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1、 2 OOYALA GLOBAL VIDEO INDEX Q1 2018 POINT OF VIEW 4 THE RISING TIDE OF STREAMING VIDEO 8 TABLET AND SMARTPHONE VIDEO TRENDS 10 GLOBAL MOBILE CONSUMPTION TRENDS 12 ENGAGEMENT TRENDS 16 MOBILE LONG- and, 63% of 50-59 year olds, from 49% In short, every demographic group in the U.S. watched more strea

2、ming content. Globally, viewing habits grew across the board as well. So it comes as no surprise that Ooyalas top customers created even more content in Q1 2018. How much? Nearly three times as much content in Q1 as they had the year before. OOYALA GLOBAL VIDEO INDEX Q1 2018 9 Processing of long-for

3、m content (20+ mins.) jumped 189% Y/Y in Q1 2018 compared to Q1 2017, with medium-form content (5-20 minutes) up 171% and short-form up 178%. That expansion in content creation and processing isnt just among a select group of customers. Its happening to an expanding universe of creators and distribu

4、tors across sports, news, entertainment and enterprise. Weve come a long way from the days where a modest selection of niche content was enough to launch and grow an OTT service. Content, obviously, is expensive. Headlines about the largest creators and distributors talk about billions of dollars be

5、ing invested on a recurring annual basis. According to the Diffusion Group, Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video are expected to triple their combined investments in originals by 2022 and the number of scripted TV series in production in the U.S. could top 500 this year, more than double the number

6、 just six years ago. That tide of content is unlikely to ebb anytime soon. It underscores how the ecosystem is evolving, and how critical it is to get more content out more quickly. But ramping up a content supply chain can be extremely complicated and expensive. Having flexible, extensible content

7、processing and management tools is essential. Having a platform that can help streamline operations, reduce costs, maximize revenues and provide insights into how the process and content is performing is more crucial as the content supply chain grows. For example, Ooyalas Flex Media Platform, when u

8、sed by a typical broadcast or production company, has been shown to reduce time per project by 58%, increase productivity 3x to 4x, reduce cost per project by 71% and cut the time to onboard new projects by half. Content suppliers are at the top of todays food chain, and it just makes sense to keep

9、feeding the big dogs, adding to the supply while demand is strong. . TABLET AND SMARTPHONE VIDEO TRENDS The number of online videos viewed on mobile devices continued to increase in the first quarter. Year-over-year, mobiles share of plays was 58%, an increase of 1.8% from a year ago. The jump was o

10、ne of the smallest weve seen in terms of Y/Y growth, but, before we tell Chicken Little that the sky is falling, consider this: Q1 Y/Y growth always has been smaller than Q4 growth since at least 2014 and some differentials have been significantly larger. For example, while the difference between Y/

11、Y growth in Q4 2017 (11%) and in Q1 2018 (2.8%) is 9.2%, the spread between Q4 2015 (34.5%) and Q1 2016 (14.5%) was more than twice as large at 20%. Quarterly fluctuation is normal; growth spurts and slowdowns are to be expected. Q1 also marked the first time weve seen a quarter-over-quarter decline

12、 in mobiles share of plays, in this case nearly 4.6%. While weve seen Q/Q growth slow to a near standstill (0.35% in Q2 2017, 1.22% in Q4 2015 and 2.1% in Q3 2015), red has never been a color associated with mobile. So, have we reached the limit on mobile video growth? Not at all. It likely is just

13、momentarily stalled, as there is every indication it will return to more normal growth in Q2. According to Gartners global smartphone tracking service, the fourth quarter of 2017 marked the first ever Y/Y quarterly decline in smartphone sales. This was due primarily to a slowdown in consumer upgrade

14、s from feature phones to smartphones, primarily because quality low-cost alternatives werent available. Another factor: The replacement cycle for high- priced smartphones is lengthening. Neither of those factors will get in the way of consumers using smartphones to consume more video content in the

15、future. But smartphone sales are expected to return to an at least marginally nominal 3% growth rate for 2018, with emerging markets seeing more substantial growth. And, according to GSMA Intelligence, global mobile device connections are expected to reach 77% in the next seven years, up from 57% in

16、 2017. In fact, the organization said, every region of the globe will see smartphone connections exceed 67%. Another boon to mobile video growth is the increasing number of wireless companies offering unlimited data plans, making it easier for consumers to be comfortable watching data- hungry video

17、on their phones. As media measurement company Zenith said, it expects video plays on smartphones and tablets to increase 25% this year after an increase of 20% in 2017. THE BOTTOM LINE Eliminate the outliers in the record of mobile video plays and its clear to see a steady rise in the use of mobile

18、devices on which to consume content. If not the core of a content suppliers business, mobile at the very least needs to be a pillar of any streaming video strategy. Ignore mobile, or allow lower-quality standards for your video stream, and youre likely to lose a significant portion of your business.

