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1、SMART Intersections FINAL REPORT May 2022 By(PI)Shannon Warchol Kittelson&Associates,Inc.COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION CONTRACT#E04696 WORK ORDER#001 Technical Report Documentation Page 1.Report No.FHWA-PA-2022-003-E04696 WO 001 2.Government Accession No.3.Recipients Cata

2、log No.4.Title and Subtitle SMART Intersections 5.Report Date May 13,2022 6.Performing Organization Code 7.Author(s)Kittelson&Associates,Inc.Transoft Solutions,Inc.Rybinski Engineering,LLC The Pennsylvania State University Imperial Traffic&Data Collection,LLC LingaTech,Inc.8.Performing Organization

3、Report No.9.Performing Organization Name and Address Kittelson&Associates,Inc.922 N.3rd Street,1st Floor Harrisburg,PA 17102 10.Work Unit No.(TRAIS)11.Contract or Grant No.E04696 WO 001 12.Sponsoring Agency Name and Address The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Bureau of Planning and Researc

4、h Commonwealth Keystone Building 400 North Street,6th Floor Harrisburg,PA 17120-0064 13.Type of Report and Period Covered Final Report(October 2020 to May 2022)14.Sponsoring Agency Code 15.Supplementary Notes PI Contact Information:Shannon Warchol,922 N.3rd Street,1st Floor,Harrisburg,PA 17102.16.Ab

5、stract The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation(PennDOT)is seeking to better understand how vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and bicyclists interact with motor vehicles at signalized intersections.PennDOT intends to use that information to target and deploy engineering countermeasures

6、more appropriately to increase the safety performance.This study used video-based conflict monitoring and crash data to assess interactions of all road users,conflicts,and actual crashes at selected intersections throughout Pennsylvania.Fifteen intersections(one pilot study site,six sites based on c

7、rash data,six sites based on known qualitative conflict data/information,and two sites for potential before-after study)were selected for analysis in this study.The sites were selected using historic crash data,existing public open data sources(AADT,bicycle routes,and census data),and input from loc

8、al jurisdictions.These 15 intersections were monitored over multiple days and video analysis technology was used to measure the post encroachment time(PET)between vulnerable road users(VRU)and motor vehicles.Other traffic and land use data were collected by the study team and used in addition to the

9、 video analytics to better understand how pedestrians and bicyclists interact with motor vehicles at intersections.Essential data in this study included PETs,traffic counts,road user types,land use characteristics,traffic signal-related information,and motor vehicle speeds.PET,or the time between th

10、e first road user leaving a common spatial point and the second road user arriving at the same point,was used to identify critical events,defined as events with PETs of less than three seconds.Up to 100 critical events were selected and the video data were manually reviewed to confirm if the critica

11、l event was a conflict such confirmed events are referred to as confirmed conflicts.The objective of this study was to explore the relationship between critical events and confirmed conflicts,as well as the influence of other site features.A key finding of this study was that agencies can use critic

12、al events identified by video-based event monitoring technology as surrogates for crashes in evaluating VRU safety performance at intersections.While crashes are rare enough that patterns are difficult to discern,critical events occur in sufficient quantity to shed light on repeated interactions bet

13、ween VRUs and motor vehicles that may or may not result in crashes,depending on other contributing factors.This study developed a proposed process for using critical event data and validated the process through five case studies.17.Key Words Intersections,safety performance,critical events,conflicts

14、,vulnerable road user,post encroachment time,crashes 18.Distribution Statement No restrictions.This document is available from the National Technical Information Service,Springfield,VA 22161 19.Security Classif.(of this report)Unclassified 20.Security Classif.(of this page)Unclassified 21.No.of Page

15、s 68 22.Price Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-72)Reproduction of completed page authorized PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIONSMART INTERSECTIONSFINAL REPORTMAY 20222Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Project Number 247330 E04696 Smart Intersections:Understanding How Pedestrians and Bicyclists Int

16、eract with Motor vehicles at IntersectionsJeff Roecker,Senior Traffic Control SpecialistShelley Scott,Research Project ManagerPennsylvania Department of Transportation(PennDOT)400 North Street|6th Floor|Harrisburg,PA 17120Report PartnersKittelson&Associates,Inc.Imperial Traffic Data CollectionLingaT

17、echPennsylvania State UniversityRybinski EngineeringTransoft SolutionsThis traffic engineering and safety study is confidential pursuant to 75 Pa.C.S.3754 and 23 U.S.C.407 and may not be disclosed or used in litigation without written permission from PennDOT.The contents of this report reflect the v

18、iews of the author(s)who is(are)responsible for the facts and the accuracy of the data presented herein.The contents do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of the US Department of Transportation,Federal Highway Administration,or the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania at the time of publ

19、ication.This report does not constitute a standard,specification or regulation.This work was sponsored by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and the U.S.Department of Transportation,Federal Highway Administration.SMART INTERSECTIONS REPORT3CONTENTSEXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4What is a smart inters

20、ection?4What is a vulnerable road user(VRU)?4Conflicts as a safety indicator 5What is an event?6What is a confirmed conflict?7Using Data to Make Pennsylvanias Intersections Smarter 7CHAPTER 1CAPTURING INCIDENTS ON VIDEO 10How does video monitoring work?10Analysis 11CHAPTER 2 CONNECTING CRITICAL EVEN


22、ylvania Department of Transportation WHAT IS A SMART INTERSECTION?A smart intersection uses technology to document and evaluate how pedestrians,bicyclists,and vehicles interact.Smart intersection tools help us carefully time and analyze user interactions so we can better select,implement,and evaluat

23、e countermeasures against conflicts and crashes.EXECUTIVE SUMMARYWHAT IS A VULNERABLE ROAD USER(VRU)?The term“vulnerable road user”means a nonmotorist that falls within the following two categories defined by the Federal Highway Administration.(A)A nonmotorist with a fatality analysis reporting syst

24、em person attribute code that is included in the definition of the term number of non-motorized fatalities in section 490.205 of title 23,Code of Federal Regulations(or successor regulations)(B)A nonmotorist described in the term number of non-motorized serious injuries in that section1.A VRU crash

25、indicates a crash that includes both a motor vehicle and a pedestrian,pedestrian conveyance(wheelchair,scooter,skateboard,etc.),bicyclist(not including e-bikes),or other pedalcyclist.1 The definition of vulnerable road user is provided in 23 U.S.C.148(a)(15),https:/safety.fhwa.dot.gov/hsip/rulemakin

26、g/docs/Section148_SpecialRule_Guidance.pdf,February 2022.SMART INTERSECTIONS REPORT5Executive SummaryPedestrians and bicyclists are vulnerable road users.CONFLICTS AS A SAFETY INDICATORVulnerable road users,like pedestrians and bicyclists,are at greater risk in the event of a crash than vehicle driv

27、ers and their passengers.Collecting accurate pedestrian and bicycle volumes is difficult.Gathering data on crashes involving pedestrians and bicyclists requires long study periods and presents data that is difficult to interpret.Because of this,calculating crash rates on a per-user basis is infeasib

28、le.Relying exclusively on crash data means waiting for crashesand the resulting injuries and fatalitiesto happen before taking preventative action.Because we know pedestrians and bicyclists are more likely to suffer serious injuries and fatalities than vehicle occupants,especially because they are u

29、nprotected by an outside shield,this study explored whether video analytics can provide more timely information about critical events and confirmed conflicts.We found that video analytics offer engineers an important tool to use alongside crash data when selecting intersection countermeasures.This r

30、eport proposes a process for using critical events to select and evaluate intersection countermeasures.OTHER INTERACTIONSPOTENTIALEVENTPET=3 3seconds or less3-53-5seconds 5seconds CRITICALEVENT6Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Executive SummaryWHAT IS AN EVENT?Broadly speaking,an event desc

31、ribes the relationship between two road users at a given point on the roadway.We measure this relationship using post-encroachment time(PET),which is the time between one road user leaving a given point on a roadway and a second road user arriving at that same point.A PET of zero seconds indicates a

32、 crash has occurred.While crash data only covers PET zero-second events,this methodology provides a larger data set that encompasses a wider range of events.For this study,we described three different types of events:Critical Events,which have a PET of three seconds or less.Potential Events,which ha

33、ve a PET between three and five seconds.Other Interactions,which have a PET of more than five seconds.SMART INTERSECTIONS REPORT7Executive SummaryWHAT IS A CONFIRMED CONFLICT?A confirmed conflict is a critical event that has been reviewed by an engineer and deemed a conflict given the involved road

