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1、中期報告 2022 INTERIM REPORT於香港註冊成立的有限公司 Incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability|股份代號 Stock Code:00291華 潤 啤 酒(控 股)有 限 公 司CHINA RESOURCES BEER(HOLDINGS)COMPANY LIMITED華潤啤酒(控股)有限公司(本公司,連同其附屬公司,統稱 本集團)於香港聯合交易所有限公司掛牌(股份代號00291.HK),為恒生指數成分股之一,是華潤(集團)有限公司(華潤集團)屬下的啤酒上市公司,專營生產、銷售及分銷啤酒產品。華潤雪花啤酒有限公司(華潤雪花

2、啤酒)為本公司的全資附屬公司。二零一九年,本集團與全球第二大啤酒生產商Heineken集團正式完成交易,開展戰略合作。作為華潤集團的一份子,我們矢志與消費者、股東、員工和商業夥伴一起引領商業進步,共創美好生活,成為大眾信賴和喜愛的啤酒企業。China Resources Beer(Holdings)Company Limited(the“Company”,together with its subsidiaries,the“Group”),listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited(stock code:00291),is one of

3、the constituent stocks of the Hang Seng Index and a beer listed subsidiary company of China Resources(Holdings)Company Limited(“CRH”).The Group focuses on the manufacturing,sales and distribution of beer products.China Resources Snow Breweries Limited(“CRSB”)is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Compa

4、ny.In 2019,the Group has completed the transaction and commenced the strategic partnership with the Heineken Group,the worlds second-largest brewer.As a member of CRH,we are dedicated to leading the business progress and building a better life together with our consumers,shareholders,staff and busin

5、ess partners,and make the Group a trusted and beloved beer enterprise.設計、印刷及製作:智盛財經媒體有限公司 Design,Printing&Production:GenNex Financial Media L2Corporate InformationFinancial HighlightsAnalysis of Turnover and Earnings before Interest and Taxation公司資料財務概要營業額及未計利息及 稅項前盈利分析表23 4關於本集團|ABOUT THE GROUPMana

6、gement Discussion and Analysis管理層討論與分析5致我們的股東|TO OUR SHAREHOLDERS5企業管治|CORPORATE GOVERNANCE32Other InformationInformation for Investors其他資料投資者資料3256目 錄 CONTENTS 10 111213 14 15財務資料|FINANCIAL INFORMATION10Condensed Consolidated Profit and Loss AccountCondensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive

7、IncomeCondensed Consolidated Balance SheetCondensed Consolidated Cash Flow StatementCondensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in EquityNotes to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Information簡明綜合損益表 簡明綜合全面收益表 簡明綜合資產負債表簡明綜合現金流量表簡明綜合股東權益 變動表簡明綜合財務資料附註華潤啤酒(控股)有限公司|China Resources Beer(Holdings)Compa

8、ny Limited2CORPORATE INFORMATION公司資料首席執行官及執行董事Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director侯孝海 Hou Xiaohai首席財務官及執行董事Chief Financial Officer and Executive Director魏強 Wei Qiang非執行董事Non-executive Directors黎汝雄 Lai Ni Hium,FrankRichard Raymond Weissend張開宇 Zhang Kaiyu唐利清 Tang Liqing獨立非執行董事Independent Non

9、-executive Directors黃大寧 Houang Tai Ninh李家祥 Li Ka Cheung,Eric陳智思 Bernard Charnwut Chan蕭炯柱 Siu Kwing Chue,Gordon賴顯榮 Lai Hin Wing Henry Stephen(於二零二二年八月十七日獲委任)(appointed on 17 August 2022)高級管理人員Senior Management李季 Li Ji劉有泰 Liu Youtai曾申平 Zeng Shenping趙春武 Zhao Chunwu(於二零二二年五月二十五日獲委任)(appointed on 25 May

10、2022)公司秘書Company Secretary梁偉強 Leung Wai Keung核數師Auditor德勤 關黃陳方會計師行Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu執業會計師Certified Public Accountants註冊公眾利益實體核數師Registered Public Interest Entity Auditors註冊辦事處及主營地點Registered Office and Principal Place of Business香港灣仔港灣道26號華潤大廈23樓2301&2310室Room 2301&2310,23/F.China Resources Bu

11、ildingNo.26 Harbour Road,Wanchai,Hong Kong二零二二年 中期報告|Interim Report 20223關於本集團 About The Group致我們的股東 To Our Shareholders財務資料 Financial Information企業管治 Corporate GovernanceFINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS財務概要二零二二年二零二一年20222021(未經審核)(未經審核)(Unaudited)(Unaudited)截至六月三十日止六個月人民幣百萬元人民幣百萬元For the six months ended 30 Ju

12、neRMB millionRMB million 營業額Turnover21,01319,634本公司股東應佔溢利Profit attributable to shareholders of the Company3,8024,291每股基本盈利(人民幣)Basic earnings per share(RMB)1.171.32每股中期股息(人民幣)Interim dividend per share(RMB)0.2340.264 於二零二二年六月三十日於二零二一年十二月三十一日As at 30 June 2022As at31 December 2021(未經審核)(經審核)(Unaudit

13、ed)(Audited)人民幣百萬元人民幣百萬元RMB millionRMB million 本公司股東應佔權益Equity attributable to shareholders of the Company27,36224,432非控制股東權益Non-controlling interests4257 總權益Total equity27,40424,489 綜合現金淨額1Consolidated net cash113,6285,396負債比率2Gearing ratio2淨現金Net cash淨現金Net cash流動比率Current ratio0.930.75每股資產淨值:Net

14、assets per share:賬面值(人民幣)3 book value(RMB)38.437.53 附註:1.綜合現金淨額指綜合現金及現金等價物及已抵押銀行結存減以綜合總貸款。2.負債比率指綜合借款淨額與總權益的比例。3.每股資產淨值賬面值乃以本公司股東應佔權益除以期末年末時的已發行股份數目計算。Notes:1.Consolidated net cash represents consolidated total cash and cash equivalents and pledged bank deposits minus consolidated total loans.2.Gear

15、ing ratio represents the ratio of consolidated net borrowings to total equity.3.Net assets per share book value is calculated by dividing equity attributable to shareholders of the Company by the number of issued shares at the end of the period/year.華潤啤酒(控股)有限公司|China Resources Beer(Holdings)Company

16、 Limited4ANALYSIS OF TURNOVER AND EARNINGS BEFORE INTEREST AND TAXATION營業額及未計利息及稅項前盈利分析表截至六月三十日止六個月For the six months ended 30 June二零二二年二零二一年20222021(未經審核)(未經審核)增加(減少)(Unaudited)(Unaudited)Increased/(Decreased)人民幣百萬元人民幣百萬元各分部之營業額Turnover by segmentRMB millionRMB million%東區Eastern region10,4559,8835.

17、8%中區Central region6,1075,33914.4%南區Southern region5,3575,1933.2%21,91920,4157.4%對銷分部間之交易Elimination of inter-segment transactions(906)(781)16.0%總額Total21,01319,6347.0%截至六月三十日止六個月For the six months ended 30 June二零二二年二零二一年20222021(未經審核)(未經審核)增加(減少)(Unaudited)(Unaudited)Increased/(Decreased)各分部之未計利息及 稅

18、項前盈利Earnings before interest and taxation by segment人民幣百萬元人民幣百萬元RMB millionRMB million%東區Eastern region2,1583,231(33.2%)中區Central region1,6331,37019.2%南區Southern region1,3781,3452.5%5,1695,946(13.1%)公司總部費用淨額Net corporate expenses(10)(33)(69.7%)總額Total5,1595,913(12.8%)二零二二年 中期報告|Interim Report 20225關

19、於本集團 About The Group致我們的股東 To Our Shareholders財務資料 Financial Information企業管治 Corporate GovernanceMANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS管理層討論與分析業務回顧本集團於二零二二年上半年的未經審計之綜合營業額為人民幣21,013,000,000元,較去年同期上升約7.0%。本集團於二零二二年上半年的未計利息及稅項前盈利及本公司股東應佔溢利為人民幣5,159,000,000元及人民幣3,802,000,000元,分 別 較 去 年 同 期 約 減 少 12.8%及11.4%


21、二二年上半年疫情對啤酒銷量帶來較大的衝擊,本集團二零二二年上半年整體啤酒銷量較去年同期輕微下降0.7%至約6,295,000千升,表現較整體行業水平更好。REVIEW OF OPERATIONSThe unaudited consolidated turnover of the Group in the first half of 2022 was RMB21,013,000,000,representing an increase of approximately 7.0%compared with the same period last year.The Groups earnings

22、before interest and taxation and profit attributable to shareholders of the Company in the first half of 2022 decreased approximately by 12.8%and 11.4%,to RMB5,159,000,000 and RMB3,802,000,000,respectively,compared with the same period last year.Excluding one-off initial compensation gain on the tra

23、nsfer of a piece of land owned by the Group last year pursuant to the Relocation Compensation Agreement dated 22 January 2021,as recognised in other income and gains,of approximately RMB1,755,000,000(corresponding to an after-tax gain of approximately RMB1,316,000,000),the Groups earnings before int

24、erest and taxation and profit attributable to shareholders of the Company for the first half of 2022 increased approximately by 24.1%and 27.8%,respectively,compared with the same period last year.In the first half of 2022,the pandemic spread globally and the pandemic in Mainland China has been chara

25、cterised by multiple outbreaks,a large number of cases and widespread impact with long duration since March,which posed a serious challenge to the beer sales.Since May,the pandemic has subsided in most parts of Mainland China except in some local areas.The local governments have gradually relaxed pa

26、ndemic prevention measures and the overall beer market has started returning to normal.Despite the fact that pandemic brought a significant impact on beer sales volume in the first half of 2022,the Groups overall sales volume of beer in the first half of 2022 decreased slightly by 0.7%to approximate

27、ly 6,295,000 kilolitres compared with the same period last year,which was better than overall industry performance.華潤啤酒(控股)有限公司|China Resources Beer(Holdings)Company Limited6二零二二年上半年次高檔及以上啤酒銷量約1,142,000千升,較去年同期增長約10.0%,產品結構持續提升。為抵消原材料及包裝物料成本受地緣政治和全球供應鏈受阻影響而持續上漲的壓力,本集團於二零二二年上半年對部分產品的價格進行了適度調整。二零二二年上半

28、年整體平均銷售價格較去年同期上升約7.7%。本集團二零二二年上半年毛利率與去年同期持平,而整體毛利則較去年同期上升約6.9%至人民幣8,878,000,000元。於回顧期內,本集團持續推進決戰高端戰略落地,通過各類主題推廣和渠道營銷活動,繼續培育與推廣各重點高端品牌。在中國品牌方面,本集團通過代言人提升品牌影響力的同時,亦贊助綜藝節目 一起露營吧、中國極限賽事X GAMES 和LGD電子競技俱樂部 等活動。其中,勇闖天涯superX、雪花純生 和 雪花馬爾斯綠啤酒 於二零二二年上半年的銷量均持續保持增長。在國際品牌方面,本集團借助歐冠賽事和喜力 電音主題,舉辦多項推廣喜力 品牌的營銷活動,帶動

29、喜力 品牌產品於二零二二年上半年的銷量錄得雙位數增長。於回顧期內,在外部經營環境風險疊加的情況下,本集團於二零二二年上半年推行過緊日子 的理念,並採取多項降本增效措施以控制經營費用。同時,由於市場推廣及廣告費用減少,本集團二零二二年上半年銷售及分銷費用較去年同期下降約2.2%。此外,本集團於二零二二年上半年並無錄得因推行產能優化所產生的相關固定資產減值虧損和一次性員工補償及安置費用(二零二一年上半年:人民幣245,000,000元),使行政及其他費用較去年同期下降約17.8%。In the first half of 2022,the sales volume of the sub-premi

30、um beer segment and above was approximately 1,142,000 kilolitres,representing an increase of approximately 10.0%compared with the same period last year with a continuous improvement in the product mix.In order to offset the continuously increasing pressure of rising prices of raw materials and packa

31、ging materials due to geopolitical issues and global supply chain disruptions,the Group made modest adjustments to the prices of certain products in the first half of 2022.The Groups overall average selling price increased by approximately 7.7%in the first half of 2022 compared with the same period

32、last year.The Groups gross profit margin for the first half of 2022 remained flat as compared with the same period last year,while the overall gross profit increased by approximately 6.9%to RMB8,878,000,000 as compared with the same period last year.During the period under review,the Group continuou

33、sly promoted the strategy of“Achieving Success in Premiumization”through the launch of various thematic promotional and channel marketing activities,to cultivate and promote various signature premium brands.In respect of the domestic brands,while enhancing brand affinity by collaborating with brand

34、endorsers,the Group also sponsored numerous activities such as the variety show“Camping LIFE”,Chinas extreme event“X GAMES”and the“LGD Gaming”.Among these brands,“Brave the World superX”,“Snow Draft Beer”and“SNOW MARRSGREEN BEER”maintained a continuous growth in the first half of 2022.In respect of

35、the international brands,the launch of various marketing activities with the theme of the UEFA Champions League and“Heineken”soundscape assisted the brand promotion of“Heineken”and contributed to a double-digit growth of“Heineken”products in the first half of 2022.During the period under review,affe

36、cted by accumulated risks of the external operating environment,the Group upheld the concept of“austerity”in the first half of 2022 and adopted various cost-reduction and efficiency-enhancing measures to control operating expenses.At the same time,the Groups selling and distribution expenses in the

37、first half of 2022 decreased by approximately 2.2%compared with the same period last year,with the reduction in marketing and advertising expenses.In addition,the Group did not recognize any impairment loss on fixed assets and one-off staff compensation and settlement expenses in relation to product

38、ion capacity optimization in the first half of 2022(for the first half of 2021:RMB245,000,000),resulting in a decrease of approximately 17.8%in administrative and other expenses compared with the same period last year.二零二二年 中期報告|Interim Report 20227關於本集團 About The Group致我們的股東 To Our Shareholders財務資料

39、 Financial Information企業管治 Corporate Governance管理層討論與分析|MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS本集團持續推進多元化品牌組合建設,於二零二二年上半年推出多個新產品,包括高端產品 黑獅果啤(#703櫻桃緋)及碳酸飲料雪花小啤汽 蜜桃味和菠蘿百香果乳酸菌味的兩款新口味,進一步豐富產品組合及支持高端化發展。於二零二二年六月底,本集團在中國內地營運65間啤酒廠,年產能約18,300,000千升。展望未來,面對疫情的不確定性,本集團將繼續做好疫情保障供應的預案,並積極拓展社區社群團購和線上到家平台的渠道。另外,受地緣政治

