

7、 data into the measuring,monitoring and reporting processes.2030年议程:目标,目的,指标和数据!2030 Agenda:Goals,targets,indicatorsand data!数字化转型的颠覆性The disruptive nature of digital transformation数字化转型的颠覆性The disruptive nature of digital transformation数字化转型的颠覆性The disruptive nature of digital transformation数字化转型的颠

8、覆性The disruptive nature of digital transformationWithin the past generation,hundreds of millions of people have emerged from extreme poverty,and access to education has greatly increased for both boys and girls.Further,the spread of information and communications technology and global inter-connecte

9、dness has great potential to accelerate human progress,to bridge the digital divide,to develop knowledge societies,and scientific and technological innovation2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,para.14-15Providing and exploiting the new data needs,information systems,analytics and associated ena

10、bling technologies and tools to support the implementation of the SDGs is going to take strategic leadership and transformational change a digital transformation that is able to bridge the geospatial digital divide which continues to inhibit development progress for developing countries.Greg Scott,N

11、ovember 2016跨越地理空间数字鸿沟综合地理空间信息框架Integrated Geospatial Information FrameworkPart 1:Overarching Strategic Framework WHY geospatial information management needs to be strengthened.Part 2:Implementation Guide WHAT actions can be taken to strengthen geospatial information management.Part 3:Country-level

12、Action Plans HOW the actions will be carried out,WHEN and by WHOM.总体战略框架实施指南国家级行动计划为什么?做什么?怎么做?何时做?谁来做?综合地理空间信息框架:总体战略框架IGIF:Overarching Strategic Framework综合地理空间信息框架:总体战略框架IGIF:Overarching Strategic FrameworkKnowledge Decisions DevelopmentUsers Citizens AccessTechnology Applications ValueSociety Ec

13、onomy EnvironmentFinancialPolicyandLegalStandardsInnovationCommunicationandEngagementCapacityand EducationPartnershipsGovernance and InstitutionsDataGovernanceTechnologyPeople综合地理空间信息框架:总体战略框架IGIF:Overarching Strategic FrameworkKnowledge Decisions DevelopmentUsers Citizens AccessTechnology Applicati

14、ons ValueSociety Economy EnvironmentFinancialPolicyandLegalStandardsInnovationCommunicationandEngagementCapacityand EducationPartnershipsGovernance and InstitutionsDataGovernanceTechnologyPeople综合地理空间信息框架:总体战略框架IGIF:Overarching Strategic FrameworkInnovation 创新Technology and processes are continually

15、 evolving,providing enhanced opportunities for innovation and creativity that enable governments and citizens to quickly bridge the geospatial digital divide.The objective is to stimulate the use of the latest cost-effective technologies,innovations and process improvements so that governments,busin

16、esses and society,no matter what their current situation,may leapfrog to state-of-the-art geospatial information management systems and practices.This is why Innovation is at the centre of the 9 Strategic Pathways.Innovation has the potential to have the most significant impact on stimulating and tr

17、iggering rapid change and being able to bridge the geospatial digital divide.研究活动为可持续发展研究活动为可持续发展建立联合信息系统建立联合信息系统Research Research Exercise to EstablishExercise to EstablishA Federated Information System A Federated Information System for the SDGsfor the SDGsFIS4SDG:实现SDG数据中心FIS4SDGs:Implementing SD

18、G Data HubsWhy a Why a Federated Federated Information Information System for System for the SDGs?the SDGs?Implement the 2030 Agenda through the effective dissemination and use of integrated statistical and geospatial data,supported by technologies and innovation that facilitate data sharing,interop

19、erability and collaboration to report on the SDGs across local,national and global data hubs.FIS4SDG:实现SDG数据中心FIS4SDGs:Implementing SDG Data HubsAn initial group of countries joined the research exercise in May 2017,followed by a second group in October 2017.More countries have expressed interest in

20、 setting up their own country-owned and country-led SDG Data Hubs.The Global UN SDG Data Hub for the SDG indicator framework is expanding the number of datasets and applications made available to the public.FIS4SDG:实现SDG数据中心FIS4SDGs:Implementing SDG Data HubsWeb services are enabling an operational

21、network of SDG Data HubsIntegrating data.and providing insightsA Global SDG Hub UNSD SDGHub NetworkCentral Statistics Office&Ordnance Survey IrelandIrelandPhilippine Statistics AuthorityPhilippinesInstituto Nacional de Estad stica y Geograf a(INEGI)Mexico and a network of National SDG HubsPalestine

22、Central Bureau of StatisticsPalestineSenegalFIS4SDG:实现SDG数据中心FIS4SDGs:Implementing SDG Data HubsNational Statistical Office coordinates the implementation at the country level Common data models,data definitions and data flows allow for data interoperabilityEach hub independently decides when and ho

23、w to publish and share authoritative data with other hubsUsers can access the data they need while the traceability and accountabilityof the originating data sources are ensured 01020304FIS4SDG:实现SDG数据中心FIS4SDGs:Implementing SDG Data Hubs用于报告可持续发展目标的基于云的联合信息系统用于报告可持续发展目标的基于云的联合信息系统A CloudA Cloud-Bas

24、ed Federated Information Based Federated Information System for Reporting on SDGsSystem for Reporting on SDGsOpen Data and StandardsScalable,Repeatable and InteroperableGovernance(Access Control)Status Reporting and DashboardsData-Driven Policy AnalysisProviding and Supporting:Applying the data to m

25、eet the needs,especially for developing countriesLeverages the Internet,web services and CloudMoving from data sharing to information integration,application,solutions and useTaking conceptual thinking into answering relevant questions formulated on indicatorsNot just organizing data;building capacity and capability;providing enabling technology;and answering real problems.It is all of these!Sharing and connecting the SDG stories!But More Importantly:NSOs&Other DataProvidersGeneralPublicLocalGovt.AgenciesNGOsand other orgs.NationalGovt.AgenciesUNSD SDGs谢谢



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