34、users proximity,evasive action,and awareness.USING DATA TO MAKE PENNSYLVANIAS INTERSECTIONS SMARTERResearchers selected 15 urban and suburban intersections across Pennsylvania to serve as study sites for the smart intersection process.Some intersections had known crash histories and others were reco

35、mmended by local practitioners based on frequent conflicts.At each intersection,the study team collected and analyzed one week of video data for all events with PETs less than 10 seconds.Then,to determine the percentage of critical events that could be confirmed as conflicts,they selected 100 critic

36、al events for human review.They also collected five years of crash data for each intersection.The team then combined critical event,confirmed conflict,and crash data to determine whether and how well event data can predict crashes.Look for this icon to find innovative ways PennDOT can incorporate sm

37、art intersection data analysis.8Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Study IntersectionsExecutive Summary811231.Bigelow Boulevard&Bayard Street(Pittsburgh)2.Negley Avenue&Stanton Avenue(Pittsburgh)3.Centre Avenue&Penn Avenue(Pittsburgh)4.Blue Course Drive&N.Atherton Street

38、(State College)5.E.College Avenue&Garner Street(State College)6.E.College Avenue&N.Atherton Street(State College)7.Forster Street&Front Street(Harrisburg)8.Queen Street&Orange Street(Lancaster)9.W.Baltimore Avenue&S.Orange Street(Media)10.Market Street&34th Street(Philadelphia)11.Washington Avenue&B

39、road Street(Philadelphia)12.Hamilton Street&17th Street(Allentown)13.Hamilton Street&4th Street(Allentown)14.Center Street/W.Lehigh Street&New Street(Bethlehem)15.Market Street&S.River Street(Wilkes-Barre)Underlined intersections case studies can be found in Chapter 5.SMART INTERSECTIONS REPORT9Exec

40、utive SummaryThe appendix of this report contains a fact sheet for each intersection analyzed in this study.The fact sheets provide A breakdown of the critical events identified at the intersection;A visualization of how critical events fluctuate over time of day;Demographics of the critical events,

41、such as the percentage of events involving pedestrians versus bicyclists as well as the movement of vehicles involved in critical events;and Key takeaways specific to the intersection.Vehicle Conflicts with PedestriansVehicle Conflicts with Bicycles94%of all critical events6%29%vehicle left turn35%v

42、ehicle through36%vehicle right turn32%vehicle left turn37%vehicle through31%vehicle right turnof all critical events10Pennsylvania Department of Transportation CHAPTER 1CAPTURING INCIDENTS ON VIDEOVideo monitoring provides important and useful data on traffic volumes,speed,and near-crash conflict in

43、dicators.HOW DOES VIDEO MONITORING WORK?The team collected one week of videos at each site,and computer software identified events involving interactions between VRUs and vehicles.For each event,the software program automatically recorded user speed,location,and movements along with the time of the

44、event and the events PET.The software also tabulated information about total volumes by user type and the speed,movement,and location of each road user,whether they were involved in an event or not.SMART INTERSECTIONS REPORT11Chapter 1ANALYSISThe research team looked at the speed data to determine i

45、f users followed typical behavior patterns.Key FindingsVehicle speeds showed that vehicle users met typical expectations:Key Findings 10 percent of pedestrians and 12 percent of bicyclists who interact with other road users are involved in critical events.About one-third of pedestrians involved in c

46、ritical events interact with right-turning vehicles(35 percent)and one-third interact with through vehicles(36 percent).Similarly,about one-third of bicycles involved in critical events interact with left-turning vehicles(33 percent)and about one-third interact with through vehicles(39 percent).No c

47、ommon features were identified among intersections with the highest critical event rates per 10,000 pedestrians.The research team also looked for connections between Confirmed conflict counts Critical event counts User volumes User speeds User movements(left turns,right turns,or through movements)In

48、tersection features such as land use,number of lanes,left-turn phasing,permissibility of right turn on red,presence of trails,presence of channelized turn lanes Event and conflict time of day Vehicle speeds were lower in college environments compared to urban and suburban environments.Across all thr

49、ee land use contexts,left-and right-turning vehicle speeds were lower than through-vehicle speeds.Across all three land use contexts,vehicle speeds were lower than the posted speed limits.The vehicle speeds increased as the posted speed limit increased,among intersection approaches.12Pennsylvania De

50、partment of Transportation Are some types of critical events more likely to be confirmed conflicts?Not all critical events are confirmed conflicts.The team reviewed 100 critical events at each intersection to determine which were confirmed conflicts.Using this information,the team then analyzed the

51、relationship between critical events and confirmed conflicts.By understanding the link between critical events and confirmed conflicts,engineers can better draw conclusions about the intersection from computer-generated critical event data alone,without the time-intensive process of visually identif

52、ying each conflict.Key Findings On average across all intersections,five percent of critical events resulted in confirmed conflicts(standard deviation of two percent).Therefore,for every 20 critical events,you can expect one confirmed conflict.One outlier site,Broad and Washington in Philadelphia,ha

53、d a confirmed conflict rate of 28 percent.This sites unusually high pedestrian road-user volumes(42 percent)may account for the higher confirmed conflict rate.We did not observe an increased rate of confirmed conflicts by movement type.For example,a right-turn critical event is no more likely to be

54、a confirmed conflict than a through-movement or left-turn critical event.CHAPTER 2CONNECTING CRITICAL EVENTS TO CONFIRMED CONFLICTSSMART INTERSECTIONS REPORT13Chapter 2Key TermsCritical Events have a PET of three seconds or less.Confirmed Conflicts are critical events that have been reviewed by an e

55、ngineer and deemed a conflict given the involved road users proximity,evasive action,and awareness.3 3seconds or lessCRITICALEVENT14Pennsylvania Department of Transportation What can confirmed conflicts tell practitioners about potential crash issues?For each intersection,the team compared one week

56、of confirmed conflict data to five years of crash data to understand how well confirmed conflicts can predict crash patterns.Key FindingsThe presence of at least one confirmed conflict in a one-week study period indicates you will more likely see a crash at the same intersection within a five-year p

57、eriod.1 About 75 percent of the intersections with confirmed vehicle-pedestrian conflicts during the one-week study period had a vehicle-pedestrian crash over the five-year study period.About 60 percent of the intersections with confirmed vehicle-bicycle conflicts during the one-week study period ha

58、d a vehicle-bicycle crash over the five-year study period.There is a connection between the location of the crash and the location of the confirmed conflict.If a confirmed conflict was observed in a specific zone at a given intersection,there was about a 60 percent chance of seeing a crash in the sa

59、me zone over the fiveyear study period.CHAPTER 3USING CONFIRMED CONFLICT DATA TO INFORM POTENTIAL CRASH ISSUESSMART INTERSECTIONS REPORT15Chapter 32A vehicles maneuver in a confirmed conflict is highly indicative of a vehicles maneuver in a crash at the same intersection.3An increase in confirmed co

60、nflicts at an intersection in the one-year study period did not result in an increased likelihood or higher count of crashes at that intersection over the five-year period.Figure:Illustration of four zones at each intersectionNINE INTERSECTIONS had a crash involving a left-turning vehicle and a VRU;

61、eight of these intersections had a confirmed conflict between a left-turning vehicle and VRU.NINE INTERSECTIONS had a crash involving a through-moving vehicle and a VRU;all nine of these intersections had a confirmed conflict between a through-vehicle and a VRU.TWO INTERSECTIONS had crashes involvin

62、g a right-turning vehicle and a VRU;both of these intersections had a confirmed conflict between a right-turning vehicle and a VRU.16Pennsylvania Department of Transportation How can critical event data be used to evaluate intersections and countermeasures?Conflict data can help agencies rapidly sel

63、ect and evaluate low-cost countermeasures as a first line of defense.If greater improvement is still needed,agencies can quickly respond with additional countermeasures.HOW CAN CONFLICT DATA BE USED TO EVALUATE INTERSECTIONS?Even though technology exists to measure and flag unsafe interactions betwe

64、en road users,identifying confirmed conflicts within that data is still a manual and time-consuming process.When evaluating VRU safety at intersections,agencies can instead use critical events as surrogates for crashes.Crashes are rare enough that their patterns can be difficult to spot.Critical eve

65、nts,however,happen often enough to reveal recurring issues between VRUs and vehicles.Detecting events that could ultimately result in a crash helps agencies intervene before crashes happen.CHAPTER 4USING CRITICAL EVENT DATA FOR RAPID COUNTERMEASURE EVALUATIONUndisturbed FlowOther InteractionsPotenti

66、al EventsCritical EventsConfirmed ConflictsCrashes Fatal Suspected Serious Injury Suspected Minor Injury Possible Injury Injury Unknown Severity Unknown if Injured PDOSMART INTERSECTIONS REPORT17Only looking for crashes obscures the size of the problem.Chapter 4STEP1STEP218Pennsylvania Department of