40、和全球供應鏈受阻影響,預期原材料與包裝物價格上漲壓力將會持續,本集團將緊密跟蹤國內外原材料與包裝物料市場動態,採取擇機合理儲備及推行錯峰採購等措施,以應對價格上漲的壓力。在新產品研發方面,本集團計劃於下半年推出雪花全麥純生 等產品,豐富產品多樣性,以滿足消費者的不同需求。此外,為應對行業競爭對手在酒吧和小酒館的佈局,本集團亦會積極研究拓展小酒館業務,開拓啤酒產品新營銷渠道。同時,本集團亦繼續以 決戰高端、質量發展 戰略管理主題,做好中國品牌和國際品牌的推廣和渠道營銷,推動人才四化、卓越製造、信息化升級、營運變革、組織二次轉型及營銷數字化等業務舉措落地,提升本集團的競爭地位。在白酒業務方面,本集

41、團將持續通過景芝白酒銷售業務的拓展,在隊伍建設、渠道網絡搭建、酒類品牌建設方面,形成啤酒及非啤酒共同發展的雙賦能 模式。本集團亦會持續關注合適非啤酒酒精類飲品的發展機會,通過有限多元化發展,發掘潛在的協同效益,進一步拓展業務。The Group continued to build and promote its diversified brand portfolio by launching a number of new products in the first half of 2022,including its premium product“Lwen Fruit Beer”(#70

42、3 Cherry),new peach flavor and pineapple passion fruit lactobacillus flavor of the carbonated beverage“Snow Xiao Pi Qi”,which have further enriched the Groups product portfolio and supported its premiumization development.As at the end of June 2022,the Group operated 65 breweries in Mainland China w

43、ith an aggregate annual production capacity of approximately 18,300,000 kilolitres.Looking ahead,despite the uncertainty associated with the ongoing pandemic,the Group will be well-prepared to ensure a stable supply against disruption,as well as actively expand the channels in community group buying

44、 and home delivery online platform.Besides,affected by the geopolitical issues and global supply chain disruptions,the pressure of rising prices of raw materials and packaging materials are expected to persist.In response,the Group will continue to closely monitor the market dynamics of domestic and

45、 foreign raw materials and packaging materials,replenish stocks reasonably at appropriate times and implement staggered peak procurement to mitigate the pressure of rising prices.In respect of research and development of new products,the Group plans to launch products such as“Snow Draft Pure Malt Be

46、er”in the second half year of 2022,to enrich product diversity and cater to different consumer needs.Moreover,in response to the business development of competitors in bars and bistros,the Group will actively explore the expansion of its bistro business and develop new marketing channels for beer pr

47、oducts.In the meantime,adhering to the strategic theme of“Quality Development for Success in Premiumization”,the Group will continue to effectively strengthen the promotion and channel marketing of its domestic and international brands,promote the implementation of business initiatives such as the f

48、our standards of talent selection,manufacturing excellence,upgrading informatization,operational reforms,second-time organizational transformation and marketing digitization to enhance the Groups competitive position.In respect of Baijiu business,through the continuous sales development of Jingzhi B

49、aijiu,the Group will form a“dual empowerment”model to develop both beer and non-beer businesses at the same time by facilitating team building,channel networking and brand building.The Group will also continue to pay attention to the development opportunities for appropriate non-beer alcoholic bever

50、ages in the pursuit of well-defined diversified development to explore potential synergies and further expand its business.華潤啤酒(控股)有限公司|China Resources Beer(Holdings)Company Limited8FINANCIAL REVIEWCAPITAL AND FUNDINGAs at 30 June 2022,the Groups consolidated cash and bank deposits amounted to RMB14

51、,428,000,000.The Groups borrowings as at 30 June 2022,including a short-term loan,were RMB800,000,000 as compared with no borrowings as at 31 December 2021.The maturity profile of the short-term loan was repayable within one year and the facility is unsecured and with fixed interest rate.Save for th

52、e above,the Group has no other committed borrowing facilities.The Group was at a net cash position as at 30 June 2022 and 31 December 2021.The Groups principal assets,liabilities,turnover and payments are denominated in Hong Kong dollars,Renminbi and US dollars.As at 30 June 2022,0.2%of the Groups c

53、ash and bank deposit balances were held in Hong Kong dollars,99.1%in Renminbi and 0.7%in US dollars.As at 30 June 2022,the Groups current liabilities and current ratio were RMB23,227,000,000 and 0.93,respectively.The current liabilities included receipts in advance on sales and accruals on promotion

54、 and marketing expenses,the majority of these amounts would be offset by trade receivables or be realised through sales discounts in the future,and thus no significant net cash outflow was anticipated.Taking into account of the gearing ratio,historical and expected future cash flows from operations

55、and unutilised available banking facilities of the Group,management expected the Group has adequate resources to meet its liabilities and commitment as and when they fall due and to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future.PLEDGE OF ASSETSAs at 30 June 2022,assets with a carrying

56、 value of RMB20,000,000(31 December 2021:RMB20,000,000)were pledged for construction in progress and notes payable.財務回顧資金及融資於二零二二年六月三十日,本集團的綜合現金及銀行結存達人民幣14,428,000,000元。本集團於二零二二年六月三十日的借貸(包括短期借款)為人民幣800,000,000元,截至二零二一年十二月三十一日並無借款。此借貸為無抵押,固定利率及需於一年內償還。除上述外,本集團並無其他已承諾借貸融資。本集團於二零二二年六月三十日及二零二一年十二月三十一日出現

57、淨現金狀況。本集團的主要資產、負債、營業額及付款均以港幣、人民幣及美元結算。於二零二二年六月三十日,本集團現金及銀行存款結餘分別有0.2%以港幣、99.1%以人民幣及0.7%以美元持有。於 二 零 二 二 年 六 月 三 十 日,本 集 團 的流 動 負 債 及 流 動 比 率 分 別 為 人 民 幣23,227,000,000元及0.93。流動負債中包含預收啤酒銷售款項和預提促銷及推廣費用,此金額大部分將被應收貿易賬款抵消或在未來通過銷售折扣實現,因此預期沒有重大的淨現金流出。考慮到本集團的負債比率、歷史和預期未來的經營現金流,以及本集團未使用的銀行融資額度,管理層預計本集團有足夠的資源履行

58、到期的負債和承諾,並在可預見的未來繼續運營存在。資產抵押於 二 零 二 二 年 六 月 三 十 日,本 集 團 已抵 押 賬 面 淨 值 為 人 民 幣 20,000,000 元(二零二一年十二月三十一日:人民幣20,000,000元)的資產,用於在建工程及獲取應付票據。二零二二年 中期報告|Interim Report 20229關於本集團 About The Group致我們的股東 To Our Shareholders財務資料 Financial Information企業管治 Corporate Governance管理層討論與分析|MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND

59、ANALYSISEXPOSURE TO FLUCTUATIONS IN EXCHANGE RATES AND ANY RELATED HEDGESThe Group collects substantially all of its turnover in Renminbi(“RMB”)and most of the Groups expenditures,including expenditure incurred in its operations as well as capital expenditure,are also denominated in RMB.The Groups b

60、usiness transactions were mainly carried out in Hong Kong dollars(“HK$”)and RMB.The Groups exposure to currency risk was attributable to the bank balances and debts which were denominated in currencies other than the functional currency of the Company to which these bank balances and debts were rela

61、ted.The management regularly monitors the relevant foreign currency exposure and will consider taking appropriate measures to control the risk arising from significant exchange fluctuations.CHANGES IN SHARE CAPITALThere are no changes in the Companys share capital during the six months ended 30 June

62、 2022.CONTINGENT LIABILITIESThe Group did not have any material contingent liabilities as at 30 June 2022.EMPLOYEESAs at 30 June 2022,the Group had a staff size of around 25,000,amongst which more than 99%were employed in the Mainland China,whilst the rest were mainly in Hong Kong.Remuneration packa

63、ges are assessed in accordance with the nature of job duties,individual performance and market trends with built-in merit components,paid in the form of cash bonuses.By order of the BoardChina Resources Beer(Holdings)Company LimitedHou XiaohaiChief Executive Officer and Executive DirectorHong Kong,1

64、7 August 2022匯率波動風險及任何相關對沖本集團的營業額幾乎全部以人民幣收取,本集團的大部分支出(包括經營產生的支出及資本支出)亦以人民幣計算。本集團的業務交易主要以港幣及人民幣進行。本集團所面臨的貨幣風險乃因以有關實體的與該等銀行結餘及債務相關的功能貨幣以外的貨幣計值的銀行結餘及債務而產生。管理層定期監察相關外幣風險,並將考慮採取適當措施以控制顯著匯率波動產生的風險。股本變動截至二零二二年六月三十日止六個月,本公司股本並無變動。或然負債於二零二二年六月三十日,本集團並無任何重大或然負債。僱員於二零二二年六月三十日,本集團聘用約25,000人,其中超過99%在中國內地僱用,其餘的主要

65、駐守香港。本集團僱員的薪酬按其工作性質、個別表現及市場趨勢釐定,並輔以各種以現金支付之獎勵。承董事會命華潤啤酒(控股)有限公司首席執行官及執行董事侯孝海香港,二零二二年八月十七日華潤啤酒(控股)有限公司|China Resources Beer(Holdings)Company Limited10CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT簡明綜合損益表截至二零二二年六月三十日止六個月|For the six months ended 30 June 2022截至六月三十日止六個月For the six months ended 30 June二

66、零二二年二零二一年20222021(未經審核)(未經審核)(Unaudited)(Unaudited)附註人民幣百萬元人民幣百萬元NotesRMB millionRMB million 營業額Turnover21,01319,634銷售成本Cost of sales(12,135)(11,329)毛利Gross profit8,8788,305其他收入及收益Other income and gains31,0282,643銷售及分銷費用Selling and distribution expenses(3,220)(3,291)行政及其他費用Administrative and other e

67、xpenses(1,346)(1,637)應佔合營企業及 聯營公司業績Share of results of joint ventures and an associate(41)財務成本Finance costs4(24)(29)除稅前溢利Profit before taxation5,2755,991稅項Taxation5(1,472)(1,695)本期溢利Profit for the period63,8034,296 分配於:Attributable to:本公司股東Shareholders of the Company3,8024,291非控制股東權益Non-controlling

68、interests15 3,8034,296 每股盈利Earnings per share8基本BasicRMB1.17RMB1.32 二零二二年 中期報告|Interim Report 202211關於本集團 About The Group致我們的股東 To Our Shareholders財務資料 Financial Information企業管治 Corporate GovernanceCONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME簡明綜合全面收益表截至二零二二年六月三十日止六個月|For the six months e

69、nded 30 June 2022截至六月三十日止六個月For the six months ended 30 June二零二二年二零二一年20222021(未經審核)(未經審核)(Unaudited)(Unaudited)人民幣百萬元人民幣百萬元RMB millionRMB million 本期溢利Profit for the period3,8034,296 其他全面收益(費用):Other comprehensive income/(expenses):不會重分類至損益之項目:Item that will not be reclassified to profit or loss:功能貨

70、幣換算為呈列貨幣 所產生之匯率差異Exchange differences on translation of functional currency to presentation currency1,204(245)隨後可重分類至損益之項目:Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:海外業務之匯率差異Exchange differences on translating foreign operations(1,094)247以公允價值計量且其變動 計入其他綜合收益的 金融資產之公允價值調整Fair valu

71、e adjustment on financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income2 (1,094)249 本期其他全面收益(除稅後)Other comprehensive income for the period,net of tax1104 本期全面收益總額Total comprehensive income for the period3,9134,300 分配於:Attributable to:本公司股東Shareholders of the Company3,9124,295非控制股東權益Non-con

72、trolling interests15 3,9134,300 華潤啤酒(控股)有限公司|China Resources Beer(Holdings)Company Limited12CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET簡明綜合資產負債表於二零二二年六月三十日|As at 30 June 2022於二零二二年六月三十日於二零二一年十二月三十一日As at 30 June 2022As at 31 December 2021(未經審核)(經審核)(Unaudited)(Audited)附註人民幣百萬元人民幣百萬元NotesRMB millionRMB mill

73、ion 非流動資產Non-current assets固定資產Fixed assets913,82713,717使用權資產Right-of-use assets3,2273,379商譽Goodwill9,3149,250其他無形資產Other intangible assets230255於合營企業及聯營公司之 權益Interests in joint ventures and an associate1,4321,381以公允價值計量且其變動計入當期損益的金融資產Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss103,7123,613

74、預付款項Prepayments188175遞延稅項資產Deferred taxation assets3,1803,368已抵押銀行結存Pledged bank deposits1918 35,12935,156 流動資產Current assets存貨Stocks5,9996,458貿易及其他應收款項Trade and other receivables119993,436可退回稅項Taxation recoverable110625已抵押銀行結存Pledged bank deposits12現金及現金等價物Cash and cash equivalents14,4085,376 21,51

75、715,897 流動負債Current liabilities貿易及其他應付款項Trade and other payables12(22,065)(21,007)短期借貸Short-term loan(800)租賃負債Lease liabilities(85)(71)應付稅項Taxation payable(277)(92)(23,227)(21,170)流動負債淨值Net current liabilities(1,710)(5,273)總資產減流動負債Total assets less current liabilities33,41929,883 非流動負債Non-current li

76、abilities租賃負債Lease liabilities(64)(60)遞延稅項負債Deferred taxation liabilities(2,148)(1,955)其他非流動負債Other non-current liabilities(3,803)(3,379)(6,015)(5,394)27,40424,489 股本及儲備Capital and reserves股本Share capital1314,09014,090儲備Reserves13,27210,342 本公司股東應佔權益Equity attributable to shareholders of the Company

77、27,36224,432非控制股東權益Non-controlling interests4257 總權益Total equity27,40424,489 二零二二年 中期報告|Interim Report 202213關於本集團 About The Group致我們的股東 To Our Shareholders財務資料 Financial Information企業管治 Corporate GovernanceCONDENSED CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT簡明綜合現金流量表截至二零二二年六月三十日止六個月|For the six months ended

78、30 June 2022截至六月三十日止六個月For the six months ended 30 June二零二二年二零二一年20222021(未經審核)(未經審核)(Unaudited)(Unaudited)人民幣百萬元人民幣百萬元RMB millionRMB million 經營活動之現金流入淨額Net cash from operating activities6,4786,350 投資活動之現金流量Cash flows from investing activities購入固定資產Purchase of fixed assets(821)(434)借予母公司集團附屬公司款項Loan

79、 to fellow subsidiaries(2,000)收回借予母公司集團附屬公司 款項Repayment of loan to fellow subsidiaries2,0003,600其他投資活動之現金淨流入Other investing cash inflows,net677100 投資活動產生之淨現金Net cash from investing activities1,8561,266 融資活動之現金流量Cash flows from financing activities租賃付款之本金部分Principal elements of lease payments(40)(56)

80、增購一間附屬公司的額外權益Acquisition of additional interest in a subsidiary(18)自銀行借貸所得款項Proceeds from bank borrowings794已付股息Dividends paid(425)其他融資活動之現金淨流入Other financing cash inflow,net55 融資活動產生(使用)之淨現金Net cash from/(used in)financing activities736(426)淨現金及現金等價物增加Net increase in cash and cash equivalents9,0707

