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1、2020品牌战“疫” HOW TO BUILD BRAND IN 2020 2020.03.09 | 阳狮集团中国 2 前言 PREFACE The Coronavirus is a stress test for brands. At the testy times, only the fittest survive. Its the strength and the power of the brand that can stand the test of time. So how to create brand power to fight the battle in 2020? 这场疫

2、情既是灾难,更是一面照妖镜。 就像大浪淘沙,为形形色色的品牌洗尽铅华, 最后剩下的,都是过硬的好品牌。 非常战役时期,企业拼的是品牌力,品牌力就是战斗力。 2020,品牌如何战“疫”? Publicis Groupe - 2020 品牌战“疫” | HOW TO BUILD BRAND IN 2020 3 第一部分 Part One 首先, 2020五大改变关键字 FIRST OF ALL, THE KEY WORDS OF CHANGE IN 2020 Publicis Groupe - 2020 品牌战“疫” | HOW TO BUILD BRAND IN 2020 4 关键词 #1 Ke

3、y word CLOUD Cloud entertainment: Cloud disco, cloud exhibition, cloud reality show Cloud education: zoom tutorial, Teachers becoming streamer Cloud press: cloud launch, WeChat press conference Cloud office: cloud business, WFH, “no contact” interview Cloud consumption: streaming, “dark horse”o2o, c

4、loud property viewing Cloud festival: cloud CNY, cloud dating Everything online 行为全面线上化 云娱乐:云蹦迪、云展览、云综艺、云监工 云授课:在线教育、老师变主播、停课不停学 云发布:品牌线上发布会、外交部微信群新闻发布会 云办公:云商务、在家办公、无接触面试 云消费:全民直播、黑马O2O、云卖房 云过节:云拜年、“疫”地恋 云 Publicis Groupe - 2020 品牌战“疫” | HOW TO BUILD BRAND IN 2020 5 关键词 #2 Key word HOME STAY Home t

5、our guide, crafted art from boredom Small happiness of Home bonding Short video craze, online gaming lets cook with all of our heart, wait with patience, and you will have strength when you eat well. Publicis Groupe - 2020 品牌战“疫” | HOW TO BUILD BRAND IN 2020 22 启示 #7 Implication 小预算,大策略 2020没有犯错成本,预

6、算越少,越要策略思维,让每一分钱掷地有声, 品牌形象至关重要,所有的营销都要与品牌价值观一以贯之。 -放弃流量逻辑,不迷念小成本刷屏爆款,更不可为此放低品牌底线 -小心品效合一的陷阱,品效合一不等于盲目追求即时卖货 -不应细水长流,靠经营日常内容,维持声量集中力量办大事 -如果只够做一次大型品牌战役,那就做一次有效的开枪 聚焦(一件事,一个信息,一个人群,一个媒体) 快速(短时间内做最大的传播化) 爆炸(短时间内产生最大的能量,形成爆炸效应=品牌认知) -趁疫情期间节奏放缓的时候理清策略思考: 为什么做,做什么,如何做,达到什么目标,然后坚定执行 SMALL BUDGET, BIG STRAT

7、EGY The smaller the budget, the more strategic one needs to be to make every penny count. In 2020 brand is key, and all marketing needs to be line with brand value. -Dont obsess with creating one big social sensation with small budget, especially at the cost of brand value -Performance marketing can

8、 be a dangerous trap. Dont blindly pursue sales conversions but forget about the brand -Dont run a long but thin stream by managing content on daily basis -If the budget is only enough for one big campaign, then focus all your bullets on it Focus (on one thing, one message, one target, one platform)

9、 Fast (speed and velocity) Explosion (maximize exposure in a short time, maximize impact=maxim recognition) -Crystalize strategic thinking while the pace slows: Why, what, how, what, and action Publicis Groupe - 2020 品牌战“疫” | HOW TO BUILD BRAND IN 2020 23 案例Cases 调色师将会上线小红书电商,拓展线上寻找新机会 同时也是小红书上的第一家彩

