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1、U N I T E D N AT I O N S C O N F E R E N C E O N T R A D E A N D D E V E L O P M E N T HANDBOOK OF STATISTICS Geneva, 2018 2018 2 Handbook of Statistics The world by development status Developing economies Transition economies Developed economies Least developed countries (LDCs) 3 Handbook of Statis

2、tics 12018 Developing economies Transition economies Developed economies 2018 4 Handbook of Statistics 2018 United Nations Requests to reproduce excerpts or to photocopy should be addressed to the Copyright Clearance Center at . All other queries on rights and licences, including subsidiary rights,

3、should be addressed to: United Nations Publications 300 East 42nd Street New York, New York 10017 United States of America Email: publicationsun.org Website: shop.un.org The designations employed and the presentation of material on any map in this work do not imply the expression of any opinion what

4、soever on the part of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The publication has not been formally edited. United Nations publication issued by the United Nations Con

5、ference on Trade and Development. TD/STAT. 43 ISBN: 978-92-1-112934-2 eISBN: 978-92-1-047441-2 ISSN: 1992-8408 Sales No.: E.19.II.D.1 5 Handbook of Statistics 12018 The tables in this handbook represent extractions from or analytical summaries of the datasets contained in the UNCTADstat data portal,

6、 available at: http:/unctadstat.unctad.org/ UNCTADstat is continuously updated and enhanced, thus providing users with the latest available data. Consequently, the fgures from this handbook, which presents statistics at one point in time, may not always correspond to the fgures in UNCTADstat. Basic

7、information on concepts, defnitions and calculation methods of the presented data is provided in the boxes titled “Concepts and defnitions” in each section and in annex 6.3 of this handbook. Detailed information on the sources and methods used for the production of the UNCTADstat data can be found i

8、n the documentation attached to the respective UNCTADstat dataset (UNCTAD, 2018a). Where the designation “economy” appears, it refers to a country, a territory or an area. The assignment of economies to specifc groups is done for statistical convenience and does not imply any assumption regarding th

9、e political or other affliation of these economies by the United Nations. Likewise, the designations “developing”, “transition” and “developed” are intended for statistical convenience and do not necessarily express a judgement about the stage reached by a particular economy in the development proce

10、ss. Unless otherwise specifed, the values of groups of economies represent the sums of the values of the individual economies included in the group. Calculation of these aggregates may take into account data estimated by the UNCTAD secretariat that are not necessarily reported separately. In cases i

11、n which an insuffcient number of data points are available within a group of economies, no aggregation is undertaken and the symbol (-) is assigned. Due to rounding, values do not necessarily add up exactly to their corresponding totals. United States dollars (US$) are expressed in current United St

12、ates dollars of the year to which they refer, unless otherwise specifed. “Ton” means metric ton (1 000 kg). Due to space constraints, the names of the following countries may appear in abbreviated form: the Plurinational State of Bolivia, the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, the Democratic Repu

13、blic of the Congo, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Lao Peoples Democratic Republic, the Federated States of Micronesia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. The UNCTAD Handbook of Statistics 2018

14、is available as a printed copy or in PDF format from the UNCTAD website, at http:/unctad.org/en/Pages/Publications/Handbook-of-Statistics.aspx. Notes Handbook of Statistics 2018 Handbook of Statistics 12018 7 TABLE OF CONTENT Introduction 11 1. International merchandise trade 14 2. International tra

15、de in services 32 6. Annexes 84 Abbreviations and symbols 12 3. Economic trends 42 4. Population 60 5. Maritime transport 70 List of tables 10 List of maps and fgures 8 Abc 2018 8 Handbook of Statistics List of maps and figures Maps Map 1.1 Total merchandise exports, 2017 16 Map 1.2 Main world impor

16、t fows, 2017 20 Map 1.3 Main export products, 2017 24 Map 1.4 Product concentration index of exports, 2017 28 Map 2.1 Exports of services, 2017 34 Map 2.2 Changes in services exports by category, 20122017 38 Map 3.1 Gross domestic product per capita, 2017 44 Map 3.2 Current account balance as a rati

17、o to gross domestic product, 2017 48 Map 3.3 Foreign direct investment infows, 2017 52 Map 3.4 Annual growth of consumer prices, 2017 56 Map 4.1 World population, 2017 62 Map 4.2 Dependency ratio, 2017 66 Map 5.1 Tonnage loaded and unloaded, 2017 72 Map 5.2 Building, ownership, registration and scra

18、pping of ships, 2017 76 Map 5.3 Liner shipping connectivity, 2017 80 Figures Figure 1.1.1 World merchandise exports 16 Figure 1.1.2 Merchandise trade annual growth rates, 2017 17 Figure 1.1.3 Merchandise trade balance (three-year average) 17 Figure 1.2.1 Intra- and extra-group exports, 2017 20 Figur