81、,190匯率調整之影響Effect of foreign exchange rate changes(38)(5)於一月一日之現金及 現金等價物Cash and cash equivalents as at 1 January5,3764,538 於六月三十日之現金及現金等價物Cash and cash equivalents as at 30 June14,40811,723 現金及現金等價物結餘之分析Analysis of the balances of cash and cash equivalents現金及銀行結存Cash and bank balances13,40810,723其他

82、銀行存款Other deposits with banks1,0001,000 14,40811,723 華潤啤酒(控股)有限公司|China Resources Beer(Holdings)Company Limited14CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY簡明綜合股東權益變動表截至二零二二年六月三十日止六個月|For the six months ended 30 June 2022非控制股東權益本公司股東應佔權益Equity attributable to shareholders of the CompanyNon

83、-controllinginterests總權益Total equity 股本匯兌儲備保留溢利Share capitalExchangereserveRetainedprofits合計Total(未經審核)(未經審核)(未經審核)(未經審核)(未經審核)(未經審核)(Unaudited)(Unaudited)(Unaudited)(Unaudited)(Unaudited)(Unaudited)人民幣百萬元人民幣百萬元人民幣百萬元人民幣百萬元人民幣百萬元人民幣百萬元RMB millionRMB millionRMB millionRMB millionRMB millionRMB millio

84、n 於二零二二年一月一日As at 1 January 202214,090(2,425)12,76724,4325724,489 匯率差異Exchange differences110110110本期溢利Profit for the period3,8023,80213,803 本期全面收益總額Total comprehensive income for the period1103,8023,91213,913 與擁有人交易:Transactions with owners:增購一間附屬公司的額外權益Acquisition of additional interest in a subsi

85、diary(2)(2)(16)(18)股息(附註七)Dividends(Note 7)(980)(980)(980)於二零二二年六月三十日As at 30 June 202214,090(2,315)15,58727,3624227,404 非控制股東權益本公司股東應佔權益Equity attributable to shareholders of the CompanyNon-controllinginterests總權益Total equity 股本估值儲備匯兌儲備保留溢利Share capitalValuationreserveExchangereserveRetainedprofits

86、合計Total(未經審核)(未經審核)(未經審核)(未經審核)(未經審核)(未經審核)(未經審核)(Unaudited)(Unaudited)(Unaudited)(Unaudited)(Unaudited)(Unaudited)(Unaudited)人民幣百萬元人民幣百萬元人民幣百萬元人民幣百萬元人民幣百萬元人民幣百萬元人民幣百萬元RMB millionRMB millionRMB millionRMB millionRMB millionRMB millionRMB million 於二零二一年一月一日As at 1 January 202114,0902(2,332)9,45721,21

87、75721,274 匯率差異Exchange differences222以公允價值計量且其變動計入其他綜合收益的金融資產之公允價值調整Fair value adjustment on financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income222因出售以公允價值計量且其變動計入其他綜合收益的金融資產而轉出之估值儲備Release of valuation reserve upon disposal of financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive

88、 income(4)4本期溢利Profit for the period4,2914,29154,296 本期全面收益總額Total comprehensive income for the period(2)24,2954,29554,300 與擁有人交易:Transactions with owners:股息(附註七)Dividends(Note 7)(425)(425)(425)於二零二一年六月三十日As at 30 June 202114,090(2,330)13,32725,0876225,149 二零二二年 中期報告|Interim Report 202215關於本集團 About

89、 The Group致我們的股東 To Our Shareholders財務資料 Financial Information企業管治 Corporate GovernanceNOTES TO THE CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL INFORMATION簡明綜合財務資料附註1.GENERALA.INDEPENDENT REVIEWThe interim results of the Group for the six months ended 30 June 2022 are unaudited and have been reviewed with no d

90、isagreement by the Companys Audit Committee.B.BASIS OF PREPARATIONThe condensed consolidated interim financial information for the six months ended 30 June 2022(“interim financial information”)has been prepared in accordance with the applicable disclosure requirements of Appendix 16 to the Rules Gov

91、erning the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited(“Listing Rules”)and Hong Kong Accounting Standard(“HKAS”)34“Interim Financial Reporting”issued by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants(“HKICPA”).The interim financial information should be read in conjunct

92、ion with the annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2021 which have been prepared in accordance with Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards(“HKFRS”)issued by the HKICPA.The financial information relating to the year ended 31 December 2021 that is included in the interim financia

93、l information as comparative information does not constitute the Companys statutory annual consolidated financial statements for that year but is derived from those financial statements.Further information relating to these statutory financial statements required to be disclosed in accordance with s

94、ection 436 of the Companies Ordinance(Chapter 622 of the Laws of Hong Kong)(“Companies Ordinance”)is as follows:The Company has delivered the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2021 to the Registrar of Companies as required by section 662(3)of,and Part 3 of Schedule 6 to,the Compani

95、es Ordinance.一.一般事項甲.獨立審閱本集團截至二零二二年六月三十日止六個月之中期業績並未經審核及已經由本公司之審核委員會審閱並無異議。乙.編製基準截至二零二二年六月三十日止六個月之簡明綜合中期財務資料(中期財務資料)乃根據香港聯合交易所有限公司證券上市規則(上市規則)附錄16所載之適用披露規定及由香港會計師公會(香港會計師公會)頒佈的香港會計準則(香港會計準則)第34號中期財務申報 編製。中期財務資料應與截至二零二一年十二月三十一日止年度根據由香港會計師公會頒佈香港財務報告準則(香港財務報告準則)編製之年度財務報告一併閱覽。作為比較信息載列於中期財務資料之截至二零二一年十二月三十

96、一日止年度有關的財務資料雖然來源於本公司的法定年度綜合財務報表,但不構成本公司的法定年度綜合財務報表。公司條例(香港法例第622章)(公司條例 )第436條要求披露與這些法定財務報表有關的更多信息如下:按照 公司條例 第662(3)條及附表6第3部的要求,本公司已向香港公司註冊處遞交截至二零二一年十二月三十一日止年度的財務報表。華潤啤酒(控股)有限公司|China Resources Beer(Holdings)Company Limited161.GENERAL(Continued)B.BASIS OF PREPARATION(Continued)The Companys auditor h

97、as reported on those financial statements.The auditors report was unqualified;did not include a reference to any matters to which the auditor drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying its report;and did not contain a statement under sections 406(2),407(2)or(3)of the Companies Ordinance.Ta

98、king into account of the gearing ratio,historical and expected future cash flows from operations and unutilised available banking facilities of the Group,management expected the Group has adequate resources to meet its liabilities and commitment as and when they fall due and to continue in operation

99、al existence for the foreseeable future.C.PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTING POLICIESThe accounting policies applied in the preparation of the interim financial information are consistent with those applied in the annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2021,except for the amendments to Hong Ko

100、ng Financial Reporting Standards(“HKFRSs”)issued by the HKICPA,which are effective for the Groups financial year beginning 1 January 2022.The adoption of these amendments to HKFRSs has no material effects on the results and financial positions of the Group for the current and prior accounting period

101、s.Accordingly,no prior period adjustments are required.The Group has not early applied the new standards and amendments that have been issued by the HKICPA but are not yet effective.The Group has already commenced an assessment of the impact of these new and revised standards and amendments but is n

102、ot yet in a position to determine whether these new and revised standards and amendments would have a material impact on its results of operations and financial position.一.一般事項(續)乙.編製基準(續)本公司的核數師已就這些財務報表出具核數師報告。該核數師報告為無保留意見的核數師報告;其中不包含核數師在不出具保留意見的情況下以強調的方式提請使用者注意的任何事項;亦不包含根據 公司條例 第406(2)條及第407(2)或(3


104、已展開評估該等新準則和修訂之影響,惟未能確定該等新準則和修訂對本集團業務及財務狀況是否有造成重大影響。二零二二年 中期報告|Interim Report 202217關於本集團 About The Group致我們的股東 To Our Shareholders財務資料 Financial Information企業管治 Corporate Governance簡明綜合財務資料附註|NOTES TO THE CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL INFORMATION2.SEGMENT INFORMATION二.分部資料東區中區南區公司總部/對銷Eastern reg

105、ionCentral regionSouthern regionCorporate/Elimination合計Total(未經審核)(未經審核)(未經審核)(未經審核)(未經審核)(Unaudited)(Unaudited)(Unaudited)(Unaudited)(Unaudited)人民幣百萬元人民幣百萬元人民幣百萬元人民幣百萬元人民幣百萬元RMB millionRMB millionRMB millionRMB millionRMB million 截至二零二二年 六月三十日止六個月For the six months ended 30 June 2022營業額1Turnover1對外

106、銷售External sales10,0615,7505,20221,013分部間銷售Inter-segment sales394357155(906)合計Total10,4556,1075,357(906)21,013 分部業績2Segment result22,1581,6331,3785,169 未經分攤的公司總部支出Unallocated corporate expenses(10)利息收入Interest income140財務成本Finance costs(24)除稅前溢利Profit before taxation5,275稅項Taxation(1,472)本期溢利Profit

107、for the period3,803 其他資料Other information添置非流動資產3Additions to non-current assets3327410134871折舊及攤銷Depreciation and amortisation 4061871821776已確認固定資產及 存貨減值虧損Impairment loss recognised for fixed assets and stocks54439106 截至二零二一年 六月三十日止六個月For the six months ended 30 June 2021營業額1Turnover1對外銷售External s

108、ales9,5485,0245,06219,634分部間銷售Inter-segment sales335315131(781)合計Total9,8835,3395,193(781)19,634 分部業績2Segment result23,2311,3701,3455,946 未經分攤的公司總部支出Unallocated corporate expenses(33)利息收入Interest income107財務成本Finance costs(29)除稅前溢利Profit before taxation 5,991稅項Taxation(1,695)本期溢利Profit for the perio

109、d4,296 其他資料Other information添置非流動資產3Additions to non-current assets31折舊及攤銷Depreciation and amortisation 4232061852816已確認固定資產及 存貨減值虧損Impairment loss recognised for fixed assets and stocks24211574431 華潤啤酒(控股)有限公司|China Resources Beer(Holdings)Company Limited182.SEGMENT INFORMATION(Continued

110、)Notes:1.Turnover represents sales of beer products and was recognised at a point in time.2.Segment result represents earnings before interest income,finance costs and taxation.3.Additions to non-current assets included fixed assets and right-of-use assets.An analysis of the Groups assets by segment

111、s is set out below:二.分部資料(續)附註:1.營業額代表啤酒產品銷售並在某一時點確認。2.分部業績為未計利息收入、財務成本及稅項前盈利。3.添置非流動資產包括固定資產及使用權資產。以下是本集團按分部的資產分析:東區中區南區Eastern regionCentral regionSouthern region合計Total人民幣百萬元人民幣百萬元人民幣百萬元人民幣百萬元RMB millionRMB millionRMB millionRMB million 於二零二二年六月三十日,未經審核As at 30 June 2022,unaudited資產ASSETS分部資產Segm

112、ent assets34,9117,47410,75653,141遞延稅項資產Deferred taxation assets3,180可退回稅項Taxation recoverable110未經分攤的公司總部資產Unallocated corporate assets215 綜合資產總值Consolidated total assets56,646 於二零二一年 十二月三十一日,經審核As at 31 December 2021,audited資產ASSETS分部資產Segment assets28,3137,54510,97946,837遞延稅項資產Deferred taxation as

113、sets3,368可退回稅項Taxation recoverable625未經分攤的公司總部資產Unallocated corporate assets223 綜合資產總值Consolidated total assets51,053 二零二二年 中期報告|Interim Report 202219關於本集團 About The Group致我們的股東 To Our Shareholders財務資料 Financial Information企業管治 Corporate Governance簡明綜合財務資料附註|NOTES TO THE CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINAN

114、CIAL INFORMATION3.OTHER INCOME AND GAINS三.其他收入及收益截至六月三十日止六個月Six months ended 30 June二零二二年二零二一年20222021(未經審核)(未經審核)(Unaudited)(Unaudited)人民幣百萬元人民幣百萬元RMB millionRMB million 其他收入及收益包括:Other income and gains includes:利息收入Interest income140107已確認政府補助Government grants recognised148259出售固定資產所得溢利Profit on d

115、isposal of fixed assets3824出售持作自用的土地權益 所得溢利Profit on disposal of interests in leasehold land held for own use120出售土地予一間合營企業所得溢利(附註十)Profit on disposal of land to a joint venture(Note 10)1,755以公允價值計量且其變動計入 當期損益的金融資產(附註十)Change in fair value of financial assets at fair value through profit or loss(Not

116、e 10)99廢舊物料出售Sales of scrapped materials122117玻瓶使用收入Bottles usage income249269 四.財務成本截至六月三十日止六個月Six months ended 30 June二零二二年二零二一年20222021(未經審核)(未經審核)(Unaudited)(Unaudited)人民幣百萬元人民幣百萬元RMB millionRMB million 銀行貸款及其他貸款利息Interests on bank loans and other loans63租賃負債利息Interests on lease liabilities43財務支

117、出Financing charges 82淨匯兌虧損Net exchange loss621 2429 4.FINANCE COSTS華潤啤酒(控股)有限公司|China Resources Beer(Holdings)Company Limited205.TAXATION五.稅項截至六月三十日止六個月Six months ended 30 June二零二二年二零二一年20222021(未經審核)(未經審核)(Unaudited)(Unaudited)人民幣百萬元人民幣百萬元RMB millionRMB million 中國內地所得稅Chinese Mainland income tax本期間

118、稅項Current taxation1,1171,229遞延稅項Deferred taxation355466 1,4721,695 香港利得稅乃根據本期間之估計應課稅溢利按稅率16.5%(二零二一年:16.5%)計算。中國內地附屬公司之所得稅乃根據其有關稅務法例按估計應課稅溢利撥備。截至二零二二年六月三十日止六個月的適用所得稅率為25%(二零二一年:25%)。根據中華人民共和國法規,預提所得稅是對中國附屬公司自二零零八年一月一日起賺取的利潤所宣佈的股息而徵收。遞延稅項以未分配利潤預計在可預見的將來宣佈的股息為上限作預備。六.本期溢利截至六月三十日止六個月Six months ended 30

119、 June二零二二年二零二一年20222021(未經審核)(未經審核)(Unaudited)(Unaudited)人民幣百萬元人民幣百萬元RMB millionRMB million 本期溢利已扣除下列各項:Profit for the period has been arrived at after charging:員工成本(包括董事酬金)Staff cost(including directors emoluments)2,7482,725折舊Depreciation自置固定資產 Owned fixed assets 664700使用權資產 Right-of-use assets 888

120、8其他無形資產攤銷Amortisation of other intangible assets 2428已確認減值虧損Impairment loss recognised on自置固定資產 Owned fixed assets205存貨 Stocks106226已售貨品成本Cost of goods sold12,13511,329 Hong Kong Profits Tax is calculated at 16.5%(2021:16.5%)on the estimated assessable profits for the period.Chinese Mainland income