19、 Mobile is no longer simply a screen for younger viewers, its completely made the jump to the mass market. 10 OOYALA GLOBAL VIDEO INDEX Q1 2018 SECTION HEADER SUBHEADER Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas rhoncus ex eget laoreet interdum. Duis quis mi nisl. Curabitur co

20、mmodo dictum metus sit amet pulvinar. Etiam sed dignissim lorem. Proin sit amet augue neque. Donec placerat tellus sagittis posuere facilisis. Suspendisse blandit efficitur vestibulum. Curabitur quis quam sit amet dolor pretium consequat varius eu tellus. Duis varius, quam at finibus scelerisque, tu

21、rpis sapien tristique nisi, eget pharetra diam elit at tellus. Quisque non justo urna. Curabitur quis hendrerit dui. Nunc eget arcu est. Vestibulum ac nisi maximus, placerat mi sed, venenatis erat. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia

22、Curae; Fusce auctor enim et ex suscipit rhoncus. Cras luctus auctor libero sit amet venenatis. Nam dapibus dapibus arcu in molestie. Etiam sodales, mi et sagittis scelerisque, odio magna tristique nulla, sed convallis massa eros non elit. Proin mauris enim, consequat luctus massa a, blandit dapibus

23、metus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque maximus nunc quis nunc pellentesque interdum. Ut volutpat finibus odio et consequat. Duis cursus diam eu justo ullamcorper tristique. Nam diam diam, accumsan eu odio vel, tempor aliquet ex. Donec tristique a quam eu bibendu

24、m. Nullam condimentum, enim sed viverra molestie, massa tortor porttitor mauris, ut vulputate libero sem non felis. Vestibulum vel nisi orci. Nulla facilisi. Fusce quis lacinia arcu. Sed lacus nisl, sagittis quis mi vel, scelerisque molestie lorem. Nulla mollis turpis accumsan orci ornare consequat.

25、 Nullam luctus faucibus egestas. In orci nibh, elementum ultricies volutpat ac, fermentum vel augue. Duis fermentum faucibus convallis. Donec consectetur magna augue, vitae lobortis est molestie eu. Mauris efficitur, diam eget convallis commodo, purus massa volutpat nunc, quis fringilla velit felis

26、at arcu. Nulla eget lacus in nibh elementum tristique. Nam sollicitudin lobortis sem nec porta. Suspendisse potenti. Morbi sed felis non est tempus volutpat. Sed sodales ex nibh, vitae hendrerit libero tincidunt ut. Maecenas orci sem, fringilla ac ipsum vitae, ultricies aliquam odio. Aliquam imperdi

27、et, eros in placerat ullamcorper, leo lectus congue sem, non congue nunc lectus a purus. Cras tincidunt tempus eleifend. Suspendisse ultricies cursus urna at bibendum. Sed auctor consequat nulla, non tincidunt odio tempus quis. Aliquam mollis vestibulum volutpat. Sed eleifend turpis non magna conseq

28、uat, eget egestas eros porttitor. OOYALA GLOBAL VIDEO INDEX Q1 2018 11 THE RISE OF MOBILE VIDEO Q1 2018 SUM OF THE TWO TABLET PHONE 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% JUL-13 AUG-13 SEP-13 OCT-13 NOV-13 DEC-13 DEC-13 JAN-14 FEB-14 MAR-14 APR-14 MAY-14 JUN-14 JUL-14 AUG-14 SEP-14 OCT-14 NOV-14 DEC-14 JAN-15 FEB-15 MA

29、R-15 APR-15 MAY-15 JUN-15 JUL-15 AUG-15 SEP-15 OCT-15 NOV-15 DEC-15 JAN-16 FEB-16 MAR-16 APR-16 MAY-16 JUN-16 JUL-16 AUG-16 SEP-16 OCT-16 NOV-16 DEC-16 JAN-17 FEB-17 MAR-17 APR-17 MAY-17 JUN-17 JUL-17 AUG-17 SEP-17 OCT-17 NOV-17 DEC-17 JAN-18 FEB-18 MAR-18 SHARE OF PLAYS MONTH LatAm saw significant

30、quarter-over-quarter gains in mobiles share of video plays in Q1. Asia-Pac grew, but not as quickly as in recent quarters, while EMEA and North America saw declines in the share of mobile plays. But while Q/Q numbers were generally less-than-stellar (with the exception of LatAm), year-over-year gain

31、s stayed on track. In fact, EMEA, which saw Q/Q growth tumble 8%, still had Y/Y growth of 22%. An increase in the amount of premium content especially the recent uptick in sports availability as an OTT product will continue to drive up mobile video views as consumers more routinely turn to their sma