67、 Transportation PROCESS Conduct a one-week conflict assessment between vehicles and VRUs.Evaluate the critical events using the following rules:For every 20 critical events,its likely one would be considered a confirmed conflict by an engineer.If there are more than 20 critical events at an intersec

68、tion and the intersection remains unchanged,it is more likely a crash has happened or will happen within a five-year period.2 If a high critical event count(more than 20)is clustered in an intersection zone,it is more likely a crash will happen,or has happened,in the same zone.Chapter 42 This rule i

69、s solely based on key finding#1:“The presence of at least one confirmed conflict in a one-week study period indicates you will more likely see a crash at the same intersection within a five-year period”(see chapter 3).STEP3STEP4STEP5SMART INTERSECTIONS REPORT19Evaluate critical event data from the a

70、fter period one-week assessment,selecting and installing additional countermeasures if needed.Conduct a one-week conflict assessment between vehicles and VRUs.This can happen as soon as road users have become accustomed to the new environment.Identify,select,and install countermeasures.Chapter 420Pe

71、nnsylvania Department of Transportation CENTER STREET/W LEHIGH STREET AND NEW STREET Bethlehem,PAREASON FOR SELECTING THE LOCATION In June 2021,the signalization for northbound right-turning vehicles from New Street to Center Street was modified to include a flashing yellow arrow with the standard r

72、ed,yellow,and green arrows.We conducted a before-and-after study to determine whether conflict patterns and safety performance changed at this intersection.The study period covered the seven days before and after the implemented change.In the figures below,youll see the intersection and the road use

73、r trajectories.The accompanying table shows the average hourly volumes for drivers,pedestrians,and bicyclists.Average Hourly VolumesDriverLeft TurnDriverThroughDriverRight TurnPedestrianBicycle8905371,2605019BEFORE AND AFTERCHAPTER 5CASE STUDIESReal world examples of how the conflict data evaluation

74、 process worksChapter 5SMART INTERSECTIONS REPORT21WHAT DOES THE DATA SHOW?SEVERITYThe severity of the interactions at this intersection can be classified based on the post encroachment time(PET)and speed values.Remember:A lower PET indicates a situation in which a crash was more likely to occur bec

75、ause of the interaction.PETs below 3 seconds are critical events,as the average road user perception-reaction time is 2.5 seconds(1.5 seconds of which is perception time and 1.0 second is reaction time).PETs greater than 5 seconds,are generally considered interactions.1 According to Fuller,the proba

76、bility of a fatal pedestrian injury involving a driver at 20 mph,30 mph,and 40 mph vehicle speeds,is 5 percent,45 percent,and 85 percent,respectively.2 Interactions observed during the analysis period are represented by points in the figure below.Color coding indicates the PET values for different e

77、vents.1 For more on the average road user perception time,see The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials(AASHTO),A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets,7th Edition(2018),https:/store.transportation.org/item/collectiondetail/180?AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1.

78、2 Fuller,R.,et al.Impact of speed change on estimated journey time:Failure of drivers to appreciate relevance of initial speed.Accident Analysis&Prevention 41.1(2009):1014.Critical EventsCritical EventsPotential EventsPotential EventsOther InteractionsOther Interactions22Pennsylvania Department of T

79、ransportation EVENT DISTRIBUTIONA total of 562 pedestrian events occurred at this intersection in the before period and 450 occurred in the after period.Of these,35(6 percent)in the before period and 38(8 percent)in the after period were critical events.Similarly,a total of 291 bicycle events occurr

80、ed at this intersection in the before period and 128 bicycle events occurred in the after period.Of these,31(11 percent)in the before period and 19(15 percent)in the after period were critical events.CRITICAL EVENT RATEOverall,from the before period to the after period,the temporal distribution of t

81、he critical event rate is consistent.Before Period xThe pedestrian critical event rate is higher from 10 a.m.to noon and from 6 to 10 p.m.than during other time periods.xThe bicycle critical event rate is higher from 2 to 7 p.m.than during other time periods.After Period xThe pedestrian critical eve

82、nt rate is higher from noon to 2 p.m.and 5 to 7 p.m.than during other time periods.xThe bicycle critical event rate is higher from 1 to 7 p.m.than during other time periods.VEHICLE SPEEDS For all events,the vehicle speeds for right turns decreased in the after period(14 mph)when compared to the befo

83、re period(17 mph).For critical events and other interactions(PET 5.0 sec),the vehicle speeds for through movements increased in the after period(17 mph)compared to the before period(13 mph).However,the speeds remained consistent for potential events(3 sec PET 20More likely that a crash will occur(or

84、 has occurred)at this intersection over a five-year period.20 CRITICAL EVENTSNB right turnTherefore,it is more likely that a resulting crash(or a historic crash)will be present in that zone of the intersection.SMART INTERSECTIONS REPORT25STEP 4Conduct a 1-week conflict assessment between vehicles,pe

85、destrians,and bicyclists.Approximately 6 weeks after the installation of the flashing yellow arrow,another 1-week conflict assessment was conducted.STEP 5Evaluate after period assessment,selecting and installing additional countermeasures as necessary.Step 5.1For every 20 critical events,its likely

86、that one such event would be considered a confirmed conflict by an engineer.Step 5.2If more than 20 critical events are present at an intersection,it is more likely that at least one crash will occur(or has occurred)over a five-year period if no changes are made to the intersection.Step 5.3If a high

87、 count of critical events(20)is clustered in an intersection zone,it is more likely that a resulting crash(or a historic crash)will be present in the same zone.While the rate of conflicts between pedestrians and NB right-turning vehicles decreased after installation of the flashing yellow arrow,ther

88、e is still an elevated count of critical events(20).Therefore,it is more likely that a resulting crash(or a historic crash)will be present in that zone of the intersection.Additional potential countermeasures for consideration at the northbound right turn include:Prohibiting right turn on red(RTOR)m

89、ay be considered at this intersection.xPart time RTOR prohibitions,especially during morning and afternoon peak hours,may be sufficient to address some of these events given the temporal distribution of the events.xSigns should be clearly visible to right-turning drivers stopped in the curb lane at

90、the crosswalk.xSigns cost about$200$500 each,electronic signs costs may go up to$3,000$5,000.A leading pedestrian interval could be considered in conjunction with the flashing yellow arrow.xPedestrians could be given the walk signal about three seconds before parallel traffic is given a green light.

91、xSignal changes cost$5,000$10,000CRITICAL EVENTS38 pedestrian18 bicycleCONFIRMED CONFLICTS2 pedestrian20More likely that a crash will occur(or has occurred)at this intersection over a five-year period.26Pennsylvania Department of Transportation CENTRE AVENUE AND PENN AVENUE Pittsburgh,PAREASON FOR S

92、ELECTING THE LOCATION This intersection had a high share of pedestrians and had a disproportionate number of critical events with right-turning vehicles.Pedestrian volumes are about 10 percent of the total vehicle volumes.xIt has the sixth highest count of pedestrian critical events across all inter

93、sections.Intersection has the fourth highest count of pedestrian critical events with right-turning vehicles across all intersections.Events with right turning vehicles are about four times greater than events with through vehicles in all event groups.In the figures below,youll see the intersection

94、and the road user trajectories.The accompanying table shows the average hourly volumes for drivers,pedestrians,and bicyclists.Average Hourly VolumesDriverLeft TurnDriverThroughDriverRight TurnPedestrianBicycle8812,9261,47738223Chapter 5SMART INTERSECTIONS REPORT27WHAT DOES THE DATA SHOW?SEVERITYThe

95、severity of the interactions at this intersection can be classified based on the post encroachment time(PET)and speed values.Remember:A lower PET indicates a situation in which a crash was more likely to occur because of the interaction.PETs below 3 seconds are critical events,as the average road us

96、er perception-reaction time is 2.5 seconds(1.5 seconds of which is perception time and 1.0 second is reaction time).PETs greater than 5 seconds,are generally considered interactions.1According to Fuller,the probability of a fatal pedestrian injury involving a driver at 20 mph,30 mph,and 40 mph vehic

97、le speeds,is 5 percent,45 percent,and 85 percent,respectively.2 Interactions observed during the analysis period are represented by points in the figure below.Color coding indicates the PET values for different events.1 For more on the average road user perception time,see The American Association o

98、f State Highway and Transportation Officials(AASHTO),A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets,7th Edition(2018),https:/store.transportation.org/item/collectiondetail/180?AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1.2 Fuller,R.,et al.Impact of speed change on estimated journey time:Failure of drivers to