121、tax has been provided for based on the estimated assessable profits in accordance with the relevant tax laws applicable to the subsidiaries in the Chinese Mainland.The applicable principal income tax rate for the six months ended 30 June 2022 is 25%(2021:25%).Under the Law of Peoples Republic of Chi

122、na(“PRC”),withholding tax is imposed on dividends declared in respect of profits earned by PRC subsidiaries from 1 January 2008 onwards.Deferred taxation has been provided for undistributed profits to the extent that declarations of dividends are anticipated in the foreseeable future.6.PROFIT FOR TH

123、E PERIOD二零二二年 中期報告|Interim Report 202221關於本集團 About The Group致我們的股東 To Our Shareholders財務資料 Financial Information企業管治 Corporate Governance簡明綜合財務資料附註|NOTES TO THE CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL INFORMATION7.DIVIDENDS七.股息截至六月三十日止六個月Six months ended 30 June二零二二年二零二一年20222021(未經審核)(未經審核)(Unaudited)(Un

124、audited)人民幣百萬元人民幣百萬元RMB millionRMB million 本期確認分配給公司股東的 股息:Dividends for shareholders of the Company recognised as distribution during the period:二零二一年末期股息每股 人民幣0.302元(二零二一年:二零二零年末期股息每股人民幣0.131元)(附註一)Final dividend for 2021 of RMB0.302(2021:RMB0.131 for 2020)per share(Note 1)980425 附註:1.於二零二二年三月二十四日

125、舉行董事會會議上,董事建議就截至二零二一年十二月三十一日止年度派發末期股息每股人民幣0.302元。股東隨後在二零二二年六月二十一日批准該建議。此股息兌換為每股港幣(港幣)0.353元並以港幣支付。2.於二零二二年八月十七日舉行的董事會會議上,董事會宣派中期股息每股人民幣0.234元(截至二零二一年六月三十日止六個月:每股人民幣0.264元)。根據截至本報告日之最新已發行股份數目計算,中期股息總額估計約人民幣759百萬元(二零二一年:人民幣856百萬元)。Notes:1.At the Board meeting held on 24 March 2022,the directors propos

126、ed a final dividend of RMB0.302 per share for the year ended 31 December 2021.Such proposal was subsequently approved by shareholders on 21 June 2022.The dividend was translated to and shall be paid in Hong Kong dollars(“HK$”)at HK$0.353 per share.2.At the Board meeting held on 17 August 2022,the Bo

127、ard has declared an interim dividend of RMB0.234(for the six months ended 30 June 2021:RMB0.264)per share.Based on the latest number of shares in issue at the date of this report,the aggregate amount of the interim dividend is estimated to be RMB759 million(2021:RMB856 million).華潤啤酒(控股)有限公司|China Re

128、sources Beer(Holdings)Company Limited228.EARNINGS PER SHARE八.每股盈利截至六月三十日止六個月Six months ended 30 June二零二二年二零二一年20222021(未經審核)(未經審核)(Unaudited)(Unaudited)人民幣百萬元人民幣百萬元RMB millionRMB million 每股基本盈利乃 根據下列數據計算:The calculation of the basic earnings per share is based on the following data:盈利Earnings用以計算每股基

129、本盈利的 本公司股東應佔溢利Profit attributable to shareholders of the Company for the purposes of calculating basic earnings per share3,8024,291 截至六月三十日止六個月Six months ended 30 June二零二二年二零二一年20222021(未經審核)(未經審核)(Unaudited)(Unaudited)股份數目Number of shares用以計算每股基本盈利的 普通股加權平均數Weighted average number of ordinary share

130、s for the purpose of calculating basic earnings per share3,244,176,9053,244,176,905 截至六月三十日止六個月Six months ended 30 June二零二二年二零二一年20222021(未經審核)(未經審核)(Unaudited)(Unaudited)人民幣元人民幣元RMBRMB 每股基本盈利Basic earnings per share1.171.32 二零二二年 中期報告|Interim Report 202223關於本集團 About The Group致我們的股東 To Our Sharehol

131、ders財務資料 Financial Information企業管治 Corporate Governance簡明綜合財務資料附註|NOTES TO THE CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL INFORMATION8.EARNINGS PER SHARE(Continued)No separate diluted earnings per share information has been presented as there were no potential ordinary shares outstanding issue for both period

132、s.9.FIXED ASSETS八.每股盈利(續)由於兩個期間均並無發行在外之潛在普通股,故並無獨立呈列每股攤薄盈利之資料。九.固定資產自用樓宇在建工程機器設備Buildings held for own useConstruction in progressPlant and machinery其他Others合計Total人民幣百萬元人民幣百萬元人民幣百萬元人民幣百萬元人民幣百萬元RMB millionRMB millionRMB millionRMB millionRMB million 賬面淨值Net book values於二零二一年 十二月三十一日,經審核As at 31 Dece

133、mber 2021,audited4,9207927,77323213,717添置Additions80324809出售Disposals(1)(37)(3)(41)折舊Depreciation(168)(463)(33)(664)匯兌差額Exchange difference1416重新分類Reclassifications54(179)1187 於二零二二年六月三十日,未經審核As at 30 June 2022,unaudited4,8051,4177,39720813,827 十.以公允價值計量且其變動計入當期損益的金融資產於二零二二年六月三十日於二零二一年十二月三十一日As at30

134、 June2022As at31 December2021(未經審核)(經審核)(Unaudited)(Audited)人民幣百萬元人民幣百萬元RMB millionRMB million 應收對價Consideration receivable3,7103,611其他金融資產Other financial assets22 3,7123,613 10.FINANCIAL ASSETS AT FAIR VALUE THROUGH PROFIT OR LOSS華潤啤酒(控股)有限公司|China Resources Beer(Holdings)Company Limited24十.以公允價值計量


136、房地產開發和經營及負責該等樓宇拆除和搬遷華潤雪花啤酒(中國)有限公司(華潤雪花投資之全資附屬公司)(華潤雪花)擁有的土地(土地),並與華潤雪花共同向深圳市政府申請土地改建。土地改建涉及撤銷土地所有權證書登記,並向深圳政府相關部門重新登記土地作一般工業及新興工業用途。10.FINANCIAL ASSETS AT FAIR VALUE THROUGH PROFIT OR LOSS(Continued)The Company,through its wholly-owned subsidiaries China Resources Snow Breweries(China)Investment Co

137、.,Ltd.(“CR Snow Investment”)entered into the following agreements with the wholly-owned subsidiaries of China Resources Land Limited(“CR Land”)on 22 January 2021:(1)the joint venture agreement(“JV Agreement”);(2)the Relocation Compensation Agreement;and(3)the Construction Agreement.According to the

138、JV Agreement,each of CR Snow Investment and Shenzhen Runtou Consulting Co.,Ltd.(深圳市潤投諮詢有限公司)(a wholly-owned subsidiary of CR Land)(“Shenzhen Runtou”)committed to capital injection of RMB500 million to Shenzhen Runxue Industrial Co.,Ltd*(深圳市潤雪實業有限公司,“Shenzhen Runxue”).Upon the formation of Shenzhen R

139、unxue after the execution of the JV Agreement on 26 April 2021,each of CR Snow Investment and Shenzhen Runtou injected RMB50 million and therefore owned 50%equity interest of Shenzhen Runxue respectively.Shenzhen Runxue is primarily engaged in the development and management of real estate and it is

140、responsible for the demolition of the existing building and relocation of several parcels of land(the“Land”)owned by China Resources Snow Breweries(China)Co.,Ltd.(華潤雪花啤酒(中國)有限公司)(a wholly-owned subsidiary of CR Snow Investment)(“CR Snow”),as well as applying to Shenzhen Government together with CR S

141、now for land modification of the Land pursuant to the Relocation Compensation Agreement.The land modification involves the de-registration of the title certificate of the Land and modification of the Land for general industrial and emerging industrial uses with the relevant authority of Shenzhen Gov

142、ernment.二零二二年 中期報告|Interim Report 202225關於本集團 About The Group致我們的股東 To Our Shareholders財務資料 Financial Information企業管治 Corporate Governance簡明綜合財務資料附註|NOTES TO THE CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL INFORMATION十.以公允價值計量且其變動計入當期損益的金融資產(續)在截至二零二一年十二月三十一日,經深圳市政府批准後,已根據投資合作協議成立深圳潤雪和根據搬遷補償協議完成向深圳潤雪出售土地。根據搬遷補

143、償協議,本集團有權獲得人民幣4,650百萬元的對價。如果物業的最終含稅銷售額超過人民幣15,933百萬元,本集團收取的對價將增加按最終實際含稅銷售額超出人民幣15,775百萬元部分的30.29%所計得的數額。如果該物業的最終含稅銷售額低於人民幣15,617百萬元,則本集團收取的對價將按最終實際含稅銷售額低於人民幣15,775百萬元部分的30.29%所計得的數額減少。對價將根據物業銷售面積佔總銷售物業面積比例分階段支付。預計二零二五年初工程竣工,華潤雪花預計將於二零二六年從深圳潤雪收到首期應收對價。10.FINANCIAL ASSETS AT FAIR VALUE THROUGH PROFIT

144、OR LOSS(Continued)As at 31 December 2021,the formation of Shenzhen Runxue pursuant to the JV Agreement and disposal of Land to Shenzhen Runxue pursuant to the Relocation Compensation Agreement have been completed after the approval obtained from the Shenzhen Government.According to the Relocation Co

145、mpensation Agreement,the Group would be entitled to a consideration of RMB4,650 million.If the final tax-included selling prices of the properties exceeds RMB15,933 million,the Group will be entitled to an extra consideration equal to 30.29%on the excess of the final tax-included selling price and R

146、MB15,775 million.If the final tax-included selling prices of the properties are below RMB15,617 million,the final consideration will be reduced by an amount equal to 30.29%on the difference of RMB15,775 million and the final tax-included selling price.The consideration will be settled by installment

147、 based on the proportion of the floor areas of properties sold to the total saleable floor areas of properties.The completion date of the construction is expected to be beginning of 2025 and the first installment of consideration receivable is expected to be received from Shenzhen Runxue by CR Snow

148、in 2026.華潤啤酒(控股)有限公司|China Resources Beer(Holdings)Company Limited2610.FINANCIAL ASSETS AT FAIR VALUE THROUGH PROFIT OR LOSS(Continued)The disposal of the parcels of Land was completed on 26 May 2021 upon the de-registration of the title of the parcels of the Land.On completion date,the consideratio

149、n to be received is recognised as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss(“FVPL”)and measured at level 3 fair value measurement based on discount cash flow method.The financial assets at FVPL is classified as non-current assets as the amounts are expected to be received 12 months after

150、 the end of reporting period.On completion date,the fair value of consideration was measured at approximately RMB3,640 million.The carrying amount of disposed Land was approximately RMB130 million and therefore a gain on disposal of right-of-use assets of approximately RMB3,510 million arose from th

151、e disposal of the parcels of Land and related deferred tax liabilities of approximately RMB878 million had been recognised.50%gain on disposal of right-of-use assets(after 50%elimination of downstream transaction)of approximately RMB1,755 million and deferred tax assets of approximately RMB439 milli

152、on had been recognised.As at 30 June 2022,the fair value of consideration is measured at approximately RMB3,710 million(31 December 2021:RMB3,611 million).Accordingly,the fair value gain of approximately RMB99 million was recognised in profit or loss during the period ended 30 June 2022.As at 30 Jun

153、e 2022,the significant unobservable inputs used in the fair value measurement are(i)discount rate of 6.5%(31 December 2021:6.5%)in which the increase/decrease in discount rate would result in decrease/increase in fair value of consideration;and(ii)the market transaction price ranging from RMB27,000

154、to RMB39,000(31 December 2021:RMB27,000 to RMB39,000)per square meter in which the increase/decrease in the market transaction price would result in increase/decrease in fair value of consideration.*English name is for identification only十.以公允價值計量且其變動計入當期損益的金融資產(續)土地所有權註銷後,於二零二一年五月二十六日完成土地處置。處置完成當日,


156、萬元(二零二一年十二月三十一日:人民幣3,611百萬元)。二零二二年六月三十日止六個月期間計入損益的公允價值收益約人民幣99百萬元。截至二零二二年六月三十日,在公允價值計量使用的重大不可觀察輸入值包括(i)6.5%的折現率(二零二一年十二月三十一日:6.5%),其中折現率的增加減少將導致對價公允價值的減少增加;(ii)市場交易價 格:人 民 幣 27,000 元 至 人 民 幣39,000元平方米(二零二一年十二月三十一日:人民幣27,000元至人民幣39,000元),其中市場交易價格的增加減少將導致對價公允價值的增加減少。二零二二年 中期報告|Interim Report 202227關於本

157、集團 About The Group致我們的股東 To Our Shareholders財務資料 Financial Information企業管治 Corporate Governance簡明綜合財務資料附註|NOTES TO THE CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL INFORMATION11.TRADE AND OTHER RECEIVABLESIncluded in trade and other receivables are trade receivables and their aging analysis by invoice date is a

158、s follows:十一.貿易及其他應收款項貿易及其他應收款項包括貿易應收款項,其按發票日期呈列的賬齡分析如下:於二零二二年六月三十日於二零二一年十二月三十一日As at30 June2022As at31 December2021(未經審核)(經審核)(Unaudited)(Audited)人民幣百萬元人民幣百萬元RMB millionRMB million 030天030 days83393160天3160 days36166190天6190 days191290天90 days5565 193132 本集團一般給予客戶以下信貸期:(甲)貨到付款;或(乙)三十至九十天賒賬十二.貿易及其他應

159、付款項貿易及其他應付款項包括貿易應付款項,其按發票日期呈列的賬齡分析如下:於二零二二年六月三十日於二零二一年十二月三十一日As at30 June2022As at31 December2021(未經審核)(經審核)(Unaudited)(Audited)人民幣百萬元人民幣百萬元RMB millionRMB million 030天030 days4,3903,0763160天3160 days276190天6190 days1290天90 days2223 4,4153,108 The Group normally trades with its customers under the fo

160、llowing credit terms:(a)cash upon delivery;or(b)open credit from 30 to 90 days12.TRADE AND OTHER PAYABLESIncluded in trade and other payables are trade payables and their aging analysis by invoice date is as follows:華潤啤酒(控股)有限公司|China Resources Beer(Holdings)Company Limited2813.SHARE CAPITAL十三.股本於二零

161、二二年六月三十日於二零二一年十二月三十一日As at 30 June 2022As at 31 December 2021金額金額股份數目Number ofsharesAmount股份數目Numberof sharesAmount(未經審核)(經審核)(Unaudited)(Audited)百萬股人民幣百萬元百萬股人民幣百萬元millionRMB millionMillionRMB million 已發行及繳足股本Issued and fully paid於一月一日及六月三十日 十二月三十一日As at 1 January and 30 June/31 December3,24414,0903

162、,24414,090 十四.承擔於二零二二年六月三十日於二零二一年十二月三十一日As at30 June2022As at31 December2021(未經審核)(經審核)(Unaudited)(Audited)人民幣百萬元人民幣百萬元RMB millionRMB million 於結算日已簽約但尚未撥備之 資本承擔如下:Commitments outstanding on contracted but not provided at the balance sheet date are as follows:購買固定資產Acquisition of fixed assets4,0312,4