10、妆集合店 THE COLORIST : will launch online store to look for new opportunities, the first makeup collection store on RED App 路虎X红十字会:希望跨越任何地形 强强联手,为南非带去救援物资,抗击埃博拉病毒 Land Rover X Red cross: Hope crosses any terrain They brought life-saving assistance to help fighting Ebola 因疫情“禁足”期,实体零售受严重影响,拓展线上渠道,上线电商、

11、直播电商板块,并继续加大 其KOC体验官的投入,开展线上彩妆试用 Due to epidemic, offline retail is severely affected. The colorist expands online channels, launches EC & live-streaming, and continue to increase KOC investment & online makeup trials Publicis Groupe - 2020 品牌战“疫” | HOW TO BUILD BRAND IN 2020 陆虎和红十字会从1954年开始合作,向全世界范

12、围内捐款和捐赠120辆车,帮助超过90万人。 在合作的第61年,他们为南非当地贫困社区带去物资救援,抗击埃博拉。 The Land Rover/Red Cross partnership was first forged in 1954. Its worldwide achievements include the loan and donation of 120 vehicles and the provision of direct help to over 900,000 people. In the 61-year collaboration, they have brought li

13、fe-saving assistance to communities in Africa. 24 启示 #8 Implication 规划疫情中,缓,后期不同阶段的营销计划 在疫情上升阶段,舒缓阶段,完全受控后消费者的心态与需求有别 品牌应在不同的阶段做出侧重点不同的营销计划 疫情中:非常时期,非常措施,非常需求的及时回应 疫情缓:应对谨慎理性的需求,提供可靠放心的信任感 疫情后:针对报复性消费心态,在舒适圈中给予欲望的满足 PHASING OUT PLAN FOR DIFFERENT STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT Consumers mindset and needs are

14、 different at different stages of crisis development, so brands should plan our accordingly Survival mode: quick response, quick solution, answering special needs for special times Recovery mode: Building trust to answer to still cautious and rational mindset Rebound mode: Satisfy deprived desires f

15、or consumption but still in the comfort zone Publicis Groupe - 2020 品牌战“疫” | HOW TO BUILD BRAND IN 2020 25 案例Cases 网易严选以实际行动鼓励疫情中缓“在家用心生活,等春来” NetEase from “Stay Safe at home” to “Stay well at home” 海尔应对非典危机,快速转型为健康化家电品牌 Haier responded to SARS crisis quickly and transforms into a healthy appliance

16、brand 商城上线“防疫大集结” 不涨价,保证供应 方便用户一站式购买 Sourcing and configuring “anti-virus home kit”. No price increase. One stop shopping for all items 在民众放松警惕纷纷上街时 利用户外广告号召民众少去公众场合, 在家用心生活,等春来 Clever OOH messaging: Dont watch this ads. Even though situation is getting better, you better not stay here for too long.

17、 Go home and enjoy 公众号发布多篇“宅家” 攻略,让用户宅在家也能 幸福感up Launching “comfort & quality home stay” online content and products 疫情中捐款1亿给湖北, 电商上线100万免费防护用品给 全国,20万供湖北 Sourcing 100M masks to sell on the platform at extremely low prices among which 200K sold for free to citizens in Wuhan 疫情中 Virus Rising疫情缓 Virus

18、 Slowing 疫情中 Virus Rising疫情缓 Virus Slowing疫情后 Virus Ending 向全国137个非典医院捐赠健康家电 36小时完成小汤山杀菌空调安装 Haier donated health appliances to 137 SARS hospitals and completed air conditioning installation of Xiaotangshan in 36 hours 免费提供空调杀菌、推出杀菌健康家电、 支持在家电话购物 Provided free air-conditioning sterilization, launche

19、d sterilization health appliances, supported home phone shopping 海尔品牌顺应健康化家电市场 快速转型为健康家电品牌 Haier adapted to the healthy appliance market, rapidly transformed into a healthy appliance brand Publicis Groupe - 2020 品牌战“疫” | HOW TO BUILD BRAND IN 2020 26 启示 #9 Implication 线上线下新标配,全渠道创新与赋能, 构建多渠道一链式生态 20