99、 appreciate relevance of initial speed.Accident Analysis&Prevention 41.1(2009):1014.Chapter 5Critical EventsPotential EventsOther Interactions28Pennsylvania Department of Transportation EVENT DISTRIBUTIONOf all the pedestrian events at this intersection,5 percent were critical events,23 percent were

100、 potential events,and 72 percent were other interactions.Of all bicycle events,10 percent were critical events,22 percent were potential events,and 68 percent were other interactions.CRITICAL EVENT RATE The pedestrian critical event rate is higher from 3 to 7 p.m.than during other time periods.The b

101、icycle critical event rate is higher from 2 to 4 p.m.and at 8 p.m.than during other time periods.VEHICLE MOVEMENTS BY CROSSWALKThe north-south street is considered to be Centre Avenue and the east-west street is considered to be Penn Avenue.Looking at all 4,778 events in the eastside crosswalk,the N

102、B right turn had 3000 events,and the WB right turn had 742.Of the total 219 critical events in this crosswalk,the NB right turn had 177,and the WB right turn had 20.Of the 91 events in the westside crosswalk,the WB through had 47 events,and the SB right turn had 32 events.This crosswalk had 8 critic

103、al events,5 of which occurred in the WB through direction.CRITICAL EVENT RATE BY MOVEMENTChapter 5SMART INTERSECTIONS REPORT29The four movements with the highest conflict rate per movement were the NB left turn,NB right turn,EB right turn,and WB right turn.This intersection has the highest number of

104、 critical events and potential events with left-turning and right-turning drivers.In the conflict heat map below,we can see locations in the intersection that have more conflicts with lower PETs(yellow).These lower PET areas are along the path of the left-and right-turning vehicles.Currently,the sig

105、nal phasing for left-turning drivers on all approaches is protected.RTOR is prohibited for all approaches.Chapter 530Pennsylvania Department of Transportation FIVE STEP PROCESS STEP 1Conduct a 1-week conflict assessment between vehicles,pedestrians,and bicyclists.Completed STEP 2Evaluate the critica

106、l events using the following rules:Step 2.1For every 20 critical events,it is more likely that one such event would be considered a confirmed conflict by an engineer.Step 2.2If more than 20 critical events are present at an intersection,its likely that at least one crash will occur(or has occurred)o

107、ver a five-year period if no changes are made to the intersection.Step 2.3If more than 20 critical events are clustered in an intersection zone,it is more likely that a resulting crash(or a historic crash)will be present in the same zone.Chapter 5CRITICAL EVENTS492 pedestrian47 bicycleCONFIRMED CONF

108、LICTS25 pedestrian3 bicycle20 CRITICAL EVENTSNB right turn,WB right turn,NB through,and SB through movementsTherefore,it is more likely that a resulting crash(or a historic crash)will be present in these zones of the intersection.HISTORIC CRASH DATA(2015-2019)1 pedestrian0 bicycleCRITICAL EVENTS20Mo

109、re likely that a crash will occur(or has occurred)at this intersection over a five-year period.SMART INTERSECTIONS REPORT31STEP 3Identify and install a countermeasure.The following are potential countermeasures for consideration at this location:Prohibiting RTOR and adding a leading pedestrian inter

110、val(i.e.,signal changes)can benefit pedestrians while minimizing impact to traffic flow.xPedestrians are given walk signal three seconds before parallel traffic is given a green light.xSignal changes cost$5,000$10,000.STEP 4Conduct a 1-week conflict assessment between vehicles,pedestrians,and bicycl

111、ists.While not part of this study,future work could include installing a countermeasure and conducting a follow up assessment.STEP 5Evaluate after period assessment,selecting and installing additional countermeasures as necessary.32Pennsylvania Department of Transportation W COLLEGE AVENUE AND ATHER

112、TON STREET State College,PAREASON FOR SELECTING THE LOCATION This intersection had a high share of pedestrians and a disproportionate number of critical events with left-turning vehicles.Pedestrian volumes are about 32 percent of the total vehicle volume.xThis intersection has the third highest coun

113、t of pedestrian critical events per 10,000 road users across all intersections.This intersection has the second highest count of pedestrian critical events with left-turning vehicles across all intersections.Events with left-turning vehicles are about two times greater than events with through vehic

114、les in all event groups.In the figures below,youll see the intersection and the road user trajectories.The accompanying table shows the average hourly volumes for drivers,pedestrians,and bicyclists.Average Hourly VolumesDriverLeft TurnDriverThroughDriverRight TurnPedestrianBicycle8153,0271,3081,4991

115、3Chapter 5SMART INTERSECTIONS REPORT33WHAT DOES THE DATA SHOW?SEVERITYThe severity of the interactions at this intersection can be classified based on the post encroachment time(PET)and speed values.Remember:A lower PET indicates a situation in which a crash was more likely to occur because of the i

116、nteraction.PETs below 3 seconds are critical events,as the average road user perception-reaction time is 2.5 seconds(1.5 seconds of which is perception time and 1.0 second is reaction time).PETs greater than 5 seconds,are generally considered interactions.1According to Fuller,the probability of a fa

117、tal pedestrian injury involving a driver at 20 mph,30 mph,and 40 mph vehicle speeds,is 5 percent,45 percent,and 85 percent,respectively.2 Interactions observed during the analysis period are represented by points in the figure below.Color coding indicates the PET values for different events.Chapter

118、51 For more on the average road user perception time,see The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials(AASHTO),A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets,7th Edition(2018),https:/store.transportation.org/item/collectiondetail/180?AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1.2 Ful

119、ler,R.,et al.Impact of speed change on estimated journey time:Failure of drivers to appreciate relevance of initial speed.Accident Analysis&Prevention 41.1(2009):1014.Critical EventsPotential EventsOther Interactions34Pennsylvania Department of Transportation EVENT DISTRIBUTIONOf all the pedestrian

120、events at this intersection,8 percent were critical events,29 percent were potential events,and 63 percent were other interactions.Similarly,of all bicycle events,11 percent were critical events,25 percent were potential events,and 64 percent were other interactions.CRITICAL EVENT RATE The pedestria

121、n critical event rate is high throughout the day and night.It is higher from 9 a.m.to 12 a.m.and at 2 a.m.than during other time periods.The bicycle critical event rate is higher from 10 a.m.to 8 p.m.than during other time periods.VEHICLE MOVEMENTS BY CROSSWALKLooking at all 3,619 events in the west

122、side crosswalk,the SB right turn had the most events(2,065),followed by NB left turn(1,045).Of the 320 critical events in this crosswalk,the SB right turn had 177 and the NB left turn had 81.CRITICAL EVENT RATE BY MOVEMENTChapter 5SMART INTERSECTIONS REPORT35The three movements that had the highest

123、critical event rates per movement were the WB left turn,NB left turn,and SB right turn.This intersection has the highest number of critical events and potential events with left-turning and right-turning drivers.In the conflict heat map below,we can see locations in the intersection that have more c

124、onflicts with lower PETs(yellow).These lower PET areas are along the NB right movement,eastside crosswalk,and westside crosswalk.Currently,the signal phasing for the left-turning drivers for the SB and WB approaches is permissive.Signal phasing for left-turning vehicles on the NB approach is protect

125、ed/permissive.RTOR is permitted on all approaches.Chapter 536Pennsylvania Department of Transportation FIVE STEP PROCESS STEP 1Conduct a 1-week conflictassessmentbetweenvehicles,pedestrians,and bicyclists.CompletedSTEP 2Evaluate the critical events using the following rules:Step 2.1For every 20 crit

126、ical events,it is more likely that one such event would be considered a confirmed conflict by an engineer.Step 2.2If more than 20 critical events are present at an intersection,its likely that at least one crash will occur(or has occurred)over a five-year period if no changes are made to the interse

127、ction.Step 2.3If more than 20 critical events are clustered in an intersection zone,it is more likely that a resulting crash(or a historic crash)will be present in the same zone.Chapter 5CRITICAL EVENTS1,438 pedestrian27 bicycleCONFIRMED CONFLICTS72 pedestrian1 bicycle20 CRITICAL EVENTSWB left turn,

128、SB right turn,NB through,NB left turn,SB through,and WB through movementsTherefore,it is more likely that a resulting crash(or a historic crash)will be present in these zones of the intersection.HISTORIC CRASH DATA(2015-2019)4 pedestrian0 bicycleCRITICAL EVENTS20More likely that a crash will occur(o

129、r has occurred)at this intersection over a five-year period.SMART INTERSECTIONS REPORT37STEP 3Identify and install a countermeasure.The following are potential countermeasures for consideration at this location:Consider protected left turns for WB and NB movement,especially during the morning and af