163、74於潤慧投資之注資Capital injection to Runhui Investment4848 4,0792,522 14.COMMITMENTS二零二二年 中期報告|Interim Report 202229關於本集團 About The Group致我們的股東 To Our Shareholders財務資料 Financial Information企業管治 Corporate Governance簡明綜合財務資料附註|NOTES TO THE CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL INFORMATION15.MATERIAL RELATED PART

164、Y TRANSACTIONSA.Transactions between the Company and its subsidiaries,which are related parties of the Company,have been eliminated on consolidation and are not disclosed in this note.In addition to the transactions and balances disclosed elsewhere in this interim financial information,the Group ent

165、ered into the following material related party transactions:十五.重大關連交易甲.本公司與其附屬公司(屬於本公司之關連人士)進行之交易已於綜合賬目時對銷,並無在本附註中披露。除本財務資料另行披露之交易及結餘外,本集團進行下列各項重大關連交易:截至六月三十日止六個月Six months ended 30 June二零二二年二零二一年20222021(未經審核)(未經審核)(Unaudited)(Unaudited)人民幣百萬元人民幣百萬元RMB millionRMB million 向下列公司銷售貨品:Sales of goods to

166、:母公司集團之附屬公司Fellow subsidiaries1522關聯公司(附註二)Related companies(Note 2)2接受下列公司提供之服務:Receipt of services from:一間控股公司(附註一)A holding company(Note 1)23母公司集團之附屬公司Fellow subsidiaries2619關聯公司(附註二)Related companies(Note 2)274向下列公司購入貨品:Purchase of goods from:母公司集團之附屬公司Fellow subsidiaries58聯營企業An associate2關聯公司(

167、附註二)Related companies(Note 2)13558向下列公司出售固定資產:Disposal of fixed assets to:合營企業Joint venture9予下列公司之租約支付:Lease payments to:母公司集團之附屬公司Fellow subsidiaries1415予下列公司之短期租約支付:Short-term lease payments to:母公司集團之附屬公司Fellow subsidiaries41向下列公司收購使用權資產:Acquisition of right-of-use assets from:母公司集團之附屬公司Fellow sub

168、sidiaries35向下列公司處置有關 終止租賃協議的 使用權資產:Disposal of right-of-use assets resulting from termination of lease agreement to:母公司集團之附屬公司Fellow subsidiaries21來自下列公司之利息收入:Interest income from:母公司集團之附屬公司Fellow subsidiaries1311合營企業Joint venture5來自下列公司之利息支出:Interest expense to:母公司集團之附屬公司Fellow subsidiaries1 華潤啤酒(控

169、股)有限公司|China Resources Beer(Holdings)Company Limited3015.MATERIAL RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS(Continued)A.(Continued)Notes:1.Administrative service is provided by a holding company,of which costs are identifiable and are allocated on a fair and equitable basis.2.Heineken Holding N.V.and its subsidiar

170、ies.B.The Group had the following material related party balances:十五.重大關連交易(續)甲.(續)附註:1.行政服務是由一間控股公司提供,其成本可予識別,並按公平合理的基準分攤。2.Heineken Holding N.V.及其子公司。乙.本集團有下列重大關連交易結餘:於二零二二年六月三十日於二零二一年十二月三十一日As at30 June2022As at31 December2021(未經審核)(經審核)(Unaudited)(Audited)人民幣百萬元人民幣百萬元RMB millionRMB million 應收貿易賬

171、款:Trade receivables from:母公司集團附屬公司Fellow subsidiaries2019應收款項:Amounts due from:母公司集團附屬公司Fellow subsidiaries2,011一間合營企業A joint venture250250現金及現金等價物存放於:Cash and cash equivalents deposited in:一間母公司集團之附屬公司A fellow subsidiary1600應付貿易賬款:Trade payables to:母公司集團附屬公司Fellow subsidiaries88應付款項:Amount due to:一

172、間控股公司A holding company55應付款項:Amounts due to:母公司集團附屬公司Fellow subsidiaries2222 二零二二年 中期報告|Interim Report 202231關於本集團 About The Group致我們的股東 To Our Shareholders財務資料 Financial Information企業管治 Corporate Governance簡明綜合財務資料附註|NOTES TO THE CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL INFORMATION15.MATERIAL RELATED PARTY

173、 TRANSACTIONS(Continued)C.TRANSACTIONS/BALANCES WITH OTHER STATE-CONTROLLED ENTITIES IN MAINLAND CHINAThe Group itself is a part of a large group of companies under China Resources Company Limited(“CRC”)which is controlled by the Chinese State Government.Apart from the transactions with CRC group,th

174、e Group also conducts businesses with other state-controlled entities.The directors are of the opinion that those entities other than the CRC group do not have the power to govern or participate in the financial and operating policies of the Group.The transactions including sales and purchases of go

175、ods and services and bank deposits and corresponding interest income,with these entities are conducted in the ordinary course of the Groups business.The Group believes that it has provided,at the best of its knowledge,adequate and appropriate disclosure of related party transactions as summarised ab

176、ove.十五.重大關連交易(續)丙.與其他中國內地國家控制實體之交易結餘本集團本身為中國政府所控制的中國華潤有限公司(中國華潤)旗下一個龐大公司集團之成員。除與中國華潤集團進行之交易外,本集團亦在日常業務過程中與其他政府控制實體進行業務往來。董事認為,除中國華潤集團外,該等實體並無權力支配或參與制定本集團之財務及經營政策。與該等實體進行之交易(包括買賣貨品及服務及銀行存款及相關之存款利息)乃按本集團一般業務過程訂立。本集團認為,就其所深知上文所概述之關連交易已充份及符合披露要求。華潤啤酒(控股)有限公司|China Resources Beer(Holdings)Company Limited

177、32OTHER INFORMATION其他資料內部監控為了實現長遠的業務發展目標,並保障本集團資產及利益相關者的權益,董事會深悉其肩負建立及維持穩健的內部監控、風險管理及企業管治制度的責任。本集團採用美國Committee of Sponsoring O r g a n i z a t i o n s o f t h e T r e a d w a y Commission(COSO)及香港會計師公會建議一致的監控架構,作為本集團風險管理及內部監控制度的標準。本集團的風險管理及內部監控制度嚴謹執行,當中包含五個主要元素,即有效的監控環境、風險管理、通訊與資訊系統、具有成本效益的監控活動及監察機


179、風險引致的各類潛在負面影響。為此,本集團上下採用統一方式識別及呈報風險,讓管理層能夠妥當地評估各種已遭識別的風險對業務分部的影響,然後就如何最有效地降低該風險的潛在影響提供合適的意見。有關本集團的風險管理和內部監控系統,以及本集團面對的主要風險的詳情已載於本公司二零二一年年報第40至45頁的企業風險管理 一節。INTERNAL CONTROLTo achieve long-term business objectives and safeguard both assets and stakeholders interests of the Group,the Board recognizes

180、that it is its responsibility to establish and maintain sound systems of internal control,risk management and corporate governance.The Group adopts a system of internal control that is recommended by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission(“COSO”)in the United States and

181、 the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants as the standard in establishing risk management and internal control system within the Group.The Groups risk management and internal control system is strictly implemented.It comprises five principal elements,namely an effective control enviro

182、nment,risk management,communication and information system,cost-effective control activities and monitoring mechanism.The Group conducts regular reviews on its internal control policies and procedures,risk management and internal audit activities.The Audit Committee oversees the reliability of finan

183、cial reporting,its related internal control and risk management systems,as well as the works conducted by both internal and external auditors.For the six months ended 30 June 2022,the Board has reviewed the effectiveness of the Groups internal control and risk management systems that are currently i

184、n place.There were no areas of concern identified which might materially affect the operational,financial reporting and compliance controls of the Group,and the existing risk management and internal control systems remain effective and adequate.CORPORATE RISK MANAGEMENTCorporate risk management of a

185、ll of the Groups business segments is given priority by every management team member as it is essential to the creation and protection of shareholder value and the sustainable growth of its business.The Group has an ongoing risk management process designed to identify,analyze and mitigate various ri

186、sks in a timely and effective manner,so that the Group can proactively manage and minimize the potential negative impacts of these risks.Risks are identified and reported in a consistent manner across the Group,enabling the management team to properly assess the significance of the identified risks

187、for each business segment and make appropriate recommendations to minimize the impact of each potential risk.Details of the Groups risk management and internal control systems,as well as the major risks faced by the Group,were set out in the“Corporate Risk Management”Section on pages 40 to 45 of the

188、 Companys Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2021.二零二二年 中期報告|Interim Report 202233關於本集團 About The Group致我們的股東 To Our Shareholders財務資料 Financial Information企業管治 Corporate Governance其他資料|OTHER INFORMATIONINVESTOR RELATIONSIn the first half of 2022,capital markets experienced significant head

189、winds owing to a number of negative factors,including disruption caused by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic,rising geopolitical risks and continuous rising costs.However,investor confidence rebounded thanks to the effective control of the pandemic in China since May.As of 30 June 2022,the Hang Seng Ind

190、ex was down by 6.57%from 31 December 2021.Facing the complicated domestic and international situation,the Group,in addition to actively developing its own business,has maintained close contact and communication with shareholders and investors through diversified channels by adhering to the principle

191、 of sincere and transparent investor relations management.The Group is committed to ensuring the capital markets being informed of the latest developments and strategic plans of the Group on a timely basis,enhancing transparency,corporate governance as well as operational performance,creating more b

192、usiness development opportunities and ultimately bringing a better return to shareholders.In the first half of 2022,in response to the ongoing pandemic,the Group actively held over 150 meetings with more than 2,000 fund managers and analysts,through video conferences,teleconferences and other online

193、 channels.By ensuring timely and adequate communication of the Groups operational and development plans with the capital markets,investors confidence has been further strengthened.The Group has continued to gain recognition from the capital markets for its efforts in corporate governance and investo

194、r relations with various authoritative awards from reputable institutions.The Group has been ranked the top by Institutional Investor in its All-Asia Executive Team Survey for five consecutive years alongside with seven awards received in 2022,including the“Most Honored Company”,“Best CEO(First Plac

195、e Overall)”,“Best CFO(First Place Overall)”,“Best Investor Relations Professional(First Place Overall)”,“Best Investor Relations Team(First Place Overall)”,“Best Investor Relations Program(First Place Overall)”and“Best ESG(First Place Overall)”in the Consumer/Staples sector in Asia.The Group was als

196、o recognized by National Business Daily as the“Most Growing Overseas Listed Company”in its 11th Reputation List of Chinese Listed Companies 2021 and ranked 71st among its“2022 List of Top 100 Chinese Listed Companies by Brand Value”.Furthermore,the Group was included in the Forbes Global 2000 Compan

197、ies and ranked 1,684th.投資者關係二零二二年上半年,在新型冠狀病毒疫情波折反復、地緣風險升溫、成本持續上升等多重不利因素下,整體資本市場下調壓力顯著。五月以來,得益於中國疫情得到有效控制,投資者信心逐步回暖。截至二零二二年六月三十日,恆生指數較二零二一年十二月三十一日下跌6.57%。面對複雜的國內外形勢,本集團在積極發展自身業務的同時,秉持一貫真誠透明的投資者關係管理原則,積極透過多元化渠道與股東及投資者保持密切聯繫和緊密溝通。本集團致力確保資本市場及時知悉本集團最新情況及戰略計劃,提升本集團透明度及企業管治水平,並進一步提升本集團營運表現,為業務發展創造更多商機,為股東

198、創造更佳回報。於二零二二年上半年,受疫情持續影響,本集團積極通過視頻會議、電話會議等線上溝通方式,與超過2,000名基金經理及分析員舉行多於150次會議,就本集團運營情況和發展規劃與資本市場保持及時充份交流,進一步鞏固投資者信心。本集團的企業管治水平和投資者關係工作也持續得到市場肯定,於回顧期內榮獲多家知名機構頒發的權威性獎項,其中包括:連續五年蟬聯 機構投資者 雜誌亞洲最佳管理團隊調查消費品日用品類 排行榜榜首,二零二二年繼續獲得亞洲消費品日用品類行業之最受尊崇企業、最佳首席執行官整體第一名、最佳首席財務官整體第一名、最佳投資者關係人員整體第一名、最佳投資者關係團隊整體第一名、最佳投資者關係

199、方案整體第一名 及最佳環境、社會及管治整體第一名 共7項大獎;每日經濟新聞 頒發的2021第十一屆上市公司口碑榜之最具成長海外上市公司 及入選 2022中國上市公司品牌價值榜之總榜TOP 100 並排名第71位;入選 福布斯 全球2,000強企業並排名第1,684位等。華潤啤酒(控股)有限公司|China Resources Beer(Holdings)Company Limited34INVESTOR RELATIONS(Continued)Due to external factors and the pandemic in Mainland China,the Groups share

200、price has fallen in line with the downturn trend of the overall Hong Kong stock market since March.The share price of the Group at 30 June 2022 at the days close was HK$58.50,gradually recovering to its pre-March 2022 level.The Groups total market capitalization at 30 June 2022 was approximately HK$

201、189.78 billion.CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITYIn addition to the commitment to driving business growth and improving operational performance,the Group also actively fulfills its corporate social responsibilities and upholds the philosophy of“Brewing a Better Life”to bring more and better changes to

202、the public.Riding on its business strengths and extensive business network,the Group has contributed its efforts to community care,environmental protection,energy conservation and emission reduction,human resources,product safety and service quality as well as supply chain management and others,aimi

203、ng to become a trusted and beloved beer enterprise.The Group has been publishing its standalone Environmental,Social and Governance Report(“ESG report”)for six consecutive years to disclose to the public its performance and various measures taken in relevant areas.In its 2021 ESG Report,the Group di

204、sclosed for the first time its 12 specific targets regarding the Groups environment,health and safety(“EHS”)management in the“14th Five-Year”Plan covering topics of waste reduction,emission reduction,waste recycling,occupational safety and health,etc.Relevant goals have been reviewed and approved by

205、 the Board,and the progress of which shall be regularly reviewed and disclosed to demonstrate the Groups constant commitment to sustainable development.COMMUNITY CAREThe Group has always been committed to promoting community care and actively participated in social welfare and charitable activities,

206、giving back to the society in the fields of disaster relief,poverty alleviation,caring and support for vulnerable groups,promotion of education,environmental protection,etc.投資者關係(續)受外圍因素及內地疫情影響,二零二二年三月以來本集團股價隨港股整體低迷趨勢而下跌。截至二零二二年六月三十日,本集團的收市價為港幣58.50元,股價正逐漸修復至今年三月前的水平,總市值約為港幣1,897.8億元。企業社會責任本集團除了致力於促

