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1、The Great Realization:Accelerating Trends,Renewed UrgencyA Look at the 2022 Labor LandscapeTHE TRENDS DRIVING TRANSFORMATIONARE NOT NEW,BUT NEWLY URGENTLabor markets are dynamic and change for different reasons:some cyclical,some structural and as we have seen most recently,also as a result of the p

2、andemic.We think most of the pandemic-related anomalies are transitory,but timing of a new normal is uncertain.“The post-pandemic hiring recovery that has been underway for some time will continue to carry momentum into 2022 with employers predicting strong demand for talent across key sectors.”Jona

3、s Prising,ManpowerGroup Chairman&CEO This recovery is unlike any we have ever seen-demand for skills is at record highs in many markets with unemployment levels still high while workforce participation stagnates.Uneven economic growth continues with some markets recovering well while others lag,hamp

4、ered by Covid variants,vaccination rates and challenges to a previously hyper efficient supply chain.Experimentation with new work models is widespread,as hybrid and remote work(formerly telecommuting),increase flexibility and will continue to do so into 2022.Employers continue to seek flexible and

5、strategic workforce solutions to meet the strong demand for their goods and services today and for long-term sustainable value creation.22022 Labor Landscape3The Great Realization:ACCELERATING TRENDS,RENEWED URGENCY 2022 LABORLANDSCAPEWhatWorkers Want from Surviving to Thriving at WorkTalent Scarcit

6、y from Pledges to ProgressTech Accelerates from Digitization to Digital AdoptionCompanies Reset from Reactiveto ProactiveTREND 6 Skills Scarcity is Driving Employer CreativityTREND 7 The End of the Generational EraTREND 8 From She-Cession to She-CoveryTREND 9 DEIB Progress,Not Pledges TREND 10 The F

7、uture of Work Must Work for FamiliesTREND 11 Hyperconnecting Human Strengths TREND 12 From Digitization to Adoption at Speed TREND 13 New Dawn of Sustainable TechTREND 14 AI for Diversity&Equity TREND 15 Wage Gains Paid for By Productivity GrowthTREND 16 Smart People AnalyticsTREND 1 The Reinvention

8、 of Work by WorkersTREND 2 Mental Fitness PrioritizedTREND 3 The Decoupling of Work&HomeTREND 4 Culture MattersTREND 5 The Rise of Voice&Activism TREND 17 From Net Zero to Net Positive TREND 18 Strategic Talent Management TREND 19 Businesses Emerge as Most Trusted TREND 20 New Definition of Risk&Res

9、iliency 2022 Labor LandscapePeople Power is on the UpPeople want employers to offer more to prioritize wellbeing and purpose,while providing hygiene factors including flexibility,competitive pay,good working conditions and skills development.Many also expect a stronger stance on socio-economic issue

10、s too shared values matter.81%expect training programs from their employers to help keep skills up to date.TREND#1|TREND#2|TREND#3|TREND#4|TREND#5Source:2021 Edelman Trust Barometer:The Belief Driven Employee4What Workers WantFrom Surviving to Thriving at Work2022 Labor LandscapeTREND#1|TREND#2|TREN

11、D#3|TREND#4|TREND#552022 Labor LandscapeIndividual choice will be in the reach of the many not just the few.People from all roles from the production line to the home office will demand flexibility,fair wages,and more autonomy as a norm,redefining“essential”for work and for workers.A heightened focu

12、s on a values-driven agenda,empathetic leaders and a culture of trust will become a net positive for attracting and retaining talent and engaging remote teams.The employee value proposition will take precedence.THE REINVENTION OF WORK BY WORKERS FLEXIBILITY,LOCATION&PURPOSETOP 3 MOST IMPORTANT WORK

13、FLEXIBILITY FACTORS:Ability to choose start and end times(45%)More vacationdays(36%)Having fully flexible workplace options(35%)TREND#1What Workers Want|Talent Scarcity|Tech Accelerates|Companies ResetSource:ManpowerGroup What Makes Workers Thrive Survey,December 2021 49%of workers would move to an