130、ternoon peak hours.xSignal changes cost$5,000$10,000.Prohibiting RTOR may be considered at this intersection.xPart time RTOR prohibitions,especially during the morning and afternoon peak hours,may be sufficient to address some of these events given their temporal distribution.xSigns should be clearl

131、y visible to right-turning drivers stopped in the curb lane at the crosswalk.xSigns cost about$200$500 each,and electronic sign costs may go up to$3,000$5,000.STEP 4Conduct a 1-week conflict assessment between vehicles,pedestrians,and bicyclists.While not part of this study,future work could include

132、 installing a countermeasure and conducting a follow up assessment.STEP 5Evaluate after period assessment,selecting and installing additional countermeasures as necessary.38Pennsylvania Department of Transportation HAMILTON STREET AND 17TH STREET Allentown,PAREASON FOR SELECTING THE LOCATION This in

133、tersection had a high confirmed conflict ratio despite having geometric features that tend to reduce turning vehicle speeds.9 percent confirmed conflict ratio There are 1.5 times more events with right turning vehicles than events with through vehicles in all event groups.This intersection has a tig

134、ht turn radius at one or more of the approaches.There is no channelized right-turn lane.In the figures below,youll see the intersection and the road user trajectories.The accompanying table shows the average hourly volumes for drivers,pedestrians,and bicyclists.Average Hourly VolumesDriverLeft TurnD

135、riverThroughDriverRight TurnPedestrianBicycle3062,795522635Chapter 5SMART INTERSECTIONS REPORT39WHAT DOES THE DATA SHOW?One hundred critical events were selected for human observation and review by Rybinski.This intersection had 72 bicycle-and pedestrian-related critical events,and Kittelson selecte

136、d 64 for human review after removing duplicates and bicycle-pedestrian events that had been falsely categorized by video detection software.Of the 64 events,6 events(9 percent)were categorized as confirmed conflicts by engineering judgment and human review.We could observe no clear pattern as to why

137、 the confirmed conflict ratio is higher at this intersection than the other study intersections.However,4 of the 6 confirmed conflicts involved left-or right-turning vehicles,and two of the confirmed conflicts involved SB through movement.SEVERITYThe severity of the interactions at this intersection

138、 can be classified based on the post encroachment time(PET)and speed values.Remember:A lower PET indicates a situation in which a crash was more likely to occur because of the interaction.PETs below 3 seconds are critical events,as the average road user perception-reaction time is 2.5 seconds(1.5 se

139、conds of which is perception time and 1.0 second is reaction time).PETs greater than 5 seconds,are generally considered interactions.1According to Fuller,the probability of a fatal pedestrian injury involving a driver at 20 mph,30 mph,and 40 mph vehicle speeds,is 5 percent,45 percent,and 85 percent,

140、respectively.2 Interactions observed during the analysis period are represented by points in the figure below.Color coding indicates the PET values for different events.Chapter 51 For more on the average road user perception time,see The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Offic

141、ials(AASHTO),A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets,7th Edition(2018),https:/store.transportation.org/item/collectiondetail/180?AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1.2 Fuller,R.,et al.Impact of speed change on estimated journey time:Failure of drivers to appreciate relevance of initial speed.A

142、ccident Analysis&Prevention 41.1(2009):1014.Critical EventsPotential EventsOther Interactions40Pennsylvania Department of Transportation EVENT DISTRIBUTIONOf all the pedestrian events,5 percent were critical events,21 percent were potential events,and 74 percent were other interactions.Of all bicycl

143、e events,10 percent were critical events,23 percent were potential events,and 67 percent were other interactions.CRITICAL EVENT RATE The pedestrian critical event rate is higher from 7 a.m.to 2 p.m.than during other time periods.The bicycle critical event rate is higher from 3 to 9 p.m.than during o

144、ther time periods.VEHICLE MOVEMENTS BY CROSSWALKLooking at all 393 events in the eastside crosswalk,the EB through had the most events(204),followed by WB through(99).Of all 7 critical events at this crosswalk,EB through had 2 and WB through had 2.CRITICAL EVENT RATE BY MOVEMENTChapter 5SMART INTERS

145、ECTIONS REPORT41The four movements with the highest critical event rate per movement were the WB right turn,NB left turn,SB right turn,and EB right turn.This intersection had the highest number of critical events and potential events with left-and right-turning drivers.In the conflict heat map below

146、,we can see locations at the intersection that have more conflicts with lower PETs(yellow).These critical event areas are along the eastside crosswalk and east legs of the intersection.Currently,the signal phasing for the left-turning drivers on all approaches is permissive,and RTOR is permitted for

147、 all approaches.Chapter 542Pennsylvania Department of Transportation FIVE STEP PROCESS STEP 1Conduct a 1-week conflictassessmentbetweenvehicles,pedestrians,and bicyclists.CompletedSTEP 2Evaluate the critical events using the following rules:Step 2.1For every 20 critical events,its likely that one su

148、ch event would be considered a confirmed conflict by an engineer.Step 2.2If more than 20 critical events are present at an intersection,it is more likely that at least one crash will occur(or has occurred)over a five-year period if no changes are made to the intersection.Step 2.3If more than 20 crit

149、ical events are clustered in an intersection zone,it is more likely that a resulting crash(or a historic crash)will be present in the same zone.Chapter 5CRITICAL EVENTS62 pedestrian10 bicycleCONFIRMED CONFLICTS3 pedestrian1 bicycle20 CRITICAL EVENTShas not occurred at this intersection for any movem

150、ent.HISTORIC CRASH DATA(2015-2019)10 pedestrian1 bicycleCRITICAL EVENTS20More likely that a crash will occur(or has occurred)at this intersection over a five-year period.SMART INTERSECTIONS REPORT43STEP 3Identify and install a countermeasure.The following are potential countermeasures for considerat

151、ion at this location:Prohibiting RTOR may be considered at this intersection.xPart time RTOR prohibitions,especially during the morning and afternoon peak hours,may be sufficient to address some of these events given their temporal distribution.xSigns should be clearly visible to right-turning drive

152、rs stopped in the curb lane at the crosswalk.xSigns cost about$200$500 each,and electronic sign costs may go up to$3,000$5,000.Prohibiting RTOR and adding a leading pedestrian interval(i.e.,signal changes)can benefit pedestrians while minimizing impact to traffic flow.xPedestrians are given walk sig

153、nal about three seconds before parallel traffic is given a green indication.xSignal changes cost$5,000$10,000.Consider protected left-turn phasing,especially during the morning and afternoon peak hours.xSignal changes cost$5,000$10,000.STEP 4Conduct a 1-week conflict assessment between vehicles,pede

154、strians,and bicyclists.While not part of this study,future work could include installing a countermeasure and conducting a follow up assessment.STEP 5Evaluate after period assessment,selecting and installing additional countermeasures as necessary.44Pennsylvania Department of Transportation BIGELOW

155、BOULEVARD AND BAYARD STREET Pittsburgh,PA REASON FOR SELECTING THE LOCATION In 2021,a leading pedestrian interval was introduced to phase 4 for pedestrians crossing Bigelow Boulevard.We conducted a before-and-after study to determine whether conflicts and safety performance changed at this intersect

156、ion.The study period included the seven days before and the seven days after the implemented change.Two days in the after period had periods of snow,and we analyzed these days separately.In the figures below,youll see the intersection and the road user trajectories.The accompanying table shows the a

157、verage hourly volumes for drivers,pedestrians,and bicyclists.Average Hourly VolumesDriverLeft TurnDriverThroughDriverRight TurnPedestrianBicycle 231 395 829 23 5 BEFORE AND AFTERChapter 5Chapter 5SMART INTERSECTIONS REPORT45WHAT DOES THE DATA SHOW?SEVERITYThe severity of the interactions at this int

158、ersection can be classified based on the post encroachment time(PET)and speed values.Remember:A lower PET indicates a situation in which a crash was more likely to occur because of the interaction.PETs below 3 seconds are critical events,as the average road user perception-reaction time is 2.5 secon

159、ds(1.5 seconds of which is perception time and 1.0 second is reaction time).PETs greater than 5 seconds,are generally considered interactions.1According to Fuller,the probability of a fatal pedestrian injury involving a driver at 20 mph,30 mph,and 40 mph vehicle speeds,is 5 percent,45 percent,and 85

160、 percent,respectively.2 Interactions observed during the analysis period are represented by points in the figure below.Color coding indicates the PET values for different events.1 For more on the average road user perception time,see The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Offic