19、e 1.2.2 Global trade fows, 2017 21 Figure 1.2.3 LDCs main export destinations, 2017 21 Figure 1.3.1 Export structure by product group, 2017 24 Figure 1.3.2 Annual growth rate of exports by product group, 2017 25 Figure 1.3.3 Developing economies extra-trade structure, 2017 25 Figure 1.4.1 Terms of t

20、rade index 28 Figure 1.4.2 Market concentration index of exports 29 Figure 1.4.3 Trade openness index 29 Figure 2.1.1 World services exports 34 Figure 2.1.2 Services trade annual growth rates, 2017 35 Figure 2.1.3 Top 5 services exporters, 2017 35 Figure 2.2.1 Structure of services exports, 2017 38

21、Figure 2.2.2 Annual growth rate of services exports, 2017 39 Figure 3.1.1 World real gross domestic product annual growth rate 44 Figure 3.1.2 Growth of real gross domestic product by group of economies, 2017 45 Figure 3.1.3 Distribution of world gross domestic product, 2017 45 Figure 3.2.1 Balances

22、 in the current account 48 9 Handbook of Statistics 12018 Figure 3.2.2 Balances in least developed countries current accounts 49 Figure 3.3.1 World foreign direct investment infows 52 Figure 3.3.2 Foreign direct investment infows and outfows, 2017 53 Figure 3.3.3 Selected foreign direct investment f

23、ows 53 Figure 3.4.1 Exchange rates against the United States dollar 56 Figure 3.4.2 Free market commodity price index 57 Figure 3.4.3 Growth rate of prices by commodity group, 2017 57 Figure 4.1.1 Annual growth rate of world population 62 Figure 4.1.2 World population by group of economies 63 Figure

24、 4.1.3 Urban population by group of economies, 2017 63 Figure 4.2.1 World population by age group 66 Figure 4.2.2 Population pyramids, 2017 67 Figure 4.2.3 Dependency ratio by age structure 67 Figure 5.1.1 Goods loaded worldwide 72 Figure 5.1.2 Seaborne trade of developing economies 73 Figure 5.1.3

25、Seaborne trade balance 73 Figure 5.2.1 World feet by principal vessel type 76 Figure 5.2.2 Fleet market size by region of benefcial ownership, 2018 77 Figure 5.2.3 Vessels capacity in top 5 registries 77 Figure 5.3.1 Liner shipping connectivity index, top fve economies 80 Figure 5.3.2 World containe

26、r port throughput 81 Figure 5.3.3 Containerized port traffc by group of economies, 2017 81 2018 10 Handbook of Statistics List of tables Table 1.1.1 Merchandise trade by group of economies 18 Table 1.1.2 Merchandise trade of least developed countries, main exporters 18 Table 1.1.3 Leading exporters

27、and importers in developing economies, by group of economies, 2017 19 Table 1.2.1 Exports by origin and destination, 2017 22 Table 1.2.2 Exports by origin and destination, selected years 22 Table 1.2.3 Top destinations of developing economies exports 23 Table 1.2.4 Top origins of developing economie

28、s imports 23 Table 1.3 Exports by product group, origin and destination, 2017 26 Table 1.4.1 Selected trade indices by group of economies 30 Table 1.4.2 Selected trade indices, landlocked developing countries 31 Table 2.1.1 Trade in services by group of economies 36 Table 2.1.2 Leading services expo

29、rters and importers by group of economies, 2017 36 Table 2.2.1 Trade in services by service category and by group of economies 40 Table 2.2.2 Developing economies exports of selected services by region, 2017 41 Table 3.1.1 Gross domestic product and gross domestic product per capita 46 Table 3.1.2 N

30、ominal gross domestic product by type of expenditure, 2016 46 Table 3.1.3 Nominal gross value added by economic activity 47 Table 3.1.4 World gross domestic product by quintile 47 Table 3.2.1 Current account balance by group of economies 50 Table 3.2.2 Current account balance in largest surplus and

31、defcit economies 50 Table 3.2.3 Current accounts of leading exporters by group of economies, 2017 50 Table 3.3.1 Foreign direct investment fows by group of economies 54 Table 3.3.2 Foreign direct investment stock by group of economies 54 Table 3.3.3 Foreign direct investment infows, top 20 host econ

32、omies, 2017 55 Table 3.3.4 Foreign direct investment outfows, top 20 home economies, 2017 55 Table 3.4.1 Development of consumer prices by group of economies 58 Table 3.4.2 Exchange rate and consumer prices among main exporting economies 58 Table 3.4.3 Indices of free market prices of selected prima