14、organization for better wellbeing.Source:Mercer Global Talent Trends 2020-21TREND#1|TREND#2|TREND#3|TREND#4|TREND#562022 Labor LandscapeMENTAL FITNESS PRIORITIZED PREVENTION WILL BE BETTER THAN CURE Mental fitness will be increasingly prioritized,expanding traditional health and safety exponentially

15、.A mass movement to break the stigma of silence will require employers to be explicit about their increased duty of care-protecting mental health as well as wealth,employability and wellbeing.Expect growing calls to action on ways to prevent burnout,build resilience and boost mental fitness.What Wor

16、kers Want3 in 10 workers want more mental health days to prevent burnout.TREND#2|Talent Scarcity|Tech Accelerates|Companies ResetSource:ManpowerGroup What Makes Workers Thrive Survey,December 2021TREND#1|TREND#2|TREND#3|TREND#4|TREND#572022 Labor LandscapeTHE DECOUPLING OF WORK AND HOME CONTINUES Hy

17、brid work models and untethered work are more in demand than ever as people are intent on retaining the pandemics silver lining and reshaping their own new world of work:balancing home and work,valuing flexibility,interaction,collaboration and human connection in a way that works for them.The hybrid

18、 paradox will continue while we practice and perfect flexibility that works for all.CHROs face the next great challenge as they reimagine hiring,onboarding and employee wellbeing for the new digital world of work.TREND#3What Workers Want|Talent Scarcity|Tech Accelerates|Companies Reset4 in 10 people

19、 want to pick which days they work remote and have the flexibility to change those days each week.Source:ManpowerGroup What Makes Workers Thrive Survey,December 2021TREND#1|TREND#2|TREND#3|TREND#4|TREND#582022 Labor LandscapeCULTURE MATTERS THE ATTRACTION AND RETENTION TOOL THAT EATS STRATEGY FOR BR

20、EAKFAST The heightened focus on reshaping company culture to build trust,retain remote teams and energize the employee experience will call for an Employee Value Proposition that brings a sense of purpose and wellbeing plus empathetic leadership for a digital world.In this era of talent scarcity,bes

21、t employers will realize firsthand:without investing in and evolving company culture,they will struggle to execute their strategy and need to prepare to lose talent to companies that will.TREND#43 in 4 workers want to feel motivated and passionate about their work.7 in 10 believe the work they do is

22、 important and want their contributions to be recognized by management.What Workers Want|Talent Scarcity|Tech Accelerates|Companies ResetSource:ManpowerGroup What Makes Workers Thrive Survey,December 2021TREND#1|TREND#2|TREND#3|TREND#4|TREND#592022 Labor LandscapeTHE RISE OF VOICE AND ACTIVISM Loude

23、r demands for raising wages,flexible working,broader benefits and climate action are being galvanized via social media,with or without trade unions.2021 saw workers stand up,speak up and walk out across industries.Employees and customers want to spend their time and money with organizations that act

24、 as stakeholders:global citizens,pillars of the community and environmental stewards.TREND#564%of employees want their daily work to help better society.2 in 3 workers want to work for organizations with similar values to their own.What Workers Want|Talent Scarcity|Tech Accelerates|Companies ResetSo

25、urce:ManpowerGroup What Makes Workers Thrive Survey,December 2021Whoever Holds the Talent Holds the FutureShifting demographics including shrinking birth rates,reduced mobility across borders and the rise in early retirees means talent is scarce.Now is the time to get even more creative attracting,u

26、pskilling,reskilling and retaining valued workers.Source:ManpowerGroup Talent Shortage Survey 2021 69%of employers cannot find the skills that they need a 15 year high.TREND#6|TREND#7|TREND#8|TREND#9|TREND#1010Talent ScarcityFrom Pledges to Progress2022 Labor LandscapeTREND#6|TREND#7|TREND#8|TREND#9

27、|TREND#10112022 Labor LandscapeSKILLS SCARCITY IS DRIVING EMPLOYER CREATIVITY The skills revolution is in full force.Record talent shortages,rising wages and the race to reskill means labor markets are in flux.Reskilling and upskilling will become non-negotiable for individuals and organizations as

28、roles continue to require more skills than before,with both tech AND human capabilities most in demand.Employers will become increasingly creative and master the art of flexibility to attract,retain and upskill.58%of all employees will need new skills to get their jobs done.Over 30%of companies plan