161、ials(AASHTO),A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets,7th Edition(2018),https:/store.transportation.org/item/collectiondetail/180?AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1.2 Fuller,R.,et al.Impact of speed change on estimated journey time:Failure of drivers to appreciate relevance of initial speed.A

162、ccident Analysis&Prevention 41.1(2009):1014.Critical EventsPotential EventsOther InteractionsCritical EventsPotential EventsOther Interactions46Pennsylvania Department of Transportation EVENT DISTRIBUTIONA total of 1,062 pedestrian events occurred at this intersection in the before period,and 1,487

163、occurred in the after period.Of the pedestrian events in the after period,758 occurred on days with no snow,and 729 occurred on days with snow.Of the 1,062 pedestrian events in the before period,73(7 percent)were critical events.Of the 1,487 pedestrian events in the after period,47(3 percent)were cr

164、itical events on days with no snow,and 33(2 percent)were critical events on days with snow.This intersection had 87 bicycle events in the before period and 75 events in the after period.Of the after-period events,44 occurred on days with no snow and 31 occurred on days with snow.Of the total bicycle

165、 events,26(30 percent)were critical events in the before period and 10(13 percent)were critical events in the after period.CRITICAL EVENT RATE For days with no snow,the temporal distribution of the critical event rate is consistent between the before and after period.On days with snow,events were mo

166、re concentrated in the daytime.Before Period xThe pedestrian critical event rate is higher from 10 a.m.to noon and from 6 to 10 p.m.than during other time periods.xThe bicycle critical event rate is higher from 8 to 10 a.m.than during other time periods.After Period xOn days with no snow,the pedestr

167、ian critical event rate was higher from 5 to 9 a.m.and from 4 to 6 p.m.than during other time periods.On days with snow,the pedestrian critical event rate was higher from 1 to 5 p.m.xOn days with no snow,the bicycle critical event rate was higher from 7 to 10 a.m.and from 2 to 5 p.m.than during othe

168、r time periods.On days with snow,the bicycle critical event rate was higher from 1 to 4 p.m.VEHICLE SPEEDS During the after period,vehicle speeds for right turns increased slightly from 11 mph during the before period to 12 mph on days with no snow and to 13 mph on days with snow.During the after pe

169、riod,vehicle speeds for through movements for EB and WB directions decreased.In the before period,these vehicle speeds were measured at 25 mph;in the after period,vehicChapter 5SMART INTERSECTIONS REPORT47Chapter 5CRITICAL EVENT RATE BY MOVEMENTThe two movements with the highest critical event rate

170、per movement during the before period were the WB right turn and EB left turn.During the after period,on days with no snow,the conflict rate decreased for EB left turn,EB through,and SB left turn.On days with snow,the conflict rate decreased for EB left turn and EB through turn.The greatest differen

171、ce in conflict rates per movement between before and after periods was observed for the WB right turn.While the number of conflicts in the after period(14)stayed about the same as the number of conflicts during the before period(11),this intersection had a decrease in pedestrian volume in the after

172、period,which increased the conflict rate.48Pennsylvania Department of Transportation FIVE STEP PROCESS STEP 3Identify and install a countermeasure.Prior to collection of the before data,the City of Pittsburgh selected the installation of a leading pedestrian interval for phase 4 for pedestrians cros

173、sing Bigelow Boulevard at the stem of the T-intersection.STEP 1Conduct a 1-week conflict assessment between vehicles,pedestrians,and bicyclists.Completed STEP 2Evaluate the critical events using the following rules:Step 2.1For every 20 critical events,its likely that one such event would be consider

174、ed a confirmed conflict by an engineer.Step 2.2If more than 20 critical events are present at an intersection,it is more likely that at least one crash will occur(or has occurred)over a five-year period if no changes are made to the intersection.Step 2.3If more than 20 critical events are clustered

175、in an intersection zone,it is more likely that a resulting crash(or a historic crash)will be present in the same zone.Chapter 5CRITICAL EVENTS73 pedestrian26 bicycleCONFIRMED CONFLICTS4 pedestrian1 bicycle20 CRITICAL EVENTSEB left turn and SB right turnTherefore,it is more likely that a resulting cr

176、ash(or a historic crash)will be present in these zones of the intersection.HISTORIC CRASH DATA(2015-2019)0 pedestrian0 bicycleCRITICAL EVENTS20More likely that a crash will occur(or has occurred)at this intersection over a five-year period.SMART INTERSECTIONS REPORT49STEP 4Conduct a 1-week conflict

177、assessment between vehicles,pedestrians,and bicyclists.Approximately six weeks after the installation of the leading pedestrian interval,we conducted another 1-week conflict assessment.STEP 5Evaluate after period assessment,selecting and installing additional countermeasures as necessary.Step 5.1For

178、 every 20 critical events,its likely that one such event would be considered a confirmed conflict by an engineer.Step 5.2If more than 20 critical events are present at an intersection,it is more likely that at least one crash will occur(or has occurred)over a five-year period if no changes are made

179、to the intersection.Step 5.3If a high count of critical events(20)is clustered in an intersection zone,it is more likely that a resulting crash(or a historic crash)will be present in the same zone.While the rate of conflicts between pedestrians and vehicles decreased for the EB left turn,there is st

180、ill an elevated count of critical events(20).Therefore,it is more likely that a resulting crash(or a historic crash)will be present in that zone of the intersection.Additional potential countermeasures for consideration at the NB right turn include:Consider protected left turns for EB left turn move

181、ment,especially during the morning and afternoon peak hours.xSignal changes cost$5,000$10,000 Prohibiting RTOR may be considered at this intersection.xPart time RTOR prohibitions,especially during the morning and afternoon peak hours,may be sufficient to address some of these events given their temp

182、oral distribution.xSigns should be clearly visible to right-turning drivers stopped in the curb lane at the crosswalk.xSigns cost about$200$500 each,and electronic sign costs may go up to$3,000$5,000.CRITICAL EVENTS80 pedestrian10 bicycleCONFIRMED CONFLICTS4 pedestrian20More likely that a crash will

183、 occur(or has occurred)at this intersection over a five-year period.50Pennsylvania Department of Transportation CHAPTER 6FACT SHEETS12AM-4AM12AM-4AM4AM-7AM4AM-7AM8PM-12AM8PM-12AM5PM-8PM5PM-8PM7AM-5PM7AM-5PMINTERSECTION FACT SHEETE College Ave&S Garner St/Shortlidge Rd State CollegeKey Takeaways5%Con

184、firmed conflict ratePedestrians are the dominant roadway users,common to a college siteUnusually high percentage of critical events with through vehicles suggests low right-of-way complianceCOLLEGECritical Event Demographics Left Turn Through Right Turn Pedestrian vs.BicycleIntersection Volume17%97%

185、26%57%3%1S Garner St/Shortlidge RdS Garner St/Shortlidge RdE College AveE College AvePedestrian Critical Event Rate by Time of Day7007000300300400400500500600600620around 10:00AM53%Pedestrian47%Vehicle1%Bicycle2210 0152Number of Critical Events by Maneuver TypeVehicl

186、e Conflicts with PedestrianVehicle Conflicts with BicycleVehicleLeft TurnVehicleThroughVehicleRight TurnVehicleLeft TurnVehicleThroughVehicleRight TurnPedestrian Critical Event Rate by Time of DayRate per 10,000 Vehicles12AM-4AM12AM-4AM4AM-7AM4AM-7AM8PM-12AM8PM-12AM5PM-8PM5PM-8PM7AM-5PM7AM-5PMINTERS

187、ECTION FACT SHEETN Atherton St&Blue Course Dr/Clinton Ave State CollegeKey Takeaways4%Confirmed conflict rateEastbound vehicles involved in more than half of critical eventsRight turning vehicles involved in more than half of critical eventsSUBURBANCritical Event Demographics Left Turn Through Right

188、 Turn Pedestrian vs.BicycleIntersection Volume37%95%60%3%5%1111around 12:00PM1%Pedestrian99%Vehicle1%Bicycle2 24 46 68 810101212Clinton AveClinton AveN Atherton St&Blue Course DrN Atherton St&Blue Course Dr0 072422111151423Number of Critical Events by Maneuver TypeVehicle Conflicts with PedestrianVe

189、hicle Conflicts with BicycleVehicleLeft TurnVehicleThroughVehicleRight TurnVehicleLeft TurnVehicleThroughVehicleRight TurnPedestrian Critical Event Rate by Time of DayRate per 10,000 Vehicles12AM-4AM12AM-4AM4AM-7AM4AM-7AM8PM-12AM8PM-12AM5PM-8PM5PM-8PM7AM-5PM7AM-5PMINTERSECTION FACT SHEETN Front St&F