33、ry commodities 59 Table 3.4.4 Monthly indices of free market prices by main commodity group 59 Table 4.1.1 Total population by group of economies 64 Table 4.1.2 Urban population by group of economies 64 Table 4.1.3 Most populated economies by group 65 Table 4.2.1 Age structure by group of economies

34、68 Table 4.2.2 Age structure by gender and group of economies, 2017 69 Table 5.1.1 Total seaborne trade by group of economies 74 Table 5.1.2 Seaborne trade by cargo type and group of economies 74 Table 5.1.3 Development of goods loaded worldwide by type of cargo 75 Table 5.2.1 Merchant feet registra

35、tion by group of economies 78 Table 5.2.2 Fleet ownership and registration, main economies, 1 January 2018 79 Table 5.3.1 Liner shipping connectivity index of most connected economies by group of economies, 2017 82 Table 5.3.2 Liner shipping bilateral connectivity indices of the worlds seven most co

36、nnected economies 83 Table 6.1 Key indicators by economy, 2017 86 Table 6.2 Grouping of service categories 99 11 Handbook of Statistics 12018 Introduction The UNCTAD Handbook of Statistics 2018 provides a wide range of statistics and indicators relevant to the analysis of international trade, invest

37、ment, maritime transport and development. Reliable statistical information is indispensable for formulating sound policies and recommendations that may commit countries for many years as they strive to integrate into the world economy and improve the living standards of their citizens. Whether for r

38、esearch, consultation or technical cooperation, UNCTAD needs reliable and internationally comparable trade, fnancial and macroeconomic data, covering several decades and for as many countries as possible. In addition to facilitating the work of the UNCTAD secretariat, the UNCTAD Handbook of Statisti

39、cs and the UNCTADstat Data Centre make internationally comparable sets of data available to policymakers, research specialists, academics, offcials from national Governments, representatives of international organizations, journalists, executive managers and members of non-governmental organizations

40、. This years edition includes, for the frst time in the history of the Handbook, short-term forecasts for a selection of key variables: the value of world merchandise exports (chapter 1), the value of world services exports (chapter 2), and world real gross domestic product (chapter 3). This innovat

41、ion responds to an increased demand for up-to-date information to monitor global international trade, study the impact of economic or political developments, and guide policy responses. The presented forecasts are not derived from global macroeconomic models or exogenous scenarios on the future stat

42、e of the global economy. They are applications of what is commonly referred to in the literature as a nowcast or contemporaneous forecast: a real-time evaluation of a variable based on a series of relevant and timely indicators. They are based on the latest data available in October 2018. A summary

43、of the methodological approach applied is included in annex 6.3 Calculation methods. An online version of the Handbook or e-Handbook is also available at: http:/stats.unctad.org/handbook/. The e-Handbook is a fully interactive tool, including maps and charts, that allows readers to directly access t

44、he data from the UNCTADstat Data Centre associated with each table or chart. 2018 12 Handbook of Statistics Abbreviations and Symbols Abbreviations BRICSBrazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa Dem. Rep.Democratic Republic dwtdead-weight tons EBOPSExtended Balance of Payments Services FDIforeig

45、n direct investment FMCPIfree market commodity price index FOBfree on board GDPgross domestic product gtgross tons G20Group of Twenty HIPCsheavily indebted poor countries HSHarmonized Commodity Description and Coding System IMFInternational Monetary Fund ISICInternational Standard Industrial Classif

46、cation of All Economic Activities LDCsleast developed countries LLDCslandlocked developing countries LSBCIliner shipping bilateral connectivity index LSCIliner shipping connectivity index Rep.Republic SARSpecial Administrative Region SIDSsmall island developing States SITCStandard International Trad

47、e Classifcation TEUtwenty-foot equivalent unit TFYRthe former Yugoslav Republic UN-OHRLLSUnited Nations Offce of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and the Small Island Developing States US$United States dollars 13 Handbook of Statistics 12018

48、Symbols 0Zero means that the amount is nil or negligible. _The symbol underscore indicates that the item is not applicable. .Two dots indicate that the data are not available or are not separately reported. -The use of a hyphen on data area means that data is estimated and included in the aggregatio

49、ns but not published. A hyphen between years (e.g. 1985 -1990) signifes the full period involved, including the initial and fnal years. (b)Break in the series (e)Estimated data (u)Preliminary estimate 1 International merchandise trade International merchandise trade 11 15 KEY FIGURES 2017 NOWCAST 2018 LDCs share of global exports 0.96% Share of South-South trade in global trade 28% Value of world merchandise exports US$17.7 trillion Growth of world merchandise trade +10.4% 1 International merchandise trade 16 1 Value of exports (Billions of US$) 500 100



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