20、20疫情“零接触”“宅生活” 催化线下对线上的加速转移,但线上绝不 会完全取代线下。新的营销模式是O2O的升级与线上线下新标配: 提升线上线下消费者体验 加速线上购买决策旅程 创建一链式的品牌认知信息销售服务生态 赋能线上线下新阵地新技能,找到破局新出口 加强企业自媒体运营,培养从文案到视频编辑的“全能战士” 无图无真相,短视频和直播的能力就是说服消费者所见即所得的能力 谨慎与流量性自媒体合作,更侧重“企业自媒体+传统媒体+有公信力的垂直自媒体及KOL” 赋能线下销售拓展线上多渠道获客/沟通/销售/维护关系的能力 升级线上创新服务体验 O2O 2.0 TO CREATE ONE SEAMLES

21、S ECO-SYSTEM “zero contact” and “home stay” accelerate the shift from offline to online, but online will never completely replace offline. The new marketing model is the upgrade of O2O: Improve the seamless O2O experience Shorten decision making journey Create a complete brand eco-system from brand

22、awareness, information, conversation to service. Develop new skill for new channels / platforms for new opportunities Improve the ability to manage owned media and cultivate ”Decathlete from copywriting to video editing Develop the ability to create short videos and live streaming to create persuasi

23、ve marketing Focusing more on ”own media + traditional media + credible vertical media and KOL” Empower offline sales with online platforms and skills for customer acquisition, communication, sales and CRM Upgrade online innovative service experience Publicis Groupe - 2020 品牌战“疫” | HOW TO BUILD BRAN

24、D IN 2020 27 Publicis Groupe - 2020 品牌战“疫” | HOW TO BUILD BRAND IN 2020 案例Cases 摩登天空 X 线上平台,推出七天线上音乐节 7 days online concert by Modern Sky + Online Platforms 抖音“在家云游博物馆”,沉浸式线上交互体验 Tik Tok: Immersive Virtual Tour of Worlds Museums 摩登天空号召乐迷朋友们特殊时期不出门不聚会,和线上平台合作推出两个线上音乐节, 上线40分钟观看人数破百万,直播间观看峰值达131万。 Mod

25、ern Sky calls on fans to stay at home in the crisis. In cooperation with online platforms, they launched two online music festivals, with over 40 million viewers in the first 40 minutes and a peak of 1.31 million in live viewing. 抖音联合九大国内博物馆,通过全景直播带领用户云游博物馆,在抖音搜索博物馆即可 预约直播、VR 逛博物馆,满足用户宅家的精神文化消费需求 In

26、 alliance with museums in 9 different countries, Tik Tok creates “Cloud tour of Worlds Museums VR technology. Type in “museum” in search, cultured netizen can make reservation for the tour, and enjoy the live streaming session while sitting back at home 28 Publicis Groupe - 2020 品牌战“疫” | HOW TO BUIL

27、D BRAND IN 2020 结语 EPILOGUE In the time of crisis, our society is never short of brave souls or selfless heroes. Neither opportunists or spectators. What the society is short of: calmness, clarity of thinking, purity of heart, accountability for oneself and for greater good. It is the testy times th

28、at reveals the best, the worst, the strongest, the weakest, the most trusted, the most loved, the most timeless It is so for the society, for the individuals, and also for the brands. 非常时期,社会从来不缺乏危急时刻挺身而出的脊梁、忘我奉献舍身取义 的英雄,也不缺群体围观以讹传讹的乌合之众、投机取巧哗众取宠的商家。 恰恰缺乏的是:狂热之中的冷静、纷乱中的思考,利益面前的淡泊、危急 之下的从容、公益背后的纯粹,懈怠中的自律自善。 往往也只在非常时期,我们会看到最美的,最丑的,最无能的,最了不起 的,最有价值的,最历久弥新的。 社会如是,个体如是,品牌如是。



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