190、orster St HarrisburgKey Takeaways8%Confirmed conflict rateRelatively high percentage of critical events involve bicyclesMore than half of critical events involve westside crosswalk suggesting trail users are particularly impactedURBAN Critical Event Demographics Left Turn Through Right Turn Pedestri

191、an vs.BicycleIntersection Volume12%66%6%82%34%36Forster StN Front StN Front St175%Pedestrian93%Vehicle3%Bicycle141416162 24 46 68 8340231610 015around 7:00PM112Forster StNumber of Critical Events by Maneuver TypeVehicle Conflicts with PedestrianVehicle Conflicts with BicycleVehicleLeft Tu

192、rnVehicleThroughVehicleRight TurnVehicleLeft TurnVehicleThroughVehicleRight TurnPedestrian Critical Event Rate by Time of DayRate per 10,000 Vehicles12AM-4AM12AM-4AM4AM-7AM4AM-7AM8PM-12AM8PM-12AM5PM-8PM5PM-8PM7AM-5PM7AM-5PMINTERSECTION FACT SHEETW Baltimore Ave&S Orange St MediaKey Takeaways2%Confir

193、med conflict rateMore than half of critical events occur along eastside and westside crosswalksCritical events between northbound through bicycles and southbound left vehicles overrepresentedSUBURBANCritical Event Demographics Left Turn Through Right Turn Pedestrian vs.BicycleIntersection Volume34%9

194、3%38%28%7%S Orange StS Orange StW Baltimore AveW Baltimore Ave5 50252530303%Pedestrian96%Vehicle1%Bicycle26around 6:00PM12171140 072Number of Critical Events by Maneuver TypeVehicle Conflicts with PedestrianVehicle Conflicts with BicycleVehicleLeft TurnVehicleThroughVehicleRigh

195、t TurnVehicleLeft TurnVehicleThroughVehicleRight TurnPedestrian Critical Event Rate by Time of DayRate per 10,000 Vehicles12AM-4AM12AM-4AM4AM-7AM4AM-7AM8PM-12AM8PM-12AM5PM-8PM5PM-8PM7AM-5PM7AM-5PMINTERSECTION FACT SHEETCentre Ave&Penn Ave PittsburghKey Takeaways4%Confirmed conflict rateNorthbound an

196、d westbound right turn vehicles involved in more than half of critical eventsMost right turning involved critical events occur in the second crosswalk the vehicle passes throughURBAN Critical Event Demographics Left Turn Through Right Turn Pedestrian vs.BicycleIntersection VolumeINTERSECTION FACT SH

197、EET9%91%72%19%9%Centre AveCentre AvePenn AvePenn Ave62around 3:00PM7%Pedestrian93%Vehicle1%Bicycle040405050707060601314410 049348261415111Number of Critical Events by Maneuver TypeVehicle Conflicts with PedestrianVehicle Conflicts with BicycleVehicleLeft TurnVehicleThroughVehic

198、leRight TurnVehicleLeft TurnVehicleThroughVehicleRight TurnPedestrian Critical Event Rate by Time of DayRate per 10,000 Vehicles12AM-4AM12AM-4AM4AM-7AM4AM-7AM8PM-12AM8PM-12AM5PM-8PM5PM-8PM7AM-5PM7AM-5PMINTERSECTION FACT SHEETW Market St&N River St Wilkes BarreKey Takeaways3%Confirmed conflict rateMo

199、re than half of critical events occur between eastbound right turning vehicles and bicyclists or pedestrians in the southside crosswalkBicyclists are overrepresented in critical eventsCOLLEGECritical Event Demographics Left Turn Through Right Turn Pedestrian vs.BicycleIntersection Volume13%75%69%18%

200、25%1%Pedestrian99%Vehicle1%Bicycle27around 1:00PM5 5025253030677110415N River StN River StW Market StW Market St0 0256158761216Number of Critical Events by Maneuver TypeVehicle Conflicts with PedestrianVehicle Conflicts with BicycleVehicleLeft TurnVehicleThroughVehicleRight TurnVehicleLef

201、t TurnVehicleThroughVehicleRight TurnPedestrian Critical Event Rate by Time of DayRate per 10,000 Vehicles12AM-4AM12AM-4AM4AM-7AM4AM-7AM8PM-12AM8PM-12AM5PM-8PM5PM-8PM7AM-5PM7AM-5PMINTERSECTION FACT SHEETN Negley Ave&Stanton Ave PittsburghKey Takeaways2%Confirmed conflict rateBicyclists are overrepre

202、sented in critical eventsRelatively even distribution of critical events across all vehicle movement types compared to other sites in the studyURBAN Critical Event Demographics Left Turn Through Right Turn Pedestrian vs.BicycleIntersection Volume20%57%36%44%43%N Negley AveN Negley AveStanton AveStan

203、ton Ave26around 1:00PM3%Pedestrian96%Vehicle1%Bicycle5 5025253030115120 02271081243Number of Critical Events by Maneuver TypeVehicle Conflicts with PedestrianVehicle Conflicts with BicycleVehicleLeft TurnVehicleThroughVehicleRight TurnVehicleLeft TurnVehicleThroughVehicleRight

204、TurnPedestrian Critical Event Rate by Time of DayRate per 10,000 Vehicles12AM-4AM12AM-4AM4AM-7AM4AM-7AM8PM-12AM8PM-12AM5PM-8PM5PM-8PM7AM-5PM7AM-5PMINTERSECTION FACT SHEETW College Ave&Atherton St State CollegeKey Takeaways6%Confirmed conflict rateNearly half of critical events involve westbound left

205、 turning vehicles and pedestrians in the southside crosswalkNearly three-in-four pedestrians involved in a critical event are in the southside crosswalkCOLLEGECritical Event Demographics Left Turn Through Right Turn Pedestrian vs.BicycleIntersection Volume57%98%15%28%2%W College AveW College AveAthe

206、rton StAtherton St020204040606080800153around 1:00PM24%Pedestrian76%Vehicle1%Bicycle1921937920 0196991623Number of Critical Events by Maneuver TypeVehicle Conflicts with PedestrianVehicle Conflicts with BicycleVehicleLeft TurnVehicleThroughVehicleRight TurnVehicleLeft TurnVehic

207、leThroughVehicleRight TurnPedestrian Critical Event Rate by Time of DayRate per 10,000 Vehicles12AM-4AM12AM-4AM4AM-7AM4AM-7AM8PM-12AM8PM-12AM5PM-8PM5PM-8PM7AM-5PM7AM-5PMINTERSECTION FACT SHEETN Queen St&Orange St LancasterKey Takeaways4%Confirmed conflict rateMore than half of pedestrians involved i

208、n critical events are in the northside crosswalkNearly three-in-four critical events involve a through vehicleURBAN Critical Event Demographics Left Turn Through Right Turn Pedestrian vs.BicycleIntersection Volume72%98%28%2%N Queen StN Queen StOrange StOrange St3102089129around 12:00PM23%Pedestrian7

209、6%Vehicle1%Bicycle0406060808000 02131Number of Critical Events by Maneuver TypeVehicle Conflicts with PedestrianVehicle Conflicts with BicycleVehicleLeft TurnVehicleThroughVehicleRight TurnVehicleLeft TurnVehicleThroughVehicleRight TurnPedestrian Critical Event Rate by Time of

210、DayRate per 10,000 Vehicles12AM-4AM12AM-4AM4AM-7AM4AM-7AM8PM-12AM8PM-12AM5PM-8PM5PM-8PM7AM-5PM7AM-5PMINTERSECTION FACT SHEETHamilton St&17th St AllentownKey Takeaways9%Confirmed conflict rateHalf of critical events involve a right turning vehicleNearly half of critical events involve a southbound ve

211、hicleSUBURBANCritical Event Demographics Left Turn Through Right Turn Pedestrian vs.BicycleIntersection Volume16%86%50%34%14%17th St17th St2%Pedestrian98%Vehicle1%Bicycle5 50252522around 2:00PM2155641Hamilton StHamilton St0 0Number of Critical Events by Maneuver TypeVehicle Con

212、flicts with PedestrianVehicle Conflicts with BicycleVehicleLeft TurnVehicleThroughVehicleRight TurnVehicleLeft TurnVehicleThroughVehicleRight TurnPedestrian Critical Event Rate by Time of DayRate per 10,000 Vehicles12AM-4AM12AM-4AM4AM-7AM4AM-7AM8PM-12AM8PM-12AM5PM-8PM5PM-8PM7AM-5PM7AM-5PMINTERSECTIO