29、 to increase wages in order to attract and retain talent.1 in 5 employers plan to offer more benefits such as additional vacation time.TREND#6Talent Scarcity|What Workers Want|Tech Accelerates|Companies ResetSource:Gartner Source:ManpowerGroup Employment Outlook Survey,Q4 2021TREND#6|TREND#7|TREND#8

30、|TREND#9|TREND#10122022 Labor LandscapeTHE END OF THE GENERATIONAL ERANO MORE BOOMER,MILLENNIALS OR GEN Z?People of all ages will demand even more personalization and resent being boxed,labelled and pitched against one another.Younger workers are set to swell the workforce and as inflation rises and

31、 savings dwindle,the pandemic-exiteers will likely return to drive the gig work boom across generational lines.People under 35will make up 75%of the workforce by 2030.TREND#7Talent Scarcity|What Workers Want|Tech Accelerates|Companies ResetSource:Deloitte TREND#6|TREND#7|TREND#8|TREND#9|TREND#101320

32、22 Labor Landscape Closing the gender gap has hit the brakes with women leaving the workforce at alarming rates.Mass exoduses from sectors typically dominated by women-education,health and hospitality coincide with growth in tech,logistics and sales where women are under-represented.As women are inc

33、reasingly getting more college degrees,producing more valedictorians and higher GPAs than men in STEM,it will be the employers who provide choice,flexibility and performance-over-presenteeism that will attract and keep the best and brightest,all while driving the skills and growth agenda.FROM SHE-CE

34、SSION TO SHE-COVERYTalent Scarcity51%of women are less optimistic about their career prospects than before the pandemic,with 57%saying they plan to leave their current job within two years.|What Workers Want|Tech Accelerates|Companies ResetTREND#8Source:Deloitte Women Work Global Outlook 2021TREND#6

35、|TREND#7|TREND#8|TREND#9|TREND#10142022 Labor LandscapeDIVERSITY,EQUITY,INCLUSION AND BELONGING PROGRESS,NOT PLEDGES Continued polarization along lines of politics,race,identity and age means organizations will increasingly be asked to take positions on social issues.All stakeholders investors,regul

36、ators,customers and employees will expect even more transparency around progress,not just pledges,and will be held to account.Organizations will need to visibly action diversity,equity,inclusion and belonging so everyone is able to benefit from economic recovery,tech advancements and climate justice

37、.TREND#9Talent Scarcity|What Workers Want|Tech Accelerates|Companies ResetOver 30%of companies already deploy d&I training programs.1 in 5 plan to deploy them over the next six months.Source:ManpowerGroup Employment Outlook Survey,Q4 2021TREND#6|TREND#7|TREND#8|TREND#9|TREND#10152022 Labor Landscape

38、SENSE AND SENSIBILITY:THE FUTURE OF WORK MUST WORK FOR FAMILIES Rethinking the future of work needs to be as much about family and care as it is about tech,robotics and machine learning.Employers who provide caregivers(across all genders)with choice-flexibility and performance over presenteeism-will

39、 attract and keep the best and brightest.TREND#10Talent Scarcity|What Workers Want|Tech Accelerates|Companies ResetNearly 1 in 4 workers are looking for employers who provide benefits such as parental and caregiving leave.Source:ManpowerGroup What Makes Workers Thrive Survey,December 2021The Tech Re

40、volution has Gathered Incredible PaceInvestment in digitization accelerated as a result of the pandemic,and consumers and employees alike expect it to make the way they live and work easier.There is new urgency for organizations to upskill their people so they can translate data into insights,make d

41、ata-driven decisions and combine the best of human and machine learning for new value creation.More than 80%of employers have accelerated digitization in response to COVID-19.TREND#11|TREND#12|TREND#13|TREND#14|TREND#15|TREND#16Source:World Economic Forum Future of Jobs Report 16Tech AcceleratesFrom

42、 Digitization to Digital Adoption2022 Labor LandscapeTREND#11|TREND#12|TREND#13|TREND#14|TREND#15|TREND#16172022 Labor LandscapeAs every aspect of life becomes more tech enabled,we must strengthen the connection people have with work and colleagues for improved productivity and creativity.Machine le