207、進業務發展,務求提升營運表現外,亦積極履行企業社會責任,秉持釀造美好生活 理念,為大眾帶來更多更美好的改變。透過結合業務優勢及龐大業務網絡,本集團在關愛社區、環境保護、節能減排、人力資源、產品安全及服務質素和供應鏈管理等方面努力作出貢獻,矢志成為大眾信賴和喜愛的啤酒企業。本集團連續六年獨立發佈 環境、社會及管治報告(ESG報告),向公眾披露更多本集團在相關方面的表現及各項措施,並於2021年ESG報告中首次披露 十四五 規劃期間的12項環境、健康及安全(EHS)管理具體目標,涵蓋減廢、減排、廢棄物回收再用、職業安全健康等範疇。相關目標已呈報董事會審批通過,本集團將定期檢討及披露進度,以展現本集

208、團對可持續發展的不變承諾。關愛社區本集團一直努力推動關愛社區事務,積極參與公益及慈善活動,在賑災濟難、扶助貧困、關愛和扶持弱勢群體、促進教育和環境保護等領域回饋社會。二零二二年 中期報告|Interim Report 202235關於本集團 About The Group致我們的股東 To Our Shareholders財務資料 Financial Information企業管治 Corporate Governance其他資料|OTHER INFORMATIONCORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY(Continued)COMMUNITY CARE(Continue

209、d)During the first half of 2022,in response to the call of the Government,the Group launched various charitable and welfare activities to fulfill its social responsibility in different regions.In January,Jinshan(Shaanxi and Shanxi)Regional Company donated materials valued at approximately RMB30,000

210、through the Xian Red Cross Society to support the prevention and control of the COVID-19 pandemic in Xian.Further,teams stemming of major sales departments of Liaoning Marketing Center,plants as well as distributors from numerous regions visited and consoled important local anti-pandemic units and s

211、taff together.In February,Xiaoshan Plant in Zhejiang donated approximately RMB250,000 to the local charity association.In March,Shenyang Plant co-operated with local ecology and environment bureau and environmental volunteer association to launch the“Protect Beisha River,Make Sujiatun a Beautiful Pl

212、ace”project and was responsible for the volunteer work on environmental protection in the Beisha River section.In addition,the Group,as the industry leader,has acted responsibly by actively organizing publicity activities such as World Environment Day,National Energy Conservation Week and National L

213、ow Carbon Day in the first half of 2022,building a stronger union to develop a beautiful China.ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONThe Group regards environmental protection as its own responsibility and focuses on sustainable development.Backed by a sound Environmental,Social and Governance(“ESG”)management st

214、ructure,the Group continues to improve ESG management by strengthening the leadership and accountability of the Board on ESG matters.The Group regards environment,health and safety(“EHS”)as one of the cores of its business.The EHS Department of the Group clarifies management responsibilities,strengt

215、hens management effectiveness by specific projects,as well as establishes a comprehensive EHS management component system.The Group has proactively responded to the national policies on peaking carbon emission and carbon neutrality by integrating green and low-carbon concepts into its corporate deve

216、lopment strategy officially since 2021.企業社會責任(續)關愛社區(續)於二零二二年上半年,本集團響應政府號召,踐行社會責任,在各地開展慈善公益活動。一月,本集團晉陝區域公司通過西安市紅十字會捐贈價值約人民幣30,000元物資,支援西安新冠疫情防控工作;遼寧營銷中心各銷售大區、工廠、聯合多地經銷商隊伍一同走訪慰問當地重要抗疫單位和工作人員。二月,浙江蕭山工廠向當地慈善總會捐贈約人民幣250,000元。三月,瀋陽工廠聯合當地生態環境局和環保志願者協會開展守護北沙河,美麗蘇家屯 活動,並負責北沙河河段環保志願工作。此外,本集團積極發揮行業領導者的帶頭作用,二零

217、二二年上半年組織開展六五世界環境日、全國節能宣傳周和全國低碳日等宣傳活動,為建設美麗中國匯聚力量。環境保護本集團以環境保護為己任,聚焦可持續發展。本集團具備健全的環境、社會及管治管理(ESG)架構,通過加強董事會在ESG方面的領導角色和問責性,不斷提升ESG管理水平。本集團視環境、健康及安全(EHS)為業務的中心之一,本集團的EHS部門明確落實管理權責,專項方案強化管理成效,建立完善的EHS管理要素體系。為積極回應國家碳達峰碳中和政策,本集團自二零二一年起正式將綠色低碳發展納入企業發展戰略。華潤啤酒(控股)有限公司|China Resources Beer(Holdings)Company L

218、imited36CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY(Continued)ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION(Continued)In the first half of 2022,the Group formulated and issued the“CR Beer Notice on the Deployment on Work Priorities of Safety,Environmental Protection,Health and Quality Management in 2022”and specified the working me

219、chanism as“overall planning made by the headquarters,overall responsibility taken by the regional companies,and implementation taken by each plant”to promote the Companys ecological environmental protection,energy conservation and emission reduction work in a solid and effective manner.In particular

220、,the Group shall focus on 14 key tasks such as compliance of pollutant discharge permit,whole-process management of solid waste,source control of sewage,prevention and control of noise,environmental supervision of capacity-optimized plants,establishment and certification of“Green Plant”,control of c

221、arbon emission intensity and total volume,and carbon emission management of supply chain.In order to strengthen responsibility management,the Group continued to carry out“CRSB Regulation on EHS Responsibility of Position”,and organized all staff at all levels and departments to sign the EHS Responsi

222、bility Letters to effectively implement the target indicators to each employee involved.In terms of indicator design,two additional indicators have been covered in the 2022 EHS Responsibility Letter,which are carbon emissions per unit of product(Scope 1+Scope 2)and the proportion of clean electricit

223、y usage,in accordance with the Groups EHS management in the“14th Five-Year”Plan.企業社會責任(續)環境保護(續)二零二二年上半年,本集團制定並下發關於部署華潤啤酒二零二二年度安全環保健康和質量管理工作重點的通知,按照總部統籌、區域負總責、工廠落實的工作機制,推進公司生態環境保護和節能減排工作紮實有效開展,並著重排污許可合規管理、固體廢物全過程管理、污水源頭管控、噪音風險防控、產能優化工廠環保監管、創建並參與綠色工廠 評價、碳排放強度和總量管控、供應鏈碳排放管理等十四個重點工作。為加強責任管理,本集團繼續執行 華潤雪

224、花啤酒崗位EHS責任制度,組織各層級和各部門全員簽訂EHS責任書,有效落實目標至每個員工。在目標設計方面,二零二二年度EHS責任書依照EHS管理 十四五規劃目標,增設單位產品碳排放量(範圍一+範圍二)和清潔電力用量佔比兩項指標。二零二二年 中期報告|Interim Report 202237關於本集團 About The Group致我們的股東 To Our Shareholders財務資料 Financial Information企業管治 Corporate Governance其他資料|OTHER INFORMATIONCORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY(Co

225、ntinued)ENERGY CONSERVATION AND EMISSION REDUCTIONThe Group continued to improve the system of standards of energy conservation and ecological environmental protection.Ever since the Group formally incorporated green and low-carbon development into its corporate development strategy in 2021,the Grou

226、p insists on setting high standards,high targets,and high positions with detailed planning to achieve low-carbon operation.In the first half of 2022,in accordance with the Groups EHS management in the“14th Five-Year”Plan,the Group revised and issued the“CRSB Carbon Emission Calculation Standard”and

227、organized training to further standardize the scope,standards and caliber of carbon emission calculation.In the revised documents,carbon emissions from the loss of purchased carbon dioxide(CO2)as raw material during the beer production process as well as the methane emission generated during the ana

228、erobic treatment process of brewery wastewater are counted in the Groups statistical scope of greenhouse gas emissions,taking reference of the statistical caliber and scope in national standards.In addition to collecting carbon emissions from fossil fuel emissions and indirect emissions,the data of

229、processing emissions and fugitive emissions have been collected and counted,which contributed to more comprehensive and standardized carbon emissions statistics of the Group.The expansion of data collection demonstrated that the Group has attached great importance to the climate impact of its busine

230、ss activities.While remaining prudent in assessing the impact,the Group strives to achieve sustainable development by implementing appropriate measures.In addition,the Group has formulated and issued the“CRSB Measures for the Management of Permitting of Pollutant Discharges”in accordance with the ne

231、w requirements such as“Regulation on the Administration of Permitting of Pollutant Discharges”.It regulates the management requirements for the application,extension,alteration,re-application and cancellation of discharge permits for air pollutants,water pollutants,and solid waste in production plan

232、ts as well as the management requirements for environmental management ledgers,public information disclosure,supervision and evaluation,etc.The Group strictly implements production and pollutants discharge according to the permits,and complies with laws with its own proof.Taking reference to the abo

233、vementioned Measures,the Group has organized training in the application of permits of discharging solid waste as well as training in ledger management accordingly.企業社會責任(續)節能減排本集團持續完善能源節約與生態環境保護制度標準體系。自二零二一年起,本集團正式將綠色低碳發展納入企業發展戰略,堅持高標準、高目標、高站位、細謀劃,深入推進低碳營運。二零二二年上半年,本集團根據EHS管理十四五 規劃目標,修訂並下發 華潤雪花啤酒碳排

234、放核算辦法,進一步規範碳排放核算範圍、標準及口徑,並組織開展培訓。修訂後的辦法按照國家標準統計口徑及範圍,將啤酒生產過程中外購二氧化碳(CO2)作為原料在使用過程中的損耗產生的排放和啤酒廢水厭氧處理過程中產生的甲烷排放量計入本集團溫室氣體排放的統計範圍。在原化石能源排放和間接排放的基礎上,增加製程排放和逸散排放的統計,使本集團碳排放統計更加完整和規範,反映了本集團對企業經營活動對氣候產生影響的重視,並採用審慎的態度衡量,積極採取措施,爭取可持續發展。此外,本集團按照 排污許可管理條例 等法規新要求,制定並下發 華潤雪花啤酒排污許可管理辦法,規範生產工廠大氣污染物、水污染物、固體廢物的排污許可的

235、申領、延續、變更、重新申請和註銷,以及環境管理台賬、資訊公開、監督評價等方面的管理要求,嚴格執行持證生產、按證排污、自證守法。在該辦法的指導下,本集團相應組織開展固體廢物排污許可申報和台賬管理培訓。華潤啤酒(控股)有限公司|China Resources Beer(Holdings)Company Limited38CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY(Continued)ENERGY CONSERVATION AND EMISSION REDUCTION(Continued)In the first half of 2022,the Group launched t

236、he project of establishing the“CRSB Green Plant”with the goal of building zero-carbon-emission breweries and further promoting green transformation and upgrading.Meanwhile,in March 2022,the Group established the“Promotion Working Group of Smart Manufacturing”under the guidance of the National“14th F

237、ive-Year Plan for Development of Smart Manufacturing”,to systematically promote the Companys intelligent manufacturing related work,aiming to build a smart“lighthouse factory”in the beer industry.The Group continued to promote the optimization of energy structure in a bid to reduce its carbon footpr

238、int throughout its operation process by increasing the proportion of clean energy use,especially the use of renewable energy.In the first half of 2022,the Groups consumption of gasoline,diesel and natural gas all decreased by over 20%compared with the same period last year.Besides,thanks to its zero

239、 coal consumption in the first half of 2022,the Groups sulfur dioxide(SO2)and nitrogen oxides(NOX)emissions all decreased by over 30%compared with the same period last year.In respect of sewage discharge management and treatment,the Group has been actively enhancing the co-operation of production pl

240、ants with their downstream sewage treatments facilities to promote the resource utilization of brewery wastewater.As at the end of June 2022,there were only two plants left in the Group that discharge beer sewage into natural waters,of which the sewage has been processed internally to meet the local

241、 discharging standards.In the first half of 2022,the amount of Chemical Oxygen Demand(COD)and ammonia nitrogen emissions of the Group being discharged into natural waters decreased by more than 25%and 45%,respectively,compared with the same period last year.In respect of non-hazardous waste recyclin

242、g,the Group recycles and reuses the waste generated during the brewing process.The recycling rate of dried distillers grains and dried waste yeasts maintained at 100%in the first half of 2022.企業社會責任(續)節能減排(續)二零二二年上半年,本集團啟動 華潤雪花啤酒綠色工廠創建項目,以建設零碳園區為目標,進一步推動綠色轉型升級。與此同時,在國家 十四五 智能製造發展規劃 指引下,本集團於二零二二年三月成立

243、公司智慧製造推進工作組,系統推進公司智慧製造相關工作,目標打造啤酒行業在智慧製造領域的 燈塔工廠。本集團持續推動能源結構優化,提升清潔能源使用比例,尤其是可再生能源的使用比例,希望能在營運生產中減少碳足跡。二零二二年上半年,本集團汽油、柴油、天然氣消耗量同比均下降超過20%。此外,二零二二年上半年本集團繼續維持煤炭量消耗量為零,帶動本集團二氧化硫(SO2)和氮氧化物(NOX)排放量均較去年同期下降超過30%。污水排放管理及處理方面,本集團積極推動生產工廠與下游污水處理廠的合作,加強啤酒廢水資源化利用。截至二零二二年六月底,本集團僅餘2家工廠的污水經內部處理達到當地規定的標準後排入自然水體。二零

244、二二年上半年,本集團化學需氧量(COD)排放量(自然水體)和氨氮排放量(自然水體)分別較去年同期下降超過25%和45%。無害廢棄物回收利用方面,本集團把啤酒生產過程中所產生的廢物循環再用。於二零二二年上半年,乾酒糟和乾廢酵母回收率繼續維持100%。二零二二年 中期報告|Interim Report 202239關於本集團 About The Group致我們的股東 To Our Shareholders財務資料 Financial Information企業管治 Corporate Governance其他資料|OTHER INFORMATIONCORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONS

245、IBILITY(Continued)HUMAN RESOURCESThe Group has been adhering to the“people-oriented”principle in its management and operation over the years.The Group regards the staff not only as important assets in the development of business,but also as the key service group in achieving the corporate vision.The

246、 Group safeguards the rights and interests of the staff in all aspects,endeavors to offer them a safe,healthy and comfortable working environment and strives to understand and meet their various needs in work and life.EMPLOYMENT POLICY,REMUNERATION AND BENEFITThe Group follows the principle of equal

247、 employment with a view to build a fair,equal,competitive and merit-based recruitment environment.The Group has also established policies on preventing child labour and forced labour.The Group has established a unified recruitment system,defined talent standards,and strictly complied with the nation

248、al“Labour Law”and the national“Labour Contract Law”,clearly prohibiting the recruitment or employment of persons under the age of 18.In order to standardize and improve the employment system,the Groups recruitment work process has gradually shifted from regional companies to the Human Resource Share

249、d Services Centre and the Group has further utilized online recruitment channels,which helps control the compliance of employment and the staff quality from the recruiting process,preventing labor disputes effectively.To ensure effective compliance with the above-mentioned regulatory requirements an

250、d company regulations,the Group conducts three-tier employment inspection management at the headquarters,regional and business units on a yearly basis.The Group strictly implements the national and local regulations and policies concerning remuneration and benefits,pays various social insurance and