32、llest screens to watch some of the worlds best entertainment and its biggest events. Sports will be a catalyst for mobile video growth on a couple of fronts. One, teams and leagues are looking to recoup some of their ratings losses in recent years, primarily due to “Millennial flu,” a.k.a. younger v

33、iewers lack of interest in hours-long sporting events carrying massively intrusive ad loads. Executives hope that a mobile offering will at least get casual interest from on-the-go viewers. And, two, more sports venues are adding high- capacity Wi-Fi in their stadiums and supplying fans with live vi

34、deo feeds of content only available to fans attending events. Leagues are betting that content like sideline interviews, behind-the-scenes features and unique camera angles will carry additional value and help get fans into seats and re-energize flagging fan support. All of that, of course, will hel

35、p drive mobile video viewing as well. Consumers are increasingly “mobile only” when accessing the Internet, with emerging markets most likely to see that behavior, according to comScore. More than two-thirds of users in Indonesia and India only use mobile devices to access the Internet, while that s

36、egment is significantly smaller in more mature markets like France (6%), the United Kingdom (8%) and Canada (8%). In the U.S., meanwhile, 12% of the digital population is mobile only, an increase of 2% between May 2016 and May 2017. In Brazil, which is an emerging market in transition, nearly one-th

37、ird (29%) of the digital population is mobile only, up from 22% in the same time period. Equally of interest is comScores finding that the mobile-only population isnt dominated by younger users. While 25% of 18-24 year olds are mobile only, older age groups show similar leanings, with 28% of 25-34 y

38、ear olds, 26% of 35-44 year olds and 24% of users 45 years old and older all declaring themselves mobile only. GLOBAL MOBILE CONSUMPTION TRENDS 12 OOYALA GLOBAL VIDEO INDEX Q1 2018 SHARE OF PLAYS BY DEVICE IN EMEA EMEA saw mobile video plays hit 58% in the first quarter of 2018, a 22% Y/Y increase f

39、rom 47.8% in Q1 2017, and 39% better than in Q1 2016. Video plays on smartphones have increased nearly 35% in the past two years and 15% in the past year. Plays on tablets, meanwhile, were up nearly 55% in the past two years and 44% since Q1 2017. Theres still plenty of room for growth in Europe, wh

40、ere the previously-mentioned GSMA Intelligence report says Europes current smartphone share of connections (70%) will increase to 81% by 2025. Europe has near-ubiquitous mobile penetration, with less than 15% of the regions population not connected via a mobile device. A new report from Telecompaper

41、 showed that in most European markets, operators are increasing the amount of included data, with 10GB+/month one of the most common plans; a growing number are including unlimited data plans. Europe is taking a leading role in the deployment of next-gen wireless networks. 5G will become an industry

42、 standard by 2020, but several wireless providers in Europe already are rolling out extended trial deployments. The 5G networks are expected to dramatically increase the bandwidth of mobile devices, making them even more likely to be used as video viewing devices and even whole-home video hubs. Ther

43、e is, perhaps, an even more compelling side to a 5G evolution. Not only is the technology capable of increasing network speed and bandwidth, the increased efficiency means that it can be as much as 10 x more cost efficient than 4G, according to Vodafone Group CTO Johan Wilbergh. OOYALA GLOBAL VIDEO


45、 2018 GLOBAL MOBILE CONSUMPTION TRENDS SHARE OF PLAYS BY DEVICE IN ASIA-PAC The share of video plays on mobile devices remained above 60% for the fourth consecutive quarter, the longest run of any region. The 60.7% share was up slightly from Q4, and up substantially from 52.3% a year ago, a Y/Y incr

46、ease of 15%. Asia-Pac has seen mobile plays above 50% since Q3 2016, tied with North America for the longest run above 50%. Video plays on smartphones totaled 47.7% of all video plays, up from 43.3% a year ago, an increase of better than 10% Y/Y. Over the past two years, smartphone plays are up near

47、ly 31%. Tablets, meanwhile, saw their highest share ever at 13%, up from 9.3% a year ago, an increase of nearly 40% Y/Y. Asia is seeing a blossoming of OTT services. While Netflix and Amazon fight a battle for dominance in each of the worlds regions, Asia is chock full of smaller players looking for

48、 a major share in the region, or to dominate a country market. Tik Tok, iFlix and Tencent are just three examples of companies that dont need to dominate an entire region to be relevant or profitable. And its not just SVOD and AVOD that are making an impact in the region. Twitter recently announced

49、the launch of nine premium video sports content partnerships in APAC, adding a huge shot of live original programming. “Asia Pacific is a growth engine for Twitter and we could not be prouder to extend our success with more in-stream premium video content from both headline events, and exciting underserved content, from sports leagues across the region,” said Aneesh Madani, head of sport partnerships for Twitter in the Asia-Pacific region. “Digital video consumption in Asia Pacific is growing rapidly. Introducing these new in-stream video sponsorship dea



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