43、arning and workforce data will enable prediction of potential performance,matching of individuals to ideal opportunities and will help people know themselves better than they ever did.Intelligent machines and AI will enable people to specialize in human strengths in empathy and honesty,judgement and

44、 creativity,coaching,compassion and more.HUMAN VS.ROBOT HYPERCONNECTING HUMAN STRENGTHS1 in 3organizations plan to invest more in AI technology including machine learning over the next year.TREND#11Tech Accelerates|What Workers Want|Talent Scarcity|Companies ResetSource:ManpowerGroup Employment Outl

45、ook Survey,Q1 2022TREND#11|TREND#12|TREND#13|TREND#14|TREND#15|TREND#16182022 Labor LandscapeAdvanced technologies are increasingly impacting how companies transform business models,enhance customer and employee experiences and become more data-driven.But investing in and even deploying technology a

46、nd innovation is the easy part.Digital-led transformation alone is no differentiator.Human capabilities and having the right culture enterprise-wide to execute are key to tech adoption,speedy ROI and continuous transformation.All essential to lead to new value creation opportunities.CLOSING THE CHAS

47、M FROM DIGITIZATION TO ADOPTION AT SPEED1 in 5 organizations globally are having trouble finding skilled tech talent including,IT project managers,software developers,cybersecurity analysts and AI and machine learning specialists.TREND#12Tech Accelerates|What Workers Want|Talent Scarcity|Companies R

48、esetSource:ManpowerGroup Employment Outlook Survey,Q1 2022TREND#11|TREND#12|TREND#13|TREND#14|TREND#15|TREND#16192022 Labor LandscapeUsing technology to reduce emissions,transform supply chains and nudge behavior.As tech giants compete to be the first to open up the metaverse the blending of the dig

49、ital and physical worlds will emerge as one of the most important new trends,creating new opportunities to reimagine hybrid meeting and working with less environmental impact.NEW DAWN OF SUSTAINABLE TECH1 in 3 organizations plan to build out internal capabilities in e-commerce and digital trade plat

50、forms,big data analytics,cloud computing and IoT.TREND#13Source:ManpowerGroup Employment Outlook Survey,Q1 2022Tech Accelerates|What Workers Want|Talent Scarcity|Companies ResetTREND#11|TREND#12|TREND#13|TREND#14|TREND#15|TREND#16202022 Labor LandscapeUSING AI TO INCREASE DIVERSITY AND REDUCE INEQUI

51、TIES An increase in understanding of neurodiversity means artificial intelligence must have in-built benevolence filter in diverse talent,not filter out the atypical.Organizations will recognize value of the machine learning match and predictive performance so we can help people know themselves bett

52、er than they know themselves,charting a pathway of employability,equity and increasing prosperity.TREND#14Despite increased investment in AI technologies across industries,1 in 5 organizations cannot find enough AI and machine learning specialists for roles that require these skills.Source:ManpowerG

53、roup MEOS Q1 2022 Survey Tech Accelerates|What Workers Want|Talent Scarcity|Companies ResetTREND#11|TREND#12|TREND#13|TREND#14|TREND#15|TREND#16212022 Labor LandscapeWIN-WIN=WHEN WAGE GAINS ARE PAID FOR BY PRODUCTIVITY GROWTH Organizations seek to balance higher wages with productivity growth.And po

54、licy makers prefer this dynamic because there are no current or latent inflationary pressures as the potential of the economy expands.Technology will unlock producing more with existing inputs or producing the same with fewer inputs.TREND#15IT(23%)and Manufacturing(21%)roles will see the most signif

55、icant headcount changes due to more tech investments.Tech Accelerates|What Workers Want|Talent Scarcity|Companies ResetSource:ManpowerGroup Employment Outlook Survey,Q1 2022TREND#11|TREND#12|TREND#13|TREND#14|TREND#15|TREND#16222022 Labor LandscapeSMART PEOPLE ANALYTICS WILL ENABLE DATA-FIRST DECISI

56、ONSProviding a seamless and scalable digital experience for employees will require changes in technology infrastructure,management practices and employee and customer engagement models.Workforce and talent data/analytics will be front and center in leveraging data and analytics to identify match for