251、housing provident funds for staff in accordance with laws and regulations,provides labour remuneration and overtime remuneration in full and on time,and strictly abides by the minimum wage requirement.At the same time,the Group continuously improves and enhances the career development channels of em

252、ployees,with a comprehensive remuneration and benefits system established that combines internal fairness and market competitiveness.企業社會責任(續)人力資源本集團多年來一直秉持著以人為本 的管理及營運原則。本集團不僅視員工為業務發展的重要資產,更視他們為重要的服務群體,實踐企業願景。本集團保障員工各方面的權益,更努力為員工提供一個安全、健康、舒適的工作環境,瞭解及滿足他們在工作及生活上的各種需要。僱傭政策及薪酬福利本集團遵循平等僱傭原則,建立一個公平、平等、競

253、爭、擇優的招聘環境,並制定有防止童工及強制勞工的政策。本集團建立統一的招聘制度體系,明確人才標準,並嚴格執行國家 中華人民共和國勞動法中華人民共和國勞動合同法 法規要求,嚴禁招聘或僱用未滿18歲人員。為了規範和完善用工制度體系,本集團的招聘工作逐步實現由各區域公司向人力資源共享中心轉移,並推進線上招聘,從招聘環節控制用工合規性及職工素質,有效預防勞動糾紛。為確保執行上述法規及公司規章要求,本集團每年開展總部、區域及業務單位三級用工檢查管理。本集團嚴格落實國家和地方薪酬福利相關法規和政策,依法為員工繳納各項社會保險和住房公積金,並按時足額支付勞動報酬及超時勞動報酬,嚴格遵守最低工資保障制度。同時

254、,本集團不斷完善及提升員工職業發展通道,建立兼具內部公平性與市場競爭性的薪酬福利體系。華潤啤酒(控股)有限公司|China Resources Beer(Holdings)Company Limited40CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY(Continued)HUMAN RESOURCES(Continued)TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENTStaff growth is pivotal to the business development of the Group,thus the Group has always adopted the de

255、velopment strategy of“developing a quality workforce for a stronger enterprise”and has constantly put an effort in optimizing its training system while incessantly expanding its staffs career development channels.By strengthening the leadership and comprehensive quality of managers,the Group cultiva

256、tes a business team that meets the needs of strategy and business development to ensure smooth implementation and execution of the premiumization strategies.In the first half of 2022,the Group continued to promote the“CRSB 3+3+3 Strategy in the New Era”and carried out its business empowerment and ta

257、lent planning projects from the aspects of“strengthening the talent echelon,achieving success in premiumization,and optimizing the management”.Various series of staff training were organized and carried out in multiple ways such as online teaching and offline practice,including the“Leading Talent 10

258、0”training project catered to the senior managers that were born in the 1980s with good performance;the“Whirlwind Plan”talent training project catered to the middle-level sales positions nationwide;the“Excellent Performers”and the“Channel Magic Weapon”talent training projects catered to those key po

259、sitions in the departments of beer production,company operation and channel marketing;and the“Strategic Central City Business Development Workshop”and the“Fire Pistol”projects catered to the general managers from key regional companies and marketing centers as well as the key distributor teams.In th

260、e first half of 2022,the Groups total training hours for full-time staff through online learning platform reached 456,000 hours,maintaining a 100%training coverage of full-time staff.企業社會責任(續)人力資源(續)培訓與發展員工成長是本集團業務發展的關鍵,本集團一直採納人才強企 的發展戰略,不斷優化培訓體系,持續拓寬員工職業發展通道。通過加強管理者領導力與綜合素養,培養契合戰略與業務發展需要的業務隊伍,推動本集團

261、高端戰略落地與執行。二零二二年上半年,本集團繼續推進華潤雪花啤酒新時代3+3+3戰略,從強梯隊、戰高端、優管理 方面開展業務賦能及人才規劃項目,以線上授課、線下共創等多種方式組織一系列員工培訓,包括面向績效良好的80後高層經理人開展領軍人才100 人才培養項目,面向全國銷售中層崗位開展旋風計劃 人才培養項目,面向啤酒生產、公司營運和渠道營銷等關鍵崗位開展 績優人才培養 項目和 混天綾 人才培養項目,面向重點區域公司和營銷中心的總經理及重點經銷商隊伍開展戰略中心重點城市工作坊、火尖槍 項目等。二零二二年上半年,本集團全職員工線上平台培訓總時長達456,000小時,全職員工培訓覆蓋率繼續維持在10

262、0%。二零二二年 中期報告|Interim Report 202241關於本集團 About The Group致我們的股東 To Our Shareholders財務資料 Financial Information企業管治 Corporate Governance其他資料|OTHER INFORMATIONCORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY(Continued)HUMAN RESOURCES(Continued)OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTHThe Groups safety production management is deep

263、ly rooted in its management philosophy of“people-oriented and safety development”.The Group places employees health and safety as the foremost duty of safety management and doggedly pursues“zero injury and zero accident”.The Group strictly implements the national laws and administrative regulations

264、on production safety and occupational health,and has rigorously carried out its responsibility on safety production and occupational health by building a comprehensive safety production and occupational health management system that possesses the characteristics of CRH and CRSB.Through the establish

265、ment and improvement of responsibility system,security by supervision,educational training,risk control and other institutional systems,the Group ensures the implementation of the policies and continuously enhanced the corporates safety management level.As at the end of June 2022,all plants of the G

266、roup have passed the National Safe Production Standard certification with 16 plants having obtained the ISO45001 certification.In the first half of 2022,the Group revised the“Facility Configuration Standard of Safety Guard of Machinery and Equipment”,which regulates the facility configuration standa

267、rds of the Groups newly purchased equipment,transferred equipment,equipment upgrades and renovations that involve mechanical equipment protection facilities,as well as the safety acceptance assessment requirements for mechanical equipment.The Group attaches great importance to safety education and t

268、raining for employees.In the first half of 2022,the Group has provided approximately 200,000 hours of safety training to over 100,000 employees at all levels.In addition,approximately 330 emergency drills have been conducted with more than 6,500 participants.A dedicated project fund amounted to RMB2

269、2,750,000 has been invested to production safety.The Group conducted a total of 2,545 safety inspections at all levels and sustained the effort in accordance with the inspection outcomes to improve the effectiveness of safety management.During the period under review,the Group performed satisfactori

270、ly in terms of health and safety production management.There were no incidents on production safety causing deaths of employees,suppliers and sub-contractors(contractors)and the performance was highly recognized by the industry.企業社會責任(續)人力資源(續)職業安全與健康本集團安全生產工作始終堅持 以人為本、安全發展 的工作管理理念,把保障員工健康和安全作為本集團安全

271、管理的首要任務,追求零傷害、零事故。本集團嚴格執行國家有關安全生產、職業健康的法律和行政法規,嚴格落實企業安全生產和職業健康主體責任,建立健全具有華潤集團和華潤雪花啤酒特色的安全生產和職業健康管理體系。通過責任體系、監督保障、教育培訓、風險管控等機制的建立和完善,保障政策落實,不斷提升企業的安全管理水平。截至二零二二年六月底,本集團各工廠均通過國家安全生產標準達標認證工作,其中,共有16家工廠取得職業健康安全管理體系認證(ISO45001)。本集團於二零二二年上半年修訂了 機械設備安全防護設施配置標準,規範本集團新購設備、轉移利用設備、設備升級改造等涉及機械設備防護設施的配置標準,以及對機械設

272、備的安全驗收評估要求。本集團十分注重對員工的安全教育培訓工作。於二零二二年上半年,本集團各級員工參加安全教育培訓共計約20萬課時,共超過100,000人次參加;應急演練約330次,超過6,500人次參加;投入安全生產專項資金人民幣22,750,000元。本集團在各個層級進行了共2,545次安全檢查,按照檢查結果持續改進,不斷提升安全管理成效。於回顧期內,本集團在健康與安全生產管理上的工作表現理想,沒有發生造成員工和供應商及分包商(承建商)死亡的生產安全事故事件,工作成果備受業界肯定。華潤啤酒(控股)有限公司|China Resources Beer(Holdings)Company Limit

273、ed42CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY(Continued)PRODUCT SAFETY AND SERVICE QUALITYThe Groups quality management adheres to the policy of“focusing on consumers,pursuing craftsmanship,innovations and perfection”,with a goal of“brewing consumers favorite beer and setting industry quality benchmark”.The G

274、roup continues to innovate technology,develop new products,strengthen process management,and strictly control the quality of products delivered.In the first half of 2022,all beer products of the Group achieved a 100%pass rate in both ex-factory quality tests and the spot tests under national supervi

275、sion.The total oxygen content of the products was controlled below 40 parts per billion(40 ppb),achieving the leading level in the industry.The Group continued to build and promote its diversified brand portfolio by launching a number of new products in the first half of 2022,including premium produ

276、ct“Lwen Fruit Beer”(#703 Cherry),new peach flavor and pineapple passion fruit lactobacillus flavor of the carbonated beverage“Snow Xiao Pi Qi”,which have further enriched the Groups product portfolio and supported its premiumization development.In May 2022,the Groups beer products were recognized by

277、 the authoritative international award 2022 Australian International Beer Awards.“Lwen White Beer”won Best Wheat Beer for a second year running and the Gold Medal in the Belgian Wit Class.“Opera Mask Gent”won Silver Medal in the American Style Lager Class while“Opera Mask Lady”won Bronze Medal in th

278、e International Style Lager Class.“Lovibond Dark Beer”won Bronze Medal in the German Style Schwarzbier Class.The Group has implemented a quality and food safety management system(SnowMSQFS for short),that features the characteristics of CRSB to all plants of the Group,and obtained a total of 95 inte

279、rnational system certifications such as FSSC22000,ISO and HACCP,to realize one-stop management and achieve manufacturing excellence.In order to ensure the effectiveness and timely improvement of the system operation,the Group has established a strong team of internal auditors on quality systems.As a

280、t the end of June 2022,a total of 105 internal auditors have obtained qualification certificates through training.企業社會責任(續)產品安全及服務質素本集團堅持以消費者為中心,守匠出新,精益求精 為質量方針,以釀消費者最喜愛的好酒,做行業的品質標桿 為質量目標,不斷創新技術和開發新產品,強化過程管理,嚴控出廠產品質量。二零二二年上半年,所有啤酒產品出廠合格率為100%,國家監督抽查合格率100%。產品總氧含量控制在十億分之四十(40ppb)以下,處於行業領先水平。本集團持續推進多元

281、化品牌組合建設,於二零二二年上半年推出多個新產品,包括高端產品 黑獅果啤(#703櫻桃緋)及碳酸飲料雪花小啤汽 蜜桃味和菠蘿百香果乳酸菌味的兩款新口味,進一步豐富產品組合及支持高端化發展。二零二二年五月,本集團旗下啤酒產品榮獲權威國際獎項2022澳大利亞國際啤酒大獎賽的認可。黑獅白啤 連續第二年獲得小麥類啤酒全場最佳(Best Wheat Beer)以及比利時小麥組金獎,雪花臉譜系列啤酒(花臉)獲美式拉格組銀獎,雪花臉譜系列啤酒(旦角)獲國際拉格組銅獎,和拉維邦黑啤 獲德式黑啤組銅獎。為實現一個工廠式管理,達到卓越製造,本集團旗下所有工廠已全面推廣落實華潤雪花特色質量和食品安全管理體系(簡稱S

282、nowMS QFS),並已通過FSSC22000、ISO、HACCP等國際體系認證95項。為了確保體系運行的有效性和及時改進,本集團建立了一支強有力的內部質量體系審核員團隊。截至二零二二年六月底,本集團共培養內審員105人,並獲得內審員資格證。二零二二年 中期報告|Interim Report 202243關於本集團 About The Group致我們的股東 To Our Shareholders財務資料 Financial Information企業管治 Corporate Governance其他資料|OTHER INFORMATIONCORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIB

283、ILITY(Continued)PRODUCT SAFETY AND SERVICE QUALITY(Continued)The Group continued to develop a supplier quality extension management work circle and optimize the quality extension management system.The Group has been promoting the quality and stability of incoming materials by conducting random inspe

284、ctions and onsite quality checks for food safety,and implementing special projects resolving quality problems.In the first half of 2022,the Group established the“CR Snow Rating System of Supplier Quality Risk”which publicizes the quality risk level of suppliers to themselves and to all plants on tim

285、e with the corresponding inspection and punishment measures taken according to the different risk levels of suppliers.Despite the impact of the pandemic,the Group was still able to overcome difficulties and conducted food safety inspections on materials such as malt and beer bottles,from more than 9

286、7 suppliers,in the first half of 2022.All indicators were in line with national food safety standards.The Group has also conducted on-site quality audits on more than 70 suppliers,identifying and assisting in rectifying over 400 quality problems.There were other projects such as special research on

287、improving the quality of beer bottles and can lids.All these contributed to the safety and stability of material quality and provided guarantees for product quality from the source.To improve the process quality management,the Group has conducted monthly assessments and inspections on 66 types of ra

288、w materials and 149 critical control points in the production process,providing special assistance to improve the overall management level of production plants.In addition,in order to improve the consistency of product quality in production,the Group continued to carry out the“Refined Brewing”projec

289、t and launched the second phase of“Refined Brewing Empowerment Training”in the first half of 2022.The training has empowered 551 technicians to obtain knowledge on management,technology,equipment and processes.企業社會責任(續)產品安全及服務質素(續)本集團持續打造供應商質量延伸管理工作圈,優化質量延伸管理體系,通過食品安全抽檢、現場質量審核、質量問題專項攻關等舉措,推動來料質量穩定。二


291、體管理水平。此外,為提高產品生產品質一致性,本集團持續開展 精細化釀造 專案,並於二零二二年上半年開展第二期精細化釀造賦能培訓,從管理、技術、設備及工藝等方面,完成對551名技術人員綜合賦能。華潤啤酒(控股)有限公司|China Resources Beer(Holdings)Company Limited44CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY(Continued)PRODUCT SAFETY AND SERVICE QUALITY(Continued)The Group has initiated a Star Campaign under the guidanc

292、e of the“Snow Star”Good Laboratory Practice(SSGLP)with 14 laboratories participated in the first half of 2022,of which three laboratories have successfully gained the three-star certification.At the same time,the Group has also launched a Benchmarking Campaign on beer inspection for 66 laboratories

293、across the country,which effectively improved the overall inspection capability of CR Snow Laboratories.As at the end of June 2022,the Group has a first-class team of beer tasters in China with a total of 35 national-level judges,4 of whom are lifetime honorary judges.In addition,the Group has estab

294、lished a three-tier team of beer tasters at headquarters,regional company and plant level to achieve sensory quality control of the entire production process covering raw and auxiliary materials,semi-finished products and finished products.In a view to improve product quality and customer satisfacti

295、on,the Group continued to promote the project of“eliminating unsatisfactory customer experiences”and has been conducting monthly quality assessments on bottle sourcing,bottles in inventory by different categories and bottle cleaning process.During the first half of 2022,the Group conducted spot chec