213、N FACT SHEETHamilton St&4th St AllentownKey Takeaways5%Confirmed conflict rateThree-in-four pedestrians involved in a critical event are in the northside crosswalkSouthbound left turning and westbound right turning vehicles are involved in more than half of critical eventsSUBURBANCritical Event Demo

214、graphics Left Turn Through Right Turn Pedestrian vs.BicycleIntersection Volume47%98%42%12%2%14th St4th StHamilton StHamilton St2 24 46 68 8101012121%Pedestrian98%Vehicle1%Bicycle11around 10:00PM0 04113252113Number of Critical Events by Maneuver TypeVehicle Conflicts with PedestrianVehicle Conflicts

215、with BicycleVehicleLeft TurnVehicleThroughVehicleRight TurnVehicleLeft TurnVehicleThroughVehicleRight TurnPedestrian Critical Event Rate by Time of DayRate per 10,000 Vehicles12AM-4AM12AM-4AM4AM-7AM4AM-7AM8PM-12AM8PM-12AM5PM-8PM5PM-8PM7AM-5PM7AM-5PMINTERSECTION FACT SHEETMarket St&34th St Philadelph

216、iaKey Takeaways8%Confirmed conflict rateBicyclists are overrepresented in critical eventsRelatively even distribution of critical events across all vehicle movement types compared to other sites in the studyCOLLEGECritical Event Demographics Left Turn Through Right Turn Pedestrian vs.BicycleIntersec

217、tion Volume37%82%37%26%18%N 34th StN 34th St142around 5:00PM16%Pedestrian82%Vehicle1%Bicycle02020404060608080037841344Market StMarket St0 02327384175435Number of Critical Events by Maneuver TypeVehicle Conflicts with PedestrianVehicle Conflicts with BicycleVehicleLef

218、t TurnVehicleThroughVehicleRight TurnVehicleLeft TurnVehicleThroughVehicleRight TurnPedestrian Critical Event Rate by Time of DayRate per 10,000 Vehicles12AM-4AM12AM-4AM4AM-7AM4AM-7AM8PM-12AM8PM-12AM5PM-8PM5PM-8PM7AM-5PM7AM-5PMINTERSECTION FACT SHEETBigelow Blvd&Bayard St Pittsburgh(before)Key Takea

219、ways3%Confirmed conflict rateMore than half of pedestrians involved in critical events are in northside crosswalkBicyclist-involved critical events are dominated by interactions between eastbound left turning vehicles and westbound right turning bicyclistsCOLLEGECritical Event Demographics Left Turn

220、 Through Right Turn Pedestrian vs.BicycleIntersection Volume32%74%53%15%26%51around 12:00PM2%Pedestrian98%Vehicle1%Bicycle040405050606024111870 0416Bayard StBayard StBigelow BlvdBigelow BlvdNumber of Critical Events by Maneuver TypeVehicle Conflicts with PedestrianVehicle Conflicts with B

221、icycleVehicleLeft TurnVehicleThroughVehicleRight TurnVehicleLeft TurnVehicleThroughVehicleRight TurnPedestrian Critical Event Rate by Time of DayRate per 10,000 Vehicles12AM-4AM12AM-4AM4AM-7AM4AM-7AM8PM-12AM8PM-12AM5PM-8PM5PM-8PM7AM-5PM7AM-5PMINTERSECTION FACT SHEETBigelow/Bayard-After(No Snow)Key T

222、akeaways1%Confirmed conflict rate85%of critical events are involved with northside crosswalkBicyclist-involved critical events are dominated by interactions between eastbound left turning vehicles and westbound right turning bicyclistsCOLLEGECritical Event Demographics Left Turn Through Right Turn P

223、edestrian vs.BicycleIntersection Volume48%90%52%0%10%Bayard StBayard StBigelow BlvdBigelow Blvd30030050500200200250250250around 5:00PM 19%Pedestrian80%Vehicle1%Bicycle0 0131541013Number of Critical Events by Maneuver TypeVehicle Conflicts with PedestrianVehicle Conflicts with BicycleVehic

224、leLeft TurnVehicleThroughVehicleRight TurnVehicleLeft TurnVehicleThroughVehicleRight TurnPedestrian Critical Event Rate by Time of DayRate per 10,000 Vehicles12AM-4AM12AM-4AM4AM-7AM4AM-7AM8PM-12AM8PM-12AM5PM-8PM5PM-8PM7AM-5PM7AM-5PMINTERSECTION FACT SHEETBigelow/Bayard-After (With Snow)Key Takeaways

225、1%Confirmed conflict rate77%of critical events are involved with northside crosswalkBicyclist-involved critical events are dominated by interactions between eastbound left turning vehicles and westbound right turning bicyclistsCOLLEGECritical Event Demographics Left Turn Through Right Turn Pedestria

226、n vs.BicycleIntersection Volume44%86%53%3%14%Bayard StBayard StBigelow BlvdBigelow Blvd25025050500200200195around 1:00PM 19%Pedestrian80%Vehicle1%Bicycle0 0132111142Number of Critical Events by Maneuver TypeVehicle Conflicts with PedestrianVehicle Conflicts with BicycleVehicleLeft TurnVeh

227、icleThroughVehicleRight TurnVehicleLeft TurnVehicleThroughVehicleRight TurnPedestrian Critical Event Rate by Time of DayRate per 10,000 Vehicles12AM-4AM12AM-4AM4AM-7AM4AM-7AM8PM-12AM8PM-12AM5PM-8PM5PM-8PM7AM-5PM7AM-5PMINTERSECTION FACT SHEETCritical Event Demographics Left Turn Through Right Turn Pe

228、destrian vs.BicycleIntersection VolumeCenter St/W Lehigh St&New St Bethlehem(before)Key Takeaways5%Confirmed conflict rateMore than half of critical events involve northbound right turning vehiclesRelatively high proportion of users involved in critical events are bicyclists likely due to the influe

229、nce of the trailURBAN 3%53%63%34%47%2241313782219around 11:00AM2%Pedestrian97%Vehicle1%Bicycle0 05 50W Lehigh St&New StW Lehigh St&New StCenter StCenter StNumber of Critical Events by Maneuver TypeVehicle Conflicts with PedestrianVehicle Conflicts with BicycleVehicleLeft TurnVehicleThroug

230、hVehicleRight TurnVehicleLeft TurnVehicleThroughVehicleRight TurnPedestrian Critical Event Rate by Time of DayRate per 10,000 Vehicles12AM-4AM12AM-4AM4AM-7AM4AM-7AM8PM-12AM8PM-12AM5PM-8PM5PM-8PM7AM-5PM7AM-5PMINTERSECTION FACT SHEETCenter St/W Lehigh St&New St Bethlehem(after)Key Takeaways2%Confirmed

231、 conflict rateCount of critical events compared to before period remained relatively stable,but proportion of conflicts involving northbound right turning vehicles reduced 10 percentage pointsURBAN Critical Event Demographics Left Turn Through Right Turn Pedestrian vs.BicycleIntersection Volume8%67%

232、74%18%33%2513244317around 12:00PM1%Pedestrian98%Vehicle1%Bicycle0 05 50W Lehigh St&New StW Lehigh St&New StCenter StCenter St422Number of Critical Events by Maneuver TypeVehicle Conflicts with PedestrianVehicle Conflicts with BicycleVehicleLeft TurnVehicleThroughVehicleRight TurnVehicleLe

233、ft TurnVehicleThroughVehicleRight TurnPedestrian Critical Event Rate by Time of DayRate per 10,000 Vehicles12AM-4AM12AM-4AM4AM-7AM4AM-7AM8PM-12AM8PM-12AM5PM-8PM5PM-8PM7AM-5PM7AM-5PMINTERSECTION FACT SHEETS Broad St&Washington Ave PhiladelphiaKey Takeaways28%Confirmed conflict rate,significantly high

234、er than other sites in this studyMore than half of critical events involved pedestrians in the westside crosswalkRoughly one-in-three motor vehicles involved in a critical event was making a southbound right turnURBAN Critical Event Demographics Left Turn Through Right Turn Pedestrian vs.BicycleInte

235、rsection Volume37%97%11%Pedestrian88%Vehicle47%16%3%S Broad StS Broad St30913124121%Bicycle0 050500200200250250232around 4:00PM3205243892186Washington AveWashington AveNumber of Critical Events by Maneuver TypeVehicle Conflicts with PedestrianVehicle Conflicts with BicycleVehicleLeft TurnVehicleThroughVehicleRight TurnVehicleLeft TurnVehicleThroughVehicleRight TurnPedestrian Critical Event Rate by Time of DayRate per 10,000 Vehicles



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