57、 a role and predict potential performance.Employers will have even more data to manage and draw insight from as increased employee led data sharing and aggregation from data lakes accelerates.76%of organizations with more than 100 employees rely on assessment tools such as aptitude and personality t

58、ests for external hiring.TREND#16Tech Accelerates|What Workers Want|Talent Scarcity|Companies ResetSource:Harvard Business Review,Ace the AssessmentCompanies ResetCompanies are becoming increasingly sophisticated,transforming and seeking nimbler operating models,more resilient supply chains,greener

59、and more consolidated partners and solutions in response to heated competition,unpredictability and greater transparency.83%of organizations believe they need greater speed and agility to cope with change.TREND#17|TREND#18|TREND#19|TREND#20Source:Orange Business Services23Companies ResetFrom Reactiv

60、e to Proactive Strategic Workforce Management2022 Labor LandscapeTREND#17|TREND#18|TREND#19|TREND#20242022 Labor LandscapeFROM NET ZERO TO NET POSITIVE Transparency around ESG,the rise of stakeholder capitalism and the convergence of standards and reporting is creating greater urgency for companies

61、to take the lead.Regulations around climate action and commitments to Net Zero emissions are increasingly common,though the next frontier will be S a companies social impact.TREND#172 in 3 organizations report ESG as a crucial focus for their organization.6 in 10 companies are tying ESG goals to the

62、ir purpose.Source:Mercer Global Talent Trends 2020-21Companies Reset|What Workers Want|Talent Scarcity|Tech AcceleratesTREND#17|TREND#18|TREND#19|TREND#20252022 Labor LandscapeNew,nimble operating models and people practices will emerge to respond to transformations in the market from digital techno

63、logies to changing consumer preferences.The ability to turn data into meaningful insights will be critical to manage human capital risks,including the responsible integration of gig,freelance and contract workers.Vendor consolidation and resiliency will be at a premium to mitigate uncertainty and ma

64、nage workforce risk.OPTIMIZING WORKFORCE VIA STRATEGIC TALENT MANAGEMENT68%of companies cite“consolidation of staffing suppliers”as a workforce management strategy currently in place in their organization.TREND#18Source:Staffing Industry Analysts(SIA)2020 Workforce Solutions Buyer SurveyCompanies Re

65、set|What Workers Want|Talent Scarcity|Tech AcceleratesTREND#17|TREND#18|TREND#19|TREND#20262022 Labor LandscapeBUSINESSES EMERGE AS MOST TRUSTED Employers become most trusted source of information-above government and media.Embracing a values driven agenda becomes a net positive for attracting and r

66、etaining talent.Employees increasingly demanding“empathetic”action with expectations from all sides of the political spectrum that CEOs will lead the way.The role of business will continue to broaden into areas from advocating for racial equity to championing vaccination and voting rights.TREND#197

67、in 10 workers say having leaders that they can trust and follow is important to them.2 in 3 want to work for organizations whose values are the same as theirs.Source:ManpowerGroup What Makes Workers Thrive Survey,December 2021Companies Reset|What Workers Want|Talent Scarcity|Tech AcceleratesTREND#17

68、|TREND#18|TREND#19|TREND#20272022 Labor LandscapeNEW DEFINITION OF RISK AND RESILIENCY Supply chain fragility,exacerbated by climate,consumer demand and shortages of skills is reprioritizing risk.Mono suppliers and vertical supply chains are out,circular,networked,regional,resilient,and sustainable

69、are in.Supply chain resilience and vendor consolidation will be at a premium to mitigate uncertainty and manage risk.Over half of organizations are currently assessing their extended supply chains(e.g.third parties,sub-contractors)in order to reduce risks,nearly 40%plan to do so in the next two year

70、s.TREND#20Source:Orange Business ServicesCompanies Reset|What Workers Want|Talent Scarcity|Tech Accelerates28MANPOWERGROUP SOLUTIONS ACROSS THE ENTIRE HR LIFE CYCLEVisit to learn more.Talent ResourcingWorkforce ManagementWorkforce Consulting&Analytics Career TransitionCareer ManagementAttracting Top Talent2022 Labor Landscape



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