296、ks on more than 11 plants.At the same time,the Group continued to take measures such as centralized purchasing of bottle washers,synergizing the three major systems,and conducting assessments of equipment condition and device configuration to prevent the occurrence of unsatisfied consumer experience

297、s.Adhering to the consumer-oriented quality management concept,the Group has organized 5 consumer tasting and evaluation activities for 520 batches of products in the first half of 2022,covering 30 sales cities and 59 plants to obtain authentic information on customer experience.The results of which

298、 underpinned the Groups product quality improvement and new product research and development.企業社會責任(續)產品安全及服務質素(續)本集團於二零二二年上半年啟動了 雪花之星 良好實驗室(SSGLP)的創星活動,共有14家實驗室啟動參與評星,其中3家實驗室成功通過三星級認證。與此同時,本集團也對全國66家實驗室展開啤酒檢驗對標活動,有效提升華潤雪花實驗室整體檢驗能力。截至二零二二年六月底,本集團擁有一支共 35名國家級評委的國內一流品酒師隊伍,其中包括4名終身榮譽評委。此外,本集團擁有總部、區域、工廠

299、三級品酒師隊伍,實現對原輔料、半成品、成品全生產過程的感官質量控制。為提升產品質量和客戶滿意度,本集團持續推進消滅不良體驗 項目,每月到工廠對瓶源質量、分級質量和洗瓶質量進行評估。於二零二二年上半年,本集團對超過11家工廠進行了抽查。同時,通過推進洗瓶劑集採、三大系統協同、設備工況配置評估等措施,杜絕消費者不良體驗的產生。為了踐行以消費者為核心的質量管理理念,獲取消費者的真實體驗信息,本集團於二零二二年上半年組織了5次消費者品鑒及測評活動,對520批產品進行了質量評價,覆蓋30個銷售城市和59家工廠。質量測評的結果為產品質量改進和新品研發提供了有力支援。二零二二年 中期報告|Interim R

300、eport 202245關於本集團 About The Group致我們的股東 To Our Shareholders財務資料 Financial Information企業管治 Corporate Governance其他資料|OTHER INFORMATIONCORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY(Continued)PRODUCT SAFETY AND SERVICE QUALITY(Continued)On the premise of maintaining quality requirements,the Group has been striving to

301、 lighten the weight of packaging materials and reduce the waste at the source for years by redesigning product packaging and sourcing for new packaging materials.In the first half of 2022,the Group conducted various research on the application techniques of lightweight beer bottles and recycled alum

302、inum cans,in a view to reduce carbon emissions of beer packaging materials.Meanwhile,CRSB has co-operated with China Resources Chemical Innovative Materials Co.,Ltd.in forming the“Innovation Consortium in Green High-Performance PET Beer Packaging Materials”.In the future,both parties will co-operate

303、 closely to develop beer packaging materials that are green and low-carbon.The Groups research and development capabilities are also highly recognized by the industry that the project“Research and Application of Key Technology for Lightweighting and Quality Assurance of Beer Bottles”was granted the“

304、Second Prize of Science and Technology Advancement”by the China Alcoholic Drinks Association.SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENTThe Group implements institutionalized,standardized and professional management of suppliers,focusing on eight core areas of resources expansion,preliminary screening,inspection and ce

305、rtification,catalogue management,joint assessment on cooperation,comprehensive evaluation,hierarchical management as well as optimization and elimination.The Group implemented dynamic management of supplier catalogues and the introduction rate and elimination rate in the first half of 2022 were 3.6%

306、and 10.6%,respectively.In the first half of 2022,the Group conducted a total of three supplier on-site inspections and certifications,of which 4 suppliers were certified for the first time,3 suppliers were certified for the second time and 16 suppliers were certified on the site.The number of improv

307、ement suggestions for each supplier was about 10 to 20.The Group continued to conduct monthly assessments on the co-operation process of suppliers to ensure effective performance of the suppliers in terms of seven indicators:quality,timeliness,accuracy,declined orders,returned goods,violation behavi

308、ours and flawed products.GOVERNANCE OF INTEGRITYHonesty and trustworthiness,compliance with laws and regulations and legal operations are the core principles of the Group.The Group strictly implements relevant laws and regulations concerning commercial bribery,extortion,fraud and money laundering,in

309、cluding the“Supervision Law”,the“Constitution”,the“Criminal Procedure Law”,the“Anti-Money Laundering Law of the Peoples Republic of China”,and 企業社會責任(續)產品安全及服務質素(續)在保持質量要求的前提下,本集團多年來一直努力透過產品包裝的再設計及新物料選用過程,達致包裝物料輕量化,實施源頭減廢。二零二二年上半年,本集團開展包括輕量化啤酒瓶、再生鋁制易拉罐應用技術的多個研究工作,致力降低啤酒包裝材料碳排放。同時,華潤雪花啤酒與華潤化學材料科技股份有限

310、公司合作成立 綠色高性能PET啤酒包裝材料創新聯合體,雙方未來將緊密圍繞綠色低碳的啤酒包裝材料展開通力合作。本集團研發能力也備受行業認可,研發項目 啤酒瓶輕量化技術及品質保障關鍵技術研究及應用 榮獲中國酒業協會 科技進步二等獎。供應鏈管理本集團對供應商實施制度化、標準化和專業化管理,圍繞拓展資源、初步篩選、考察認證、目錄管理、合作考核、綜合評價、分級管理和優化淘汰等八個核心環節進行。本集團實行供應商目錄動態管理,二零二二年上半年引進率3.6%,淘汰率10.6%。於二零二二年上半年,本集團共進行三次供應商現場考察認證,初次認證4家,二次認證3家,現場認證16家,每家供應商的改進建議項目數量約10

311、至20個項目。本集團持續每月對供應商進行合作過程考核,暨對供應商的質量合格率、及時率、準確率、拒單率、退貨率、違規行為、質量缺陷等七項指標實施考核,確保供應商有效履約。倡廉善治誠實守信、遵紀守法、合規經營是本集團始終堅持的原則。本集團嚴格執行法律法規中涉及商業賄賂、勒索、欺詐、洗黑錢等相關規定,包括中華人民共和國 監察法憲法刑事訴訟法中華人民共和國反洗錢法反不正當競爭法 等。同時,本集團在日常經營管理中,嚴格執行華潤華潤啤酒(控股)有限公司|China Resources Beer(Holdings)Company Limited46the“Anti-Unfair Competition La

312、w”of the Peoples Republic of China.Meanwhile,the Group strictly implements CRHs“Centralized Management Measures for Letters and Visits and Question Clues of China Resources Company Limited(Trial)”,the“Guidance for the Handling of Complaint Letters and Visits and Discipline Execution and Examination

313、of CRH”,the“Integrity Talk System for CRHs New Managers”,the“CRH Provisional Regulations for Staff Violation of Disciplines and Regulations”,the“Guidance on Big Supervision System Work of China Resources Company Limited”and the“Ten Directives of China Resources”,as well as relevant internal systems

314、of the Group including the“Implementation Rules of CRSB Disciplinary Inspection(Supervision)Agency Letters and Visits Handling and Disciplinary Work Supervision”,the“Centralized Management Measures for Letters and Visits and Question Clues”,the“Measures for Employee Violation of Regulations and Disc

315、ipline”and the“Implementation Rules for Conversations and Inquiries to Managers of CRSB”in its daily operation and management.The Group insists that power come with responsibility,responsibility must be undertaken,violation of discipline must be investigated,and breach of responsibility must be held

316、 accountable.The discipline inspection department strictly abides by regulations,disciplines and handles cases in accordance with the law.In the first half of 2022,the Group did not have any litigation cases or major breach related to corruption,bribery,extortion,fraud or money laundering.Moreover,t

317、he Group carries out extensive integrity education to promote internal rules and regulations.Typical cases of violations of regulations and disciplines would be reported,investigated and handled by higher-level institutions.Disciplinary commissions at all levels continue to perform special inspectio

318、ns,daily supervisions,general supervisions,patrol and monitoring.Combining with the efforts of various functional departments,financial inspections,special audits,and business inspections were carried out to establish a healthy ecology that prohibits and prevent corruption while strictly investigati

319、ng and punishing corruption.The joint forces persistently implement the Central Governments spirit of the“Eight-Point Regulations”and actions to eliminate the“Four Malfeasances”with an aim to curb corruption in a high-pressure manner.In terms of selecting and appointing talent,the Group has establis

320、hed stringent standards to perform daily stewardship to prevent corruption from the origins and remind through education.In order to improve employees awareness of business ethics and related laws and regulations,the Group has carried out approximately 20,000 hours of training on business ethics,ant

321、i-corruption and integrity training during the first half of 2022.集團 中國華潤有限公司信訪件和問題線索集中管理辦法(試行)華潤集團信訪辦理和執紀審查工作指引集團新任職經理人廉政談話制度華潤集團職工違紀違規處理暫行規定中國華潤有限公司 大監督體系工作指引華潤十誡 等製度,以及本集團內部相關制度,包括 華潤雪花啤酒紀檢(監察)機構信訪辦理和監督執紀工作實施細則信訪件和問題線索集中管理辦法員工違規違紀處理辦法華潤雪花啤酒關於對管理人員進行談話和函詢的實施細則 等。本集團堅持有權必有責,有責必擔當,違紀必追究,失責必問責,紀檢部門嚴格

322、依規、依紀和依法辦信辦案。於二零二二年上半年,本集團未發生任何涉及貪污、賄賂、勒索、欺詐及洗黑錢的訴訟案件和重大違規情況。此外,本集團廣泛開展廉潔教育,宣講內部規章制度,通報上級紀檢機構查處的違規違紀典型案件,以案為戒,警鐘長鳴。各級紀委持續開展專項檢查、日常監督、大監督、巡視巡察,結合各職能部門開展的財務檢查、專項審計、業務檢查等,構築不敢腐、不能腐、不想腐的良好生態,嚴肅查處和懲治腐敗,持之以恆地貫徹落實中央 八項規定 精神和反 四風 活動,持續保持反腐敗的高壓態勢。選人用人方面,把好廉潔意見回復關和任職談話關等日常監督。通過開展廉潔談話、誡勉談話、提醒談話、建立廉潔檔案等形式,從源頭狠抓

323、預防、教育提醒。為了提高員工對商業道德及相關法律法規的認知,二零二二年上半年本集團開展商業道德、反貪污和廉潔相關培訓的總時數達到約20,000小時。企業社會責任(續)倡廉善治(續)CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY(Continued)GOVERNANCE OF INTEGRITY(Continued)二零二二年 中期報告|Interim Report 202247關於本集團 About The Group致我們的股東 To Our Shareholders財務資料 Financial Information企業管治 Corporate Governance其他資料

324、|OTHER INFORMATIONDIRECTORS INTERESTS IN SECURITIESAs at 30 June 2022,the interests and short positions of the directors and chief executive of the Company in the shares,underlying shares and debentures of the Company and its associated corporations,within the meaning of Part XV of the Securities an

325、d Futures Ordinance,Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong(“SFO”),which have been notified to the Company and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited(the“Stock Exchange”)pursuant to Divisions 7 and 8 of Part XV of the SFO,including interests and short positions which the directors and chief executive

326、of the Company are taken or deemed to have under such provisions of the SFO,or which are required to be and are recorded in the register required to be kept pursuant to section 352 of the SFO or as otherwise required to be notified to the Company and the Stock Exchange pursuant to the Model Code(“Mo

327、del Code”)for Securities Transactions by Directors of Listed Issuers contained in Appendix 10 to the Listing Rules were as follows:(A)INTERESTS IN ISSUED ORDINARY SHARES AND UNDERLYING SHARES OF THE COMPANY董事之證券權益於二零二二年六月三十日,本公司董事及最高行政人員於本公司及其相聯法團(定義見香港法例第571章 證券及期貨條例 第XV部)的股份、相關股份及債權證中擁有須根據 證券及期貨條例

328、 第XV部第七及第八分部知會本公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司(聯交所)的權益或淡倉(包括根據證券及期貨條例 的條文規定被列為或視作擁有的權益或淡倉),或須根據 證券及期貨條例 第352條規定將會或已經記錄在該條規定須予存置的登記冊內的權益及淡倉,或根據上市規則附錄十所載 上市發行人董事進行證券交易的標準守則(標準守則)須知會本公司及聯交所的權益及淡倉如下:(甲)於本公司已發行普通股及相關股份中擁有的權益董事姓名 好倉淡倉股份數目共佔權益百分比1 Name of directorLong position/Short positionNumber of sharesAggregate percen

329、tage of interest1(%)侯孝海好倉1,018,0000.03Hou XiaohaiLong position黎汝雄好倉149,4980.01Lai Ni Hium,FrankLong position李家祥好倉271,8170.01Li Ka Cheung,EricLong position 附註:1.指本公司股份中的好倉總數佔本公司於二零二二年六月三十日已發行股份總數的百分比。2.上文所披露之權益全部由各董事以實益擁有人之身份持有。Notes:1.This represents the percentage of the aggregate long positions in

330、 shares of the Company to the total issued shares of the Company as at 30 June 2022.2.All interests disclosed above are being held by each director in his capacity as beneficial owner.華潤啤酒(控股)有限公司|China Resources Beer(Holdings)Company Limited48DIRECTORS INTERESTS IN SECURITIES(Continued)(B)INTERESTS

331、 IN ISSUED ORDINARY SHARES AND UNDERLYING SHARES OF ASSOCIATED CORPORATIONSAs at the same date,certain directors had interests in the issued ordinary shares of associated corporations(within the meaning of the SFO):(i)Interests in issued ordinary shares of an associated corporation,China Resources L

332、and Limited(“CR Land”):董事之證券權益(續)(乙)於相聯法團已發行普通股及相關股份中擁有的權益同日,若干位董事擁有相聯法團(定義見 證券及期貨條例)的已發行普通股之權益:(i)於一間相聯法團華潤置地有限公司(華潤置地)已發行普通股之權益:董事姓名好倉淡倉股份數目共佔權益百分比1Name of directorLong position/Short positionNumber of sharesAggregate percentage of interest1(%)黎汝雄好倉10,0000.01Lai Ni Hium,FrankLong position李家祥好倉50,0

333、000.01Li Ka Cheung,EricLong position 附註:1.指好倉所涉及的華潤置地股份總數佔華潤置地於二零二二年六月三十日已發行股份總數的百分比。2.上文所披露之權益全部由各董事以實益擁有人之身份持有。(ii)於一間相聯法團華潤萬象生活有限公司(華潤萬象生活)已發行普通股之權益:董事姓名好倉淡倉股份數目共佔權益百分比1Name of directorLong position/Short positionNumber of sharesAggregate percentage of interest1(%)黎汝雄好倉4,1570.01Lai Ni Hium,FrankLong position李家祥好倉3870.01Li Ka Cheung,EricLong position 附註:1.指好倉所涉及的華潤萬象生活股份總數佔華潤萬象生活於二零二二年六月三十日已發行股份



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